CIIAKLOTTH DAILY OEGLIlVEIt, JAOTABT 18, ICC 3. .S OF MIL A. A. CLARKE. i it Heard of the Insurance AI '-r Who Skipped $200 Bond . it Uie Mutual Factory Fire In uire Companfos Are and the ..hi They Have Done, , j f . fining- further ha been seen or i of Mr Arthur A. Clarke, , the v York InsMranee adjuster, who was ; l sted several days ego for ;perat. - in, the Stat wHhouttbe required se and ceieaeed on a 1200 bond, a bond lie forfaited and yesterday . bondsmanv Mr. E. W. Thompson, Diiworth iald over to Sheriff N. WalUvce the required nun. -:.,'r. Clarke-represented certain New : upland mutual fire Insurance com, I nice. in into connection word with I I (erenee to them organisations may te of Interest. In order to, galfT the i ceseary Information an Observer re porter called upon one of the pest Known nill men of the city yesterday and asked hint something about tnese nmnnjllM - - lie aaid: The 1 mutuals of New rngrland have done a great service to the South In that they have brought about; great reduction in the rate rxf insurance on cotton mill properties. Formerly a nigh rate was charged. The nreaent rate is but a mau per cent, of the .original one. Tht reduction la Ait to tt mutuala. Ae an evidence of this, the old companlea charged me from 75 cent" tofLM o the $100 of mill property. - The nm insurance ' can "be had in the mutual for rrom 13 to U cents. To explalni the matter would require too much time. It may be aaid 4 hat -the mutual are assess ment companies. A number of mill are. Insured together. Should a lose occur:1 the amount of the damage is , divided, pro rata, among the ones in the asaoclatton. The expense of man agement, which is email, la added and 4he eoe)t la reduced to a minimum. These associations have members all over the ?Sottth, .a few probably In each j Btate.. When a mill makes application ; for 1 100,000 of insurance, this amount la divided among some 10 different ' companies. Each takes a part so that the total risk is distributed equally. ; And then you have the reason why 5 these small companies do not care to ,'pay the license tax of two hun dred' dollar. The huge corpora tion pay that earn and do not miss It. But the small mutual company, whose total premiums do not aggre - gat perhaps more than 1500, do not bcUve that it la right that they should pay the same tax as that one which derived many thousands of dollars from ' he State In premiums. And you might add that the officials of the Southern Cotton Oil Company took . the aame view of the case that the companies did, hence refused to give way . the names of these companlea . which had evaded the law. , - "But there la a law and to long as there 1 a law it should be observed. , I do not give this a excusing anyone, but simply aa Information." BEFORE THE RItX'OItDKK. -The Affray at Watlsworth's Stables Stole Two ringer King 8Iki- f, lifters Bound Over. - -Acting Recorder Hilton's portly frame i beginning to eecm perfectly . , natural and at home In the city police court. The genial 'squire Is a dlgnfled official and disposes of the docket with dispatch . and wisdom. The first case, upon which h was called to fae judgment yesterday was that of Mr. Aw N. Deaton and Alexander , Moan.? It will be remembered that Mr. , Deaton, who 1 foreman at Wads worth' stable, and Sloan, a colored 1 week ago. Mr. Deaton was rather i; seriously hurt and was unable to ap pear In court until yesterday. Both 'men were charged with a deadly affray nd were bound over to the Superior - Ororf, Ur. Deaton being recogniaod and Hioan wa required to give a bond - of $100. Jennie James-, an ebony-fiued dam- ' stealing two finger ring from Miss Florence Kimball, a saleslady at the .Bee Hive. The evidence against th defendant wa conclusive and Ihe re "order bound her over to the Suprlor Court, (nuking the bond for her ap- pear&nce for trial $100. Hattle KirkpHlrlrk and Rlandlna ;'.:.t!jaddv. who were iuMinti nver fn mv. t! rnu t-w iqr snopiiiiing a unv oiiyu Ago. were arralirnt-d In mm Inn- i i for the same on"eiin. They were bound Ovef, and tn-Ing alremly under sufficient ponu. were rncngnlscu to itnoear. MAt'UK IN MoriCM.NG. AB Her Kicking lrH'tiHitli' ;fnn Mr. J, . (ihi)UM ;riicH ill t)i v', toretth of 111m Mute, Xrhuchnd ! mvser. Ilu llulwii!d r Mnudc , Ma a (ciitic, Kind Animal. T Mr. J. O. Oliiyiix, b well hnown 4 fa liner of Iong (.r-flc township, came , into the city Minor" oftVu I.jhi. iiticbt end With a deep slgb of gi-U f stated ehnply; "Ah. Nobu hadnt'szor!! He LHIf . ffinm inuir t' IH" Fit nu 'elly taku away!" The cub reporter, noting the lntit'tc rrt.f of itu viKitor. jwwflWTU turn iin.i)ti triiiiciij tin ium der and inquired as n th- cause. Mr. lluya xpluliiid brok'-nly Ihiit Ala $825 iulc. x bui liniiicAf-r, ) kind and gentle busbiiii.J of Mauri". had died yesterday morning. "INur ? weuae, sani tr.p "ympuinising Mr. ;fiuya. "she is licurl-briki-n. All of hf kicking prrp'-nnl!lc are dead for ' th time being and n man w ho si-efi a mule do a mn trick In the near fu- ! tura .need ' say with dr'nl "And her name was Maude!" 1 say th. poor Animal ie heart-broken. Hh is a wtd - ow and Will mourn long for tier loet mate, for Nebuchfldnssjscr was kind and gentle and bad no moan mulish ' tncKa." And the cut nilrigleil bin ttar with th.-Je of Mr. Oluyaa anil consoled him a beat he could. MARY filUXiOVICH Of Phlllpsburg, Montana, Tells How " She Wsa Cnred of Uatulrnfr. , burg, Montana, under date of Nov. 28. J8W, writes: "1 had typhoid fever this summer, consequently was losing my hail) terribly, and my head In place wa penectiy naifl. Newbros Herpl lde had jast come Into s in Philip burg, and the doctor strongly recom mended It to me. After S or 4 applica tions my hair stopped falling out and Is coming in again quite thick. I used to be troubled greatly with dandruff, of which I am new quite cured.n- Kill the dandruff germ with Herplcidtf. Sold y leading druggist. Kend 10c. In sump for sample to The Herptcide Co, IHtrolt3 Mich. coon khow. aie Ohoish fHock. Comnanr Drew a fiood AadlcHce. at t lie Academr of A good house witnessed the show at ti.o Academr of Muste last night. .hen the Oeman fltpk Con-ijieny pre n nicd "A Fight for Life.". The play i a good, .ait 'the member of the i i-t I'laying their - part well. The - ft laities were good, Mr, ; t, . V, and Mia Huby PeVemon de-t'-rv secial snentiim in their traveetr - u h, entitled, A "Tramp Actor.4 - t At the matinee performance: yesterv . y b flnuxta ""JEast Lynne" was pre. to a very appreciative audi- ' -n)ght-"A Cenllemanv Burglar 1 I the biil., , " . , : PRISOXEIt REMANDED TO JAIL. Writ of llabcaa Corpus In the Case of ; Jame LandrCM, of lancoin uounty, Denied Prisoner - wuvrgea . whs . Bigamy, J ir " - James Landres, of Uncoln county, was ..before Judge Henry R. Bry an, in the Superior Court. yeter day afternoon, under a writ ot habeas term of the Lincoln Superior Court the grand Jury returned a itrue bur againai Landrea for bbramy. After the court was. adjourned,.,Mr-., L,,B- Wet more, of. the Jjncolnton oar,' counsel cor juau- drea, applied for a writ of habeas cot pus, 'alleging that the Indictment was made upon, hearsay testimony... .The case 1 wa made returnable ' before Judge ryanr JaHhia-clty, yeeterdayr Xndres wa in court yesterday af ternoon at I o'clock. Mr. Wetmore ap pearing for him and "Solicitor Harlot Clarkson prosecuting for the State. Witnesses for the Stat testified that the indictment bad been made udou direct testimony and not upon hearsay testimony, aa had been alleged. Upon this evidence Judge Bryan denied the writ and remanded Landrea to JalL . The prisoner was In charge of Sheriff J. K. Cllne, of Lincoln county, and Policeman Keener, of Lincoln ton,, who took him back to Llncolnton last even ing. SCOTLAND COUNTY 'PHONES. Soutlicrn Bell Tcleplione Company Acquires EXcluuige at Lanrhiburg and t.lbHon Mr, J. B, Maxwell to be In Cliargo No Advance In 'loll. Superintendent M. B. Speir, of the Charlotte division of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, ha succeeded In acquiring for his company the local j exchanges at Laurinburg and Gibson, Scotland county. The Bell company ha owned the Hamlet exchange for some two years. These three ex T' . . . . . -. . . . w . ... ... wu ... w management of the former owner of the Laurinburg and Gibson exchanges, Mr. J. B. Maxwell. Mr. gpetr said yesterday that many of the farmers In Scotland have phones, radiating from these ex changes. Instead of weaning them off, it will be the policy of the Bell Com pany, not only In the county under eommentr but throughout the South, to encourage their increase. There will be no advance In tolls, either for the town or the country subscribers. The new owner take charge at once. THOMPSON A GOVGII FAIL. Till Well Known Suburban Store As- elgnaTIie Assets and Liabilities. The announcement was made yester day that Thompson & Gaugh, well known merchants of the eastern su burb of the city, had made an assign ment, the assets being given at $4,000, with $5,000 liabilities. Mr. W. J. Cham bers, of the Chambers A Moody Com pany, was named a assignee. No reasons are given for the failure. Thompson A Oough have been In business for several years out on the Lowell road. In one of the most pros perous suburbs of the city. It wa very generally understood that they were doing a good business and the report of their failure came as a surprise to their many friends. Mr. Chambers i will oettlp up the property. Of the assets, , $2,D0O Is In stock and $1,600 In accounts. Three-fourth of the credi tors are Charlotte merchant. Sometimes nervous women's afflictions are Imaginary. Again they are a form of Actual ami twlble lllnena. In any event, Hnlllstpr's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you wen. A ifreat nerve tonic. 5 onts, Tea or Tablets. It. H. Jordan & Co. The Artistic Stieff Self- Player Piano. To own one Is like having a Pader ewakl, Lisst or Qottachalk at your command Write for particulars. Chas. M. Stieff SOUTHER! WAItEROOM ft West Trade Si, When That Silk Waist Is ; Send It To" Us We dry clean them so beau tlfully they look almost like new. And you can wtar it Just a long" again. s ' Don't forget tos consult ua about any soiled or faded gar. ment you may have. We can often save you a great deal by cleaning or dyeing a garment that is too soiled or faded to wear. Out of town orders so-' llcited. d fleenin? Vciiis UriVX H Ceter, Ffcprlctrm" BEATS THE 'f&VElQ CURB. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mm' Mary Brown, 0 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepeie, ft. T, "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills They are the most reliable ana pleasant laxa tlve -1 have found." Beat for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. - Guaran teed by IV H. Jordan ft Co., Drug- glsts. ...X5e., v '' V. HAT better ftierid could you. have on a cold winter's night than one of . our Warm, Comfortable Night Robes?; Dpmet Flannel , Robes, cut full, long and liberal- : , $1.00, $1.25 AND $1.50 Where else can you get so much comfort for your money as you can in a Winter Night Robe in vestment? Day Shirts of all Kind 50 cents to $1.50 York Bros. & Rogers "THE DUCETTE" "EXERCISER" The best on the market for only $1.00. Armistead Burwell, Jr. Phone 343 North Tryon St. 25 Night Robes Just Received Lot Carpet S 25 Cen First to Gme7 First to Be Served Lubin Furniture Company I e "'')"'l,y,''fl?l'''i -' .. " I ; 11 -C - W Extra cood values In Our odd nrMiMi buartarad flak. Uihunnv Bird's Kyt Maple, and Curly Birch, at price ranging from 111.58 f to t7(.0O. Wash Stands and ChUIonlers . to match all ! ere. It will pay you to mveatlgato our W.. T. McCoy Tito Leader la Low Price HALF THE WORLD WONDERS how the other half Uvea. ' Those who uae Bucklen'a Arnica Salve never wonder If It will cur Cut. Wounds. Burns, sores and all Skin' .Eruption;. they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, lift Aim TtAvnnlria fit . Rnrlnirflelrl IlL. says:.' "I regard It on of the absolute necessities of housekeeping." Guaranteed by R. .E Jordan A Co., Druggists. 25e.- , . . . , s r SEE OULCE " 1 - .III V.A, . rouiirAiHPffis: A full assortment --all sizes and prices. Every;, one guaranteed The best made. If you have ever had trouble with a Foun tain Pen, give ours a trial, and we are sure you will be satisfied TBEM:i)UfffAIIJ ; Mm. : llrv Joe Person's Remedy Has been a real Messing to our borne, ant "while It Is not a "king cure-all. as some one quaintly puts it. It is a wonderful medicine. In 1901 there wa an er-ldemic of typhoid fever In this village two of our boys (aged and ;years. respectively) were stricken. We gave the Remedy three times, dally, doubling or trebling the dose when the . temperature went be low normal, : No ether stimulant was used. Patients- were dieted and nursed sarefully-and though one -of them was very fguVKc r Tne ka The after effect was called In fourteen weeka splendid, each patient rapidly gained strength, and within two weeks after leaving his cot,: was able to go to Sunday school. We owe much to Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. About four years ago acrofulltla de veloped in one ' of our children (neither of the above). The child's life was despaired of for a long while, the mere touching of the affected limb producing agony. After four month of hovering, apparently over the orink of tne grave, we began to use Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy with the consent of our physician. Slowly the blood began to get purer, in four months a lump as large as an egg passed, down the leg, stopping above the ghee. The doctor lanced the place, then came no more. This opening remained for two years, dur ing which time both wash and Remedy were dally used, the boy growing hearty and healthy. At the end of this time he began to try to walk. Walked on "all four " for a year, then on his feet for the past year, nut ne naa grown crooked- pitifully so. Had him examined by one of Richmond, Va.'a best physi cians, wno said ne was "in splendid condition, ana would only need me chanical treatment. Until I get him straight, continue to give him the medicine he has been taking." This waa done, and in January the little fellow went to the Retreat For the Sick, Richmond, Va for this mediant cal treatment. In April he returned to Hasty, straight. In all these years not one drop or medicine except Mrs. Jo Person s Remedy. As a blood purifier its value is (in my opinion) priceless. I cannot, in view of all It naa done for us, withhold this test! mony. MRS. J. T. THOMPSON". Haaty, Scotland Co., C, May 4, is vs. amples Furniture j Lars ahlnment of Bed Room tv-M,? JPmrnlture. which has lust ar rived, gives ns the largest a- sortment or. ua Keom rumw ture we have ever had i the pleasure of showing thetrada Oolden . Oak ' ' 8utt from ue In our M5.00 Mahogany' ' Suits: worth M0.Q0. . n ' :-w'-. - t . O,' m J 11 UiKiuim Rnlta UK AA stock before buying. ' Z i on . High Grade Good I 11 ! ,c3l7E:; Si yf TV era that ; v Up-to-pate -W'S''A)67. ' - . ne ; Drana 01 'Thes 'prices ! of 'the price of .lower grade goods, ;but when'ouget'-ajpair of; either, .of these celebrated makes "yoo know that you are' wearing the best pants that can be made.Vj. Bold statements) but everybne'will be backed tip, with; ythe ' goods, I iPaats front $5.006 : $12.50. V f (ffji ltl . , ; ' We Also Carry a Full Line of Cheaper.Grade Pants, From $1.50 Up. y II V W ;, Wc; found a house mm at reduced prices Can flT..-' TT " g - z, r aucrns ncavy Japanese Matting 25c FIBRE eARPETS MNR RUGS J ; ' 4vi " 'J J" ' p '.fix ' - , You can wash them . Prices made laid and lined 35c 4 to 65c, 9xJ2Rugs $nm 7-6x10-6 Rugs $900 I 6x9 Rugs $750 36 in. Rugs$J75. 27 in Rugs $1;25 ; Vr iTli ; -Beautiful Patterns. Samples on Application Goods ; on Approval PARKER - IHIesiw At our stores during the past week is ' due to the fact that ; when the people read our advertisement' to the effect'that we ! had a great many broken articles discovered in taking, stodc and which would be offered at bargains they knew wej meant ; bargains. Our sales have been; very large, but there; are: here; yet a great many different garments that are offered cheap in comparison with thequality of the garment 1 We pbsi&ely wiD not carry these over another season ahd the" prithat we; have put on them will make die articles 'move quickly ;Donft ! miss the opportunity. , ' l lhr'K ?$Y The Loinig-Taite ..CI6thlri.C6 M4IL ORDERS C HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION n :i ; : 4 ; goods sent; on approval returnable . at our v expense ; THE DENflY CAFE . ; . .. ' ,'..-v v '. ; , . . .. . . ' . . .r ;r '; , i if " " V v . , PERJTSCt II APTOHrrMENT. 7 ' . . ELEGAKT SERVICE, ., V Special Dining Room for Ladle,, t THE DENIIY CAFE A. . Pnblio Stenographer. ' -, . Lona; Distance 'Phona,"ws - - , -ir r i "- ' 1 i ' . . f S-'- V1" ' l J '-v "m vW " f .... .. I ' v . - r' , r - t , - c AVE EVER , bu - are carrying , the most complete line we have' ever; handledParcon and Peerless make,; Various Colors and Designs, Pes Top, Fancy Cne tne maser. is . suraciem; t guarantee ; as to . tne make these goods ; are rather ;high ; in '(pEun,x't,' r-r. , arvasd U 4 4 d w U. 7y - V; ( ( 77 :'vNv'- K 11 LI A ;V . vy f jJ o i ' w; d Ki v' v ' 'M- "u.ft oydrrstocked ori Mattings, wc boiitht lots of it have it put down on:: short noticed Tv' L. H W L j - 1 1 IP 1Tk. "T?- ' ' vxuna lviauing 4x10 jc u x-ancrns ra,ncy to60c ' PrairieJGrass; Matting 50cvf : V ! , ; GARDNER e 25 to 331-3 4' ft. , PER OfiT On your Suit or Overcoat, ' Choice and exclusive . pat terns from .. the best t English " and Scotch ' Manufacturers, In Cheviots, Serges and Worsteds; no reservation. ,'f,- , Made (o measure only; r - Tfcz Tete-Crawn Co. VICTORIA KEEfJE'S i J CEMERIT S AVE - The best1 and; most" econ omical material known for pl&sierui a&d iaitaticn tila work.; t V;' r ' J. C ORINlTAili 1 ; 173 Hain 6t, Kerf elk, Ya. XlZ j cf Rcady-llada Trous- known to' the trade. If You Want it (V ; fe"i if "ffl -- a To Buy a ! Relizile, f '.t ;, ; e b 1 it. at aa honest 'price, our figures wilt; convince you that wa sell tb "bet--'ti ter Planoa for less money' than you wilt find elsewhere. V ' r' 'lt (. T ' Cash or Installments, , INVESTIGATE t '.V A asjiriOTFE r.:usicito;.M ;, 'J al f. Tryoq., Phono Sit. ; '"-, 'I'..' WALDO ;" AMES Manager,:'. 5 Out-of-town mail orders for musio: v will receive proVnpt aftentlon. , ' ; ' Fine Old Whiskies f7l,C ;SXPRK8ti PXUEPAia '" One galion -yarold : corn whiskey .i ,...$.po One gallon , 8-yoar-old corn whiskey.. s, ,M a.M ' One gallon 1 -year-old v corq whiskey,, , . ,4 fl.Oa' Four quarts Old Henry Itye. whiskey ,"., k , , . , , , 4j four quarts, Billy, Baxter's Seat - Rye for . . . a 4.23 Four quart Hoover' Choice - Rye Whiskey. , , . . , , t . . S.S.1 Four, quart Rooney Malt. ; i, 14.24 ' : v. i:. woven. s. 4t f ti c m:vEa et, korfolu, va. 'pi t

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