PIT A TCTiOTTn "DAILY OIrJlVT:!?. JAliUAIlY 13. 1 C r. " ::s cotton statement. . for 12 Days ol ' Janmryf ij Kales Voder Urfwt : loan- v to Date 7,8l,5a, Against St. Orleans, Jar II. Secretary unroi "" I u.rr a f decrease last ' year .j.uwiww, r; Aft.' -a. AaAMMM innnnw xne i i. tr .iit , r . - . .v. eiapeeo, ue ggrw " " 1:19 Bam day of lea Te '"''r and feehrodi year nerore v s . . .m.. db AAA The amount brought into sjigm our irir the Met week has een 2W.6W ll.g ""."T-: bale. against 849,855 for ihe oi day jast year, and 279.669 year neiore lasx, The tnovement since Sept. 1 show receipt at tWlted State port to be M5,. agnst .240.162 yaat year; overland eAross the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac, rivers to Northern rnlH and - Canada,--. 4S5,37 against 68J.52J fast yar? interior atock In excess of thoael held at the close of the rmmw clal year, 67,5&V aa.lnt 35,88 lt year; Southern tnW takings, 1.008,000, glnat 984,144 laet year. ' The total movement alnce Sept 1 is t.S75.0Sl, agalnat 8,443,681 last year. foreln export for the week have teen J,22i,' gaint 197,427 laat year, making the total thua far for the ea ort J.78S.811, agatoat 4,6M,882 laet year. The towl takings of American mills. North, South and Canada, thua far for the seaaon. have teen 2,332,441, against 2.287,441 laat year. Stocks at 4he seaboard and tne Z leading Southern Interior centers have decreased during the week 99,208 lialea. ajrainst a decrease during the .corresponding period last season of IncKidlng stocks left over at ports and Interior towns from the lat crop .nA the number of bales brought Into ight thus far from the now crop, ttia supply to date Is 7.81J.562, against 8.- 405,548 for the aame penoo iai ytr. ' VISIBLE SUPPLY. NeV Orleans, Jan. 12 Secretary ' Heater's statement of Ue worid'a vls fo supply of cotton, "Isaued to-da.y, ahowa the total visible to toe 5,425.461, against M66.289 laat week, and 4,631. 381 last yesr- Of this, the trtal of American cotton is 4.082,D1. against 413 laat week and 2,807,286 laat year and of all other kinds, hreludilng Egypt. Braafl. India, etc.. 1.84S.OOO, last year. , Of the worid'a visible supply of cot ton as above, there la now afloat and told in Great Britain and cmenia. EWrope 2.764,000. against 2.428,000 lart year- In Egypt. 20,00O, against 200 000 lfct year; In India, 726.0OO. apraJwU 8.-4.000 last year, and in the United tatea. 1.731.000, against 1,654,000 lost var. t , ,., I. - IHXIE LirMIVKU W. Saw f.iiu-ern for wawiingin, a. v. - , velop Knbiirimn i'roM-ny. -Correspondence or tne uiwjrvn. Waahington, N. C, Jan. ll.-The '.'.'"i . ... m . Vl.ut XT,it.eiI lOTSJ10IOrB 1 run i,,.,,..,.... Bank, held thdr annual meeting yes terday. Tho fellowlJig dlreotors wore elocted for-the ensuing yoar: Messrs. James L. JPowlo, Charl. M, Ilrown, -John B, Kowle, V. C. Kugler, 1). M. irter, K, K. WJIUji, A, M, Dtimmay, W R iPrAKtnv nnrt W. H. WllltleW. James L. Powl was clticted president, C- W. Brown vice president and A. M.' Dumay cashier. The affairs of ' the fcank were reported in a fine con - dltlorr and the usual dividend was de clared. The Pixie Lumber Company, re cently organised, toaa been granted let ter of 1iKrporatlon by the Secretary of Plate. This concern will have a capital stock of 860,000 and will oper ate saw mills. Toe principal mm win ht located on the south side of the Pamlico river near Chocowinlty, and will consist of two mills of 12,000 feet H. Davenport arwl others. This of limber Untiii in thin Htat. : . A (ifj euiinufi nn a i v rri. ii i . -ia pany has recently purchased a Inrgfl acres of farm lands situated on the suburb of this city, and formerly be longing to Mr. and Mrs. John O. Blount. It is tho purpose of this coin- and surveyors are now engaged In the work of laying off. An soon a this nvl, tm MmnUlAH t Vij. ) .it Ill h, . ivm v"..,-,, , puio t- ui on sale. This company is ulo plan- on sale. This company is also plan- urns iu iiiviih iiiauuiai iui wis piani", i this plot is an Ideal pla- for such The firm of L. n. Whlchard ft Company baa ten recently dlwolved. . iMinimni inn ma; i nun me Urm. Capt. W. H. Ellsworth, the pother partner, has bought out Mr. "Wblehard'a Interest and will continue Jhe business at the samo place. '. Mr. Thomas C. Buckham Is very ill Mr, L. R. Whlchanl retiring from the . urm. wapi. rv . tj. at.nii renoence in isicnoisonviiie. f '. ; -. MAI IXM; St'AItK, ' . . ' . . . . I 17 canines Hilled at Ix-lntni Mr. lompuiw io iH-nvrr iMiurotsllo- ipi v:aaogr iianim. brrespondence of The Observer. . ' MHtMM,,!, IV. ml. I, v fStauefiter lias Jeniwil the Ht.oa 'iftjr.m Mntr utrvet nrt will &t an v; UlAteewktams lea a ... . . ' I years exrlerlen. liavlng conducted - well known iotelries at High Point. Lexington and other places. ' ..Lexington Is having it mail dog cragei Seventeen doge have been kill ed In the last few days, siid the police fore Is still armed with shot guns for tbs purpose of canine destruction. Last' Sunday a dog manifested mild ness near the cotton milts in west Lexington, and on his way through town is saidto have bitten 27 doge in all; and ws finally killed. As yet i only dogs nave been bitten. Mr.; D. A, Tompkins, of Charlotte, lias been invited and has accepted an Invitation to deliver an address to the people of Lexington on the subject of building and loan associations. The address will be delivered on January SO at the court house, and a large at tendance 1 poc ted. Lexington has only : one building and loan associa tions which has issued one series of 4AAlr' . M rA kuUm titans A- . . increase 'the numbr of aerie and If best, organise, other association. jrr ir --T- " i M Hubbard Bros, et Co.' Cotton Letter, fpecisi to I The Observer, Kew Tork, Jan. IX Liverpool is re-1-live.ly so weak, compared with this i Hiket, that one aaturally looks about ) r tiie reesoa. It caaaot b offerings (torn the Houih beceese this ts the dear, e-t market br half , ent a ound. It ini'v be tee Dreasure ot their tK-k iha 1 u .-Ait la- muuy jresrs, u - nr be-the recipis in rtamoer,, mjm against ,a cotton In 'the continent . It may he - .nii at tietween 4n forwarif order r cHton goods this ewuoa and last to . neuter, but it certainly Is not ia th " of the Anwrkaie murkets.. Both - r. a A K . 1 1 1 , li th i a ft muriiftll am m,mtmr -v a parity with those le JKunme and ,k,. f.'ticiir two-thirds our crop, v' luHi ket lias been ; ouiet one : nil r Ktiulna lfanti nnA m. t i ! ' ant poHitions. There bus la filing xwtfy,y:. o.wpiJse.Wi.iwi' NO STRIKE. AT SAUSBIJBT.-. Mament'of OMOLU " roneously Stated To ,' Open New Hotel Vance MI1I 'Stockholders Mm Salisbury .Bird to Knter KmtUClfJf 14MS, '-'( ,, Kentucky urn, i?t .STeV S?S s?r?ke " . t - "... t! , . . th Salutary Cotton n.ui nwy ,wt 1..,, - .. - ,.:. - - witin Tor Vo 7 'that - nearly 200 ...h. i. Atm&nd for a cent ralaa on th cut, th usual f way of paying weavers, their i reason for the raise being baaed upon the la . IM.. lr,.Mn In A; Bill crease of Jiving incident to a , mill monm Ufa .. .Thit misinformation, for such it aeema to have been, came from a man v employed oy . uie ; mni n whose 'children were employes in this tfu,m RAimv AMiiriid bv him' that .the item was absolutely correct and the Informer being informed tnai ine iwm would be presented for publication, it wan iKlthnill TirOteat. Th6 mill IDan agement to-day gave your correspon dent, who looked tnem up, us iuw "There haa been no strike m our mill nor any threat of one. Two or three men did appear Wednesday with a. rwnuest for the ratee signed by many of the weavers and loom fixers. They disdained any intention oi making a demand or assuming the attitude of tritrora w tnid them that we "could not grant this petition, that our wage rate is as nign as any m me oww, and the matter stopped right there. We have not advanced the price of fuel and The Observer' correspondent has been entirely misled. The rela iinna nf the management and the ope ratives are Jut as Cordial to-day as they have been tnrougnoui me it years the mill has been running." xi- and Mr v. E. Pinkham. of Asheville, are here preparatory to op ening the large new hotel in the John ston block. They nave leasea wn mr.it.nAiA fmmttiM ttf 0 rooms for a 0);,au,w ... Mfc"- period of five years and they are ex pecting two car loaas or rurniture wnn oL-hif-v. tn hrln nttlnar it ud. Mr. Pink- ham has money and character to back him and Is thoroughly experienced In the business. He cornea highly credited and will give Salisbury a good institu tion. As an incentive to giving the place a pretty name Mr. Pinkham of fers 10 In gold to the Salisbury cltl sen offering the name that he will f.doit. Salisburians who are to enter their crnrv, fh(rkn Ht ("OVlnSTtOrl. Ky., RCXt week, will leave Sunday night for that place, taking their birds with them. These gamester have fought and won all over the country and are to go up against the world's best birds In this meet. More than half of North Caro lina's chickens have been bred and truing hem. Their have made thfilr owners possessors of small fortunes and local eports treat them as the ap ple of their eye. One oi cmcago mn iinnoiru la anld to be backing the birds that will fight Salisbury's and local sports win De nappy to separaio him from his money. The Vance Cotton Mill stookholdors 1 1, .ir iinnmil meeting yesterday and the usual 3 per cent, dividend was nrt.,1 Th mill was found to be In splendid shape, new machinery and extensive improvements maraing tne year's work. Mr. E, B. Neave is su intintin ntirt Iirs done a wonder ful amount of work to bring the mill to its present high standard. ev. ir, J. Murdock is presiaeni, iapi. v. Coughman vice president and Mr. vuiu or.r.tarv and treasurer, A strong board of directors stands be. hind the management in tneir wonc The city's coal famine has not been relieved and a coal car comes into the city to a local dealer, the outnrn ..t.Ki it nn am that cornoratlon has a right to do and' the people say noth ing but burn wooa. n oouinurn seems to be pressed as hard as the dealers and seems unable to haul It fast enough. No business Institutions have had to shut down yet aa a result of the shortage In fuel. Mr. Douglass Lee Leftwlch, a fa mous dialectician. Imitator of the old time darkey and all round entertainer, Is scheduled to appear here January 25 under the auspices of the iauiea Aid Society of the First uapust church. He comes with big praise and the church, people expect to reap a harvest. ONE BANK'S PltOSPKItlTV. 1 I'oltlt .lllllliioi Jinn " (x-ssful Carocr for 20 Years Hue Years Name r-i.,, ,., First National Correspondence of The Observer. High rolnt, Jan. jw. m iwcmitui annual meeting ot me sioi.s.nwiur ui th( National Bank of High Point was n.tj wsterday In. the office of the bank. The report " of the president Mr w j Armfleld, Sr., was read, re- viewing the operations of the bank nnual meeting of the stoc arnoiaers oi for the post twenty years, it having been organized March ism, ibbo. in report disclosed the fact that the net . - I . .. , I (DVM fin1 . . a AAA Ua tion one losses, wer no,uU, ' -, , ... a... arAiihniiera. Tne ioiiowiiik signers of the original articles of in corporation! have since died: Mr. J. H. Kerree. Randieman; Mr. B. A. Moffltt, Asheboro; Dr. J. M. Worth, Asheboro; Mr. J. 8. Spencer, Charlotte; J. u. Hiwt. Dr. J. J. Cox and Dr. A. J. Sapp, of High Point. The coroorate existence oi me oans was extended another 20 years and the title was changed from the National tunic nf His-h Pn rvt to me First rxa- iianv f tlluh Paint. The capi tal is $100,000 and surplus fund. $74,000. There are only 13 otner Danas in tne HlHle that have clrntlnued operation ihiu inni without amr Interruption. and there are over 200 In the State. This record speaks volumes ror tins bank, which has been a powerful lever i ih. iinhultiltna' of the c4tv. The Armflelda were here when the town was a village ana ever aince nave naa their shoulders to tne wneei pusning ...... mnA all wnrOiv nnternrlaea to the Mt J . ... " . " - V . ' - - - r front and never hesitating to help out In time ot neea. unaer me wm .n,ui nt Ur w J. Armfleld. nr.. ini Ma n Mr. K. Xi. Armfleld. oreal- dent and cashier respectively, this bank has always stood nign in tne es. tlmatlon and connaence ot tne peopie County Treasurer HI Young Girl Affllrted. ' rAannrlBiuav tit The Observer. Durham. Jan. ll.Paschall - Luna- ford, county treasurer, Is quite III at his home In this pity. He has been in had health, for some, time and. on several occasions had attacks that came near ending me lire, mis even- ma; hi condition je reporiea aa sooto -' Ir. and Mrs. Joe Oraham nd their little daughter nave returned rrora Phlliirflnhl. Thmr wnt lit the Oua specialists examine their little daugh ter. h has been ufferlng for eev eral month. Dr. Oraham ; wag eve compsnled by a. nurse,, who wilt look iiwr sno cr w mt cmiu. - . :f And say H good and strong' U A Mil akaiar- f WBSHSfsr fa1IS.M '......?.: dm'-- w " ay . -. V1A M , -,1 .-V '. Push Becky Mountain Tea along, ,U i m. ' . , k. 1 ...... . ... . r ' ' UEARINfl JPOSTPOXEO, . atyof High Iolnt to be Given Tlmtj ttf .Procure Evidence) , if w rluska of ; Injunction Proceedings Brought by tkwthern New Notes, Special to The Observer. t Hie Point. Jan. a2.In the Injunc tion case t of the i Boothern Ballwar against the elty, of, tuga roim inc main eontentlon on the part Of. the Southern is that there -was no street, road or passwayon what is now High street- the street Id i contention, y be fore the railroad was built, and up to some time afterward. This claim will not stand.' however, .a there are those who wtH remember . a- roadway there before the first rail on the North Carolina Railroad was put-, down- In High Point; Soma maps ana enarts are needed, however' te more forcibly clinch this contention of th Southern and these will bs secured la day or SO, S'i-'''''-''' '-' f Letters 'from' :cltlens -in" diffeMiht nj-t of : the State . show, that - many other towns are interested In the final outcome, as a reverse decision would mean "that the Southern; could take possession of the 100 feet on both sides of the railroad from Greensboro to Charlotte and . from Greensboro to Goldsboro, thus working Incalculable hardship and annoyance 1 to property owners close along this line ot rail road. , Jn the meantime further hear ing Is postponed for two weeks. . Dr. J. T.' Justice, from the "western part of North Carolina, has decided to locate here for the practice of his profession.; Dr. Justice Is from a well known family and haa shad several years' experience In the practice of medicine. He wilt reside . on Elm street. J - Altogether about 160 lots nave been old In Snow Park, which was opened this fall by the Peoples Realty Com pany. Many of the purchasers will build homes this spring, some of which will cost from $2,600 to 33,000. . The opening of this property will cause east High Point to build up rapidly. Miss Luclle and Master wyau Pickens, of Lexington, are visiting their grandmother, Jrs. W, J. Arm field, at Saponaslde. Mr. W. T. Choplln, of Guilford Gro cery Company, has bought the store of J. W. Rodger, at Jamestown, and will conduct the business himself. Mr. J. D. Adams, who has charge nf the Birmingham, Ala., branch of the Tomllnson Chair Manufacturing Com pany of this place, is in the city on business. Mr. W. G. Brown has moved his family to Greensboro, he having a po sition with Joseph J. Stone, of that place. Mrs. Seatern Grmshaw, of At lanta, Is visiting her slater,: Mrs. An derson Beaver. Mrs. Prank Armfleld, of Monroe, ia visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J. Armfleld, at Soponaside. "TOURIST" CHANGES HANDS. Publbilicr of Southern Pines) Paper Retires on Account of III Health Plnealilre Hani larl um Pnrcliaacd by SyiHlieate of Pliyslclans, Correspondence of The Observer. Southern Pines, Jan. 11. Rev. H. 8. Foes and L. P. Stradley have succeed ed M. B. Clarke in the publication of The Tourist. Mr. Clarke' health was such that he was compelled to give up active work for a time. John Huttenhauer has been appoint ed superintendent of tho big Van Llnd- ley orchards. He is one of the most successful fruit men of . this reitlon, and while ho has a big task at the new place his friends expect him to make good. Next Wednesday W. H. Brltton & Co. will sell at auction all the remain ing machinery, stable and household equipment at Lumberdale. That will end the work there, and the scene of operation will be transferred to Ala bama, where the company has a large lumber buainess already on foot. Dr. High has sold the Pineshlre Sanitarium to a syndicate of physi cians who will cdntinue the work that haa been so successful there; SpocialfJoticos BUT YOUR CIGARS FOR SUNDAY, to-day. we nave an tne leading Brands: Chlco, Clnco, Rolgs, Norma, Marlines, Cuesta Rey. Runnymede. Portuguese, Onto, Cortee, 101 Principle, Deo Onles etc. WOODALb t SH&PPARD, Drug gists. THKKK8 ONLY ONE WAY TO GIVE) desnerts the famous Hlue Klbbon Flavor." Ask for Blue Ribbon Vanilla, and " y 1t plain. FINK HEADED LETTUCE AND Prunes that you would like. i SARRATT A BLAKBLY. WOOD AND COAI-WOU CAN ORDER , .. . ...... nm l.r.1 U Ik. ihMM ..IU.. und get just what you want. Our per sonal attention given to all orders, large or small. w have a full stoci of nil grades Coal and Wood. 'Phone 402. W. A. AVANT. FfiOflUDA TOMATOES, LETTUCE. water cress, Boup Huncne. Radishes. Sweet Peax, Spinach: Spring Onions Just received. Fresh lot of California Celery; Northern Rutabaga Turnips; home grown lettuce. Spring Onions, Radishes, Oynter Plants, etc. Florida Oranges. Tangerine Oranges; New York State Apples; Grape Fruit. Oive us your order, early, before they nro picked over. 'Phont 68. MILLER VAN NEBS CO. STOP THAT COUGH; SYRUP' TTHITR Ptne and Tar will ao the worg, 25c. at MAYF.R'8, Sixth and Tryon streets. 'Phone 262. - ---trr" MAOIC HKADACHE3 POWDER WILL cure. It produces Instant relief. Don't try substitutes, but use Magic JA8. P. 8TOWB ft CO.. Druggists, 'Phone 179. NrTW BUPTLf BKST FLORIDA Oranges, 20 and 25o.; tjiln skin. and sweet. Yellow Rutabaga Turnips,: the only istnd that are good nt thin season of th year. Curat Coffr. 19c.; Gold Coin. 26o, BBJ DOERS ft CO, abi West Trade street. FOR ANYTHING N DRUGS. NO MAT- ter wnai, -i-non or sena to me. t DILWORTH DRUG STORE. - B. 8. OATlfl. Phone 147. r . . , FOR RENT 10 " SOtJTH ' MYERS, ' 4 room modern, new; 11 w. sixth, I roonrM, nil modern convent neea, ckae In, $(; b" B. Seventh, I rooms, city water, large bam, 116 OOf 1 itore-ronm, Imon, 110. J.ARTUVR HENDER. OUR LINES 6F DOMESTIC AND IM- porvea eigars is large ana very varied, we make special price to the box trade. GSM RESTAURANT, , vr. Cretwell, Manager. . ' , , WANTED 10 COTTAOES OR SMALL hauae to rant. Mr demand la far hm yood my supply, if funny how some : people ecgnonnawve a nicaie and lost tea eenta Why can I do better than tha others T Why, I know how to bunch the hunter,, Every hoote-hunter hunt for m. V Lr KKESLKR, It B. Tryon 'atreetx ' . v T Fteah car- load Melroi ' FLOUR. WO sell to nnybody. k: 7 2i THE STAR BULLS ' IHlAaa OT . High Point Bank Elects Officers. Correspondence of The Observer, ." ' High Point.. Jan. lLThe 15th ' an nual meeting of the Commercial Na tional Bank was held yesterday In the office of the bank. . The old Officers were ; re-elected . and .the usual S per cent, semi-annual ' dividend was de clared. The directors for next year are: J. J, Welch, J. W. Harris, J: P. Redding, R. R. Ragan, J. Elwood Cox, W. G. Bradshaw.CFJUM, and W. p. Pickett , The ?aat 'years' pustnees was the best In the history of the bank,," 4, ,,X- ., ,, , I, M. 4 , j; THC "V7EATHER. . Washington, 'Jan. 12.. Forecast for Sat tirday and Sunday: North Carolina, fair In west, ' rain in east portion Satur day; Sunday rain; brisk northeast winds. V. SL , 'WEATHER ' BtJREAlL ; Charlotte, NY G.," I P. m. Jan. 12, 1608. Bunriae, 7;31; sunset, 6:32; (standard time). , . i - , LDCAt. WEATHER REPORT .' Highest temperature ............ ...... -i ,8S Lowest temperature ........... Mean temperature ,..,..... Kxeesa for the day :4 Accumulated . excess for the month. .15 Accumulated '..excess for the. year.... .16 Precipitation to-day lnehes) .,,... 1.W Total preololtation for the month.v,.. Accumulated excess for the month., 1.16 Accumulated excess for the year 1-K Prevailiog wind direction ..,..... ...N. E. A man's happiness is always In fluenced by the condition of his wife's health.' , When she is In pain he car ries worry . with him to his business. Anything .that relieves her suffer ing fills..! him with gratitude. A prominent merchant of Forest City, N. a, writes: t"l feel it my doty to writs you that the dreadful pains that have always come to my wife every month have been prevented by Scott's NURAL-G-LENE. - . It quiets her nerves and takes away all pain." - NURAL-G-LENE simply quiets the nerves and allows nature to act with out pain.- it Is harmless and leaves no bad effects. Sold by . all drug gists. Free sample en request. JNO. M. SCOTT ds CO., Wholesale Agents; WEDDING PRESENTS Our handsome line of cut , glass goods will make not only beautiful and acceptable gifts, but useful one. Select from our well chosen, high class - Stock and you will know that What you send will be of the latest pattern and cut. R. H. JORDAN & CO. Nurses' Register. Phone 7. v Springs Cor. NEVER CLOSED. It's Up To Yovl Will you make your weekly or monthly surplus work for , yon i, - during 1906, or will you pursue your Accustomed gait, your nntt quated habits, and. at the end of the year, .find the fellow that ?e- - celved half your salary, worth twice your money? . .. : START TO-DAY With the new Series Mutual Building ft Loan, and be a financier yourself, even though on a small scale. , Don't let the school-boy '1 ' and the Infants in business beat you to the tank.' Tlie Mutual keeps the man, the "woman, the child that keep himself,. or herself. LL KKSLER, Secretary and Treasurer, 25 S; TRYON 1ST. . J0K1 R PHARfl, PresiilenL V FINE CORNER LOT -7- - - - ' ' - "v'--'v-' - - : We are now offering a fine corner lot, : on car line, reasonably ; close In and with large oak shade trees. Such another location for. a home would- be almost Impossible -to secure In Charlotte - now. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. O. CRAIG, 8ecy, and Manager. ' Office IS SL Tdo St. - , f Phone S7T. ' ' 51 1-2 ACRE FARRI; FOR SALE Fronting on Beattl' Ford .Macadam : Road, three : xnlles vfrom ; city; about fifteen acres in Umber; :forty 'young "fruit trees; l-roqm ; Dwelling and sv Barn, Ji good Spring on ilcv ' - ' ' rrf CaU at office tor irlcee, '- " ' K , 1 Insurance We are fully prepared to take care of rush , ' orders of floral designs for funerals. "Special . ; attention to floral decorations for" marriages, ' ,: receptions, etc. - s . n -1 i: ' s - DIIA702TII FLORAL QARDIIIT3. ' . ,v- V: 7.0.ncrOE2,Prcprictcr. ; . r , Telegraphic orders receive prompt attention. Phone COO ll.v VfOllCtJ Vj. For the Treatment of TJhiskey, Ilciphiaa and f , Nervcu3 Diseiccs. t Special apartmenu and nurses for lady patients. All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases, and various method Of massage, ; Includ ing the Bllhnlaier , vibrating method. The stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. , Specially trained male; and. female nurses and' attendants. i , . M. CROWEIX, If. Pres. W. M. STRONG. M. D, -,--- -1 ' '.. Resident FhyslctBB. 214: Acre: Fanri '1 3-?, mm f- '" For Sale--tO miles East of City,, In Morning Star Township; copalderablo ilmber, 1 good branch bottorn email dwelllngt nearly hew. Yi. $15.00 per" acre. F. f D. ALEXANDER fire iosamsce Rd Estate Dealer , , 202 Tryott. 7h'- . Dr. & Nye Hutchison, . ' . , v-H 9. 9. Bntailsoav IBMM INSURAiyCE FIRE, , . LIFE, ' ACCIDENT i OFFICE i Ho. t. Hunt Banding. . Ben 'Phone 4S. . l CUT fLOWTRS : FOR JANUARY Our prospects for flowers for January are very flattering, especially in ROSES, CARNATIONS, . VIOLETS and L. VALLEY. j 1 SHIJiAX. targe lot -1 fine heavy ropes for decorating. Telegraph :; Or (Alepbasie us for FtTNERAL DESIGN8. ' Write us for prices on your WEDDING FLOWERS. Flowers cut fresh every day. I. Van Udley Nursery Co. POMONA. N. C Send telegram-to Greensboro. 4 r end Real Esctt Aitnt -. 4 i T mm n WWW S w a 4 Millions end millions of our dollars go Eat,t every year to swell - the coffers of the big insurance companies,' that fatten and flourish and grow powerful on our money, while we klmp and savs ' and. sweat under the heavy burden., Why pay tribute? Why continue to hold the bag? Why impoverish ourselves ta make other sections , rich T The 6 Insurance Companies of Greensboro, N. C, represented by Mth4 will gladly leave every dollar of their premiums in Char-. . lotte to be loaned to Charlotte enterprises, . Ring , 236 to-day and ; let our Inunrance Man call to aee you. v - ,. - ., fczftM ' Red Estate IU sjjj sj" mm mm lj wig i '7 f -Why not carry your checking account heret- '- It will1 cost You. r nothlnir to try It, and It. we do not make grood our claims to your ' .J patronage," it wiu oe . easy 10 oiaoonunue your accounu' - i j C W. E. HOLT, Pro. " It A. DC NX, -;f - ALBEUT T. 5UMMI5X, Teller. , - , ". - p at a aaa saav j At..- tm A.. f.mm FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 1865: CapM and Surplus, $500,000.00 ; .x DIRECTORS: j . V. M. BROWN" , , , GEO. W. BRYAN ' J. C. BURROUGHS FRANK GILREATH 9. S. MTKRS f. B. Mcdowell H. M. McADEN W. B. RODMAN ' T. W. WAD 17 - CHAS. A. WILLIAMS. YOUR , BUSINESS SOLICITED f RANK GILREATH, Pres. : H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. 4)0Kr44)OO4eO4HO4C THE Hi i ' BJBJBBJSSBJBJSBJ ;f ''j-' Kerdiaab ad farcers Nafajjdi : CHAHlOTTt, H. C S0304CO4CrO4O404k4C4C JHE CHARIOTTI NATIONAL BANK 1 -- wam:v ', . .,' . . 'eBaaaaaMHnaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaavaBMWMMKaBiaBKaaMBaaaamaKaaaaaaaBaaaaaaMaaaaaaaMaal. ; It Is our constant aim to be courteoua and accommodatfng to all classes and make this a bank - where those of moderate means 1 shall have' tho same--treatment' as those more favorablysltuated. ;;Tou are cordially Invited to open a bant; recount with-us, ' j. W.; If. TWiTTY, Casfeicr , BMISIIMIBSBMIMIM ITlsBllalslallsS . IL little. Pres. C M, Fatterson; Vice Free. U K. Hagood, Caah. CHARLOTTE TRUST COMP'Y. ' - r a tjtt1 at v. ' , uvi. a a nu M.I. V, . I. m11 a...lnn.4 tr , X 14 UB MUA la Ult.vvluiliw w v.. w. -w..w " - ' " V.' vlduala, firms and 'Corporations-' It respectfully Invites correspond- tence or a personal Interview with those who contemplate niaklns; ., '.changes or opening new accounts. : - - v- ' . i - DIRECTORS W. IL BELKV, 4 O., P. i. Bl. DAVISV H. G. o. , gothrtjbv , a., u. 1 r ImUviduals, Firrris,or Corporations in v -!,t y- V tending to ;chan;e or secure additional., ; . ; -.: vbanking.connections for the; New .Yea- - - V4 ; are invited to consult,or write us on the , . . -I , K" r ' subject , We are prepared to offer every - ,1 s ;y iV " modern facility. ; ,T'Mk t"4 V- :' JCUTBECN STATES TRUST COMPANY,- jV; !' ' i ' -r oAprxAii $200,000 - ?-, 1 v cX' " TRITST UOTLDING, , CHARlXyrTK K. & - - ' "GE0RQ8 STEPHENS, ,v T. 8f FRANKXJN. W.-H. WOOD. , ' Fresldent "Vloe-PTea. - ' V , Treasurer. . 6 and 7 Per; NON-TAXABLE are ' very ' satisfactory Investments to have, Those . preferred stock ' we are offering in some of the very strongest -enterprise to be found In this, section are being rapidly taken, and by some of the : most eonservative local Investors,, v . ' - , - . - - We can still supply ' them-In amounts of 1500. or more, and sug gest that if. you have funds for . Investment you consult ; us. at an early date, . , , " ' f. C. flDDOTT & cbnPArjY ' HIGH COACn INVCSTMEXTS. 1 W aw sat lo cr.3 Trcst Co. M noir l1r0iroeoul, B- business ( A was : helped at many stages 2 alongy the road by ' having fl- S nanclaj. ; connections with; the ; ' "i .right, kind bt a bankv - j We are always willing to ex- . tend to our customers , every - ennrtoav - anrt c"n.p(rnmodattOri 1 which" safe methods, will " at- n-4 ., r , j. - j J 1n i " t . . 4 " ' " - V, P. o A. Q. BJRESIZER, Cash. 4 aaa,a aaiataa, CAPITAL ASSETS $200,000.00 $100,000.00 We Invito you to open an account-! with us, promising every courtesynd accommodation consistent with sound banking. " . We pay four per cent interest "on time deposits riVCt. VL WTTJ50V. President. . JNO. B. ROSS, Vies President, ,r , O W. ' O, WILKINSON. Cashier. , ' . 6 ; , B. D. HtATjlPresikt. ' i nn nnn nn isiuu.vw.w , frl m. n MMlllAtt S.TlVA fnill 1IEATH, ' M. LONG, : LINK,' V C-M PATTERSON, c. little, . j. w. zimmerman. Cent Investments TO THE , INTESTOR ' ; ', -v fir ., , iv V y vroan at vo. it.' 7 - v r 9 i i

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