CHARLOTTE DAILY 0B3EItVEft, JANUARY iJ, 1. SICUTIN(hTHB TIGEBS , ACTIVE CAMPAIGN OPENED , f . . ' Cnron Morrison f,n J pressing JZ.: T tiL. .We. HI. Ht Appearand In th 1 IJJra 'a Arraigned An IutereeUng Meww. - -The plana recently Inaugurated by the Charlotte Uw and Order League for the proeecutlon or Huor ivn their flrst oppor- tunity yesterday morning for effective work before tne jecorooi. . .. a dttiM an of which were ft ii.ti. t t the ordinary, together .....w .lr1t.d colloquy between Mr. Cameron Morrison, attorney for the State. And Col. T. I. Kirapairu. w represented one of the defendants, furnished entertainment for the large crowd for more than an nour, recorder also expressed himself rather freely on several points, which addea Clo the other interesting Injure.. The first case was against Will Ay era. He was charged with selling Whiskey to his brother, John Ayres, Tnd Will McCall twice last Sunday a again on Monday. The testimony . Showed that Ayer. paid M. share t or two of th purchases, but it was prov ed conclusively that no acted merely an agent for the other two men vben th" liquor was bought Sunday , tnorolng and. on this charge he was bound over to the Superior Court un der 4 1100 bond. Ayers attorney, Mr. J,' D. tMoCall. showed no inclination o object very 5trongly to this sen tence, as It is known to be a direct -Violation of the law for any one lo act a. "go-between" in the purchase of 'whiskey. , The next case, which wos really a part of the Ayers triiU. kindled the ' lire.' Caroline Roseboro was charged nvith selling liquor to Ayera twice on Monday and once the twxi day. ine woman was represented by Col T. I. 'Klrkpatrlck, who pleaded not guilty for her in all three charges Ayers : suited emphatically that he bought the whiskey from the Kosoboro w.v "Wtatij and he stated further tuat she tiad been selling him liquor for the past several months. On his evidence th woman was placed under a 200 bond. nd.- .... :t.A. won as the amount or tne oonu was announced Mr. Monison was on tils feet He PWteM wa. entirely too small mni iKAtaiV.1 onVoVTe w.r ",BV. - ...... . tno.t flagrant violations oi ine isiuw ;UI!Mtillrood end now would be a good time to let It b known that anyone lounu "' 'KAf'M'taillBC would have no avenue of : . . . li.'iAananins: the higher court. At this JlHX turc, .!. Kirkpairu k, on 1 behalf or his illent, s.ild the nd "WYtM already high enough and h aw 'b?'h reason for tho attorney on the other cld to dictate to tho court what the amount of a bond should bo. "1 be ''".Jlev. In fair play," paid he. "and 1 maintain thai my client should not be persecuted just toecauHo she is a ne , trro. The eounsel on the other side, whatever side that rrmy be, ban no j right to -Interfere." . Mr, Morrison replied thiU it was ct matter that did not concern Col. Klrkpatrlck which side he represent ed, but he had already let It be known . that he wa. preuent to represent the gtate of North Carolina. Col. Klrkpatrlck then retorted, that " tit would do and say anything he pleased in behalf of IiIh client, f ' ) It was the reearder'H time now to f make s few remarks. He said that a - ' t200 bond was suMicient. in his opinion. to Insure the woman's presence In tho , Superior Court and he would not - Change the amount, whatever hlx fivl " -Ings In the matter might be. Tho re- vorder stated further thai he was es pecially pease thut the Iw and )r ,' rider League had employed apo-jlal 't counsel to prosecute the whlskoy cj;'h - .many heretofore convicted hud Rot i ' ten off entirely too light, but It wax . -Hot hi intention to make the bondH ny heavier than Is now his iih , torn.' He bellevfs that they are heavy .nough now to have the guilty ones hi ' tfVtUrt. ThA IpMf lift hn tfllrrili Ihti vlirht Step In giving the solicitor an uhxIh tani, this being a right of cominu 'Ility infested with the llcriior trafllc Aivnr. inw lwjBi'ooro rase, me inula ' t Utile Thomas fciirt I. 'lock Alien Were heard. They were found Biilliy OI running mind tigers and hound over under bonds of tluo and Vim respec- tlvely. win Ayers was tho only one who rould give bond. The others were . Milt to Jail. j.i rm'M m lllli.'l'L'Lf m w km'nn m m i m H , Pirttljyterlnn Kynodlcal Coiiimlttcc to ,A' Wert in t'liarlotle Nct trk for I J: TIUs l'un TIm- KcIiciik by ' Vhl4l tlin lli.noi tu ... t.u ,... . n .it. ... in. i n i i , . The PresbyieriHl synodlca commit- IM H.1I1 In il 1.... . .. ' day to discuss matters pert. lining to (nwci i;, nil W flU'fl all Option now held. It Id und-rntoid V.' IU. 41 .... I t. i. ', - launching of the enterprise will be iis ' t.;, Cussed and some definite action will be taken which will be of very Vs Interest A.-An article appeared In The OIerv- T Some time ago which contained a Vfull description of the Montreut s "t tate SS well as the purioe and nlans of tW committee whleh hjs the prop v erty in charge. Montreat Is sltunte.i - but . few miles east of Ashevllle and . the est a to consists of some 6.00 a res ( t beautiful mountain land. H tnn -. month, ago an option was secured from r Mr. James Huyler, the well j known candy maker of New york. at ; A price Of $50,000 of which $25,WK) Is to t paid September ll srul tho re- MiBlndsr at the expiration of 10 years. Th. committee plans to make this a . meeting place for religious bodies. Here, too, under the best Influences. .' people tnay go to spend the summer. All the modern conveniences will he ; provided so that this res irt may oom , par favorably with the many others , of the mountain section. la order to pay the purchase price and make the needed Improvements, ft I. estimated that $.M),000 will he needed. To secure this iv Is proposed to issue SOP .hares of stock In the company controlling the property, j iKach share Will entitle the holder to n Jojl whlfih Je..blfljelljnfty aet:t Binee but $a.OOo is to be pnld lii cish on the land end the remainder devoted to Improvements, It, will bi ew thst really each lot will cost but $50. An 1 expert ha examined the timber and reports that enough' timber mar be etit - to pay ; ,'; ; large part of th other $25,00 of purchase price. Then, too, there 1. enough land so that many hundred other tots mr be surveyed and sold. Of the WO share, of stock, ne one is allowed to purchase but one The . committee which his this work $n charge , ineet. in, Chsrtotte " next week. : te projorf will then te f er mi;y launched, Ttev. Dr. J, It How rton, pastor of the First Presbyiertsn c hurch, of this cf ty, IsohaJrmtn of the fmmlttee. , i v, r irnoU' Vsnllte Extract ha. out--1 criticism.; It is th finest and i vanilla extract that can - be Jit. Once tried, always used, . sisi-kxp ron o days. ne tlinrkHte iaiuitw" r.cturlng Company -IMsconttnae i Orni-itloM Temporarily May be nt th atoekhOldert Of the CflariOU.. .anu-eri:iiiw racturlng company Auuroo i AoiAmA tn annoena oner- ations tor days, A. result of this action the aoor were ciowea yvBi wj and the 40 ope rat (res r now uoem- ond meeting of , the .fockholder.wlll be held to. determine ,waetner, wr. wi tho plant will resume operation, ufacturlng Company was organised in January, IMS. 'toy Messrs. J. B. Caudle and M. H, Bussell and Dr. E. K.i Russell. Machinery, was . pur chased and the business .was, tarted at No- 1V& West Ftfth street. Tjie af fair, of the new companjr were alrly prosperous and operation, continued nn rwnhnr when the business was sold principally to Mr. J. VV Can- nA mnA Mil W . A. Smith, of Ansonvllle. New equipment was purcnasea ana.tne output uiku aitv innraaat Thfl nreaent olant con- sisU of 28 machine, beside, other ap pliance, of the latest ana most, ap proved design. The output has been 600 dozen per day, or 3,600 dozen per Smith, president, and Mr. B. D. Nelnw, secretary and treasurer. ; There are several reasons for the suspension, according to the state ment of one of the officers of the com pany. It Is said that just at this time the trade Is very slack, owini to the fact that the spring goods have al ready been sold and delivered and that Home tlrrw will elaDse, before the now season comes in. It Is stated far mer, tnai ine preseni cost tu toe raw mntcrlHl 4 in hlff-h thut there in little profit to be made on the finished ar ticles. The freight rate, are very heavy and require, a large percentage of the profit, to transport the goods to the'lr points of delivery. "All of tneso circumstance, wonting togein er." said he, "have led u. to believe that it Is to our best interest to shut down for the present." WIIOLKSAM3 CIXmilNG STORE. Mr. C. FX Miller and Associates to Start 1'p Such an Enterprise, at an Ijirly Bate. Mr V C TUIIloi- anil annnlntea re vwn tr Aatnil(ah 4n rhllr1nttA JL whnlA- i. -ith ; -Vnd the pro- -ntrnHA re now oking around for a suitable . .It., wltn,' a few dayB a charter will be applied for and a. sopn a. the nece,- aurv nrrsno'Ampntfl ran im mflrlA. thft -r -- ;,, ome dry' goods and no- handled but. a meclaltv -... .. ' will hit tti nnA nf r nth nr Thprp rp fnw TnAm Afnlent hnfllneflH men In Charlotte than Mr. Miller. He hits oeen manugor or tne Miller ury f.k,iH t 1,it 111 nir ilnfog vlrfi nrAfll. dent of the Southern Pants Company nun one oi uie iirrn oi roreman Miller. Itecently he disposed of the manr tiu rt it him 4 n I Araof in fh. X.f 1 1 ler Dry Goods and Clothtng stores for ine purpose ot organizing ana man aging the new wholesale clothing busi ness which he now has on foot. Itcv. William A. Gucrry to Preach Here. Rev. Harris Malllnckrodt, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church, will next week begin a vacation of a month, the greater part of which he will upend in Baltimore. The pulpit i of Kt. Peter s church will he occu pied .Sunday, the 28th instant, by Hev. William A. Oucrry, chaplain of the University of the South, at Hewiinee, Tenn. Mr. Guerry Ik said to be one of the most masterful preacher In hlH Church and his com ing Is looked forward to with much Interest. Academy of Music OXK NIGHT TIiritSOAV KKIIKUARY 1ST The New Musical COMKDY The ItAJAII Or' HUONG And The KfjMOIU3 MSTKItS Prices i a, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50. The Artistic Stieff Self- Player Piano. To own one Is like having a Pader ewskl. Liszt or Gottschalk at your command. Write for particular. Chas. M. Stieff sormiEnx waiieroom 6 Wert Trade St r 25 to 331-3 PER (HIT On your Btjlt or Overcoat Choice and exclusive pat terns from the beet English and Scotak, Manufacturers, , in Cheviots, Merge, and Woreteder ne reeervationa - " , Made to measure only, " Tfca Tate-BrofiTi Co. JSEJffl)' SAVE 1 DEATH OF MRS, a A. PCWIAM. ' Oocrrd Vrstrday at Horn, of ten. ' II. S. UaU- Interment In Marion , trm. Margaret K. Durham, tht widow of the lata Major a. A. Dur ham, died at the horns of her daugh ter. Mr..- Harold 8. HaU. at Noi t West Ninth street, yesterday morning at o'clock. . The deoeaaed wa. a daugh ter of tha late General wiuiam juv ana, of Marton, S. C and. at the time of ber death wa. 68 years of are., She i. survived by a son and two daugh ters, Mr. C A. Durham, of Atlanta,-; oa.; Mrs.- Harold S, Hall and Miss Eunice Durham. . , , -' t 1 1 , The jrernaing were carried to Marlon, 8. , C, last night and tho funeral will be conducted there tht. afternoon. Those who knew Mrs. Durham loved her, ' Her death come, as a bard blow her. Her death come, a.' a 'blow a. in South Carolina, ,"-' Maihusala wa. all right, you bet For a good old soul was he,- , ; iv " ' v They say he would be living yet, iiaa ne taken Kocky Mountain Tea R. H. Jordan A Co. SWEET BRIAR INSTITUTE A college ' for women. "Will open September. 1906. For Information a. to requirement, for admission, courses of study, charges, etc., . apply to J. M. McBryde, Jr., A. M, Fh. D., Acting Dean. Sweet Briar, Amnnst, va. Night Robes w HAT better friend could you have on a cold winter's H night than one of our warm, tomioriapic Night Robes? Domet Flannel Robes, cut full, long and liberal $1.00, $1.25 AND $1.50 Where else can you get so much comfort for your money as you can in a Winter Night Robe in vestment? Day Shirts of all Kind 50 cents to $1.50 York Bros. & Rogers Just Received Lot Carpet First to Come, First to Be Served Lubin Furniture Company t.5EJ'4 Savings - . - "f. 4 " " t$t7B.0O. V. ty w - ,' Eitra good values la our odd DresMr.; Quartered Oak, Mahof anyr 'Birds Eye Maple, and Corlr Btrrhf at price, ranging; from 111.10 to 1 71.00, Wash gunds and Chiffonier, to match all Dressera It will Vy you Ut iavestigate ur stock beforo buying. - . jt f ', the teader In tow rrtre.' on illgh Orido Gonda, iti Now Brokerage Firm. ' r. W. Q. Boshamer, formerly resident of this city, but more recent lir of Concord, ha. returned her to live. - I"oc the past several years - bo has been manager of i. tnv concora Wholesale Grocery Company, ot Concord-He ' ha. formed a copartner. shin with Mr. K."W. Burton, the con eern ,to ; be . known f as Burton ; & Boshamer, ' . Mr. Boahamer lived bare ten year. ' at on. tlrhe, and h. now feel, that ne u returning nome. EH Joe Person's Remedy Has been a real blessing to' our home, and while it 1. not "king cure-all," a. some one quaintly puts it, it is & wonderful medicine, j In l.ui mere was an epidemic of typhoid fever in this village two of our boy. . (aged c and 9 years, respectively) were stricken. We gave the Remedy three time, daily, doubling or trebling the dose when the tempejrature went be-, low normal.' No other stimulant was need. ' Patients were dieted ' and nursed carefully, and though one of them wa. Very elckv a phyaiclan was called In' only four times in the fourteen weeka The after effect was splendid, each patient . rapidly gained strength .and) within two week, after leaving his cot, wa. able to go to Sunday .school. We owe much ' ' to Mra Jo. Person's Remedy. About four years ago scrofuiitu ae veloped In one of our children (neither of the above). The cnuors life was despaired of for a long while, the mere touching of the affected lfmb producing agony. After four month, of hovering. . apparently over the brink of the grave, we began to use Mrs. Joe Person'. Remedy with the consent of our physician. Slowly the blood began to get purer. In four month, a lump as large a. an egg; pass.d down the leg, stopping above the knee. The doctor lanced the place, , then came no more. This opening remained for two years, dur ing which time both Wash ' and Remedy were dally used, the boy growing hearty and" healthy. At the end of this time he began to try to ! walk. Walked on "all fours" for a year, then on hi. feet for th. past year. But he had grown crooked pitifully so. Had him examined by one ' of Richmond, Va.'s best physi cian., who said he was "in splendid condition, and would only need me- ! chanlcal treatment ' Until I get him I straight, continue to give him the medicine he has been taking." This jwa. done, and in January the little fellow went to the Retreat For the 1 Sick, Richmond, Va., for thl. mechani cal treatment. In April he returned ! to Hasty, straight In all these years ' not one drop of' me liclne except Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. As a blood ; purifier Its value I. (In my opinion) ; priceless. I cannot in view of all it jha. done for us, withhold thl. testi mony. MRS, J. T. THOMPSON-. Hasty, Scotland Co.. N. C, May 4, 1 1903. SEE OUR LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS. A full assortment all sizes and prices. Every one guaranteed The best . made. If you have ever had trouble with a Foun tain Pen, give ours a trial, and we are sure you will be satisfied. THE PALAMOUNTAIN COMPANY. Sn Cents Tirn ahlnmont of Bed ROOTtt rmlture. which Ju.t ar " rived, give, u the largest as- aortment ot Bed Boom Furnl- ' I pleasure Of sh owing tha trade. , UOIfl.n UUK . ouua rlll tll.Oft te I1I..O0.-' Special vali ae. in nr( .0 Mahogeny Suit.. - worth 168.09, . Mahogany, Suit. .0 . t "S if i r i i, 1 , " wy , it it, ' ms '"'-' '' 'i ; " . mm i ' MM T TING We found a house at reduced prices. Can have it put down on short notice. : , 12 Patterns Heavy China Matting 25c to 35c l0. Patterns Fancv Japanese Matting 25c FIBRE enRPETS AND RUGS You can wash them Prices made, laid and lined 35c to 65c, 9x12 Rugs $nm 7-6x10-6 Rues $9.00. 6x9 Rugs $7.50. 36 in. Rugs $1.75, 27 in Rugs $1.25. Beautiful Patterns. Samples on Application. PARKER - The Finest Line of Trousers aWE HAVE EVER HAWDLEDi ' E are carrying1 ers that we Up-to-Date, vv viots, English Tweeds, and in fact every pattern known to the trade. The brand of the maker is sufficient guarantee as -to the make and workmanship of these goods, but to this we add our personal guarantee to every pair of these Trousers., -They are cut to fit. If you are stout, slim, normal" or any other shape, the pant is here, thatr will fit, hang well and will feel well. The prices of these goods are rather high in' comparisonjsith the price of lower grade goods, but when you get a pair of either of these celebrated makes you know that you are wearing the best pants that can be made. Bold statements, but everyone will be backed up with the goods. Pants from $500 to $t2.50. We Also Carry a Full Line of Cheaper Grade Pants From $1. 60 Up. EP.yW. MELLON COMPANY If You Want To Buy a Reliable , High-Grade Piaao at an honest price, our figures will convine. you that ;vre aelL the Mbet- ter tlanoi tor less money" than you will find elsewhere, ,J Cadi or tnstaUmenta. i i.iH.Vic'sxx g Arr k . ..'w CHARLOTTt MUSIC COMPANY tl N. Tmron. ' phone' ait, t , Ii. TVAIiDO AUKS, Manager.' , Out-of-town mall order, tor made will receive prompt attention. i THE DENNY-CAFE ' ' r " - 1 ' ji V,' PERFECT , IX APPOIKTMKMTr - -rIi3ANT.1.EERVICE, Special Dlolnff Room tor adlee r . tI;de!we V.DWlLKinsaHr. ESTABLISHED 1876 A SHORT STORY FOR BUSY R E A D ER S . Stetson Hats, none better made Spring Styles. DerHes and $3,00 $3.50 and $5.00. over - stocked on lVlattincs we bought lots of it to 60c ;Prairie Grass GARDNER COMPANY the most complete line have ever handled Paragon and Peerless make, Various Colors and Designs, Peg Top, Fancy Che Rnc Old Whiskies SXTREM nUBPATJX - --Jr r One gallon f-yearold . corn whiskey ,-. .. SS.00 One ' gallon J-year-oia corn whiskey.. -. . X&0 One gallon J-year-oi4 corn whUkey.. ..1,00 Four quart. Old Henry Ay. whiskey . ; .i w. .. 41 Four- Quart- BUly Baxtor. Bert ' Rye for ... 4.88 Four quart. Hoover'. , , Cholc. Rye Whiskey.. ., . . ,. ,s.tS Four quart. Roonty UIt.,,..J8 IV. ff. HOOVER, ' t 65 BREWKTt ST KOBFOtK. VA. 1 1 1 '. 1 ' -r- . There la. on. 'eolation tor ; the .errant girt, problenl-re- vlleire her ot th. heavy work and aend the- large piece, to . us, such a. couuterpan.m, sheets, table cloths, eta, r We ." .wash them ' clean,' Iron them htcely and the cost la nominal. fihall, w. cair Monday T t- CHARLOTTE-STEAM LAUTJDRY. Launderan. pen. Cleaner I i "N r ? v in s t '- i i j i . 1 ( M -V Soft , Matting 50cVv rqr Goods - on Approval. : of Ready-Made " Trous "THE DUCETTE'' "EXERCISER" The best on the marRet for only $L00. 'Arraistffid.,BLTwell,;;lfM I Ji. j,, AC -J 1 ' fit.... J9 .T. as y ruuuc o nuiui irjrua Jt. & IIS South Tryon street, . " J 1 w "'if'' il L'-. ! t- f 5 v 5- f ''1"''. , ', r' Sj1!"- - t -