CHARLOTTE DAILY." Or.JilftYCR, JANUARY 10, 190G, M5 A ?fM 1 ! CCH-'IIICD . AD I'lliAXCE COTTON MARKET MOKE ACTIVE On tJie Jler-Ia of Uwb Cwihus Report - . Prices' Advanc ed hharply, .but Lost V , f , ; Xot of the Oalit Before tho Close . . . The Closing Tone Steady v $. . rl - - -Nw Torkr!imi.Th ootton : market , " wa 1 more active -and Immediately foi . , lowing- the census report advanced very unai'p.y. nut lost max of the gain before . . W the clone which was at a net advance or ;v '- only V to point Hales for. the day were ' , ' estimated at (KiO.QOO bales. - .The market , , opened steady t unchanged price to an ' ' ,- - advance of 3 point on covering of short and a little wall street support. Cabli - ' were considered about a. stand ort with rf j v ' ulifrhtlr dUappolptlng future offset by a. ' continueo kooo aemana tor spot cotton 'A :v,v .at an advance of tlx point and after the V, open prtee here worked up to a net nd "v. vance of about 4 to 6 point on the i' active month, This was followed by U scattering .liquldatien preparatory to the . oenau figure; end during the early affer- f noon im ' mtirsei acted . ratner untettieo ) with If arch' declining in 11.32 or about - polat net lower. Imlde of ten minute after the report of the census bureau wa i flt-s. . - muea Marcn had Deen forced up to u.w an0 a1 to M-7.or about JO point above uia pripe current a few . moment pre f f -vlomly and 19 to 20 point above the clo. " "gure oryeateraay. .There was active . . ' . 4radlnr on the advani'A with .Wall street v bull agresslve, but there wa till heav- . " ier realising In the last half hour ana -, ' the market broke, with March -closing at I '1JL63, The cloiing tone wa steady. ' The J census report seemed to be about as ex n -.Dected for the last several days-and. the j violent advance Immediately following its -a. . poBucaiion seemea to reneoc me eixoru ot ' bullish Interpretation of the flgrue. which : . . according to estimates of local authorities X . point to a crop of between 10,176,000 and Sj JO,60O,W bale a the growth of the cur u rent season. .- Receipts at th port to-day 21. WS bates 'against 32,688 lat .week an A (7,800 lust year, f"or the week (estimated) 12E.009 bale against 149,799 last week and 179,. ." 80S last year, To-day's, receipts at New ' Orleans 8.784 bale against 20,068 last year. t and at Houston S.633 kale against ,13 i last year. . -Spot closed Qilipt; middling uplands, . mfldllng gulf, 13.00; sales. 70s bales. A . Futures' opened steady. January offer. . , yed, 11.88: February offered. IXMv March, . v . 0JL; April. 11.66; Ma U.G9; Jubvlt69; ? August, U.Mi September. .. IO30 bid ; Oct '. ober offered, 10.85,. ' t i --Future closed steady. 'Closing bids: January 11.30; February. 11.38; March, ,11.63; April, UStt May. 1165; June. 11.67; J July, 1L70; August, 11.66; September, li.00; -i Ocobe 10.83. -k High nd low: January, .IU.1; Febrary. .46ll.45: March, U.GSni.38; April. ll.B6ail6: May, U,-r9U.; July, lLRVfllM; August, U.Edll 61 ; September, J1.07.98; October, 19.90(10.76, t STOCK MARKKT1RRBG ULAR. iMany Prominent Stocks Onjocted to " Irofit-Takinjf KtMisatiouul Ad nances in southern Iron on Strength , - of Rumors. , ' ew Jan. 9. The movement of price In Jto-day' market was contused and ir- regular from start to finish and little re mained of the gains at the end of the day. .The pursuit of the movement to take profit wa continued and many of the .-most prominent stocks In the recent tnove (ment were subjected to this process. Mean time new stocks were pushed forward in to prominence, 'inere was little news to accompany the various movements and the explanation for them dealt more with technical market condition than with anything bearing on change in etual value. In the United States Steel stocks a tendency was manifest to alter nate from one to the other, yesterday's rise in. the common giving place t steady - realizing to-dny, wnilo the preferred was poshed upwards, .with strong sentimental effect on the whole market. The South ern 'Iron stock made sensational Advances and rumor were revived that the ar rangement for the expected merger were being completed. The high priced Norlh- . western Granger and Pacific moved up ward widely and easily and old jitorle of coming -extra, dinbursemonts and of new . alliance played a prominent part In the 1 movement. Rumor -of absorption of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas bv the Bur- llngton jind of the Kansa. City Southern by BU JPfui -were .used adtk effeet There was ffeeTeallzlng in Union Pacilic, Read IrnpTthe coppers and some other, stocks. .- whole the market thus continued to show i tv degree of strength Its action conveyed : ! an hnpresslon of more effect in austatn 1 ing jprjee than that of yesterday. Tho -: money market showed some further re Inxation but the continued . flrmnew of foreign exchange keep alive the problem '-. If .how far the decline In Interest -rates ' - can fco without precipitating an outgo of I. gold, Tho rise In the moopv rate at 8 per tfent. contributed to the late reaction. : which wiped out most of the day s gain and nmade the closing easy. . Bohds were firm. Total ilej par value, J3,9eo,ooo. United 8tatcs bonds were all unchanged on-eall. . Total sales were 1,360.800 shares. Includ ing; Amalgamated Cipper,. 94.B0O; Ameri can Cotton Oil, S.SXt; preferred, 200; Am erican Sugar. 60.200! Anaconda Mining, 24,0Qt Atchison. 39,100; Canadian Piiciflo. !.' 88,000 Chesapeake & Ohio, U.SCKT: North western, 24,900; Louisville & Nashville, 44,- : 000; Mi"ouri, Kansas & Texas, "200; New York Central. 21,700; Norfolk & Western " W.400 Pennsylvania,. 101.400; Reading, 60,. 800; . Republic eel. 44 00; Southern Pa, ciflc, 28.700; Southern Railway, 7,&; pre . ferred, 800: Tennessee Coal & Iron, 7.900; - tTntbn Pacific, 147,800; United States Steel. fil.800; preferred, 23.900; Virginia-Carolina Chemical. 4.800; Central Leather, 23,100; Slots-Sheffield, 6,700. I New Orleans Cotton. New Orleans, Jan. 9. Spot cotton quiet and very llttlo doing. Sale 960 bales, in cluding 400 to arrtve and 400 fob; quota tion -unchanged; middling 11 9-16. . Futures opened 1014 points up on better . : Liverpool than expected and while the transaction were small tho market fluctuated four to Ave point In either di rectlon, but when the bullish bureau gin ner report was posted prices moved up Ji to 16 points abox-e the opening 1'ig.ures for the active position. ;; Realizing sules carrlecl prices down gradually- to about the opening figures. r: Themarket closed steady with net gains Of 11 to 1 poinU. ' Cotton futures. Closing: January, U.4'i; . February.; March, 11.71; April, 11.70; Hay, 11.801 June. 11.84; July. 11.90. .,." '. Liverpool Cotton. ; Llvernoot JM. Cotton, spot In fair Bemand; prices six points higher; Amerl . 'can middling fair, 6.66: St'xxl middling, ti..1l;. -t'1 middling,' . 13; low middling, 5.97; good ordinary. B.79: ordinary. 5.3. The nle of , the day were 10.000 btues of which 500 were .'.for speculation and export and included ' ,8 SCO American. Receipts fin.oro bales, in- eluding 45.600 American. Future opened J , -easier rlid closed steady. ..American mid- dllng g, a. c: January, 6d; Janunrv-Keb-nv. ruary, 6d; Febmary-Murcli. 6.03: Mnrch April, i.09: April-Mast. . a.W;, May-June, .12i June-July, 6.13; July-August, 6.14; An- i, . gust-September, .06;- September-October, 186; October-November, 6.79; November lr, December, 6.78, K Si ' - New Tork Prodnee. - " New York, Jan. ' J.Floitr Steady but - (lull. v , Rye flour Dull. i h: ; Buckwheat flour-Steady. , f Buckwheat Steadyj - ' ."i Cornmeal Steady n v " .? Rye Nominal.1 ' ' - - ;- Barloy Steady. ' Wheat-Firm: NO. 2 red. 90V elavetor. ' , Option, firm at Vitf4c. net advance. May, r' 98; July. 804. ijCorn Easy:' No. 3, 67V4 old elevator. V.j5ptlon partly net blghor. January, BJ-Mi asar. rni juiy. w-. j 'f Oat-teady; mixed, !b$437, -' r ' . Beef Steady. " " Cut meat Stendr. ' - sS ' , Laiil--Kasv; Western steamed; 1tMj!i.Vto'. ' refined quiet; continent, 8.20; compound, i Cotton eed oil a hade- lower for spot prima summer velloWj but firm otherwise. Prime crude ; fob m'Hs, .2&4tft2b! prime trammer yellow, mia'i; prime white and winters yellow, SSa x Freights-Steady, unchangedlv t - , - Potatoes Steady, unchanged. ' 4 - Cabbage Steadyv wnchanged , s j.' Peantits-Kasiy. unchangec!. J " , ' Butter-Strong, unchanged, J-' ' , Cheee-i-Firm, unnhangra. '- " . ' ' Kkbs Firm; nearby selected, 343t. " - Tnrptntlne-pull, 667 aked. ' Rlee-Steady . , v.-.-, J "Molmaes-Qulet. J -',.. " J Coffee Snot Rio ateadyf No 7 Jnvolcar fl 8-16; r mild, eteadv. Futurs steady at a Det eovance or ovmv ptnnw. - SSSfa umssm pv.w-scjjimiiAE.TV-cc.acn?; t c - ' Xaval Stot6s.' - : Savannah, ? Ga rJatt.- ' i-Torpentlne Firm.. alei-1,171 ; receipt, 4; sliip ments. 363. " .'-i , ' -J Kotn--urm: sale, ,iw, reeeipis, hlpinent,i-77Sj etock. 6i.8-"7. Outrtjtlons: A, B, Cf 316; t, Hi 3 2?: V. J0; ft, 88.2511, h&.t, 13 80. K M, X4.w &-: Wy w. ijw; vy. w ,.. Wilmington, K C. 'Jan. 9-SplrlU tnj- pentme trm, as Din; recmpvs, jio. . Bosln Firm, 83.28 bid; receipt, 7a "7 Crude turpentlno-rFlrm, V,3Q, Itfift and - PAIMT COTTON , MARKET , Ji f "l NEW TORk' COTTON' t" x V ' ' - " . January f, '190$. tJ . ' High Iow Close innunrv . :.- 114 a. 1119- 1118-40 February ., .. , 1146 1145 1138-40 March. 1149 1138 J153,5 April i J36B 1166 1158-67 Juno .. . .. ' U87-68 Jl - '.f.. 1185 1163 m 1170-71 August f. ,i im J15S fJISS-Sf September n. .. ... .... hot Jtws - uiw-w October .... .t 1090 1076 1083-86 Scots 1176: sales none; market tone teady. s , CHARWiTTE COTTON MARKET, The figure represent prices ' paid to wagon Jan. 8. . , " flood middling ,.'.. -r Middling i. .. ., "J.'.. .. ,. ifik-i.U Strict, middling.. ,.. J,. -1..11J4 Good "middling Tinge.; .. . ..'jT.f'i'-J' Strict midllng tinge,. . -, Stain . T. - ... ..i4l4 COMPARATIVE! PORT RECEIPTS i. . , , . Tester r Lett -y . 'day: i Tear. r.ilvMtn - ..- 8695 10393 New Orleans .. .. ,T82 VSOOi'ii Mobile ' 20 Savannah .. .v . .. S; 41iJ Charleston . .. . " , e."-! Wilmington-,.. .. . ,. .' ' ' Norfolk : U94 imi New York ,. rnm :J Boston .. . 62SVT t, - 687 Philadelphia .. , Various 1 ... . 1 ; Total astlmate '. '.. M&49 .,' 17900 ESTIMATES- - i- : To-day lat Tear Now Orleans ; 000 to-7600 17006 Houston .. .. .. .. .. .. 4000 to 4500 8238 Galveston . .. .; wow to WOO , 47X8 INTERIOR RECEIPT8;.',. - '. Yester Last : day. Year. Memphis . . . ' 267S 421 . S41 f 680 9139 Augusta-.. . St. Loui , Cincinnati .. Houston .. Little Rock 816 : t- 8533' PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston steady ' rj! New Orleans steady i " n? Mobile firm Savannah auiet .11 1154 Charleston nominal . . Wilmington nominal Norfolk quiet ........ Baltimore nominal . . .. New York quiet .... ml 1175 12U0 Boston quiei Philadelph phla : steady .... INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Hnuttan fiiilet 11 9-16 11 11 Augusta, quiet and steady Memphis quiet St. boula quiet Cincinnati Lculsville firm v- 11 CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. "January 9. WHEAT High Low Close May ... July ...... ... feept ember . . 87 3-8 86 3-4 87 3-4 86 6-8 83 3-4 84 G-S ... ....83 82 8-8 ,83 .".CORN May 441-2 July -,. . . .'. ...... . . 46 1-8 47 ?-8 (September ,.f. ...45 J.-4 '45 May .... 82 1-4 32 July 30 3-4 301-4 44 7-3 451-8 454. 32 1-4 30 3-4 September . n-c PORK "' January 13.75 13.65 fl3.65 May ...... 1405 13.87 13.87 LARD January 7.D5 7.65 May .. 7-67 7.62 RIBS-- ' January ...... J-50 7.45 May ...... ".82 7.57 7.S2 7.65 7.4a 7.57 NEW TORtC BONDS. - - January 9, 1006. U. S. refunding in, reglatered 102 U. B. refunding 1!. coupon 102 U. 8. 3s. registered 1S U. S. Ss. coupon 103 U. S. Old 4 regbtered ... U. 8. Old 4.-coupon U. S. New 4a, .registered U.' S. New. 4s, coupon .... American Aobacco 4 ' ... American Tobacco u ... Atchison generul 4 Atchison adjustment 4 .. 103 .. 103 .. 130',i .. 1301, .. 81 .. lWi .. 103"!, .. 9414 Atlantic Coat Lino 4 1IC Baltimore Ohio 4 104 Baltimore A Ohio Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4 6 Central of Georgia tm 113 , Central of Georgia 1st Ino, .......... 93 Central of Georgia 2nd 1-ne. m Central of Georgia, Sd Inc 74',4 Cheapeak"o & Ohio 134 J8Vi Chicago & Aalton 3sH 79 Chicago, B. & Quincy new 4s Chicago, R. R. iY Pacific 14. U. 4.. 79i Chicago. R. L & Pucilic R. R. col. 6 89 C, C, C. & 8t. Loui gen. 4s 1031, Colorado Industrial 6 Ser. A. 78 Colorado Industrial 5s Ser. B., Colorado Midland 4h ........ 77 Colorado & Bouthem 4s S44 Cuba 6s -. .i 108 Denver & Rio Grande 4 ofd. 100 Distiller' Secutltie 6 Krle prior lien 4s 99;. I-Jrie General 4s ........ .. 92 Hocking. Valley 4 107 ajpun m 99i Japan 6s. 2nd Serie ;..:.,.,.; 9 Japau 4. certltlcatea 83 Japan Mia, centlticatas 2nd Series..., ft3H LouUville & .Nfish. . Unified 4s. 104 Manhattan eonsol gold 4a 103 Mexican Central 4 .vi. 7H Mexican Central 1st "Inc. . 25 Minn. & St, Loufs 4 ..,;."...,.. 96 Missouri, Kansa & Texa r 4 4. wo4 Missouri. Ka-nsas & 'Itexas Inds nanonm k. . oi mbiico cojmoi ts New York Central gen. 3a New Jersey Central general At.... Northern Paciflo 4s ......... Northern Pacific- d Norfolk A Western consol 4 ........ Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4 ..v 86 8814 131 105 m ' .Stilt 1044 fenn. ev. Readings General' 4:v..; 102 St IjouI A iron Mountain consol 6s.. 116 at, Loui 4- San Francisco .fg, M..,, 614 St. Loui g'western con, 4a 81, Seaboard Air Line 4 , 90 Boutlrm- Pacific 4 ..i.Ui.4 ; Vk Southern Tactile 1st 4a certnicatet.f.. S6 Southern- Railway 6 ........ - 118- Texa & Pacific 1st 121 Toledo, St. L. & Wostern.4 HIU Union Pacific 4,.,. ,........,. 1K Union pacific ov.: 4a : J54 U. S. 6,tecl Aid. 6 i;. VJ . Wabash tsta- - i 115 Wabash fteb. B. . ....... irt.......w 74- Western Md, fit v.,i:...v'' 74 Wheeling A Lake Krle 4 Din Wisconsin Central 4a .....,.......,. .0314 A reaohabl amount 'of food thor ouajnly fllgeated anJ properly atslmt Iata m alweyg increase t tho etrenKth. Jf your atomach is 'HttU pit" Kodot Dyspepsia Cura will digest what you eat end enable the digestive organs to assimilate end transform ell foods mt ilBsue-bulldlnff blood.. Kodol relieves Soar Stomach, - Belching, Heart-Burn end ell forme of Indigestion.- Palatable and strengtheainr. Sold Klnfa prur Co. , , . STODDARD HASEFJCK RICHARD dl:.:ee and Calcutta eurups KrlttforPrlca " CtsOSINa' STOCK LIST. V ; Januarjr , ISM. Amulgamated Copper 1 American Car & Foundry' .v., t 4A -American Car A Foundry Pfd, lw American Cotton, Oil ,.;...,,.A..,, 89 American Cotton Oil Pfd.i-M..if.'-J American.. ffirnrMt... j 223 ; American Hldo 4 Leather Hd, 40'i American Ice .. ray.e a .American icer rt . ...,... Ameriaanr Llnieed Oil v '.' ,, American' Linseed Oil Pfd........... 41 American Locomotive -76 American Locomotive Vfd. a,.. 117 y . Amtrimn Hmeltlnv A ttefna ... .v.i.vltrt American Smelting & Refng. Pjtd... 127, America i Sugar Keflning ,....,10', American Tobocc,' ptd. qortlt.... 1O6I4 Anaconda Mining' Co... ...4 iv'-85 Atcblton 94 AtchUon Pfd J'B Atlunlle ff.- TJn ... : ........ .i 15814 Baltimore & Ohio v 4 Baltimore & unto ma ; j Brooklilt Rapid Transit t, 884 Canadian Paciflo 174 Central of New Jersey ...... 223 Chesapeake A Ohio M Chicago' & Alton ....... 80 Chicago, A Alton Tfd Chicago Great Weatein 21 Chicago & Morthwestern ...225 Chicagcl Mil. St. Paul 183 Chicago Terminal A Trana ,.AQ$tU Chicago Terminal & Tran. Pfd....,, !." C C. C. & St., Louis 106 Colorado Fuel tc Iron ,t...t.......,is-- W olorado & Southern ....32 Olorado & Southern 1st Pfd 70 olorado V Southern-2nd Pfd. ...... M Consolidated Gaa ... J76H Corn Products W Corn Products Pfd, M Delaware & Hudson 223 Delaware. Lackawanna & West, .... 4t0 Denver & RIq Grande 38 Senver & Rio Grande Pfd 4 istlllers' Securities 8214 Brio 4H Erie 1st Pfd. ............ " .'804 Krle. 2nd Pfd. 14 General Electric ..... 178 Hocking Valley H6 Illinois Central 176 Itttems-lionai; papere' 23 International Paper Pfd, .."88 Intermklonal Pumn 27 International Pump Pfd ,- 79 tcwa Central 3014 Iowa Central Pfd 60 KansasAJity Southern ...i 86 Kansas Kity southern rra. , tHi Ioulsvllle & Nashville 1 162 Manhattan L 160 Metropolitan Securities 73 Metropolitan St. Ry. 124H Mexican Central - 25 Minneapolis A St. Louis 82 Minn., St. P. & Sault. Ste. M 16114 Minn.. St. P. & Sault St. M. Pfd 177M, Mlssov1 .Pacific 100 Missouri, Kansas & Texas m Missouri. Kansas & Texas. Pfd 70 NaUonal Lead 83igSS National R. R. of Mexico Pfd 38 New York Central 164 New Yrk Ontario & Wsetern 51 Norfolk & Western 87 Norfolk & Western Pfd 93 North Aaterican 101 Pacilic Mail 48 Pennsylvania 144 People' Gas 101 Pittsburg. C. C. & Ct. Louis 83 Pt Awed Steel Car , . - 66',i Pressed Steel Car Pfd 99 Pullma,n Palace Car 240 Reading , 143 Reading 1st rfd ; SW4 Reading 2nd Pfd. 8ti Repubilo Steel Republic Steel Pfd. 10814 Rook Island Co 23 Rock Island Co. Pfd 6214 Rubber Cloods Rubber Goods Pfd 100 St. Louis & San. Fran. 2nd Pfd 48 Bi. ijoiin ssouinwesiern -i", St. Loujs Southwestern Pfd. ..: 58" Southern Paciflo '. 67. Hcuthe.V Pacihc Ffd lis. Southern Railway 3711 SoutUeV Railway Pfd 100 Tennewee Coal & Iron , 147 Texas & Pacific Xi Toledo, St. Louis & West 34 Toledo. St. Louis & West. Pfd 6 Union Pacific 154 Union Pacific Pfd 97 urtlted states Kxpress lie TTnited State Leather . - United Statea leather Pfd. United States Realty 80 United (State Rubber 52 United State Rubber Pfd. 112 Unned States Steel ; 4414 united State BtaeTpra. A . . . . . . l 107 Virginia-Carolina Chemical 5414 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Pfd 114 Wabash 20 Wabash Pfd; 41- Wells-Fargo Expreai 235 - Weatlnghouse Electric 172 Western Union n Wheeling & Lake Erie 17 Wisconsin Central 30 Wisconsin central fta. bi The Dry Goods Bferket. New York,- Jan. 9. Condition In the dry goods market to-day were somewhat ha proved. owing to the bullish glnners re port nud to certain operation in the print cloth market, which portend according to ,-ivitlioiKies higher prices In finished good. Robbers reported sitahtiy increased trade. as a result-o an advance. Chicago .Grain. , Clilcuco. Jan. 9. -An unexpectedly large decrease In the worlds visible supply of wneat whs tne enter ractor contriDutmg to a strong close to-day in the local wheat market. Final quotations ' on the May option 'were up 9Vt'. Corn was up if ViC Oats were ; practically unchanged, and provision were 5H(g7c. lower. coton New. York, - Jan. 8.-I take this met hod of thanking: my corresrpotidcnts throughout the South for the advices, which have enabled me so accurately to forecast the glnners' report of the Census Department, published to-day My forecast of. this report, published on the 3rd of January, was 9,731,000, which I then estimated to be 90 uerl cWit. of this year's cotton production. The exact figures as published by the government to-day, are 8,721,773 bales. The difference between my figures and those ot the govefnment estimate la, therefore, only 9,227 bales. If my esti mate of the quantity to bo ginned af ter the 1st of January Is aa correct as my forecast of the glnners' figures, this year's production Is approximately bales of rottoti, xvhlch. esti mate is fully, confirmed by tha fact that, after the -1st of January In the three years in which tho government has bean feubllshms these glnners1 re turns, there 'Has never been less than 1,000,000 bales ginned: and In the sea son ot 1902-3 (wltrr which the n resent year most closely Corresponds), there were approximately 1.400.000 bales Bin ned after the. 1st ot January, " THEODORE H, . PBICE CATLIRi & CO. "ttmiffdattotf Hercbeato''' 845 and 347 Broadway. New " ' York , . Boston, ; , Foiladelphia. ; - cqrroir ks. ill numbers, iskeiiis Warps. ; Oops and Cdnes , V cOTToiiVooobi', & COMPANY. COSTCN, KASt i CONDENSED STATEMENT OF, The First, national Bank OF' RTTCHMONIJ, VIRGINIA," ,i JANUARY U. W05. ;resoorce8. , w -'..i s ii atif Loan and discount Overdrafts v,.v..v. ',....... 3,44132 V. 8,; bonds at par 'IH.6Q0M , - . (Market value 1642,300.80) Premium on U. 8, bond ...... 0.60 Other stocks and v bonds 819949 Bankmg-i house -'....,... 23,00000 Furniture and fixtures . e.00 Otksr Richmond real estate... 10.675,73 Vlrgiofa-, bonds , :. 300.000.00 Cash, and due from banks .. .1,300,836.93 .' ' l,778,843.2 - V, .LIABILITIES. Capital :....7y,..,. t oo,6oo.00 fnirolue fund 4oe.oun.40 Undivided profits 126.049-44 Unearned discounts , 60,00000 Accured Interest and taxes.... 18.B02.02 Circulation 599.feo.ofl Depealts 4:t.... . 4.641.802.41! Bpnd account 442.5O0.O0 '-,''- $6,778,843.92 Ws solicit the aceaunta of banks, cor eoratlons. Arms and Individuals and will be pleased to meet and correspond with thoae who - contemplate making changes or opening- new -accounta. , JNO M, MILIAR. .Tr.. Cahier, HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS C1IARLOTTE A GRUICNSBORO, N.C. Wheeler, Runge and Dickey ARCHITECTS ; Second Floor 4C' Building, C!HAJIWTTE, S.C. FRANK P. MILBURN ARCHITECT Columbia, S. C. BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO, N. C. Consulting, Hydraulic and Sewer Engineers. Plans end estimates for power plants and sewer systems made on application. Bandy A. M., Ph. B. Assoc. M. A. M-. So. C. E., end Terrell, C. B, Rentater. ESTABLISHED 1880 C. P ELLIS X COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants -MEMBERS OF The New Tork Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Brokers' .Association. New Or leans Board of Trade. Cotton Exchange Building NEW ORLEANS Special attention given to executing" of orders in contracts for future de livery of cotton In all the' market. COHRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. DR. C. L. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. CARROX BUILDING SoiltheaKt Corner FOURTH AND TRVOX STREETS. HUBBARD BROS. & CO.. HANOVER SQUARE. NEW YORK. MEMBERS OP New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. ... COTTON YARNS 11 CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Philadelphia. 122 end 124 Chestnut St. Boston, 185 Summer St. New York, No. 51 Leonard St. "THE STAMP OF PER FECTION." Our nam on machinery means that in its manu facture quality was the first consideration, price the second. That is Khy we grow. MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton Mill, Cotton QU and Other Machinery. Machinery fr Farm and Fac 'tory. . : ; ; FmriflK Three kinds, from 12 u,5?lo to 150 H. P, RnilArc Return Tubular and mmh Portable on skids, from 12 to 150 H. Pr Improved Gin Machinery. and Presses, and Complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and oVer. .""v- .W Milk Four or five kinds, the.l3outh.'. v4 f Pd!eys and Shafting, smallest to complete cotton milloutfits. ' r Ll D DE L I COMPANY if ;CMe,K.C rCOTTON'WllLt.lVlAeHINERY. ilWM( ' i t , . MAIN 01 1011 OUTH TRYOM 8T WHAKtOTTI, N.O, . r Revolvins Hat Card, Railway fleads, Drawing Frames, Spinning Frames, Twisters and Spoolers 'Qutllers and Reels. Looms, COMBERS ETC., ETC flHTIlt jiniiiii THE LARGEST PIPE COVERING PLANT IN THE UNITED STATES lhe Philip Carey Mfg. Co., Cintinnati, Ohio; Manufacturers if 85 fee Cent Carbonate ef Magnesia - The strength and good quantities of our pipe covering lies In the combined qualities of the Magnesia end '-nVk. Asbestos in such proportions as to gives thorough y adhesive, fire proof covering, as well as a non-con- "j tf : ;; ductor of heat '(A 5-'- Garey's Pipe Coverings Tire Especially Good . Rnr Hnt Water Pines. Low Pressure and 8 Gold Water Are absolutely fire-proof and prevent Its loss through radiation. re vent Its loss through radiation. ( They prevent the condensation of steam, saving oxcesslve firing, thereby f.reatly reducing tre fuel bill. They last longer than the surfacas to which they are applied, making tue savins of fusl an nnn saving These facts are based on experience. Carey's Pipe Coverings have saved will do the same for you. For Farther information and Estimates, address, Gharlotte Branch, -: THE PHILIP G71REY MFG. GO., 216 S. Golle&e St. MILLER & COMPANY I : EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 100 Rroadway. - - New York. Member: New York Sfck Exchanf?e, New York Cotton Exchange. New York Coffee Exchange. New York Produce Ex chaneo. Nfw Orleans Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Board of Trad, Chicag Board Of Trede. Mverpool Cotton, Aso- j elation. Executee order on any of th ; exchanges of which we are members. All orders sent to our branch office at Greenville, 8. C. will be tranmittei i instantly by private wire to our mali) ! ofltee In New York, and exeoutlons rei ported, promptly. ...... The Best Service, Prompt Attention, ! Immediate Settlement. Your Business Solicited. P. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. . ill W. Washington St., Oreenvllle, 8. C. i COTTON SEED OIL j and Gin Machinery NOT IN ANY COMBINATION S I TIll'tT Complete plant from fifteen to V two hundred toni capacity, hpe- a Clal smell oil plants for Rln--tiories. Comploie cotton gin ning systems. E. Van Winkle Gin and Machine Works, f ATLANTA, - CiEOIWilA. S HUGH MACRAE & CO.,, Bankers Mlscellanenint Kniithern Securities WILMINGTON. N. V. Washington, I. C. 40S Colorado nitlg ' Cotton Mill Stocks WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant. COTTON' YARNS, ALL C01NT3 ; cotton noons j COTTON AND COTTON WASTK. j Amsterdam, New York.! RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. COTTON WARPS AND YARNS. No. 114 Chestaut Street, PinLADEIiPIIIA. - - - PA. a: d. salkeld & bro., COMMISSION MEIVC1IANTH M-73 Ieonaiyi -IStl NEW YORK. COTTTON TARNS. WITH . Pred'k Vletor & Achelis. WM. D'OUER. & G0., COMMISSION MERCHANTS COTTON YARNS , Tfalixt. And! Chestnut Ste: -Mariner and Merchant Bids. - PHILADELPHIA. PA. s HAWARD, VIGK & 0ARK : Ccltcn Ccrr.issicn h4 " f .STITADT W ;t DA MPDV r , ; ENQINEER AND CONTRACTOR . . "V . .. '1 SOCKET Slubbers, Roving Frames I pi $ J-V.1- sir , . n Intermediates, Jack Frame Pipes. Qarey's non-conductors of heat They conflno PAULSON, LDMKROUM & CO. mm 83 Leonard Street, rmrd and Chaatnut . - pmiadeinnia 210 Monroe Street J. SPENCER TURNER CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICES: New York, Philadelphia, Chlcajro, 8t. Louis, Loadoe. Enclend Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods. : . CROMPTOM THAYER LOOM CO WOKCESTEK, MASS. FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM LOOMS. ALSO MAKERS OF DOBB1K8. KITHKR DOUBLE OR SINGLS! INDKX. TO BE APPLIED To OTHER LOOMS. v', ; SOUTHERN RBPRBSENTATIVES. 1 T ALEXANDER & GARSED, - - - Charlotte, N. C. JENCKES SPINNING CO. , PAWTUCKET, R. I. , ; COTTON TARN SPINNERS, CONVERTERS AND DEALERS. $ m n ii nam . -L -..z'K.f-. Correspondence With Southern Spinners Solicited. O. a. ROB BINS Complete Equipment for Cotton Mill, Power Plants 4 and General Machne.ry. . 1 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROUITA.; High-Grade Spindle, Loom, Engine and Valve . O IL S Engines, Belt Oils and Greases, Lobricstlne Oreasea. Readv.lftxMl IPalnta. ilnll U'stw PaintsL ,' Agenu Watllea' GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. IMPORTANT TO ! Keep yon Boltera Free "LORD'S BOIUStt C0MPOIWDS.' . ;" I . iWt analyse the scale and water and prepare special chemicals) ta gait your requirements. All shlpmsntji guarttntsed. Send aampla e( keala aat ' eonsult. S14 S. thup St. HKNKT. W. i ; CCNTI MENTAL CVl CC..?ATiY i tela . .4,-31 OR. v U LsC, c- ' s 'rift ' ' v . ' ' iHAIlOM 0siie EQUITASLI BUILOINO. ' T - - r ''-ATLANTA, GM e . : ,1 S i 1 ' J ' ' Automatic Feeders, s ' Openers and Trunk. ' Breaker. laterrnedlate ani Finisher Lsppers, Kirschncr Carding Beaters Thread Extractor,: Waste Pickersf'etc.; Raw Stock Dryers. ETC., ETC. Coverings the heat to the pipes and - . i'y dollars for many people, they . , . . ; ... - s$ ;iv E. P. Tingley, M&r. New York; Chicago f - . ..,,71 Dresslne Compounds. Ait- STB2M USERS IVom Scale b TJaing , "j r,- LOKD Satttwove, MdL J s --., isf. r..i '.k?-; , i TOW WArT ONXT .THE BEST , Cotton Gin Xlachir cry. Ask any eiperlenced glnner sto rRATTi - EAGLE, r SMITH, WlN"r: r. IdUXGER i' - . ; If Interested we would like to t '-yo what thousands of Hfl - - tomers say. -tVrtce for -'Cui ttatimonlal .booklet 1UIUU - s' ueJ K 2C YAK ? v J Y Ii "5 i , ' 1.'.. ' A t 4 i t r t I - ' - ' . , ,