CIIAIiLOTrK DAILY OBSERVER, JANUARY 181900. ft-'. '4 cotton jxtii Tuesday's gain 'Icxlerat Strensrlh In the Eurly Kes 't etfon on Ontliiucil feupportr iMas liost Toward Hie Vlom on Iteportcd Freer Southern Offerlngst'Ioe Barr-ljr Steady at Dwlln& hjI- to , i x'oint. New York, an, 17. The cotton market about lost tlie advance ot yesterday .under scattered liquidation and local tour treasure, with the elose' barely eteudy at , a, net decline of to 15 point.,. Bales were estimated (it 4M),W dales. , The opening wa steady at t decline of , , point to au advance of I point, and Kliorily artei the call prices showed Jet gain of : C to points on the active ' "MonihJt, withMuroa selling at 11.82 on a .. i continuation of the ' local aupport noted " tn ward the close yesterday and continued 1 Teiiorta from, the Routs aluiminr an im- - J!rvtd spot demand and very firm bold ' y i'a. Cf lilts'' were relatively easv, tiow ever, a leading Liverpool authority sent nut some bearish figures concerning Spin ner-s viecocKe - ana ' weekly . taKing, uie Couth seemed to be selllnar in tha: local riarket . and on; the earl v buisre. local rfferlngs increased, checking the' ad' Junoe, and sending prices slightly under , rie closing level of the previous day. , In Is wss followed bv a period of cotii i faretlvely little feature during the wild. lie,- session, but toward the cIob the i market became, more active' and easier . tnaer report that the South wan ofter '' cotton, more freely to New England ' ' utiinnrtT, and last price were practically ,-f. th lowest. According to 'official reports, ; Southern not markets Were J unutianiri V-1 He -higher,, and- port receipts for the i (jny about a thousand : bales : less than .x.fcao exports." One hundred and tnirtjrl4s i, Members of the New York cotton K . r-hange estimate the crop, on the average, 't 10.747,117 bales against the ' average estimate of ' 10,5).eoo bales by 167 meni fcers on November 28, ' ' ':T, v Receipts at the port to-day E0.3JS bales : :. against 42,825 last week and 18.874 Just i ? ear. For - the - week' '(estimated), MO.OUO tales, against 181,784 last week and 126, 'i7 last-year. To-day's receipts at -New Orleans, ,87 bales, against 10.MS last - :-enr, and a Houston, 4,401 bales, against. 3 S-iS last year. ' , tJfflON PACJIiq LEADS STOCKS, - ItevTftlan ' of 6peciii(ton to Fnrnter CluuineU Was the Feature of tlio v:1TPa y-Lstt ' Break in Amalgamnted . : . 'ikCoppef Weakens Wholo Market, trnt Itauteg 1X1Iow. . New Yorlt Jan. 17. Th feature of to day's, stock, market, was the revival of speculative .operation In A, number-of , stocks which nave been exhaustively ex , - plotted In the speculation of the immo- : aiaie past ana wnicn piisneu tiuougii h ''period of profit-taking subsequent to that soeculatlon. The most conspicuous ex ample of the reversion of the specula ' t on to former channels was that of ' I nlon Pacific This was subjected - to 1 Dine further . extensive profit-taking in " t ie earlier part of the day, but it broke through this restraint later and rose to a new record level above 169, with marked ette.ct on the general speculative senti . ment. The" smelting and . metal . stocks were another example of this tendency in the market, Smelting and Lead both rise to new record levels. Amalgamated Copper was' kept down or. forced back : when It did advance by a constant stream t of realising sales. The newa concerning t lese properties' wns plentiful, but was entirely in tn rorm ot vague rumors. A settlement of the Montana copper war. a merarer of tue smeltlntr and lead companies and a gigantic combination of lie coper, smelling ana auteu mim in dustries are samples of the character of t iese rumors. The, movement in Colorado fuel war of similar character, the rumors regarding that property pertaining varl- ausiy to lis aDsorpuon in uu propoiraa Southern Iron meraer and In the bnited States Steel Corporation and to a purely speculative campaign in me maraei nav ln the same orlsrin as the recent opera '- t ons In the 8outhcrn Iron stocks. The a.'tuat news- ot the day was not important ceyona the continued neavy accumuia inn of rsh .'resources In New York lioney rates. In conseiiuenoe, continued to work easier. - ' Constant pressure, upon Amalgamated ) Copper proved: too strong for the resist ing powers of that . stocH- vlts .sharp brenk late in the day decided the course of the rest of, the market, which had ; Av I'nver of tlin advmices in the soeoual S ' t'e?vTher" wttir rullto fi-oin Hie late brenk In svmimthv Wi- t!m downwnrd p'Wllirtf .tn coppeti, antt'tho fclosln t6ne wa.t steady. '''' .- l '" ' 1 "' Bends were Irregular. Total sales par vnjue, 8,0O6,ow, onited states nonas un- - c tanged. Total sales stocks were 1,754.000 shares, - Including; Araaigsmatwi Copper. 257.100; ; ' American Cotton . Oil, 4.8W: American locomotive, S0.MO;. American Smelting. . SV.TOO: American Tobacco, M; Atlantic Coast Llne, 2,vu; ChesapeHke & Ohio, 8,100; Colorado Fuel & Iron, 103.700; louls vil& Nashville S.WlO; Norfolk A West ern, "t, 400: National Iead. 25.400; Pennsyl vania, 61.800: Beading, 150,00O: Southern Pacific, 13,200: Southern Railway, 23.200; Si-eferred, 200; Tennessee Coal ft Iron, Of Union Pacific. ,w,7ft!; United States Steer, 86,400: preferred, Bloss-Shef-MJojdl; Steel, 2,300. - Losses of 11 to 16 Points at New Or . leans. WW Orteans, Jan. 17. The demand for spoir cotton continues good, sales. 4,050 bilert, Including 1,260 to arrive; delivered oi contract, Quotations unchanged; middling, 11 11-16. Futures -opened steady with prices 1 to 1 points higher than yesterday's closing. Improved 3 to 4 points and then receded gradually with but slight fluctuations ' until the close which was within a point oi two of the bottom. The list at the Cose showed net tosses of 11 to 16 points. In the trading March opened one point d3Wn at 11.99. advanced to 12.03, declined to 11.83 ana nnauy unproved to The oily explanation given for the decline to- a iy waa tnai a v reaction naa to come sooner or later. Jfew York Cotton. . New York, Jan. 17. Cotton, spot closed quiet; miaaung wpmnos, bjo; jnlddllng, 11.35; sales, 29 bales. Futures opened steady. January, li .fin r Febronrv. 11.64: March. 11.76: Anrll. 11.83- lay, ?1.87: July, 11.92; August, 11.70; Sep Umber, 11.00; October, 10.88, A; :1 Futures closed barely steady; .Cloning . - mas;"-. January, u.w, reoruary, ii.w: Marott, 11.62; April, 11.67; May. 11.72: Jne, jV 11.73; July, 11.78; August. U.68; Beptem- psr. iu.Kw; uoiooer, av.k. . High and lowj - January, 11 63lt48f h iLUmiM: July. 11.9711.77; August, 11.73 W'WiWi -A aeptemoer,'- u.nwuu; octenert I H.90810J2. . fy. 4 K ri.,. ,...i. 1 J s ' t. IiTeftool Cotton. Llvefpoot." Jan. 17. Cotton spot In fair - demand; prices Six points higher: Ameri iruuuiiiiif mir, njwj guuu miaaung, .w; middling, 6.28; low middling, 612; t:- good -ordinary , 63il oralnaryi. 8.78: - The s ties- of the day ' were . 10.000 bales of v ;. which 1,000 were for speculation and ex 1vjtp.1rt .4na incmaea s.aov . American. . ne , 'ipts 9,000 baloa, ' Including f,400 Amrri- cin. Futures opened steady and closed oniet: American middling s. it. o. Jan. ' . uiry, 6.14; January-February CU; Feb- r.iary-Mareb, 6:15; Warch-APrtl, 4.18r ,v...pni-jnay,ju.j--.mar-june, jrij-v june. jgiy; .a; guiy-Augut, .2S; August-Bep-T: tember. 6.19: 8entember-Octobor. . S.fl-2! w Cctober-NovemberA, , .; November-De-v .".comber, (.82. 4i m iur 4 , t4 & I,. 4 " " " ' "' r. t-1- Jn Tlie Sloney Jlarket.;",, i ..Jewj York,, i, Jan.' 17. Money ". erf eall --sewftv m per rtunt; rulln k-ate,: 4; 1 osing bid. 2V4r offered at X Time loaus . s-eady; W days, i per cent: 90 1aya and 1 6 months, SifriVfc. Prime inerrnntile paper. ,ttfi'JM P"r "fnU. Sterling exchange firmer r- ith actual buslncBS In bunker bills at . $'.(!. 7(Kfi4.86. 78 for- demand and 84.H 8M ' V.0.1B for etMay Wlls,, Posted rates, 4.84 tftHnd 34,87W'A, .commercial bllla. WJBii. bar silver, , Mexican dollars, SO. Jk k i f't"'""!."!! -' '! yi v ,n,. v , ( T1ie pry , Goods Market, t , 1 i New5 ' 'York, Jan.' 17.-The flry ffoods ;r market, was slightly Improved in activity 'f to-day and buyer were somewhat eon ' rtlvas far as future contracts, were emcerned.- First bands were very ln- dependent In their attitude, . ' IV', r' ' -4Sew,. Orleans ratnrec i V New Orlenns, Jjin.-' 17,-Closlng.' bids; .'Junuaw H.M: February, 11.7J; March. I A.p"' 11 M'" MT' June,, apo; Julye Jios. ... . r -." . 1 - - t i 1 .1 i " ', ' '.' C!ottto Sftid Oit ; i't Newr York Jan. 17. Cotton Wed t'0j : isv,' 4indr rrude bldn and IKiiiidutlnn, ' ... Frime crude fob ; mlll, l&Wv'Mi prime . s-immer , yellow. JC'vrB:; prime white. - Hai!l prime winter yellow, 4 . New York Pro ace. ' New York.' Jan. 'lT.-Flour-Qulot,. but btPHdy. , r hye flour-Stendy, " Huckwheat fluuv-Dull. - , .Rye Nominal. . t ; ' ' Ftttrlev-.Hittfiriv "'. .', .' ...:-... .',:- ' ..:. . WheatEasy ; No. 5"rert, 9o, elevator, (iiuuiw .c, lower; ja , - rn RtAuiiv tfn'J fid new elevator, Options unchanged, to H. net higher. January, fc&; May. 51; July at 4 Oata steady: mixed, 36H3 . , , Beef Steady. ' mr ' flit rrt.O,ltf ( -J 'LardSteady;. Vsterrt; i T.K&W 0;" re nned. barely steaay; oontinenf, s.w, t - Jork Htesdy. , '-. t ' Tallow Firm. , Ros I n S t ea d y. ,, " " " . A. Turpentlne-Flrrn. , , - -u , , Hlce Steady. " -r - -i"-. 'j, MolnluioK Firm- 1 r ,. ' -f 4 CoiTee-8pot Rlo ateadyi titHd, ateadyi Sugar,- raw Nominal l redned, ftujot.'' t CheeseVery flnw.-.unchatiged. -i ' FggsJuiet; seleetod, 2lftn. . .Potatoes Steady, unchanged. .f;j i;anoages eipw, . uncnangeu.' , v, t. . is J rrcigiiis'uiei,,j uncnuiiBu,' . , Peanuts Quiet, unchanged. ' t. DAILV COTTpOS MAIUSETk. v NEW YQRKV COTTON. ' SDOtg 1Z.10. - f, . Sales Z9 Con, Market tone aulet. ' 1 Futures closed barely steady. ' Hlg-h Low Closs January . j. ,t '..Jt.65 1I.4S 11.45-41 February March ., .. .. ..11.82 11.4951 11.63 11.6863 11.87-48 11.72 ' 11.727? April '.,, m, ." - May., . .. ,.11.82 Jhinfr .. ' ..ULI4 H1.83 75 July ..11.91 11.T7 U.7S7H August ... i ,.; ,.. ,.11.73 September . 11.04 Octopor ... i. ,10.M 11.66 10.95 10.82 ll.BJ 59 10.96 T 10.83 S3 CHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. These Affures represent prices paid to wagons January 17. Good middling., . ,. .w- XVA Strict middling.. - 11 Middling-.. , ' 1114 strict middlings. .. ,, it Good middling tinged..' ; : HVi Stains. .. .. ... .. 10!4lOH COMPARATIVE PORT RECEIPTS, Tester- Last ' day Year Galveston .. .. .. 9,08; 2,848 New Orleans 6.987 10.SS4 Mobile 264 286 Savannah 2,883 1 2,438 Charleston v. 45 ' 82 Wlmineton .. .. . 491 449 Norfolk. 471 LOOS New York , , 461 Boston .' 84 252 Philadelphia .... 34 Pensacola 100 Various .... 15 Total ...... .............20.828 18,594 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. . Tester- Laet ' day Tear Memphis ., . .. ....... ..3,840 z.eni Augusta , ... 668 802 St. Louis .. 3.114 1.336 Cincinnati 628 1.006 Houston 4,401 3,235 January 17, 1906. PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston steady 11 11-lt New Orleans steady Mobile oulet Savannah steady . .'. Charleston firm ........ 11 IT 11 11 1218 Wilmington nominal Norfolk steady ......... Baltimore nominal New York quiet ... Boston quiet .......... Philadelphia, stsudy 1210 1235 . INTERIOR Movement. Houston easy ... 11 Augusta steady 11 Memphis steady 11 11-16 mi, unwn steady n ii-m (incinnau - Iwulsnile firm ,......, 11 15-16 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE. (Corrected ' dally by J. W. Zimmerman company. Chickens Spring 125 Hens per head 30 Ducks ...... - ft Eggs 2.1 Rye , r. Oats-Feed 47WreiflO Corn ..i. 6768 Cotton Seed 27 January 17. High Low Close WHEAT September .....889 83 83U July ... ,t . .....86H 84 84 January May .. .. 8894 879 8774 CORN- July .. .. 4S94 45 45 January .. .. ; September .. .. .. 4694 May 454 45 45H OATS September 29& , 29 29 A July 3094 3094 S094 January .. . May 32 3194 82 PORK September .. .. .. . .. May 14.05 13.92 14.00 July .. January .13.65 13.60 13.65 NEW YORK BONDS, January 17, 1906. t. 8. refunding 2s, registered 1034 i;. a. reiunaing 2s coupon .. U. S. 2s, registered ............ IS. S. 3s, coupon , IT. S. Old 4s, registered .... 103V4 102i 103 103 11. b. uia w, coupon , lug U.-8, New 4s, registered 129V IT- 8. New 4s, coupon iftp American Tobacco 4s 81 American 'Tobacco 6a 116V Atchison ireneral 4a . lost Atchison -adjustment 4a 94$ Atlantic uoaat . Line 4a 102 Baltimore; A Ohio An .i,.,...,....,., 104A Baltimore & Ohio S9is 95 Brook vn R.VT. cv. 4n ' ;,.... 07L Central of Ooorgia , us Central of Georgia let Inco.i. ..;.. 96 Central of Georgia .2nd Inc. v,,..... 82 Central of tJforgla 3d Inc. TS Chesapeake Ohio 4V4s , l(i Chicago & Alton 843 ....,.,,....., govi Chicago, B. Qulncy new 4s ........ lOiv Chicago, R.; l fc Pacific R. R 4s 79 Chicago, R. I. A Pacific R. R. twl. tm mil CttCC'A. St.. 'Louis gen. 4s ........ MM Colorado Industrial 6a Ser. A. 32 ..uiViiriiii' jnisuntilHI o oer. JD4.t. SI Colorado Midland 4 -77 coiorauo k - Southern :.4s 9614 v" '4...v- ....... ..... jun Denver Rio Grande 4e .,., 100 DlstUlers' Securities , 5e ,,.;., 83 Erie prior Hen 4s ........ Ml Erie-General 4 , 9J- Japan 6s .. m. -.....,.,.;... ioi japan, ss.xna Beriee .i...,.....4 if Japan 4As. certlflcatee . ....... mu Japan 4Vis. CCTtiflcatee 2nd Series .,- 9194 mannauan consoi gora, s ,..,..,.,, T0J4 Mexican central 1st Inc. M an. as Bt.-l.ou S 4a u. ' wr Missouri, Kansas 4 Texas 4s 102 ' Missouri, Kansas et Texas znds-.,.,b, i' 9oU Nutlonal R. H. of Mexioo cotianl Am. .. . K7i New, York Central gen- 3Ws 902 New Jersctr Contfai general. 6s.. 111 Northern Partfio -4s -.-,... 1 Northern pnclile li 779i Norfolk & Vestern rAnaot 4a . icrou. Orespn Short Line rfdgvtta ni Pemj, cv, 8V4s 1o5'A Reading General 4s ; i-,,.., 102 Ht, Louis A Iron Mountain nvttttol it 117 SU Louis A San Fnmcim;o fgv 4e .,. (&U St. Louis S'wesiern on,. 4 .,.,.,, iJ Senhpard Air Line 4e ...'.,.f...,.,i. 93 Southern Pacific 4s Mi Hoot hern Pnclllo hit 4 certfftuates tw'. Southern ItaHway (. .........w.. uii Tessa .4V pacttlc 1st f. Toledo St. Ixuls ft t Western 4- ...' cii I'nlon Psclfio 4s t, .... ,...., I'nlon Parihe -cv, 4 rn.rn,,.it..u, Jvi-H, t. 8. Hteel 2Rd M Wni Wabash 1st , )i Wabash Deb. R ,.....,,- Western ; Md. ; ; .i.,.tf.,.,.'... ... . Wheelins & Ike Erie 4s jctj Wisconsin Central 4s 9l'i CLOSINO STOCK LIST. ' - January 17, 1906. . AdamsEspw , W Amalgamated Copper ,,. ,.,..,4 111V4 American .Car: & J'ouiiary-,.v.x1. 40 American. Car & Foundry Pfd, 102V4 American Cotton Oil .,.,',.,......,. 42 American Cotton Oil Pld."i.i,,4M' l -American KxpresS ..j.. .w, J227 American Hide 4b leather Pfd. ,, 3.4 American j Ice 4o American lce-"prd. .. American ljnsced Oil ....... ,...4M. K!'4 American Linseed J4f Pfd- ;....,.. 44 American Locomotive . ". v. 4, , "t American Ijocomotlvo Pfd. HUVi American Smelting A Refng, ...... 1?W American Smelting A Refng, Pfd,.i American Sugar JRemung ..,,.,.., lWVk American 'Tobacco, Pfd, certlf....... K'SH Anaconda Mining- Co,. ,.,.-..,..., 2ib jAxchlson ..,... 9594 Atchison Pfd. ,...... 104 Atlantic 'Coast ' LJoe 14 Ualtinioru & Ohio Ii6 RaUimore & Ohio- Pfd, 98 Brooklyn Rapid TranBlt ...,.,. 9094 Canadian - Paei(te"sj.'ivi'..ii.frt.,f IWf9 Central of New Jersey .............. 225 Chesapeake A Ohio , 6794 Chicago A Alton ,,..,...,.! t.. 33 Chicago & Alton : Pfd. ..... Chicago Oreat Western u 2294 Chicago A Northwestern S85V4 Chicago Mil. A St-, Paul 184 Chicago Terminal A Trans. 15 Chicago Terminal A Trans. Pfd...,. 3 1 C.j C, C. A 8L Louis ...... ..... 107941 Colorado Fuel ft Iron T3H Colarqd A Southern ................... 35! Colorado A Bnotheinf 1st Pfl...v..: VOioraao & Bouthern 2nd fid 04 ConsolldliteH fins . . 1lt1&5 Corn Products .. 17 torn rromicts-r ia.--sv.iVi i.i. ....... uv, lelawsre A Hudson ,,. 22694 ueiawHre, lJicKHWRtina ft west-.., 4 Denver A Bio Grande .., .. 4694 Denver. A Rio Grande Pfd DlMtlllers' Bccurltlra 62 Kite ..v. ......,....., 49 Krie 1st Pfd. . t:rie 2nd Pfd. .. ..sees' Cs Oeneral Electric nocking Valley .... Illinois Central ... International Paper International Paper international - Fumn , . xa international Pump Pfd 83 Iowa Central .,. .,'. 8, Iowa Central Pfd. 8V4 Kansas City Southern .1.... ....... tfn Kansas City Bouthern Pfd. S4 Ijoulsvllle A NashvlUB 15494 Manhattan L. ..4.. 10 1 Metropolitan Securities 78Ts MetrODOlltan St. Rv. ..1254k Mexican Central , 26Vi Mrnneapolls A St. Louis .. 82 filinn.. St. P A Hfllilt. Rte. M ...... 159 Minn., St. P. & Sault. St. M. t'ta... tia'A Missouri .pacinc Missouri, Kansas A Texas 104 . 40 . 9? . S3 15394 54 8894 92 as 145-1 Missouri. Kansas A Texas Pfd... National Lead National R. R. ot Mexico Pfd..... New York Central New York Ontario A Western .... Norfolk A Western Norfolk & Western Pfd North American PClnc Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas 1W Pittsburg. C. C. A St. Pressed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car Pfd Louis 8294 2H 102 Pullman Palace Car 248 Reading , -.. 14694 Reading 1st Pfd 94 Reading !nd Pfd 99 Republic Steel 3794 Republic Steel Pfd 107 Rock Island Co 2394 Rock Island Co. Pfd 62 Rubber Goods 41 Rubber Goods Pfd 100 St. Louis A San Fran. 2nd Pfd 48 St. Louis Southwestern 25 St, Louis Southwestern Pfd 5994 Southern Patcflc 69 Southern Pacific Pfd 11H14 Southern Railway 3994 southern rtnuway na i Tennessee Coal A Iron 159 Texas & Pacinc 36H dU'fc 37 94 Pfd 5S 15794 Toieoo, 8t. iouis west, Toledo. St. Louis A West. Pfd Union Pacific TTnlon Pacific Pfd United States Express 9794 130 cmted Htatee i,eauier .... inited States Leather Pfd. United States Realty 8994 56 44T4 t nited Mates - Kirbber - nlted Statea Rubber Pfd. . United States Steel United States Steel -fd. ... Vflrsrlnla'-lCarolina ChenrfrHl 10994 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Pfd. 114 Wabash ,.r.. i!SH Wabash Pfd, 44 wells-Fargo . Express 240 Westlnghoim Electric ...171 Western Union 934 Wheeling A Lake Erie 1KT4 Wisconsin Central 324 Wisconsin Central Pfd 6194 a A. L. Stocks. Baltimore, Jan. 17. Seaboard Air Lino ommon, ; preferred, ti asked. (Continued on Page Eight.) CATLIN & CO. Commission Merchants 845 and 347 Broadway, New Yonc Boston, Philadelphia. COTTON YARNS. 'All numbers, Skeins, Warps, uops ana Uones COTTON GOODS. FOR SALE ntlre Hachiaeniofa First-aass Mill 1 Klnyon Cone Willow. M-lneh MurTnln fan. 1 Bchofleld box opener, 1 Schoflekl lumper picaer. uramweil : reed and Spencer . oiler (new). . . 1 Kltson ca.rd and picker, waste cleaner (new) l H.iison, z-incunaer , wane opener, tnew, Sets : , D. ; A V cards, (1 sleeve bearing), 48x48-lri0b, B ram Barker robs. 1 First breaker, 48x4S-inch n. A P. card. Bramwell feed a nit Tor. ranee balling head. 1 48-Inch Grinding irame, iiyh,iu, ai timer ana suae rest i-4S-inch Koy naveminc grinder: . l et Clamps, i large ciotmng arum with stand. -D A F, mules, 313 ipindlet, I tnch gauge, 1-D. A F. mule, 283 spindle, f-lnch gauge. 3 Cop winder. Laver A Orundy, 60 spind les each 3 Reels, Lindsay. Hyde A Co., 64 double spindles each. 8 D. F. spoolers (new). 4 rompRint winaeri, iz spindles each; 1 Ditto, 16 spindles each. 1 D. A F. twhrter; m spindles. 294-Inch ring, S inch gauge, 894-inch lift., (new), s Ca calendar windupsi 1 McCleary turning machine: 1Mc-Cleary 8-roll brasher, V4 roll brushen 1 Denlson's Railway sewing machine for napper; 1 No. Sturtevunt fan, heater and dry pipes. 16 Tompkins cylinders, with center plates, ring and preaders, various gauge. 10-Tubbs loop, ert, various gauges. 4Onlon button ew Ing machines, No. 19, en bases. I Wheeler Wilson button bole machine. J Union special taper ri Rib cutter. (-Colarette attachments (Cooper) for knitting- frames. 1 Tiffany A Cooper, A section, 30 gauge, flat machines. Ditto, 18 gauge, t sea tion. - 8 30-Inch . Clroulsr - latch - needle, Hiue rib ramesy I Iron frame neck marker, mo Knitting frame thread guides. tOO-Ouarter Savers, Wsntworth A Dempster. 100 Iron A - wood ., pullev,; 1400 Burrs various rusges, ' belting, all elses; Jack spools. Tompkins winder - bobbins: ysrd scalesr cotton and platform scalest mulS bobbin; supplies and repair pam.v - an x cito vuh f-A WT, - ' oonoig, ' va, ' i- ' - trt - -" ' ' w - ' . ' i " . - f i i . ' " t " Manufacturers and Jobbers ; Freo,ueritly find it necessary to ,'. have Banking Facilities In d dition to-those, offeree! by local , , "SUM. i. . s , ' THE First National Bank , ot Richmond, VlrjInW j, i i with ' 'l jii v'v 11,250,000.00 Capital v , tS.000.00O.O0 Deposits " ,' ' " , ' $7,000,000.00 .Total Resources ' Offer Just the Additional Fa.? cilltles Required, " , JTno. B. Purcell, President;' . JnOi M". Miller, Jr., Vice Presl-; " . dent Cha. R. Burnett, As-, slstant Cashier; J. C. Joplin, Assistant Cashier. , HOOK. AND ROGERS ABciiiioTs-- CHARLOTTE A GREENSBORO, X.C. Wheeler. Bunge and Dickey ARCHITECTS ' 1 Second -inoor 4C's Building. cnARixyrm, r ... - . x.c. FRANK P. MILBURN ARCHITECT Columbia, - - - S. 0. BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO, N. C. Consulting, Hydraulic and Sewer Engineers. Plans and estimates for power plants and sewer systems mads on application. Bandy A. M-, Ph. B. Assoc. M. A. M., So. C. E., and Terrell, C. B. Rensater. ESTABLISHED 1889 C. P PUIS COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants MEMBERS OF The New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, New Or leans Board Of Trade. Cotton Rxchange Building NEW ORLEANS Special attention given to executing of orders In contracts for future de livery of cotton In ail the markets. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. DR. C. L. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. CARSOX BUILDING Southeast Corner FOURTH AND TRTON STREETS. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON YARNS CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Philadelphia, 123 and 134 Chestnut St, Boston, isa Mummer M. New York, No. 51 Leonard St v "THE STAMP OF PER FEOTIONe" . Our nam5 on machiaeryL 7 means that in its manu facture quality was the first consideration, price' the second. That is -why we grow , 1 MjJNWACTCRERS of Cotton Mill, Cotton Oil and Other, Machinery. -, ., Machinery for and , Fec- fhfflflpc : Three kind'from 12 Return Tubular and ii ' Portable on skids. from 12 to 150 H. P. ; , ,v Ifnproved fiiii Kadiinery,;!1!! and Presses, an,d complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and , over VV,7 jl 1 j , ' all sues in use in the South, ' v-j' ; i iv'v j I - v smallest to complete cotton milt outfits. , - - " - - LIDDCIL COflPAHY, , ' ' 4 - t t i t COTTON ..Ml LL W1ACH I N EL -1 Y. ; ''KIAIM 00 , , , - 'r 4 V-f-saa1 ' ' ' Jf SAl-eM 6 , eOUTH TRYOH ST.. f , K' V ' vi; BOUITASUI BUILI mi . Revolving Flat Cards, Railway Ht&da, Drawing- Frames, Spinning' Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Outliers and Reels, Looms, COMBERS ETC., ETC THE LARGEST PIPE The Pliilip Carey Mf;. Co., The strength and good quantities estos in such proportions as to i Asbestos ductor of heat Garey's Pipe ; For Hot Water Pipes, Low Pressure and Gold Water Pipes. Garey's Goverin&s Are absolutely fire-proof and non-conductors of heat They confine the heat to the pipes and . P Thenrerent'the condensation of' stesm, saving excessive firm, thereby creatly reductng the fuel Mile They last longer than the surfaces to which they are applied, making the saving- of fuel ao annual . -. aVThese facts are based on experience. Carey's Pipe Coverings have saved dollars for many people, : Bxfe Will do the same for you. . ii': For Further Information and Estimates, address, Qharlotte. t Branch, THE PHILIP GAREY MFG. GO., 216 S. Golle&e St. MILLER & COMPANY EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 100 Broadway, - - New York. Members: New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, New or)f Coffee Exchange. New York Produce Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New ' Orleans Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade. Liverpool Cotton, Asso ciation. Executes orders on any of th exchanges of which we are members. All orders sent to our branch office at Greenville, 8. C will be transmitted instantly by private wire to our main office 'in New York, and executions rs ported promptly. The Best .Service, Prompt Attention, Immediate Settlements Your Business Solicited. i t F. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. 117 W. Washington St., Greenville, 8. C, nnTTnw Z S;11 1! ft and jrOT IN ANY COMBINATION & OR TRUST. 0 Complete plant from fifteen to V two hundred tons capacity. Spe- t clal smalt oil plants for gin- h herles. Complete cotton gin- v I tilnsr svstems. v E. Van Winkle Gin and -- Machine Works, S Atlanta, - - Georgia, HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers Miaoellancous Southern Socnrlties WIIMINGTO.V. NC. Washington, D. C, 408 Colorado Bklg ; Cotton Mill Stocks WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant. COTTON YARNS, ALL COUNTS ' COTTON OOODS 430TTON AND COTTON WASTE. Amsterdam, - New York. RICHARD A. BLYTHE, . Commission Merchant. cwrroN wArps and yarns. No. 114 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, . . . . PA, A. D. SALKELD to BRO., COMMISSION MERCIIAIf TS SS-73 Leonard SL, NEW YORK. COTTTON YARNS. , , WITH. sFred'K' Vietor &,Achelis. WM. D'OLIER to; CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS COTTON YARNS ThJrl and Chestnut Sts. Mariner and Merchant Bklc PIULADEXPHIA. rA. HAYWARD, V1CI( ; & CLARK is 4 1 CcltcnCc Aniriiifl .lt ; fi Stuart vW Cramers. WOOHSOGKET 5Iubbers, . . Roving Frames Intermediates, Jack Frames COVERING PLANT IN Gcdnuti, Ohio; Manufacturers f 85 Per of our pipe covering lies In the combined qualities of the Magnesia an '.f4?0.: give a thorough y adhesive, nre proof covering, as well as a non-con Q Coverings Tire Especially Good PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO. con it S3 Leonard Street, Third and Chestnut ' 210 Monroe Street - J. SPENCER UUMMIBSIOM MERCHANTS. OFFICES: New York, Philadelphia, Cltlcago, St. Louis, London, Encbtad Yarns and Cotton Piece Ooods. . OK.-U1V1T 1 U1V1 1 HAYEK LUUM KAJ WORCESTER, MASS. - TSrri FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM LOOMS ALSO MAKERS OF DOBBIES. EITHER DOUBLE OR SINOLH IKTiRYi TO MW APPLIED TO OTHER LOOMS. ; SOUTHERN REPRESENTATIVES. , ALEXANDER to GARSED, - - Charlotte, N. C, PAWTUCKET, R. I. . COTTON YARN SPINNERS. CONVERTERS AND DEALERS. I " Correspondence With Southern Spinners Solicited. '.-y-mat o. a. Complete Equipment for bti vt aJl i-e ama uu vjt licitti CHARLOTTE, CONTINENTAL GIN COMPANY IMPORTANT TO n Keep your Boilers Free "LORD'S BOrjUBK .... . Ws analyse the scale and water and, prepare special chsrsUcals to suit your rsqulrenisnts. All shlpmenai tuaranteed. Send sample soala sal consult. 1, HE.VUY. Sit g. Sharp St. i V mioh-crade; spindle, loom, .emine -and valve Scourc Ortt Oils amf Gi-caaess I,ubrloa(ii ,'rkra. ItetK'j-MitrJ 1, Cvltl Hater Paints. Aeeuts Wattles liicf,slno i'on-yuiKN. i, "Ufa " f , GEO. i : i, , I x Urn U 7 ;;iKL)ir 41 K H Z ti. f Automatic Feeders; Openers and Trunk Breaker, Intermediate t J Finisher Lappersr Klrechner Csrdinj Beaters Thread Extractors, Waste Pickers, etc. Raw Stock Dryers.' .; ETC., ETC. ' " i; THE UNITED STATES I Cent. Carbonate of Magnesia ' " - B. JP. Tin&iey, M&r. - - ew xoric ;; - Philadelphia;; - - Chicago ;E" i4 43 4 YJW9 Streets, -y'-m TURNER CO. ROBBINS Cotton Mill, Power Plants ' I ft aVkma . t'f w, -l .uitaiut'i v, vv i NORTH CAROLDTAs1 YOU WANT ONLY THE ' BEST Cotton Gin Madunery.; : , Ask any experienced a-lnnsr abeul ' PRATT. EAGLE, SMITH, WLVSHIT, MUNGER v k fr it InterssteS we weuld tik to shew you what thousands of Ufe-lonc eue tomers say. Write for eaUlogu aml testimonial booklet , . CHARLOTTE, U.C STBRM USBRS is From Psta Dy Vsla COMPOTJNDS. , V4 W, LORD, i ' .'. - , V ;tAt- ' i ltv?-A 1- U 77 t n. c.

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