OWTIl OF v tHAHLOTTE Vf 1ISFACTOUY KECOJRD OPJtOS ' ' ress Alon Industrial. fJncft notod hv ; Farts and Figure .mstial strides in the Mntiw of uT,!lc Utilities, iucIndlnaT Hm . HiscnRcr Station 'and 1Mb Hotel'' cord of ew Corporationsj With . i)itaJUtlon and Officers. , .-lotto Evening Chronicle. , ' arlotte enjoyed an entirely satis i ory growth In 1903. Her progress .iitr Industrial nd trrnlnsss line as much ' mort than, Is naturallv iected, of : city Charlotte's slse. in ustr tally, besides adding more than i. naturatv growth,. sha branched out. i now turns out a more varied as- rttneat of manufactured products. :ut ' she perhaps made the greatest l royi-ess in the way of public utilities. In the twelve moi.ths ahe haa start ed "and almost completed a handsome new. passenger Station, at a cost of something like J75.000. She hag turned over, to th public a new water works plant, costing above $300,000 and capa ble of supplying with water a cltv several times it' slse -of -Charlotte. A . new- bowl haa beep started to cost $150, 000 and plane are now being made to materially , imp rove two oiner iw hostetrtea. . Besides these, the Catholics have .erected a new school building at a ost of I2S.000. and have started a hos , pital. , A public library for the colored people Jiaa been turned over lo the city, by the contractors. The Highland Ffcfk section has been connected with ' the city by electric cars, and the 4C's -'" haa received permission to extend Its Una ' through Ward I. To cap It all off. thousands of dollars have been expend -' 4 Hi new streets and sidewalks. And it Is about to be forgotten the Young lien's Christian Association has made ' lta plane to put. in- round numbers. IHXMWO In a new building, having sold (ta present one ''A' MNCREAf JC IN TAXAfU.B ... i i rnurt.ni j Charlotte's taxable property for a r"u,u" V"" H.J,781. as against $13,0,9.84 for lt fof ,,,. but u,e bpgt DUI,lneM men be Thisi realljf- represents scarcely more Ilevfi ,hat jm w be an evm mofe tban one-third of the real value of the , auf,plo0U, yelr. The city's growth is taxable- property. The Increase in the i not a boom; lt a rapd and steady 'alUOf the clly's property Is more xrow(h tnat brln:s dollars to the city than tb figures show, for tax asscHsor Um1 keepf, tnem there. r easy with property holders. I ' MANY WEW RESIDENCES i ' ","Twd 'bundred or more residences ' 1aVO been constructed during the ycur. J ' Amrber of these are fine homes. It ' ia-iotlceable that the largest number) " f the better residences have ben built ' '' "ttt the. suburbs, which Is taken as on; Indication that Charlotte Is becoming a "iV.,raI city. Elliabeth Heights, Pied- T wont Park. Villa Heights. Myers Park, '' and Dilworth have all had a share. " O These are all becoming popular anil I'here Is j i""lot great deal of more room In 'sS 'Cjtjr proper for residences. '.'ft'' ELECTRIC POWER HELPS ' 1 coming of the Catawba Power 1 ' Company, with more than fiomi hnrse i 'pQltftr Of electricity, has donw mu.'li , tor tha city It Is being UHed In almost - every form of Industry. A -'--th Trv- i Of! i rTl vrumvil ran unci wn- ; ( horse-power to run her sewing nrachine. Dentists use It to o:ernte , ineir appraiuii, i i ... "-i stopped there to let on and otT nassen- Shops to maasage faces, and ltKPrs anU tMft4 kn(j cf tation ac- 'opratea the entire machinery of a : ,.,ml,1(Klllllotm be provied. large COtton mill wnn an mucn nann faction. The power has sold so rapid ly that the company can no longer fill large -contracts. .... CONSTRCCTION IN BCSINESS SECTION. The building in the Business section 'r, has not kept pace with the progress along other lines. The Norman store ' ' 1aiMlnc on West Trade street has been ' Hh fciggeat private undertakns- in ' i :)':'; ih t..i.. a ni.ml.pr nt i improvemenls have been made on old . Henry Bryan Plttmim. of Fort Burn buildings ni-il. t(M.k place. The houne had xpw fORPORATlONH '"""""""y decorated with ,ly Mfcw tORPORAiiONH hoiiv. smllax and great bows of white to W to be gained In a review of the new i . business corporations of the year. In the twelve months a tot:il of thlrtv-! l iV one new charters wre grunted by lh' C Secretary of state in Charlotte busl- ; nesa enterplil. and these aggregate, words of "My Heart Long Dreams "Jf In amount of capital. $2,271,000. This ! of Vnu." In u particularly sweet man s&l' represents, of course, the limit of the ! tier. The tender words formed a flt- eapilai SlocK of tne corporattuiis. ami .iLidoes not mean that the thirty-one en- '., terprlses are witrklng with tluU much ' money But the figure do give nn v Idea of what t going on In the IniIiih- "l1 ImI.I j.t .hA ..J- VI imt W t. ... IM- ..... . Ther Iirh heen. teHlde thesi''. a 'va Jarge number of businesses ihnt 'have t ' Started out without a charter, these ".?' .1... .. m. ........ I u .I... .....In li .. - CHARTERS GRANTED IN 1905. i; The following i the omplete list !. I I ... . 1 1. n ...wit'i.-i. i.i.i.iK t IIV Vear: l .... .1.. I... . .tl IIHl.l I .I........ . UA JAM till. 'harlotte Handkerchief Muunfiic tur Ung Co.: to manufacture hundkei t liiefs and suspender: capital $;.iks'. with privilege to incieuMe (, J2,'..WK) Denny t'nfe Co ; rettluiiriiiitein . nd Caterers: riipllal Ntuck $2",0O( K'lIttAIfY Props! it r:ii t ins Co. to ii tail road gradh'K ;in.l t; 1 1 i a I mint i in t Ion work: capital $.iO,oikj, niiiineii. cj with 110.000. ,,4. G. lliHxl Company, dry koi.iIh. $10tl.(KH. i mdiiii-ii. wltli JIG, capital (CO. M A lt 'H Bratinoi) i ";i i Ik.mh I i uk and IxXth- Koil.i uuter; M A V innkn : ai.H-.i $2.-.om. ! Moffat Mt hme MtiMiifm luriiig, Co.. to manufai tun- itnu ulin ry . jpltal $150,000. Fuller Coniblng ;in Co.; to uiquire by purchave patent rttihiH nt roiton jrins, etc.: capital $100,000. . Pipe Bunding Machine Co.. foundry ud machine business: $100,004 apiiui. Jl'NE. IVlmont Mercantile Co metvhandlse; capital i.'.0,'KH Charlotte Cotton Exchange audi ftoard of Trade; to promote the com- ttiercial and manufacturing Interests . f Charlotte; capital $25,000. I :,, Dixie Brew Manufacturing Cn In i ,-vajen "dlxis brew": capital $:.0.fHW. .WhY. , Vharlof.e Kejlty C .. tf ,UU, -spttal $100,000 Charlotte Tut Co., liai.h-M; capital AUGUST. :..-' ,;f r. v. i j r v. v. aioigmi rjigineeriiig t.;i . civil $5,000; ; and mining engineers; caj lui commenced with $z.000. , Mouthern Spindle and Flyer C .. cot ;':$4n mill supplies; capita! $20,000. . j piler Combing Gin Co.. Increased ..capital from $100,000 to $im,ooo. ' fr,V SEPTEMBER, ' Bradley Manufacturing Co.. to tin mi -' faitotr handkerchiefs: capital, $.'S,aoo; iJ: commenced' with $1,000. '';'' Calvin Manufacturing Co., to nianu factum" yarns, etc.: capital fsoo.oco. South At Until Waste Co., to deal in , -cotton mill wastet .capital $116,009. ' v ' ' ' V XOVE'BER, " CTianibers Moody CdJ wholesale rrn era; capiul 100,0oe;,f commenced with $"j2.00. - - Charlotte PepsM'oU Co. to aeU yp'. ;-. oia;i apila ' $W,0t0; comment cd ) $1,0. X-.. V Flnlayson Manufacturing Co., to manufacture clothlnr and' vfabrlca front cotton; capital $500,000.' Charlotte Tub Co.,-to manufacture tubes for cotton mills: capital zv vw; .jyominencea wun ,w. ' . i rurnrwRER. . Crowell Sanitarium Co., io conduct sanitarium; capital $1,000, Cora Hardwood Co.. to do a wood and lumber tousiness; capital izs.wo. Mlda Mineral : Springs Co.. to vSell mineral water; capital $100,000. . . Greater Charlot;e Club, to advance and promote'tho industrial and intel lectual interest o Charlotte; no capl tj, ' . n , ; C. E. Hooper & Co., to conduct a no tel business,' capital $100,000. - ;'. v Suburban . Realty Co.. real estate dealers; capital ,.$250,000; , comrotncod with $25,000. . s As Is seen November and December lead In the number of. charters grant- THE SOUTHERN POWER CO. in the story of Charlotte's progress for 1905, the Southern Power Company plays no unimportant part. This gi gantic company, capitalised at $10,000,. 000 has established its headquarters In Charlotte. GOLD MINES. One new gold mine was developed and two otd ones were re-opened dur ing the year. All three of these are in i ho tnn nahltm and all are near the cor I porate limits. The new one, the Tel- low Dog, la proving a vaiuauie prop erty The Rudislll and the Ht. Cather ine have yielded richly In the past and there Is reason to believe that they will do as well in the future. The mines give employment to a number cf peo ple and will bring thousands of dollars to the surface each year under ordi nary circumstances. COTTON MILLS. The Highland Park Mill No. J. which was constructed' at a coat of $800,000, began operation to Its full capacity In 1905. Two mills are now In course of construction the Mecklenburg and the coarse yarn plant of the South Atlantic Waste Company. As for the present year, a prominent Charlo te mill man mated yesterday that he believed that there would be constructed a dozen THE TOWN OF HTALMXG8. ft Ih (rowing Into Quite a Village on llio Kraboanl. The Utile town of Ktalllngs, on the Heaboard Air Line Railway, twelve mlle pu( of Charlotte, coritinues to grow. Within the last year several new residences have been built and now a furniture factory sterns as sured. It is also likely that several fHt-miTM fnim lhi Vurt hu'fcttt will lo- (.ate lne,.e (or tn purpose of trucking. i-am summer Mr. j. r . xewen, oi inis i rlty. secured options on several tracts of Isnd near the station and has been i sucoesHful In making these future in-1 dustrles possible. On yesterday lie' sold the D. Hoblnsjn place under; an option: and he will dispose of sev- . crul other tracts in the next day or. tv. o. A petition signed by all the resi dents of the place will soon be pre- VLtntvt In fliA Mpu )wi rrl fiffli'ialA rp. qu(,,jng tnat tn passenger trains be PI TTMAN-NEWLAN D. Mr. Henry Itrynu Pltlman Wcdds Uh Kftcllt' Xe land at i'limlboiirn. CorreMpondence of The Observer. ( 'hadbourne, Jan. 1. At Edgewood, the beautiful and hospitable home of Mr. James T. Newland, Thursday evening, De ember 28. the marriage of MISs Estellf Newland and Mr. white mid green and presented a m-ene of soft loveliness. Promptly at 4:30 o'clock Mrs. J. ('. Newlund can.e to the last turn of the! hiiiIih imd softly sang the beautiful imib preiune lor me coining icn-uiuii) Ah tlie lust words still lingered the opening notes of Mendelssohn's ' inarch, rendered by Mr. anil Mrs. R. !M. Newland, were heard. The bridal party entered In the fol '' lowing order: Coming first were the 4 lit. bun girls, little Misses Flyrence Newlund. Harriet Newland. Flora ; Krltt and Mary I Iannis Whlttet. dain tily gowneii In while, bearing chains of Ivy tied with bows of white rlb t mi , forming an aisle through which I the prty was to puss: following these . glrlx came the groom and his grooms man. Mr. Harold Ptttman, of Cove, who took their places In tlj arched doorway. Immediately after them '. came the two bridesmaids. Misses Eva Plitmaii. of Fort Barnwell, sls-l ler of ih groom, and Emily Me-1 ItJchiui. of Vlneland. charmingly 1 xowii'd In while llk. coming alone' w iifi the muld of honor. Miss Bertha j MatVliews, of Durham, gowned In an : xtiixtte gown of white silk and ! carrying an Intricately i-arved antique! ivory fan. j The bride entered leaning on the i arm vf her father, wearing a lovely I town of white liberty chiffon over 'white habutal silk ami currying white) iiiiijikin. She Joined the waiting j it ltcfr t'.w mi nn.l Ihev were united In ,nnrrU,K by Rev. J. E. I,. WlnCN'Off. j i of Wliltevllle the brides pastor, who performed the beautiful and simple ' I lug ceremony. After they had received the enn ' gi-H.iilHtloiis of their tnnpy friends. the young couple m the way to the : tastefully decorated dining room ' where dainty five course luncheon was eerved. . I The bride Is a lady of rare charm and a most attractive personality, be-Kiu-i al i lug one of Chad bourne's most ' popular young ladles and Is well known and admired ihrougltout the eastern part of the Mlate. The groom I native of Fort Barnwell, Is a young man of highest character, being honored and respected WhereVer known and Is held In highest esteem In business and social circles. The young couple will spend a few weeks In Fort Barnwell visiting the r;roMr'i parents and relatives, but will make Chsdbourne their home. Among the out of town gueses were: Rev. J. E. Wlnecoff. of Whltevlile; JIIks Emily MoRackan. of Vlneland; Mr. 11. T. Newland of Wilmington! Mcssru. H. C, and J, K. PI It man and H . L. Woo ten, of Fori Barnwell: Miss Eva Plttman and Mrs, M. D, Lane, of Fort Barnwell; Miss Effle Plttman, of Ktnautti. and Miss Bertha Mat thews, of Durham. May 14 ve 100 Years. The chance. for living a full cen tury are exwllent In the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Haynesvllle. Me,, now ?0 yfi old. She writes: "Eiec trte Bftter eured tne of ' Chronia Dyspepsia of 20 year standing,-And made me feel as well and strong as a young girt" Electric Bluer ear Sto,mach and Uver diseases.' Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily Wesknea. Sold on a guarantee at K, H. - Jordan Cos drug store, rnce onty ioc, 4 Mm a-owmt; ;r 4 ; . i, i S - f , Ilia Congregation Present Gold Hatch to l)n Wliarey Mrs. Wliarey Also 5 lle-membcml . MoorcaTlUo Vtms - Xott?;V '"psif mtvW: Correspondence of The pbsefrer. " Mooreavllle,-Jan. L--A very Im prossive' ceremony followed th morn ing service at the Presbyterian church yesterday . morning ?, when 4 Ber Dr. Wbarey was presented with a tand some gold watch, a token of love md respect from hie congregation; ; hla people the- ones he has ministered unto for one-fifth of a century. The presentation wa. made by 'Mr. 35. V, Turlington and followed immediately after the benediction had been pro nounced toy the retiring minister. It was a complete aurprlse to Dr. Wha rey, and the scene that occurred was pathetic; he wa unprepared for? euch a lovely remembrance and watr -everf come with Joy for the time - being, thoueh there waa that hallowed rev erence that made the acceptance sad and aweet. And the congregation waa not fora-etful of the he:p-mete of their beloved pastor, who haa labored with him all these years. Mr. .wna rey was presented with gold to the amount of $16. She waa always an active co-worker of Dr. Wharey and through her the Junior Band, " the ladies' societies and benevolent wotfc waa successfully carried on. A( the night service Dr. Wharey referred to the scenes of the morning with deep feeling, and many tear-stained heeks bade him farewell at the close oi tne service. The congregations of the A. R. P. and the Methodist churches united with the Presbyterians at the night service. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Mooresvllle Loan aind Trust Company held this afternoon, the fol lowing directors were elected: G. C. Goodman, 3. E. Sherrlll. W. W. Ran kin, C. P. McNeely, Z. V. Turlington, J. P. Mills, J. F. Brawley, H. C. Hood, W. D. Pharr, W. C. Johnston, E. H. Miller and Ji. W. Presaly. The following ofticerH were then-elected: W. W. Rankin, president; J. F. Brawley, vice president; W. D. Pharr, secretary and treasurer, and Z. V. Turlington, attorney. An executive committee composed of W. W, Ran kin, G. C. Goodman. E. H. Miller, C. P. McNeely and Z. V. Turlington was then chosen. The business waa launched to-day, and the office will be in that of Mr. W. D. Pharr for the present. Mrs. M. J. Carpenter Is at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Dr. Young, hav ing Just returned from the hospital at Salisbury, where he waa recently operated on. Mr. C. T. Carr will leave with his family for ABhevllle Wednesday morn ing. For several year he has been superintendent of the Sabbath school at the Presliyterlaii church, and on retiring yewterday. the teachers and children of the school presented him with a handsome fountain pen. El der T. N. Hall made, the presentation remarks. Mr. Z. V. Turlington was elected to succeed Mr. Carr as super intendent. HOI J DAYS AT WINTHItOP. rVntlvlllew of Season Over and Stu dents Are All Back at Work. Correspondence of The Observer. Rock Hill. S. C, Jan. 1. Christmas festivities at Wlnthrop are- over, and everyone has settk'd down once more to regular work. Sunday morning at 8 o'clock Mrs. Cobb, the assistant housekeeper, had a Christmas tree for. ay the Colored people In the em ploy of the college. Everyone received a gift, with candy and oranges, and many were the blessings and thanks showered upon the head of the bene factress. Miss Inez McCullough was the suc cessful competitor for a cake In the. Cakewalk given In the recreation hall Saturday evening. Monday, Christmas morning, at hal.f past five. 00 students and teachers, robed in white, went through the dor mitories, Kinging Christmas carols. The effect of the white clad proces sion, as it moved through the -dim halls and across the campus to the president's house 'in the faint morning light, was one that will long be re membered by oil who saw it, and the strains of "O, Little Town of Bethle hem'' nrtd "It Came Upon the Mid night Clear" st-emed to linger all day with each one. and to help to bring out the real Christmas spirit more vividly than ever Ibefore. The Terpilehorean German Club gave Its Christmas dance Monday night. Miss Ellen V. Cobb, of Ashevllle, N. C, Is visiting her mother at Wln throp. MIsk Cobb, wto Is chairman of the Sitate committee of North and South Carolina for the Y. M. C. A.. gUVe a most Interesting talk In the association prayer meeting Wednes day night. Dr. Andrew Jackson Barchfield. one of the newly elected representa tives In Congress from Pittsburg Is six feet three Inches tall. t'OI'XCILMAX FRANKLIN Of Frankfort, Ky., Recommends Vino! mm the Boot Oire for Stom ach Troubles. "To Whom It May Concern: After suffering for years fwlth dyspepsia and stomach troubles, atid frying all kinds of medicines without help, I wish you would publish for the bene fit of others how I round a cure in the cot' liver oH preparation, VlnoU COUNCILMAN rBAXftOUt ? I found Vlnol delicious lc take, without oil Or greose: It did not up set my stomach like the old-faatiloned cod liver oil and emulsions, and fta strengthening properties are truly re markable. It ; entirely cured . my stomach trouble, and t can eat heartl y at uny time of day or night with, out the slightest distress.- ' Vlnol tones up the stonttch. Increases the appetite and creates strength." -: What Vlnol did for -Councilman Franklin, our druggists, B. H. Jordan A Co,, of this city, guarantee it will do for avery person in Charlotte suf fering from"; tired, hver-taxed, . or worn-out stomach which . cannot properly digest fond. . Vlnot contains no drugs; but It does contain all tho vital principles of end liver oil, without tha system-clogging oil. 1 - . Wa ask ery person In Charloti suffering from stomach - troubles, ,' or every run-d&wiV weak; debilitated tr aged ' person to try Vlnol on our guarantee to return money If it fails to give satisfaction. . R, XL, Jordan Co., Drugglsta ; T ' TOM QUlKVi rP AGALY! ' . , - si. A4 f Is Again Charged With Operating a Blind Tiger KxtabllHlutient lVnml 4, With the Good -WTilto Man Wfto ." Had tiottep liquor 1om Him . la the Wlwcaj,', ; . Tom Qulnn haa " become a rexular patron: of tM recorder, j The, charge is always the same: selling whiskey. During the last two criminal terma of the Superior. Court Tom'a- blind tiger cases consumed - - not a ;11 ttle of the time of the Judge and Jury and he was made to pay some pretty steep fines for operating hi tiger establishment. But : Tom paid tha fines without a murmur and promised to be good. The police, however., had little confidence in the "tlgera".i promises " and have been keeping: a weather eye oh him., a Yesterday , morning about a o'clock Policemen Johnston, Malcolm and House, who were out on an expedition In the warda, made an informal call at the home of Tom at Prather's Hill, where the darky was wont to hold forth. Tom was at home and had evi dently been doing a prosperous busi ness. There were empty bottles and Jugs galore and about two gallons of hug-Juice still in stock. Tom and hia supply was hauled to the police station and yesterday morning Acting Record er Hilton bound him over to the Su perior Courjt, requirlng a $300 bond. A white man, Tom Johnston, testified that he had- purchased a auart of whiskey from the defendant. The slae fthe bond did not worrv Tom, who haa evidently found selling liquor a prosperous business. He dis patched hla father for .the money and will probably be at his old tricks with in a week. . SHARON NEWS, Many People Moving About the First of tho Year. Rev. C. G. Love, of Allegheny, Pa., will return to his home on Mondav, after visiting friends In Sharon and Ebenezer. Mr, Love is a nephew of Rev. Q. R. White and was to have preached at Ebeneaer A. R. P. church on Sabbath but the weather was too Inclement, much to the disappointment of the congrregation. Prof. Wm. F. Klrkpatrlck, who has been visiting his mother In Sharon, left on Saturday for Rhode Island, where he Is engaged in experiment station work. Mr. Will "Wallace, of Paint Lick, Ky., is visiting; his sister, Mrs. C. Boye Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Grey will re turn to their home in Mooresville this afternoon, after visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Parks Klrkpatrlck In Sharon. Mlsr SJula-John Klrkpatrlck will re turn to Huntersville this afternoon, after spending the Christmas holidays with her mother. Mrs. J. C Brown entertained on Thursday in honor of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Davis and Rev. and Mrs. G. R. White. The school at Ebenezer will onen again to-day, after one week's holiday vacation. . . Rev. Weill Presaly will preach at Ebeneser on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Pressly Is a missionary to Mexico, and a very Interesting talker. His friends will be glad to hear him again after a lapse of sev eral years. Mrs. J. Walker Klrkpatrlck Is In Mallard Creek visiting her father, Mr. Brlce Cochrane. Mr. Oscar Klrkpatrlck, who spent several days with home-folks In Sharon, has returned to Gastor.la. where bVs ifrigaged in cotton mill work. Funeral of Gilmer Koss. The funeral of Gilmer Ross, who died Monday, will be conducted from the residence, at 405 North Poplar street, at 10:30 Jthls morning by Dr. Martin D. Hardin. The pall bearers will be: James Renfrow. IxitKW. Humphrey. W. M. Moore, Frank P. McGinn, John E. Bomar and Henry B(1 Fowler. . ' X'nion Sacramental Service. The first union sacramental se.rvice will be held In Brevard street Metho dist. Church at 7:30 o'clock to-night. Rev. H. K. Boyer will preach the sermon. Other ministers, will assist In the service; no prayer meeting in any other Methodist church; all cor dially Invited to this service. CAPITAL INCREASED TO $50,000. Baslngcr Carriage and Harness Co., of Salisbury, Changes Name and Win Triple Output. HrtftMnl tn The Observer.' Salisbury. Jan. 2. The name of the Baslnger Carriage and Harness Com pany, a manufactory that has won almost national attention by Its fine workmanship and especially hose wagons, has been changed to the Bar ber Buggy ana wagon company aim increased its capital to $50,000. By I this deal, the output of th works will i Ha moA at a. trlnte ratio and 60 I men will be employed as against a I third of that numoer lormeriy. I The building now being used 1 a workshop and combination salesroom and office, will be retained simpiy ior the display of wares; a full line of mantles, grates and tiling will be car ried. The chief output of this shop will be high grade vehicles, fine bug gies being a specialty. At present dray wagons, laundry wagons, and hose wagons are being given particu lar attention. No! hose wagon on the market has won' a finer reputation than the Baslnger brand and these have been shipped all over the land. Larger working Quarters will be fur nished the mechanic and artisans near the Southern station. It will be the biggest thing; of Its kind in North Carolina and a strong organization puts Us money In trust. Mr. M. W. Barber la president and T. Grey Bar ber, secretary-treasurer; A. B. Wat son, manager, and A. M. Baslnger, superintendent. : , . SHOT 3-JTEAR-OLD SISTER. Edgar. IIanirick,i Aged Five, Acd dentally Shoot and JKH1 Alma, Rig Slater, at jBlielbyi-Chlldrcn of Murdered IHWsrnan. ; Special to The Observer;' Shelby. Jan. 8. -This afternoon. Whlla -playing with a pistol in his home, the little son,, Edgar, aged 5 years, of Mrs. B." Edgar lUmrlck. shot and killed hia little sister, Almera, aged three years, by shooting her In tha heed.. The little -child lived only one hour after tho accident. This ta one of the saddest accidents occurring In Shelby for years and It has cast a gloom over tha town. Mr. M. Edgar Hamrlck. who was chief of police and who was mur dered by a negro, Clark, two years sgo, is the father of these children. The mother Is almost-, crated with grief. If Germany were to ; mobilise her army tomorrow.: the Dusseldnrf Cham ber of Commerce . states that . there would hot be st suffttukint quantty ;of meat In th country to feed the army In the field. 1 . .v, t.. ' The secret of auccessfullx ridding the system ot a eold is a thormtch evacuation of the, bowela. ? Kennedy Laxative Honey and Tar does this Liquid Cold Cure, drive, all cold out of the system. Dest for Coughs, Croup, etc. - Sold by.KIng'g Drur Co.-. ,6 A Nev TTHE MECHANICS' PERPETUAL BUE.DING AND j ; LOAN C ATIpN.'makes " its profotaidest bow . to the citiiens: of. Charlotte and" vicmityo its Stock-,' holders in general and to the holders; of .-shares -in, the 34TH SERIES in particular and bring them the that with the:second payment of dues, in .this months that SERIES WILL MATURE and on Wednesday, the inst, we will be ready to pay it ofL This is the largest series, . xir zxr rtv mti,fl. nnv15s than "' if 7 of which $40,000 will be paid out in cash and $30,400 in , die cancellation of 34 mortgages; so that 34 families will cel ebrate this new year with Homes of their own ' Who will or can measure the contentment, elevating and ennobling influ ence this will bring to those families ? While this Association has secured its full share of support and confidence from this community, its officers feel that they J have earned and deserved it . - ON MARCH 1ST wifl commence a new, the ,47TH SERIES, and prospective borrowers are advised to ' begn to clean out the hedge-rows, and be ready to subscribe to the new series, in order that their prospective loans may Be reached in early building season : : : : : : ; : R. E. COCHRANE, your INSURANCE FOR WOMEN s Quickly relieves such a coodltlon stores the tierves to their normal Vfr to 2 58 Cents. J . iVO. M. SGOTTTSf v unoieiiaio y ,Ny o i Ycar; irainlTlisllCinll Sccfy and Trcas. S. i Makes the Honest Dollar and we make the ClptiMmg' Ji postal card will bring one of our 20 salesmen to see you. If you byy your clothing wrong, it is own 'tfeV'.; ' Vtlix not - insure ,1: yourself . against . those . dreadful Sick and Xervotis " Headaches which make .life almost ; Then there comes to every woman--- ''times' when she Is Irritabto and 9Ter , f ' -voua-no pleasure , to herself , or s to those around her. tr s taking away alt pain and-, re-. balance. - Freo sample by mall on request.- po: Qharl6ttc, M C. Acvnta, - ? 1 . , ft if ! ...... I I ".' i. l ,'"f - V.', J i te-a- 4 ;d welcome news -, : ; ; : ; ; 4 ': WinilOWSKY, Pres. SEE OUR LINE OF i FOUNTAIN PENS3 ' . - .r ..' - - ''. ' ' :"" '" "."f A full assorbpent all r sizes and prices. Every ! one guaranteed The best ? made. If you -have .every had trouble with a Foun tain Pen, give ours a trial, 1' and we are sure you .will r. be satisfied . . ' . ; THE PAlAUOUIflAIrl COillPAfflf. -: "BUCK" Stoves1 and ' Ransres, the - Cookiiia and. Heatlns, Stoves "with the reputa- ' , ' Their reputation ta Jiot undeserved, y Only good results are obtained1 froajA" their, use and. this accounts .'for th, " great , demand.' ' Allen Hardware Co. ; D. E. ALIEN, Genr'l. Mir. 4 " tr Wholesale and Retell Dealers In; , ' v . ,t 'Jiardwajr., ,f j - z" k INVEST !r :. (4 to 0 , acres suburban v property for sale. Just out side, well elevated, command'.!; beautiful view of the city and surrounding country. With in short distance of car line, i Build In all , around. . lays ' well. Uoad sptlnett. 'Has soma Improvements on It. Never has been offered before. Nor has any Real Estate man got It. Ior further particulars, address. , "Steal estate" car Observer. , ' 1 V' i . i 4 Tl