... , T , , . - rr rt r o -f r - " . . . V iil) i:jjl....UilnX J -' J I I S 1 ! V , y f 1 , 'i ,. T" i) l i 1 ' v--f " 'l P'.r.l 1 tuple's fcocl- )-f" V Til.i , " 1" 8 t A V U'V f tile loUIKT - t 1 r 'n In, vor, whlcn in i s ... ytjiiia li.is (iiwn from one so cii ty to a worhWliie movement. 11 was In the Wlllwton CongTega li.mal church. In Portland, Maine, on t-bruary 2, 1SS1, that the first. Qhris twin Endeavor Society was organized, y .the pastor, Rev. Francis E. Clark, 1). D., with a membership of , about t) young people. From Oils small beginning the soci ety has 'grown in these 25 years t to 67,213 societies,' with a - total member ship ot more than 'four, million.' Jta the United. States there are 45,172 so volctles, n Great Britain and Ireland ".0,519, In- Canada, 4,278, In Austria 3,Q -iiid In other countries . fmaljer num J.rs. ,A - ' i, i. The Christian Endeavor Society Is now and always has been an , Inter denominational v organization,' And it a no doubt had a' large part in 'bringing about the closer fellowship now existing1 among' the. different de nominations The Christian Endeavor Society stands pre-eminently' for, lr" devotion ' to Christ 2, loyalty to one's church; "8,' Inter-denominatlon&l fellowship. . " The ' intellectual and social features of any wll organized Christian En deavor- Society are Attractive, but the development of the spiritual nature , has Always been the .first work or the society, and the fact that this work ,- has never been allowed to become sec ondary r i: any -other feature of the ,, organisation is the secret of its rapid ; growth . and lasting bold upon, the ' young? people who are its ? members.- The irrowth of the society has-been rapid and, healthy as well, for there ?i .nae seen tio time in its; matory wnen , there ias (been stagnation. ,t ; 'The fact that) it Is Inter-denomlna- & , tlonal "makes the Christian Endeavor - . Society especially well adapted for 4 c mission" fields in heathen lands, and it ;'l ! has .reached to every- country1 snd ev- :-..' has reached where the Gospel has been 4 : v preached.- ? V'? -n. "? r f r 4 S ' - Or, Clara, the founder of, the move y u mentals, the president of -the United ' - Society of Christian , Endeavor, and - "He devotes his entire time to the work ' - of the, society.,. He. is at present on . a, tour around the -world, visiting the r " societies In, all countries. . ' . ; ' , The' headquarters of the United Bo ,, ' elety ,&re in Tremont Temple, Boston, i :tl The- organ of the Christian Endeavor f, , Society is the Christian Endeavor i ,t . World, and the Issue this week is es- - peclally Interesting, being the quarter " 1 century anniversary number.. - - ' r TUDB" CARNIVAL CLOSE8. 1 ! ',- ( Was s) Most" Decidod Success, 'Furnish ? '. Ing ; laiiooent Entertainment for a -y'.-. Iiurg; v Patronage Mr. -'Kenneth -: , Ward and Hiss Mlnetta Diffcy win " . Prise ta tho Cake-Walk. . , 4 The . Confederate Carnival, ' held un r , der the auspttfes of the Stonewall Jack son j chapter of the Daughters of the i Conrederacy closed last - night , after tui iiinuiiiai a, utxnt vjl juiijr, iimuveiik w tertalnment la the" scores of. people whoattended. The carnival was es ttectaHv'-v-welh: - oatronlaed t- vesterdav and lat night. During the. last hours - or the event the large hall was crowd ..-ed with a merry. reckless crowd. 1 u Among the features of the carnival yesterday was a concert oy the Rich- ardson Orchestra, a solo by Miss Ju - f 11a "Alexander., and the gTand - cake. . . walk, ."which furnished the "climax .of 1 i the" entertainment iast Wight. The song ' . . sung- toy Miss Aleiander was the new1 , t 'Down, tn Dlxleby; Tickrwr, uhicn loilows.-v.. j...- t , , r?t.t .t, - -. it lyvS k ,.i Oh,- DUlrt valet -are tunny. , ' And Dixie's bill are blue? , " And Dixie'c akiet am bnnnie. " . ' A nf : III v tA'tt . VI i, ii-h " s ' At ttart m Dixie' tkyj -. . f '. . , And for Dixie, deer oM Dixie, ' ; " We'd lay ut down and die. i ' 1 ' ' n S T . v -v j -Oh.SDixie't hortiw are bonnie, . - " :sv And, Dlxle't hearts are true ,v ;? t And 'twat down In dear old Dixie. vi t; Ous life's, flrrt breath we drew; . .. LjAnd there our laat we'd tisrh, , " j - And for Dixie,- dear old Dixie-.' . '-r- we'll, Uy us down aad die. - - -4 ; No fairer land than Dixie's 1 Ha ever teen the light; ; " '-- Ko. raver boyt than Dixie's v VS'TOT ttand for Dixie't- right; - : yj With hearts so true and higr And for Dixie, dear old Dixie,, -j;."'"!' To 4ajf.them d,own and die.:- - The cake-walk was a treat. The en tries Included all sixes and Age,' from ' ' the little tot 'of four or five suntmers to ( the - ctlssled old Veterans. Three , ; . couples, as "follows, tied Tor" Ihe 'cake i ana tne perrormance was gone through ' again,;-much to "the delight of - the ; : spectators: CoL A. D. . Smith ' and - , 1 Miss -Lilian. Held, .Mr. WVS. On and ,i . Mrs.-T. S. Shaw, Mr. Kenneth Ward .- and. Miss Mlnetta DlfTey In the con , 'test between these couples Mr. 'Ward ,-, ' and miss umey won the heartiest ap- : provai or the judges and vera award "i" ad th cake." " J.". i - s- i ' ; The proceeds-. ot the carnival "will go to the "fund for the Vance statue -,nnd the other memorial work of the K Daughters or me vonrederacy, St.'i.v-V. fe' . ' ' .' ". -1 ' -' '.. r ' - '''.' , TT -DONATION tA FIXED. Ladles of the Auxiliary Board Will ; f ; ";; Accept uuw. lor Jfresoytertan Hoe- The auxiliary board of . the Presby. V' 'terlan Hospital held Its regular month' i' vly meetlng.i yesterday ; afternoon, rand ! discussed ways 'and means to better " ' that Institution. It-was - decided to have -"Donation Day." The thne was ; fixed for Monday,-the Utlv.vTbe ladles i .. rwho have this -. work In hand will . , sneetat the Tnospltal on that day and receive anything that friends see fit to , ' give. Such things as are needed n the ' kitchen.-in tha nantrvT nit th hsl '( In the rooms and other olaces In. h building are greatly, desired. .The -la ; dies will he on harid . from t. to f o clock In ,the afternoon. l , -i : - . i II li I. i' '" .1 I n.li ,.i r f 1, t ' Mr." T . ( JMcMichacI, , Moves J Law ' ; Offlce. - i , jlu' Mr, t; O. McMichaei, who for soma time has been occupying one. of the , law. offices on the second -floor of the Trust building, : has moved Into the Wilkinson buildfng, where he has fitted vfr his ' quarters In very handsome style.; , The office vacated by Mr,. Cameron i' f. tf'-nson . on the second floor of the ,,Uut huilding; is to be occupied by ?oU Wr. Bv Kodman, division counsel if ,the, Bouthern . Railway. , j - , , .... .i ..i- .". ; Xertt Not Engaged on SubJcct.MaUcr. ro the Editor of The Observer: In your, issue pf January 2, ,under he heading of ''Suicide "Was Only Joax." the rtatemerrt was made that he Plnkerton,' Detective Agency was ngaged upon the subject matter of his article. As, there is ho, truth In his statement, so far at It relates to his agency, we would ask that you ,indly publish our denial of it. r - , rt - ; II. W. -Bearce,'. "-nernl Supertrendent Dinkerton'S Rational Deterlive Afif-nfy. , rhll-idi-lphla, I-a,, Jan. SI, Wl9. j d'hif relates to a special" from Ashe II (i 'jt ver.) ' ... i r.rA:: i : rr rr: : i 1 1 ;u t In?, I ...id. 'I ' , : . 1 r 'iu:;nq; 8,i'!. Dni":;! ar nt'.. i to r ti'i'l mom y (J lV,..i f "rri t''C . "s ' nicwiin Hay to ho 1ic i- : I l t .a Kt I'lijilkt Fin; yi-.'scl l.ooiti To-A.ht The tii-t oft .r act cis. Tl.e play which is to le pit. trl in the First Baptist Sunday scliool room at 8 o'cock this eveninij ly the ladles of the 'Yates Missionary Soci ety," entitled -"An Old Maids' Confer ence," promises to be one of the most enjoyable events of the mid-winter season.' For . the past several weeks rehearsals have been held at . regular intervals and everything is now . In readiness for . the play tonight; - A small admission, fee " will 'be - charged which will ro to the education of -a young1 lady from the western section of the State. . ' . ; ' ,s The following is -the cait of charac ters and the participants: y : Hepzibah Thankful Snatchwell, pres, ident.t airs. T.;. -.Si Franklin: Martha Pickles Pertlckular Sprigglna, , Mrs, C. i W. ' Butt;, Patience Deliverance Hopkins Mrs. E." W Durham: Hese- kiah Jaane Hopewell. Mr. W. H. Dun- lap? JFalthle-' Mellndy WaltstUl, Miss Inez Austin; Celynda Marina Hunt good, 1 Mrs. C, O.. Kuester; Jenunla Jerusha Jenkins, - Mrs. Wm. H. Smead; Prlecilla w Jewsbury " Snicker. Miss Carrie Cook: Sairy Aahn Poor-, house. Miss Helen'JHarrlsElmlra 6e peiberg Arabella Honeysweet Wordy, Miss E. Miller; Seraphita VrBadheart Hulcome, Miss Naomi Cook; Drusllla XHsremembered - Lonesome; Mrs. W. B. Taylor; Nancy Du sen berry Light' neart;' Mrs. Dan uyeriy; Ducindy Ann Siilly, Mrs: 3. T Penny. Ta Vltha So phia TryatI, Mrs. -A. B Justice s Mer cy -Aidrlch lesire ,a-Beau, secretary, M-iss- Carrie Brokers Merlba ' Caatelope Sen timental, Mrs. -it. Hackney Tamer Ann : Snlffln, iMr WUlls- Brown; So phlrlna Rosllla Hodge, -r Miss Emma Milter Charity PeeksvIHe Smith, 'Mrs. John Bomar, " Jane - Loutsy Melan Choila, tMrs. B. M.-Hllblgj Amaranth Temperance Blowcome, Mrs. H. . II. f XOvBASEBALL THIS SIJBtMERt rS- & - P - .1. - r( bJ Charlotte People Itlanlfeetlne Little - Interest in the Sport and dab i, Ijmprobablo Plan for 107, . Charlotte- baseball for the coming summer seems to be all to the bad. There Is bat little Interest being man- iresiea ana no one seems willing ' to shoulder the responsibility of working1 up a -club. Those who backed - last year's team -believe that It Is best to hold off a year and. If possible, go In to the South Atlantic League,. in the season of J907.- A well known, enthusi ast stated to an Observer renorter v- 4erday that Charlotte baseball for this year is 'Tio aood." t if this la h m then those who played with the team last year wui P released, v Jt Is estl- maiea tnat several thousand dollars. win .-.in reauired w finance such . . team as would be necessary to be In the South Atlantic League class. .r c o. I . ' U ui anl Cal.inet Now Favor i, -n l.oartl 'iiiroii,,.h Mio I'rcsl. i.e. t's Interventiou Secretary ' Met viut and Cotton Bfcn Agree on Overman 11111. - New York Commercial, January 29th. By acting In the capacity of "referee, which position he personally .proposed to assume, President Roosevelt ' has brought the cotton growers and manu facturers and his Secretary of the De partment of s Commerce, to an . agree ment on the Overman bill. This meas ure, which has been introduced by Senator Overman, of Iorth Carolina, provides for the appointment of a spe cial commission to. study the in terests of the cotton-growers and the best methods for. extending the market for American. , cotton goods and- other products. Secretary Metcair ha con tended that' the purposes of the bill could be . carried out - by his- Depart ment and 'considerable friction : has been encountered bythose who ere in terested In the measure, - , . It was at a special . interview last week accorded former' Senator- J, U McLaurin, ot South Carolina, William WhitamwJr., and , Krister Alshcraft, president ' of the American Cotton Manufacturers' Association,- at the White House, that President Roosevelt decided to bring- the opposing forces together. Be listened , to, the argu ments of the proponents of the Over man -bill, as set forth by Senator Mc Laurin, and then sakjt . l-, ! "I believe this matter can be hah died to better advantage If you and Secretary Metcalf can get together and thrash out the facta There Is to be a cabinet meeting- to-morrew,. I . shall be pleased to have you address the cabl net, and more-particularly," Secretary Metcalf, - I'll act as referee,", , ' f This proposal was Instantly accepted and ' in accordance the; committee of three, attended the cabinet" meeting. Every phase ot the trade commission wasiliscussedf and, In the end, President-Roosevelt and Secretary Metcalf were completely won over to the rro position of having Congress appoints, J Bpeuiu cuuuiuBBion 10 do Known, as me "world cotton and trade commission, Ahiong - the lmportaxit -; organisations that are working for the appointment ot the commission are: The American Cotton Manufacturing Association, the Jew England Cotton Manufacturers' association, tne cotton orowers' As sociation, the New York Cotton Ex change,, the New Orleans Cotton Ex (hange, the Texas Cotton Manufacturers-Association, the Georgia Indus trial Association, and the Cottonseed Oil Associat'on. William .Whitam, Jr., - of Charlotte, N. C, editor of The American Cotton Manufacturer;' one. of the committee of three that waited on President Jlodsevelt, explained the object of the Overman 1 1.1 to a Commercial repre bentfUlve - It idiy. He said: ' ''What Ve desire Is to have a careful and exhuubtivo study of trade condi tions made, with a view of extending tho exports in cotton. Taking- the wlible trade of the country, we now al ways have a balance In our favor, which would not exist were it not for the big production -of cotton And the export of cotton goods, -.The export trade ; in cotton goods In tne .entire world Is between $700,060,000 and 1800,-. 000,000. i, What, this country, ,now gets out of that In the expert trade Is $50. 000,000, .which amount ' 1s nearty twice as large as the figures for the preced ing yean , " x This country produces 75 per. cent, of all the cotton grown in the" world; and the Idea is to develop our foreign trade tn cotton goods and at the same time to spin at home ail. that we pro duce, Jf we can sell 50.000, 000 worth of the taw material abroad, why can't we make t up here? j $ Yho!es2!a Horse Market f.i l,,H.t j -1 -1 Has opened a.; wholesale horse and mule .market af Greensboro, N.- C. and will have between two and three hundred head' of horses and mules for Dieir Owning Sale Next Saturday-Feb. 3rd. , ( i "i f 1 - r r 1 1 r r n r ' ' r Hit : ; ,-.).':. ! hi W W 4 Lj -' w' ' - :BUEXERS OF: Estimates Famished : i : :7y: Lorrcspondencc 301ICUCU . 4 - V,4 ' ' V CH ARLOTTC, ' j at- n-Wk u .-'.A a m r I ' -v HURIII UAUUUIIS A, Southern Railway j, IN .EETECT JANUARY 85, 0fi. This eondensed sohedole Is ouDUshsd as tnform-,tien and is v. subject to change witnout nonce W the puoue, - . i t Kq a m.. No. I, dam lor Richmond and local points eenaeets at Oreensbere; ton Winston. f'. tn, . sttaJaiirh. Ooldiboro, Newbern and Morehead City; at Dan ville fw Norfolk. . - . i:oJ ai m.. Mo. JT. daily for Keek HUV Chester, Columbia and local station v . ViVssj a.T m . O..Am-m VA This stock was consigned to them tstmn T.yteSrll. aVd 'fsssOits'' h thA i tnnk : pAfsers and shioDedf connects at MoorMville l wmwmw through -'the . mountainous parts of nSr Blowineekf Aahevilie10awrotha North Carolina, 'Virginia and T-tVNo - v , Tork and nessee, and a few from Pennsylvania Atlanta Express.' PwltoM sleeper t and Ohio. This' Will be no risk tort Columbus, Oa., and day sches . , , u ..' I janta. . Close conneotlon at Spartannurtf the people to run in buying stock on , tor HendettMnville and AshevUle. ' this market, as every horse and muled. Sl' Vcfest will be sold' under a full 'guarantee Wlansbero, Columbia, ; Bavannah, Jaek oaviiie ana Auxusta. puiiman to, be just as represented or money refunded. , Everybody Is cordially In vited . to attend , this sale. It will commence Saturday, Feb. 8rd at 10 o'clock a, in., and will continue un til every horse Is sold, regardless of price. , 1 1 , , ' Always ltcsncnbev th Full I jaranve Uromo na CamColdInOmDaytCbia Days JNam JSSSSS3 onrvery hot. 2i ;WE makc our most respectful bow to the. public and beg leave to announce the OPENING of our New Tailoring Estab lishment Saturday Feb, 3rd7 and cordially invite . everyone to call and C wht therr is to see.- ' , ' -. CABANISS AND CO. INC New Terk to Port Tampa and Augusta, first class day coach Waehlngtoa, to JacksoavUla' Dhnlng car servloa - 'm . : la. m. No. H daily. U. Fsst MsB for . Washington and all points Nerth. Pullman drawing room sleepers te New York and Richmond: day eoaebee New Orleans to Washington. Dining, ear ser ! vice. Connects at Oreensboro for Wia- ston-Salem, Raletssi and Ooldbore. JM a. m. No. rfdally, Wsshlngton and I Bouthwestern Limited. PuHmao draw--Ing room leeprs. New York to New Orleans, and Birmmgham. Pullmnebser vaUon car New York to-Macon, Dining ear service. Solid Pullman train. leas a, m, No. ; ' Washington sad Florida Limited. Puiiman drawing room sleepers to New York; first class coach to Washington. - Dlninx ear serdoe. 11:00 a- m.,No. a d-aiy, for - Davldsoa, Mooresviile,; Barber Junction. Coolee-oeer Mocksvllle, Winston-Salem, and Roanoke Va and local aolnta . M:86 p. m.. Na 11. daily, for Atlanta and local stations; connects at Spartan burg for Hendersonviiie and Ash-villa. j 7:00 p. m.. No. dally, for Richmond ' and local stations; connects at. Greene . borO . for- Raleigh-and Ooidsboro. Pull man sleeDers. Oreensboro to - Ralfllgb, Charlotte, to Norfolk, and Charlotte to MARDI GBAS CARNIVALS, FEB RUARY 2S-2T, 190f.' MOBILE, , ALA. PEN8ACOLA. FLA., AND NEW ORLEANS, LA. ' Southern Railway announces that on account of the above occasions round-trip tickeU will be sold to Mo bile, Pensaoola and New Orleans at extremely low rates. " Tickets on sale February Slot to Jth Inclusive, with final limit March Srd and may be extended until March 17th by per sonally depositing ticket with Joint Agent and paying fee of 60 cent The following roundrtrlp rates will apply from Charlotte: New Orleans, La., 123.26; Mobile, Ala, 119.00: Pensacola, Fla., . slS.SO. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers and .first class day coaches. Charlotte to Mobile and New . ( Orleans without change. For further Information call on any Agent Southern Ry., or write R. U VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. W. H. TAYLOE. O. P. A. , Washington, D, C. Calif ; . am lti4( . 1 la ' Emerson; Prescot, Adam Schaafc Piais Angelas Piano. Players Cash or Installments ''. CHARLOTTE MUSIC .COMPANY lit N. Tryon. Phono lit. L. WALDO ABIES, Manager. ' , Phone us (8 1 S ) ; when m need of ; si ' piano tuner. TAILORS NO. 9 SOUTH TRYON ST. QU.R RIMTF0RM v ,We ard Tailors; Good Tiailors; and shp aim to pro duce good tailoring onlyr While exercising sensible ewbmjr in the conduct of our business both in items of expense and in cost of ;construction-T-we ;shall not strive fter sensational cheapness;. Excellence of pri - ' duct shall be' our first iwnsideratiori-andrthe ! prices .will be fixed at the irreducible.' minimum. Absolute satisfaction being the. condition of every sale, we shall not bind our customers by a cash deposit r . or other wise and they.wittjbe left free to , determine whether our4prodt3ct equals bur. promises or : meets their ex- chmond. :00 p. m. No. 76. dally, exoeat Bunaay. freight and passenger for ChesMr, 8. C, anil lrtPAl nnlntL daily, except Sunday, (iljSifi) : t'.lS o. m.. No. M. for 8tatsvine and local " stations -eon. meets at Sattesvllle for AshevtUe, Knox Vllle, Chattanooga and Memohla p. m. No. 0, da'.y, Washington and Southwestern Limited for Washing ton and all points Kesth. Pullman slsp ere and Pu'.lman observation ears to New York. Dining ear service. Solid Pullman ! :$ P- tn. Ne. colly. Washlngtea and ' Florida Limited, for Columbia,' August. Charleston, Savaanati and Jacksonville. Pullman drawing room sleeping; ear to ' Jacksonville, 1 First class day soaohae ; Washington- to Js-ksonvUle. 1 10:33 p. m.. No. M, daUr, New York and ! Florida Express, for Wsshlngton and points North, Pullman sleepers from ' First class day coach, Jacksonville to ! i51 pfaJrt No. X dally, for Wsshlng ton and points North. Pullman sleeper to Washington. First class oay eeach, Atlanta to Washington. ..- .. JoTsop. in.. Na . dally. United States Fast Man for Atlanta and points South and - Southwest. , Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans nd Birmingham, day coaches Washington to New Orleana Baggage ealleA for and checked from hotels and ,j residences by Wedsworth Transfer Company, on ordsrs left at City SPENCER. pectation. JUL As an item ' of interest" os&yr- : tracting - trade .thereby. I we' : -m name our prices r: " Slfferd: to Tastej$20l!D .t ', f "ll,"" I i' jij Top Cczls STb 2() VeStS; It:::rcjJrTdeiip ' ; ' 1 'riir- ( " ' K ' -1 ,, .'.. j - t. :.: V-,V'Soi v" " r c5, A ' .-" -7-" f:3. 9S.Tr;:a !t. WE'RE READY . H. B. General Mantgtr. passenger Ti-ffia Manager. . W. H. TATLOB. " ' Passenger Ageat Washington, li. C v. , v i ' v v ? un .1 v the genuine Sun" Cured Tobacco flavor, by j a Vt . and have niadet it the largest seller , by refusing imitations advertised as sun cured . Leant the Genutno Gun Cured Flavor cm out ; this advertisement and end, together with sc. sump,' to R. J. Reynolds Tobacco CdnVVfaston-Salem, N.C.snd they wiO'snsQ free jo sample or this tobacco, yvrlte your name end address plainly. Ka 11. '"'..tv m T7 a Ren A ptS I HEALTHFULP RESTFULNESS tUAIR LINE RAILWAY plrect line to principal aitlee North, Bast, South and Boutawset. Behsduie ef- Sctlve January 7. IW, ' Trains leave Charlotte a follows! ; No. 40. dJIJr :0l m tw Monroe, Hamlet and Wilmington,' con oasts at Monroe tor Atlsnte, Birmingham and ooints South, at Hamlet, for Raleigh, fcortotk.Rlchmond Washington, New tori a4 all polnU North and Bast; for Columbia, SAvannah and Florida points NoTlSVoaily. : "., for Lincoln. , Bhslby , Rathertordton. - Cob. yatWneolnton with a N,V tci m, O11' T:U p- m- Monroe. Snec or Atlanta. PlrmlnBham i EVlVlah Richmond, Washington. New vSrk and aU points North and Fast,-At .mlet or Columbia, Savannso ilorida polnta Pullrnan sleeping Si..rtotte to portsmooth-Norftik, f no. . freight dally exe-pt Sun, day with eoacb attached, at e:af2 "ZXIfa ' follows, ' ' No. 128. W s, fom points North tfotSt ! t,,0 Rutherfordton. sibrano tlncolston. - -. "7 N . Mv m' ymlngtoa. Himlet and Monroe also fm powu North end South, ? M inneotions are made at Monro with aUthrousb train for points. North Via Routbv wMB are eompcaed of vestibulid JareB "r?.1 irmwlaf room steeping ear anddining cars between Atlanta, through Richmond , and Wash, tnaton to Kew lorn. - For rates, time tables, raserraUoas, aooly to ticket airent or, ... -t lV. , "7 . Charlotte, nTc. C, a OATTI8. T. P, A., , Raleigh, N.. C V , ' - C. B. RYAN. O. p: aTj , ,. V" s . PoUsnscnth. Tat 1. SSlAB6ARr At 1JNB RAltWAY. i .vPASBSNOJBK DEPARTMENT,' ; . Soeelal : reduced , ' re tes : via Beab card. Pensacola,.' Fla.; New Orleans, Lat , . Mount, . aisv-iroount Aiarui ; urns, , Kebruary ind-i;,tli, one fare, plus 2oJ, round trip, tickets sold February Hint 2;th inclusive, final limit March 3d. , Tickets can be extended until March Uth. " ' k tjoutsvlll. Ky. Account Department of Hu(ir1ntentlnc Notional KducH tlon al AsuoclRtlon, Febrtmry S7th-Maroh Int. cms fHr. pin 2.iv round trip, Tlokets S'liii I'-brtmry, Jih-2lh-luth, final limit - l-.-h 4th. C. It. GAA i T. P. A. l.oleifih, N. C, Purity" Cotton Felt Mattresses, the Standard SMattress of irnerica S- 9 5 o - Erery Mattress built with oar Special lifters. Maiurfactofxl in 4. ! qualities, lam? ABSOLUTELY PURE RAW STOCK ia L MOST SANITARY tEKKO-CONCRETE MATTRESS FACTORY IN JHE WORU&UZytp 6 of sciac I.ts tieM buildiog it practiced in onr Ictonesl '! ' .rvdVr'' :C EyciV ; Mattress manufactured bears' out' ''PURITY", bade and is sold under this positive guarantee. A fiV & 13 erst 1 a 1 " i n t ,? ;;c- m (ssfwessiiliiriifca-si " ''jPjgy'i " " "':'1"'v 'j' " ;,;,sh f 11 1 1 MawisMi i 1. SW.,,, -J" 7kWwdeltatkMaMsidlttadkMdprioapii ' Piety" Bnn4f MtMmtu are t.lmafcht4Sk!J I . 1 -v 5 5 The SouAera Cotton OX Co. Caetlolle,rhCresa ' Sea tod year taattrea W iLs LLel etfscf VPURITY" MATTRESSES ARE FOR S Over cne hundred end HftyCrct c!-"-. r. ". VH ifi MUMM4S4 aatllJ. !. ai V li -wwW i.V'A...i i. . .,4 ' If ycur dealer dcc i net L:.r.;. "IT . trCCCC, V Fit 3 til 3 ? C-..w. "i'il Cv.C .1 C, v, lotto, 11 C, trho trill civo t' - r - : : i i t ) cuio li s u 11 i (,3c.