CIIARLOTTi: DAIIA C JA iJi V .1 jilj, U, A tr GOD IXrt THE WORLD. j j Sharon; Frank S.. Neal, Berryhlll and ' f Brown, of Sugar Creek, and H. C If, Howerton, rasior 01 ui woire ana J.-.H. jacuumoc. w unur Ktte townsnip, ana Miaeem vixiv ander, Margaret ward ana ju wn- t Presbyterian tureu,ii. ! a Helpful Sermon YesK-rrtay i Difference Between the Oalvan. it and tiw Armlnlan. neorice ,tf(t A Discussion as to God's :.v and Power A Good Congre: lion, Onfc , vi"-H. & jp , . nor wti a very large congreft&tlsq . the First Presbyterian, enurcn yes . Ijv mnrntne. The nastor. Rev. J Howerton. : XX D.. delivered his d sermon on. "The Love of Ood for , ri World,": tn the eerie e is now - torinv ftin text was "For od so ed the world that He gave His only i gotten Son that whosoever peuevein in" Hint ehould not erlsh but have f-vprlaathic ,Me,"i John :!. la part v, M! "This moraine 1 put the em I hasls 'Where- I most love to put it "No Imaginary effects of priestcraft rsrt men to believe in reugion, uus he natural effecta of sin as men see thm in uie worn amunu me me a the need of religion the need of a power to- ava them from sin. These thoughts I presented to you last Sun. day morning. In the evening I pofce to you of the right that sin should re. null as tt does-H is right that sin should make Its own hell. "It la not In the Bible that we find the nrhole teaching: of the result. of. a life of sin, that it must result in the final ruin of man,. This fact is empha sized in the Bible, but the evidence qt it we find in the natural world around u. "We see- the evidence every day that a- life of sin results in the final amples Of this enough to convince us of this truth. , "Now what I wish to bring before ' you tbi morning is this question: 'Does God care that men go down to ruin as a result of nln? Is it a matter of concern to Hhn? "Had ' he conception or me grem.i ' truth embodied in the text originated f in the mind of the fisherman disciple " of Jesus, had this conception originat ed in tne mina oi jonn mru wn V -would be a greater roan than Jesus: but this thought did not originate with ; John, le etmply recorded in his words the great conception of Jesus Him self. - , The doctrines of the Calvlnlst Is that God's power knows no limit, but that His love Is limited; the doctrine tof the Armlnlan Is that God's love - knows no limit, but in teaching that, ,the Armlnlan limits the power of and. while the llberanat comes ne- tween the Calvlnlst and the Armlnlan tend teaches a limit to God's power 'end His love. - -."The teaching of the Armlnlan that . tiod's power Is limited has resulted in just such a signal failure es has the teaching of the Calvlnlst that the love "l have never been exactly satisfied ";Wnn Ilia Itnwiiing ui any icuuui vi (thought as to the limit of God's power and love as expressed to us in this text before ua this morning. We must get our faith to work before wo can v . . .. . . .. , i , nm l ...... i': ffcC Y ... M1.1 v.. .Jr, . " ' and care for every one of His children. God does not care that a life of sin on nor rrt remilta In our ruin, but He does care that His children sin. una ii does love His children, He loves them with all of the love of a father and a mother for a child; yes, His love sur passes the combined love of father ' end roother, His love for us exceeds i uieniia. ....... "We have no reason for believing that the eaorlfice, suffering and death ; nf .Tmiih nhrlnt warn th pau6 of (3od'a : lov for us; the Incarnation was the v effect rather than the cause of God's love for the world. "xme or tne greaten nmarancn oi tn is that It keeps man from getting , hold of the truth that God loves him. Va nA tn . a. rln&rflr ronfidnllnn ' Ot the fact that He love us, and one penalty of sin is that it niaes the love ? of. God from us. The foundation, the fountain vi mv wiiuie kuvwi im ui truth of the love of God. ' "O. if the love of God so filled His Church that all mankind loved ench Iiaw miuh it wmllrl mann in thp ; evangelisation oi tne woriu. wa nave never yet realized the; (treat love of ''Christ for us, but may we have a fuller conception of this love than' aver before," Dr. Howerton Is a helpful prpa'hcr, mnA . Mm iimnnn l'Alilir1nv h(ll tha ilC!ILlini UI 111 iivhictiv. Decorating committee. Miss 'Violet Alexander, chairman: i Misses Selene Hutchison;' Lucv Robertson, Mary B, Anthony, - Bulow Wilson, 8adl Bell Mayer, Grace King, Julia, .'Jackson irbrlstlan. Kachel Howrton, Fannie Harris. SalUa Sumner, and Mesdamea CM Canton, B. J, Wither poon, ii, Ion. IS. C. Reaister and B. B. Gra ham and Messrs. . James Ov Walker, Hatcher. Watklns, H, S, , Duval ,and Char lea a." Stone. ' Loan, exhibit, Mrs, Thomas P. Ross, chairman; Meedamea C. " W. Tiilett, Rufua Barringer, M. A. . Jackson, I; Hunter, Armistead :Burwell,A S Cheek. J.. Q. Adams and Misses Laura Orr, Julia 'Robertson and Cora Lee vati . OOMMiTTEES FOR CARMVAIi. 4 n CknfcdcrU Razaar to b In the liamis or Many t narioito worara ' . Tttose Wlm Will Oonipote Uhj Vari-'"'y-ous CoinmltUrw. . ' cvmnuitees nave neen appointed -w- i val to be given the 31 Ht of this month ana ino ubi oi rronmry. jnioa juiia ".Ateaander, the efflclcnt chairman, and the folVraing named ladles will do the work: In the art booth, Mrs. A. , 1. Bmith, chairman: Mioses Mat ' tle'Dowd. Grace King, Louise Wads :, worth, Fannie Moore Hurw11, Nan tSDowd, Mary Armand Nash. Annie ' nankin, tallle Young, Mary Spencer :; ji xiutcuiiKHi una tenaii men si. i, Hunter. If. E. C, Bryant, J. W. Con- way, R, A. Mayer, Frank H. Jon.n, Tharlea M. Carson, 8. B. Alexander, jr., rranc v. vonen, n. j. varnon, J. Ij. Chambers, Latta C. Johnston and Jy C. Montaomerv. , Candy booth, Mrs. J. L. Sexton. Chairman, Mrs. E. C. Reglnter, and f the children of the Confederacy, - Chocolate and cake booth, Mrs. C. N. O, Butt, chairman; Mesdames J. ' M. .Harry, B. V. Flnlaywon, John 8. tJaraon, J. H. Howell and Misses Wil lie Durant and Haseline Thomas. t f Children's booth, Mesdames U. M. ; Drannon, J. P. Durant, Lockwood Jones. D. 8. Tates and Mlases Mary Owen Graham and Ruth Nottage. - Household booth, Mrs. J. Lee Koln- ' tr, chairman; Mesdame II. A. Lon don, Jr-( 3 Frank, Wilkes, Henry W. Fowler, H. R. wuc, John 8. Wat ' tens, Lockwood Jones. C. B. steohen. son. John 7 Torke and Misses Julia Jackson tinsuan. Mamie Moore, Mil' 4rd Bisphatn and Rachel Howerton. Heath, chairman; Mra. Jay Hlr- shlncer, Misses Leila Yoiuiv. Lni i ( ray ana Alice Holland and Prof, Don Amatl lUchardsoa and Prof.. R. h. JCeesler. , , Supper room, Mesdames 1, W. FaU ron and. E-? 8. Steele, chairmen; Wll i'am K. BurweD, L. C. MaflUtt, p, c. J. runaon, Thomas g, Shaw, Gordon J'ingor, McO. Watklns, Kben - N. Hutchison, Jr., Abram Steele, Harvey Lambeth, E. 8. Pegram, J C, Aber nethy, Albert T. Bummey, 3. A. Fore, nd C C Moore, Charlott: P, H, Owyn, John McDowell, A. M. Herron, Anna -'-Bell, James. B. Watt, of flteele O-efkj H, D. Htowe and B. X. Price, of Berryhlll W, g. pfcarr. YT. H mvis, ana - rarks KirkpatrJck, of A reasonable amount of food tbor ftughly dis:et4 and ; properly assiml' 1 .ted will always - Increase . the t 'Mnjrih. If your stomach la a "little Kodo! Dyspasia Care will digest ! at you eat and enable the algestlvs i ir, to eftftimilaie and transform all ' into tissue-building blood, Kodol "s 8our ftemach. Belching, i-."uni and all forms of Indlges. l' 'a table and strengthening. : j.j sr's Druj Co, i ' RECORDER CAUSES A PANIC. , Pig, th Tiny IS em Boy, Sees Ir. Nluuuionbonse Bending Ijow Over His Denk at the Police Station and Reports It to pleree Heath Savin Pierce Investigates ' tne .Matter , to Find Recorder Making Out Com plimentary Ticket to Poultry Show, "There's something doing" Said Pig, the smallest news boy of them all, as he flopped down in one of the easy chairs In the city editors office. . "Why," asked . Pierce Heath Savin. as he lifted his eyes from a colored supplement "Cause, when I passed by the police station just now I saw the recorder making out papers," explained Pig. "Was -writing a letter. I guess," sug gested Pierce. 'No, sir, I thought that, but I stop ped and peeped In the window, and I saw hhn Just dropping In a few words among a lot of printed lines on every sheet. He's making out summonses for witnesses." "Well, I'll go see: I can make out like I want to sell Mr. Shannonhouse a paper and take a look. See?" Thus spoke Pierce Heath Ravin as he gath ered up his papers and started out. 'Well report back here. Pierce." said an Observer man who had heard the conversation. "All right." Ton minutes later Pierce came back. and his face was all covered with smiles. "What is it Pierce?" was asked. "Shucks! The recorder ain't doing a thing but sending comps to people for the chicken show. He ain't summon ing nobody." The storm clouds blew over and all was aulet again. Pig went out of the door crying: To-day's New Tdck, Washington and Baltimore papers!" and Pierce Heath Savin resumed his perusal of the funny sheet. A Pretty Calendar. The Presbyterian Orphans' Home, at Barium Springs, has Issued a beau tiful aouvenir calendar, with a picture of the main building of the Institution on the front page and many Interest ing views within. The calendar is really a beautiful thing of the kind. Those who issued It deserve much credit. Mrs, Joe Person's Remedy Has been a real blessing to our home, and while it Is not a "king cure-all," as some one quaintly puts It, It Is a wonderful medicine. In 1901 there was an epidemic of typhoid fever in this village two of our boys (aged $ and 9 years, respectively) were stricken. We gave the Remedy three times daily, doubling or trebling the dose when the temperature went be low normal. No other stimulant was uncd. Patients were dieted and nursed carefully, and though one of them was very sick, a physician was called In only four times in the fourteen weeks. The after effect was nplendtd. each patient rapidly gained Btrength and within two weeks after leaving his cot, was able to go to Sunday school. We owe much to Mib. Joe Person's Remedy. About four years ago acrofulltls de vt-loped In one of our children (neither of the above). The child's life wan deepalred of for a long while, the mere touching of the affected months of hovering, apparently over the brink of the grave, we began to uko Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy with the consent of our physician. Slowly the blood began to get purer, in four month a tump as large as an egg pastic-d down the leg, stopping above the knee. The doctor lanced the place, then came no more. This opening remained for two years, dur-Ina- which time both Wash and Remedy wer dally ueed, the boy: growing hearty and healthy. At the I end of thin time he began to try to' walk. Walked on "all fours" for a ; year, then on hts feet for the past : year. But he had grown crooked j pitifully ao. Had him examined by 1 one of Richmond, Va.'s best physl-1 clan", who said he was "In splendid condition, and would only need me chanical treatment. Until I get him straight, continue to give him the medicine he has been taking." This was done, and in January the little follow went to the Retreat For the Hick. Richmond, Va for this mechani cal treatment. In April he returned to Haaty, straight. In all these years not one drop of medicine except Mrs. Jo Person' Remedy. As a blood purifier Its value Is (In my opinion) priceless. I cannot, in view of all It has done for us, withhold this testi mony. MRS. J. T. THOMPSON. Hasty, Scotland Co.. N. C, May 4, 1903, - SMART ALECKS OVER PHOXE, The Fellow Who Would be Smart at the Other Knd of the Line and the Hog m a Free-for-AU Party, t . Jf a person has anything to give away and will bestow, his gifts oro mlseuously he can find the hogs of, the human .family.' The first class . old fellows with long tasks will always show up. It one would find the Smart Alecks of the community let him use the telephone and then ha Will get them at the other end of the Una, Xast night an Observer - map wbt' was try ing to get. a correct report of a little trouble on the Southern at Harrisburg called for "No. 40; Central made the proper connection. , s ' "I that No. 10?" asked the news paper man. - t , 'No, this Is the operator, came the courteous reply. , , But such is life, and after all tt .takes all sorts of people to maker a world. 1 ,,'. - Xu tUt.- R. I. CL Cochrane's House Bnrned. ' The Norfolk Landmark, of Saturday, had the following Item of news: "The residence of Mr. R, I C. Coch ran, at Thirty-fourth street and Lew- eilyn avenue. Park Place, was burned to the ground early this morning. "An alarm was sent in shortly after ? o'clock this morning, but by the time the nearest engine company had reach ed the scene the house was doomed. It was impossible to estimate the loss this morning.' ' , Mr. Cochrane lived here .;- several years ago and has many friends In the. city. Mr. E. P. Ross Takes New Work. Mr. Ernest P. Rosa, who- has for eeveral years been chief clerk to Su perintendent P. L. McManifSi of this division of the Southern Railway,' has resigned that position to accept one with the Durham-Klueppelberg Gro cery Company. ., Perfection can only be attained In the physical by allowing Nature to tD- proprlate and not dissipate .her own resources. " Cathartics gripe, weaken dissipate, while DeWltt's Little Early Risers simply expel all putrid matter and bile, thus allowing the liver to as sume normal activity. Good for the complexion. Sold by King's Drug Co. The Artistic Stieff Self Player Piano. ISEM To own one is like having a Pader ewskt, Liszt or Gottschalk at your command. Write for particulars. - Chas. M. Stieff SOUTHERN WAREROOM 5 West Trade St. in raws IB: are you reyforhim? , How, about your win ter, suit .and overcoat ? Are they irt proper con dition ; to i weatherV thic storms' of ihe . next few niontte?-' -7'' '--jj ' How about your win ter.tJnderwear,, Gloves, Hosiery and other Tog gery? ;4 If there are any weak spots in your wardrobe we are here to strength en them with the T Best That's to be Had fay Back if Goods Not Satisfactory. This is the guarantee that goes with every sale we make. York Bros. & rs Roge SEE OUR LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS. A full assortment all sizes and prices. Every one guaranteed. The best made. If you have ever had trouble with a Foun tain Pen, give ours a trial, and we are sure you will ; be satisfied. THE PM10UNTAIN . COMPANY. When That Silk Waist Is Soiled Send It To Us We dry clean them so beau tifully they look almost like new. And you can wear It just as long again. Don't forget to consult us about any soiled or faded gar ment you may have. We can often save you a great deal by cleaning or dyeing a garment that f too soiled or faded to wear,r Out of town orders so-' licited, ( . - ' Qaieen 7; ' Dyeing tin. I II I'.zkr, rrcprlctms Large shipment of Bed Room Furniture, which has Just ar rived, gives us the largest as sortment of ; Bed Room Furni ture we have ever had the pleasure of showing the trade. Golden Oak Suits from - , 115.00 to 1125.00. Special val ues in our $45.00 Mahogany Bults; worth 160.00. Mahogany Suits $45.00 to 1175.00. .x.,. , Extra good values In our odd Dressers; Quartered Oak, Mahogany, Bird's Eye Maple, and Curly Birch, at prices ranging from 116.60 to $75.00. Wash Stands and Chiffoniers to match , all Dressers. It will -pay you to Investigate our stock before buying. W. T. McCoy The Leader tn Low Prices on High Grade Goods. . ' M I .. ; :. Savings AN ARTISTIC LIBRARY can be furnished from our stock; of Library Tables,' Chairs Jand; Rockers, at - most rea sonable prices, in either Mahogany;" Golden Oak, orAnthwerpOalc If you are Interested in this class of goods,, it wfflbe to your interest to see'jus, -.We can Save )rbu money. ,3L W J V . v t At our stores during the past week iz duz to .the fact that whm.lthe peopk'read ,our advertisement to the effect that. we, had a great irony : broken: articles, , discovered in taking stoclc "an which would be offered at bargains they. laiev ve meant bargains. Ovay sales have been very large but there are here Vyct a great many iifermt garments that are offered cheap "in , coimi)arfeon;with the quality of the garmente 1 tWe positively, "will riot carry, these over.lanother scacon and die price that i have put on them will make the articles move quickly DonV miss the opportunity , - , ? - t vh" , ( ORDERS HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION V , r ' a GOODS SEW 0Nt APPROVAt ; RETURNABLE . AT; OUR . EXPENSE V i ID)- races A eat rnany furniture factories have notified us thatthiy have advanced their prices 10 per cent Others have advanced even more We anticipated this rise and have bought ; veryr heaviSy Our stock is one fourth larger , than wer beforee (.The conse quence is we are able to offer you the best and largest selection we have ever shown at lower prices than we can offer IaterU: No-, tice this partial list: 50 Oak Bed Room Suits $15 to $175. 25 Mahogany Bed Room Suits $50 to $200. 30 Leather and Pantasote Couches $12.50 to $65; 25 Mahogany Parlor Suits $20 to $175. 50 Oak and Antwerp-Hat Racks $6.50 to - $150. Mahogany : Dining room Suits, Weathered Oak Dining-room Suits, Golden Oak Dining-room Suits, Antwerp Dining-room Suits. Carpets, Curtains and Rugs for your house from top to bottom. We make an allowance for RR. fare for out of town customers. Write us for prices - '' r " " " . ' PARKER-GARDNER. CO. Raihen9 But we have them, and they are "beauts " a full , line of , Stetson SppM Maisr it. Till the Latest Designs, 'the .many different" Style Blocks and an assortment of Colors, Styles, Sizes that warrant us in saying that we can please and fit any head. ED. W. MELLON COMPANY Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention, SPECIAL SALE! OhvBiscuit Beaters reduced from $2.'25 to $1. . Come . be fore they are all goncc . ; l Armistead r Burwell, Jrl Phont 543 Nortli Tryon St. 25 THE ; -'DENNY GAFE PERFECT IN APFOnmnZXT, . i ,mmAm servics; v ; f : Epecial Dining Boom for Ladle. ; THE DSnriY GIFE 1 -u SAVE 2S to 331-3 : On your Suit or Overcoat.. . Choice and exclusive ' pat terns - from : ths best English, and Scotch ; Manufacturers, ; in Cheviots. Serges and, Worsteds; no reservation " ; , Made to measure only. " Tfca Tate-Brdv.Ti to.' VICTOniAKEENCS The best and most econ omical materiat known for plastering and imitation tile work." J ; J. 0. GRDT1TA1I, 1 173 Main Ct, NorfoEc, Va, If You VMt at an honest prico, our fUrures vrfll r convince you that We. sett the , "bet. lor ruLovm jur iwi mwiwjr insn you v will find elsewhere. , - ' t ; j , v v ' ?; Cash or Iostallmenta, . Duaont :psic COMPANY 1 Tryon, ; Phone ill. ' ft s L.- WALDO AMES, Manager,"' , 'Out-of-town mail orders for xnusio " will receive prompt attention. - . '- 1 fine, Old VhisIiies One ' ' gallon s-year-old .- corn whiskey.. ....$$.00 . One gallon - J-year-old - corn - whiskey. : . .''.f.V ' . 3.S0 -One gallon -. 1-yearld ' corn . "whiskey..'., . . . ,, J.09 ' Four quarts Old Henry Rye whiskey .. . . . .... 4.2s Pour quarts Billy Baxter's Best Rye for .'. .. 4.2.1 Four ' quarts Hoovera Choice Rye Wblsksy.. v .. .. ,.$. Four quarts Roonsy , Malt, t . . .4.25 r. . uoovun, ftS DKEWEH 6T, KOKFOLIS; VA. PuMId tenoeraplMr. Ixmx Distance. 'lone.

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