.J1;.- ''ff:,.'V.i'i';-t W, CIIAELOTTE DAILY Orr.ITvVEi:, JANUAIixlO, i: w J. :. -1 TEACHERS' PAV. (; -tlool Commissioners Will t . 'l Action at SpwJnl ' lrUIayThe Night School i ;, !isin . Condition. Regular j of Commisslonera, v t;V.: 1 Htd ot school commissioners I t te held U Regular ; monthly i In, the council-room ltbe lull last night, Mayor 4& B. Mc h, chairman ex-offldo, presiding. a -following named ., commissioners e preaentii; Mewi John R. Pharr, . ' rstainger,,J. Arthur Henderson, -) : Smith and T.' T. Smith. '. ,J Alter the minutes of the laat meeting J h1 been read petition from the leathers of the sixth grade was re- ived, At the November" meeting of tie board tbeae teachers had petition fi f or an increase In aalary, from $40 to J ,0 a month. The petition laat night simply asked that action be taken up on the former.. Mr. Benfierson moved that' the request be granted, explain ing that the sixth gTade la one of the haideer Itt the school to teach and that the' teachers making the request re efficient and merit the Increase. Mr. D. a fimlth !made a substitute motion ,to. the tffect , that the salaries of all teacher who had been In the eervice of the board for more than two years be increased 10 per cent. j The ,two motion precipitated a lengthy discussion. Every member present agreed that the teachers In several grades at the schools were ' poorly paid and that they deserve an increase in salary. They were also , agreed that the teachers older In ex perience, those whose efficiency has been proven, deserve a higher salary than the new teachers. Finally, at the ' suggestion of Mr.. Pharr, the motions were - withdrawn and tho matter re- ;;ferred to the finance and teachers committee, wfitch will arrange a sys tem by which the board will be guided " in the matter of salaries hereafter. These committees will report at a spe cial meeting of the board Friday even- 5 ing at ;80 o'clock, when action will be , " taken. - W illie Uassey. a teacher of the sec ond grade at the colored scrjool. peti- . Honed that her salary be raised from ' S0 to 3i Prof. Graham sUtetl that the teacher was efficient and, that she merited the increase. It was granted. , Mr.'T. T Smith, chairman of the committee on night schools, i reported .. that the school at the North graded , school was started December ntli, with '"ProfR. A. Foard and Mr. T. J. v Hutchison as teachers. He stated that only boys were admitted to this school , and that the enrollment was 69. He elated that the attendance Is good, that the students are very much In earnest and that the school Is accom - pushing much good. A night school for both sexes was started at the Ada i Mills about two weeks ago, with Mr. ( and Mrs. Alfred W. Brown as teach ers. The enrollment here Is 22. Last night a similar school was started nt - the Continental Mills, where Mr. and -' Mrs. Brown will also teach. At the ' North graded school the night school Is open three nights In the week. At ;;;the other two there Is school two v nights In the week each. GRIFFITH INTERVIEWED. ' Says He Is Going to Stick lo Shakes peare If All Ills (Griffith's) Hair ,: Smncs fnt Difference Between , Itlctiard UI and Macbeth Other Btuff, " 'An Observer reporter slipped behind 7 the curtain between, acts last ntuht and had a pleasant chat with tho - temporary King Richard III. His valet iv was strapping garters on him and put- , ling- ma iiiiaei armor on. ine nmioric vllllan was sitting comfortably ' on a -, box and was quite good natured. . "This Is a much better play than '.' Macbeth," said he. "I mean for the f general public. Masbeth Is all the , time thinking; he feels remorse, he has 1 a (Conscience; he sees airy daggers and ' ghosts, and hesitates. It takes work from the sound of the gong, as pugil ists say, to play Macbeth, and it re o. aires close attention from the au dience to keep up with the subtleties. , "But Richard has only one thing In VleW- He has no conscience, no re--- tnorse. His methods are perfectly l ni 1 pie, and he goes straight at his object, v ."Then Macbeth must have good sup ' Tort, while Richard is a one-m.n nlav. v- II tne king's role Is well done. It makes ""'little difference about the others, one ' arnnd thlnar nhniit Mirholli In thut It . t draws from the schools. Thai play Is prescribed Its one of the entrance re : oulrements to sU the colleftes, and Is ; taught In all the colleges. High school and college tiHlf,utn always come oui v to see It. "One of the most Interesting mudlcs a;... t : knrtw fit hi, rtni t iiturl "la v.A , , variance between the reul Rlchnt 1 and 0the Richard of Shakespeare. Shukes- pe had taken so many falls out of p EUsaheths' old daddy, Henry VIII. , that he had probably incurred her dis- ' tleasure. and for that reason tried to V -regain her good graces by miillngrilnic her grandfather's encrny. Iil hurd III, A ple of good reading Is The I.uhi of fV be Plantagenets.' by Henrv ('nbot Mr, Griffith is a vi-ry wlrvilng snrl r of fellow, and aotxl i.. nmin ' dLv Later In the hmisoii he may come I back through here in Macbeth. H. . I aays Shakespeare is pulilnx his hair t out but he Is goltig to tl k to blni -'r; 'KNIGHTS OF OLlM!MS. At . the Meeting lent Night a Pro- gramme for the Month Was Ar-i'-'r: ranged. :j.'iThe Knight of Columbus met lust " . Sight and Installed ,thelr newly elect s i ed officers. .It was ileclded to initiate fottr new candidates on Monday night, Jn the flrat degree of the order. 8un- , ' day." the 21st. a special train will go v:, from here to Wilmington, where a coucfl will be instituted, the first de--grae to be given by the Greensboro council, the second by Charlotte and the third by Mr. J. W. Conway, ter ritorial deputy. There will be about - 1 knight present and a class of 40 will be initiated. On the 0th a benefit show, the Hign f fh f.maa. will tut rtvn ni ih, vmy. of Music for the Charlotte coun ' rti. and Mercy Hosptai. I1r Alarm Turned tn by Kdiool Roys. Aa alarnj was turned In from bo Ko, 4 t JtM o'clock yesterday after noon and th firs department respond td at once. '. The horses made the run front the station bouse out to the oM South graded school to find that the alarm was a fake one, having been turned tat by one of the mischievous rchool boys who "wanted to see th fre horses run." Prof. Graham has t he matter in nana : and r . sum mart Uhment will be meted oof to the ty person. Destli of trs. E ; owa . 'al to The Observer V uisbunr, Jan. . . Mrs. - Kdwgrd . daughter of Col. 'Thomas ' P. rane of - Philadelphia, ' ;and r ot Mrs, P. H. Cooke, of urg. died at the laturs rest here to-day after a abort t rfieumonla; The' rematnsi Jm,,rov L"4 ,.0,lr; ! .-k.a to Philadelphia lSZ2ttZ&& tartels in ' KIXG IttCIIAItD; TUB THIRD. 1 Mr. 'John Griffith, lit' the Leading Hole, Present av Vivid- Picture of Hie tame King A Well Balance! ' Company Little Gloria Moore, vs v puke of ork Ftao.'.M ;J ' '..'? '-, Alr. John Griffith, a Klnr Richard the Third, . In fihekespea re's Immortal tragedy was the- attraction at, inp Academy last signt. "(- r Usually the production or tne mas ter plays are heavy. Much time -, is required to adequately aage the many act which rouitt necessarily be pre sented, i The action fa largely eonflned. to the star.' and there 1 but Httle ap peal to the eye or ear. Hence many care tittle for the- Shakespearean plays. "King Richard -the Third" was the exception ,law,f nlirhtA fair houee aathered to witness the lifting of the .irinin arj . m: ntimtwr m in laiVit Mil WI lllIM - i .... the ElliabeUi and Presbyterian Col leges, where he spoke of Shakespeare and bis work. Parties of the students from the two' institutions were pres ent to see ' the manner in which he acted the part of which he had spok f . . - J.Vt,V. k.il trial M A hvi ' en. The several literary clubs ot tne city were well represented. Mr. Grimth Is no stranger to char lotte theatre coers. He appeared - In Macbeth In the local play house laat year and was accorded a very warm welcome. Much was , expected last night and It Is enough to say that ho one was disappointed. Mr. unmtn makes up well a Richard and he never fonrets, even under the stress. of great action, the pan which he has to play. The picture of the ambitious and unscrupulous monarch resorting to the most barbaric deeds In order to accomplish his selflh ends, was as fine as ever witnessed In the city. Es pecially was this true In that scene where, with the blood of the murder- r cd King Henry the Sixth still on nts hands, he woos and wins the widowed Lady Anne, only to cast her aside a Khort time after. The last act was admirable. In the. scene In Richard's tent, on Boeworth Field, where the ghosts of those whom he had mur dered visit him, was fine: so was the duel scene with the Duke of Rich- mond that closely followed It. All In all, Mr. Griffith is an admirable actor. enerlng fully into, the spirt of the play and never slow. While the play was essentially of but one role, the star was given fine support;' William Lloyd, as Earl of Richmond and Duke of Buckingham. Claude Boarea, as King Henry the Sixth, and George C. Gunter, as Lord Stanley were all good. Little Miss Gloria Moore, as the child Duko of York was excellent. She made a charming picture and was heartily applauded. Mabel Htandlsh, as Lady Anne, Anna Boyle-Moore, as Queen Elizabeth, Mary Has well, aa the Duchess of York, and Helene Wesley as Edward, Prince of Wales, were far above the average. "Kins; Richard tho Third" Is a play that is essentially Instructive from which one may derive great profit. The whole was well staged, admirably produced and worthy of hearty sup port. THE CLANSMAN IN NEW YORK. What the New York Paper Hatl to Kay About Mr. Dixon's Play The Herald Declared! "Tho KeiiMation I'uIIm" The Nun and World Haul Nothing to Kay in the Editions That Came Here Yesterday. North Carolina people who know Mr. Thomas Dixon will be interested In the attitude of the New York pa pers toward The Clansman, which made its first appearance at the Lib erty Theatre Monday night. The Hun and The World that came here last night had nothing whatever to say of the show but the Herald wrote as fo lows: "Boisterous but harmless was the ebullition of sentiment aroused last night by the production of Mr. Thom as Dixon's dramatization of his own novel, 'The Clansmen,' at the Liberty Theatre. 'HVnm . th eontlnuoim anil enihii!. astlc, though staccato, applause wlthj which it was greeted. It was evident that a majority of the large audience gathered to hear It was romponed f New Yorkers of Southern birth or sympathies. But this majority was entirely good natured and It met with no responrl ve antagonlHm. "The play Itself, In a course and crude way. presents the story of the rtndt helium nnrlnri. when Ihn iiptrrn ' through the Instrumentality of 'carpet bag adventurers from the North ob tained temporary ascendancy over the Houth. That period is. happily, over, and one rather resents this appeal to spctlonal prejudice so long after the fact. Happily, the appeal has so little force that It can do no permanent Tiartfi; mdrrt,as presented last nlg;ht the dominant feature were simply those of a negro nilnHtrel show. It was tha histrionic exploitation of the old time comicalities of darkeydom that knit the audlcncu Into a kinship of ap plause. "At the clone of the second act, Mr. Dixon. In answer to the applause, ap peared before the curtain and made a short speech. " 'For many years,' he said, In sub nlice, "I have been a public Hpeukcr ti ml I have learned to hate the sound i of my ovl n voice. 1 have been told . that my play was all right In the South, but that it would excite an tagonism in the Zorth. its reception to-nlgiLLproves thut there Is no North " ant! no Mouth, hut trial tne laiiguHare of passion, condition and romance i Intelligible to both sections of our common country and acknowledges no xe igraphlcul limits." "The company Is fairly good, though the Clansman himself. Mr. Sydney AyrcH. In unduly spectacular. Nelse. (he "old fashioned negro." and his wife, Eve. are well portrayed on the traditional 'minstrel' lines by Mr. De Witt V. Jennings and Miss Jeffreys Itwln respectively. The Silas Lynch of Mr. Austin Webb is an impressive portrayal of the mulatto who has won his way to political power through machlvellian means. An Important part In the cast, that of Flora, the thirteen-year-old sister of thp Clans man, is acted with remarkable ability by Miss Frances Shannon," Tlie Iuneral of Mr. McCounelL On sccowit of a wreck In the west em part of the State yesterday, the remains of Mr. John H. MeConnetl, who died at Waynesvllle Monday, did not reach here until last night. The funeral was postponed till this morn ing, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MUlersham. -The pallbearers will be selected from the Mecklenburg Camp or Confederate veterans. IHJY8 ORTOir HOTEL. Well-Known Wilmington Hostelry Purchased by oaeptt If. Hlntou Extensive Improvemrnts to he Made. v Rpectal to The Observer. Wilmington, as. -Ngotlstloni that base been pending for some Urns between the heirs of the late Cot, K. M. Murcbl a and Icmvph vl Hintoit, tbs lessee. were concluded to -day, by the terms of which Mr.y lllnton soouiRos the valuable prton Hotel pronrrty. The eomrfderatlon b not given. but it ta understood lo b beyond l:s,vao, . Mr. Hintea will eorwlder- beyo ably tne building It ill Onulh lbs ImprpvemwiUj will begin right awg ! ' . "A atvncu beceptios. , Delightful Social Event in Honor nt . Ytnr. ana Mrs. n. n.. jxicr Tryon Street MrtlKidist Clnircn Many tineets Present. The Sunday school rooms of Tryon street Methodl6 church were the scene of a delightful reception i&si wign In hnnnr of Itev.v and Mrs. H. ' K. , Boyer, the 'new pastor of -the' church and Jls wire, .xne rooms were Brilliantly-lighted and prettily decorated for the occasion ana the nours-were mnmt mnat Diensantlv In the social in tercourse of the pastor; and hie . wife. with thsir conareaatiom - , During the short time that Mr. and Mrs. Boyer have made Charlotte their home they have won many r menus, nd a large number of person were glad of the opportunity last night for meeting them and tho reception was ' sufScient evidence that Mr, ana airs. woyer are vaiuauie uuiuuih iiv vu to the religious life of the clty but to the social life as well. The reception wae given under the auspices of the church imporvement society and the ladies of this, society are to be congratulated for the elcel lent manner in which they .carted out this pleasant feature In the social life of the church. . ' r -S; The guests -were met at the door by The guests were met at the door and ushered Into the reception room to meet Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, and as sisting them in receiving were num ber of the ladies of the Improvement society. '"' In the dining room the guests were served with refreshments, while music was furnished in the room adjoining. The evening was one that will be re membered as among the most pleasant in the history of the church . - DELTH OP MRS. HARRISON. Was Formerly a Resident of This City, but Has Recently Lived in Greensboro. Mrs. John A. Harrison, a "former resident of Ihis city, died at her home, 216 Mendenhall street. Greensboro, at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the rioe old aae of 78 vears. She is gurvlved by a husband and five chll- dren, John A. Harrison, of Stanford Tex.; James Harrison, of Charlotte, and Mrs. M. R. Fills, Miss Settle D. Harrison and Mr. E. V. Harrison of GreenHboro. For many years Mrs. HarriKon was a consistent member of I he First Presbyterian church of this ulty. Mha is well know here as a good. Christian woman. The funeral will take place at Qreensbor to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Hodgln conducting it. THE WEATHER. Washington, Jan. 9. Forecat for Wed neday and Thurday: North Carolina, fair WediiMday and Thursday, warmer Thunul.-iy; light variable windi, becoming lOUttl. SoecialNotices ORDKIi KLITE RIBBON VANILLA EX tract. I'ne half the amount required of other kindi, and if not satupvetory, your money DacK ror ttut asking. FOR RENT 10 SOUTH MYERS, 6 roonn modern. Jlli.60; 11 W. Sixth. 7 roomx. Mil modern conveniences, clone In. ).ou; 609 iS. Seventh. 6 rooms, city water, large Darn, Sl5.ro; l itore-room, Belmont, 110. J. ARTHUR HENDER SON. NUN N ALLY'S DELICIOUS CANDIE8, received by exprem every week, 60 cents per pounci. oia in c narioite exclusively by WOODALL S1IJ5PPARD. P.08BMARY LOTION WILL KEEP your kln imoolh and soft, 15 and 2Z cents. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. B. 8. DAV1B. 'Phone 247. EMERALD CORN CUKE WILL GIVE you l hat comfort which you o deilre. AVe sell it. JAS P. 8TOWE & CO., Drug - gUt - 'i'hone 179. MINCE PIES MAKE A DELICIOUS dennert, and we can furnish you the mince ment: Atmore'n mince meat In :i and f pound kIhw Jan, 6 pound buck cU, or looe by the pound, Atmore't condened mince meat, a package make two Inrse pie. Helnz'a mince meat in t'i pound i rockj: Atmore'i plum pud itlnK. i' 1. - und i pound cam. Remem her. our guarantee (toen with each pur chHe. 'Phone 8. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. FRESH CURRANTS AND SEEDLESS Rniaina, M-Sc.. you will pay 12 to 16ct. itt other places: Sweet Potatoes. 20c.; Irish i'ototoen, 26c.; Dig Hominy and Grltn. iHc; Home Made Jelly, Hie..; Octoa-an Son p. 7 for 26c. BRIDtJKRS & CO., 203 Wel Trade ttrset. OUR LINE OF DOMESTIC AND 1M ported cigars is large and very varied. We make special prices to the box trade. OEM RESTAURANT. E. F. Creswell, Manuger. WANTED 10 COTTAGES OR SMALL limine to rent. My demand I far be yond my tupply. It's funny how tome people economise save a nickle and lout ten cento. Why can I do better than the otliern? Why. I know how to bunch tho hunter. Every house-hunter hunts tor me. E. L. KEE8LER, ! S. Tryon itreet. 6TOP THAT COUGH: SYRUP WHITE Pine end Tar will do the work, So. at MAYKitS, Sixth and Tryon streets. 'Phone 2K. WOOt AND COAL. DRY OAK AND Pln Wood, cut and split as you order It. Eat Pine for kindling. Rest Ten nessee boft Cosl and Pennsylvania Hard Con I for stoves and grates. Atl orders receive our prompt attention. 420 Tflephont. AVANT. Our MILL ' PEEP wli: make your horse fat and keep him In good condi tion. Ti ta good for cows, too. TUB STAR MILLS . Phone 397. Notice to the Public All persons hating; new plumbing, or change of location of plumbing fixtures, or where a fixture or more are taken out to be replaced by other fixtures, or where there Is any addi tion to the plumbing;, should see that they get the final certificate from the firm doing the work which ta Issued by the plumbing Inspector. K. HTLAND, City Plumbing Inspector. Jan. 8, 1906, " - The Crowell bnitcro Co., Ix For the Treatment of- J, Whiskey, ; Morphine . and Nervous Diseases. - - ' Special apartments and burses for lady patients. AH forma of ;ectriclty tor treating nervous diseasea and various method of massage, lnclud- : Ing the Sllhnlaler .vibrating method. Th swckholdera nil being physicians eonetitute a consulting board. . Specially trained male and female nurses and attendant.' - - H. M. ntOAVKIU-M irm W. U WtlOSO, K. H , . JlesldeaiJWiysMsa. ; PEHSOXAL, : The liovement of a Number of P. ' , i v plo, Visitors and Others. ' -.' "Mr, W. T. Powe,' Of Oreensbwroi spent yesterday In the eiry. taylng at ' the Buford.t . - Jar, r.-JL Dillo." of Wilmington, was j among the out-of-town people. In -Cbar-j lutts ysaterday, j . Mr. It. H. Kocke(t,'of Thomajvine, was among the gueau at th Central yester-i Oay. t i f k t v w i Mr, X Btcwart. of Monroe, spent yesterday tn the oltyt . Among the out-of-towrt people hereyec' terday was Mr. W, Fl lttlmore, of Lot Vimore, who was a goert at the Buford. Mr. T, S. Fuhderback. . of tJherterttetd. 8. C; is In the city on bit way to David-, son College, . , - -. : Mr. H. C. Evans, of Btatesville, is spend Ina; to-day in the city, staying' at the Buford. j , Mr. F. TTj ' Smith, of Salisbury, Was among: ine guat at tne uoutuern Manu facturers Club yesterday. - ' Mr. W. F. Cslton, of Lattlmore, was among , uie . guests as tne central . tan nisnv. - - i Mr. B. IS. Teiru. of Hnrllnrtrtn. M spending' to-day in the city, at the Central, r..nartea a., uivs. or smsmer utT. were among the visitor in Charlotte last evening. Mr. J. B. Ttannaran "of Aihevllle. 1i HiiiuuK ito vuiwwwq people in ium eiiy to-day.- He h at the Central, - - Mr. k. i.;tmra is spending a tew cays with relatives tn Wadetboro. . ' r- Mr. John Miller soent veiterdav la Oai. tonia on buslnea. ' That Delidcus CaJy That Always Pleases ItUYLER'S No - candy that can take Its place, none that pleases so well -send Huyler's and you make no mistake eat Huy ler's and you have the best. Fresh shipment Just re ceived. . We are sole agents. R. H. JORDAN & CO. Nurses' Register Phone 7. Springs Cor. NEVER CLOSED. The gain in new building and Industry in North Carolina is greater than at any period in the Bute's history. v t The North Carolina Home Insurance Co. ot Raleigh, N. C, should receive its proportion of this prosperity as compared with the percentage of new business given to it in periods of less industrial activity, . - Give It the Insurance on the desirable new properties you have - , : to offer. It will help to build np oar home Stateesmd continue ' ','; the great era of prosperity now enjoyed by onr people. -. Southern States Trust Company, Agects HARVEY LAMBETH Manager Insurance Department. p's Up To You ' .'' ;: , r ' " . ' Y"V , Will you make your weekly or monthly surplus work (or you ; during 1906, or will you pursue your accustomed gait, your anti . rtuated habits, and, at the end of the year, find the fellow that re-;' celved half your salary, worth twice your money? ?M i START TO-DAY With the new Series Mutual Building A Loan and be a financier yourself, even though on a small scale. Don't let the school-boy and the Infants In business beat you to the tank. : ' s The Mutual keeps the man, the woman, the child that keeps himself or 'herself... .-V L L hflSLER, Setretary er.d Treasurer, 25 S. TRYON ST. ' Vl09'avfw''.lniRa - , , FINE CORNER LOT f We are now offering a fine corner lot, on car line, reasonably . close in and with large oak "shade treea Such another location tot a home would bo almost impossible to secure in Charlotte now. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. O, CRAIG, Secy, and Manager. Office It E. Trade St ...,. i r. ...,. 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Fronting .on : BeatUe'g rord Macadam Road, three miles from city: about fifteen acre in timber; torty young fruit trees; robm " Dwelling and a Barn.' A good Bprlng on place. ' - - it ' Call at office for prices. , , . Insurance 1 We are fuflv creDaral orders official designs for s funerals. Special . --1 attention to floral, decorations for marriages, " -fj,; reccptiiona, ttv: i z i ,v c ' ' ' ' V. VDIL701lTil PLOttALQABDEITsl A . r . v ::- v 7. 0. KcPJlED, Proprietor, ; . i Telesraphk orders receive prompt attention. Phcr.2 CCD Vr. C Nye CotcUson. i . i 4 gm jft EntcXlson. ifJSunBrjCE FIRE, i ; accident; C OFFICE t No. , Bnt Bntldlnc - (.. , Ben PtMMM dSX'.; Off rlOiVQB vi . . FOR JAKUARV .xt i4- ; - T;. Ouf, prospects .for ' flowers (or January are very flattering, : especially In - ROSES. - 1 '"",-lV"i',,-Vl1 CAKIVATTOHS, , , ; VIOLETS and V Jj. VALLEY. SMJIjAJL Large ' lot fine heavy ropes tor decorating. Telegraph or telephone us (or . t xlv ' FUNERAL . DK8IGN& . -Write ns for prices on your WEDDINa FLOWERS. . Flowers cut fresh every day. J. Van liriley Nursery Co. POMONA, N. C . : Send , telegrams ta Greensberd. F. D. A. 214 Acre Farm For Sale 10 miles East of City, to Morning Star Township considerable Umber, good branch, bottom, small dwelling, nearly new. $18.00 per . acre. F. D. ALBXaNDBR fire hsoraaoe Rd Estate Dealer 203 & Tryon. , i : . p. 4 SO, JWone 377. 4 v . &! R. E. COCHRANE and Real Estate Agent i '4 i .-f, to'rrlff farm rvf rW Every: dollar received 'by us for the five' Greensboro Insurance ' Companies which; we- represent. Is loaned by us to Charlotte enterv -prises to help? bulldv up .Charlotte. The big "fire and' life Insurance companies of the East .drain this section dry. ; We keep 'money In -1 Charlotte to build up Charlotte- industries. .',Does ; your' money go ." away from Charlotte . to enrich other sections, r wlU .you decide ' to keep It at home N,' Ring 28 to-day and our Insurance Man 'will caiirto Mttii:4.'-4i:s.H,v ""- ? Sc-ltcrn Rad Estate Ira c:J Trist Co. W' Jh O L'r iHd - fj.L and the public generally tor we face the future with courage and hope, expecting, as in the past each year to realise an advance upon- the' preceding year. ' ; t W. E. HOLT, pres.' - n. A. DUNN, PIRSWNATIONAt Capital Surplus , $500,000.00 DIRECTORS: tV V r -x jp. m. BROwar - - " viGEO. W. BRYAX - - -J. C. BURROUGHS PRANK GILREATn J. S. MYERS F. b. Mcdowell II. M.-McADKN ' - - , W; B. RODMAN ,. - . , v', T. Hf.jWADK ' - n,rv ' " - CHAS. A. WTLLIAM 8. . YOUR " BUSINESS SOLICITED a wis vwwai FRANK GILREATII, Pres. ' 0- OvfJvOvOvOvOvCv(OvOvO F.!ercn2r.Ls and Farmers National Bank : : . -.. - m CHARLOTTt;H.:C ! THE CHARLOTTE '-1 1 m .--.CKA.lOnlll.t It is our wmstant aim to be courteous and accommodating to all t classes and make thla a bank where those of moderate toeans shall have the saraa treatment as those more favorably situated. 2 Ton are , cordially Invited to open a bank account .ylth us. W;H. W fasKer ; a.;. B. D: titATIIf PresidetL H. Little, Pres. C. M, Patterson, Vic Pm. - la R Ragood, Cash. CHARLOTTE TRUST COM P'Y tr" CAPITAL $100,000,00 , - t , v This Bank is fully equipped to care for the accounts of banks, indl-:: .. vlduals, Arms and -corporations It respectfullytavites correspond- t ence or a personal interview with - those who contemplate making; V changes or opening new accounts. - J- " DlRBQTOIiS t A jf i 'r W. H.'BELK, ' J. M. DAVIS. j, i O. P i- ,'H.'G. ,T.'C. GUTHRIE, 1906 iy ; Vtending to" change ' t4n1nny fnnnmrtrsnK. ' are iAvited to consult rSt - CAPITAL f . nfeOROE STEPHENS. i' ',T,a t T president. 6 arid 7 V Per : f iNOJr.fAXABLE "? subject ; We are prepared to oflfcr, every. . modern .facility' 4 n , i . SOUTHERN STATES TRUST COMPANY .' S v ' as. I ssssssssssjsssjail " sssjsjaasjsMSsssssg j "T'lssBeBisessssssassssjSSs are ' very" satisfactory Investments t have ' Those preferred stocks we are offering in some of the very strongest enterprises to - he :i found In this section are being rapidly taken, and by some e( tho 4 niost conservative local investors. ,T - v We can still supply them In amount of $500 or more, and sug gest that if you nava funds f t 'rvestment you consult - us at an early date. . - 1 1 " , ' - t t - t . F. C. ABBOTT S. COMPANY , 1 - HIGH GRAB IS IXVESTSIXNTS. -:, As the 'Rock, 'of Gibraltar is the Commercial National Bank . ot Charlotte. N., C v'th its i 3 .one million ana eignty tnous- 1 and dollars deposits, its thirteen hundred thousand dollars loan t and1 Its nineteen L hundred" J - thousand dollars .totai assets, At the ..annual" meeting ot v. ' 'shareholders to be held; next '; Tuesday,, January Jth, the re-- v porta ot, its officers for J90S 3 -will show the largest business,, , In its history; v, : . j . With thanks to our friends the patronage bestowed tn the past. . V. P. - A,- G. BRENIZER, Cashw : .ALBERT. T, 8UMMET. Teller,. 4 ss : bank: , i vvMViihv H. f t VICTOR, Casbierl CAPITAL ASSETS C9AA AArtftA fdVU.VW.VV $100,080.00 Wa Invite you to open an account ,? with us, promising every courtesy ana, accommodation consistent vclth sound hanking.- - i We pay four per cent Interest on time deposits. :....'; GEO. E. - WILSON, President, -, -. '.'' JSO. B. ROSS, Vice President, ;, W. Cti WILKINSON, Cashier. - NATIONAL BANK HEATH, ',r LINK, - W. M. LONG, " , C M. PATTERSOW, J. ,W. 2DJMERMAX. y or - secure additional: r N fhf thf I New Yffflr or write us ' on the C f 200.000 It L'h .FRANKLIN, ( 1 W, H. WOOD," , j iVice-Pres. - ,- w , ; Treasurer, 3 .Cent Investments TO TUB INVESTOR Ku 1 1 1 1 4 m A 4 $ . . V -