CHAIlLOTTn IA1LY, 03EISVER,' JANUARY 4,:iD06, ; . 1 4 ft m Mr. mid Un. B, A. Southerland re- turned home yesterday morning' af ter spending: the Christmas holidays wna relatives m wasmngton. f ' Miss Lucy Davidson and Mr, Aloi " KO lavi3son, of StatesvlUe,-' were , among1 the visitors in the' city yoster-! ' tr. and Mrs.' C. It. Zlckler returned to the .city yesterday' after spending weea ivin juts., zicwer' mother, Mrs, H j Parrots ' at Partington, 'V .; The following named Lurinburgr j. . . peopie were among ne visitors In the ris--cy yesterday v Mrs, K. c Everett. Misses Grara rGin, Emma,- W..OIU, Martha Everett and E. Brooks. IThey were guests v at tne central. , , ' 'Miss lucfle BelHey left . last, night , ' for Baltimore, Md., to resume , , her - , ' The Elizabeth College will open this .morning for the spring term. - 4, large .. Muniuer 01 ine stuaems at tne insti ; tutlon returned to the- city last night j .and others will come this morning. '..Moat of the teachers have -returned , and. regular recitations will be re- ur.ea 10-morrow., c - .' - ; Wishes . JTennte Shelly, and Elma . . ; welch, teachers to the 1 public , school Cornelius, have been' visiting Miss if, Mamie Bays., ,q.-k j ''t Mrs." J. ' Fl England and , daughter; 7- Hiss Maude England, of Reidsvllle, - are , visitors-in tne city. . v s The following invitation was sent am- out. yesterday: 1 w ' v vr -- , Mr. and Mr. William Torrence Jor-? , dan invite you to be present ' at the weddjng reception of their. " V ' ' daughter. . . '-a' Katharine Hooner- ' Mr. Dennis Augustine Hurley on Wednesday- evening, January the ' . , " seventeenth . ! from eight until' ten O'clock 810 South Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina.. ' j( i ' ' ' - ,- 1 , , The following named ladies are re t ' Quested to . meet at the Carnegie r Library to-day at 18 o'clock to confer , ' in. regard to the Confederate baaaar to be held the last of the month: Mrs. A. X Smith, Mrs. S. 8. Steele, Mrs. , J. It. Sexton, Mrs. I, W. Kaison, Mrs. E. C. Register, Mra. 1. Lee Kolner. - Mrs. C. N. G. Butt, Mrs. Thomas .fit, Bhaw. Mrs.- Lockwood Jones and Mrs, John. W. , Miller and Miss Mattle Dowd and Miss Violet Alexander. -Mrs. J. V. England, of Reidsvllle, and Miss Maud England, of Lenoir, who have been guests of Mrs. M. C. Sim's returned to their respective ; homes yesterday. , , The following cards have been Is sued and will be of interest to manv people in the State: Mr. and Mrs. William A. Webster , invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Caroline to Mr. William J. Weddtngton on Wednesday, January the Seven- , , ( teenth Nineteen hundred and six ' at high noon ' . at tbelr home. Mangum, North Car- . , j onna. The bride-elect is the ond daugh " ler of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Webster and ' is a young lady of culture and attrae " tive personality. Mr. Weddington is . a young man of ability and many fine traits of character. " ''' The marriage will be a quiet home affair. Miss Sara Foy Webster, the sister of the bride, will be maid of 'honor, and the only attendant. .,:.-f!':'ivi,,'.v-:-i4 ' " To-night the members of the Tounct .Women's Christian Association will -'give a reception at their Association ' .Home on North Church street from 8 'to lC:30,to the members of the Tounac Men's Christian Association, the , - Ladles' Auxiliary and the associations of ' the Elizabeth and Presbyterian ' - Colleges. A musical programme will be rendered throughout the evening and a very pleasant time is expected. r. Those to receive, are. in the hall and Darters: Misses Elizabeth Wade Long, Annie Mae Hodges, Kate Parker, Ines ' Austin, .Victoria Hudson, Anna Bur. ton. May Conrtenay Oates, Ruth Not , tage, Annie Boney, Louise Wads worth, Robbie Toone end Mesdamea Annie Smith' Ross, C. C. Hook, Lela B. Henry and board of directors of Young Wo -men's City Association. In the dining . rooms-: Mesdamea M. E. Doby. C. W Hunt, W. 8. Stewart and Misses Ella ' Oowd, Hyndman, Margaret Olbban - and Mabel Trotter. ' . "Mrs. H. E, Burdette, who has been a guest of Mrs. G. T. Buxton for some . time, vfrlll leave this morning; for her home at Atlanta, Qa. 1 c 1 1 , ','' Miss Sarah Allen, of Wadesboro, was ' among the visitors in the city yester day. . she was a guest at tne uurord .' J ' .' "t 1 i." '.'Mr. H, T. Newland and bride,-nee 1 Miss Elisabeth Tuttle. of Lenoir, were" ' Kuests at the Central Hotel ast night. '. j . The couple was married last evening 1 - at Lenoir and are en route to Flori- . .' da.; where they will spend a part; of their honeymoon. Later they wilt go .,-J to- Cuba," returning to their home at a - , ' Lenoir - within a - few weeks, . "v Newland Is a well known young bust-; 1- "nes man of Lenoir and his bride is 'd V " popular and attractive young woman. 'J' v -Suea Henrietta MOIa, , .j . ' W. P, 'Hughes, through his " attor neys,; Messrs. F.. M. Shannonhouse and '.Chase Breniaer. has Instituted - action ' in a auif against the Henrietta Mills for Injuries received while an employe ' in the mills at Henrietta. , Hughes lost T his right hand in the machinery of the ; mills and he will allege that defective ; machinery was responsible for the ae- - eldent. 'The case is made returnable -. t p at the January civil term -of the Su . v. nerlor Court." t The amount ,ot dam- ages to be asked for Is 15,000. Besides Messrs. . Shannonhouse " and Brenlser, Hughes Is represented' by 'Jones Jones, of Ashevllle. ' f.-- 'AV'V 1 "1'I " ""'"le" tii'-,' .yf; "'Vta: Vtooa Cemetery Report. f- Following Is the mortuary report of , ,- Plnewood 1 Cemetery 1 for - December r -iH"Tota -; number of deaths, 16;" mala ; adults,- S; female adultaj 7; ' children, ti acute indigestion, St still-born, t; paralysis, 2: pneumonia, 1; . tubercu " iosls, 1 cirrhosis liver, 1: apoplexy, 1 1' ascitis,, 1; gun shot wound, 1: tata mus, t-v' .. MOSES THOMAS. - f H h ' . .j, ... ' ' ft t-t . Th Sunday schools of the vartotis ' churctnu of the elty will unite In a meet . itiff to b hpi at the Flnt Bnptbit v chureh Monday night, the ,iuth Jnntant. : ',, AldreMs will be made by several ouperln . tndenu and there will be a programme T0f nuiile and a sorlnl aewilon. The niwt- Ing pFomtM to be an enoyable and profit ' able oae. . . piue Isobbon Let'-nn nd Vur'ila pre Hnd donprve to be ti f-ivorlte Lilrnrti. Ihey are sbnilutely puin still IiikIiIv CnncntratM t,t () h(i f t)ie , uUll euauiiiy i'wOlu..s pt-uect icutwt, ' Charlotte's LanOUv; e v " t I.ow on Ijrctui'tng Tmir i.. . to Ar ' rive In Charlotte 1 ' ..ty Ue li v A matter of intrrft to many Char lotte people is the coming of Mr, John Nolen, who expects to be in Charlotte wJthJn the next two weeks, Mr, Nolen Is. now in' Pennsylvania Jecturing on subjects relating' to- outdoor' art "and will lecture in several Southern cities on this tour, Greenville,, S.'C which has a, most progressive ctvio. improve ment association, included! in his itinerary, January 18th telng 'the date of his lecture there.. , ! : j The following announcement in-oiu nectkm , with Mr. Nolen's . work has been sent out by the "House and Oar den" magazine. While on bis last trip South Mr' Nolen spent -considerable time at Biltmore which; is referred to in tne announcement,. ,i i.j. ,. , Beginning, with . the February, 1900, number,- f'House and Garden" will pub lish series of related articles on Fred erick Law Olmsted and some of his d- slgns. The series Includes 1 , "Mount oyai," Montreal; - tne ' Terrace ana Grounds of the IT. 8. Capitol; a large private place in, Brooltllne, Mass.; Franklin Park, Boston.' and the Bilt more estate and .the Biltmore village in JNortft Carolina, .luaen is way ana beautifully . illustrated " with photo- graps and plans,' most of which have neon specially prepared. - Mr. John .no len, landscape architect, who has writ ten these essays has had unusual op portunities in their preparation. .It is the Intention to make them popular papers, and at the same time reliable studies in a field in which trustworthy and helpful material is as yet astonish ingly limited. They are valuable be cause' they Illustrate the fundamental principles of landscape design by the examination of the concrete wor of Mr. -s Olmsted hjmself, the unrivalled master in his profession. To those in terested fn outdoor art these essays are of genuine and permanent value, and taken together will form the most com plete account yet published of the land scape wwrk of Frederick Law Olmsted, Additional information can be ob tained from ''House and Garden." 1006 Arch street, Philadelphia, or from John Nolen, Harvard Spuare,' Cam bridge, Massachusetts. Mr. jNoien has a number of engage ments for consultation regarding the developments of private around In Charlotte 111 addition ' to making ' the final plans for improvlnar Independence Park, He wllr also consult Dr. Henry Louis Smith in regard to the improve menf of the oampus at Davidson Col lege and lecture there on the 18th. A meeting of the Charlotte Park-and Tree Commission will be held while Mr, oen is nere. - , MR. L. L. HARRIS TO LEAVE. Transferred to Atlanta, Ga. To be Succeeded as Agency Director of New York Life by Mr. W. L. Wtl holte, Mr. L. - L. Harris, who has been agency director for the New York Life Insurance ' Company In North Caro lina,' with headquarters in this city during the last four years, has been transferred to Atlanta, X3a., where he will' be agency director in northern Georgia" and central Alabama. His successor in this territory will be Mr. William L. Wilholte, of Nashville, Tenn., ' who will arrive In the city Saturday. Besides being a most capable Insur ance man. Mr. Harris is an affable, pleasant gentleman and he has made many friends during his' residence here who will sincerely regret to see him leave. His new field Is a' good one and the transfer Is a merited promotion. While in charge of this territory Mr. Harris has won A medal from bis com pany each year fbr efficient services. He will leave for Atlanta the latter part of the month. The ' Montei th-Codurane Marriage. . At the home of 4he bride's father, in this county, Miss Ida May Montelth. daughter of Mr. R. 3. Montelth. was last night united in marriage to Mr Irwin Cochrane, of this county. Both of these young people are well known throughout the county, and have a host of friends whose best wishes fol low them on their Journey together 'through life. The marriage was a quiet affair, ana witnessed oniy Dy me im mediate relatives of the two families and a few of their 'most Intimate friends. The officiating minister was Rev. W, T, Waller, . ;. Had Successful Eox Hunt. Dr. W, H. Wooten and Mr Charles Knox, of Davidson, returned yesterday from their annual hunt at Clarkton, in Bladen county, where they were euc eessful. They had the skins nf seven grey foxes to show as a result of nine races. Mn Knox brought with him the antlers f a deer which had been killed down there some time ago. The horns had an extra or freak horn. - The secret of successfully rlddlns; the' system of a cold is a thorough evacuation of the bowels. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this Liquid Cold-Cure, drives all cold out bf the system. Best for Coughs, Croup, etc. Sold by King's Drug Co. Ihlch to mm :.; ftfst Class, High Grade CLOTH MG OUR BUSINESS MUST POSITIVELY BE MA Mil C'.J Nero in Destitute Circumstances, William. Winters, a mulatto about 70 years old and helpless, lies at . his home-on Poplar street, between Trade and Fourth streets. In destitute cir cumstances, i. Winters- has 1 had a rather, interesting career-' He .was born -a free negro. and during the war was ,! soldier 'in ,the Confederate forces. He left home as the valet and cook for 'Col, Charles fisher, f .the Sixth North Carolina -Regiment., who was killed in the first, battle of Man assas. . Winters -was with Col. Fisher when he. was shot and assisted in get ting , him ' off the ' field. , t remained with the Confederate army during the wr- and afterwards 'cooked, la Char lotte hotels and cafes until 'bcut '10 years' ago -when he became too feeble to, work. He has always been a good negro, and has1 had v many friends among the .white people, especially among the' old veterans. - , W- " irfi ,. f . f, ( - "-v .-' . , ' ' . Strike on The Greenville News. '" " The Observer Company has,recently taken over The Greenville, S. C, News and on the 1st of January it had a strike among the printers, as it had expected. Mr. 3. C. Abernethy, ' man aging editor of 'The Observer, went Mown t Greenville With a force of men, Messrs. C. A. Payton, w. w. Remlnter. and", Eric Hoover, and The News Is appearing, as usual. " Mr Harry Leon Returns to Cltarlotte. ' His friends in Charlotte will be glad to learn' that Mr: Harry Leon who has been traveling from the Birmingham, Ala. branch of ' the Charlotte Textile Company, will hereafter be with 1 the y home office of the company, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Leon have already arrived in the city. . IF IT IS USED IN AN oma WE HAVE IT. We can equip ,your office completely, from rubber bands .to Roll Top Desks from the latest thing in paper fasteners ? or Inki stands to the modern Vertical x Filing System, Loose Leaf Ledger, Typewriter or Adding Machine. ! See the Globe Typewriter Desk In our -South Window it has no equal. Write for Office Furniture catalogue, Stone & Barringer Co. Office Outfitters. Leland Hotel It C WILLIAMS, Prop. 227 N. Tryon St The Artistic Stiefr Self- er Piano. To own one is like having a Pader ewskl, Liszt or Qottsohalk at your command. . Write for , particulars. Chas. M. Sticff SOUTHERN WAREROOM S West Trade St.. Biiy;strjdtly ; Plav S ar pa! ill -I i' r kr iT' m 1 .. i , .1. i .,.,, ... - t v t f MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE .IIIUKMlAi, rhiUAl,. B SATURDAY. Naturally. Muslin Underwear should be higher on account of increased cost of Domestics, but owing tP fortunate purchases, we are able to Offer this, year better values , than ever before, . Every ga rmenfc V was bought' under value. V,-, 1 Count the cost of the materials and you will find that we will sell you the garment ' for less. , -. - No one can afford to make under wear when they can buy such pretty garments for the prices we are offer- tng in this January Underwear Sale, GOWNS Pretty Gowns, embroidered Insertion. ' hemstitched tucks .. 25c, plain hemstitched or embroidery trimmed Gowns, would bo cheap at 60c. and 60c. 90 Also special values 48C S9c 98c, J1.B0, etc. ' v SKIRTS Hemstitched ruffle short Skirts, very special v Wf Long Skirts, lace insertion lur ks, -with lace trimmed ruffle. Think of It . . .. . .. 40C Splendid bargains at 89c, 98c, 81.50, etc. DRAWERS Ladles' Plain. Drawers, full size. only . . , , . . .... 16c. Ladles , lace trimmed Drawers, open: or closed; a 39c. value . . . . 35c. Ladles- plain Drawers, good material, hemstitched . . .. 2&c. Splendid values . . . . 89c, 60c, ,T5c. ete.' w Children's embroidery trimmed Drawers, 25c. value ISO. Children's plain Drawers 9c. Next week our White Goods Sales commencing Monday, with big values in Embroideries., fin 13 West Trade and South Tryon $tsv SPECIAL SALE! : -, , if-. On Biscuit Beaters reduced from $2.25 to $1. Come be fore they are all gone. Armistead Burwell, Jr. Phone 343 North Tryon St. 25 Shanon Binding Caises Globe Transfer Cases Hornet Nests Letter Files, Legal Binders Bill Distributors Envelope Distributors Everything for the Office Houston, Dixon & Co , ! . CLOSED OUT BY y: i',ti"".&n-. n.n H' :y va laws sr .... s , - jj. . -,;!,'-. - . .Jpav i!"i',sr No adherance to cost in this stupendous sale of Women's Ready-to-Wear Gar , rnents. Prices are made with a view to compel sale, although in some instances .we loose $5.00 and even $10.00 on a garment, we feel our. enormous seasons sales ; from this department justifies a clean-up , of balance REGARDLESS OF COST Coat Suits Divided in Four -Lots eig $27.50 $17-50 $i5-00 to $22-70 Suits at $10-00 $7-50 to $15.00 Suits at $5-00 ; ?: ;; Cloaks Reduced for Sale Many of the most popular style Cloaks gairUhisClean Sweep Said of Women's gar ments, vpriced as the Coat Suits, which means an emmense saving. Raincoats, Cov erts, Kersey's black Coats, all go in this slaughter. $12.50 to $18.50 Cloaks at ; $10. $10 to $12.50 Cloaks at $7.50. Omer reductions of $5 and $79 garments. i . .. . " . . y f yfA All Children's Cloaks Go in the SaleSI. -We are especially overstocked on Children's Cloaks, All new styles, bought in our usual way guarantees consequently the lowest price. They go in Thursday's Sate ' mm When Undecided 'About where to send your dyeing and cleaning work, remember that we have a reputation for alvinir satis- faction. Our aim Is to always please and never disappoint. We make a Specialty of cleaning Men's Dregs Suits. Neck-ties. Vests, etc. Our prices ars moderate and service the best Queen City Dyeing and ; Cleaning Works . Mrs. J. M. Hester. Proprietress : LET US BE YOURVASHERWOMAN Ws have solved, the prob lem. The servant question gets worse every day. Our "Rough Dry" plan relieves you of one great burden, for It ' enables you to dispense with the wash erwoman, th betenolr of all well regulated household. We take all of your work at I cents per pound and re turn It beautifully washed and; starched, - "ROUGH DRIED" x ready -to be easily Ironed at home. " This plan is immensely popular' tn most cities and is. proving Quite popular tn Char lotte.' - Phone 100 to-day and, let us tell ' you all about it Ask... our drivers about. , j!. i0 to 60 acres suburban property lor' sale,-Just out side, well elevated, commanding beautiful view of the city and surrounding country. With la short distance of car Una Build lng all cround S lays well. Good springs. lias soma, improvements on IU Never has been -offered before Nor. has any Ileal Estate man got lt For, further particulars, address, ' . "Ilea) Estate" car Observer. n 111 to $4250 Suits at ; to $25-00 Suits at k Regardless of Value or Cost Postively no goods charged t Wholesale, Retail. NEW-BAR ON SALE LOTS of Short Remnants, etc, Gotten Out While Taking Stock and Ready for Selling Now Very Low Prices. Every Department Odd Lots, etc, and There's Lots of Fine Goods Going Here at Sacrifice Prices in Order to Qean Up Stocks fine mjruwM SHORT LENGTHS ' : The fine grade Outing in , pretty new colors and patterns, good heavy flccce.worth 10c yd., going for Bargain Outing, regular 5 -cent gradej al colors, for----' - -- -- -- -v Yard-wide Nice 36-inch Percales, in lengths - Muslin Undttwear,.;Wbol 'Dress.; Remnant;, $Ribin;rShort! "A -."j IS .S' ;i-WSf.''s..Bejwsre ;vesssji Ifmtmmfw .. -:;r TheBse Stive izm Corner Trd: r.r.:! o $20-00 ; $15-00 4J lis he r & Lots, Odds and Ends, of All Kinds of Goods Being Cleared of All 71 -2c 3t-2c Percales three to "tenyard it - Crf'

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