c:iai:lgx: daily ' r.ULED TOR 'CONTEMPT ;t XOT PRESENT AX COURT t Carolina Beer Dispenser, Cited , -ticar Before Supreme Conrt , i. .,e lor Contempt, JJopree"U - Attorney Who Argued That m destroyed Farnum AYere , so. U Court m 7" i so 'lo-Dsy An AutomobUe .Accl. .emotion Giving Wspenswry In rfiSilni committee Contempt lmeVs-Otdumbie flows y '.'."Observer Bureau, A1-.' 1209 Main Street,-. rnlumbl&: 8. C. Jan. 16. hinvnaer . J. S- Farnum wu rot ied for tf wr ' & .ummont'for person to en. Moroec8l "fL.nm tor MBL claiming hah. letter, involving : pwwn. -of prominence to scandal twrsonal. and were'destroyea oy Mr fSm prior to the first order ' of the &iPme Court, arid therefore fore the court assumed charge of letwetTtheflrst TMt of the commit tee to Tanwm'i dispensary and the first order of the court . The court announced that U -would file an order .i, mm. n-morrow. The reeling Is that -Farnum has won and that the . )etter Will never .v"uJZr,m Tnnoii. sneaking for himself, disapproved of the c0mU'? ao: ,fcat h termed making a i..r ir.nf the -ourt. He eatd that If the committee had copies of Utters like that brought ... . -wb involving James Henry , Rice, Jr.. that It should bring them an to at once; o that the court might know now to act. . - Mr.' Lyoni of the commit tee, replied 'that the method that it had adopted , was the only one It could And effective la ringing out the letters which Far ' Bum had withheld. He disclaimed any - attempt to make a. shuttle-cock of the eourt and said that, if copies of all ' 1 the letters the committee had seen were brought out, this would give the other side a full view of the commit tee's hand, and forever preclude hope of , getting any letters from Farnum, which the committee might not have. ' DISAPPOINTMENT AT COURT'S T- v . , " ACTION. V , : In' speaking of the action of the court afterward, members of the com mittee exprawed disappointment at ' the action of the court, "If the ' court does not punish Mr. Farnum,'' said ft member of the committee, who has been recognized as a dispensary . adherent, "in case ho ha destroyed these letters, or compel him to produce , - them, it wilt thereby acknowledge 1U " Imp ten cy to deal with such matters. The committee will be both dlaap , pointed and surprised." Attorney Mordecal told the court -"that Mr. Farnum had destroyed all the paper that he considered private. ' The committee Is In possession of cop ies of a number of these alleged de stroyed letters. A big automobile, which bad been 'put -Into commission and placed on , ? the streets for use a a hack between the depots and the hotels, was run into by a trolley car on lower Main street 1 " this morning. Though bojh vehicles - were crowded with passengers trying ' to reach the Union etatlon, nobody was more than slightly bruised. The , , "bubble" attempted to cross in front of the car, but Its power appears to have given out lust as It got upon the tracks. The street ear had the front l class broken and the platform splint ered.' The horseless car had the rear guards torn off and a few dents in the frame work. , committee: given contempt ' r ,'V . POWERS. Both the House and Senate passed the - resolution giving the dispensary Investigating committee contempt ' powers and more definitely outlining . its power to send for persons and pa , per by such large majorities that H may be said that the thing was prac f ttcally all one way. There were only . five dissenting voices in the House, 1 ' which added an amendment In the form of section Ave, requiring the 11 quor commissioners to hold up any , f claims against tne dispensary which -! the committee saw lit to hold up un--j til f the committee could pass upon , , them and approve them. This amend- - Stent was by Mr. Otts, of Cherokee, who explained that Its object Is to 1 f ? get at the bottom of certain accounts , f now pending through the eorrespond- t ence about these deals. In the Sten- . ate, Senator Cole L. Blease, author of . the original investigating resolu- tlon, offered an amendment requiring V the committee to proceed In taking , teetimony according to regular court rules.' He sold he did this In order to , exclude hearsay evidence, which might . " the unjust result of injuring some ; . irood man's reDutation. Rut vrn. .i v -Ctorlstensen and Hay, of the commit tee. Vlfformialv nnrwMu. iki. i - there was no desire to blast anybody's reputation, and the Senate, by a prac 1 icJ1' unanimous vaie. sustained -Messrs. Hay and Chrlten8n, reject t ; fn4T this amendment, as it also rHct- I eo an snendment from Senator John- ton to request the committee to make report at this sitting of the Loia. . lature. i,, A SECRET CONFERENCE. i Prohfbitionl'stH and Otlirr Antl-DI. ! pwiaery Mcmlx-m 8. IKH(ure . Give Outsklc Iwfadcrs the IKxIge f ful Meet at Private RcHidcnco . rrocecdlngs Not Made Public. " U Observer Bureau, K',, 1209 Main Street, l"rjL Columbia, 8. C.. Jan. 15. ' -The prohibitionists and other antt-i .. dispensary members of the Lcelsla ,ture held a secret conference to-day to 1t,,,"e a "neral plan of ncUon upon which all might line up, Jjut what the ,i conference decided upon J being anost carefally ; guarded from publication. " To jllspensary people s wnfersnc last Week decided upon a "stand jaf" L policy, but the conference to-night has v ZT ?hV WMon lning to move without showing Its hand. ' ItLtT'i1f w2 nni "''ounced to t. beheld at the Bute House, and the erstandlng waa that the anti-dls-Pensary people generally were to at tend and a number of fading prohi bition leaders arrived In the city to day. To-night, however, the caucus leader, gave this crowd the slip? aid met at private residence. U Vj . Vjifc - iii 'V-; (Mrt KM HAW BACK. trs ferferfly Bald y,lun He Atari ed y!? Herplcide. r,3PXdwC M. Maryland Block, TJutte,,, Montana, bought a, bottis of Nswbro's Herplelds April , ', And IT t V BM Jt tor baWness. Th hair JoHlcIs lBi his scalp -i m not dea4 and in day, J,, had hair ail over 'his head. Oa July 2 bs writes, . "and to-day my v- fiaf t Is as thick and luiurlant ss any eu could wish.r Ntwbro Ilerplclds . works on an old principle and wKh?vnew ciirtcovery dentroy the cause sad you remove the" effeotj;, Herpiclde destroys the frm that causes dandruff, fall. 1 ? hair, and Anally baldness; so that v. h the causs gone the effect cannot r nam. ! tops falling hair at once r l a new growth starts, Sold by ' x druggists. . end - 10c. in n for x imple to The Herpiclde . j 'troit, Mich. il. it Jordan , i . ' 1. 1 agents. - , . , BRIEFS. A Few . Minor Happenings In ' and ' T About the City, - - His friends 'will regret to learn that Mr. K. Q. Buchanan, is suffering from an attack of chicken-pox. He is quarantined at his home oo North Church street, .. . -Cltisens are complaining of the- con dition of a number of the streets. The recent rains and bad weather have made some of them well-nigh impassable, - Mr. J,' 'w; Haas, who has been con fined to hl room in the Preabytertan Hospital for some time, is so much im- rovea tnatne vm o ame to oe oui ux m 'ew daya-'t w-.',& , V. ',,,'-, Rev. 3. ' A.". TMirritee. - who has' been seriously ill for the last few weeks, is not Imoroved. H la unconscious the sreater part of the time and death may occur at any moment. v . , ' The Ohnrlntlo Aeademv ot Heaicine will hold its monthly meeting at the cHy hall to-night at I O'clock. ; OlflcersTor the ensuins term will be elected and other business transacted. , - , ' "Woman ' Aralaat - Woman" at - the academy of Musio to-night. The manage ment of the Academy requesu that natrnna remove tha tickets from the en velopes before presenting 'them at , the An Inventory of tbe stock of Berry- hill ft Brvan is belns "taken, prepara tory to being- tnrned over to the new shoe firm of the Berryhiil-fluther-Durfee Com pany. The transfer will likely be made the latter part or tne weea, d Dr. V. O. Hawley Is in receipt of a voucher which entitles Mrs. Julia Oray, widow of the late Wm- H. Oray to $2,000. the amount of the policy held by the ueceasea wttn tne Knignts or nonor, a weu-snown trraiernai insurance oraer. Knox , and Brown, well-known mer chants of Davidson, have Incorporated their business and In the future the Arm will be known as The Knox-Brown Com pany, This is one or tne Dest-snown or tne many mercantile concerns in me county. . The recelnte at the cltv cotton Plat form vesterdav were 22 bales, and the hlahest mice naid for the eta Die was 11.25 cents, xne receipts tor tne corronponaina date of last year were seven bales, the best price at that time being 7.06 cents a pouno. Mr. James C .Allison, who far the past year has been overseer of carding in the new Highland Park mill, left last nie-ht for Rale ah where he Has accentea the position of assistant manager tor the southern Belt Telephone ana xeiegrapn Company. .f, ' ' The ane&kcr at the Academv of Musla next mmoay afternoon win oe ttev. vr. John C. Kllso. the distlna-utshed presi dent of Trlnlt" College. This is the fourth lecture in the series which Is be ing given under the auspices of the weal To-morrow the Merchants' Perpetual Buildln and Lottnf Association distributes J70,oo among thoiie who are so fortunate as to posses shares in the 84th series which has lust matured. More than WO.- 000 of this will be in cash, the rest going to the cancellation or. loans, Mr. 8. H. McManus ' has sold his srocerr business on East Sixth street. tween Davidson and Myers; to Mr. E. A. Moffet, who will continue to conduct the business in the same stand. Mr. Mc Manus will so to Rock Hill. 8. C. to engage In the mercantile business. The unvelllns of the beautiful Con federate monument at wadesboro wiu take olace Friday moraine at 10:30 o'clock, Among tne speaxers win oe inpi. w. m. Hammond, of Georgia, and Col. R. T. Bennett, of Wadesboro. Doubtless sev eral Charlotte people will attend. "Ton dld'nt locate my house m the right place, this morning," said Major Fussy jiannon to an UDserver man, yes terday, ''you should have been more ac curate. My home is In Moccasin's Val ley, on Tad-pole Branch, facing Mud Avenue. ur. J. Brmiey Brown, tnai pleasant old street builder, has deserted me. The Charlotte Read Merchants' Asso ciation et In the office of Mr. A. B. Justice last night. Aside from an Inform al otscuaaion or many matters relating to the association, nothing definite was done. A second meeting has been called two weeks hence, when the election or officers under the charter will be held and other items of business transacted. It will be noted in the advertising columns of to-day's Observer that there Is a movement on root to ante uovernor R. B. Glenn to Dardon Arthur I Bishop. who I now serving a term of Imprison- ment In the State for the kUllna- of ' ate penitentiary in Kaieign or Tom wuson in this city more than three years ago. Bishop was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to 6 years at hard labor. The plea for Dardon Is sought in behalf of his wife and children. THE VETERANS TO CELEBRATE. They Will Observe Gen. Robert E. Ijcc's BirtiHiay a winner ran oi the Programme. The Confederate Veterans of Meck lenburg County Camp and their friends ore looking forward with pleasure to Friday, which Is the birth day of Oen. Robert E. Lee, as a day that will give much pleasure. At 12 o'clock dinner will be served to the veterans, and in the afternoon there will be exercises appropriate to the occasion in the court house. Rev. R C. Holland. X. D will deliver the address, after which the crosses of honor will be presented to the veter ans by the Children of the Confeder acy. The programme of the day will be under the special direction of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and they are giving it the attention which will result in a successful anniversary occasion In every particular. foi:r rixjwn to pieces. Further Particulars of Horrible Acci dent Near AaheviUe in Which Four Men Ixmt Their Lives. Special to The Observer. ' Ashevllle, Jan. 06. Additional de tails ot the tragedy which occurred near Bushncll Friday evening when J. M. Powers, of Ashevllle, was blown to pieces, were received here this af ternoon from Chandler. In all, four men were killed by the powder explo sion, Mr. Powers and three negroes, whose names are not known. The negroes were members of a force of which Mr. Powers was foreman, and none were left to tell the-story. It Is known that seven hundred and fifty pounds of blasting powder ex ploded, tout the cause, of the explosion will never be known. All four of the men wore blown to pieces and only bits of their bodies have been found. MAJ. ROBERT G. LOWE HEAD. Texas Netwpaner Publisher and For mer Confederate onicer Vlai a Native of Kcoilsnd. Galveston, Tex., Jan. 15. Mai. Rob ert G. Uw, vice president of A. H. Belo A Co., proprietors ot the Galves ton News and Dallas News, died to day after a short Illness, MaJ, Lowe was born in Scotland about 70 years ago, and came to this country in the late unit's ana located In Shreveport, La. During the war he was In the Confederate army and attained the rank of major. After the war he set tled In "Galveston, bought an .interest In The News, which he has owned ever since. He also started The Dallas News. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters, - . ' A MODERN MIRACLE. , , 'Truly miraculous seemed the1 re covery of Mra Mollie Holt, of this place," writes 3. O. R. Hooper, Wood ford, Tenn. "she was so wasted by coughing pl puss from; her lungs. Doctors declared her end so near that her family bad watched by her bed side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request, Dr. King's New Dis covery was given her, with the as. tonlshlng result that improvement be gan, and ; continued until she finally eempletefr.reeovered. -ti- and !- healthy woman to-day." , Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 60e. and 11.00 at ti, JL Jordan Coa, Drug glsta. Trial bottle free.., ,, - THE Y7UATHHII. Washington. ' Jan.- 15. Forecast ' for TucediiYi end Wednesday: North Caro llna, rain Tuesday; Wednesday falri fresh south shining o west wmua. Sometimes nervous ' women's siTHctlons are Imaginary, ' Again they are a form of actual and terrible nines. In any event. Holliatefs Rocky, -Mountain Tea makes you well. A great' nerve tonic- 35 cents, a.ea or TaDieia. k- ti. woraan at co. Purify the Brcalh ; . Gensc ana - rK Preserve tie. Teeth. DO IT WITH Carbolic Mouth Wash It Does all That is Oiiriei " FoVt;M''l Price - - - - - - 25c. R. H. JORDAN & CO. NURSE'S ni.ISTEU. " Phone 7. . Springs Cor. ' NEVER CLOSED. , NOTICE This is to notify the public and all Interested that I will,' on the 5th day of February or soon thereafter, make application to His Excellency, k. a. Glenn, Governor of North Carolina, for pardon, 'that all Wh-oppose my being pardoned may max known that . fact , to His . Excellency, tho Governor. -v:"; " . ARTHUR I BISHOP. This Jan. Jh, 10; , A HAPPY MAN. A man's. ' happiness Jg 7 always In fluenced by the condition orhls wife's health. When she is in pain he car ries worry; with him to nis business. Anvthlns that relieves ber suffer ing fills him with v' gratitude. A prominent merchant of Forest !Ity, N. C, writes: "I feel it-my duty to write you that the dreadful pains that have always come to my wife every month have been prevented by Sedtt's NURAL-G-LENE. It aulets ,' her nerves and takes away .all pain." NURAIi-G-LBNE simply quiets the nerves and allows nature to act with out pain. It Is harmless and ' leaves no bad effects. Sola by all drug gists. Free sample on . request. JNO. M. SCOTT CO.. Wholesales Agents. Special fJoli ccs BLUE RIBBON VANILLA AND LEMON are and deserve to be tne, favorite ex tract. They are absolutely pure and so highly concentrated that one-half the usual quantity produces penect results. ALLAN'S HEADACHE AND NEU- ralgta Remedy will cure your headache when other remedies fall. If it don't. Ask for your money back. Price. 25 cents at WOODALL. A BHEPPARD'S. FRESH VX3EnABLE8 FROM FLORI- da to arrive Tuesday . morning, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Spinach, Soup Bunches, Radishes: Spring Onions, Home grown vegetables, Turnip Salad, Spring Turnips, Spring Onions, Oyster Plants. Lettuce. California Celery; 'Phouo 68. MILLER -VAN NESS CO. WOOD AND COAL WOTJ CAN ORDER or us- any or ootn tne aoove articles and get just what you want. Our per sonal attention given to all orders, large or email. We have a full stocls of all grades Coal and Wood. 'Phone 402. W. A. AVANT. STOP THAT COUGH: SYRUP WHITE Pine and Tar will do the work, 25c. at MAYER'S. Blith and Tryon streets. 'Phone 262. , ' EMERALD CORN CURB WILI, always give you relief from those pain ful corns. That's the experience ' of others. It will do ss much for you. JA8. P. BTOWE ft CO., Druggists. 'Phons 179. .; ,v NEW SUPPLY BEST FLORIDA Oranges, 20 and 2fic. : thin skin and sweet. Yellow Rutabaga t urnips, the only Mnd that are good at this season of the year. Caraia Coffee. 19c.; Gold Coin. 2Sc. BUI DOERS A CO, SOI West Trade street. -t ", . FOR ANYTHING IN DRUGS. NO MAT ter what, 'Phone or send to me. D1LWORTH DRUG STORE. a b, da via 'Phone 7. FOR RENT 10 SOUTH ' MYERS, room modern. iW.tW; U ' W. Sixth. 7 room, nil modern conveniences, cIom In, 4O,00: 60 K. Seventh, t rooms, olty water, large bam, 115,00: 1 store-room. Belmont, 110. J. ARTHUR HENDEr! HON. OUH LINK OF DOMKBTIC AND IM ported cigars is large and very varied. We make special pilcos to the box trade. . GEM JRESTA URANT ' ' (Jft - Fi Creswell, Manager. ' , ;. WANTED 10 C0TTAGK8 OR SMALL houtet to rent. My demrind la far be yond my supply,: It's funny .how tome people wonnmite nve a nlckle and lost ten rent. Why can I do better than' the othernT Why, I know how to bunch . the hunters. Every house-hunter hunts for me. E. t KifiKSLKR, t$ &:. Tryon street- , " - . --, People ask, Why; la ypur CORN ',MEAL so good? Finest equipment of h mod em machinery, ' the best corn money will buy and a mil ler who knows how. Not how cheao. but now good, is our motto. : THE STAR MILLS, ' rtiooe 27. i A 'i - - j- i r - w n k -' s " V i t' HOTEL WOODWARD V Vs Broadway and B5th. St. - .; -" v .New York City, . . A high-class transient and ' ir residential hotel,' catering .only j - to a refined and exclusive " , clientlle. . - v" ; , 1 ' Exceptional Restaurant Music, ;? i . , . ' T, D. GREEN; Mgr. -" ' Isooti:::;g,seaso;ja5u:: mm nam. "Now It la throat,: bronchial and lung medicines Emul sions, Malts, Cod Liver Oil, and all their compounds, to' be put up, by prescription. or sold as Patent Remedies. We have them all. fresh, and of the fullest strength. Buy them here and yon buy the best. If yop. want a Pure Cod Liver Oil, (none better at any price) 1. get it here. All the leading ' Emulsions, are here, All the reliable Cough, Cold ' and La. Grippe Medicines, as well as , Bronchial and 3Uung Reme , dies, are here. Let us be your druggist ' and fill your - prescriptions. We believe that you would . be better satisfied if you bought all your drui "store goods here. , " ... The appliances used in our - prescription work are of mod ern pattern and highest, pre cision. Everything- that will "assist In' more - perfect Com l pounding" is In- operation la our prescription department, . We would appreciate a trial order. We know you would "endorse our prompt service and tj mdem"..'wayaiv HAWLEY;S ' PHARMACY "It you' would, be wealthy, , think of saving as well as. of - getting." t, "j - r;'- Poor ; RitoiV Alnak -,; No philosopher or philanthrop ist has done so much for the' S world as -has -Ren Franklin, and the key-note of all his ta- ' mous Poor Richard's sayings Is frugality and industry. WORK EARNESJrLY SAVE 8Y8TEMAT1 C ALL Y . BE INDEPENDENT. ' For as - Poor Richard ; says," " "The borrower is a slave to the Uender, and the , debtor to the , creditor; : disdain the chalnj , 'preserve your' freedom, main-i'- tain your Independency.' be in dustrious and free, be frugal i and free ..f . -There is only one systematic ' way to save open a savings account - with the Southern Loan & Savings Bank. Come let us show you to-day how easy it. Is to start a fortune this 180Y i . iiv,v . SOUTHERN, lOAN AND SAVINGS BANK ' P. M. BROWN President. ' W. 8, ATiEXAXDER, V. Pres. , W. L. Jenkins, Cashier. ' - Will you make your weekly or If s JiD To3 You during 190, 79r t will you , pursue your accustomed gait, your antl ': quatetf habits, atjd,' at the end of the year, find the fellow that te-. . celved, half youf; salary, worth twice your money frH, lJ. . . START, ' TO-DAY ..e. " . ? .k- . ' , WIth the new Series Mutual Building & Loan and be a financier ' yourself, even hdugh on a small scale. Dont let the school-boy ' .rand the infants. In business beat you to the tank. ;v'''5'" -'i- i-v-f ' The Mutual keeps the man, the woman, the child that keeps - himself ort herself, ' T , ' -' '., " " J L L Kf LSIIR, Secretary and ions i ruBJ," PtBMcst. : 1 "f I It FINE C0RWER . We are now offering a fine corner let, on car llne,! reasonably . ' , close In and with large oak shade trees. Sdch another location for j ' "i , - i a, home would be almost Impossible to secure In Charlotte now. THE CHARLOnEREALTY COMPANY; "' " A, G, CRAIG, Secy, and Manager, - ;, Offlce it 3B, Trade St. ?r . ,, ,;. M ; ,, Phone Hl.?Si 4 &4 inUrnr rinu rnn rnr - i Mm f . a iv i- raiu .ni ia r, : 171 as skUltsU lislUfl I Vim JflL.Ue . rrontln on, Beattle'a Pord Macadam Road, three miles from r. , city; about fifteen acres In timber; forty young fruit trees; t-room -. , Vtwallln mrA a Rim 1 raiul Anrlnir ' ifln : - r.-'',.' .': ' ' TU at offlce for prices. , r ff,' I K f . JJ ',-. i'' ,' , c lMnruite and Real EstittAitnt - r FLOWERS , We are fully prepared 1 . craers a norai aesigna ior , lunerais. , tpcaai i Attention to floral decorations - for marn'es, - '':':ircept4ons,eta v ?. :i,vS" c t- z v r DiLonm ;floiu1s GAUDnra :. , ; : ; V7. 0. IIcPILCU, Proprtstcr. " Tciegrcphic orders receive prompt attention, Phcr.s COO 4 214Aaof:.. For Sale 19 miles East of City, in Morning star Township; considerable timber, ' food branch bottom, small dwelling, ' pearly new. 'J ',' , 1 $13.00 per acre, ioa 8, Tryon. ' ' ' ? ' P. 4S0. Dr. jC 'lfye Hutchison. , yyl 4 a. ft, Hutchison. JRISURATJCE 'mmmm. LIFE,: ACCIDENT QWXCBi Ka IV Hunt Building. IS v;..JBaB 7" 8,xr- i Gat Flotvers iCl".V) Lawson Carnations, . - , '4 Queen Louise Carnations, ' Enchantress , Carnations, ,.the biggest and heat'-, , ,J Brides Rosea ? , Bridesmaid Roses,. ,.4t Parma Violets, - s'f r Marie- Louise Violets, . J Md. , Campbell Violets, v - - , Lilly of the Valley, - Smllax, In heavy ropes, - ! , - Asparagus Pern, ', , Flowers for Weddings, Brides' ! rBouqnets,etcy,' ' Handsome Floral Designa ... . ' Prompt : shipments, and jAtls factory service. , v - J. Van Lindley Ncrsery Co. ', POMONA, li C . ' Send telegrams to Greensboro. The Crowell fenitcri Co:c For tne Treatment oi- WJiiskey, Zlbrphine and . Nervous Diseases. ' . Sneelal anartments and nurses for lady patients, All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases, and various methods of massage, includ ing, the Bllhniaier vibrating memo a. The stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. ' " Specially trained mala and female nurses and attendants. , - 6. M. CROWEXU M. T. Pres. W. M. STRONG, M. D., monthly surplus , work for , you Treasurer; 25 S. TRWI ST. LOT to take care of rush , w. ' k- - W ... t x - . . . . . . . . - w " -We have several t. ' ..,?M values la f irm lan: j. Co; ;0, loci at cur , lists,' How. does. this t:.. .e you? 65 acres 4 1-2 miles wet of the city about one mile from LVs- kln's Mill -700 cords of wool on the tract. 800 cords already cut. Two tenant houses also on tract, Price only ll.B00.ftO plua the cost of cutting the 800 cords of wood on ground. ..... :.,...- Here's another: , 70 acres adjoining the v above tract Good C : room dwelling, newly painted, barn and other . nice outbuilding. Fine orchard and land in hl rt state of cultivation." 10 to IS aores in good,woodland. Price 160.00 r Who "will . gTab these bononz' s ; nd we have several others to show you, - Come to see us at oiu . ScJ::ni f.::l fe'j lcn-rd Tret Co. rr ... - V L "The proof of the pudding ls'in way to test the proposition Is to ut vu w jw patronage, me account can easily oe dis continued. ' - ' ' .'. .-,' A Syr, E. HOLT, Pres. H, A. DTJNN, V. P. A. O. BRENKEXL Cash. , . - ALBERT T. SUMMEY. Teller. - . 4 n IU f4 ft a mt iii Hi as su lS?Lm Tit FIRST NATIONAL BAUII 0RCANIZED 1865 r DIRECTORS: VS"-r f f p. m. Bjtotrw ? Hiv- t v: - ' JBY B. McDOWELIi sv;v ST.. W W. B. " i " V YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED mini, nFiTii w .'V 0f)040w0e)0M0w0wO0wO0KrK vV,V i Till: J I" I J n4.VTtf.irf, Jill l!erct:r.ts cri fernias Nwtlvintl '6ui( time CHARLOTTE, '-'".'Vt !0OwOeOwOwO0040wf)00MOKwOwOw THE CHARLOTTE It Is our constant aim to be courteous and aocommodatlns; to an ' classes and make this' a bank ( where those Xr of .'. moderate means : ' hall have the same ' treatment as those 'more favorably altoated, '. TOu are cordially Invited tti open a bank recount with usv ; l mm,MX:i H DJKPresidtnLi JI. XL little, Pres. , CL M. Patterson, CHARtOHE TRUST COMPLY Jfi , )i CAPITAL $100,000jDO v;?-Vfv; 'This Bank la fully equipped to care for the accounts of hanks,' indl-' vl duals, firms and corporations It respectfuUy Invites correspond-, enoe or a personal Interview with those who contemplate making ehanses or onenins new accounts. . " 1 1 - - - ' W. 1L BELK. ; v O, P. HEATH, , , W. JLJTAWO ' 3. M, DAVIS, , II. O. LINK, r TTJTRSON T. O. OPTOBIia; i J. H. LirrLE, J, W. ZI?IMKltMA. individuals,, rums AOIITHF!!:! STATES A - , ? ; CAPITAL TRUST BTJILMNO, t GEORGE STEPHENS, -, ' T. 'S, , - s , sresiaenu 1 - INVESTMENT 10 to 15 American Warehouse. r T laJlaa . ' 21 to SO Manchester 10 to 60 Marlboro, s ' ? -(0 to 100 OdelU ' , - ' v Kd Anemlle. . ' r SO to 100 Toxaway." ; ' KA l!vft. , . '. ' 10 Louise pref. . - . 6 to 20 Monarcn prt. . v, 20 to 60 Monarch Com. .t . 60 Falrfleid. . j , (0 Crowders Mt 50 Dl'-Hng; - f , - 10 Martin Furniture. fcn rhmwell ' ' ' 7 Gibson (with dividend). ' I pending to change or , secure additional V banking connections forf the . New Year . l i . are invited tQ concult or, write us on the J , -( 'j K BUbject We are prepared to oCbr every - ; modern facility. ' v" vv-l C. U V'Z it. ; ' ' . i With every one Who handles ' money or money , transactions, ' the selection ,of a bank with ' , which to do business,' .' The things, to 4, be considered are first? ; ' Strength -that' is,', ot course net capital; ' then, re- - sources that l ability ot the 4 oanK to handle the business; then methodswhether they are up-to-date. or not, and lastly, courtesy, friendliness and a disposition to advance the interests ot the depositor. All these you will find at this the eating .of "it and. the oniv" try ha, and, if we do not make' fj M A t "A 'UnArkli'V , RODMAW : v ? ? CHAS. WILLIAMS, r x 1 mmi Ceshler, 1 1 ss. ririTII r MAes ASSETS. :$1JS3,q.C3 We Invite you to open an acoount with ua, promising every courtesy and " accommodation consistent with sound - banking. 'T. - V we pay tour per ;eenv: mteresi on deposits. GEa K. wTLSOST, President, ',- JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President, i Vt. C WILKXVSOX. Cashier, ' - .i ' NATIONAL BANK J1 Vice Pres. ' L R XIagood, Cash, ur vuiputcuwi TRUST CC.V.PANY V S200.000 t CIIARTiOTTE, w. C. "' ' yRANKJUN VT, H. WOOD, , Treasurer. vice-ries. GBCUMTIBS 11,000 Taylorsvllle per cent. Bonds! . 5,000 . C. 1110. - $20,000 N.,Cts J10.. s 15,000 Highland Park per cont pref. ' ' - " 16,000 Hosklns 7 per cent, pret $5,000 ' Lancaster 7 per cent, pret $5,000 lucapau I per cent, pret ' ' 10 to 60 Henrietta, 20 Highland Park. " -' " 50 Atherton, " 10 Anderson. ' r 15 to 100 Brogoiv ' - 60 to 100 Gluck. " 10 to 60 Modena,., -, , 10 to 30 l ell City t par cent pret J'

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