ft CHARLOTTE DAILY OLZZZVZIL, DSCZnBER 3, 1CCJL IN THE REALM sf NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY uiwrT-.iuuMB ttr. Trtr t i! 0 ti JT ' I 7 v 1 1 Al P J:5V Grccnsbotp. orreapon4ene of Th Observer. - Oretneboro, Dec Z1- A wedding charoteried br beeutjr and, aacred . ftveeineaa vu that of MIm Elisabeth Leigh Pick and Mr, Tbomat Crabtree, t Montgomery. Ala., which occurred : en Taeedajr evenin !at at the red ' dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and . Mra Georre Adams Pick, on North . il!m street."'" - By 4 o'clock, the hour appointed tor the ceremony the Dick home was filled ri Lh the relatives asd about a hun- drtd f the many friends and admirers I the young couple. The decorations ere elaborate and Ut jr. the color scheme botna- jtreee and red, In keep- - In with the Christmas season. In the parlor, where the tnarriate vows were v aaid the beautiful bamboo vine was used, with atriklnr effect or the walls , and cmnalna. and lent grace to the stately palms which formed the altar. - First, prior to the ceremony. Miss Bes f Sis Ians:horne, of New Tork, sang in a voice abounding la melody and ex pression, -I Iove and the World U . f Immediately after this Miss Alma , , Ashley began Wendelisohn's wedding march and Uttia lilsses Jane 8tanback, . ' . of Eanford. and OcUvla Scales, of ; i Eockinghsm. entered, carrying white ribbons, which formed an aisle. Fol lowing them earns the groom with his best man, Mr.- William Allen, of Klch , mond, Vt and the bride, looking tto , usually -winsome ahd charming, with her maid of honor, Miss Marjorle Lyon. Rev. Egbert Smith, pastor of the First Freehytertan church, performed the ceremony, after which congratulations and best wishes were showered upo u nappy young couple. una. bride was gowned in an exquls- . im OTwn oi wwte mousseiine and . . iaca over UlfeU and -carried - bride i put wore at per. throat a mag J noent diamond crescent, the aroom'i rtt0Ar' Marjorle Lyon, the I " oonor, appeared lovely in pale blue crepe da china She carried white pretty ribbon glrla "ase . jana Unback,- and Octavla ocaws jooaea like UWe fairies in their dainty costumes t accordion plaited In tht dlalng room, where an elegant . supper, was served, the decorations wIJ?t.trc,v' carnations " f .oUjr 111 lvlah profusion were I' lmntta very available ! L3,, f,ntw handsomely -vrvmm md was graced by a large iver vase flUed with these fragrant " waum numoera . X lT T9Q anades, threw a soft ;v."T VW9T veryiwng. UllS Kathorino Jat ' " Prded at the punch bow" '--V v " .77 ,V111 w" numerous T . . . utuul including besides many Valuable pieces of sllveF. et JiZ.. Glenn. The ehaperones were Mr. nnl Mrs; Henry Livingston Lee, of New York; Mr. and Mra James Simosan Schenk. Mr. and Mrs.' Lyndon Meer Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. F, D. Oold, Jr., Mr. and Mra Juaan A. Uanra, and Mr. and Sirs.' O: Ham BrAln.iw. Btixgn, Julian Myers, Messrs. DeCamps," oi uretnvtlle, 8. C, Ilarrle, of Raleigh, Tom Ueall, Clarence Legertot and Templar Horry. THE WEEK AT WADESBORO. Correipondence of The Observer. V ' Wadesboro, Dec. 23. "The Bachelor Girls" Is the name of a club of youna ladles Which meets on Tuesday even ings tor social dlvertlsement It is composed of the following: Misses Car rie Graham, Emma Kose, Johnsle, Bessie and Kathleen Dunlao. Eunice Wall. Jennie B. Brent and Annie Mosa Salist ury. Correspondence of The Observer. Baiubury. Dee. The Milburmon hymn singe ItMlf anew In our bearta and minds; ' "This. la the month, and this the happy nwrii, , Wherein the Son of Heavea's Ctemal King. - , . - .. Our great redemption from above did bring, For so the holy sages once did sing. That He our deadly forfeit should release. And with His Father work us a perpetual Christ is born: He lives: He loves: He reigns. Aqd all is well; for wo are His. and He Is oura Let us walk with Him, learn of Him how to do Justly. love mercy, and walk humbly. This Prince of Peace, and Llaht and Love. i makes it eaey to understand those who On last Tuesday afternoon Miss W. C. Via called a meeting of this club and mlsundertsand, to be fair to those who the response was enthualaetic. The 1 re unfair to be Just and merei'ul to l?J?vr1 hnd Pieces of Jew lry. ; Mrs. Crabtree is the only dauah. wo r. ana Mrs. George A Dick 5rn2:.d?.uhter of th late Judge lobertF..DIck. Her brightness and 'btre tvr1 hl two years Of frln7 . r' made heat ?" the i k;i.; v T" "" d will be tlfD?Uh9.'w,,e,t of th Pre-nup- . .gsaass; iKrwjr ' ,cn,wd Holland Gamwell n s - card, on ra.r5w.0JyeJ,htfulJy t . of boll .ni ..-rr.'- iUB.aecraons -I ' card. Av.lw' 'na th score was ptayed. D,,-nana " Jk.ttm al nl.U.J , (U club prise a work baa niiod Jm. L. Lee. . thaT fcSzK,-?!.rr"- enry and iv.r7hl .7 r9- PPr. twine. t r,n7 .LV ""i Mrs house was prettily decorated with Christmas greens, and when the guests were seated at the table In the dining room they saw before them what eeemed a centerpiece of holly, from which ribbons were drawn to each plate. Upon the hostess' Injunc tion to pull, the holly centerpiece re solved Into small bunches, each of which hud hidden a smalt wedding bell, and there also disclosed were the words, 'Graham-Phifer. January 11, U06." Of course' Miss Grsham was the recipient of a host of good wishes from her fellow bachelors girls and from the other gueets, Mrs. T. B. Henry and Mra O. D. Graves.' The groom-to-be. Mr. Walter L. Fhifer, Is now living in Rocky Mount. He was at one time connected with the Parsons Drug Com pany, of this place. Three other man rlages of interest in this county haxe been announced" to take nlace next week; that of Miss Jsnet Ellington, of Reldsville. to Mr. Robert W. Allen, a native of Anson; and that of Miss Floy Jerman. of this county, o Mr. D. W. Smith, of Rutherfordton, formerly of Polkton. Miss Nlnta Monsalvatge left Monday for Atlanta to spend the holidays at home. Miss Mary Lanneuu, of Wake Forest, and Miss Annie Tayioe, of Or lando, teachers In the Pee Dee Baptist School, will leave to-night for their re spective homes. Miss Tripp, of New York, anoher . te.acher, will remain witn Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferrell euchre ' ume. f gh;k..'pe';" vol- J?!iS! the hospitality of ' Ou!r2?ir" h'ttM Were: Mesdame. i Jr James H. Walsh r m ' iw V611 ' cU 1 ! f F-Dillon. 8am U Gilmer Dan IP. J' nder Perron, and Misses -. ". ; jvase, Mri. and e - renlngrDVcmb tfth, a" the r fflhIi! a-'v" the venina- v-uZ T. lajl' Wednesday XVytRF ougW wiu, Miss yatt Penn, of.-. Reldsville, led the room he. iJiit: u"wre" na hall . K.tt.SS"; 3 more ' rrn ii gowned, as .vt2k .urwS; rre-ent: Mrs. Lllii. w. Penn Zt Rri llck Dougf nenck, MlsaLoulBe Bradshaw and Cummin Mebane; Miss MaTgar- little Shober and . Mr. - Jamss ; : Vis, Witwarder 8t. ' , Porter: Miss Francis and Mr. Jack .White: Mlss Mar!! I.y-m and Mr,. Howell Frv. Miss The following school arlrls and hnvi have returned home for the holidays: From the State Normal. Misses Clar Lockhart, Kllnor Murr. Marv and Kleanor Robinson:" From the Presby terian College, at. Charlotte. Louise Craig and Jessie Moore. Miss Margaret Mclver, of Sanford. is tha guest of Miss Moore. From the Bap tist University, at Raleigh, Misses Mary Covington, Nannie Huntley and BesRle Ashcraft. Miss Helen Mc Ten don Is home front' the Woman'. Col lege, at Richmond, Va. Miss Sadie L.uiie is at home from. Salem Aoade my. Messrs. Roy Burns and Larrv JMc-ienaon irom wake Forest. From the University. Messrs. Northam wyaii. Fleetwood Dunlan. of Anson. vllle, Frank Dunhip, Battle Hardlson, Roy Henry, and Piatt Covlna-ton. f rom Davidson College. Messrs, W. C, MoLauchlin and T. J. Fetier, Jr. From Horner's School, Oxford. Albert W. rnompson and Robert Hardlson, of Morven. From the Agricultural and Mechanical College, Raleigh, Horace MCLnuon. Henry W arn.. H a Crump. Joseph Bivens. H. O. Cmmn. Joseph Bivens, Vernon Knotts. and Undley Murr. This la crobablv not a complete list, but even this number goes to show that Anson Is well rep resented at the schools of the State. Mrs. J. D. Horner and little daugh- er, Virginia, returned last night from Visit to Wilmington. Mr. denrir B. Ickland Is visiting her father. Dr. M. A. Bland, at Charlotte. Mr. Frank Bennett, of the United States Soil Sur vey Service, Is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Frank Benentt, Mr. Bennett is at present stationed In Texas. Mr. Hugh- Bennett, another of Wadesboro's young men, engaged In the same line of work, la expected to visit his father, Mr. William O. Ben nett, this week. Mies Annie Gooch of Oxford, who tenches at Red Springs, is the guest of her sister. Mrs T L vjauuic. n-v. air. Donald Mclver is visiting at Gulf. -Mrs. Mary Spenoe " ii ie liaugnipr, Kate, have re turned to thier home at Pelham Ga after a visit of several weeks to rela' lives here. -Mr. D. H. Milton, of Ral eigh, returned home Monday, accom panied by her daughter. Mrs W M Tucker, whose guest she had been Mrs. F. V. Dibble, of Omnhur.'o .. will arrive next M,,no . ....... her parents. Mr. and Mrs T B Wyatt. Mrs. H. J hp,.. A t ,; 1 Vne Kuest or Mr- "d Mrs. v. v.. eat-iiu. air. UePuss spend Chriatmas here also. ner many friends all nvr ih o.- will regret to hear thai vr,-. i -! A. Lockhart has typhoid fever. It an pears to be a mild form as yet how ever, and it is earnently hoped that her Illness will be of ,,ort duration even those whom we could disllka and distrust. "And a voloe within cried. Listen! Christ- mu carols even here! Though thee be dumb, yet o'er their work tha stars and snows are singina. Blind! I live, I love, I reign, and aii the nations through With the thunder of my Judgments even now are ringing; Do thou fulfil thy work, yet through It thou wilt hear the angels singing." The city of Saltabury has received for a Christmas offering the handsome i'M.wxj graded achool building, com pleted and, ready for New Tear', work. 1 Is building marks activ ity; and it has been due to the public-spirited citizenship of Mayor A. H. Boyden, John Steele Henderson, Ed ward B. Neave, J. Samuel McCubblna N. B. McCanless. with Prof. I. C. Grif fin, that this modern and beautiful tudor-gothlc structure graces and beautlhea our city. Tho corps of teach ers of this institution represent the ed ucation and refinement of the women race and traditional dignity of the commonwealth of the tate. Every oit Isen worthy of the name feela proud of our public school Its government, administration and Illimitable opportu nities for the upbuilding of our glori ous and radiant Old North State, and Salisbury in particular. Miss Klisabeth Brownrlr Henderson entertained Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Louie Jones, of Charlotte; Ha- sei jtsoiton, of Charlottesville, at carda The honored guests were Misses Mock, Boyden, Annie and Louise Neave, Elsie Gwyn. Miriam Davis, Mrs. Frank Lee Robbina and Joseph McNeely. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert B C. Hambley, at their magnificent home, were royal host and most graclou, hostess to a dinner party Friday evening, in honor of Messrs. Whitney, Graham, Oliver. Kenny, Oilllesple, Henderson and Mil ler. Several of these distinguished guests are known In their multi-mil lions, and stand in the front ranks of the nation's Industrial progress. The honored guests who were bidden to meet them were; Misses Mary Louisa Anderson. Elisabeth Brownrig Hender son, Adelaide E. White, Jenny Mitch ell Rankin, Mary and Jane Boyden, Julia Crouch, Mra. Wm. B. Strachan. Frank Lea Robblns, Gray Barber. There waa choice musical selections and beautiful song, by Miss Adelaide E. White. Delicious refreshment, were served and a moat delightful evening of large-hearted hospitality enjoyed by the favored reciplenta Miss Adelaide E. White, in graceful acknowledgment of the Elka' courtesy In allowing the mualcal recital by Miss Maria Von Undoracheld, to be given In their hall presented them with 17s of me proceeds for their charity fund r v " V I i ' Good Luick to buy Good Luck Baking Powder for three reasons : FIRST: Because it is a superior article alwavs deoend- able and positively pure. Second: -Because you get it at ioc. per pound can, a price which will suit any purse. THIRD;---Because you have the opportunity of getting many vuiuvc giits tarougn its constant use. ' mm look Balking Powder possesses unexcelled leavening qualities. Its positive turity makes good results certain makes your bakings keep longer and better. Superior quality has made "Good Luck" the largest seller in the world. Carloads and trainloads reach every section of the country. This tremendous sale makes possible the moderate price of ioc per pound can. To still further increase the consumption of Good Luck Baking Powder we are offering Valuable Premiums Free On the label of every can there is a coupon, bear ing me picture ot a "Liooa Luck" car, similar to that at the top of horse shoe. Cut these out and save them. The little gift book in each cau illustrates the many articles and tells how to get them free. Insist on having Good Luck Baking Powder and you eet a superior article at a moderate price and an opportunity to get valuable gifts free. THE SOUTHERN MFG CO. RICHMOND. VA. tff IIQIO'I i, j or ' urrtL-- wam-F liiwr wnere. The a-room ia on nt Unnni Olive's most popular young business mon. wno enjoys the friendship and highest esteem of all who know him The haoDy elaborate array of presents. They will make their futur honm in Mmmt m. ... 1 IN GREENVILLE, S. C. SOCIETY will CONCORD SOCIALLY. i V( ''V"na, Mr- Charlie Aldr- l-amilton and t Mr." John tt BE CAREFUI J our children, v look . f'"Us. Croun anil ! i 'P them In time i Lure is the tsf ei.d rlint. v-orresponaence of The Observer Concord. Dec. 24.-The town i'a fU ?HiZ. f,y ,nlght- and are making things ively. Mi8s jennle Coltrane is entertaining a number or girls and twa ff''" at ? Tnou" Party. Misses Ellis, Mawe. and Hundley, from Ken- -i?. j nom. ol Missoari, md Miss Chassie Erowh. of Concord, and Messrs. Hawe and Wlnstlow, of Ken tucky, make a party which for tenac ity and attractiveness can hardly be Aurpassed. Mrs. Coltrane's delightful hom is beautifully decorated with mis tletoe and holly, and Ue constant stream of visitors keeps up the Christ, maa spirit and jollity. - cn" Every evening of Christmas week I, " YP aome klnd of entertain ment. Invitations are out for a recen tion on Tuesday rtirht civ.n v., ..1 and Mra J. W. Cannon to their sis. ier. Miss Annie BosL t. II MZl moraln ' their hme on Wneay The New South rinh m . . their friend, on Wednesday wklnr it receotlon and da nr. !,! club room, on South Union street, Tha youhg men of the club alway, glv, d! ightfui partle, and this one promise, unusually attractive. The elrls am viva . danca on IVIday night They began the year with one, and though they they intend to end it up IhiTam, Tar a, nearly a, possibly " wy Mr. Walter Steel Blackmer. a much- lov and former resident. Is maklnar glad the hearts of his friends by his sojourn with us. Miss Annie Barnes. of Reldsville. and a converse College siuaeni, is me guest or Miss tlah inompeon for some daya Mr. Joa. White, from Sewanee: Samuel H. Wiley, from the Agricultural and Me chanical; Henry Davis. Staike Lynn and Arthur Frazler. of Chanel H11L in home for the holidays. Miss Minnie Lllhman waa hnat her book club and juvenile rienda Fri day evening. Ouesflng game, were en- oyed and each guest presented with a hand-painted souvenir card, the ar tistic work of the accomplished little hostess. Delicious collation was served. Miss Katherlne Cartmelt Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Williamson. Mrs. Mary Keith and Annie Chapman, ot South Carolina, are guests of Mrs Wm. Overman at "The Willow,." Mrs. David Franklin Cannon spent Fri day In Concord, tha guest of Mrs. John Allison. Dr. J. Uumple 1, spending the Chrlstmastlde with Mra Vardell nis uaugmer. at ilea Springs. Correspondnoe of The Observer. ureenviue. g. c. Dec. 23.-mnn. mis tawny aeinrntrui arraim or la.t WEDDING AT MT. OLIVE. headaches from colds Laxative Bromo Quinine remove, the cause. To get the genuine call or the full name arid, ioolp for slgnatura M CTv-.cnpVB., - ' Correspondence of The Observer. Mount Olive, Dec. 23. One of the most beautiful social affair, that ha, ever occurred In Mouht Olive, trans pired last night In the marriage of Mr. Ernest Brlce Flowers and Miss Addle Louise English, at tha M.thri ohurch at 7:0 o'clock. The church was artutionilv a..!. cd with holly, Ivy and potted plants, snd presented a beautiful inn. ti,. church was thronged with the hosts of friends of the young couple. The scene was a brilliant one a the bridal party presented Itself at the pulpit, where the cerernony was performed by Rev. John ,?utr' pMtor lH church. k ' BuBrut, English played vuiui weuaing marcn the two usher,. Mr. James W. Williamson and ' srnng. entered first and r ? ,v lne aisie. ana were fol Mr Z ., M.DI Kornegay with " rady- Miss Frank English ,Mr Henry R" Southerland, and nins. oi Wilmington, with h0'' ?me th. r , . """"' ' r"- ueorge E. Hood. Of Go dsboro. and aha ..J I by the two little flower airia r-v,-.. f . B"?"h ana Nanni, West brook. The lovely bride then entered and proceeded to the altar, leinlng u pit the arm of her brother. Mr. fau. brut, Engllah. Silencrpervaded the beautifully decorated edifice the paetor spoke the solemn and Impres sive words that joined th, tlo younV hearU in holy wedlock, yunB The bride and maid of honor were gowned in beautiful whit, ik. the Thi h'rM?-,ma,d " of carnation, in, orldestnalds wom a tn.i ef young women and were all roost MonaT 0fl" carrll rna v.'fiT '.w cerIPIs reception was held at the residence ot the bride's TheM:' .nd Mr"' ' A.. English? i ?. r Yun woman lovely In face and deposition and has hun dred, of friends both W wee was tho meeting of the "Prac tice Whist Club." which took place on Saturday afternoon at Mrs. George Ducnnnnni attractive noma on. Bun- corn oe street. The auests who entov ed Mrs. Buchanan's cordial hospitality wera Mrs. w. J. xnacftston. U na Sara McCollough, Miss Gertrude Austin, Mra P. W. Hill. Mrs. W. G. Slrrlne, wra. -:. j. jones, Mrs. Feagle, Mrs. J. E .Slrrlne. Mrs. John Russell, Mrs W. W. Stover and Mrs. C. F. Dill, Mrs. Nell Orr Burruss was the charming hostess to the Wednesday Whist Club, on Wednesday afternoon at her home on College street. Dupli cate whist was the amusement of the afternoon and was enjoyd by Msdame, F. F. Capers, Wllklna Jervey, W. E. Beattle, J. E. Slrrlne, M. O. Patter son, H. D. Wllklns, Kate Houston John Russell, B. T. Whltmlre, William' Wllklna. Dan Morton. F. B. Clements, R. H. Falrchlld. Paul Houston. W W. Stover. D. W. Ebaugh and 'Mra Eugene Bates. After cards an elerant repast was served. Monday afternoon Mrs. EL W. Car penter entertained quite a -number of her friends at her home on Washing ton! street, in honor of Mr,. Munn and Mis, Knapp. Mle, Grace Bailey and Miss Lois Hudson assisted Mrs. Car penter in receiving and entertaining the guests who called, and durln the afternoon refreshment, were served. Mr. Charles S. Webb will be the hostess this evening at an 'egg-nog" at hos home on North Main streeet. The affair will be very informal, but The Charlotte Shoe Alwgyg .Reaiebr th Full Ntw Iterative Ijroino Qnsh a ComgColdfaiOmDgy, Q-fpla 9 Day? OB vary fro. 23e Hand-sewed welt, choice Vlcl Kid made Blucher ,tyle like cut. and Bal, Style, with opera toe. kid tip and military heel, or wide toe. kid tip, with common sens heel; sizes, 2 to ; width, D and E; price, $150. By mall Kc extra. GILRB&TH & GO. CHARLOTTE'S BEST . CONDUCTED HOTEL. Central and Annex Special attention given to Table Service, making it un equalled in the South. This is a feature of the Central that is claiming the atten tion of the traveling public. Clean, Comfortable beds, Attentive Servants. C E Hooper, Manager. The ELECTRIC CITY Charlotte is not only the Queen City but also the Electric City. Wheels are now turning by electric current. We put in motors to suit any current, borne of our recent sales and installations are as fol lows : Charlotte Observer, one 50 H.P. So. Cotton Oil Co., one 30 H.P. Haas Bros., one 3 H.P. W. H. Bigelow, one 10 H.P. Charlotte Steam Laundry, one 5 H.P. Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Co., one 15 H.P. Fite Machine Co., one 2 H.P. Piedmont Clothing Co., one 10 H.P. Piedmont Clothing Co., one 5 H.P. Brannon Carbonating Co., one 5 H.P. W. L. Pope, one H.P. C. Down", one 10 H.P. Dr. A. W. Whisnant, one i2 H. P. THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. We carry a stock of motors. (INCORPORATED.) CHARLOTTE, N. C, RAIiEinw V n Ptedruont In,. Bldg. RALE Un BU. The largest and oldest established Business School, in the Carolina. BOOKJSEPING. SHORTHAND. TTPKWITINO Cro"aa AND ENGLISH TAUGHT BY EXPERTS? Winter Opening January 3, 1905 Write nulck for our rniu ynnmai .- '. . . - . Of EVtRY DESCRIPTION. Appropriate Presents in Great Profusion. It is easy for you to make a selection from our im mense stock of v;-- " k. , , ' ( VELOUE AND LEATHER COUCHES LIBRARY CHAIRS AND ROCKERS in either Oak or Mahogany. ' . w. Hall Chairs, Desk Chairs, Office Chairs, Desks, China Closets,. Mirrors; . Something to suit anymemember of the familv an? yourself too. :.:, v v : :. " We are at rour service with cood valup nnA Anlnmnl bd'Ticl'ek rV:v;;:.V ;,;:".,V':',vt'i :f' XT LUDIM- FUHNITUnn CO. "a"- ' nrn'rt mi . .-mi Presbyterian OA a -Maat tu LLlU c For Women . Charlotte, N. G A high-grade Collece for Women. Eauinni tth i.a. aent. Vina RntlAtn. Mnini limlfaA n i mrn 7 i . - . flre Te" high." Work thWui. '"" mimai"" ; . REV. Jr. R,!BRllOEa I. D President, l Elizabeth College and Conservatory of Music! X A HIGH CRADE CpLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. I . :f . Jl u a m. a .a a. . r . . X - ; joaem m su respecu; v,yuw couege plant; fireproof buildings: Ideal suburban location, parr o 10 acre, offer, all the allurements of freev open-air lifefcn thi, delightful climate; free from noise, dust and smoke j overlooking beautiful Charlotte and rorroundlng coun try. Phjraical cultuna' and out-doof gamea Car line connection Unvereitjr speclalgts and experienced teacher, at the head, of all department,, i Limled to 169 Boarding Student,. ' ESTABIJSHEP DEPUTATION VOH THOROUftTt tirftwtr1 itm, ; GOOD HEALTH. k or nannaomyy illustrated catalogue and full Information, address " .!" ... ; " vAis. u. miso, fresldent. 1 1 " 0 'i

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