SCARCITV'OP HOUSES." V i ill. -r C ' K xiaud irvler , Than Supply t 1 inffton mm Personal and - Jsews ;'clat to The, Observer, Lexington." , Jan. ai.-i-Lsxlngtoh'a riowth durlugthe past few months has ureit such that there is an urgent de nand for more nouses w. acoommo iiu( the Inflow of people Every; dwell ing in ihe town Is occupied and the d- mund for more room grow? daily. Real obtate values have - wry largely ,ln- reused during the past year and It -nould seem that there could be no poller Investment than money put Into Islington houses- and lota, i Because of the house famine the town is really crippled and will be seriously handl t'jpped unless more room is provided for the people who are attracted nere - by the various industrial enterprises, t Messrs. & H. Haley and H. 8. Rad '.-cllffe,' two well-known Lexington gentlemen,-have formed a. faruiershlp for ' the purpose of carrying on a general insurance business at this place. Both ; re experienced -Insurance men and ' have every prospect of establishing a lucrative agency. Mrs. T. L., Moore, who has conducted u millinery establishment here for the past few years, has closed her business and will go to Baltimore to accept a position with Armstrong, Cator & Company, Miss M. A. Croft, of West ' Virginia, a capable milliner, has pur chased the stock, of goods. , . ' ' Miss JEdllh Moore, of High Point, , wh recently captivated the audiences t the Presbyterian church by ner ex . i-ellent singing, will next Sunday again Hive Lexington people the pleasure of hearing her. Mr. Charles R. Thomas, the well known Thomasvlllc druggist, was a -visitor In Lexington yesterday. Mr. Thomas is known as the ''cash drug - gist," since he perhaps ts the only , pharmacist in the Htate who manages , his establishment on a strictly cash basis. As a result he Is very success- ,;tt!i-y,r-v- ' i ' Messrs. W. H. Holder and J. C Crlsemsn. two enterprising business ; men of the place, are contemplating he establishment of a bakery In the near future. Lexington stands In need of such a business and it will be liber ally supported by the people. ' Mr. H. L. Everhart, foreman of the burned Central Manufacturing Com , panys plant, has gone to China Grove .where be has a position with the now an Furniture Company. u What Is thought to be the biggest hoc butchered in Davidson county was ' killed recently by Mr. J. Lee Guyer. of Bethany, soma miles from Lexington. -When dressed this animal weighed ex actly 78 pounds. Z Next Sunday morning there will be , an ordination service in the First Bap tist church, when Messrs. J. W. Noell. f B. 1 Owen. O. W. Miller and A. L. . Picks rd will be ordained as deacons. . Rev, M. U Kesler, of the Thomasvllle ; Baptist Orphanage, will asMlst Pastor J.W. A. Smith tn his service. - Mr. W. H. Dunwlck. who comes here r from Durham, has bought the studio , recently occupied by Mr. J. 8. Cobb, ."photographer, and will henceforth look - after the photo business of the town, , Mr. Dunwlck has had 35 years experi ence tn various cities of the Union and comes to this iplace highly recommend-. ad. , Mr. O. TS. Mendanhall. secretary and - treasurer of the Oneida Chair Oom- -pany. has returned from a business trip through the North. Messrs. B. H. ' Finch and H. H. Vtrner, who have al- so been In Ihe principal Northern cities for the past week, are expected home ; trt-day. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Everett, who have been spending some time - With relatives In Murfreesboro, have returned to Lexington. Dr. Everett is . one of our leading; dentists. Mrs. L. L. Barbee Is at Guilford College where she went to attend the marriage of Miss Gertrude to Mr. H. B. Taylor, which took place lst ttlsht. Mrs. Barbee will ' visit at Guilford Co lege for several dij s , before returning. rxi;st:.L ACCIDENT, Tfrgro Boy Mocin Death In a Peculiar a Manner ItdclMvllle News Notes. , Correspondenre to The Observer. Keldsvllle. Jan. 30, Ruth! free delivery route No. 1 has been extend ed to ThumpHonvllle, nnd will be ef fective after the first of the month. -Friday night u negro boy entered Mayo' s hook store from the rear door by breaking a window Hunt In the ,? foor-sash. HumriiclouH fiction of the , , ooy. wno naa teen engagea to xtnaie fires and sweep up the floors In tho morning, caused the proprietor of the store to have him searehed . The key t,'M found In his possession, and he was bound over to court at a prelimi nary trial held yesterday. Somewhere along route No. 1, from tjoy, about 15 years old, was killed by the most peculiar of accidents. He had gone outside the 'house. When about the corner, he tapped the side of the house, jarring the gun from the rack , and causing tt to nre. The load went through the house In some mysterious , I IHVHIKTI Plf 111,7 lf lM LIIC UUIBIIIR ' fh the eye, going through h!s head and vi at tne oaca oi it. Killing nun m , siamiy. , Ths steamship Valeii-la, which was , recently wrecked on the rockx off I ho Pacific coa Hi and went down, drowning '.over tw-o wore people was one In i which tho Relilswille lnXinle vrm Inter. ested. It was In this ship thut the First North Carolina Regiment went Company D. composed of Fteldsvllle ? toys. The ship reached Huvana In March. The men say that it was u r Vrv One ship. It carried a crew of 60 Jid had srcommodstlons for several .i : imnnrM , n rnvmwr fir i iif mm. i uanv will have a feeling of reant for ; the good ship's loss. Mr T. W Knmn lius rwi'eil ItlH family to High i Point to reside. Mr. 'V. A. Mesdor is also a new res'detit " 4t that city, and Messrs. J. H. Benson and John Benson are residing there for ., present, sir. jonn uenaon is man- ager of the Postal Telegraph Go's. oflle. Arranging Dale for Opening Greens -".' nor laniegio jujorary.- t ' Correspondenre of The Observer. , . ' ftrsiMuharO. Ian alTtfv. D W Onw, '- tori, of Reldsvllle, spent the nflemoon here arranging for the dute of the formal Aiieulnsr of ths new Carncaie IJbrarv' in , iiiis city. it. rnwioro u pmiaent or. ' the board of manugw of the library mid he and Mr, K. P. Wharton have been appointed a a committee to set the date and arrange th programme for the vvrit, which will ooetHr arly la March. Tne expresses will consist of the forml ttresen ' tsition of the. library by the board of , tnanagT to toe city, the p-;h of ut veitajM beina made by Mayor Murnhv. i It ts the purpose of the commltte to have ' sume distinguished edacstor nresent to n.slt ths prlmlpl address of the cccn - ' "vt i Frasnl Eaposrd. - A few counterfeiters have lately tteen making and trying to sell imita tions of , Dr. King's . New Discovery fr Consumption, Vughs and Colds, and other : medicines, thereby , de frauding the public. Thus is to warn you to pewar of such people, who t-"t-k to profit, through stealing the reputation of remedies which hava leen successfully curing diseaea . f or over years, .A aura protection, to yu, fs our, name on the wrapper, j 'jok for it on all Dr. King's, or , i-Ke's remedies, a ail others ara i re Imitation JL, B.p BUCKLSK ' CO., Chicago, ill., and Windsor, Cr.ada. -,. - " - - v . LAUNDRY'S NKW JIOME. t if ' i o t : ,A Gaffney Building X caring Completion CHa Cola Bottling Plant -Per. sonal and News Notes,' t ' "- ? r , Correspondence of The Observer, 1 -V ' Oaitney, S. C.V Jan."- 2l.Tbe new building oh Limestone street, which has bean In course of construction for the Pear Steam Laundry, is about completed and will be ready for occu pancy by the end of the Week. In fact; It Is expected by that time the laun dry will he Insulted In Its new Quarters.'- The new bulldins ts modern In every detail. Mr. Morgan commenced yesterday transferring' his machinery from his old building to his new home, Mr. E. H. Gaines will commence, this week, installing his machinery for his new . bottling plant. , He will occupy thfa stand formerly! occupied by -the Pearl Steam Laundry. . Most of the preparations for the r opening of his plant have been completed and, in a short while, Oaffncy people will be able to drink coco cola mads at home, Qaffney is a city that can well boast of her industries and when this new and up-to-date bottling plant - la in stalled she can brag of two up-to-date bottling plants. Mr, Gaines will roaka. coco coia ami sennapos sie. No services were, conducted at' either the Presbyterian or the First Baptist church yesterday. Services were sus pended at the First Bastlst church on account of a broken furnace, while Rev, ft. T. Lleton. pastor of the Pres byterian church, filled the' pulpit of Salem Presbyterian church on that date. ;.-.V'.v; . The Choral Society will hold a meet ing at Limestone College to-morrow night. The singers are rapidly improv ing and will doubtless be In solendld vcic4 when the proposed concert Is lit lu. Air. J. C, H. Duff and family, who have been occupying a residence on Kate ftlreet, are now occupying one on East Fredericfc street. Mr. arid Mrs. H. Frank ParroU, wh have been boarding since their mar rliipe a few weeks ago, will, In the future, occupy a residence on Race street. DR. 3IOORES LKCTUItK. -A tlamble in the Nile Valley" Be lights Large Audience at Davllon Ksqatre Jetton Stricken With Pneaoionla. ' Correspondence to The Observer. Davidson, Jan. SO. One of the lar gest crowds ever seen at a public lec ture here gathered In the Biblical hall last evening to hear -DrVW. W. Moore lecture on "A Ramble In the Nile Val ley." The lecture was Illustrated with 104 slides. These pictures were taken by a professional photographer, who was a member of Dr. Moore's party In Egypt, and they show themselves to be works of art. They were thrown on the screen by Rev, Mr. Johnson, of Charlotte, who, as every one knows, Is a master In producing fine effectn with hs w-n apparatus for exhibiting stereoptlcon pictures. li Is nothing more than the truth to say that everybody was simply de lighted with the lecture which, though necessarily very long, kept up the In tc;tt of the audience from start to finish and fascinated one by the charm in tho telling, by the rare beauly of the v"'-tures and wonderful revelatjort It mskes of the old temples and pyra mids and other building, hoary with age, h- also of the present cosmopoli tan life to be seen in Cairo and the Nile Valley. The punorama is certain ty ft remarkably fine one and has a grt: educational value. Krlendv of Esquire John jetton win be sorry to know that he was strick en yesterday with pneumonia. He was retaining home In the afternoon from the country when he was seised witn a severe r'n anu was unauin io run- tinue Mis Jcurney until a physician ad inlnlstei' d an anaesthetic. His age Is f-agalnst him as Is also his enfeob'ert li.'nlth, since an aitacK or paralysis last year, His many friends earnestly hoio that he will be able to master the tlhe.Tce. ItOHEMAN 18 PARDON ED SallHbury Man Serving 13 Months' Hcnionce in Atlanta Kctleral Prison for Violation of Internal Revenue laws Released by President. Correspondence of The Observer. ftallshury, Jan, SO. Hon. Theodore F. Klutts was advised to-night that the President had granted a pardon to U. L, Roseman, confined In the Fed eral prison at Atlanta for violation of internal revenue laws. Mr. Kluttz (recently visited the Attorney Gen eral and the President in Roseman's behalf, In company with Senator Over mai, and thWy received assurances from both officials. The pardon was recommended by Judge Boyd and Dis trict Attorney Holton. Roseman will be released ut once. This news will be gladly received, throughout this sec tion, where Roseman Is highly thought of. It was felt that he was made an example of and general sympathy was felt for him. He is ayoung man and will give a good account of him self In the fuiture. Roseman was sentenced to 13 nioasfcs' Imprisonment by Judge Boyd In Statesvllle court last April. Mr. Klutts has been untiring in Ills ef forts for Roseman's releaso and his success, in view of the President's well known policy, Is remarkable. HOUHED AND BEATEN. Driver for ICdcnton Livery Stable At tacked in Woods Near Hertford, lu ing Itoblml awl Bcaien Into In witxiblllly. Correspondence of The Observer. Fllxtt'beth City. Jan. SO. One of the drivers for the Ellott Livery Co., t.t Ider.lon. was Jerked out f a buggy and ti'l.bfd, and then beaten Into In sensibility, o:- the road between Hert ford and Kdenton, four miles north f Hertford, Saturday night. lie had driven to Hertford, carrying two drummers, end was on his return trln when attacked, lie was opposite a stretch of woods when his horses' bridles were' grasped and the command to "halt" waa given. Then ha was pullel out of the buggy, robbed, and then clubbed because lis did not have mort? valuables on his person. Ills h'-rse carried him to Kderuon, stopping at the ttables, He was unconscious and. of txurse, unable to say whether ih i-uhbeta were whits or colored. CQUnTEV DEATH. Young Man Makes Pcrslslcut EflTorts to Throw.. Illnwclf In Front itt Train and to Only prevented by . Fore.. . -'' V?;." -(.'orrespondf new of The Obsisryert ,. ' Reldsvllle; Jan, Yesterday hiornltg th eperstor at ths south, end of the double track wired the stent at Pel ham for an officer to come there at once and take chars ef a mart- who snenied to toe courting . (Math by getting in front of moving Irslns, Thjer!n was a young wniLa man. rsou& zv. v vurs old. ti had a Jog Of whiskey and seemed to he cntsa 4 frwro freminUy Imbibing tha snme, lie would have ben killed but for the, fact that soma eot ftuasinr. whs knew him. took htm off , ths .track' and held him while a frrlsht train passed. - tt being an emergency , case, 'Houtra Travis had him In ken Into custody and keut until s o'cio'k In order tn, absr ,foe , iriati--. At that hour he savs tiiia a liearlna f Kln drunk and disorderly,- tipatt which eharse lis was .fined by ths swirt, . Hs'gave bit uttMisj mm sstmns siisut(,r f . ... uw i V ' 7(vY ! . "' i I Where The bating of the begins trith right 'after, through, the 'right: There is not one point, of quality that , v care, skill and modern bakeries could mate better; , It is perfection itself through and through. WOMAX DKANK STRYCIIXINE. Mrs. Kobcrt Kaiitw. If tglily Kstcciiicd Woman, of Weal, Va., Takes Her Own Lire. Correspondence of The Observer. Retdsvllte, Jan. 30. News was re ceived here from Weal, Pittsylvania county, Va., Just across the North Carolina line, of the suicide of Mrs. Robert Nance, who yesterday swal lowed the contents of a bottle of strychnine. The victim is the mother of several, children, and was 42 years of age. Mental aberration In the only reason that can be assigned for the rash iwt . v.Ti. . VhL. r x- Yesterday morning Mrs. Nance arose as usual and appeared to be bright and cheerful. She cooked breakfast for her family and, While her husband and children were tn the dining room retired to her room. A few minutes later she came Into the room where the other members of the family were. carrjlng. in her hand an empty bot tle, labeled strychnine. Mr. Nance, realising that his wife had drank the deadly poison, left the house; for the purpose of summoning medical aid. Mr. -Nance had gotten only a short distance when his wife overtook him. He attempted to" lead her home, but she fell unconscious on the ground. The rigid form of the woman was car ried to the house. A physician arrived on the scene later, but the strlchnlne hud by this time accomplished its fa tal result. The suicide Is greatly depored by the friends of the family. The victim was held in high esteem by a largo cir cle of acquaintances. Her husband and a number of children, all of whom reside at Weal, are grief-strleken. It has not been ascertained how Mrs. Nance secured the strychnine, but it Is supposed that the poison was pur chased for use about the farm to kill Insects, THItEATKNING FHIE. Bucket of Tar Ignites Now Hoof of High Point Building Damage Was Slight, but Destructive Conflagra tion Was Narrowly Averted. Correspondence of The Observer. High Point, Jan. 30. To-day at noon the Inhabitants of this city were thrown Into a state of intense excite ment by the shrieks from a half hun dred whistles, which were kept up for a minute or two. These factory whis tles, when turned loose altogether, In dicate nerious danger and people run from their homes with the expectation of fating a big fire. But not to to-day, although the .location of the nre was such us to cuuso . the most serious alarm, had It once gotten a good start. Workmen were engaged In tearing off tho roof of the Kagan & Mlllls block. In which is located the new exposition building, when a bucket of tar caught fire and soon ignited that just put on tne roof. As a result, the entire roof was soon ablaxe. So deime was the black smoke thut the firemen experi enced great difficulty In mounting ths ladders and crawling through the at tic to the roof. Once there, they soon made quick work of It. This building Is located among a thickly settled busi ness district and, had the' Are once got Started good, the results would be hard to guess. The loss to the stores underneath will amount to a small sum on account of damage by water. HELD POIt ALLEGED MUHDER. Gnrftckl Williams, Colored, Arrested In Richmond Held for Italelgh Authorities Who, It ts Said, Want Him on Charge of Murder. Correspondent- of The Observer. Richmond, Va., Jan. 80. (larfleld Williams, colored, has been arrested by Chief of Detectives TomllnSnn on a nominal charge of being ausplcl uus character. He will be held for the authorities of Raleigh, where he Is said to b wanted on the grave charge Hams was arraigned in the police court' this morning but, as nothing had been j heard from the Raleigh police regard ing him, the case against him was postponed until a later day. He will be arraigned again on February 8. ) Nothing can be learned here regarding the circumstances of the alleged mur- -, der. Williams wilt not talk, except to ! deny that he was in any way connect- j ed with the crime. The authorities had. however, , been requested to keep a lookout . for htm by the Carolina authorities. TO COST $75,000. Erection of Masonic Temple at Wlu-slon-slcni Is Assured. ' Correspondence of The Observer. Winston-Salem. Jan. !. The -erect Ion of A Masonic Temple st the corner of Kotirth and Trade streets Is assured. The commit tea having ins matter in cnargn tins noti fled several arehlteets to Submit plan a early as practicable. As soon as the plant sre adopted they will be submitted to con trartors tor bids, it is thought now that work on the temple i will be cainmsoced. Work on the temple j will be commenced. not latsr than JulyATl' structure will t something Ilk VTt.Ouu and wilt be one thit handsomest buildings in the State, It win M sis stones, u oy u reel, ST, win mi w,, w wv - hiiv Will w iif. w' ,twiw ! n n The tempi will be a modern office build-1 Ing. Thsra was sonw talk of using the1. first floor for store-rooms, lul this pi I ! has pracllcslly been abandoned and the! rooms, otusiaa oi louse iiiiea up ror a home for tho Wusoiu, will be used for offices. 'i , . ..,,. r Dr, K, W. Rmlth Gocg to J-oulsvllle, CnmMpotirienee of The Observer.;. ' ' .". i Orsanstooro, Jan. 96. ReV. . Lr. , ; B. W, Smith will lenya to-morrow ninmitig with hi fiiwlly for I.lsvHli Ky Wi tw" ill be ihetr botne n the futwi. Dr. mltb iiavlng recenty aoeeplsd tho Cull, lo the ittutorsto of the tleoond ' Fresly ttrUa cUuruh In that dtj-, , k - , . Mil " "-' ' . " -m - omeg BeghaSfmglitaux, NATJ OHAX BISCUIT COMPANY ' : material, and every step jthere-; , wholeprocess of baking i3 x It Ends - when it reaches your table untouched by strange Lands, ; untainted by odors. The quality; oven-flavor and freshness are preserved in a dust and moisture proof package, distin-. Slshed by the trade mark here shown. It always sppears. red and white on each, end of the package and warrant the perfect condition of the contents. Fof example try packages of : j GRAHAM CRACKERS possessing the rich, nutty flavor of graham flour unlike any graham crackers yon ever tasted , FROTANAa temptingly delicious union of biscuit and1 fruit the newest delicacy of the National Biacuit Company. TAX OX TAG COLLECTORS. Freak Bill in S, V. Legislature Bill to Appropriate $20,000 for Model School Building at Ulnthrnp Killed Tlw Day's Proceedings. Observer BureatC ( VJS Main utreet. Columbia, 8. C, Jan.. SO. The House did not continue to dlxpen ary fight this morning, an was to be ex pected from the calemr. Instead - this debate was adjourned until to-niKhl Mr. McColl took advantage of this move to rail up bis bill providing for the ap pointment of a State bank examiner at a salary of $3,00 a year and expense, The Houw Anally. paed tho bill, after some I harp klrmlhet over nmendmentt, by a i large majority. The bill was amended so as to require the examiner in cme he AQ)la it bank insolvent or being conducted in a dangerous way, to apply for a receiver before Instead of after he takes charge? of the Hsiteu. In brief, the- new bill extends the provisions of the national banking laws as to examinations to tstute nanus; )i aoet not apply to-national banks. Tne House Killed Mr. J. G. Klcnarav Dill appropriating fc!0,0CO for a model tohool building for Winthron Colleae, the impro priation to be conditioned upon a gift oi 2Mm irom j. fierpom moifjun. The Senate passed the House Winthrop College Christmas holiday bill, but it Was amended and will therefore havs to go bnck lo the House for concurrence In the amendments. - Still it Is likely that the bill will finally become law. The Senate debuted Senator Bates' bill to tax timber, but no vote was reached, the speeches being cut off by the meeting of the Joint Assembly called to hear ex Governor Cnmeron, of Vlrtrinia, on the subject of the Jamestown Exposition. Gov ernor Cameron mnde a g;iod impression. Among the legislative oddities of the session was a bill introduced by Represen tative E. J. Btherldge, of Lexington, to day requiring collectors of tobacco tags to pay a county license of $300 without which no one is allowed to collect tag either for himself or us an employe of another, under a maximum penalty of tiflO or 80 days. Commissioner of Immigration VS. 3. Wat son, most emphutlcally denies that he has resigned his position to accept 'the place ! onerea mm in Augusta as secretary of tne Augusta chamber of commerce, and he l naying nothing as to wlmt ho intends to tto snout tno mutter. Htm, a was point ed out' In' this correspondence several days ago, there are Indications that he has about made up his mind and it can be predicted with confldflence that Augusta will get him. Already the candidates for Mr. Watson's place as commissioner are beginning to multiply. FOR BETTKIt TRAFFIC SERVICE. Southern Itailway Officials Visit - Spartunhnrg Junction With View! to Making Improvements. Correspondence to The Observer. Spartanburg. S. C, Jnn. 30. A party of -Southern Railway officials were in cparianourg Monday, naving come here, for the purpose of studying the 1 track arrangements at the Spartan- burg Junction with a view to providing 1 better traffic conditions. The party j consisted of R. A. Dugan, assistant ' general manager, Washington; C. S. McManus. general superintendent, RrMrnhnrn- ami p, i, wManiu minor. flwtendent of the Charlotte division of j the Southern. For aome time the offle- i lals of the Southern have not been en- ; tlrely satisfied with the conditions at the Junction for handling the business I and they came here for the purpose of i making an Inspection, Madison Depot Robbed. Correspondence of The Observer. Reldsvllle, Jsn, I . Burglars entered tho depot nt MndltOn Sunday night, and succeeded In fretting off with about $17 in cash. Two cash drawers had been forced open and one of them had fallen upon the noor. ikying Dcsiae it was a iu dim. a f if " r r-n. uu- murw-, tiriru about on the floor. There was no clue 1 left as to tho identity of tho criminals. Like crystals fair of morning dew, Your complexion now can be. If you will take this good advice. And drink Rocky Mountain Tea. R. H. Jordan A Co. ami A,ocoioo skslKssws Smstttat , Cans Wtea 'all Ebs i mourn y1 Dr; Bell's RineiTariHoiiey; Wsrt ssM ItrlSf ttt yssr M4, w m ABSOtUTB QVABANTC& The stToenst STldenos ef tb SBSrlsSOI a proprwuuj nmu ivino is uw-vpiaiun ok m wusuithtt, jserrs IS I (MS Tmoom Ow In Miiiiw Bsstkt It V)tt, onr Turn Mlllks Btftlst Is ink Prsr 1 rtsr sinus ssniss is m. 'ibis tjoiuniDer rossramsj- am nwnt oi vr, Bl s rtsiar Iksty. best cougk snedicdM a ta aaarkst. Iff- Loot tor the Bell ths BotU.n V - JCa, ta awd $tm Btatkm. c "-at, . Right "ADVEROTSISfG A CrTX." - Subject of Address) Before Gate City Merchants' Association by Mr., Nor man Ji. JohnsonGreensboro News Notes. Correspondence of The Observer. Greensboro, Jan. 30. Rev. Dr. Em mett Carter, an eminent divine of Truett, Ala., has accepted an Invita tion to deliver sn address before the public meeting of the Christian En deavor Society of tho Christian church here Sunday night, February 14. A d egf ee" team from the Raleigh lodge, Knights of Maccabees, Will be Here Friday night to assist in the Ini tiation of several new members of the Greensboro lodge. , - Invitations have been issued by Miss Bessie Orlssom for a linen Bhower to be given next Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock In honor of Miss Ztila Htnshaw, who Is to be married next week to Mr. W. T. Bost, of Bost's Mill. Messrs., J. F. Jordan, J. L. King, S. U Gilmer and J. B. McKnight. of this city; Messrs. Cox and Parker, of High Point; and ex-Sheriff Kemodle, of Graham, will leave to-morrow for a two-weeks' hunt at Manchester. They will take with them a, pack of 35 picked hounds. Miss Emmlt Costner, of this city, and Mr. Julian J. Ossment, of James town, were married Sunday at the res idence of the bride's parents, In the northern part of the city, Rev. J. W. Goodman officiating. ' A large number of local merchants gathered in the assembly hall of the Benbow to-night and listened to a most interesting and instructive ad dress by Mn Norman H. Johnson, of Raleigh, attorney general of the North Carolina Retail Merchants' Associa tion. His subject was, "Advertising a City," and the speaker was given close attention throughout. The address was given under the auspices of the cham- ker 0f commerce. t. , WAYS OF THE BLIND TfGEH, Newbcrn Police Face to Face With the Dress Suit Problem. Correspondence of The Observer. Newbern, Jan. 30. The ways of the blind tiger are manj and various In a dry town and the ways of smuggling liquor are past finding out. Yesterday the attention of Mr. 8. I Dill, general manager of the A. & N. C. Railway, was called to a sunptclous looking piece of baggage. He Inspected the contents enough,.; to know that It contained liquor and telephoned the chief of po-. lice to come and take charge of it as the law would held the railway respon 8lb'e for conveying liquor in that way. The baggage comprised a large dress B"lt cBe fl,led with co nd liquor. There were two demijohns, and ten half pint flasks of whiskey all sealed and some were wrapped In paper, having the consignor's name on It. The package was snapped from La Grange and the'police are-waiting for the consignee, now unanown, as n. was not marked to any one and the person will be arrested. This is the first case of the kind that has come -under the notice of the police and is a violation of the Jug law. Tho police are anxious for the claimant to show 'tap; but It Is expected that the liquor will remain in the custody of the city. Child's Burns Fatal. Correspondence of The observer. Winston-Salem, Jan; 80.-A child of Mr. John ; Douthlt,- 4 -. or - -6 - years - old, was Hl.Wl.llr If MA, falall KllMS VMt,r,V morning at the nome or the parents near the Yadkin river- It SDnears that the mother save the child a celluloid comb to play wun. The nttie one toucnea mo comb to ft stove and it caught fire.- lanit Ing the chtld's clothing. The mother suc ceeded In extlimuUhtpg the - flames, but not until tne nttie one naa sustained severe burns on tne arms, noay ana iace. coma cf nimie mm opinioa ot la - - t V: W I'M I v- - '-' ' 1 Mn Li ,f A-4 JT I v L x ....v. HJZ.IETiI CCILCCi O t('2l!!K'J d .7iL . CIIAItLOTTn N. C- " V ,! A HIGII-GHAUK t'OLLl.GE VOR YOUXG LADIES Modern in all respects; $250,000 college plant; fire-proof build ings; ideal suburban location; park of 20 acres offers all the allure-' rnenta of, a free, open-air Ufa in this delightful climate;. free from 'noise, dust and amoke; overlooking beautiful , Charlotte and , sur- " jroundtng country Physical, culture and out-door games.1) Car Una . .connections. .. University specialists and .experienced teachers at tho rf - heads of all departments. Umited to 100 Boarding Students. - Established reputation for thorough- work and gooff health. " foe handsomely 1-lustrated catalogue and full information address ' rf V1&1& -;QIAS.: B. ISO, ?ttz 1 L-Z JL1. A. 1 RALEIGH COIitJMBIA PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE NASHVIUiK Incorporated JSOO.OOO.OO. EsUb. 1 ness men, wo. vacation. ji,nier,an Call or Send for Catalogue, a. . ' r " ' POSITION. ' May deposit money for tuition in' hank until coursa la completed and position is secured,, or give notes and pay out of salary, fin thoroughness' and reputation D. P. B. O. is to 6ther business colleges what Harvard ana Tale, are to academies. . UtCORPOSArtt CAPITAL STOCK :....;. ., $30,000;00 Not ths cheapest, but preeminently the BEST. ' These are tha ' largest, oldest and best equipped schools in ' North . Carolina, positive, provable FACT. 1,000 former students holding posltldmt In North Carolina, positions guaranteed, backed by written, eon ,v tract Shorthand, Book-keeping. Typewriting and ."English, taufht by experts. Address " KIN G'S BUS IATB SS.0O LL B G Bp " Charlotte, N. . C, or Raleigh, N.'c, " 5 , ' teW'" '4 ff&filipit''' t,i'-' A .high-grade College for Wbmen, equipped with provement. Special rates offered for second term. ' ) 9. R. BRIDGES, D. D, President. Coal! Coal! LET US SERVE YOU COAL For all Iorposes We sell the best Coal that money can buy,- and know we can jve '.satis- Z X xacuon, no matter wnat z your fuel requirements X may be." ' STEAM, DOMESTIC BLACKSMira COALS CharlottN. r THE DENNY CAFE ":. '' ' :V.' rEnrECT is afpointment, ELEGAKT SERVICK, Special Dining Boom for Leuliea, Fnbllo stenographer. " " m" - Long Distance Phone. THE JENNY CAFE FASHIONS IN FOOTWEAR Corona ' Colt Lace Boot.' .Fashion plain toe, twin sole, high Cuban lieel. highest conception 1 ot dress shoe, Slse to . Width A to E. -Price Jap Blucher Boot, Plngree tip. wait sole, medium military heel. The handsomest shiny .leather walking shoe, t Slse 3 to 7. Width A to-E. Price . ' ' ' , r i - Pall Calf Dluclicr Boot.' Kawnort tip. heavy, welt sole, military heel. Swellest shoe , made, TJnequaled wear. Blse S to t. Width A to JS. Price li.SQ. ' , , . . ,t .Delivered prepaid JOc. extra. . ' GILREATH 6 CO. Coal Sicnoaifl tee S Fuel Go XI- li w a XI ?J KXOXV1LUB JiORFOliR '. ATLANTA Tsars. Strongly endorsed by BasU . wrae., e aiso.taacn ET .UAiU , ZK -i , s- "i SCHOLARSHIPS free. To those who taks Book-keeping or Short hand, ws will give scholarships free : In penmanship. Mathematics, Busl . nesa Spelling, - Business Letter Writ. , tag, , Punctuation, -eta, th literary , branches .that will sarn 'for you , - Prcsfcylcrisn 1- College:'- For Ween OlARlvTTf, ft. t every modem tin a3 ;' ' ' '- " j!?' 3t- Sl. WE AtUS bllUj UUbTUKU . ; and supplying builders with the very V- best well seasoned lumber for every , purpose. While the demands of ours customers are great, we have disap-' ' y pointed no one and are glad to state--: t that our efforts to meet the deelre , for a. -grade of lumber xf the besV-f ouallty have been aoDreclatad far beyond pur expectations. s ? . t"5 t J. H. WKAIIX A CO Charlotte, N. C. Ttm! ' nf rwiv va! Mnt OF KKEN CHEESK many, people would lead her to be f Have, when the-housewife .- goes to purchase flour for her bakhag day but if she has once nsed the Pride of . Charlotte flour she will takS nothing -else. It Is made, of the choicest se lected, wheat and ground ; at our mills, ! Mecklenburg ;rrx)vn mills: J. Le Colncr,. Proprietor, h -1 Phono M. o v , 4 ',' tJ'Z ' Charlotte's' Best" Conducted ..'V Hotel r BUF0RD Special attention" given to Table Service, making it tin- eqtialed'in the Soutb. ;Thi3 is a feature , of - the 1 Buford that' is claiming the, atten tion of the traveling publb. Clean, Comfortable Bcc1 Attentive Servjuits. ' f r f t " ' ' '" ' J ' '" !': 1 ' ' ''. .t,-T. ' -l.'"4lJk i . ' :, 0.. B. HOOPER -v MANAGER.,- 4 9 V- : 1

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