V , 1 I r V w jw, ; v - -- i - w j SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $3.00 PER, YEAR. CHARLOTTE, ICC, THURSDAY , 'MORNING, JANUARY 18, 19Q6.U ft;'? : price 'five c '!,.!,' ... ... I f I a. I .'' I J Wfcpo h'JFR p'niRR AFFlR iu' lnVL 8ECTOJ p"?- in the hands of the jury WLUO UlllJ l.iUllltIO nilnll interruption had not been - - - 4 ' ' v At BSenatora Own Request,' Com. ' ' ;'"" "" " - .'ViW, rted ann it created "general' Interest ASSEMBLY' .NAMES FAXLIERES rnittee or New York Start Bar As- LUXESTOX-CXARK CASE CLOSED JILLCU 'tttHIU SUE ram 1 tf'hWrq pt,i?a- mm.P4Tvm, , WISTS PLEAS, SCEXPAXXFCL !- Kecont Violent EJecUon ?ftyom " the White IToima at m. WahiniAn T1t wiute Jiooso ota Washington Jjady , is .roe bujocc or BcatUlng AttacK Upon, the. President by the South Carolina - - Senator and Kemon- strancea From, Messrs. "Hale, Hop- " . :lV "i.-' si hi una mm wu ays , Mi " , 9w mmrm jbwi... vmm -s His Voice Chokes m He'Pcacrlbca W ' Indhmlriea finffered b, Mra,. Morris i - , ----- uas onr -vimeiwea w j-esiuy wi ris Carried like 'a Sack of With a Negro at Her. Heels: Her Dress Hanging Tom iej j.v . 1 i . ji,. ' . vjgMWPt ru rroivw. lution Tq-Day Dlsclalma rsonajinw wsirmony-.- -iv f t .-,"' rr-.- ; Washington. v Jan j forcible temovftl from ;tha WhUtFh taid to befdre, th country and , House 'jthe ae suoject ot empoaiMJ unuvwui by Mr.-Tillman la ih Senate to - dav - , ' - '.v' . xne. apeecn aoounoeo;. w r. ; man'e becullar- eXDresslons and, wasl ;;haraeerlsb w . ' ceDtlonally neraonal thruata at th r. , V'IT??! --!r resident , At urnes na . went ovr what he regarded as the Indignities W .- -:., .tu v'i- n hi" y"-.; -.r v tears" whence declared In the face i ot . -. nrotara rrom nia leuow-stenaiora ion '..rt.bUtiHAn f 4 ,k.'wfcn. ria..u innMnnt - 'tne White nouse mciaenc . t . wahtb W9wa The reference to the treatment Of AnattitnUi th. lrtp half . . 1. . .. . ih. gaailm1! of the, doors 'and the .udde, adjourn- gfTto Sh the ;, tnent. of the Senate In' the, middle of tort puXaVa It to mine."-" j . .,t -H.ln h. atatua of our ... " '" - - - relation -With the republic of Santo . ja ....j .innatnla Domingo, and was aded to Jllustrate his theory that the, present, aomuus-i 'ratton''!'1' tndlnf-':,)owri -JmprtiilIlr..Tlllmiuiv tor'mAklnv'-. the Senate . i .i . ..U . .1.. . jj..., Itha tnna tn. thai ittalmr'nf rtin na-I iV 7 " T. " i .,-he,charactera!edrf th,-course ot tna .united states m anto uomiww irWiiSVl,fiaihntftf the -Mdnroe "doc - . trtna and aaid 'that If Durs'ued th VaU trine ana saia nai ji pursue mt no MTJiS ! rSS. t V-eV. traTTlnta .-President. Of Putting , the -treaty, into l !1.?! recusal to act, oenouncea w wnn " wilUug to submit aubservlent to uiai in wmvw. at, lu.km.cu ui ,lno rtenate.iB'Burrenaering its rights, atora to show -their Independence andfi win noteumblt to this arraign - thus teach tne executive a lesson ana a the sam, time serve the country; v With ref erenca to tha; Morris occur- rence,' he declared that the President had been redellct m failing to punish his subordinates for their course, and I quoted statements from persons sata i hava haan witnaaana hn that I the proceeding. had been inhuman. jlejMc. Tllhnan' answered that the state-1 informally presented, ana aaid that J would to-mortow formally "present,' a resolution for an 'investigation of the ...i.. i.4..i . .... ....... v,""' i -jt.!,. vj.::::.:;;.:, J. . 1 nvant .TTfTrtl IHrrr.T." RIB nnwWITTI I ' BSOtUTIO.yiUa BE DOWNED. H waa the Intrpductloa of this reso- " lut Inn whfrh oaJlaa nut the nrotest l from Mr. Daniel: while 7 ili THale oh. .ejected to the presentation ot the mat-f 'i t at alt excent nnna nmof Mr Till-1 - aL.r?f-Ur. T;,' "I'J'i!. i Sumbe? otXrJSSit r. ??-ratoo? hatT. TSsbi Mr' ttiiSSe fLm XUimau wm wo rKu wi v carry qui nis purpose.- rommens senators on V, I twilk . a Uaa as 11 .that thai .uaMnMnn I v r"x "Zr; I - ?r ? wouia tommwi. m w yoies. . t . . . . . ....... , Mr. Tillman reference td the Mor I. rlf Incident was preceded by aom re- j oeedlng was i Informal '-the motion I mark on the power Of the preSS, lnfshontif ha withdrawn ul tiwiim-ht In I which no cnargea tnat tn t-residentl lmd gradually assumed to-direct the errnrim of tha ores until White Houanl ' " ress until White House ie colored and doctored of the admlnlsteation.' b 'la the apothecary," - - - - --- .-- r In the interests ' "Secretary Ixeb he said, "and pills on Panama, pills' on Roosevelt, pills "on railroad rate and j -. pill m everything pertaining .to lie. aailrs- are administered , way. '-- The newspapers have been a- funnel through whicr. thl : - physic ha been sent abroad, and Isome newspape man refuse that' Which tho- President , is great wrath at the Executive, , sion.".'--:;-.' ;.'.. " , .; TREATMENT OF MRS. ' , Illustrative crop" out "over fof soma atorlrf 1 which TlUman not to present tha resolution, reports, be had -waited in th boo? or the leading hotels of the ;lfy; bw tiZlvttmSm-'amn' r pr through the bar." I He evidently regarded !thrf mattejr. I ihai ha'-P-asidant- wnnld 'akax vry .illoa .for .thlr comfort win be failed- from Philadelphia Jatwi ,fo ' Mf. TlUman most pitiful said tbatf-the saddest and of very great moment and , .carceiv aUiou apropo of-.th brutal ttment ?Sw "as? that thV will unX tR iV,nti an rViaAond ahiV K exhtnpls of anything that raised his voice above. nnvar.atiAni r-. itniri. thV wm.M a radit X L" Jh2rhi VLSrLti A 57., Va! ffounded en Diamond. Shoal. All av 1 ' has ever -.' been aaantataii . ith tha -i tna wa - .i, v.-i7I" a I " . r"I "T. '"II -11-.-"" . . I r.i .fa. .1- . " U . . . T, ; ; i . l four seamen, niinaeK included, took' to name of a President was th recent j nnfrACa a-in Mra- Xf !nnr Hfnrrla'af thai outrage on Mr.- Minor Morris 'at the tfra. - Minor Morrlaat the .". He said that because ris,.?'?mrui! White House.", He said uiinly of the transgression f NJ b woman, . sitting - quietly v in nh . aftna. hail haartr i),aaaaA analia a.w I . . ; r . 00 -- i er clothe torh, an ear ring, torn Out anu inrusi uuo a carnaae ana taken I .away. . . , country, and' t regard such a reeolu-l Mr' TUlman closed with a declara-l Washington,;! Jan. 17. The Senate ( Winston-Salem, 1 Jan. 17. The jsdl- At thl point Mr, Hale lnterrunted tion a an Invasion of the comltir of 1 10" ot hl blfSh regard tor woman-1 committee , on public building and rectors have decided to erect t mod . - Mr. Tillman td proteet against th tat- government." -. - - , " 1 hood, taught him by his association J ground to-day ordered favorable r em ,home for; the Yourrg Men' iers represenwiion concerning tne , Morrl incident; ."I hope," h said de . liberately; . that I may never figure .: in thl Doay a a general apologist ol the administration or any one connect- ea with it," and continuing, aaid: HAL'S EARNESTLY PROTESTS. Y 'Dll T Bta V WA thA (lAH.aa a . aa .. a'.- aa-aaw W . 1,4 IV . ' ajSia .VI , . Ji 11)11 1 South Carolina that be is making . . .... : a statements- ana ; assuming facts fori . . . . lw ! " "o warrant, mat he i making tne most sertnua and defama tory charges against ..the Executive of this country, the President-of all the I nitea states. . us i.uimiiK wnat- i reauem. ueuianiia mi ni resentment t la-nnrinr tba auerv. tno ma na fianain, n,ia n..v. ZTnTt ;'- 01 th0 votvg u ir w. edhexecuti;. session. ' 7 7- that the Norwegikn '7 52!. top' tbatt do ucb that he rould.,,tiot reconclW'-r-' -.TThe 'inoUoti S prevailed and In Im John "wibKnl i Hansen, from MobilaC ,w """" " -iiiii wm nere. in thai lence .ana. inaction wun nis t erf than two minute the doors . iAaa. I ..,. iaiA..tv Senate he ar.ould make thlshe oe- propriety. Referring again to the ts- ed.nd one of the tensest diy m the tpi Ttcefs was floated t 7 a Jn their enort toward aavtng the stiiii wszssjsta a- SSr-r? rSIH - throughout the Senate chajnber and In the jraik'i-ies. Th tfu let that pre vailed was almost oppressive, and It was none the less nmrked wben Air, Tillman rase, to reply. - He said: 1 . XILIiiIAf DISCLAIMS ANIMUS:,-' "I have such; respect ' tor the , great abUlty. ' high character ; uid patrioUo ervlcea of the Senator from Maine, &nd haV8 had BUC)l mtimate assocla. 1 tton with hlnv during' my service here, which is not iai so Ion as his own, wav Af 'MMrimanA ih.t will cause me w. lose yf temper. I want to aay tp that I, "am not defaming ."Theodore i : - - t-w .)' -r '. - ... - - , m . i - "at -o wflt offet a resoXulon ap - SSV!ffiSL lllJSSL Lw"u r".'rlw .":""V-T.V"r! "r amine ino xn lacia: i rwui;.iv,yo : SPIRITED COlJXKlUT WTTH HALE. . 'MMmiM.". .- - jtjturr i - i"7T,t.T - I hiwiiwij"i' ." t iessionai ana aeciared that he hadi" ' r ... Sa' 1 frtUhWfnt IU0i'a'e I Urn'!L5.1' l!?: f "never .,ve : 7 Whole W ont-of th clearest and most cogent ond I . -T.iv-' i ,i. " ; a.-.? i w uvi vuwi"Mi f-"-- years OI DOUtloai lira frnm anv rrio 1 nww. ' ' um uww jr u . nI what, equally.. occurred V w. hn. mn. ini .ued Senators! izT.Z. .r2il.' . V.m M: r,nni. ma,.h nhn.A th rimit. : Then when Mr. TUlman "Ahl wJ l-yoU then!. j offer a. resolution appointing, a com,' mittea to aet at the aetaT" - UuA nf Tiavtn- norjmniU intmnn. - r r .T y.l .iiT;A,fr ,t.'.i fgerated atatemenUofthe. hewananerl Pa . about this 'incident. I bllW. . " they are.all extravagant, swoUeih. and M. FaUleres ir notedfor his devo ot h,.. hv tact: but when- i tlon to a simple country life. When-1 ever anv Senator unort his reeoonei- 1 biiitv iiflciBre that thr shoniri hn nn .7'. : tto0 M that we - Tnay-have, not atAt(mntB. not .viruinnr. nor. Aim. I elation, but Yacta. nohodv on this sida I wm ew60 n resoiuuon. . l Mr ruinllnn ur w,n offer It anil nnt I you to tne test." r , I Kerr ONf.Y,T.AnYMr.TnTSATrcn I .. .. .2. i. - . -i . -. i ui.:;itwuau...iuvu luvwu tin viuuim nla. ha ., I .e,HOO"F lenaoraeat - e aaaea , mat ne. sao been told that 'another lady had been tnatm it fM WrritA HainM verv much treated .very niuch M jiui0 arain remonstrated with Iavina.1 nnHnainoa -,r U Hwlarorf that ft u-Bot .t the Senate is in- olined to fcenr the pregnant hinges of the son of a magistrate's clerk and Is rJAa - knee to the. President and thattthe srrandson of a blacksmith. He has tne bad already learned that tka tumiu va an in.ianan4.at Part i "y"wth . hint if they differ with hhn."None of u hesitate, to tell him -t agree .with h.m;-l,ead- ded. "The Senator ,1s wronir in under- ment." ''-, , '-.,, Mr. Tillman aaid In reply "that he 'thought Mr. Hale should not,' in view of hts disavowal, have repeated the statement, tnat ne bad: apokeni. as he naa because or personal feeling. air. rituo reiHiea mat. xne, enator I must be'his own Judftre ae tothat. and . ."".U'M' i y oerore Am,h.tsrJ'd " x" i J"101 feeling.. Mr. TlUman imen.reaa.a lynewritten - statement J fmm..iiaiiinanai.:.MnAaiaa v i.A ,k.l " .i" " a....t - " w eye-witness of the White House. Incident, in which the - report er Stateu tnat ne nad sen lira. Mor. 1 rie carried off "like a .sack , of salt with a negro at her heels, and her dress hanging f rem her knees ' fGIve 1 us thrnlm? of the' witni liX" WWtS Vv " ' -a-Mr. Tillman stopped abruptly, tn tt,d . ..i,- .a-w-f. inv.atiatinn ..h! ,w.iaii t ' r - - , . . --aw that nve .senators named . foi the , . w imu,vi a w -...asiivia .. Vila Dn-nnaa nf lnonHnar intra tha lnMant 1 Mr Ttata ano-a-Ot that aa Hi. nn.- proper) shape. toHmorrow, and , Mr Tillman consented.,- - v.s.- --1 - Mr. Mr- wnkina tntannn . rJi " toiibwiiu. ,- - " v ,- -j Here Mr. Hopkins .interposed an ob Jection to- ther entlr proceedlng,tay- ing that he aaw "no more-reason Why the Senate should inveatigate the af- .y-v-.a-v. v i fair of ,'tm Prestdent'a household j than, 'the President should Investigate attachment for Mr. Tillman.' and said; - "TW. ta a h.m, Ab ...I Thl. I a very delicate matter and j hop the Senator will refrain .entire- !' fjoro presenting iuch a 'resolution A he has Indicated. It la to be nreaum ,a II .... M -lt., ,l. t to. ,. a.ij v uiai lu r-resiaent wUI do what i right in hi own house. tha. house of tba first iHan nt i. . BV mm a at' ata ' matter' he ftddd' na arter express- i.i, nwn attltna f n.nn. . i ' r . r tana aar ttnoltail h nannt a TlUman to let ths raatter dron. ,-.". 7 J. TILLMAN DEEPLY Mmnrn Mr. TlUman declined to accede to the J puo-iw' , w ;www 1 vr;.r 1. : "rL" r 'Savannah, Ga., Jan. l7.witn tn de-1 Europa. bound rrom in this 1 pwiu vat oiiua, 1 , , iioi uicao vw. v"-"u . im 1 cigion f .Judge-Bpeer -in tne iseaerai 1 0, vannah .at fi o'clock tn J " ' mtiu, aimn ji su noi pre I iicwav"""! uu iV"i iw vuM-auwiiitoun -vo-unj mi m. r vynw I nhoh' In latitude ti.H north vouacgi.'"'" J ." "B-1 iu uua wia aaiv.a i k. r:: n m i and u hrnurht m when , llft. Rt , lMue between the XO prim I -ZZZrjr. T - . ,.r . . , uu .. ....-. """""IprosecutlliU na n in rrua bujuui-i thara Man- DANIELS' FEELING JEA. ..I" m? : "pBlea' '.r. n " SaLar fliefor tha aDna. a f, , Mr. Daniel then took. tha firtrta an.ttu"c"";"' , . on a MORRIS. ant.r-- a n, a t r i I. a..r..!jVl.. 7 ill .a . i . . ' Arrangements nave wen mH or Tne thirteen "u"'ua I entered a most earnest nlea with 'Mr." I tha hnxin ?invea . in "viaw fthaa -';i?.m-ni f tha trial tur a. Anil w"'."" - v L .Not only did he reprobate the tre-1 Yl"-" u " 'i .o pone on um : i.i"i ayauyriiiuns 1 wirimm vaaauvwiou,, iu - ciiy. sentatlon of the resolution but h , I ".-'' na uui,mai to iova i for new . eaerai ' ouuamga as roiiows; pi ouuaina vui a as in res , stone pressed fegret that any allusion had women; ana wnem i w a- man ignore , At, Blueneia, w; va.,1 iioo.ooo; Fort iDesiawar oasepienu ana ..win cost ' I been made to the Morris affair ant I his. plain outy to nam a, wrong 10 tne worth, uex., azo,ow; AMania, ua., ft,-1 uiiny ihuubbuu um n am oase- hoped that nothing S wouM be 1 mjr. WW'. Anderwn, 8. C. $75,ooo, , , Jment will be ' prwWd .swimming I heard about U on tha floor' of the I remainea wiouu . a xavoraDi report was oroered on a I po", "" b, . t Isenata 'Thl Is not a tribunal whirh ' The South .Carolina Senator cldsel bill authorising th Secretary of the! . ' "" ' "' '. " ' -,ieenaie., aihs not a jnounai Whlchi .,,,, ,. wa- nvidanfiv Hani. .fU.,a.a.. t tnntrat fnr tha .a.i. I air. If. O. HaglcrV Store Burntvl. I ouant to xaae junsuiciion in aurh o. I " ' --------- - . --...v,.. , . .... l i - , I ir," '.v 1 ' anelntinn Will limit Into 15.000 1 , v" . t Kxcltlnjr Scene In Coneres Hall of c i'alace at versatile, Jt-acn i.roup Applauding Its leader and Hoot- . , Ing Opponents Until Announcement , o Result, Which Was Greeted With reat.crrlnKful Candl. " Ced"f SomS: , CongratxUated by rresment wwoe. Paris, Jan. M-M. Clement Arinand UinrVwM tcav ected Resident I of France on the nrat Daiioi. ,, np vow atoodFallleres, 49; Doumef,. t7X, r una V ... i , - ... a .. . ,. i 1 however, were very r prolonged. , Jhtfca1 Ieft the offlce Governor ooorer v f whenaver popular? iegiaiawr,irOT i:.I',MB.'.i'Brif. w - T"i-yV7W t- - . , 1 Wbo were tfbvlouflly iUl received the &U uoiioj "'""' inr "" . ''Tl ,,r..r 'V" iiLKMiani nnriv a watted th f the flritrflreM Falllere ;44d' Jl.nd f - . Ai1 r. th MrrefBd fir - ure8 ymg &l FaUlerea and thus l Lli. m- ,.o- ..4r.rt .-u t VmhI1Im uMtrtd hv a miMtarv tuaM of hnAr will take oves .lew SfitiM ivh is t . neW duties eo. S. j ,( " After spending a brief period at the t n:ia inwuniiuw, -.-IJ,-.. X.lvV K - k u President of the Senate, M.- rauieras went- toithe Elyaea Pallee .to visit Jaldent lubet, . who. warmly l ever1 opportunity offers he returns to I hts blrthDlace. Mezin. the home of hist T i; i. ...,, . In hts youth the President-elect ap- I mr?iv hivd nn inninatinn of iniiiu(HtH nan : n .hn.i n . i ottv fn a ihriniant fiitniw : and It ta i even saia tnat in nia senooi aays na I .... ..i..t innint nnoanar ha i succeeded in taklna- deerees in letters land in sciences, and as a student of I law -nassed creditable examinations. I . u . t.jit . .. I AI ler ouiwiuuiiw ma vera, mm ; f H. mMIMIttai f hi. fath-r thatch. - "-rr" ""..rr ,a toiwjwtou. m carmr.i nswcnr). ct uui uuuui ; iuiui work becanie a close student, soon ob- I talned ,oltlcJaI appointments, entered politics and made that rapid progress I whlph has liiRt nwillted In hla BAlian- I I tlnn an head nf ihn ITrenrh KmnhllA -. I . M. Falllerss waa born in I81. He is been President of the Senate fend nasi i . .i.v.i ..en the religious question, opposing at first 1 proposition. for Tthe enrattonrf cJ1.&i?& I ..I.J il7 . I advocated the repression of FOB ENTICING MILL Mt , , , - ? , u Peden; of Greenville, S. On Arrested m Knoawiue tor Aiiegoa vhi. at iainMia . I Knoxvine. T'Tehn.. Jan. IT.J, R. I reomi, oi umuniw, . -., um i in 1ail -here to-day on the Charwe otnnnA that having violated -an -Injunction of thelbroken in two places, and the left unancery vouw -reavraining nim n-ora enticing or trying- to entice away the employes of locaf cotton mllla. , The nria-lnnl bill of inlunctlon waa flled bv I ZZ""-.. 'rZ inn. : -a iTi r ine - crooaniuB vunif. i uri vuib i ctty. Peden claims that he ' haa nod violated the injunction: that mUl em- i , . ., , 1 l" - "'" w L"1" "" , c-n-pv. Torelm Secretary Dead. urman ' aeaexz7 iT" Vl--;1" aL UlBfl , , rn j: .upbraided him-elf with tear, ir, bJ JWt even at the rik of personal to-'-- raacua Of MM. MOrrlS. And -What are 1 vao oin to -do -about Itt he aakad. ... . . . 1 . . . I w v?lca 1 attltfTtat tn -aa hlrh ' lrav. I a. v " ' -------- - , - --,"- "Tf thena lmnertallatld. braetlcc con-1 In.,a1 Vnlhlnirr Thaw tnl1n wrIU I the Senate sink Into contempt, into la ..nt.mnl that Will ha itaaAa1 tha contempt of every good man and wo-1 man in' the country, , I cannot be a A . . "!!i. ". - 1... i , I .man inline country,, cannot ne a party to such a course, but I -wilt tak the consequence. I wlU offer the reso- lutl0l and the Senate can do aa nleases -with If , -r;, ' pnru auuu wui aw, : wuv ai lM nlp1PTrT rtatTmF't ttat i'' 1 - " - " - . after he bad shown uch indifference i . ... ..ihi ,1... r . - . t to publia opinion that felt called up on to present a true statement of the incident and ask for an InvestlgaUon to dIprove the faiehood andgarbled r ... . .... ....... . .. I 1 sieiemenie gien-!Ouv ujr ir. jjames." 1- L attub. nif af t. wmiivnn 1 -. . - i It was understood that Mr: Sndoner I and iur.: xaoage were io mat renlv. l Dut neither rose instead; Mr. - Hals araln ddresea tn cnair. The chair was asking, "What shall be gone .with the resolution?" when. I fected as no toos nis -eeat. . . nt a building at seima. Ala., on a site I At t o cioca last nignt tn store nf I - Ketalner Vrom Eo.nl table Ills i , Hands Clean '' '. "'; ' ' Alhanv'-K v ; jun lTTha annual Vetalnw of I5 !m JoV man iears f iormerSenatovld B Iin by She ifJtLviw Tork-.sTa'f Ba 'AssSlon: Senate ,tu. attft- wfti th -jWOeUltlon, at lt- .Mnual meetln f 1,6 "500lfU0It at ? meeting i ----.w,, d-ania.tlfi. -,v ;Th'". resolution providing the tnveatfcatton was ot- I with, but one dlfesentlnc voice.. It pro ..:.' a a i .Jituii aa: am AiuiCDD. aaiu lubl ja vhen ha entered It. and that the I retainer was very welcome. Ha aaid i tta -eiwlce Kn()(m warfl whoii . ... . . Mr iih i.fi ihv a!" toF VO atteal nurnoses e anv notit rVl t servioefl. ; I nave -never mtnsled bum - f neM 1 WItl1 ' Pontics, BOr politics with . . r- i ' ' .n,,,., 1 , -- t olli v PP The Observer. . f received here Of a fatal accident that 1 """ vmwuuvw -v;iuae uermia, oi the "0ni Railway Company, at Balsam late yesterday, afternoon. The 1 ...--A- I . t" iET"" - - T.SXTL I VW .:. 1UO Aii.a,l7 BiaiWa VII ltha Mnrnhv hrnnoh whn an Anrlna U. -7 tL. ;",., kT" lAfAhi. , rui M,h(n(Durham counties have not yet been coi-JhIm to deathK He never snoke after being caught, and. when taken out. Hf waa etlnct. . A watch which the conductor- rarrind th atcifint .hnw that - thA huniMii tnMtha. t nt ' wr r-" . "-r . - : the Southern for the past six or I nf n anf , Xn th iy,t nnmiinn young fellows on the Asheviue di- iri.iA. mh .r.. ,v,f I f to Asheville last hlaht at 8 o'clock land tlaken to- the home of the do I deceased s parents in North Ashe i it . PINNED BENEATH TON. f. nnni. ira e i , ti , ; "- - Special to The Observer. L Flat Rook, Jan. 17. A very dls- trewlng .accident occurred late yester- dav nflarnnnn anH n a rain't Mi- I William VlnvA . fa nn with a. broken leg and a very badly injured snouider. The facts are about aa fol-f"" uo iru w, ww. lows: Mr. FloydWho has a waaonl atttute and Business College, at Bethel ream -and does, public hauling. iima anMa-arf Hn in ni. I ttoCT- U fr the oid Th" dynamo than aton. I V . l.a4tfe U lit I site to the new one. I had' been loaded . a VtAk V aMAa.U. ' MAa. waaon ' which Mr Flovd drove t,,. t Vt earchved. the - neiore rxne mm waa-a-eacnea- m wagon wheel dropped Into a hole and lfh haaint Hvnaiift imh fnH feI ?ver tne wneei, caKhing Mr. Kioya welgnl' ,n" "''' ,"a m'iX'm mt t.v.n The injured nuia waB at once taken I.ki!!0.", "vlt.!! I un examination was made and It was i.i .eL,e5ala shoulder badly wrenched. , , u J - INCREASED $400,000. - lw,.i a wacnvvMk uwn hiu iTi juuiiniujr b s Capital Now $1,000,000. . I awi.i Th n,umr '' Salisbury. Jan. 17-A telegram this I fternoon from Winston, where the directors ot the f Wachovia Loan and Trust company a! holding a meet I. .: ' ' a. . a a . .. . I d "torn supplemeTC whlch carries the amount toLOOO, 000,, U a tremendous thlngj, Sails- Ut ami Knanaa. na.a hrannh hanlra I .nsidi't f thla mnnav. win .kl. TV.. TITanVkMirfa ' ,aw. "-,:. ;- - - ----- 7" - T. nuiy, aula, naj - auv . wvmw ,u im, t,M . tntanlnrt thla lncrwaae of fl.I. alnaa urll In. tha' fall and. although they . had settled th Inna an 'It raa nnniihllahad new untilL to-day, when th , me- sag told of their action..' 1 - . , '- ' sage toia ot weir acuon. . , , 1 - GREENE-GAYNOR Jtltl , TO-DAY. ' b' Preliminary PcJnU tn Issue Now All , Adjudicated Trial Expeeted to . . a-aMlaa UI, waaalra . - I Uvd, will last.nulte that long.. s ' i " aT.Wr. yon Praiifl nninrva SLATED FOR PUBLIC, BUILDINGS, c... mTOit,7W- Tvh,- iWs foe Me Somhern . Towni lieDOTl IOV : a. ana aaa fna Atlanta, anil era .1 ' TztUP'i J2LA 7 V ' t- -f - heretofore purchased, using an priation tor 'construction, which waariTyon .aviwi.-v. was uinvovrreav anre, mad in Steamer rullca Off FlorUia Reefs, Jan. 17, Tha New Orleans, I Judye Ward's .Oiarre to Jury' Cbn- J aumea une-lloar Case Ciiven to -JniTi S O'clock and No Verdict Been Reached at 11 O'clock ' Jry lletlred to Ilotelfor . NlKht-Ofcree CondiUonal Pardons ResDlted . Charters ; Granted Governor uoea lo . vuTcinia stay uraniea in Adams-Sawyer M order . Trial. ' " , . ' Observer Bureau r . ' . 122 S. Dawson St," Raleigh. Jan. IT. ; - In Wake county "Superior Court ltl case agaJnBt Lilleston. and Clark. &1- George Smith, t o'clock' this ariraments were warm (and .were lucidly presented by counsel for the defense, being, closed by th. aiiaia- t: t w -wi " the case was analysed and the public l 1J"IV ,wo V. . '" - I Judge Ward to-nlrht encaged In I hearing of the case of the Harnett a restraining order concerning tne ois m .aeoi ui n vomiuary ajsBojwiwii m, bIX dissenting .from the matter of final GoYernor Glenn to-day granted three i A ... v - -l M. Mehaff ey. Guilford county, forgery ?rnder tne ,influ1en?fr o( V 1 TTnnnxP nlorrt Wavru rminlv .Inrw SnV John Bais. aTanvilfe ntnFi I - v-r -..; - - .-- ' - ' . rape.'MO BISO reiuses rour appuca- Uons. Pleas from Mecklenburg and lnl5rd. - . . . . lj2fJrr "I .1 iT'?11 f0 botei at U o'clock. - It , is Governor nn, at the request . or attorneys for Nathaniel Mitchell, of Rerti countv. aenteneed. to be hansred ' JS4, fthK """"" ""' ha ;8Tnted an additional respite to 13th. This In ordet? r ,;rr,i' - to give opportunity for the condemned man's counsel to lay furth er testimony before the Governor. Charters were issued to-day to . the ScotlandVNeck Iron Works. Incorpor ated; at- Scotland Neck, L. Albertaette, sr.. ana junior ana a. J. Btern, nre in corporators, capital stock $5,000 paid In; the Kahunta Brick & Improvement company, xremom, rjwain couniy. o oa toil tuiiiuer auiu nil ouhuiiik iimw JrlaU W addition to brick. U O, Hayes and others stockholders, capital S5 200; Chestnut Hill Drug, Company. Bulls bUIFi tlO.OOO capital-Stock. S. C. Pea' COck. . president; W. A. Fogleman, Vice president -and T. C. Earnhardt, secre- """'I "'a,--a Vta ?S". Ifcallzatlon, 12,000 of which la paid In; ftnd other partie. are . . , j interested, Governor Glenn Will leave the rtty tL -R.!T oeaan uienn, nis aauKiiier..ij.iiB nras pILb 5 Mte r;:' nLll ,11.7 7h." w H1 .t?i-?i - rI- ?Tr " Christian Temperance , Union. p.. , aaveirr.ar Montaarue will enter- tain .North Carolina's Chief Executive w Mort while in Richmond, va ,1. Jr .!. . m w.-v' t"lfton to attend the meeting of the National ' Guard Association, maiov-ii-eaBurer juy m bo ir ira- Pved aa to.be out to-day.- insurance commissioner Toung has made! an order forbidding the opera tion. of the Independent Order of Good Samaritans and the Daughters of Sa-. num, iwp organisHuoiiB among tne maria, , two organisations among the aamukat -dlffarant Rtatea that have J!5STttemrtJn to conduct a" eneflt 2m a m Ch.?n:.. 7n "fh. .....o,... - ... otats. - ' t .' . . a"0"? L in tTh. o "tAying proceeding in the case of Adams and Sawyer, for murder-on Of.. HfltStl BBBaA Th A X Ba sgi aTWl MABa-alr aft docket has ie ' same ease having xed for ZZ SOLE, SlJIlVr SURVIVOR OF IS ON SHIP. saiwr Tom Bcnoon-r.- ooerx . Stevenson Picked Up After Drift lng on Plank Nearly Three Days Vessel ' . Grounded on Diamond Shoals." Savannah, Ga., Jan. 17. Adrift on a -ftn- pjank from I o'clock last Satur- JT H, K -aw-vur.av liar morning untu S o clock Monday i.. .mniin, utll S o'clock Mondav n"lng untu o ciocaMonoav afternoon, without Jfoo or water, Karl Sumner, the only known urvlvln member ot the crew of the four-mast- d schooner Robert H. Stevenson, wa . . .... n... .. ,i.r. Philadelphia to Monday after- longitude Savan nah to-day. Beside the -hlD'' crew were four women aboard. ' tha the captain, two relative 'and colored serVant, all golngr to Havana pleasure, trip, making a total of neome aboard. f. . - - - -v- th boat, one boat being smashed and the first .mat and two ; men beinv he saw iVaYhinw- .k"' tf rowned. This he ava He thlnke tha otb ap.ted, ,,- ,. , lain ana V. -M. C. a: niMi. i ;'. irinainn.iulam .v - WlnstSalein. , lepeoiai. to in vueerrer. - t I ana tinlir f hirud ITia tiirv and oTTfTa anoro-IMr.U. G. Hagler, at No. 1010 North The alarm was turned in. but; owina to the great distance from the fire sta tion, the entire building wa In flames and beyond hope and two or three pottages- near had caught fir from the heat when - th firemen arrived. Tho Bremen stretched a line of box 1,000 feet to get to the fir end direct- ? TOOJLE..TEN-HOTIR LAW- Zjong-Drawn-Out -Hearing " - Before Conunlttee - at Columbl -hut s No , Action la Taken. - a . " ' ' " ; ' Observer , Bureau, -j. ;: r- 1JI09 Main St, , n i' - , ColumbiaJ fi. C. Jan," It. v There was a. largely attended and long-drawn-out hearing - In the senate chamber., to-night before the manufactures on. the Toole ten-hour law, t practically alt of the cotton mills of the State being represented by their managers. The hearing brought -out many interesting1 statis tics and comment about the. .condition of cotton mill ; labor, which has be come ;t an Important t political factor with its 70,000 ! operatives. ! A num ber of cottom mill workers froft Pel ser, and other-- up-country .-model mills, were heard In opposition .to the bin. These claimed that the piece workers, -who- are In the majority, would be affected In their pay, .Mr. Parker, speaking: f or -Jthe miilmanu. facturera, favored a shorter schedule, as he was a high-wage man, He ac vocated shorter hours, bun said that the time for it had not come in this State, whose mills were on a strain to pay- dividends. Sixteen, favored compulsory: education now," whether the aa-e limit were Placed at twelve, fourteen or sixteen yars. The mills, he said, 'were providing better educa tlonal facilitis for their operatives than were being provided by . other communities. The Rev. Mr. Mills, of Aiken, snoke In favor of the bill The hearing was finally adjourned at 11.80 until to-morrow morning. , , . THE DAWN OF KETBOARD MUSIC Dr. It. C. Fisher Tjecture ,. to Uie Students of the Presbyterian vol . lege Music Conservatory, Quite a number of ' students have been enrolled at tne a-resoywsrian uvi lege since the new year.. -Many, of these have been entered In the music conservatory and thia increased pat ronage had necessitated a number of improvement in the; equipment. The stage of the auditorium has been en larged, the organ chambers have been improved and the instrument itself re. voiced. ' -,. The regular student recitals which have been given so successfully In the past are to be supplemented ty . a ae rles of four which are' designed' tor il lustrate the rise and progress of piano forte music. Dr. Fisher Is booked to give the description and some Illustra tions, while the remainder or tne lustrations will be played by the pu plls. The series consists of the fol lowing: . ..--,;!rvv -f "The dawn ot keyboard .music. ."Bach and the perfected ,achoolr of counterpoint to Mosart and the classi cal piano." ' i Beethoven, the master musician The era of romantic and descriptive music." . i -.. -w The first of the series wa given by Dr. Fisher in the college audito rium at-1:30 o'clock ; yesterday after noon. The many present enjoyed. the masterly presentation' ot4hecsloryJ-of the beglnners'of music to the- utmost, not the least being tne tcutui reudt- Uona of four-: feeclmeh of the early C0(Ap08ltl0n. f ''.yr- .-:--:;i:-. iii ' ,MI ' -i i iif i t i r "ir -i ' ' STItlKE AGITATORS DEPORTED, Cltisen ' Committee of Key West Take Stroiltent Measures to Break Up Cuban cigar siakerr Striae- Key West, Fla.,' Jf-JThfte;Htt' came to !tho cigar makers' strike, to day when a second committee of the Torcedores Union refused to consider any proposition to settle the strike. On a signal given, the cltlaen" committee, 75 strong, and heavily:'? armedkaur rounded the Torcedores hall, captured the committee of 25 and escorted them to the cluo and fiei'.tv'..' taken to th steamer Mascotte and at 8 o'clock to-night sailed. for Havana. The criticism these men made con earning American 1 workmen and the work done by .th citlsena' committee was the cause for: their deportation, The vagrants law ; will be strictly en forced unless the man go to work. "In ternational" men ara working . and heir number! are gaining every day Four agitator who arrived from Tam pa by the Mascotte to-night were ar rested ana sent to Havana. WIPED OUT HIS WHOLE FAMILY. Seven ' Person Believed to Have Perished In Farm House Fire Supposed Murderer J?onnd Dying From Apparent n : Self InfUcted - Wound. ;.' "', Pembrook. N. H.. Jan. 17.-Seven ber- sons, all members of - the family - of Charles Ayres, are auppoaed to - have perished in a fir which destroyed Ayres' farm bouse, near here to-oay.- The bodies' of a child and of Ayres' mother- in-law nave . oeen touna in tne ruins, Mrs. Ayres and four children are missinr. and It is fssred that they, too, are vic tims of the-ftre.? The authorme suspect that''.-crime, wa .committed,:.':;,...:. tjita to-day Avres waa found In a dvina eondition on tne normiora . turnpiae in tbe town of cnicneaier. inere . waa a bullet wound In his bead, appareatly self. inflicted. He is unoonsoious. u ;-.-?:.-.fi The theory of the county authorities is that Ayres waa the murderer, but up to a lata- hmir tha had been unable to flnd any evidence to Indicate the method em- ptoyea 10 wiptj v nw uuny, Ayres died to-nifm, rt j , ,i li .in in. i n ml b v LEAVE LOYALTY IN EUROPE. M - ' ' I" ' I v -1 " i' I". Special Immigrant Inspector Inveighs ? Aealnat Efforta' of Italy and Hun- nn to Retain Hold on Immisrantai. :' Washington, Jari, 17,-ecretary Met calf 6t th Department of ' Commerce and Labor, to-day sent to tbe House, the . report:, of, Special Immigrant . Inspector- Marcu Braun, on : Immlarra tlon'f' M'itt , V i- Mr. Braun. declare that while cer tain European government have laws ostensibly intended, to restrict immi gration. Instead of doing so they act ually . encourage It by keeping alive "th patriotic spirit for the fatherland in the mind of these "colonist,; i Bv representing tnat unless they adhere to the: principle of home patriotism, their governments-would leave them without protection In "barbaric Am erica." This 1 especially .troe, Mr. Braun aays, in Italy and Hungary, DISMISSED FROSI ANNAPOLIS. "4,..fj,--.if'-.,i'".Vj.A' ' " ""i -1 1 - ' i' . in i " -" -" -; -. ! Sildshipmen Mnrsonl, Foxtcr end Ccf. flrta Convicwa oi Jiaainj, Publicly Ousted. i 'lannnpoin, aiti.. jn. if, ai noon to day wlxm the full brigutl of mi n wr pHraneo tor ine rt'-iuar turm m, rtinliii'ipiin'ii Peterson Iarin Ki:iriiii i- i V. V. JtiHtor, of tua iii.nt t. , ( Trennior ' Cofiln Jr., of tti j-i . r puollcly olHttilnar I i i.ni j i a if a navy ror tiHvin t ..a i , ik men, Tim oi""r ii i .... ., of me Navy whs a mml n 1 i i i c.txa was . adiliv.s I i-i s - t., Jit ! .'iliiaa v..- c , TILIMAN vYS. PEICIDI S. O, SENATOR'S BITTER AC3A t'LT Play ' of ! the Pitchfork ' Furr.' ' -' Senate Galleries Rarest Enter -i; ment, Since Tlllman-McXurin I , cuff Chief "Executive's AttU. i Toward . Pre Bitterly Atai;.l 4 Mr-"-, Claudia ' Dockery Endnrsea .for j Eastern MarsliaLsliip V'nex 4, pected Encounter Between 'Ro!::as f and BlackhnrnSUJ. Rollins Con firmed as .Postmaster at A&hevtu PuUiam Cose Re-Opeued. BY W AW HTIiDEBRAND, 5 ' ' - f ; " -1 i " J - Observer Bureau. -' 7-J-,',,;-l7 a Street N' W,. K J r ' i ii Washington, Jan. If. : Net -' sfnee ' . th - TiUman-McLaurin 1 fisticuff has th United State Senate provided ' the- galleries .with such rare wwi icMiiiiivd .aaa uiu tiiait auiuat uwy to-day, when Mr. TUlman mad a bit ter ; verbal assault ' upon ' President RooaevelU, A- gallery full of news paper -men: were greatly, interested in what 'Mr. Tillman had to say ' about the President' relation to the ores . and the Mr; Morris Incident ft Is as eumed that Mr, TUlman', ."resolution asking for an investigation of Mrs. Morris ejection will be . nrombtlV blocked, but Senators generally should . take the position, assumed by Senator Hale and permit Its passage. ' All the witnesses wouia be newspaper men. -Everybody here reject ' ths',"Wblte -House version of Mrs.' Morris' exsul- ' sion and a lot of people resent the at titude of -President Roosevelt In, tak ing the part of White - Hous em ployees, who: are flatly contradicted, by . all eye witnesses. , v- MARSHALSHIP FOR , DOCKERY." There was a good deal doln to-dav In Tar Heel Republican circles, one In-' 1 teresuiig-, aeveiopment ' being another unexpected encounter between Chair" . . man Rollin . and '.' Representative -Blackburn at the Whit Hous. Chair-1 man Rollins went there to ask th en- oorsement of Claudius Dockery 'as . marshal of the eastern distant and th president wrote a note directing' the . Attorney ueneral to make . the 8 ap pointment Without delav.. . National - Committeeman Duncan, . Postmaster ! Rollin and the new marshal then - ' thanked the President ' fori the ,'ojto- gether handsome favore they have re ceived at his hands. Collector Duncan' also called upon the Secretary of, the xrcnaury, ana the ' ' Commisslonef of Internal Revenue, ',VTh office of coUector - will "again." be'' trans- r ferred to Mr. . Duncan, under 1iia new bond, February 1st, and 'on the last day ; of. this month 'no reve nue stamps will be sold at the Raleigh omce or any or the branch offices. There are some ' indlaauona that tha Warrinir Rnnnhllnan faAaina L.iiir-.a reach an accord. On evety aid th be lief is finding expression that the row will eventuate by Mr, Rolllne being made , district . attorney, - while - Mr Blackburn will be given a vrAc m two or three important appointment tnat are lo.be mad within tha nt ,; BepresenUtiVe' Blackbnrn wfifinfl- " port Otnton Wagner for th office of '- umtea Btate marshal for the wtistam district to succeed Marshal Mllllkan. v i-resiaent Koosevelt to-day notified Senator' Overman that he would r- open the Lawrence Ptilllam' case and ' it Is now believed that the Asheville 1 man, who is now In th Atlanta pent- , leiuiary, win oe oaraonea. rhairman ' Rollins and his father, who appoint '' ment wa confirmed to-day, left to-' ' night for the state,, ,., , . JURY llANGS lIRE, ;. . , , , ...in in i. - . "J. i 1 1 Took the Gardner-Wadsworth Case st i j c loca. , pni Members Retired at 11 O'clock'. Without - Having ' Ar Hved at aw Verdict Tbe Issue , in the- Case. , , . t v vit . t, Th Jury fn the case of J.- 0.'' Card-1 ner va J. W. Wadsworth' Son, in the Superior ftourt,' Is- hanging fire. The evidence in the case was finished 1 yesterday morning and th argument of th counsel on either 1 side con sumed he afternoon acselonr Judge Bryan mad -bi oharg to' the iunr tnat i Boay: took the .case at 7 o'clock in v the evening:', The Jury- re mainea at tne court bouse last night until. 11 o'clock and, having failed to reach ail agreement at that time, wa taken to th Buford Hotel,' where It remained In the' custody i of - Deputy Sheriff E. O. Johnston A durlna- the night,"'- aw-- ',i ,k -. The Oardner-Wadswortb case was begun Monday afternoon, , Mr. Gard- - ner ' sued ik the defendant for $2,500 for ' ' Injuries , . he . received -in f a runaway. baatnc - , m claim -upon -the allegation that' tha horse vwerevwUd and unmanageablo and. the surrey and equipment were . unsound and not In good condition. The defendantedenled tbe aitegantiona of . the plaintiff andTmade a counterclaim of $125 for damage to - the surrey and horses, alleging- that Mr. Gardner waa Unskilled and inexperienced a a driver and that the -damages to the turnout were due to thl fact W ;The Jury will probably report at "tha convenln; of court thl morning. . . DAMAGING, EVIDENCE, ' 1"' ' 'S1 - Fifteen Witnetjee Examined tn TrU of G.'.-W. Samucla but NoUJ. : ; Sensational Develops. .- Special, to "The Observer.-'";' ; , Greensboro, Jan. 17, Nothing vcrv sensational transpired' In Federal Court to-day in the trial of George V.'. Samuel, the ex-revenue officer, chaf ed with making false reports of t destruction .of 'dtatlllerle. conspiracy, etc f District Attorney Holton. who la conducting; th . prosecution., pub 12 or 15 witneasea on the stand and thv gave what Is considered som verv damaging evidence against the accus ed. ; The witnesses have been excluJei from tbe court room, except as thev are . called ! to testify, and the crow I I Umlted almost entirety to the court official and attorneys, not more th a doien spectator' being present at any time during tha day. The evi J for tho government will not 51 be r celved before Saturday or maybe t first of next week. Run Over by V -v I Special to Tt it C Ilisrh ro'- j 'i. noon a tw e.l, ran o ; . lir.. Lnrkln : er. tn t'ifl t y -v ! - r-' ! J. r t

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