DAILY r r, 3. P. CALDWELL. ix atompiuns ffcMMbcra. Every, Day fci lfcc,Yer ; : SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. DAILY. .' One year Six months . . Three months ,' 4. SEMI-WEEK L.T. One year 4 six 'months ' Three months ..18.00 .. 4.00 3.00 PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. . Ha. S4 South Tryon street. Telephone numbers Business ofTiee, Bell Phone V - 7; city editor's office, Brll 'phone, 1M; V " news editor's office. Bell phone, at. .'-'"vis A subscriber In ordering the address ""-ff his paper changed will please In-- ' i.dlc8te the address to which It Is going fat tha time he asks for the change to " i be made. 4. Advertising rate ore furnished on ', f application. Advertiser may feel ... sure that through the columns of this 1 .V paper they msv reach all Charlotte - r.'v. ' and a portion of the bHt people tn " this S'atn ni'd uppr South Carolina. ; V ' This paper K've fon-espondents a r' wid Jattude as If thlnlcs public pol " ,i Icy permit", hut It Is in no chsb re- ' " ' 'Sponsible for the'r views It is much iJ preferred ih?r con enp indents slsi i ' their names to their articles, especial '. ly In coses where ther attach perone itf Inst'rutlon!'. thfu(rh th' ti not de , , 'manded The editor rfervs the right to give the nsmif of i respondents i' . tsrhen tliev nr demanded for the pur-(r-s i if jir.oriiil sitisfncton To re jfnt'' owlve consideration a rnmrrmnl atlon , .',;it'imtist be accompanied hy the true l0, ' name oi the correspond i-nt. FRIDAY. TKBRl KY 2. 1900. at-wav - I rompetltion, are shouting; Democratic an- JPTHE MA'rrKK OF TON N'MJF AGAIN ' ll,m" nnd proclaiming their lldollty to 'witH. ; i Jefferson and Jackson.'" 4 'The Wilmington Mai referring t,. t , an interesting colnrldence that cmnp.uatlve si itement of the mil- anoth,r department of the same : . -road tonnage of six prm. lpal innls in Jstlue of The Post n whl.n th forego . :.Jforth iroll,i for the ,,sl three )(f ed1torlui appears, la to be found inoniii ui last vear as pumisneo m ' ; The Ohs.i v i reri.iKmzi'x that this Si'paper auhseiiuentlv. without prompt-n-ftng. called attention to the fart that :,)s he figures took no account of Wil ' 3 fnington orcuri carrying trade: but Star iniiken reference to lis coast "Viae trade by steamer and Mulling 1 .craft, gM Homc-thlnK ddilltlotial. and to ' the freight reeueil and shipped by . ..the boats rn the river Mentally we M&liad Inchitled the coaatwiae with the cean business: that of the river was ',ot peirlc.'.ll In mind, but in saying j ,hflt w" "h"11 ivor IKe rlurn ,( thP Mii. .,, ... . ,i Jefferaonlan doctrine of non-interference , ,that if Wilmington a ater were in- fty UJ t. jalvJduai.m lia. , ' luded llh its railroad tonnage th , , dr(J. Th410 a con.tantIy In- comparative figure would tell a differ- irrcasing trndency toward natlnnallzlnlR all t64l S'ory, It waa meant to admit that great utilities, and the pendulum will so they would show, aa of course every- , foody knows, far larger than those of , I any other place In the Btate. , , v The Winston Sentinel also lias a grrievance on account of the publha ; tlon above referred to. It as the , " ayerage reader would derive from It j the, impre-BHlun that for the months In , ' tjuestlon Winston's tonnage had de i'f' dined, whereas In fat t It has Increas ; ed nearly 20 per cent. Moreover, a , JJargo part of Its shipments are of to . bacco, which runs about (0,000 pounds i ' to the car, while four or more cars Would be required to carry the same ,' weight or to give the railroads the . 4 name returns if the ehlpments were of , 'si lumber or cotton. l(. We have plcmiue n giving these '".contemporaries and their towns the r, oeiient of the alwie statements, yet ( t WOUld lmpiess upon th rtr thsi tMU r ne UDHervi r n made no mis rnarle no nun- statements it was not dealing with (.-(JOund of fielsht. una rates of The Richmond News Leader has evl ' freight oi with wuter xtnpimnta. but i "''""' n reading the teatlmonv . With goods In (,.Mo.id loin, expressed !n the trial of the rewnu cases In numbers of (iuh In ii tMt it in,,- at 'ireensboro. and has iea-1 It aright fesed to ki t foilh It entlrcK n, . curate. dS- The following In fn,in The Ik mt iliSlleouhllfaii- !. "The India ns of tin (, ;ig,-ni v nre'he hailed with apptaune. II Is quite .tes much wioukIii on miT lb" MenaMtloiialt bad enouish that the Ignorant, incur. 4'!.; etopeuieiit ot lien Long Knr and Mr. ! rlirlble rnooiishlners should nerslstentlv V rooked Am, I t,e handsome young Wlfel ;;,at,(,f Sub-Chirr ( 'nok-. Ann, Hen lying rsyt' v.. i-.i , ,., , ,,, ,. , " " jfjase. br Is Hie son of I 1 i : . -r lug Medicine Thn XJ Hors nr aiiduiit.o ,, crii,-, w her - tbey firm ni. t iu..l l. an,, ,) ve eicli fj!w':i'.:th;r. Mefoi i their ih-uirtitre Mm, ?rfcz:W-$ri . ....... ' '"" "-'I in money SM?hat had been saved l.y her husband. ",',! Ing Km I. .i - ,i tc v'o Wife. lie Cllil.ci Kt ,1 looking lor ti.- i mi., w.i The li d , . ipp. . "m lOf'llll'M flt-Ui kc on the I ;JiabltK of f. vhiK- mail h, more nays 4?-S"thHn one It li- ut!, nattir.il thai t Ikv s:V Should n , I,. ,,. I tin' evils ijA.WiUl I he good In nutrition The In- cldeiit ihoir Mia ied is pointed out as i an argiini'-nl against education of the! xi;v. red man. hui it e. i iit lliti.. set-. Vice In that lini t ion Mr. Will Aiken, nil waa foi met-lv ;4tfe1t,y edllor of The Aslievllle Cltlren and Asheville i orrcsponrler.t of The J" 'betTvii. wint to Mnn I in,! k years "go loiugage in newepapir w oi k mid . Just been taken ftorn the staff of V'',The Moi.iaoa Dallv Iter ord ,y j0voc s. for Tooie who ni.ikes hlrn his pilvate ,? gecretary j'lu lte( ord says the ap 'V point meat paJnii more than It plenses "f1 it for Mr. Alkei, w.i "a beloved mem V,tie ot It staff for a Ion- lime," and tn this office he did his work and did well." Thl is tas, enough for .i ivorth uarotinluns to believe, for hrre i r ' Jh was a very capital newspaper man ' -7i fb Observer congralulnles him upon I -j cms itv"kiii.ihi u tne (iovernoi of JJloatgna. , ,,-. .... , Senator Thomas M. ruierson, of Colorado, who haa fallen under tiie ' diapleasure of the Denwrath, 8n j atorg because he is a supporter of the - President In the matters of the San Domingo treaty and the Moroccan conference, is a gen tie nun who breaks rank whenever he get good and ready. Jig U the game who, with much flourish and ceremony, marched out of the national " Democratic eon vent Ion tn im bet-ttus.!ttP declined to incorporate In Its platform a declaration fn favor ci Jhe immortal raab-Jp and Jr that campaign " supported " Ocn, Weaver, ropullat, fvr President." 'V -, ' SOVXD DOCTTUNE, BUT OBSOLETE we read In: The Washington Foot that omo evening since an organisa tion ; composed, of ! the leading real estate men of- Chicago cava a banquet at which, Mr. "Frank 5. Hoyne, presi dent, of tb, board, of aldermen, was guest and speaker. - Now 'municipal ownership la a.., live ' topic , tnr, Chicago and the people have Voted In favor of it -for street car lines and things hut the city ha not taken them over. In hie speech Mr.Hoyne expreased ' hla views And those of the board on the subject, saying: 'I am opposed to municipal ownership for the same reasons that 1 am opposed to government ownership of railroads, tele graph companies and other corporations, "First, because I believe the least gov ernment the beat government. ."Second, because J believe that personal effort and individual ambition have made this city and country what they are," Thereupon the speaker was hissed hissed long and loud and lustily; upon which circumstance and the general subject in hand The Poet commsnt thus: "It should not be necessary, after iub-i mining tliHt extract from Mr. Hoyne's peeeh. to miv that he ts what used to be called Democrat, a itrict adherent to the fundamental tenets of the Jeffertonian creed. But it unfortunately hajipens that ho und thine who share hla views are not good Democrats to-day. For in these days the Democratic banner waves over an eager host at centrnllzationlst. Proposl- I tiorm that tend directly to the extinction i or the renerven rights ana powers oi inn Htate Drill their most ardent promoter 1 in the party that wears the Democratic nnme. Tim most cheerful arid hopeful traveler on the road that must, if fol I lowed, lend utraight on to the commune. ! to the abolition of the Individual nnd of , artlcle tthi(.h sets fortn tMat Tue!l day night Hon. Martin W. Littleton, of Brooklyn, who, at the Ht. Louis convention In 1904. put J mice Parker in nomination for the presidency In a speech of uncommon power and elo- qucitce, said in the lobby of a Wash ington hotel In conversation with a friend : "The Idem of Alexander Hamilton," wild Mr. Littleton, "appear to have relegated the principle of Jefferson to the limbo of oWlvlon. It does not now seem probable a long way In this direction ere It swing hack." The editorial and the conversation embody the ta me sentiment exactly and both declare the unhappy but un deniable truth. What Is left of the Democratic organization Ik a Hamll tonian organization and doesn't seem to know It. The original principles of the party and those by which It lived up to ten year ago have been booted overboard and those who were raised on them and r!Si twlleve (n them have been dHereditif! and are become poli tical orphans. With reference to the Chicago inci dent, however, there is some satisfac tion In the fart that thotte who hissed the president of the board of aldermen were the minority, The majority of those present supported the views of 1 l"e speaaer ana omuemnra me new i I ,,-,,, I I 'I Seems to be evident." It .s, "th.it ! the internal revenue !. North Carolina is department In saturated with I ,lllu I vlct Ion Wherefore everv fimr ron- nnereiore every just ton f one of the offenders should ' vi.,ftt- i,v f iar,H thev dn . . ... m . ,, but many of t hem were reared to t I , n" l"" "n' '"u" "f ,n'"lr ,n,)r"1 I turpitude. How much greater the 'guilt of sworn officers, whose business I ............ it is to hold the illicit distillers w thin I ,i,e lnw ,, the f.ien of their ahliiv (,.'"? Kings Cross, link boys sprang up us ! ' i A uj, Vi,, uLvr.ur fulli.lir tn u vu , . u ga ! nl the government, swear to the deal nr I Ion ol Htllls which have not hei-ii dewtroyed nl nil, or who strike hands wnh I ne hlncksiders ami share I w 1111 li"" 'h" I'"HH iiccrulnK fiom I f'VUMl0" " ,!"' l In a coniiiiunlca tlon In vesl ei ila v 1 " " ' " "-inuger sued wH oine IikIii on Ilia vexed question I .. . ... ,-, , I "' ' ' "'' "'"'"nit of snow Lreensborn I has had this w Inter. He thinks i iiMsniiy nine, nun o.iaes him ' on-i elusion iilion the fad that snme vmri I ' i ago as a vineraijie ,-itiaen "of near ( 'he i ry v I lie completing an ul- inaruu It was found he had omitted the wcjiilui forecast for t)i Sth, 9th ami 1'ith of AuxuHt. ami on being ask ed ror it ivi;:,mI. "A light 'skiff of snow will du, I Kuesp " Then we are to undei sliiial i n.it a skift ' of snow Is a demunUioii niriiill affulr, ucconllug to tho Uawton citiiitv definition, and It is Illuminating, W'e are beholden to Mr Bellinger "J hn landman" made its tnllial ap pearance nl the Liberty Theatra, New York on i night of January 8th and played to standing room. But It was said that all thoaa present were South erners. There must be a multitude ot them In Nw York, then, if onlv Koutlietners see it, for "The Clans man" has played to standing room every night since it wan put on and Is still dolna so. We have aforetime adverted to the fact that tha Grover Cleveland throughout the country havs gotten old enough, some of them to get mar Vied, and mniie te get Into the police courts.': Rut Grover Cleveland Taylor, ef.Newberii, has broken the record. He bag been pot n jn fuf gitalin- two bales of cotton. ; WHO 5ET IT A-OOIXO? "."Whilethe afatehood bill was pending In " the - House WaaWngton corres pondents o( paper r Kew Tork, Boa- toft and , other cities reported that Representative fiteenerson, of Minne oia, vfalted the White House gnia 4 dtacuseton on the bill the President said to Steenereon; i "I appointed the matt yoa recommended to a Federal office). I euppoaed you would support me and my administration. Had X known , that you were golngf to vote against the 'statehood bill I would not have" made that . appointment aa, yon recommended." Upon the appearance of this publication Mr. Steeneraon row ta a question of personal privilege in the House and denounced the .report as "utterly false and untrue," declar ing that "no such conversation or any thing like it ever occurred between Che President and myself on Saturday last or at any other time." Upon which the Washington correspondent Of The New Tork Times sent his paper this (Statement: Both Mr. Steeneraon and the President are said to be anxious . to know ' who i spread the story that such an Interview ever occurred. It Is due both of them to state the authority. It was a man named Ha Ivor Steeuereon, a Representative in Congress from the State of 'Minnesota." Of course this is the truth, and there is no record that Mr. Steeneraon has chirped since. And this story teaches that when a statement about a public man appears in a reputable, truth-tell ing newspaper, followed by a denial by the public man, it is safer to pin faith to the first statement than to the denial. Papers of the class referred to employ correspondents and report era to write the truthnot lies. It is seen by reference to the Congressional Directory that Mr. Steenerson's first appearance In the public life of the country was as a member of the last Congress. It might have been sus pected that he Is a new hand at the bellows. Had he had more experience he would have known that had he given the correspondents this White House story In confidence hla confl dence would have been respected, and known further, in the circumstances of the case, to expect the exposure to which he has been Justly subjected. "We desire to call the attention of The Charlotte Observer to the fact that ground hog day falls on Friday, and wo would like to know what our valued and ciiteemed contemporary is going to do about it? doing to do, beloved, what la always done In North Carolina and Virginia when anything happens: Send for bloodhounds. It is stated that a Wheeler memorial meeting, planned to be held In Atlunta on the 2.rt!i Instant, will be made the occasion of a re-unlon of ex-Confederate and Federal soldiers. Better cut thnt feature out. There Is opportunity fur more harm than Rood to come of Joint meetings of thee former foes. A FOG IX IXXDON. Strange Kxticrlenres of Tlioae Caught In It. From the top of 8t. Paul's the fog ook ed like a surging aea. Picture mountain ous waves of mlHt vising and falling in a oeaii (Hence around, and above and he neat h, and you get tha Impression given by tha fog to one 3M feet above the pave ment. The deuth-llke stillness wa ocea NlnritiUv broken hv the limn nr the trnfTlr. Iwlow. hut for the most part the fog Mtifled all noise. At lunea the foa was wafted Into In- tiwcnouiuy m mastic snapea. innuencea hy every cnpilc of the wind these ehap- fM broke ugulnxt the dome, or swept by like wend dancing figures on either side. Hc'int'tlmi M u thick bank of fog would rise from the dlMuinre, only to meet the full force oi the lueesB and scatter in flaky I particles on every hand. I I'h" Rii'id railway stations were like ' huge nimiv caverns, where ghostly crowds III,,. In.h.utoi 1 ijeiiittd I'axsengers hiKldled in front of At Waterloo there was ' "'""i" 1 rowu oi a tnousanu or so in itlic open space on the suburban side, and i mmieilmi M u inriounled to half us many "'" were an uour ,., ,ol. At i minutea to tha n iin from Koul luiinnton. due ut 4:10 teiimed Hlowlv into the station. Peoplo v im ,'nniH liurrvlog up from the city at hull 0 were In time rr the 4:1:'. The Viiitlng crowds clnered loudly as a much (lclnved irnln came in. Slih the evening rush of homeward bound people In full swing al Liverpool sticet, the iiiiiit Mnstern Coinpunv put on what la known us their "lug service", hy which u good many trains are elfrni nutcd. 'I lie consequence was that a large number of the trains were not more than l. mliuiles l.iliv A I o o clock, with clouds of fog envelon- ir nv ningic una ingle nnd conveyed foot paasengers In null I lorn thn t,.tlH ijnf- ttn.uA thn I....I.1... ... -I- guides were not Infallible for one prac titioner, niter lending a client from King's Cross, culled In two others as consultants us to where Ht. 1'nnsras lay. Acetylene flares were placed outside tho station. 'I hev provided ureas of light to- v.irn wni nc inHsers-Dy made their wav. There were exciting scenes on the Dis trict and Metropolitan railways. Travel ing to all paints touched by the lino llironged to the underground stations rn I tier tli.in face the alow, unpleasant land adventurous lotirney nv their usua on, nlliut'cs. The ordinary evening crush l"iK"llh'"iit compared with thnt of l ast night. iniliiges were paeked until pisseogerM overflowed on to the guard's lu'wni. 11 strnpnanger" waa a inurn enviru inmviauai. ror tnere were r ot enotigii to go around. "Three on a I. 'l IllU' on "' sections of the line nt the Mciropolitan carriages which ml no middle doors rnanv nassenaers In the center seats were carried past station because thev were physlnlally un able to get out. "l'vo plnyed association ft oi fall in my time," Mali! a mlddleagnd pni'imcr. "but I failed to get out at Illnckfiilra when I tried it. I don't believe thin any ordinary Kugby player would have done It. Of course, the New JSealan decs would have got through." The motor omnibuses made their wav through the thickness with caution, and yet at a speed which mud the progress or other vnhlcli's a crawl, There were surprisingly few mishaps. One or two small arcfdenls, however, marked the double service in Kulham road, in that thoroughfare It wits Impossible to see from one side of the thoroughfare to the other. A inotorooinltins In endeavoring to pas a rival carried away the steer ing gear of the opposition. Another cut the wheel off a gipsy van. Hyde Turk Corner wita t wilderness of blank, suffocating mist, and wan one of the worst spots In the metropolis. The brood ' on verging thoroughfare usually a convenience to the public, became a sou in of bewilderment and delay. Thte conductor uf ona omnibus reported that his vehicle had spent an hovjr at Hyde Park Corner, and had thrice, circumnavi gated the Wellington atatue. Hetlevlng Itself on the . way to the Krilght.l, ridge, It went past tha garden wall ot Buckingham Palace, nearly up to Victoria station, only the plucky pilot ing of the conductor saved the passengers from shipwreck and probable starvation in the desert Island Of Belgrave square. "I am Inclined to ouerv tha nnsnil acoepted theory that fog Is harmful to heal Speeiallst last night. "Certainly tha sot- r,,M,wij . i"ii-snwwn narnr ram in, mm ,K pliwrous acid In the fog ft he product of our London smoke) makes the eyes smart, not it is aiso a mild disinfectant, and . probably checks the development of the germs of consumption and tne fjoenwt. ' a , 4 t , k v ''Fog headache, probably due to to a de- ,five vmr.s of ixsoBKirrv. li. L, Bennett, or IIeidUlle, Had Mwit r Vmle-r Powerful Jnfluenoe of lis , key for l'lv Years, but Vas Com pletely C ured by Keeley- One of ' tbe Grandest Blcawlngn Vouchsafrd to ,Irlnklng Men. Tho, Keeley Institute, breensboro, N. v 0.5 ,; h i mi i ;. f, ,i ,71-thlnK the " Keeley . Institute, es pecially the , ona .air Greensboro. managed as It Is. by such humane men aa ana In charge,; Is one of the grandest blessing vouchsafed to poor. arm King men, by-an Allwlse Provi dence. i went there In 1900, sin an awful condlMon , from the - use of whiskey; had en .under its power ful influence - tor Hv lonat years: hardly knew what It was to be sober for three years- of that time; but tnanxs to the moat high God and tha Keeley Institute. I am to-day a sober, hard-worktng man. I had almost lost my aelf-resoecL the refluent of mv dear wife and children, and almost erased my sainted mother and father. ism i am te-day a living monument to tha rreaf- and clorinua Keelev In. titute, of Greensboro, X. C. nod ita emcient corps of officers and at tendaata I do not know how to praise . the Keeley .Institute enough. woras zaiurur to exnress mv thoughts. I left there on tha 12th dav of June. lauo, ana nave been at work since mai ume to try and pay my debts contracted when under the Influanes of th' deadly stuff, and I am about to succeed, not having drank a drop of whiskey, wine or cider elnc I left there. God being my helper, I never Intend to again. Every one . knows what temptations are thrown In the wy oi a traveling man, but I am curea or tha disease and give the Meiey . institute at Greensboro" and Its gentlemanly, humane managers an m creail IOT It . L. L. BENNETT. ReJdsvllle, N, C., Oct. 29. 1904. ' It you have a friend who might be benefitted, please send names to the Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N. CL ficiency of oxygen and allied to theatre uvnuaunes, is prevalent at present, and, "deed, I am a sufferer myself." ,,m? ot tn K yesterday Included Mr. Balfour, who waa aomg down to Manchester at i o'clock, and had to visit oyer an hour before the train could start. Me encountered, however, a party of guests going to Chatsworth, including oou xjnuy uosiora, ana, witn a magasine under his arm, made the best of the long watt by walking up and down the platform with them. ; The amusement provided by the book stall becoming exhausted, an aaitnmatle sweetmachlne was tried. Mr. Balfour accepting a piece of butterscotch from one of his young friends. Last night was one of the worst in re cent years for the West End theaters and muRic halls.: Business was virtually at a standstill, and those managers who had sold out all their reserved seats found big gaps in the stalls and balco nies. At all box offices booking was practically suspended, and after 6 o'clock the telephones were being frantically rung by Deonle afraid to venture nut Into the fog, and who asked whether they could have their seats changed for anoth er night. The unreserved parts of the house were practically empty. "Excent an earthuuake." said nns msn. ager, "nothing hurts our business more than fog. Snow Is bad enough, but fog is a caiasiropne. Blind Men's Doits. London Mall. Do blind men keen dogs because thev are useiui, or merely to excite tne com passion of the passerby? Tha waa the question addressed to several blind trou- oaaours on tho curbstone In different parts of London by a representative of me Jjainy mail. l ne tirst waa an exceptionally intelli gent and respectable man, who stood In the lading light of mid-afternoon in Klngswav. At his feet HoiinttMl . larm. grnvo, woolly dog) with an empty tlni '"us. nil, pt-u ruunu ins necK. An amused expression crept over his face at the querry. "Well. air. I think the gentlemen who says It's cruel to keep dogs with blind men uon i xnow tne wnote story Dy a du. It's a queer story hasn't more sides than one. If 1 .took this, strapoff she'd stay right: here by my feet. When it gets cold I put this little coat on her; then we take a turn round every couple of hours or so to keep warm. When It Is wet we don't come out, for the people then don't pay any attention to me; they're hi too much ot a hurry. You see, the strap helps me to reach her tin quick and get the pen nies. Yes, she's got a comfortable place at home. She steers me about to all the spots." ' Did the dog cost vou much? "Half a crown, sir; but ordinary buyers couldn't get her for that. Cost a guinea likely to them. oiy ro mem. I sunnnse she knows when to start you home'" "Well, she don't need to. I v a watch." "What, a watch?" and the Interrogator glanced sharply at the closel eyelids.. ' jes, sir; it s got no glass. 1 feet witn my fingers." flo? And whut n'Moelr nw?" The breast of the blind man was oulcklv unbuttoned; his right hand slid far down somewhere into the depths. He was using his marvellously-sensitive finger tips, while his questioner held hla own chono- meter in palm, waiting. "Two minutes past i," "Bight, to a second." Another old man In the neighborhood of fWestminister Bridge laughed at the notion mat dogs disiiaed tneir mind mas ters busmiesM. "Bless 'ee sir: sea that there dorg? W'y you couldn't unt 'im ome wr a oss w'lp- not im, irr 1 wasn't iloiisr wli' 'tm. Wore 'e good for? Well for one thing, tt'd take mo I don't know ow long tor to get ome ov an evening f I 'adn't the nut on the string, it woum. THH MORTUARY BEPOHTS. What lU-oortla Kept by Cemetery Keoxr mo.hcs liiomoa isnow. The following is the mortuary report for Elmwood Cemetery for last month: Number of deaths, 12; male adults, 2; female adults, 4; children, 6; perito nitis, 1; still-born, IS; cancer, 1; dilated heart, 1; diabetes, l; lagrippe, 2, and rheumatism of heart, I. Report of Pinewood Cemetery: Number of deaths, 22; male adults. 3; female adults, 8; children, 11; still born, l; paralygJa, 1; cause unknown. 4, lagilppe, 3; Inanition, 3; scrofula, 1; consumption, 2; tuberculosis, S; apo plexy, 1; Bright'a disease, 1; acute In digestion, 1, sTnd gastritis, 1. (Signed) MOSES THOMAS. Humor of Real Estate Deal. For days past the rumor has been cuirent in the city that a" big real estate deal was tn -progress which irv volved the transfer of one ot the most desirable pieces of property in Char lotte The reputed purchaser, the own cr and several prominent real estate men were interviewed but nothing definite could bo gained. All admitted that the report was 'being widely cir cu late1 but denied its authorisation. That overture have been made and that the matter ha been talked of. many believe, " The, papers have not passed but there Is bo way of telling what may happen shortly. The lot re ferred to Is on Tryon street not far removed from the square. With the Sick. - u , Dr. I. W. Falson'g condition ' con tinues to be serious." It waa auvh'aa to cause much uneasiness yesterday, but he was resting more comfortably last nlstht, - VV xi'i ,v . Her friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Luke Seaweli I Quite til. She is at flu pater's Hospital. 5 Mlas Hassler tfmlth. Who Tiad an bp eratton for appendicitis performed at the Presbyterian Haapltat some time ago and, who was Id a erldical condi tion for while, Is improving. ' Miss Alice Pearson, who suffered- a stroke ' of 1 paralysis some . time ago, continue about the an me. tthe Is at the St, Peter's Hospital. . - s:r. i: ' 'it i;. i. r I 1. Mr. Tlohorr Tl Turner d,e,l at his home, at W West Third street, at 6l' ' o.'clock last night. He had been ill for t , about a year. Jie was years oiujti and leaves the following- named, ch.il- 1 dren: Messrs. A. M., N, K, W. D. and i- rank Turner, Mrs, u. &. muhis aim Miss Nancy Turner. The remains will be carried to Steele, ureex lor burial, but tne xunerai ar rangements have not been, made. ,- ' . jJV ,F i"'i''w"".'H '" ' t lj 1l i k f f A Card ol -"Bianka, Is a, -s , To the JSJdltor of The Observer;,", I wish to thank the many good peo ple Who were so kind as to help me In asking the , Governor to , pardon , my husband. W. U iBrookshlre, While, the Governor did, not see fit to grant. the pardon, I want them i to know that I have not forgotten their kindness and that I, feel just as thankful for their efforts as if he had been pardoned. . J SOPHIA -E. BROOKSH1RB. Hickdry, Jan. Mi, t,', Lavsen sllistcry off J.C. PHce $t00 Each, THE mm PKITO ;S, PEOPLE'S COLUDi' e4 The Obeerver . riU send A. . T. Meaacnger, without charge, to your place - of bnslneM -or reskleooe for advertisements for this column. Phone A. 0. T. Messenger service, no. 49: or Observer, No. 18- au an vertlMemnnta insmrted , in tbla Ool- nmn at rate nf ten cents ner line of six words, , No ad. taken for leas than 20 cents. Cash In advanoe. W ANTED, WANTED A-l traveling salesman, must have experience ana coma wen wuui- menuea: gooo coniraos v " i-. AddrSs 'TeMcNeal Marble Co.. Spar tanburg, 8. C - , wanted Straw and - shuckswe want unnt hmuiNii im of straw and I shucks at once. - Tar River Jaattreat Co. Lou it burg, . u. - a xj-firrv vmim, man wiin tuts hsul ex perience in gathering local news. Ad-, dress Telegram, Greensboro, N. V. WANTED Milliner who has spent several i seasons In the largest millinery w tab- li.Kn.nl. in Im HJoeth. dflslfM -OOSlitiOa iUl Charlotte: references exenangco. Aaaress 8. T. E., eare Observer, WANTED By young married couple, onei m. xxtt unritetiianen moms, wan or wiiit- out board in private family;' Address K. A., care uoservw. WANTED First class book-keeper as as sistant and general office man; must bei accurate, or- neat appearnce ana gwo pen man; apply by letter in own nanawnuiis. ivmg references ana saiary oesirou. du ress ueorge, cure visernw. WATMTwn Salesman to sell staple arti cle; liberal commission. Address Bog 627. Kicnmona va. . WAfMTKTw-Man cook for first-claw I restaurant also meat cutter for market. Harkey & Pugh, Lexington, N. C. wanted Men to sell the new interna tional encyclopedia; excellent oppor tunity for right parties. Address Dodd, Mead & Company, 803 Austell Building, At lunta, Ga. WANTED Two good second-hand draw ing frames, deliveries each, 10 or 12 Inch coliers. Tha Newton Cotton Mills, Newton, N C. , , , WANTED Drug clerks to prepare for North Carolina rnarmacy examination) In June. Quiz begins in March. Corre-1 gond with, "Chemist," Box 406, Greens oro, N. C. WANTED For TJ. 8. Army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to recruiting officer, IS West Trade street, Charlotte. N. C; 40 Patton avenue, Ashevme, n. c; Kendall Build ing, Columbia, 8. C: Bank Building, Hickory, N. C, or Glenn Building, Spar tanburg, 8. C. FOH SALE. FOR BALE Two cords of 2 and 4-foot dry oak wood. J. F. BTawley Moore- vine, . vi. ''"."I vnvi BAT.TrjTTftlf nr ttntlre. Interest In I retnll roeerv huslnesi! In ona of best! towns in western North Carolina. Addreasf w., care cnanotte uoeerver. . , FOR SALE Bullterrlor pup: make thai watch dog; rat dog; man's best friend,! kind and effectionate with ehiiarepv v-j f. Mcuiraw, wi n, a sireoi. .,..; : ..i A BARBER SHOP for sale; well equip ped; good stand. Apply at 106 East Market street, Greensboro, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. MORE THAN 100 styles in Go-Carts and Baby Carriages at Parker-Gardner Co, 1 ! ' , , .in" -i 11 iiiwn m! A BARBER WANTED. Ruphus F. Cald well, wo. n ouin xryon street. NEW SPRING STYLES in Carpets and! Kuan, now on display at Parker-Oard-j ner Co. - DRUG CLERK WANTED-RegUtered drug clerk- to take charge of my drug store fur 2 or 3 weesss relerence reauired A W. Thormann, No;' 9 Montfordave nue, Asneviiiu. v. PARKER-OARDNER new offer special bargains In Oak and Mahogany Ded Koom suits. LATEST NOVELTY "P" PUZZLE. Can you put the Pea In the Pot? A wlnnar for agents; 1,000 sold In Atlanta In two, days, sample by mall for 25 cents, silver. Hendersonvllle Novelty Co., Henderson- viile, N. v r- - - SSsSIr15" I-M'LFAVINO Charlotte: off Or for sale my elegant, modern home. Mlsabeth n.iht. ft U.. Jaenhs. Phona SS2. I TDON'T FAIL-TO 8EE the Pianola Piano J at .rarKer-uaruner va. t , DUIof n-A TOT BOYPS - Shu -TttvrM Munic Racks. Paper Racks and Jardlneer r " Stands In popular nam 000 r u received. ' V'arker-Qardner Co, SEE THE NEW CHICKERING and rvert gco01' Ju,t vd Rt parkr I 1 '"" Ihi ent: in good convenience ' FOB RENT, FURNISHED ROOM for rent 7 nolvhhnrhiiftd. With all 1 em Apply at,, or address . CU 7orta College Itrecw ' e - -x i - FOR RENT The entire three-story bUent building, rax i.i", win reraenc at 210 South College street, now by International Harvester Company, of America. Apply gt building or to W, R, FOR RENT Two furnished rooms on 1 ground tioor. ppiy bui . wouega. , t;; ASSAYING : - - CHEMICAL ANALTPF8. ORES OF - EVfcRT ASCRIPTION. ' W, I..wn,ww,i li....kiL.,..v J VS U'U W,, life street. CtMic".t, II. a i C M , " u , j it j 2!ZZ.ZZZZZZZ Z ZZZ 'Vrhi i PiV ill h- i'iS4 t ri ; Ve tit li - l ''V " lMr s V. V Via IJLl uU'lJ' JstUU O'. n n n n : n rr r n rr n a n Buncheis of odd lots of goods Have Been made and ttie-RMind -Prioe for t6-day and to-morrow will count Comt! to fdte Finely tailored men's are being sold at less than the price' of cheap made garments Redtfess Everybody knows very much To-day and can buy shoes at prices' a time to come; , Surprise One Cent Ccmiter 'Thb is Jndecda surpriseAcounterf fdrlthe:!: mc has never : been "seen: in .this' - town forA -TT? T7K7Tf ' lJK VjJtliN 1 e V V- w . Articles ;of all kinds worth75c to 25c, placed ona counter in each 41adc and O St ; "5 " ' f'S . " stores, any article for:, vtj. V At,'-A,.Jk4 ft ."'Vn' ' ' ' see the grab; sak: Will bc ontsalc to-day f ' J '-iiUes-kv 'A fv Ai UVi&m Vt TjL,"- V U1U IUIUU11UW ,Ui W rnay not last two hoiirs HAVE YOUR PENNY.: READY; A jr. Clothing Sale suits and overcoats '4 ' shoes have advanced to-morrow 6nly you that can't be had fbr C ' ;' '"TjCTVtKTXir-.i. uZ.'i a ; PJBNNYb v; ComC- t "i r1 4 i-f fti w Tl s ' ' , SIh5 it , Pncffi on Shoes -V 1, m$s4 4