"7 CITAIILOTTK. DAILY , OB SCR V.R, JANUARY 3, 1003. A tau in ::rs rnrLAN j m:,. y. Sir. K. r. K. i r. of 1'onr OnUs. Pur chaw I ,ii , 'i,i.t of I.hii.1 i'i ir rlU i I ,iU i,t,iiilMi Id.l.i ii Ul School lor 1 Will ,at tier Hiom . 1'roni tlio Cities, Ppc4al to The Observer. 1 Richmond, Va., Jan, 2. JR. E. Baker, , , of Four Oaks. N.. C lias purchased a ram of 1,050 acres near Chesterfield" Court House, on which ha .proposes to . . establish an. : Industrial ;and . training . school., Mr. 'Baker wtlj begin opera Hons in the early spring and will have the sr-essary buildings jaoV'itructed , from time - to time. His . piu.j$ is to .take orphan r boys and the - homeless from the qitfc-a and to keep them till v they have reached the age at i, The " boys are to be educated and, are to. be ; ' given training, in whatever they have P Tnost tlentt-carpentry, dairying;, term. ' , ; In'bee culture, blackemithlng, har A ness making or such other pursuits aa . 'Will be Orofltahle In fham vhu iW , shall have completed their course and . are ready to malrilf -thAtr' wav In thn , ' world. , . 4 . ? ' . r It Is understood that the boya are ',",,' b taken absolutely free of all cost - , ,; and are to be clothed, fed, educated t and trained under the jpersonal direr - v'tlon of Mr. Baker and a corps of as i slstants. They will receive no pay for ' , ,the Institution with a -certificate of completion of whatever - course they . ,nay desire,' be riven a kit of tools and t, "' oi money- sumcient to mee ' ' - their wants for a period till they can , eret a position. - Tbls.le understood to - v be the- programme, i . t .' " i . uwnt. j . on -f me jrarravtiM , 'Powhatan Railroad, and a aiatfon will . ..be located adjacent to the institution. - - - Mr. Baker will take the boya and see . -r'tw their wants. It I will be no place . ur micro wiu uw VUBiin wiu;: oa ,.itept busy, and made to work.,, Thev . wui put in a ion ay on uie farm ana in the school, will be Riven wholesome .... ana plain rood and their clothing la to , fie comfortable. Mr. Baker la a man - at means and will have the eo-opera-- tlon Of one of the best educators Jn Nnnn l umllnn in hia wnrv !A FORESTRY ON BJESByATIOSS,"j '! .GoTemment Win Apply jprofierratlon , .Waaahington Post. . " i ' t't--' With a view to obtaining profitable returns from reservation forests and ' of establishing object lessons In- forest 't management, the government has un- on military reservations. The Forest War . Department to examine' for Jthie '...-;- DnrnAM tha. MMnnttAn a.. TaK , Wln k - gaie, m new - Mexico, ana tne rort ;;, : - Assinnioolne , mUltary. reservatibo, and ;, v fh ort Keogh mllitaryreservaMoaj i- , both in Montana. --- y a, iwesi reae-vaiion cuniaining i,t .... .r nCl T7B -TV M.B UKVII Up VIlaU ' States Military Academy at West Point about two' years ago. - It is , . reported to be a success, and the '. feunerlntendent of the acariflimr has . recommenaea to tne secretary or War that a committee of three, con- stating of a landscape gardener, a " forester, and an engineer, be. Appoint y' i, :ed - to formulate a general plan for . the ananagement of -the reservation - under the Forest Service plans. " The recommendatloa of the, Fojrest " working plan deal with the protection I., of j the forest, a well as Its cultlva . , tion. It is contended that It is absoi lutel necessary that all fires be kept be useless to attempt improvement of -v , The forest , . reservation at West -' ' "Point Is ; composed of hardwoods, 05 .origin, forty to seventy years old. -. " The variety -and complexity of. the forest problem,, as explained by, the ' form and . continlous treatment . ' throughout ten years, covered by the - working plan which has recently been S V the government Forest Service. ..1- ii 1 1 ul . ii 1N1 im i '. i i T. 'i ii i hi i ;j. . " ; WON BY THREE VOTES. I "Crt . , ' l ., Mr. J. Q. little Elocted Mayor of , dairney Over, Pr, J. N. Nesbit In - Exciting Jlace. , '"' - v Special to The bserver, Oaffney, S. C.,' Jan, 8, The mnnicl .? pal primary held in this city, to-day . ' passed off veryanletly indeed, drunk ; eaness and disorder being conspicuous by their absence. To say the race ftff ii. mayor .was exciting and, close would be expressing the matter mildly as " Mr. J. Q. . Little, who was ' the sue cessful candidate over Dr.. J. N. Nea- bltt. won by only three, votes, the '.total vote for mayor resulting as fol lows; ?48 for Uttle and 245 for Nes- bttt. v The following 'named gentlemen were , elected , aldermen from their- respec " tite wards: u Ward 1. W. Settie ..i meyer; Ward ti' A. Ij. Hallman; Ward ', :. t. It. A. Jones: Ward 4. Messrs.:. H. 1 Spears, and T. ' W Kobbs : will run a ft- r , second race; ward 5, B. O. Ballanger; - ' Ward Z. A. Robertson. In some , - wards the ; races were close and ex , r- citing, while in others it Was more suvt-t. walkover zor a tavorea canai ,n i ' date. The cltisena of the city are con gratulatlng , themselves on' the con , ducting of such a very"qulet and or r ' dely election, a no disorder whatever was apparent.. , fJ!lV ' '' ' ' ' "T ' ' ". the largest grasshoppers are found V, mefia reach length of 5 inches, -with a ijpread of wings of ten, Inches, r , tit' t . ,iHk - i Vk Having purchased the 4 y; ;; ' general thit we are d company is a Grad- ; - vs uate Pharmacisty therefore any; prescription entrusted to , tis will; be compounded ; onlynTby registered ; en; Postoffic i:.'nMii'l.ul !o l"i-o"-rMa JInilo l.i 1'fuin-i-lal (.nmtii in a I.H'i;a.!o. t , STiiiunictureis' Kecoid. Tha wonderful piopr" "of the Saulh is in no way better illustrated than by the enormous growth of its banking facilities. In lSbO there were 200 national banliS in the entire South, ; from Maryland to Texas, . but now there are 1.2ai- In 1880 the nation ai banklnqr capital in thls-ser,tlon;was only ,$45,698,000, now It Is tl26.0ST. and while twenty-flve years ago the surplus of the South' national banks was only J9,00O,OOO and a few thous and over, it la now M,257,0O0, Na tional bank deposits' in the' South have grown from .$64,729,000' to over $469,032,000 within the same period.' But is. toy .comparison with 'the growth of the national 1 banking sys tem in the" entire country ..that 1 the establishment of national banks in the South . displays . Its conspictiqua gains.-,?The number of national banks In the entire country 'in 1880. was 2, 090, now -it Is ,757, an increase of .75.45 per cent, but .the growth in 'the South from 220 '..to-1.221 national banks is an increaae of 448 per cent' Furth ermoret. while- the." national. banking capital In , the whole country ad vane pa aunns;''- those ?. tweutyflve yoers from $457,653,985 to $799,870,229, an -Increase of 74.7$ per cent, the South's growth from over $4MW)Q0 to more than $126,000,000 ; jiattonal - banking capital- In the same time Is. a gain of 17140 per cent, also the '" national banking surplus In the whole coun try rose from over $126,0000,000 to near $4U,00O.OO. an -increase at 246.63 ,per cent.;, Jtmt the natlnal banking sur plus In the South by going from $9 000,000 to- over $50,000,000, displays an Increase -,o(,,. 457.73 ' per cent. '.-This shows i the ranidltv Of Southern , ad TOncementlHHatr;lklgr mannert- Not the least interesting feature er these' statistics Is In the grain dis played by ' sme States in . the (lum ber of national bank therein,, - Mis sissippi, for instance, had no national banks in jsuaitnougn tmrteen yearn previously she , had two bnt In' 1908 she aa twenty-five. The. great Btate ot -Texas had .thirteen national banks ' , quarter o fa century, ago, now she has 440; , Florida had only two theniut now 34'; Virginia had, 17. i now 85; .West ,Virgtnla had 17, but : now: 79; 'Georgia- ad is, now 63; Ala bama had 8, now, 67.' Both Maryland and Kentucky had each a comparative ly large number of national banks 1n 1880, the former possessing 35, and to-day 89, , while the .latter then-had 49, but now 4, '- s But '-most of the large gains in .the number of national banks are clearly results of -the act of March 14, 1900, authorising-, the' establishment of the national banks with less than $50,000 ; capital.1 Fori instance, in 1900, Texas had 123 national banks, now she has 440,; as ; heretofore ; stated; Alabama had, 28, How 7: Georgia 27. now ?8; Wast Virginia 40, now 79; Virginia 43, now 85; leKntucky 81, now 124; Arkan sas had. now 28 Louisiana 21, how 5f j. s! r . National banking capital In the South rose from a total of about $5, 506,000 In 1880 to nearly $92,500,000 .In 1890, yet during the last five years it has .risen from that comparatively low -figure to over $126,000,000. But there-has never : been any halt in the gain of -Southern banking surplus. Prom $9,000,000 In 1880 ft rose to $244. 000,000 In 1890, and to $30,000,000 in 190, and $50,000,000 in 1905. Undivided profits have gone up. from below $4, 000,000 In 1 1880 to nearly $12,000,000 In 1890, : to more than $15,000,000 in 1900, and to nearly $27,000 in 1905. Could any record Of accomplishment be more impressive than this. Yet It must be' remembered tbat In this quarter of a century deposits in Southern national banks . have in creased from a total- of $64,793 to a total of $469,032,328, which Is a gain of very nearly 625 per cent. And It must be furthermore not be forgotten j that these statistics do not : include the numerous v v private and State banks .in the - South, which r number i many more than - the national banks therein, - nor the trust Companies which also engage in banking, all of which classes of financial institutions i are constantly . grrowlng . la number and strength, - ,. ; - , . ; . Home-made Trousseao. Savannah News, ,'.,.;, Soeiety in Washlngton'and New Tork is much. In treated in the trousseau of Miss Alice Roosevelt. -By ome means the idea has got abroad that she will be dressed for the occasion of her mar riage In the gown that was worn by her i grandmother, Martha Bulloch when she was a bride.. But, at all events, it Is quite sure that she will not be harried Jn any Parjs or london clothes. If she Is not married In the Georgia dress of her grandmother, her gown will at least be of American Hftftky .,V- .V'.. . . . Prof Edward Allen, at one time an authority on botany, has been living for seventeen years on the -southwestern slops of Mount Ralner, miles from a settlement,. He has pursued his studies there, and bis specimen of rare plants from the sides of the snow capped peak have been sent to many EJuropean,, universities and botanical srardens. r i- -'-' -' - One f the demands of the strikers tn St. . Petersburg: is "two meals" a day, 4,1 - x , , . , ? , i .. ,i i, i,m .i m .... It: ' invigorates, strengthen and., builds ttti. r Tt . 1raanfli , vmi - In . i uinflltinn " : nhiml- caliy, mentally" and morally. That" What..' Holllster'g :,BocK' Mountain Tea will do. 36 cents, "-Tea or Tablets. . B. H. Jordan. A Co. j no cir: tmasi:s i vxiox. t).ii I'jiih-r lsMisary and Other Un der l'rohitailou ltcgltiiu. Union. S. C, Times. , ., , , ' Christmas casualties point most plainly and unerringly to the manner in which the day had been spent and the Christmas of 1904 was a shocking demonstration, of the existence of the dispensary In .. Union. . ? For three .or, more days : the , dispensary had been crowded, and It-was almost impossible to serve, the crowd of purchasers,. and late - Saturday , evening found .;.( the crowd almost undiminished r at the door ' of the dispensary. - Sunday-; was, Christmas day and -it 'was leas like Sunday than It has ever been. Mon day morning the mayor's; court was crowded with offenders, drunk "'' and disorderly conduct, ' due 1 to 'the 'Over Indulgence 1 In dtapensary liquors ' by the maddened crowd, On. Friday and Saturday before Christmas ' last year the streets were thronged, and on Sat urday Jhe streets were t. a . mass t of living, ' moving - human being,, yet there was less ; money : spent-for nlct gifts and something good to eat than for -whiskey. r ' ' a " ' The. Christmas ,: of . 1905 was quite different The Trowd, was here but it was orderly and the money went, frees, ly for nice things to give friends and. tof good things to .. eat. While ' Jt is , -true that "for 'several days before Christmas a large quantity of whla key came- to. this place through thf express office addressed to. many peo ple, vet there was not a man drunk on the streets Christmas day, and It was Monday. We must conclude that those who go.', whiskey h took it home and drank - it more moderately, : and the whiskey was of ; a -better quality than the dispensary liquor and had a ' better effect, ' because, ort Tuesday, the' day after'. -Christmas, the mayor had no cases of drunk and disorderly conduct to: try. . - Everybody seemed to be in good humor, peacabte and pleas ant, bent, upon pleasure and not riot We do not remember a- more quitet, , delightful Christmas, 4wlth absolutely no serious' calamities' or crimes to mar jthe joys or tne -occasion. ' ' A Woman's Excuse. New ,Ttork World. A new defense fil the divorce case is that of the wife who claims that she wrote love letters to "exercise her vo cabulary". She tried to see how many different forms of expression she could use and how long she. eould continue the correspondence without repeating herself. An extensive vocabulary Is desirable, but the accurate use of words is pre ferable. Better a fed tools and the knowledge to use them than an arsenal of rusty weapons. , Few people have : a vocabulary of over a thousand words, and love let ter gives as-good opportunity for the use of synonyms as any other form of correspondence! Still the lady would be In a better position if she had torn the letters up instead of letting the other man get them. : ,v Rich on Stork -Money. Eldorado (Iowa) Dispatch. - With every visit of ' the stark "obis home in Butler county, , George Cramer, ft fnrmnr. rats jl iti!k for 11.000 from his father in Germany, and the . stork f has paid, twelve visits. Although he has not been more than ordinarily .Siinceseful at raising crops.: Cramer has cleared $12,- WO raising Daoies. ' uramer came to lowa irom uermany without , a cent. He had rich relatives back in the old country, but he pre ferred to make his own way as a til ler of the soil. When the first little one came to 'the Cramer home the old fath er in Germany was so well pleased that he forwarded his check ' for $1,000. and declared that he would duplicate It with each Visit of the stork. Bv 'thrift and economy Cramer has In vested the stork money-from the fath erland until to-day he is tne possessor Of a comfortable bank-account, and no where tn the State is there -a. happier family -than that of the German who would w delight President " Roosevelt's heart. ' "' ' ' WORK WEAKENS THE KIDNEYS Doan's Kidney Fills Have Done Great Service for People Who Work - , in Charlotte. ' Moat Charlotte people work every day In some strained, unnatural posi tion bending constantly over a desk riding on Jolting wagons or cars do ing laborious housework; lifting, reach ing or pulling, or trying the back In a hundred and one other ways. All these strains tend , to wear, weaken and injure the kidneys until they .fall behind in their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Doan's Kid ney Pills cure sick kidneys, pu new strength m bad backs, Charlotte cures prove it. - Thomas G. Northey., painter, of 813 N. Church : street, says: ' "Backache bothered me for many years and I have often had to lay -off from work because- of ,: a --weakness which kidney disorders brought - upon me. : I hap pened to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box at R. H. Jordan & Co.'s drug stores -X bad begun to , believe that there was no relief in store for me but since taking the pills I have not lost a single, moment from work, my back has been free from pain - and has been stronger In every way. t am glad . to have an opportunity - to tell others of my experience; ' , For sale by all dealers.' Price 60 cents, FoBter-M!Ui"n- Co., Buffalo, New York, sole geh9 for the United States . , Remember the name Doan's and take' oo other.. , - , - - - y than HAYNER, ho rnatter hov muqh you pay 'or where yotf get It, . Wo, have been distilling whiskey Ior.39 years. Wo have one of the most modern and best- equipped, distilleries in the "world. Wo know of nothing that would toproveourproduct. , . Perfection In the distiller's art lias been reached la HAYNER WHISKEY,' which "goes direct from -our distillery to YOU, with all ot lu original parity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't jpasa through the hands of any dealer or middleman, to adulterate. Yon thus save the dealers big profits. Yott buy'at the distiller's price, at first cost, 'Don't you see the economy la buying! HAYNER WHISKEY, as well as the .certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskey? ,i '". -V ! - 'Ll? '""''."'I. .'2..1 ' il"1 i United States Senate, WashfatgteaVD. 6. ' - 1 have used HAYNER WHISKEY for nisdicinal porpommt in my family and have found it very aatUactory I beliova it to be a number-one medicinal wbiskey." . ' ,o '-, i i ' Hhuhos S. Afarttm, U. S. Beoator from VErglnia. nnnn FUliLr- 05) .20 EXPRESS (WIABIT). PREPAID OUR OFFER We cnd Von to k plain seated ease, with no c :. iusus w mow suuivnu, rvun ruidi vuaa BOTTLES ot HAYNER PRIVATE STOCK RYK or BOURBON tor Slgi, and we wfll pay the express charges.. Take it home and sample K, have rear doctor test It every bottle if you wish. -Then if you dont Bod tt just as we say and perfectly satisfactory, ship It back to us AT OUR EX PENSB and your $3.20 will be promptly refunded. Bow eould any offer be fairer. You don't risk a cent. ' Orders for Aria., Cal., Col., Idaho.. Mont,, Wash., or Wyo., mnst be rn the basis of press mrepaia or xw quarts for sjasjcv py ai reigns snrenaia Wrile otir nearest ofBca and do it NOW. " , f r THE HAYNER DISTILLiriQ COMPANY AUanta, 0a. Dayton, O. St Louis, Me. St. PaaV Minn. 1403 DistdjUst. Tsot, O. -At Jtmuaxum 1S0& ' 1 . Japan has lust .issued a three-cent stamp to commemorate the amalga mation of the Japanese and the Kore an postal departements. It Is printed In carmine, the Jubelee- and national colors. "! Indigestion Is easily overcome by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, because this remedy digests what you eat and gives the stomach a rest allows it to recuperate and grow strong again. Kodol relieves Indigestion. Belching ot Gas, Sour Stomach, Heart-Burn, Qtui and enables the digestive ' organs to transform all foods Into the kind of rich red blood that makes health and strength. Sold by King's Drug Co. ' TIIEIIE ARE TWO SIDES to be considered, the inside and out of buying lumber price and quality. Tou wilt find both right if you buy of us. We have every kind of lumber you cart need lumber reliable In quality and right In price. , You save money when you buy here when you1 consider what you get. J. H. WEARN & CO. CHARLOTTE, ti. C. SPECIAL. LOW RATES VIA SOUTH ERN HAILWAY. Account of Golf Tournament, Mexico City, Mexico, the Southern Railway will sell on January 1st to 12th, 1906, inclusive, round trip tickets to Mexico City; Mexico, at rate of one first-class fare,, plus m cents for the round trip. Tickets good to return until February 28th, 190& Round trip rate from Charlotte, 6.85: v Account of American Association for Advancement of Science, to be held at New Orleans, La., December 29, 1905 to January 4th, 190C, tickets will lie sold to New Orleans and return at rate of one first-clans, plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets on sale December 27th. 28th, 29th, with final limit, January 6th. 1906. Round trip rate from Charlotte, 128.28. - For further Information call on any Agent, or write - v . . . W. H. TAYtOte. O. P. A., v Washington, D. O. i R. I VERNON. Ti 3p. A., tV Charlotte. N. C. JOHH W. FJfCS i'i i ' " . jh i is r i w i . i J II m Kev N. ilex.. Ore., Utah, 4 Oearts tor M.W by Kx MU VATX TO L ,v aww -T EXECUTOR'S SALE f 1 wlU sell at the Court House door, Jn. Concord, N C, on Monday, Janu ary 8th. 1906, the following Stocks and Bonds belonging to the estate of Monroe Melchor. viz; V13 Shares. Henrietta Cotton Mill Stock. 11 Shares, Cabarrus Cotton Mill , Shares, Cannon Cottoh Stock. -18 Shares. Gibson Cotton Mill Mill Stock. 12 Shares, Gibson Cotton Mill Pre ferred Stock. u 15 Shares, Patterson Cotton Mill, at China Grove, Stock. 10 Shares, Kesler Cotton Mill, at Salisbury, Stock:. , s 83 Shares, Wiscasset Cotton Mill Stock, 11 Shares, Yorke Furniture Co. Stock. , 12 Shares, Yorke Furniture Co., Preferred Stock. . . 13 Shares N. C. Railroad Stock.' s IT Shares, Commercial National Bank Stock. ! s' 8 Shares, First National Bank, Charlotte, Stock. " 11 Shares, Merchants and Farmers Bank, Charlotte, Stock. : All -the above Stocks are $10 0.00 per share. . Two S. C, Pacific Railroad Bonds per cent, due in 1914 $500.00. Interest April and October. . Four N. C. 8tate Bonds 4 per cent., due 1910 $100.00 each. v One N. C. State Bond 4 per cent., due 1910 $50.00. . Two Town of Concord Bonds 6 per cent., due 1921 $500.00. Inter est January and July. ' . .Seven A. T. & O. R. R. Bonds flue In 1918. Srr per cent., $600.00 tach. Interest April and October. : Tha above Stocks and Bonds are sold ' in the settlement and distribu tion of the estate of Monroe Melchor, deceased. Sale at 12 o'clock. i . . JOHN A. BARNHARDT, , DSC. 1, 1905. Executor. CHAFING DISHES C j- ' . . .t . . . - . i.,!. ? We have a beautiful line, as .well as our : usual complete' .' StOCk .Of . .- . Stoves and Ranges : , t J.N. McCausland & Co. 'phone lis., 321 & Tryon St 1 , - "WiBiwaft ! JtWstiusM LI !: Kf f U U UL ; JU Li 4 l;p V ; v ; ; ;i 0 - Ola M C'J . .One department of our r u. , ' electrical - switch-boards. Vc L . . L . ' - - many switch-boards and the intrc L- C rV.tora to use transmitted water po;t.:r i . i ' that department in which wc arc makir . 1',;. : boards and other electrical supplies. : : : : ,'." - Some of the beards we have lately sent out, or r. , making are'as follows: .New City Lighting PL:,:, -rConcordN.arYadkm Development Co. Whit v Jiey N; C; ,Wiscassett- Mill Transmission Plant, 1 ' ; f Albemarle N."CLr Water Works Pumping- Plant, i : . Charlotte Nj C. 'Pembroke; .Planing Mill, Pern- v . -1 broke, .NC. ; .VermohtMilL' Bessemer City C. ' '. City Lighting Plantr Dallas,-H. C, Barker Chemi . caCo.7ngles;Fla.: City Plant, Davidson, N, C. ' ; , ' Henderson Cotton Mill,- Henderson,' N. C, Irene . ' . Mill, Ganney; S..q, Leak, Wail & McRaer, Rock-j-i ingham, -N. C Marion M'fg Co. Marion, S..C. , and , K others, and others, and others.. f liz: We name some of the verv recent installations for ? which we have made the . only make, switch-boards for our, own. contracts . i j but for others as well. -Full line electric, supplies tM and lamps in-stocki WAPJ, 1 fi$y&t S ' ' TUB D. TOMJPICWS eOMPKXY Electrical Contractors r. .r, : v-. ;r ;;f Charlotte N. .C. SAVE fS s ON SINGLE COURSE, or $10 wuitaa; py entering before January 15 1906. ," .-. 'WINTER OPENWO TUESDAY, JANUARY X J90. I "Wa-have decided to make the above discount to, all who pur chase scholarship between Deo. 15 and Jan. IS. This is the largest, best equipped business college in North Caro lina a positive, provable FACT. Positions secured, or money re funded. ., . .-.... ;.. ri" vUV( , ' Write at once for College -Journal arid New Catalogued Address frnrr'C OWTOwmmc ir f nririv 1 Gharlotte, X, Q. 'WV: .''I'M-; ' -vJ -' 1 ... r " l - . A hIh-RT.3e Collect for Wnmon provement Soeolal rate. offM PROP. J. R, BRIDGKS, D. P., President. Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy XtdishM ier Baqr Fsopl. Brlagi alda Healta aai Btaswei Tljw. A spealflo for Censtlnetlen, Indlgestloa, Uo Dd Kidnev Troubles. Pimples. Sesems, Impure iood. Bad Breath, Slusrlib. Bowels, Heedsch id Baekscbe. It's Rolry Mountain Tea In tab t form, Kt oeata box. . ftwauiae aiao by' foLusTsa Dave OoMsayr, MaWwia, Wis, . wn eA f nw , event r ii. I iii-1 ;J ..V'.im j, i -ni;j, SEABOARD AIR LINB RAILWAY. PASSBNOBR DKPARTMENT. Special reduced rates via Seaboard. Pensacola. Fla.: New Orleans. La. : Mobile; Ala. Account . Mardi Orns. D'eDruary .zna-zyin, one tare, pius sac, round trip, tickets sold February Hat 26th Inclusive, final limit March 2d. Tickets can be extended until March 17th. Louisville, Ky. Account Department of tiuperintenaence National r.aucation al Association, - February . 87th-March let, one fare, plus 25c. .round trip. Tickets sold February. jUth-2Sth. 26th, final limit March 4th, Niagara Falls, N. Y.Account National . Association of Retail Orooers -January 23rd-25th, one and one-thlrd fares, plus 2Sc. on Certificate plan New . Orleans, La. Account of Conven tion Southern .Cotton Association, January llth-Uth, 1906. Rates, one fare, plus 25c. round trip. Tickets sold January 9th-lh, and for trains scheduled to arrive In New Orleans before noon of January . 11th, . final limit January 15th, 1903. m Raleigh, N. C-Nort .Carolina Division of Bouthern Cotton Association. Jan uary 8rd-4th, tickets sold on Certifi cate plan basis, one and one-third fares, plus 26c. for round trip. . Raleigh, N. C Grand Lodge of Masons. Raleigh, N. C, January Bth-12th In clusive, rates authorised . on Certln ct nlan basis. Certificates win be nonorea ny ricaei Agent, : JKaieigh, an or before January 19th. C H. GATTIS, T. P. A - ', Raleigh, N. C. VICTORIA KEENE'S CEMENT The best and most econ omical material known for plastering and Imitation tile wore. ' - JrdGRINNAIiV 173 Main St, Norfolk; Va. A 1 J"LtL is 4: . biicinc. - switch-boards. (' We not T OW COMBINED or; l ij Raleigh, N:Ql i . ;5 CcSege fcr Wcr.cn ClMEtOTRvlLC --.--. ie , ' : rtntnn wirh VV -. - REDUCED RATES VIA SEABOARD ACCOUNT' MEETING "ANCIENT -FREH AND ACCEPTED.. . MASONS. The Seaboard announces account of meeting of the-Ancient jrree and Accept ed Masons at Raleigh. January Sthl2th." they will man rate of one and one-third fnres, plus 86c for round trip, , on cr. tlflcate plan basla:All delegates attend. Ins should provide themselves with cer UHcates furnished by Agents. ' -. . . , C, H. GATTIS. T. P. A., , '. - . - . Raleigh, N. C " Receiver's Sale Of the valuable Woodworking Plant of the Virginia Furniture Company, Chase City, Virginia,- January 18th, " 1906. Consisting of the most modern and up-to-date Ptattf for the Manu facturing of all kinds . of . Furniture. Interior Office Fnrntture and general Wood Work. Equipped with the best machinery and power money can ' buy, all of which is in perfect order. Long- Side Track from the Southern Railway, running - all through, the Plant.. - hnw-fi- V'. , There are 8 1-2 acres of land,-' and large and commodious buildings, well arranged and . lighted and steam heated. ' i ' ' Also a large lot, of finished Furni ture sold same day. '"-.,,-.,.- Write at once for-circular giving full description, to T. E. Roberta and C. J." JS'aulkner," " Receivers for 'the " Virginia Furniture Co In Bank, ruptcy. Chase City. Vft. ' - , , Fine-Old Whisfe ,', J BXPRBBS 'PBKriitK- ' - One ' gallon.1. -year-oId . com " whiskey .. .. r.. .. ....$3.09 One - gallon 2-year-old ; corn whiskey,.,.. .4 , f,5 Ons ' sallon l-yearold ' corn .whiskey . S.0S Four - quarts Old . Henry Rye . - wnisaey v. Four Quarts Billy Baxter's Best Rye for .. . ; , 4.2 S Four- quarts Hoover's -Choice - Rye Whiskey,. .. M3.2:s Four quarU Rooney Malt,. ,d.2 IV. H. HOOVER. 58 BREWER. ST, . KORFOUEC. VA. 4 -r1- s1-

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