CIEAIILOITE DAILY OBSLKVEH, JANUARY 5, 1906. r co'::rci: a:;d ii:,a:;cl ? 4 f k-J to l'o i t a' Bullish Av " tad the Market Attracted an J prove:! i Di'inniid TIrouRliout tow Iieuetlon From .: Net (Jain of ' U to 2iiIotnta on Agresslve Sell. I .r ... New York, Jan. 4;, The cotton market v was mora active ana generally firm wttn the close at a net advance of HI to it . i point. Bale were 7 estimated, at J"75,000 1 tmif. -me opening wa nrm at in u vance of 10 to IS pointa in response to . hleher cable, larite Dot wiles in - the ? Llvernool market and continued report '" of an improved trade dBmarul, line' rumor , oeing mat consmeraoie -sate jiaa oeen . made fo spinners and tor export out of , the local ltocK. irauing was lairiy acuve --: ano7 toe marsec appeared to be attract. ing a somewhat better demand throughout, -from commlnlon : house 'a -well a. nm support from Southern and TWall street bull. The new teemed to be of a bulltat) Rvsraai..--. There were .continued nredic- J.' ' uinners Association expected to-roorrow i would be-bullish; prlvata . cable from t. Liverpool reporteo a more -tavoraoie . jrnuruveineni in xne numian situation, ro- . numDer or private wire rrom tne soutn f; .claiming fijm holders and the, practical " 'a completion of :lnnlnr. . Jn stiite of these. X' v the 'market acted quite nervous, "meeting " , . Joca bear 5 pressure and realizing on? a i- M ' scale tip, and after advancing to a net I v irrewlve. telling for local account. Price yielded very lowly, however, and the , i closing tone wa steady within 8 to S . nolnls of thA ton.'of . the active? month. ilj Southern "spot nisKeU were upchapge to Reoelp at the port to-day 1S.810 bale, 'v'1-, alnt 41.20Y la week tand S7.78G lot 'f year. For the week (estimated), 150,009 bale, agalnit 2IS.788 last week and J00.O00 f Pales !at year. To-day receipt at Mw Orlean, 1,m bate, againt l8,6! lat year, ' - and Momton, 3,781 bales, agalMt 3.C66 ' f t.ia6 year. t , , ' 4 r V", ,sciTFFcAni3s stock maukjet. Vn ,t 'x?"" r ti - .v w Xleftd .of InQnenUal BanklnK'Ftrni of Kuhn, IxK'b Co. Declares That ' - Vnleew Currency v System Im- . proved the- Country ' Will .Have lleoord Panic and Speculation - Urowa Timid.. j , , . j, ' ' New York, Jan 4. Jacob H. ohlff. head of the Influential banking fl of ' Kuhn, Jjoeb ft Co., sent A tremor through the specular) ve fabric of the stock market . .( tonday by hi utterance t the opinion that unless aoraething wa done- to Ira : prove the currency ayntem of this country, 'if' there would be a panie compared with f . hlch alt panic; which have jfone before 'would seem- as child, plays The enar ? tlona) terms of thl utterance and- the ', , bulletin form in which the knowledge of ...i-. it first came tothe stock market preci pltated heavy uquldatlon, which -broke v . priees with some . violence and caused a weak and disorderly closing. The violent J v ilump in Anaconda and Amalgamated Copper were oc special Influence in uti-"iXji.ietUine;'-sentiment.. Previous to ithe p pea ranee .of the report of Mr. Schtfl" re- mark the market had1 fallen into a con-.,- dition of dullness and almost of neglect, i,;;.;'. The distinct progress towards relaxation - from the money stringency awakened lit , tie response In the speculation. Very large re-payments of call loans 't t were reported as being made on the stock ' -V - exchange to-day and thl had a natural n-n effect of eating the rate In that depart- ment. But the rate for timo loan were k - inclined to advance, even up to the six months period, showing some sifting of ' " call loans Into borrowings on time. The -i - hesitation reflected In the narrow fluctua- tloa of t lie day gave way to the acute 1: weakness of the close only after the ap pearance of the report of- Mr. gchlff's speech.. .. . : .v, . Bonds were, irrearular. Totaf. sales, par coupon declined per cent, oij call. Total nle. H.Si.'.lO shares. Including: Amalgamated Copper, 20,100;' American Cotton Oil, 1.400; df preferred. 200; Amerl : .''vafli Ixxjomotlve, 43,700; American Smelt- 1 Atchison- 6S.W0; ' lArtimti rnmrt f ,rn e, .;nesapeaKe wnioj'" J.etw- votoraao- niei DAILY .COTTON' MARKET. -, ' ' NEW YORK COTTON 7" New York, Jan. 4. Futures - closed steady; spots 11.96, 10 up.; tales none; tone quiet, i " ' '. . Hleh I,ow - Close Januarv ....11 48 11.36 114344 February J ..II 60 ; 11.54-66 March .-.. . 11.7K 11.65 ' 11.70-71 April M ..1183 1183 1177-79 May, i . ..119JI ' 11.79 11 84-85 June,. ..11.9J , UJ U.86-87 July f. v, ..11.98 11.87 1192-08 August - - .. . ..11.83 ' 11.76 , 11.76-76 September ,.11.06 91UW ll.OS10 October . ..1L00 ,M0.88,i 10 96-fl ii 111 " '' -i1 r v CHARIXTTB COTTON MARKET. "These : figure represent .price paid to Wagon! i W' ,S,,it J an, Oood miadllnSTTi -.i 7k ' ,' i. v.ll.60 Strict middling ,f , tt.iJl!i Middling ...f.. ......ui Oood middling tinges ,., , .U Strict middling- tinges,., ' ..1H4 Stains ... ...... W4lWi ,s COMPARATIVE PORT JRKCEaPTS.v is. u"iif. j v x eater- LMt V 1 dy -lartyear Oalveton..7y S.SeS 0,159 New Orleans, . .. .. .1,,.. 748 . 13,003 Mobile ?, .,', . HI' ' 94 Savannah ...,.. r t .... ,1W , 3,26 Charleston,,::.''1 'V,,.. . - tt its Norfolk ") 3s 2.S4Q . 2,260 New .York ... . . . a42 Boston -..JI .. ... w 13 ,' . 403 Philadelphia..'. - ,. ... 's 78 Total -:s .4..s.j . ,.. j-i,) miui.1,.1.1. n ill i i . ill jii. imiiu , . i " ' ' January 4,-1906. . x PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston steady .......v.. ......... It IMS Mew Orleans very steady ........... u n-is Mobile Arm. ........ -...-..'.., 1H4 Savannah steady". ........ 7-l Charleston firm , i. II Wilmington' steady. ......u- TVA Norfolk firm UVi Baltimore: nominal . New York quiet ... Boston oulet Philadelphia steady. J 195 1196 W0 t INTERIOR RECEIPTS. ! " ' ft- Yeaterv t - ' if . v ' f day. Memphis ...... .. ..k... Auguta ....... ......... 616 tit. IjOUIS.. .... .... Z,2(U Cincinnati . .. , . Houston .... :.. ....- .... .... 3.781 Wttle. Rock .... .... .... .... 576 -Last year. 3,136 : 708 8,014 1,917 3,566 134 - INTERIOR ' MOVEMENT. Heuiton steady 11 11-16 Augusta steady ........ U 11-16 Memphis quiet . lWs St. Louis quiet....... lllH Cincinnati ' Louisville firm 11 CLOSING STOCK LI3T. 1 ' i' , -' ,, January i, 1906. Adams -ninress i...iit.-::...'.....':s.u. 240 Amalgamated Copper'....".... .... 104H American Our & J'oundTy''.'.. . 8!f American Car ss poundiy Pfd". ,... 99 . American Cotton OH 87 American Cotton OHiPfd, i..i..iw American f Exnrea ......... American Blde Leather Pd f. 891 American Ice'. ESTIMATES New Orleans Hauston.. .. Galveston ... To. Y.iut Day i Year .. 6.600(88.009 .V "" 5.71 4.00(VnS.OOO 6.6S7 ... 7,0008,0( '; ' 6,903 CHICAG6 PRODUCE MARKET January 4. WHEAT ..' HlsTh Lovr ltilosa. July.... ...84 7-8 84 1-2 84 5-8 December .... J.fiOO-ftUMtfo-stVWarttlSBiisyl-, . . vunla. Sfi.OOO? Keiulliiir. 91.ti00r Southern "V Railway, 10.800; do preferred. 6,000; Union fnvinr. in,wi unfieo. amies Diei, m,. 5 ; VirsrfniA-CrbllnaChemlcal. 19.400! do I piefjerred, 600; 8loi.J3beffleld.,I.000 - . ,; fev..r; .snisin if,, .in . .1 m4 i.' i " - j Galrt" of II to l l-points-nt Xew Or 'J ' f leans. . ' ' . New Orleans, Jani' 4 Spot cotton -active and' higher; aales, 7.450 bal, Including ,3,060) Jo afrive and 200 f. o. b.; delivered on contrnctH. 300. Quotations Uc. up; mid- ' dlings 11 7-lbc Futures, influenced by an . active spd demand both liere and In .Liverpool, opened 12 to 16 points higher - than last evening' closing. By noon, prices had improved 4 to 6 points additional, cov ' ertns; by long caused a decline which ji '-' t , carried - the market down to about, the " -. opening level. The closing . was steady gains of 11 to 14 pointa. . CHARLOTTE PRODUCE. (Corrected dally by J. W, Zimmerman v;-.iJt.-7.'.xCompany. .-. Chiekens-eprms -..,.s....;......V.$ 1235 Hens per head 30 Ducks ........ .... ............... 25 EggS ....... .... ...... .... 23 R'C ...... 85 Oats Feed ........ 4550 Corn ...... , 7J68 Cotton Seed S7 ''If J -."if New York Cotton. . ' , n . Ntw York, Jan. 4 Spot closed oulet 10 iii':H tjonss higher; middling upland U.96; mid- fllin guifli: sales, none. - 1 f-'ii' Futures opened tirni; January, 11.36; .7,, 'March, 11.67; May, 11.86; July, 11.93; Au- , gust, 11.36; October, 10 M. , , .-s. Futures closed steady; closing bids; Jan- t tiary, 11 43; February, 11.54; March. 11.70; April, 11.77; May. 1184; June, 11.85; July, f & JL92; August 11.75; September, 11.06; Octo ' ' ber 10.96, High and lowt January. 11.4811.36; Feb " ruary, 11.60U60; March, ll.78ftll.65; April, Jl 8311.83: May 11.9-J11.79; June, 11.92 , 31.9; July, 1198W1S7, August, 11.8211,76; , , ctentemoer, u wk0.ji,w; uotooer, iiinxww. " ' - i L4verpool Cotton Uverpool, Jan. 4. Cotton, spot lh fair .v:?iv demand; prices 9 point higher American t a, ttlddHngf fair,. 6 73- good middling, 6.39: . "mKWltng.v 6.; ww -middling. 6,05; good . -i ordinary, 5.87; ordinary, 6,71. The sales f , of the day were 13,000 bales of which 1,009. rt i.wereitor specuiauon ana export ana m- i: eluded 10,900 American. Receipts, 17.100 y .- nainav. . - sui American, r utures iOpened , ; s-j, tmroly steady and closed firm; American 'jfii middling- ir. o.c.:. January, 6.1S; January , . February, ' j6,tt; . tVbruary-Mareh.. .'. t.wr -Maroh-Aprft, 619; Aprtt-May, 6.23: May i, ; June,, 6.28; Jnne-July, 6.26; July-August, 8.87; Augut-Beptember, 6.; Septemhor October. 6 96; October-Novertibw, 6.88; '.'' ." November-Decetrtber, 6.85. May CORN July .... January May ... OATS July .... January May .... PORK Msy ...7 January LARD May .... July January .. s. RIBS May .. July ... January .. ... ...891-8 ; 5-8 .46 1-8 44 7-8 .44 3-4 44 1-2 ..32 5-8 32 1-2 13.95 13.85 ...... ... ...... ..... 7.60 7.70 7.45 7 7.r5 .63 7.40 ,7.50 7.60 7.32 7.42 7.55 7.30 841-2 88 3-4 451- 407- 44 3-4 30T-8 31 1-4 321-1 13.95 13.67 7.60 7.70 7.45 7.50 7.60 7.32 Chicago Grain.. Chicago, Jan. 4.-r-Fresh reports of delays In harvesting operation in Argentina by wet weather made other faclurs legs in fluential in a bullish wheat market here to-day. At the eloe wheat for May de livery was. UP UfcU. Corn showed a rain of Oat were practically unchanged and provisions were J417tt higher. , r: The Dry Goods Market. New York.' Jan. 4w-Buylng In the dry goods market to-day -was largely confined to nearby requirements; Jobber resorted slight Improvement from nearby trade but tew were - willing; to tase contracts ror any extended period.. . NEW YORK BONDS. January 4, WOfi, V. S. refunding 2a, registered ........ m V. 8. refunding 2s, coupon exint... 192T4j U. S. -Sa, regietered ..m.. M IT. 8. 3. coupon 103 U. 8. Old 4. regtsteredT... .103 h J ' 3Stvt .Tork Produce. . . v';;. . N;wi York. Jau 4. Flour Steady but i, $ iflulW v ,. ).- " -.7 7,4 " V Ry'fl"ur!-8teady. .V j' Buckwheat., flour Dull. fRiickwheat-Nomlnal. iiji.Cornmeal Steady. ; 7. Rye-Nomlnal. , . -. - ! f Barleyrteady.' , " Wheat Firm; No. 3 red, 91 elevator. ' x Options. higher, May. 92; July, 9 7 Corn firm: No. J, 67t4 oM elevator, v vs Options, i- Hifit'sC net higher.. - January. ' ',B2f May, 60; July. 60T. ' ' ' Oats-Steady mined, 3637.-7 1 f . Beefr-Flrm. . ' -. , . Cut mmtts Quiet. - " . ' - -, .'-Lftrii Flrnu Western steamed, 7.757.85; retlned,, firing continent,-8.10; compound, r - pork-iteaay. , Tallow Steady; city 4; country, V? Kcslh-Quletj 3.KJ8.7 ' , Turpentlne-Qulct, ;Kl6S. iMt4 Rice Firm. i 1 Jlolne Firm. - . i VT'CoHee flnoti; Rio quiet I ' mild, firm r Cor , dova, sAtTO.'i, Futures, steadyKnochanged i ,, to t pointa lower". -N . v ? Sugar, raw Firm; ' fair refining,. $i9 . . . b-1; centrifugal,-'3fi311-W.', . , Malosse sugar, ?"(71)li-l8; reOned, steady. , Potatoes,' Irlh--Fi'rm; Maine, Vermont ftnd Eastern". bag. Jl.9iV542.00i f - , Sweet potatoes Steady,- unchanged. ' 77 Cabbages-Steady; DanWi per. ton, $189 Freights-Steady, unchanged, 7 ' peanuts Easy, unchanged. . -. ; . Butter Firm; State dairy "corohion "to , extras 16(?f''4 yK . . w, . j, . Chese-Ktrong unchanged.' -... V".": - , Eggs-Steady, Unchanged. fi;S H jiiTfef:1 ' u 1 i 1 11 "i xs . ' Cmton' $ca OHv . - New York, Jan. 4.-Cotton sefd oil was firmer with . an active.- trading. Prime . crude frb mills, 24Vt'H,; prime winter yel low. r prime white, i toWl prime Wfcter yellow. tU. - , , Ay xf ,- ' ''"--ir.--d : 8cftboanI Air Une Ktocka. , K i t. Baltimore, Jan.. 4-feaboard " Air Une com mon not quoted; - da preferred, - 66 asked. . , f"rj.',4tj y ,i j U. 8. Old 4s. coupon IX. 8. New ,4s. reigistered U. 8. New .4s, coupon American Tobacx 4s , American Tobacco s .., Atchison general 4 ...... - Atchison adjustment 4s Atlantic Coast Line 4 ............ Baltimore & Ohio 4s ..IV..'.. ...... Baltimore ft Ohlw SV&a ., .; Brooklyn H, T. cv, 4s Central of Georgia 5 ...;.. Central of Georgia 1st Inc.- ....... Central of-Georgia 2nd Inc. Central of Georgia 3d Inc. ........ Chesapeake & Ohio 41 v..; Chicago A Alton 3Vs Chicago,- Bs- & Ciulncy new 4s . Chicago, R. 'I. tV Pactfio R. R. 4s CThicago, R. t. A Pacific R. R. ool u., 17, cr Bt. Louis gen. 4 ...... Colorado Industrial 6 Ser. A....J.... eolorado Industrial is' Ser. 7BV , olorado, -Midland 4s ...... Colorado A Southern 4s u. ......... Cuba 6 ..',.-.v-:i , . . i,-,.-.. Denver &, Rio .Grande 4s .......r.'.il. iiistiier' securities e Brie prior- lien 4s .if. Erie General 4s ....... Hocking Valle 4s jannn - Japan fti, 2nd flerle japan 4s certi float as . 4 , . . ..... W. . .V. , , . ... ... 103 ... 130V4 ... lSH, ... 80'a ... 115 .. m .. 9414 .. 101-V .. 103 .. 3H .. 9tH4 .. 113 .. 94 .. W) .. 74?i .. 108 .. 784' 99 V 19 6S 88 103 79 " 78 74 94 m 99 SiVt 99 914, 107 99 99 Araoncan ,K'.,,,y.-.A American Linseed . Oil . American t.lnaneH lOt Pfd 41 Amerioan Locomotive.,'.,..... '76X American Locomotive 1 Pfd, ...... , American Rmpltin A Refrir, ....-.... 1S2 American Smelting eV-Refng. Ttd. i 1W& American Sugar, Kenning lows Amerioan Tobacco, Pfd. QBrtlf, 104J Anaconda MininT Co. .....t. Atchison .".., . -.;..,.......' 91 Atchison Pfd. . Atlantlo Coast Line ...........v...,..,,., 156 . Baltimore & Ohio i ..... ... '..'.,..,..., 112H Baltimore A Ohio Pfd. 98 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 86 Canadian Pacific 172 Central of New Jersey .,..,.220 Chesapeake A; Ohio 86. Chicago ft Alton .." 2?H unicago Alton ,.... w Chicago Great -Wetern ,,.M.......,-20? Chicago & Northwestern ............ iiO Chicago, Mil. A St., Paul 378 Chicago Terminal At Trans .., Chicago Terminal A Trans. Pfd 31 r n c a- Hf TjiiI 103 Colorado Fuel ss Iron''..,., .......... .66V4 Colorado & southern, Z9'A Colorado A Southern 1st Pfd. 68 Colorado A Southern 2nd Pfd. 62H Consolidated Qas .,..t WA Corn Products 18T uirn jrrouuci I'm. w- Delaware.eV Hudson 220 Delaware, Lackawanna ft West. .... 460 Denver & Rio Grande 38 Denver A Rio Grande Pld so Distillers' , Securities oz Erie v,., 47T Erie 1st Pfd. ........ 80 Erie 2nd Pfd. 73 General Electric 175 Hocking Valley 116)4 IlllnoU Central 174X International Paper 22 International Paper Pfd. 85 International Pump- .......... 27 International Pump Pfd; .-80 Iowa Central SO; Iowa Central Pfd. 60 Kansas City Southern 85 Kansas City Southern Pfd 67 Louisville ft Nashville 151 Manhattan L 161 Metropolitan Securities 72 Metropolitan hi. Ky vavs Mexican Central 24H Minneapolis A St. Louis 81 ' Minn., St. P. & Sault. Ste. M 141 Minn., St. P. & Sault St M'. Pfd 172 Missouri Pacific 100 Misaourl, Kansas & Texas 36 Missouri. Kansa & Texas. Pfd 68 National Lead 80H National R.-.-R. of Mexico Pfd 38 New York Central 149 Nsw York Ontario ft Western 61 -Norfolk 4 Western 86 Norfolk ft Western Pfd 93 North American 98 Pacific Mall ....i 46 Pennsylvania ....... 142 People's Gas 100 Pittsburg. C. C. ft St. Loul 82 Pressed Steel Car 53 Pressed Steel Car Pfd 99 Pullman Palace Car 240 Reading 141 - Reading; 1st Pfd 92 Reading 2nd Pld 96 Republic Steel 32 Kepumic Bteci Pfd 10614 - CONDENSED STATEMENT OF The First National Bank ' ', OF V' RICHMOND,'- VIRGINIA. , ' JANUARY 11, 1905. .2- 'V RESOURCES. Wf lft " ' ,.-,.i,.,, 1. ,7 v..V "- Loans' and ; discounts ,-M,K435.900.S5 Overdrafts .,,..,... ,kr..' J.441.33 C. B. bonds at par 612J00.09 ' - lAtaraet value 1641.600 00V Premium on u.i 8 bonda U v 0.0(1 uiner stocxs and fronds 1 81,599.69 Banking house . " 25,000.00 Furniture- and Bxtures , 0.00 Other 1 Richmond real estate.;. '10375.73 Vtrglnla bonds 900 000 00 Cash. and due from banks .... 1.360,826.93 ' ' Liabilities. Capital"..'..- v ..- Suroius -fund Undivided- profits Unearned discounts Accured interest and taxes Circulation Deseslts ... M Bond account ., $6,778,843.92 .1 600,000.00 400,000.00 . 126,049.44 , 60,900.00 . 18.692.02 . 699,900.00 . 4,641,802.48 . 442,500.09 t rrs U1 k We solicit ths aceounts of banks, cor porations, firms and Individual and will be pleased to meet and corrpsportd with those who contemplate making changes or opening- hew sceunts. " , ; JNO.-M. MILLER, Jr , Cashier. HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO, N.C Wljeeler, Runge and Dickey ARCHITECTS Second Floor 4C's Building, dOAKliOTTE, , t ' - - N. c. k- J COTTON wiill hiachiw;:l j V-V t vlXENalNEE,'Am contractor;-rhk ' ? main 01 ieii "V ? ' , , ,r - . Jy TTtr- rf ows ;i SOUTH TMYOM ST.. jmTt '1 ' . -f , ' ' ' EOUITASLS BUILDISw. . 11 . V,. L4i 14. 'A I k1' 1 iir , get ia 'i-s a." . ,5' 'J Si I 1 i sstswwis Iyoonsogket II Revolving: Flat Cards, Railway Heads, Drawing: Frames, spinning Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Quillers and Reels, Looms, COMBERS ETC., ETC . ATLANTA, t, !. Ill IS" I Automatic Feeders :" Openerf and Trunk streaker, Intermediate an J Finisher tappers A U KIrschner Carding Beaters Thread Extractors Slubbers, Roving Frames Intermediates Jack Frames Waste Pickers, etc Raw stocK uryerss v BTCn ETC ,4 ' it it 'I FRANK P. MILBURN -ARCHITECT Columbia, - - S. C. Rook Island Co. Rock Island Co. Pfd Rubber Goods Rubber Ootids Pfd , .... St. Louis ft Sun Fran. 2nd Pfd. St. Louis Southwestern St. Louis Southwestern Pfd. .. Southern Pacific Southern Pacific Pfd Bcuthern Railway Southern Railway Pfd Tennessee Coal & Iron Texas A Pacific Toledo, St. liulc & West Toledo, St. Louis & West. Pfd.. tlnlon Pacific ........ Ifnlon Pacific Pfd United States Exprjs Hnlted State leather Pfd United States Leather Pfd United State Realty tinned" Htates Rubber United- State Rubber Pfd. .. ted States- Steel United- States 'Steel Pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical .... Virginia-Carolina Chemical Pfd Wabash- Wabash Pfd. .......... Welli-Fa rgo express Westlnghouse Electric Western "Union ...... Wisconsin . Central Pfd 23'!i . 61 . 42 . 101 , 46 20 , 55 . 65; 36 iooy 13 32 34 66 ' 146 s 118 87", - 61 UO 42! 1054 '63 116 aw 40V BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO, 1ST. C. consulting, Hydraulic and Sewer Engineers;. Plans and estimates for powr plants and sewer syBtemu made on application. Bandy A. M., Ph. B7 Acsoc. M. A, M.. So. C. E... and Terrell, C. E. Rensater. HlO0HH0H04S . AHAW a M. m ft. 1 mm Ml .'.)! SB "SV " SJP VSJM "'t'4 . inE H rlrt iUYlKIN( PLAN I N mt UNIIlU alAID The Philip Carey Mfg. Co., Gncinnati, Ohio; Manufacturers of 85 Per Cent Carbonate if ftpes : ' t '-ili. The strength and good quantities of our pipe covering lies In the combined qualities of the SMgntalft Ann .rtj 41 Asbestos in such proportions as to give a thcroughiy adhesive. Are proof covering-, as well as) a- noneB J1 ductor of heat. ..,v-.l'H..,;;-i f !J Garey's Pipe Goverin&s Tire Especially Good; For Hat Water Pipes, Low Pressure andi Gold Water Pipes. Garey's Goverings it .it "l 41 1 . 41 41 ' c V .a. - rt 236 170 vestern -union i a"i Vheellnst ft Iake Erie 37 Vlsconin Central 29 69-X the Money Market. New York; Jan. ij Monev on call firm: 84ifiS per cent.; ruling rate, 15g)18: closing bid, 6; offered at 8. Time loan firm: 60 days and 90 days. 6fa7 per cent.; six months. Ik frimo mercantile paper 6 per- cent.: sterling exchange steady with actual busi ness in banker bills at $4.85.40&S4.85.45 tor demand and at 84.82.flftfli44.82.10 for 60-day Dili, rostea rate. u.iuinM.Kitt and 148614 $4.87. Commercial bills. $4.81. Bar di ver, 64. Mexican dollar. 49. Three little babes were negtled In bed. "1 11 name vnniam. Willie ana Bill," mother said; Wide wag her smile, for triplets they be. She lays her good luck to Rok Moun tain 'tea. (Weal baby medicine.) 7R. H. Jordan- ft Co. Japan 4s, certificate and Series.... 93 juv.uia r naan. uninea ss esini..., iOBi Manhattan consol gold 4 pfd. ... ... . . 103 Mexican Central -4s 79 Mexican Central 1st Inc. ss Minn, ft St. Lout 4s ...,x...... 96 MlisonrI, Kansa ft Texas 4 ...,,;...t 100 Missouri. Kama ft Texas 2nd 89 National R. R. of Mexico consol At.. 88 New York Central gen, 8 98 New Jersey Central general ss,Wj.i 131 Northern- Paclflo, -4s ,-,i;;Wiv.. ,..;,. 105 Northern - Pacific 8s .i-.i......!. ..7- n Norfolk ft: Western consol 4s.w...., 1014 Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s ,.,....... 96 Penn. cv. S 4 ios Reading fjeneral 4 101 St.. Loul A Iron Mountain -Consol 6..-Us St. Louis ft Sub Francisco fg. 4 ,,' 86 8t. Louis S'weatern con., 4s .......... 8iW Seaboard - Air Line 4s ...... ,s . . .. j, satZ Southern Pacific 4 ...... 9374 Southern Pacific 1st 4 certlQcate.,,. ' Southern Railway 6 ,,. ii Tf.xa ft Paolflo lrt ..,.,....,,,rJ. jja Toledo, 1 Bt. . u western r,,,, nv&l t'nion racuio 105 Wabash lts 116 Wabash ftj-b. B. 73 Western Md.' 4s j. .li,.,...!. sj Wheelin ft Iike Erie 4s .I.;..":,::!: Wisconsin ,t,entral 4 jnf.rt'.,.. The soothing nd comforting effects f DeWltt's' Witch Haael Salve, when applied to. sore, euu. holla, etc., subdues pain almost instantly. Thl salve draws out the Inflammation rs duces swelling and - acts as a rube facient, - thus ' circulating . the blood through the diseased part, permitting or aldtns; .Nature W permanently re move the , trouble- entirely; t Sold by KlntTi Drug- Co n( U -i t , 'V JH jr S s , 5 v -is ft . 4- COTTON New York, Jan. 4 Basing my figures upon returns from represen tative gins throughout the cotton belt,-1; estimate that there had been ginned up to the evening of Decem ber 81, 1905, out of this years cotton Drop e.TAs.OOO bales, svhich !s ostl- mated to bo 90 per cent, ot the crop and Indicates a total glmilnf for the season of 10,8ZS,000 bales. This esti mate of the- quantity ginned, it may I3e fomtarkod, iagreees fcxsj-.tly jwllh Miss Giles' report of to-day. In which It is -stated that 90 per cent, of the crop had been ginned and 96 per cent, picked, up to the 1st of January. This total of ,731,00O compares with a total of 9,292,000 ginned up to the 13th of December, 1905, and as com pared with, previous years, the total ginned Is as follows: Est. Olnned Yar. to Dec. 8L. 1903 9,781,000 19Ml.-..w;.... 12.637,000 1903. .v.. 8.924.000 1902........ .. 9,338,000 ESTABLISHED 1880 C. P ELLIS & COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants MEMBERS OF The New York Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Liverpool cotton Brokers Association, New Or leans Board of Trade. Cotton Kxchange Bnlldlng NEW ORLEANS Special attention given to executing or orders m contracts for future de livery of cotton In all the markets. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, DR. C L. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. " CARSON BUILDIxfe Southeast Corner FOURTH AND TRYON STREETS. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change. Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invited. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON YARNS CONSIGNMENTS SOLTCITEn Philadelphia, 123 ami 124 Chestnut St. Boston, 185 Summer St. New York, No. 51 Leonard St . Commer cial Cron. 13,654,000 ... 10,003,000 10,674,000 The census gives no figures for pre vious years up to, the Slst of Decem ber. These I have arrived at for pur. poses of' comparison ,by assuming that the ginning, as 'estimated by me. has proceeded in the . same ' ratio to previous years as was shown by the' figures to December 13. , n , , r- It Is to be noted that the amount ginned up to 13th of December, lSOS. as stated by the census In a Corrected bulletin of the 3rd ot -January is d, 293,000 Which Is 10.000 more than, the figures as . originally - published, by which amount the ginning In'MorUt Carolina , la Increased. ", - . - i .THEODORB H. PRICE. Oommissloa Mes-chaata 1 . ' 345 and 347 Broadway, New vt;'cbTT0lYisiITa..:-" 'Ail numbers, Stems; Warps, v"--f: Oops ttnd Cones ' i , COTTON G00D3. , "Tfflfi STAMP OF PER FECTION." Our namd ou machinery means that in its manu , facture quality was the first consideration," price the second. That is why , we grow. v; .JsUmiFACTURERS OF ' .J"-, Cotton Mill, Cotton Oil and .Other Machinery. in tmniniAiv fir.nrnnf ami non-conductors of heat. Thev confine the heat to the Dloes an A-? prevent Its loss through radiation. , Tfcj They prevent the condensation of steam, saving excessive firing, thereby CTeatly reducing t.e fuel MIL v., They last longer than the surfaces to which they are applied, making the saving of fuel aa.aanuai 1 saving. ,.'''' Ti,. fot nhiH on evnerienre. Carev's Ploa Coverings have saved doHar t or many people. utZ ' i . will do the same for you. For Farther Information and Estimates, address, Qharlotto Branch, . '-:i;'-i 4t 41 ' 41 41 If THE PHILIP QAREY MFG. GO., , - m r a. r n TImJIas. UWJlm V friO40HJOl MILLER & COMPANY ! EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 100 Broadway, - - - New York. Members: New York Stock Kxchange, New York Cotton Exchange, New VorK , Coffee Exchange. New Vork Produce Ex- ; Change, New Orleans Cotton EtchaiiKe. , New Orleans Board of Trade, Chlcuga ; Board of Trade. Liverpool Cotton, Anno- , elation. Executes ordero on any of th , eatohanges of which, we are members. , 7 All orders sent to our branch office at j Greenville, 8. C, will be transmitted j instantly by prlvste wire to om- main ' office in New York, and executions ret ported ', promptly. . . ; The Best Service, prompt Attention,! Immediate Settlements. Your Business Solicited.'; ', . . , F. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. i Ut W. Washington St., Qreenvlile. 8. C. PAULSON, LBSIKROUM & CO. 83 Leonard Street, - - - . Third and Chestnut Streets, 210 Monroe Street - - - Ml New York Philadelphia Chicago COTTON SEED OIL and Gin Machinery NOT IN ANY COMBINATION $ OR TRUST.- Complete, plant from fifteen to g ,twonundrea tons capacity, tspe- & - clal small oil plants for gin- i neries. Complete cotton gin- : nlng systems. X ; E. Van Winkle Gin and i Blachine Works, S; ATTiANTA, - - GEORGIA. CO. J. SPENCER TURNER COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICES; New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, LsNiAoa. l&udaod. Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods. ' HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers j , Mlsoellaneious Southern Securities j WILMINGTON, N. C. Washington, D. C, 408 Colorado Rldg i Cotton Mill Stocks CROMPTOM THAYER LOOM CO. WORCESTER, MASS. i FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM LOOMS. ALSO MAKERS OF DOBBIE8. EITHER DOUBLE OR 8INOL& INDtX TO BE APPLIED TO OTHER LOOMS. SOUTHERN REPRESENTATIVES. - ' . ALEXANDER & GARSED, - - - Charlotte, loVO, JENCKES SPIAJAJirJC CO. WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant. COTTON YARNS. ALL COUNTS I , COTTON GOODS j COTTON AND COTTON WASTE. PAWTUOKET, RX v ; COTTON YARN SPINNERS. CONVERTERS AND DEALERS. Correspondence With' Southern Spinners Solicited. 'v 1 i i Amsterdam, New York.; O. a. BOBBINS Complete Equipment for Cotton Mill, Power Plants !.i and General Maehnerv. v CHARLOTTE, N0&TH CAROLINA. RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. COTTON WARPS AND YARNS. High-Grade Spindle, Loom, Engine and Valve No. 114 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, .... PA. Machinery for farm and fac tory. FniririK "Three kindsl from 12 to 150 H. P. RfiWTS' Return Tubular, and .""Portable: on . skids, from 12 to 150 H. ft, - Sl, fcproYedGin Madiinek arid , Presses, arid complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and over. " - : , t ' all sues, in use in the South'" v ' . -; V; " Pulleys zrJSfcaflinj;8 " x A1 x i ii uom tne smallest to complete cotton mill outfits. ; Ki l 0;r i llDDElJL-;:COr.lPANY, ' ' ff,r H. It f A. D. SALKELD is BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS .. " S0-7S Leonard 8fp NEW YORK. COTTTON TARNS. Fred'k Vietor Ss Achelis. WM.. D'OLIER Ss CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS COTTON. YARNS i Third And Chestnut Rt. j. MArlner and Merttant Hide . PUILADELTHIA. PA.,. ' HAW, VICK OILS Rnginem, Belt Oils arid Greases, Lubricating 3NsMe. Ready-Mixed PahttB.'' Cold Water Paints. , - VTr Agents watuca' vreaain compounds. GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CHARLOTTE, J. 1 , tlrV? -tilt -n IMPORTANT TO STBRM USBBB L Keep your Boiler Pre From Scale pjr tTalxtg .. ' 4- "LORD'S BOIXER COMPOCTSD8.M , , . Wt analyse the seal and water aad 'piPepar special r chemlcais to guit your requirements. Ail shipment guaranteed. Send sample ot cJa and consult, sh a bharp- Bt.- HENRY.1 W. LORD, V 5 SalUmore, Md. ! " r --, ... V i ' if as, , t t , , y-'t; :.r:Cotton Gin i:-hir-r:. . N,... -.:Ask any .experienced g!nnr r PRATT. EAGLE. SMITH. i. MUNGER ; ( ' If Interested we woul 1 I ' t you what tho"nnds of I tomers say. .' A, rife for testimonial bowkiet cc:.TiM:MAL ci.'i cc:.:?.:.y v- i --v