A rrc.v n 5 'j i i -t Fi.iia of Pou.o t', p Tone f tlie Meikct . 'v i.i the 3;.ua on lii' lur (ul it; i till Support nl r.ciUT (.ciu-iuil De liiaud Ill-solutions of Now Orleans Convention l'OKsibly a l-'uctor. New York. Jan.. 15. The cotton market . m moderately active and showed some Irregularity. ,- The tone, however, whs " Heady , la the -main and. the market ; closed, at net advance of 6 to . IS i Ikuiu.--Balet , were , reported o pt . 800.000 j.. The opening was firm at an advance , tit y to L3 uuints and snortiv aficrwaM II the active months Wore wiling about 15 to ltf points higher on bull eupmn-t and covering: a a result of rnuoh highee Liverpool cables and evidences of a bet- W general demand through wire and loimiMssion nouses, wnicn. was attrlbut el by some to the Influence nt the remn lu tions paused by, the New, Orleans1 eon- v union zavonncr a further reduction In (":'Y -' and holding the balance of the 'i -on crop lor ia cents. it seemed, however, as though. th nivftn,. t n K7 ;, si rtor March, was attracting a rood deal of , muMini, mis price representing a rain -of about 85 point from the low level of fr . - last, week, and toward midday the mar " , i iiunra urepuiar. in the early after. noon , It weakened under realising and i , some selling by local bears on rumors -of ; t freer spot offerings, but after declining , - if1""! w i unaer we initial ngures, i.. rallied on a renewal of covering and r later dispatches from the South claiming j j a better spot demand and very Arm hold- ' era, The close wu HtwAii In tn anil ' within to 4 points of the top on active , jniwims, eoutnean spot markets, accord '' n t official reports,' were unchanged . - Receipts at tW a - MrU to-dar. 19 MS pales, against 83,673 last week, and 20,66 f isst year. w tn week,1 130,000 - bales, . against 16L874 last week and 125.81T last C i V.T' .To-day's receipts at New Orleans. if at Houston,, 10S7 bale aainst 044 last .WW.RAX5 STOCKS JKT'IEMANl Hwu , M.Hii t.i l, A'M mill t . a .rf 1 ; . Conspicuous Showing , by Seonritles , - nnown as x ana nogs" Sncb , . M, i tmiy f 0xr In Fcrjods of J' ."5 JB"- The upward tend- 0f lloes waa eonnud-n to-day's l ! SJ out the movement diffused into soma outlyinar oaartera nt th ' ; ??J!Smoi2. ,rom ' course of K-rx r""y., .t wm conjipiouous how i-Vi,i"fcTT w pouunuM ... anown in , cats ana dogs," Th J. S Pth ' the stognant portion of the . VBS In periods of great apecu- hition. The, turning of the demand to day In thO Stocks of the Inn nA. much more oonsplcuous In the Industrial n.'nucelInoous stock than In the low. -;.,;, iwuvu siocaa.' ine ; sustaining forces In the latter department were aUll j Vrfor the most part amongst the h urn-class ft aecu titles. . f he Northwestern' grangers - and Pacifies were notable nuanUi h r'HlU group, Chicago & Northwestern and A i 2 J"; subsidiary stocks and 8L' Paul all i ; '""a wumiy. mere was a continuance of the very extensive profit-taking which ' characterised last 1 week's market The , , ',proflfr-taktn; waa especially marked In t th Southwestern Pacifies, copper socu ; ' ritlea and some of the coalers. The slug igishness of-the -coalers may have been ". due In part to the assembling of the mine " Workers' convention. ' Foreign markets rt took a tranquil view of the Morrooan con f , ference upon the eve of Its convening. ...Plscounta hardened a trifle, however,, in - Xndon an Berlin end sterling exchange .; fell back a fraction In Paris. - Tims loans , lor 80 and 90 day were -made as low as :$&, per. cent The.- strength, of " United s; .States SteeU preferred, was an offset to . ?( the pre-eminence of some of the low- . grade Industrial . The constant profit ' taking made more;Irapressibn on prices lote ln the day than at any-other time." w-i&The' cloelng -was'. fairly steady, put at only slight rallies from the afternoon re 1 action. , - , - 1 Bond were firm. Total sales, par . vaiue, ,.. unuea mates nonas , ' ' were au unchanged on call, . f ' . I trrat saies were i.ms,VJ0 snares lnoiua- X Una- i mated vptY lifcaw; meti-' 1 Ol 'i' toar OIL; 8.9(X). American Locomotive. IS.- : American Smelting:, d.SOOt American -.- rrohncco.' snn: AnaoondA . Mlnlns:. Sl.fiM: ,'iAtchlon.'22,a)i Atlantic Coast IJnei 8.-, ;. . jtsrooKtyn - nspw inunv mw ;- Chenaoeaka A. Ohio. 3.300: Colorado' Fuel --,lrom 63.300? Brie, 6L400; Louisville f .i" Nmhvllle; 8.fl0fn Missouri Paolno, ,39,700; Vi, Norfolk Western, 8.400: Pennsyrvanla. 'c ).700; Reading.' 81,500s. Southern Batlway, . i- t.ht do preferred 400: Union Paciflo, i 1IIIHCU Dime iwiiputj, .,- , nesaee Coal A Iron, 2,400; United States '. 8teel. 120,200; do preferred, 84,100; Virginla- aronna LDeimciu, o.owi w yiu.iTOi - 80Q: SIoss-StieflLeld Bteei. f.vw. . . . , : .i ,i II i Hi" ' J-H.H 1 Gains of 8 to 10 Pointa at, New Or i vT - leans. .w , 2 Vew- Orleans, Jan. 15,-Spot . cotton In -i '- good demand With offerings more liberal. . Sales. 4,250 bales, including 1.U0 to arrive and WO foD; deuverea von contracw iw, Quotations -up l-lso. middlings IW4'- "-r V -Fntures Influenced, by better Liverpool ? opened 10 to U points 'up. Cables . re ' ported that Alexandria and the continent v . ore buvtnr in Liverpool and the imnrea- t sloa' prevails here' that - the - Alexandria buying- is on account or ew xorit ouns. The- local .market was fairly ( steady throna-hnnt ' the session.', The market closed -Arm- and within a point of the top. Net rains were 8 points on Jan vary and lo points on ail other montns. , ;'i i hi -u , i ul mi ii juiii ij ',V Nw York Cbtfii'"' li- " New York, Jan. 1B,-Cotton, spot closed , February, U0 bid; -March, -11.80; April, 4: nAOi May,, 11.72; July U.78; August. XUttt September offered) 11.00; Ootober. 10.85. i. ''!, Futures . cloned steady Closing - bldst January, 1L47;- February. 11.60; Marchj ' 11 63; April, 11.67; May. U.72; June, 11.73; July, 11.77; August, VMt September. 10.84; Ootober, 10.79. ' ' . - " " , ' ( . - High an low: January, . m.4sqhi.; 'March, tt.67ig)11.6;-Aprli 11.70U.70; May. . w.- .. 4 a..rtr: uqjiviiivvi f-is wv"" r". vwwav , , , .i6l0.7$; November, W.62aft62. 5 liverpool Cotton. : f Wji ..." "liverpool, Jan. 18. Cotton, spot In fair : - ueiiauu ; piiuvn- a jwmw. utv.-' aiucsu. . : can middling fair. . 6J73; good middling. 6-38; middling. Wf- low middling 8.04; ;, good ordinary 8J6! " ordinary, r 6.70. iThe naipe or tne ay- -were ,vm-oaies, ot :, ' 1 which 600 were for: speculation and er- , ceipts, 6,100 bales, all American. ' Fu- - tures opened firm and closed onlet; Am- - erlcan middling g, ov c; January, 6.06; January-February, 6.06; .Februnry-March, , 06; March-April. - S.U; April-May, 6.14; I Itl- T 1iT. Tim. ti. am. t..i- A.. gust. 6.19f August-September, 6.11; Sep ; tember-jctoner, .s; ' ucioDer-9vemuer, e-SOivNovember-December.n,. , ,-.,y, f" Savannah, Qa. Jan. v M. Turpentine-. lV Firm, .-66; sales, 132; receipts, 207; shln- V. jnents, 1619.- t, (. 1 ' f Fv Rosln-Flrm tfiles, 8,SS8; feeffts2,. T tations: A- B, C, (3 35; D. 8140; 13, I3.4R; - F. 83.60; O. 83.66; H, 83,75; 1. 84 86; K, 14 90; M, 86.18 N, 86.70; W. O, 88.00; W, lK 'A , ' 11 , Wilmington, N. O.,". Janl 15 -SplrlU ' turpentine Firm, M bid; receipts, S$. Rosin Firm, 13 50; receipts, 306, ' Tar Firm, 81 H0; receipts, 188. ' Crude turpentine Firm, $3 SOL 84.50 and ' 84.60; receipts, 15. - .,.... : .-" l... II I.II-II I 11,1 L II l, V , v V rt t Th Honey Market.',, .-", iH. i - New York, ? Jan. 15. Money v on ' eftTW a ; firm, 4(f? per cent ; ruling rate, 4; . closing bid, -5; offered' at 6. 'Time loana . ', easier,. (W days and 00 days, ; 6ft6 . per tv eeot.; six months, 8, Prime .mercantile ,v. pnperv 8WH per cent. Sterling exchange, v firmer with ectuai business In bankers bills at 84 M.65 for demand and 1 at 84.M SftiiM 3 36 for 0-dy bllln,. posted j, rates. 84.8iwf84 84 and 31 WflliOT Cnm werHnl billi. - $4 S"4. Bar silver, 6u. Mexican dollars, 60',4. - - vi . : -j; 1 " 11 ' i "i 'i - Hi ; - Chicago Grain, t Chicago, Jan. 1R. rtrport of damage to the Crops In Inrtia and Argentina creat v ed strenirth In the wheat market here to- - ny. hret on the May li-livery being ut -,(( -Corn was oir V. Ohu and piovmlons were praclkauy unchuiiged. r rw l din, Jan.- 15,:- ::: r,:y li:-i,f i iicllvi'v was noted In tho (ii v jrnona in kot t )-liiv.. A larco number o buy were Diescnt and mariiivmed ivlct l'i ttii, purtirultirly In wot hwh, llm advance o half cent lu Bt,n la pioilurls ua ttio teature f the a ty. ' . r ,v -Cotton Fr.l C.I. New York. Jnri. 15. rot ton seed "oil etisy for snot summer j'eiiow,- but firm Otherwise, Prime crurta tub mills,.: 2t$ H prime summer yellow, Xihit prime white, SiiWW prime winterVyellowc $&a-V fii 1 " T ".l , '' New Orleans Fnturea, , New . Orlenns. Jnn. lS.Cloeing f. bids January, 11.&5; February, ll.ttf; March 11.82; April, 11.87; May, ' U.K; J.U0. U.S6 fl . ,i ,!., S. A. -Stocks. "Baltimore, Jan. lfi.o-Seaboard Air tJne common and prelttrreai notnlng doing. DAILY COTTOX. MARKET,, , ' NEW ORTK OOTTON. ri - ,4 v., j.f jaaUary Spots ' U.05.' -,v" , '. it Salts 813. ; -V'''vv-, ' Market tone quiet. .v Futures closed steady. t - -'. V -'lHarh Imw - Clone January , .r.,11.48 -11.41 f 1147-48 February ;.," 11.50-63 March .,lj, ;p.ll.T ' 1LS8 1U3-64 April ,', fM . ;;:v4m ' 116T-6 May.,.,;,.,.; 41J5 U.8 1U2-7S June f ... U.73-75 July:, f ,',(,ll81 '117S1 11.77-78 August . .,.1L65 11.50 ,11.55-67 September . .,' '.. 18.87 ' 10.93 '. 10.84-97 October,' i .,10.88 , 10.80-81 , CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET, These figures represent prices paid to wagons - - r t i January 15, v Strict middling, 'i;...;iUH Good ' Middling; ..a,,4,.t11 MLddUnr . ..... .,.,'..wlHi uooo miaonnrtingM-,.,.,.- ..., UVI comparative: port receipts ' -(Ve - v s,i-';.Yester- Last t.'.v i day"" Tear Oalreston j i'.'.. 8, 511 ,1071 Htf wlw i.8,852 ' 1,959 Mobile i;v!-V' W;';'-.- 1448 Savannah . .;i w.l.46o ' m vnaneoion t. isi c 194 Wilmington-.. ts Korfolk ... 90S J' 1.181 jtfaitimore .,.i ..-., New Xork ... 848 101 Boston .Vi.'... .... 100 873 Total ' f r - 19.683 10,785 . .INTERIOR RECEIPTS. . w'iJf'f i Tester.' ), tsi - , I'.fj, day iTnf Memphis .t".'. X .1044 ' 8.804 Augusta .. ........ 473 .304 St. iioms ,..v ,.- 4,488 1,188 Cincinnati ., .... 820 884 Houston ..og 4.087 4.844 UWt KOCE ... ....... 1,031 474 1,J-r ESTIMATES New Orleaht 1-12,000 7,832 Houston v .8-8,600 4.088 uaiveston '.. .. ...... 6-8,000 5,832 f .PORT MOVRMENT OaJreston firm "-..., im New Orleans steady Mobile eteday- .... Savannah quiet .v....- 11W9 Charleston, firm ; Wilmington nominal ' Not-folk steady ,.,,.. ...;...... Baltimore nominal .. New Tork quiet .........,..... Bostln quist... . Philadelphia steady . -... 120o 1206 1230 ' -. INTERIOR MOVEMENT Houston steady v.-.... 1154 jrasusui. quiei ...w. ' , . 11 Memphis'. steady ;........ V.t.... 118-16 St. Louis quiet '.,,ti,;.i.. U -i uncinnatie ,,M.,.,..ii, Louisville firm tL V ' ? .1 iii.i...n. P (Corrected dally by J. W. Zimmerman ?-f ' Company).. , Chtckens-Sprmg ...,. ..,;,;....$ Ma . Hetis per head .......... so '-.DuckS.1.-.-.-,i..-i.,,.,,..--,.vl.,.l,'- 26 ' . , Eggs .vr,.-..,.-.. .......,,.,, . 23 vRye . ...'.. ,,.;'., f.-p... .....v..,,,. .86 k 4B(60 ' ,-Corni1 ... i.. .,,......4w,r - 6768, ...Cotton Seed iu.!i, .27 ' January 15.. , High Low Close turtrtr at c September .., M.8S7 July -4-. . .. ..-,,... ...85'54 May 89 , 83 88 83 85 88 CORN July .m.,.48 45 45 45 45 46 45 September M .. ..48 May OATS-i-5 ', - i r 1 k September, .'.w 29 July ..;--.-...' . .r.... ..80 '80 30 May .'....."..32; 81 83 PORK-i - . May ....14.20 14.07 sl4.12 January,, ... 18.75 hKBpit-; 'V'""-- V"1) ' ' " May ..;'. ...... 7.7z "TBS 7.70 July -.;..'.,,;.-. , w. ,7.38 September .. '.. .. - '7.85 RIBS.- May .v..i i.;.5.J. 185 J.8S' isa" January, 7,58 w,,NBVV'YOR; BONDS. 4; U. 8. -rcfundlnr tsJ realaterad t.-.'.. 102 u. o. reiunaing 2s, coupon iih'A U. S. Ss, ' registered ......i.w. 102 u. ,n. s, coupon ...,... lira U, 8. Old, 4s. registered wn.h...... 103 V. B. Old 4, coupon 103 U, B. . New 4s. reals te red exlnt issu. U. a New 4s, coupon 180 Amsrlcan Tobacco 4s Ktu. Aicnison-; Ktnerai ....r. iir....:.... io:i- Atchison adjustment 4s 4iA Atlantis ' Coast- Line U-.f..;..,., 101 aiiunose ubio uw;,........, wii Brooklyn R. T. er... 4s -97 Central of George 6s ,111 ventral ot ueorgia 1st inc.;;..,,,,..; 93 Central of Georgia 2nd Inc. ,i, 81 ' Central, of ; "Georgia. 3d Inc.; 75 '". Chesapeake ft Ohio 4i . .i.,,. 10S Chicago ft i ! Alton 3a ... 79 unicago, . & yuincy new 4s ...... 101 Chicago K. L ft Pacific R. R, 4s Tuu wnicago, jk, i. oc facino rt. n. coi. pa 814 w e ctt. axiuis geiu- a. , 1113 Colorado Industrial 6s Ser, A, ........ 79 Colorado Midland -4ji v.,.,., i.,w...... 77 Colorado Industrial 6s Ser. B. 79 Colorado A Southern 4a 96 Cuba 6s ., ,...,.,..ll -- lenver ft Rio Orande 4s siu,r....t. 100 Distillers' '.Securities- 8'-V.ii-iW.W'-'88 -. Erie prior Ilea 4 ofd,.,. J01 f:rl9 General 4s ml Hocking Valley 4s 107 Japan. 6a 100 Japanes. 2nd Series 100 Japan 4s, certificates ....... 04 Japan 4a, certificates 2nd Series ., 91 Louisville ft Nash. Unified 4s 104 Manhattan eonsol gold 4s 102 Mexican Central 4s v...........,-,,.,,. 74 Mexican Central 1st Ino 35 Minn. A Pt' Louis 4s ....... ...tM., 8 Missourlr . Kansas . ft Texas 4s ..., 101 Missouri, Kansas (fc Texas Snds .... ,90 ;-s,-v ,trf i?A 1 1. l". of T '.-xlco consol 4s,,. W w lul l 1'fTltl'lll I'U. SliS J.v Jersey CV rural general. 6s .,,...1. Northttrn --Pacino 4 ......... .,.:i!...,j, iinliern Phi-iiic Ss ' iM.iroiK fe western consoi 4a m- Orecon fihort I, Inn rfriir, 4H Hi Irnn. cv. 3' ,s ...w., Mi'i Keudlncr C nernl 4M W2U ft, .Louis & Iron Mountain oOnsol 6a in.-) St. Louis & San Francisco Ig. a Wt. TiiiIa R'wnlflrn eon: . 4a 81 beaboard Air Line 4a ' Wf, Southern pacific 1st s . certificates Rfkuthern - Rnllwnv Ill) Texas ft Paciflo lsts .....j-.,.,..iJ.., 1224 Toldo, St U 4 Western 1 4s Wmi'8 I'nlon Paciflo 4a l"v ITnlon Pacific or. ,4s ..,i4 ....; 16 TT. 6. -Steel 2nd 6 . ......... Wabash lsts ,..-,,..- 'frt,,.,. 11 Wabash Ieb B. ..,-.,,. ,...... 76 Wffljirn Mil 4a , 2 8n Wheeling 4 Lake Erie 4 ...,. 81 Whiconsln Central 4 . ......... . w tiii n'!! 'iiiiinii'iiii "ii''"viii'M i H V CtOSINO l STOCK , UST, V.'.f j 11 IK It I'M- . tl! J ' ' 11' .January .18., .1908. Adams Express.. '.,... JJO Amalgamated Copper i.,,y.i -;,.. :JJJ American Car c Foundry ,..... 44 American Car & Foundry Pfd. .... 101 American Cotton Oil ...... ,.,.. American Cotton Oil WOU ,,..-. L , American Express 2J American Hide & Leather Pfd. jaVi Ameroan Ice .....ni.... , 64a American Ice Pfd. '. American Linseed Oll......T"f.' American Linseed Oil Pfd. ..i American Locomotive ,...w..,t.' J American Locomotive fia. f" American' SmelUng 4V Refng. il American Smelting Ai Refng.,Pfd. . 127J4 American Suear Beflnlnsr l&OMi American Tobacco, Pfd, eertlf...., V Anaconda. Mining Co. -.... ...,.j..v 2"" Atnnison ....... .ii Atchison Pfd.s ...... ....., ..f JJ Atlantic Coast Line ...... Baltimore ft Ohio - JU -Baltlmnn. -a - nhln Pf(t. Wf Brooklyn itapia xransii, Canadian1 Pacific nitHivi jyjii Central of New jersey Chesapeake ft Ohio Ml PhicjiaA Alton Chicago ft Alton Pfd. ..fS.-,.,.V.., JJ cnicaso' ureal . wesiero rmnaflrtkij-jb-' NnrrnwMTArn .....i,.,-.. 239 Chicago. Mil. ft St Paul ..,..,..m 183 Chicago Terminal ft Trans Vi f Trilnfivn TArmfnnl A "null., fid. 0 C. C C. ft St. LOUIS ...,! 108 Colorado t'uel A Iron .........i. Colorado ft ' Southern ....... ,. ... Colorado . ft Southern 1st Pfd, 71 Cnlnrttiin A. (tniithern 2nd Pfd. ...... 66 Consolidated Oas ............. 170 Corn- Products .......... ............ 11 Corn Products Pfd. - ... , w Delaware ft Hudson , . . Delaware, - Lackawanna ft West..., Denver ft Rio Grande .... Denver Rio Grande Pfd. Distillers j Securities ...... t . . . Erie Erie 1st Pfd. ........ Erie 2nd Pfd. 6!! , s ... 83 75 General Electric ......... . . . Hocking Valley ' ... ,. s-178 ... 116 ... 178 Illinois uentrai ........... ..... International PaDer ........ ... 264 ... 8H ... 29 ... 81 ... S3 . ... 2 International Paper 1 Pfd. ... International Pump International Pump Pfd. ... Iowa Central .. Iowa Central Pfd. ............. Kansas City Southern ....... Kansa City Southern Pf d. - ... S2 ... 4 ,.. 163 ... 160 ... 74 Louisville ft NashviUe Manhattan. L Metropolitan Securities Metropolitan- Bt. By. Mexican Central ....4. ... 1354 264. Minneapolis ft St. Louis ' ,. 81 Vt Minn, Bt.'.rv ft Hauit. 8t. si....... it Minn.. St P. ft Sault St. Mi Pfd 180 Missouri Pacific 104 Missouri. --Kansas, ft Texas 8M4 MUwejirt, Kansas ft Texas, Pfd. National Lead ......... National R, - R.' of Mexico Pfd. . .. 71 .. 87 imcw" xora central .. 1M New Tork Ontario ft Western Norfolk - ft Western .. 'aSH ... 88 .. 83Vs I 104 Norfolk ft i Western Pfd. .... Morth. American ; ...... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania...... .... ..... People's Oas .. .......... . . Pituburg, Cu C & St. Louis . Pressed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car Pfd Pullman Palace Car 100k n 82V, mi ....... 102 ,. 246 i....W2 44 .'83 Keaatng ist rra. dl . .. VW. ...... tfllU W iU .......... v. ... Republic Bteel ..... Bepublic Steel . Pfd. . . . Rock Island Co.".... ...... Rock' Ialand-.Go.rPfd. .......... 171 3714 ....... 108 ....... 62H Rubber 'Good Rubber .Goods Pfd., .; St Louis ft San Fran. 2nd .Pfd. 484 St Louis Southwestern 244 St. Louis Southwestern Pfd. ........ 59-ii Southern pacific 68 ttoutnern jracmo rta. .,..'. lis Southern Railway 38 Soutliern RaUway Pfd 101 Tennessee Coal & Iron 10H Texas ft Pacific Toledo. St' Louis ft West 86 Toledo, St. Louis A West Pfd. . tT Union Pacific.. . Union Pacific Pfdv. 166 97 United States -Exntwss.. ....... 138 United States Leather United States Leather Pfd. ..... United States Realty 89 United State Rubber v...,,..,.,;..,. 56 united Htats Rubber Pfd. ............ 114 united , states Bteel 44' United States Steel Pfd. 108TA Virginia-Carolina Chemical ".-..,.1... 644 v irginia-t-aroiina. tJhemioai fid.'...- H4 Wabash t ..'... 22 Wabash Pfd. .:....;..;'.-..... 43. weiis-vargo , axnress jw Westlnghouse . EJectrlo' .., 170 Western Union ..-i.w.C.r 93 Wheelinr'ft iLake, Erie !8"H WIoomkiiv Centra) .... .....,.,u.. 81 Wisconsin ventral ruu fZ FOB SALE Entire Machinery of i flrst-Qasf Mill. ,1-Xlnydn' Cons wfllow, 18-lhch- Buffalo fan. . 1 Schofleld box opener. l8cboflld lumper picker,- uramweu - feed : and Spencer oiler (new).. 1 Kitson card and picker, waste ; eleaner (new) 1 KlUon, 2-fncllnder y waste opener, (new). 8 Seta ,P. ' A F-,' cards, (4 sleeve ' bearing). x48-lnch, Branw Barker rubs. 1 First breaker, 48x48-lnch D. ft F. cardt Bra m well feed, and Tor. ranee? balling head. -1 48-inch Grinding frame, travening grinder .and slide: rest, 1 48-inch Roy . traversing grinder: 1 et Clampul large clothing drum with sUna. 8 D ft Fji mules, 812 spindles, 2-lnch gauga 1 D. ft F. mule, 888 spindle, 3-Inch gauge. 2 Coo winder. Laver ft Grundy. 60 snind- let each 8 Reels; Lindsay. Hyde ft Co.. 60 double . spindle -each. 2--D. F. ; ipooten (new),. 4 Tompkins winders, - It " tplndlet eacn ;- 4 villu, spinaies eacn,,. J 1, a F, twister. 200 spindles, 2-inch ring, 8 Inch ksukc. fM-lnoh -lift, fnewl. (-Aiu calendar wlndup; 1 McCleary , turning machine!- I Mc-Cleary 1-roll bruaher, . roll brssher. ' 1 Dentson'i Railway sewing niachine tor napper.., 1 No. s sturtevant fan, heater and dry pipe. 16 Tompkln cylinders, with center plates, rings and spreader,, various gauge.' 12 -Tubb loop, er. various gauge. . Union button sew ing machines, No. 10, oh bases. 1 Wheelsr A Wilun button hole manhine. 1irninn .pedal tapers 1 Rib cutter. 6 Colarette attachments (Cooper) for knitting frames, 3 Tinany m vooper.v section, w gauge, flat . machine. 3 Ditto, 18 gauge, i eo tlon. 8-20-lnch Circular latch I needle, Hue-- rih frame., i Iron frame - neck marker, ' 200 Knitting . frame thread guides. MOQuarter Savers, Went worth ft Dempster. 100 Iron i ft -, Wood pulleys; belting, all sises; Jack spools Tompkins winder bobbins; yard scales; cotton and platform scales; , mule bobbins; suppliej and repair perU - " " ' . 'A''' ''i-V.. Norfolk. Va, CATURii-.a; CO. 'A ;- ; Cammimixm Msrcbaate C13 and 317 Broaduayrir C0TT0IT YAT.:73.;: 'All nunbers, Cliehs, Wtrpj, jcp3 ana ucnc3 . lywAAW! VtwUi.., .'i furjinrccturcr, end Jcb)crsr Frequently find it necessary to have Hanking Facilities In ad- - ditlon to those offered by local First National CanK ; y ;f Blchmond; Vlrjlnla, i, ; 1,280,000.0 Capital : . ; $5,000,000.0 IeposlU ' l. 17,000,000.00 f Total Resources ' Otters Just'the Additional, Fa . ellltiea Required, . -,, ' Jno.'- B. PureelU President f' , Jno. M." Miller. Jr., Vice Presl-, . . dent; Chas. R. Burnett, As- - slatant 1 Cashier; - J., C. Joplln, Assistant Cashier. - . . , - HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS CHARLOTTE. GREENSBORO, N.C, Wheeler, Runge and Dickey ' ARCHITECTS i,, , .Second Floor 4Ca Building-, . C CHARIXyTTE, ,- - - - - - N. c. PRANK P. MILBURN v! ARCHITECT Columbia, , . - - S. C. BANDY & TERRELL, : GREENSBORO, N. C. - Consulting-. Bydraullo and Sewer Engineers. . plans and estimates for power plants and sewer systems made on application. Bandy A, M., Ph. B. Assoc. M. A. M., So. G. , 3E5 and Terrell, - C B. Rensater. t , ; ESTABLISHED 1888 C. P ElllS & COMPANY CbttonCcntssicn Merdiants, ' V'-UtEMBlCRS OF The New Tork Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Brokers Association, New Or leans Board of Trade. Cotton " Exchange Bnlldlng NEW ORLEANS , Special attention given to executing of orders in contracts for future de Uvery of cotton In all the markets. i CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. DR. 0. L. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. CARSON r BUTLDIXG Southeast Corner FOURTH AXD .TRYON STREETS. HUBBARD BR03. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE; NEW TORK. MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex change, New ' Orleans Cotton Ex change. Associate , Members Livar tool Cotton Exchange. . ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery.. Correspondence invited. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON YARNS CONSIGNMENTS BOLlCITED Philadelphia, 122 anA184 Chestnut St Boston, 18V Bummer Kt. New Tork, ' No-. 61 Leonard St "THE STAMP OF PER FEOTION.V 1 A Ouy nam oii macnin,6ryt means that in its manu- , ifacture quality was the' - nA. 3. :xi :t,i.Lli-i---i-;- v uxbi. vuutsiauraiwzi, price ? the second, at is why ; ' MANUFACTtrRERS Of v'' Cotton Mill, Cotton Oil and ;-other Ilachlnery.', S!2ch:r.eiy fcr farm r.l . Fac- Fr7i-pc Three kinds, from 12 p'pre Return "Tubular, and l v..ci a, M . . , , on 'n skids. as) V4 MAaMV from 12 to 150 H. P, ., ) " Gins and PresseSr 'and" complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and ewer. V ' y , fc'.V Four or five kinds, - au eu,u u 111 the South. Pt:::cr.iS!::fi:Aii 1 - - v' fromtri emajlect to ccrr.p:;t5. cotton null outfits. " 1 1 '- -1 .; 1 " . j i ; ' rf .'. ' UDDELL.CO.'IPAIIY, v.i .- . . ..- v..-. ,f I.. U .. cotton iviiLL kJ3Ac::;;jL.. in, ''i:s ; Revolving f lat Cardj, 1 Railway Heads, ; r, Drawlnz Frames, ";v 5plnnlne Frames, ' Twisters and Spoolers Quillers and Reels Looms, v COMBERS v ""'c ETC.. ETC ;the largest pipe The PbiEp Carey Mff. 0., r? ,kv. "main omo.r:tr izsrrii :riAnoH ofcci OHARLOTTI N. -v T V-Ufjj ,ii 4 A - ATLANTA. C . 816.18191 !-;. ,'i' :'. W.'i,,-;.' ' 4 "fSsST . ' - -ssT r j . Jlr ;w-t-.,, .'i-j'..--",'. ,1111 6n . .V"!'.- .!.'..',.' , h '-y The strength and good quantities of our pipe covering lies la the combined qualities of the Magiieata , aa feV; W Asbestos in such proportions as to give a thoroughly adhesive, fire proof covering, as well aa a nen4oVi : ductor of heat (' ; ' f ,t i-"p-': ' 'v-i ';-.;;:- Garey's Pipe For Hot Water Pipes, Low Gold Water Pipes. Garey's Are abtolutely flre-proot and non-conductors of neat. They confine tne heat to the pipes . n4..; prevent Its loss through radiation. . . . , v !?v lZj They prevent the condensaUon - r . . .. . -lt Tney last longer man uie iuhwm wmu - BaSsavlnr. . . . --, i .. - These facts are based on experience. Carey's Pipe coverings naye savea aoiiars xor many v, m.- : will do the same for you. , JFor rurtiier Miiiorinatiun anu ooi"?a( Branch, el? ' -f TH PHILIP eAREY MFG. CCX, ?5 S. eolletle St. MLER 4 COMPANY EXCHANGE BROKERS. rttiBt' loo" Broadway, - - New York. ' Members:; New York Stock Exchange, NewYork Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, New York Produce Ex. change; New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Newv Orleans Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade, Liverpool Cotton, Asso. elation. Executes orders on any of th exchange of which we are members. . : All orders sent to our branch office at Greenville, 8. C, will be tranamittei) Instantly by private wire to our main off ioe -to New York, and executions re ported,'? promptly. The Best Service, Prompt Attention, Immediate Settlements. Your Business Solicited. F. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. UT W.'Washlngton St., Greenville, 8. C, COTTON SEED OIL and Crin Machinery i . , , "NOT IN ANT COMBINATION T OR TRl'ST. Complete plant from fifteen to two hundred tons capacity. Spe- ' ciat small oil plants for gin neries. Complete cotton gin ning systems. E. Van Winkle Gin and .t.i. Trrv-i - JUltUIltJ WUiJxn . UtXANTA, - GEORGIA. HUGH MACRAE & CO., 'v'Cv Bankers " Miscellaneous Southern Securities ' f. WILMINGTON, N, 43, Washington, D. C, 80S Colorado Bids; Cotton Mill Stocks WILLIAM B. CHARLES, ' V Commission Merchant. ?s3OTT0N TARNS, ALL COUNTS 4 ' COTTON OOOD9 COTTON AND COTTON WASTE. Amsterdam, - New York; RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. COTTON WARPS AND TARNS. ; - ' ' No. 114 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. D. SALEELD & BRO., . , COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS 'A, SS.7S Leonard St., NEW TORK. OOTTTON TARXS. .WITH- Fr.edTc Victor '& Achelisf. WU. D'OLIER & CO., ; '1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; COTTON-YARNS - ' i "- Tblnt and Chestnut Aw. - Mariner and Merchant Bids,. r, PJUlEXriUA, PA, , IIAMflDVICK &:CLARi( ' t::.n::,::5, u i ;, Stuart , Wi Cramer, a. f4 1 s, -r-' - . Slubbers,. , Roving Frames -1 Intermediate.' Jack Frames u , ; covering pim-h Gndnnafi, Obio; Maoafadorm of 85 Per Coverings Tire Especially Good -.: '?." ii.-.w.fe of steam, saving ncemv anng, insrsoy creauy reaua, i f . i... w. annlll malrlnv rn uvlnr OF fuel an annual ... - , PAULSON, LINKROUM 8c Cb:i 83 Leonard Street, - - - -Third and Chestnut Streets, 210 Monroe Street - - - J. SPENCER TURNER CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V O OFFICES: New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louts, lioodon, Bngland.: Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods. CROMPTOM THAYER LOOM CO.; WORCESTER. MASS. FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM L001XB. ir ha w a vwna sW rAiTitincf Wtrntf vin rTrv w An is ss i n TO BE APPLIED ALEXANDER & GARSED, - - - Charlotte,' IT C J E NC K EST SPUVWIWO CO; COTTON TARN SPINNERS. CONVERTERS . ANX . SXAXS2t& Correspondence With Boa them Bplnnei SoBclted, r A s O. A BOBBINS Complete Equipment for and General CHARLOTTE, , . ' High-Grade Spindle. Loom, Engine and Valve . '? . Engines, Belt Oils and Greases, Lubricating Grease, Ready-Mixed Falnta, Cold Water Paints. , vT j-4w awis, H .Agcnte WattW Dresadne Componnos.. , ' !j u, ,V. GEO. ;B. HISS OILi CO: CHARLOTTE, -N. O. t , MMPORT&liiT'TO !.. tani iw noium - i.-rea . . , -wiw. boiler We analyse the cle and water and prepare, special chemicals to suit your requirement Ail shlpmensi guaranteed. Send sample of scale and eontult y?i f,' ;.''-'. .';f.r iv1 4 "' f ..i,kr i,i;',- vh 5 - r- e V'i- .msxEt.xvoRD''4' - Vl-J 5'aa si , !V it . " J 1 i- TV ,8hfP r5'J,?5,''c.i.h etf O J3 - . v S. 't - ' S -'rfir,- J-'iF y , - T .i4s ?- j.IU . j tf JS - rt. j. ft - 1 i-r , , ; c::iTir:r::UL cvi c::r: ;v f. I A! ' ... a Automatic Feeders 1 -Openers itid Truc!k ''S-i r ' . Breaker. Intermediate an J iIWolJer Uppers,'. ' 1 KIrschner Carding Beaters Thread Extractors, , Waste Pldcers. etc.; '' ' 4,1" Raw Stock Dryers. , ETC ETC )A il;i6( -, the united states Cent Carbonate if fcgse& Pressure and y I Coverings , -- ; ; i , -jS-luViailf ' , - v s auunai, wHiJvHi ;i B. P. Tnjgoy. MQr. f New. York. j - Philadelphia - - , .Chicago TO OTHER lOOM& v ; - , PAWTUOKET, R. I. - j. V," .i r Cotton Mill, Power Plants Machnery; NORTH CAROLUTA. a,;y. a'ifV:, fij STBRM USERS A mm ani. , irain oompohnds" , TOO? WANT ONLTTrm BCCT- y .Cottcn'Gin i:-:lir?rr. i , Ask any e-x-perlenf 1 r' ' ' - PRATT, EAGLE, Sill I . 1 MTJNCER If lntotf e 1 v v 1 ! , you what tl..-- i ; 1 tomcrs sh -r. . - i - .. tes. -"nkl 1 . .

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