CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, DECEMBER 23, ICO I ::i.riioi) AT rOSTOFFICE. vyn i: sam nvsv in ciiaklotte . PS I r : ll!R gillie Inforetln? Facts About Heeelv Inf. liMrilmiic and lJellvwfii the In the 0j-ytu end Order l-'wrywhere Christinas Business Hunt ta Handle, f n 1'ncle Ram never doe' thlnfS In'a slH-hod way; he la methodical, snd nearly accurate A possime. in s of the country, when kepi - ru!, art perfect machine, t being dona toy the system ia Washington. The-work. - i trained to r ilk a coruss As Charlotte rrows the business of .i:'her noBtofrtce Increase. It is Interest" lng to watch Postmaster Smith's corps , of clerks distributers and . carriers work. Th Incoming mall Is brought from the trains In locked wagons and locked pouches; the transferring Is !on by contract. After the pouches are put In the back door of the post, office they are opened and the con ; tents distributed. ... Each pouch has label, riving the nam be clerk who worked tba tnaU and the train from which !t came. This five Uiuk" 8am a check on the clerk end It he maker an error It is put down against htm, Vnr instance, if the clerk should put a letter for Charleston. 8. C, or Char lottesvile, Va., Ui the Charlotte,. N. C pouch ha la reported to headsquarters and at the end ot the month la noU fled of tha error. ' ' .... -The letters are emptied from, the , pouches on a tahle from which tney are distributed. The first assortment classifies - the mall ss follows: Into Inta for the city ana rural - audience. On that occasion. Mr. Clark chose Hamlet, for his Initial perform a nee, and had no difficulty In proving his position to tha front ranks or tha world's best Shakespearean - players. Other- legitimate portrayals were in eluded Ui his repertolrs. and each sue cesslve role essayed by hint ; meant equal success, and he would at that Lime have continued his stellar tarwer had it not "been for the flattering offer made to him by Augustln Daly, with whose orgnltlon h " was subse quently prominently Identified fo.- the seasons ot 1S91-0I. 11 , tnrom that period, until within ft very recent date,- Mr. Clarke's exori ences have been a, matter of familiar acquaintance to our theatre - patriot, who have kept a. careful watch unon his many brilliant achievements, sc.d wlll .i therefore ;, unquestionably h obliged with his artistic endeavor in connection with "Beaucalrs . land ful creation, which it would seem ought to fit his temperament and subtle art to perfection.' SWELL CUMSTMAS MENX8. K05IAXCE ENDS HAPPILY. Courtsitlp : Begun In Virginia! Some Years Ago is Followed by i Mir ' rinse Un Cliartotte Yesterday, Ie , spite Parental Objections to the Hatch . , : - A pretty ana interesting little ro mance, which had its inception In Danville. Va., several years ago, ended happily in Charlotte yesterday when Mr. Lucius T. Wilson, who holds the responsible position of stereotyper with , The Observer, and Miss Nevada Craw ley, of Danville, were married. The ceremony took place at the livery carriers, tha lock-bomes and the J mans of the First Presbyterian nrai delivery. . Each, city earner gets ' tha letters outr of his box and arranges them by streets nd num bers, and. the box mall is distributed . by special wen. The distributer work rapidly and ara comparatlvelyaecu ' rate,' but now and then, a letter is dropped into the wrong box and , causes vigorous kicks, but it is one of --those things that happens thS j Clark knows the position of every box, and could read the label, tout hemust . mass time. . Tha public should not be too strict on the hard-pressed mSIs , tributing clerk, . During tha month of September there . were ten incorrect mm and' twelve errors recorded against tha boys in the Charlotte office church, Hev. Dr. Howtrton officiating, ana was witnessed by only a few inti mate friends who were In the plot, and who accompanied the happy couple. Parental objection was the obstacle that precluded, the smoothness of, true iov in tnis particular case, ana though the psir bad been sweethearts for years this stern mandate stood as a barrier to their union. $ But a lov often laughs at locksmiths, it also takes slight heed of obdurate parents and a plan was quietly, evolved which pro vided for the young couple meeting at Greensboro early on Christmas Day: and there taking tha vows which were to unite them for weal or woe. Then another obstacle arose. When IVrecord aw office should be proud Tnen i another obstacu, arose. When of. especially when as many a. u.w I ;'Z".VZ".-J:?' V,'? 2?: .... - .. kinfl ML A irainea I " " ummnou wi. niiwii h 11 M . . A trained hand een . distribute about tmrxy-nve letters a minute. , '.' rv The men who distribute the mall - about tha town carry from 60 to 7 , pounds, ' making about 1.00 pieces a day. v They work eight hours and no morel Uncle Sam demands full time, and every man la required to register by clock and written report. t Close tab . i,t m nn and ail. The regular carriers tor the city are C M. Setser, . Hawkins, R. B Handerson, George D. ' m. A. Price. Albert r. itusacs, , C. accepted the position of stereotyper ana nts active presence in The Obser ver omoe an of Saturday night was esesntlaL The bride-to-be. nothing aaunteo. ana. promptly decided to con tinue her Journey to Charlotte and this she did. arriving on a belated train yesterday from Danville shortly before noon. The happy. couple wilt make, their nome lor the present with Mrs. Good ing, on west Trade street. The groom is a trustworthy, likable younsr man. who has already won the confidence of i his employers, besides gaining many White, D. "W. Hunter and A. P. WU- friends during his short residence In Th Hi.trihiitln cieras ars n. n. Possman. Vf, F. Moseley and 3. E. Walker. . v- -' . " : - . " The outgoing ttnatr is handled by Fly nn Henderson, W Ov; Craven . and A. M. I OarnervThy aether it from " the . drop ' boxes and assort it. ah letters for a auiant ouuw (' "v , . aine-i nuclease, but those for Charlotte. He Is a native of Danville. The bride is pretty and accomplished ana comes or sturdy Virginia ancestry. Both have been- cordially welcomed to tnetr new nome. NEGRO SHOT IX PROVIDENCE. Th Stranger Within Oar Gate, the) BacfiekMrs and oilier Club and Hotel Patrons Treated Well. .. It is probably a misfortune to be away from home, or be without , a home, at Chrlstmss time, but the trav eling folk, the bachelors, and other club and hotel patrons in Charlotte yester day were taken car of In a way that reflects much credit upon the local hotels and clubs. Handsome souvenir menu cards were in order and the bills of fare were suoh aa a person would expect t Delmonlco'e. At all of tha hotels and at the Southern Manufac turers' Club there were an unusually large number ot guests. At the Man ufacturers' Club the following was tha menu arranged by tha steward, Mr, H. i. weDDer. was served; ,. - CHRISTMAS DINNER. ' c Grape Fruit ?'. , Soups ' ' Consomme Royal . Mulllaatawney Baked Spanish Mackerel with Manhattan UK-ktati Sauce Holllndaise . - Roast Turkey, stuffed with Chestnut . Dressing :. - .-. -Celery - Cranlwrnr Sauce Olives Mixed Pickles French fllaw Macarronl snd Cheese, Saddle of Venlron. Currant Jelly ' Wild Duck and Stuffing ; Claret Partridge Croquettes Chicken Bala Cold Ox Tongue ' fcShrlmn Salad Royal Fritters wine Suuce Lettuce creamed White Potatoes Spinach Cauliflower In Cream , Canrtlea Hweet rotaroe Asparagus Tips en Toast Steamed Rice unsmnaane Banquet Wafers Corn Brad Rye Bread wmte Hreaa Enalish Plum Puddlna Brandy SaucS Charlotte Russe Tutti-Fruttl Ice Cream Plsyune Ice Cream Nuts and Raisins Florida Oranges King Apples , Malaga. Grapes Demi Tasse Edam Roquefort Neufchatei cneese ana crecsers After Dinner Mints. C. Graham, stewaifJ at the Central, treated the guests there to the. following bill .of fare: Lyrinhavens Celery Anchovy Baskets Green Sea Turtle Contomme a la f:oioert Salted Almonds and Cheese Bturnw Queen Olives Dill Pickle mist or Trout, -rarier euuee . . Longbronch Potatoes ; Sherry Lettuce Brochettes of Goose IJvers Anglnlse Prime Cuts of Kansas City Beef. Demi- Glace Brown Maahed Potatoes Rosst Young Turkey Oyster Dressing, t;ranterry sauce Asparagus Tips Stewed Sugar Corn Baker wild noose, aui unasseur Lima Beans Stuffed Larded Squad. Celery Dressing i Kngllsh Peas Tiirklah Punch Barbecued Saddle of Venison. Hunter Style Caiiflower, au Gratin New Squash Shrimps, en Mayonnaise Kngllsh Plum Pudding. Hard and Brandy Sauce White Cherry Fie Cocoanut Meringue Pie Neapolitan lire Cream Fro ten Eg Nogg Fancy Assorted Cakes Fruit Bon Bons Roquefort and Ednm Cheese Toasted Wafers Coffee Make Your Own Ice Cream.) : . Tbers ha Jnst bm plaoed la stf the greesr SWra), s saw-prspsraUoa sailed . - t , lOO GiQOS22 POWDER which is atseUnf wtth grass favor, SS K sasMest rarrone to mk Inacnwm in their own turn wttii very uuiecKwot. smruuni m thepscksgsf or aisk iDgtwoqnartaof delicious ioeetaast. It yoarrrncw sunt mpplT yos sand tfto. for two pkgs, by auiu Vss llls,Chebcs,euawberTysadUDOavared. AddrsM, turn tnn run cawt v( bum wb, Boy,a.s. Mr. W. Thanh YOU for your liberal patron age and wish you a glad and Happy Christmas Our store will be open a few hours Monday morning eswksaaa Jm C5j We do not only wish our patrons a pleasant Christ mas time, but all have-our bet wishes. :: :: :: v. Thanking the public for a most generous trade and assuring every one our appreciation of their patronage. : :: :: :: :: :: ;:, :: LOPJG-rTA 7S CLOTHING CO GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL. EXPRESS CHARGES PAID ONE WAY A """""""I ' '"-""sas.i i i mimium linnii 0. E.,,..,. popular offices, like B"0"' Tx Xegroes FaU Ont and light, the " ' , 7 . 7Z York w'!?1"? nmf"in "f,prl! I one Being cut .with Knife and Mr. Clinlunbeard Comes to Town. bundles the rule ot common sense be ing applied in this case. Tha packages are tied and put in lock pouche for their trains. The locked pouches are transferred ?to the-railroad station In the lock wagons. the Other Shot With m dun Constable Thomas Vail yesterday de livered to the authorities here Bob rorter, colored, who shot Ben Fewell aso colored, on the farm of the late nam mail is handled in about the James Rea, in Providence townshlD. . .... ..a. , 1 1 V... . (h. M.I. 1 same way as me icLicr mwi, i'"" jeiuj iui uiiih, pouches are not locked. Special deliv ery letters are always tied on the out side of t he package, so that the stamp .ho . That class ot matter is worked first, so that It may Jj-.J moving.- Charlotte has two special de livery 1 letter carriers namely, , iiai Albright and Frank Cooper. Postmaster R. W. Smith has an f i . ...t.tant In Mr. K. M. Bell. Mr. W. G. Erwln Is register clerk and Mr. The shooting resulted from a auarrel of the night before. Mr. Henderson Merrltt, who lives on the Rea, place, was in Charlotte Saturday in a wagon. Porter, Fewell and other darkiea were In the wagon. On the return home that night Porter uttered some slighting remark about a -woman. The remark, The following article concerning a new citizen for Charlotte appeared in The Sun-Sentinel, of Winchester. Ky.: Mr. E. W. S. Cllnkenbeard left Tuesday morning for Charlotte, N. C where he will make his future home. He goes to take a position with the Tate & Brown Co., merchant tailors, for whom he will manage the cutting branch of their great establishment. In cutting. "Clinker" is keen. In this particular fine and In others he has been the pride of this community long before he won the premium on his heard by him and taken as an Insult. Words followed between the two. T a Ruddock has cnarge ot wo moHcjr i nnaiiy resulting in ewen drawing his u. w f Smith uniA rn-..-'. j orcer uepanmenv. . , k- .hv unvi a uc-au, m i atainn' clerk and Mr. S. B. Bridges Inictlng a shallow gash. This practl canceling lerfc. . . cany ended the dirncuity for the time Rut the organization of the cnariowe being. office, ' as; well as that of any other According to Porter's Statement and ' well-regulated poatofflce, in made an other evidence so far obtained, strong and effective by a corps ot well- Fewell waa drinking heavily on the trained clerks. The postmaster and his way home and Porter was not. Fewell assistant supervise everything, but the lives on the Porter place and works boys do the work. They know their f0r Mr. Frank- Hargett Porter lives nlaces ana rail to xarm n i" on me ncn pincc, kiiuui two muea of a great machine. away. Instead of going home Satur- Chrlatmaa makes me iioin aay nignt ewen spent me mgnt on tne itea piace. xesieraay morning about 8 o clock Porter, armed with his brother's gun, started out in search of Fewell. Meeting him In the road, he Informed Fewell that the latter had cut him the night before. Designing the object of his visit, Fewell told Porter to "do his do,"whereupon Por ter discharged a load of No. 7 shot Into although et intended for Fewell. was overcoat at Columbus. Ohio, last year. xnai was oniy me acunowieage- ment by the best men In his business of a fact which we have all along believed. After a life-time spent among us we shall miss his good work, nts manly stand for every good cause his jolly stories, and his lovely wife, who will join him In about two weeks. We can recommend them heartily to ine gooa people or charlotte." tar aeveral days. Thousands of presents, done In all sorts of pack ages, are handled. Each city carrier has to deliver about 400 more pieces Ahan usual the day before Christmas and the day, after.. That Is the strenu eus l ife. The Charlotte office did one third more business this Christmaa than It did -last year. Ths canceling machine made by the I Fewn's hip, felling him to the ground. Columbia Postal Supply Company is a great labor saver in a poetofnee. It stamps from 600 to 700 letters a minute. The stamping die Is changed to suit the day and the hour. Ths old way was v-'k.nrf whan it waa barely possible ' anunn 175. ' Letters coming In or going out are stamped. The Charlotte office has handled the Christmaa rush mail well. The office waa in splendid order yesterday. 71 a Msnncm ', ; CRESTOIf CliAlvn.. uanniuv. Something About WeM-Known Actor Who Is to Appear at the Acad emr of Mnslo Shortly In "Monsieur - rv..u ta nnmiatnVable evidence of a ' j leasurable anticipation concerning tfce engagement at the Academy of i more than deserving actor, who hns long been counted amorg Americas most honored own. , Aua ii is n'uiu more than gratifying; to note -with what kindly Interest Mr. Clarke'a triumph in "Monsieur seaucaire-v ime same .having been chronicled air along the line ot his this season's travel, has been received here. FronMll accounts he is winning cordial favd aa the un doubted successor to Richard Mans field in the role that plays the most ' conspicuous part in the clev-ir adapta tion from Booth TarklngtJa'a wldely r?td and universally admired bok ere- 8UOI1. "' ' ' ' ' '. A native of Philadelphia, and a pupil tit one nt the Quaker City's- public sti oolH. I'r. Clarke was In early years take I y his father, the late lamented John i eper Clarke, o Paris, France, where, at the College of Bt- CrMx, he completed his fine education. At the conclusion of his studies - abroad' he was allowed to make his first stage ai earance withhis famous Uncle, Ed w in Booth, who waa then touring Eu rope, receiving everywhere such an ovation as had hardly ever before fall f i to the lot of an American actor. 1 .-.: was in 1883, In England, and even i- iatioiichip or recognized ' talents ; of i e highest order failed to gain for fain) f ors beyond utility business; so that t rn the humble beginning as a snear i ler, he gradually worked his way i until Invited to Join his father's in- 'iiparable comedy company. . In 18S6 ifr. Clarke became a member ft the noted Leater Wallack's Stnfit t-mpany. then In the zenith of its f ' I'u'iirHj-, and at the ie of th. i. i- -I v. 1 'i a proud recur i f many ; i.. Porter was arrested an hour later and brought to Charlotte. The extent of Fewell'a . wound is not known more than that he received the bulk of the load of shot, fired at short range, in his hip. A PATHETIC APPEAL, Over at the Buford Hotel little Bank Calls to the Friends of Elite Hall. Elite Hall, the courteous and faithful porter of the Buford Hotel, is 111 at his home on Smith street. He has been confined to his home since the first day of the recent snow, and his friends cannot hope to see him out again soon. A fatal sickness seems to be settling down upon Elllc. He is amaciated, and week. It is' a gloomy Christmas for him. But while he rests at his home, with his wife and children, mute call Is being made at the Buford. A bank, a small hog with a hole In his back, bearing the following notice apepals to the traveling public: "Remember Elite Hall, the Buford Hotel porter, who has been at your service for 20 years." i A friend in need is a rlend Indeed. That little bank should be filled many times, for Elllc Is a worthy negro. Santa Ctaus at City Hall. The police officers did not hang up their stockings, but old Santa Claus would not pass them by; he drove his reindeers fcy and left a barrel of fine apples. The blessed old grey-bearded visitor calls on ths JuSt and the unjust alike. -.' W Mm A K 1 mm T I I W 40 y s p Secured if Stieffs U i Christmas I Piano 1 T A.... I (HI Person holding this'i ' 't . o : a Christmas Greetings! number will please mail to ' IH9HW are the numbers which win the $50, $35, $15 prizes, respectively. Holders of correspond ing coupons will please call and make selection of goods from our stock for this amount. Garibaldi & Brans. Watches, Diamonds, China. Cut Olass. Silver and Gold Jewelry of Every xjescripuon. Bank Closing Notice. Monday, December 26th. being national holiday, all the banks of the city will be closed. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. MERCHANTS AND FARMERS NA- IIOSAIj HANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK. 80UTHERN STATES TRUST CO.. SOUTHERN LOAN AND SAVINGS Hen Are Powerless '. lii Bit the ' I i won- v, i Mind '1 hfut, "f John T. :'l,r. ; Jutt'us 1 ... fore him, iv.i A mcrlcan To Fight Against Disease Unless They v. strike at i the underlying cause. To treat Dandruff and Falling Hair wlthlriitants or oils on which a para sitic germ will, prosper is like scoop. ing water from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising. Tou cannot accomplish a satisfac tory cure without having & tight un derstanding of the fundamental causes of the trouble. , You must kill the Dandruff Germ. 1 Newbro's Herpictde does this be cause It is specially made to do that very thing. , 4 " When the germ Is removed the hair nas no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty. , . . "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect," ... Sold by leading druggists. .Send 10c. in sttim-r for sample to The Herpiclde C., Detroit, It. H. Jordan A 0., special egfjnts. 4 , 040K404K40Oe04 1 Merchant Tailors Fine Fur nishing GOODS and Hats s.l. Manufacturer of the Piano With The Sweet Tone. SOUTHERN WAREROOMS. 211-213 North Tryon Street. CHARLOTTE, - - - N. C. WE APPRECIATE VERY MUCH THE VERY LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS DURING THE HOLIDAY SHOPPING SEASON; ALSO FOR THE PAST YEAR. WE WANT TO THANK EVERY ONE ft WHO HAS HELPED TO ADD TH HTTP TTTQT U NESS. WE ARE GOING TO MERIT YOUR H PATRONACE AGAIN IN THE FUTURE. DURING THE HOLIDAY RUSH IF ANY MISTAKES HAVE BEEN MADE IN ANY. Of OUR DEPARTMENTS PLEASE CALL OUR ATTENTION TO SAME AND IT WILL BE CHEERFULLY CORRECTED. If Parker-Gardner Co 4 The First National Bank Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 20, 1904. The Board of Directors of this Bank have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of Ave (5) per cent payable on and after January 3rd, 1905. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. I EXTRA VALUES L wmiuxmm)!iMumma jit I at m I ROBT I A Rlerry 5 f J Christmas I S To All. d. I I i I Eorolofl ttii k : j. a. sotoiross, w.K :$h CIGAR We have all the popular brands of Cigars in all size boxes: 5c. Goods. CINCO MARTINEZ C. H. S. EL MERITO HUMBOUT COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ROIGS LA OACETA LA ZUMA CUESTA RET ARISTOCRAT CAPADURO PORTUANDO 10c. Goods. BURNS LEW WALLACE PRINCIPE DEOALES CORTEZ CUESTA RET ROIGS OXFORDS GATO GEM RESTAIIR4NT. F. CRESWELL, Mgr. l Dining Room Furniture 3 This week wie shall offer some exception ally good values in Dining Room Furniture, geatest in the history of our establish the greatest in the history of our establish ment, and to make a grand wind-up of our this year's trade before New Year's, these Special Attractions are Offered Sideboards, Tables, China Closets and Chairs all to match at positively the lowest price of the year. You could not do more for the home circle than add to the dining room furnishings. W. T. McCOY, 211 S. Tryon St. glaaASaASaa. HA iltaAUA4SMAlA JLaaa UaA.iiaASAiiis S.I iJIJU VI "... 1 '. . ,- .-, ja J. A. SOLOMONS, EIr. ; 5 Ed, Llollon M. 1 B 1 0

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