jl. x j.j jl) A. I ii i. r 5 ' j.44i V .l.-4.if (IfjarlbtteO tot rutr V. CALIWELL . A.TOMPHISS' I-ublisherA. SUBSCRIPTION PH.ICB. L , 1 XJAILT. I'' , ..M.I 400 On year H months ........... Three months 2.Q0 . - SEMI-WEEKLY. . One' year ,..... ' 7: Ms. month 3 Three month " r PUBLISHERS ANNOUNCEMENT. No. S4 South TryonTtreet. Telepjmne v . numbunt. Business office, Bell Pn?" OW city editor's office. Boll 'phone, 1. " -t . news editor' office. Bell 'phone, a . ' -1 A subscriber In ordering the address of hi paper changed, will please ln- -: meats the address t whl I. ft I oS ." -a c the time he ask (or the change to ; v be made. 1 ' Advertising rate re fumsned on V application. Advpru.er war J"? ; . sure that through the columnsof tms paper they may reach all Charlotte ' '.nd a portion of the bwrt people n .this Slate nr-d upper South Carolina. ; SATURDAY, FEBRLItY 3, 1006. ' A' GOOD R-KPORT OF THK CANAL. ,i;,"Thc Wilmington chamber of com . 'ttterce held Its annual banquet -Wednesday night ami .Senator Rlm--"'thorui wax one of the guests and speak .l!T'r. Mr. Simmons wast one of the Dera , 'ocratic Senator who, with breadth ttd far-lghtediies', voted for Ihe ratl- fleatlon of the Panama treaty, which ,r.uAa lh rrpflt u Hter-W il V DOSSlble. 'and is a member of the Senate com- dream of prolso and poleVr l w"ered 1 " , . . wht even In its realization. Then, too, one '.mlttee on in.c-o.eanle canal What may anfl control mmvumy. therefore, touching the altua- f(f tton oti the Isthmus and the prospects ,jr WHkle's plns were surface laid -,Vfor the digging of the tanal, cki'iIps a j lie built for the beauty of the stiper l 'certain a ut hoi It v, and hi Wilmington , utriuture rather than for the strength ', speech, which .ippems to hae ilesll . almost exiliiHively with these subjects, ' -, therefore of profound Interest. The ' Jleesonger thu reports him: " "The toast Senator Simmon was to re. , '( epond to was 'IinniigiHtlon', but he dwelt ' Jwgely on Panama Canal matter and What a great tiling It would be for the '' (ktuth. H said lnyentlgntloti t?r be ', lirtg made and he would tell him North , i'aroHna friend something lie hud not ffnentlonetl outside of the committee '.V t room. Stid that wan that tirfaim at the . jpanama Tamil were all right He said ,',fce Would havr to give credit to the ad ; mlniatratlon for what had been done, lis :ls-ef the opinion that It will not take ''a)ong to complete tli- canal an was ut Jlrst thought. 1 I .The 8(ar"s teport folhuva ' '- 'KWm the liitioductor). Hciwlm rtiiii- fttona launthed Into a (IiscukkIoii of t in-1 ''. Vanama Canal. After dlscuKing thl question at length he concluded by aing that he thought he could say that the , Caital ba paewd the Htag of dciiht and experiment and there Is no quefitlon of . 1U constru tion; the hit doubt an to Jh teaflbillty has hern removed and the hint t" problem of onstiuctlon nnd prucllca hftity ha been met by Mr Stephens, to ,Whom he paid a tribute for competency ' "jfSnd. efficiency. The cntial was not only going to be built but It i going to be '( )ilJt in much time nnd j.t much less ! eoat than an one eer expected Mr Simmon ald that he would make the ' prdlction that seven yearn would not '. pass before nhlA will Rail tiirough the ranal and pavs up and iftmn the Cape ' Fear rlvei on tluir wiy to the Orient ''The work w.is o( uimIt Iii.Di.i taiif t ;-"to North Carolina, peihapn, than to any ,j, other two Hiatev wltii the po-iY,le , ,f eeptlon of MiisipiI and Lrmislana Tt.e two. harbor of Beaufort nnd Wilmlng hijuafon Were reterretl to ami their wonderful "development wax predicted V.These are W-Ur f , jfrotit. A -ai ago the least lime est I-! f iliated by an expert f..i tlic coniolet Ion Of this gnt work waH nine years, and 1 operating siillsfrtctorlly to Charleston, ; th averagp tnti ttlgftit estimate was 1 When he became mayor there were (perhaps fifteen. Now, many persons j over a.V tiger places in Charleston but, jfWho had not expected to live to ace it I by means of systematically raiding , flntst'd. mm Indulge the hop.-of doiiur with a special squad of five policemen though the irans-cmtlnriUI rail- a hied bv hired detectives, the number ifoads iiim be expected t roiitlnuw tojhalbeen reduced to about 140." The til row In lti was eiet) uhniucle they , tlgci arrested nnd resisting convlc-itfkti- : 1 Ion are fined J50 and raided frequent ;,j The Suuih will be the canal h groat- ! ; those who submit are fined 125 and PSl Oencfli lai y ---w lliit It will men 1 1 to this section, to tills Mlate. Is beyond romput.ttiou. ii-iiei m-iIIoiis can af i ford to be woiiieivhnt complaisant un ' lcr earplug ni.ism uf conditions on the lstl in and the apparently slow ,progrss i, K.-t in k to H'tuai wmk - i" "I'.- ' 1 wieiti,,,.. ears testified that "the system t hose fSamMmMh hn an ttnliltlous of Its i,row .. 'peril y. and 1, . believe it,,) t(,e ,) - MtlMiM rut loo iii WiNhii.vi..,. -....i ninwtsllo. ... Washington ,,,,,1 t h- canal commissi, .11 are doing ti,.-r ve( Vi beat with th" gigiuuo nroiuiHltlim , SOOUId be p.itdoiieil If tliev are s llnl,. ';',''y impstietit with 1 1 1' i.ujx-rs '.iSk'i'i'f.. - .'!v..-aA.,,.,1'Ti. n 1 m ,.r , 1. - Li . m .. ,;'.:": ' ' " to think, are profoundly Impressed ,rith the neccssltv for o.. .n.... ... - -4 Atop -the d-st Miction of the forestry. ... 'fit .vnM4'fti,'rw a t,f t. u,. v,,. .1.i!.'.?;,.i'iv.':.T.r1' "i.- .-w-' ..,,,,. nip until, ft ,' lije streams are filling up and the low ctmniry is suoji.-feu to alternate p ,f Vlods of drought and drying up Of J atreatns. As a result of this lntret, if. ; 'jJ",: is to be expticted that the meeting to belheld In Charlotte on the !2d Instant Jn,tbs iaterest of ih AppiJ,uhlan for , v'J ?t reserve will be goodtme and that m iW innwnnj win go out 'torn It - , ! (hrtrernor Glenn, of this i-itji., Oover , v 'W, Jleyaard, of kmih riolliia. and ', s.: other distinguished gentlemen will be . present. The attendance should be 1 ' large nd the purpose earnest, us the importance of the subject to be dts :,i' cuse4 OeserveA v Mis Alice, Accompanied by Mr. Long aoHS, Went over to New York Monday, to do some shopping In view of. nr approaching marriage, but the catner 1 fiend followed heir every where, taking snap shot at Iter under her protest; -pester her so that Mie returned: to Washington Wedn n'.ay without having Completed . oh-i-rt of her errand, , The fiend's with i b"ir eamr crossed the river on the 'at with her" and followed her te the - o r of the Pullman car On which she - it4 vr lioiaA, Th buUftall At SlIARCmxO ANALYSIS, f Our new columns have told -of lh snlcldanweek' ago at what fa de scribed" As his '"beautlfut hoWe";'Mn nutber'ordtn,,pf young pldrtnct - XK yviMrt who founded The gun, ef that place, m&d ot li at pertod for' it never shoao , with a ateady- light papik o( extraordinary .brilliancy, daaH and sparkle, and wa lta" acting local editor when he died. : n the laat ,teau or The Sua la An editorial abotit him. remarkable for ' lta frahkneaa - nd tdr' the keennestr of it analysis. .We take it to, pe jah accurate eharactefiaatJon, and' take, occasion. In , transferrin part of It to these columns, to observe that It in rare that so good a piece of newspaper4 work v appear - in ; North Carolina. '.The sentiment 1 lofty and the expression fjne. After referring to his mastery of the mechanical details of job printing and newspaper work as an apprentice: few mm of Ms age eoUId writ teitditfr to the multiplied requirements of a news- paper office from the cftae te the press, or eend frn-th the printed page with finer taste and finish. The press room wna his school; and while he was hampered as all men are who gather knowledge In this war, and could never have risa to th graces of expression, yet it . Is simply wonderful how be learned to avoid the entaglements of grammatical truetuVa about the technical pitfalls 'of which he knew absolutely nothing. 1 Hi unibitlon was to establish a popular influential newspaper; end when he launched The Sun. the tnterpri he displayed was marvelous. In a few months its circulation wont Into tho thousands." But- Mr. Wilkle was a visionary, "Success tries ' us often worse than I faillll e Unless men are strong, the and surety of the foundation. His tern periitnent wa social; In dlftposltlon ho was genlul; and in all his mental make up, his Illumination was master of his Judgment nnd his sensibilities reveled In banquet halls while nil hi reasoning racultle slumbered apd slept. He was u ix child blowing bubble on a summer morning, gleefully watching them as theiy Honied off In round and roseate splendor. "We have mild he was a visionary, and nil dreamers without the gift of prophecy are visionaries. Uke other drt'siniei he had some of the vanities of Hiilf-ln-diligence. In the early newspaper office there wns little to teach the lesson ho rarelv learned that In patient toil and self-denial and Inflexible moral purpose lie the divinity that shape our ends. No wonder that when hove was smitten at hint of disappointment, despulr lurked assussln-llke to give the mortal blow. "The mal-adjustments of life are more I inexpncaoie man mo inysiery m unnui. I "We cannot explain why Its founder i came to neglect The Hun, and to permit tliat neglect to grow until the ownership and management of his paper punned. of neceasitv Into other hands. , open grave the best of us Bv the Hianu wuii imweo neaa unu bio-ih ups. 'Oh the grave! the grave! It buries every error-cos ers every defect ex tlngulHlim every resentment. Front 'Its peaceful bosom spring only fond regrets and tender recollections.' " This, we repeat. Is wall done. A POINTKH IX11 CHARLOTTE. Though not so Intended, the testi mony of Mayor Rhett. of Charleston, and Chief Constuhle Holmes, before the dispensary investigating commit tee of the Mouth Carolina Legislature at Columbia Thursday was funny. Ac cording to our Columbia correspondent j the, former "testified about the tlaer , lu Ch.r.W.n. elucidating an J Interesting system he Inaugurated on I I going Into office, which he find la still are raided only four times a year. "The system of fining, amounting to l!c?ng ing, has reduced the number of tiger bv half and Is the most effective and practical method" the mayor can find. Division Chief ('unstable Holmes, who has been upenitlng in Charleston for r n,ir lil nn lfnt In l...tn. ,,,. ,I(((M bw (l) p!ty tne ii0ft )WI J ! . . . . ,,( U ,l,d .loss out Hit poorer ( Ut(t.rH jlo tu better tigers sent i it, Hn. .,,,i.ri., i.,,, 1 ... . . . ,, , . .' , , i lal.l.d "l"'k "f ,h'' 1 lentlmeni in favor of (lie tlsrei s iiinl , gave Illustrations to show It v, us .,-' 11. ,.. . .. . . . , 1 """"" gv. eve,, nroes ctmv.cic, ' Witness thought he might stump out ,1. n, rmrttm, ti. oti ...... stubles of the Htate concentrated then or with u double police force determin-1 I , . h ...11,, .. ...,t . - ed to curry out the law, provided he hud some buggies and a steam , launch. j This last Is a noble suggestion which we respectfully submit to the author! ut? 01 Liitrivur, wn, nave more rre ; wnen jumping irorn o, i, in suuutt lews .trouble with tlgurs. Lift themi wn f"Bt m"' - was Mslstlng rel ,.,,. ,, . . . alive on the train and it pulled out. double the nolice force ami huy some , , wnrj ,ff. his foot slipped on a buKRl'-s and a steam launch. pebble and his knee was so badly , , W1 m.hf d that he is almost beyond jMvidson college has been extremely ' fortunate. In scouting the promise of! H..n. John Sharp WllHnnw to deliver , thfs annual address at ihe i-ommemv ; m.rit ill JlinH. fr WUIImivih Ia, e tt.. ..nv -.-u. -r ,h- .... ..... , . .v,.v (1( t)l!lt,v. T() a po-t reporter, he and his pitsence at Davidson on this J to-day gave out this interview as to occarton will be ait unusual attraction, hl plans:. v ...J. . Hts wW.oi to North Carolina would 1. "Nea''.ly ?.ery "IM r hT "l"tfT9 . ... . f (wm all secllons of the ct-untry asking be a cordial one if th fart were other. fur information nbMit il1bury. In wise, but it will lose nothing In , many distances It is impossible for me warmth from the fact that bis for, i uIHy th Informathm desired, . , ,, . " " .'"with the consequence that persons who bears on one side were Nottht srl.,M .iii.i ... oilulan, on whkh account this Mtate has an esteciai Interest Jn hlt J -7 in m I, jh-ii .. i. i j Ths Concord Times has apnea Hid In A new outfit -of type end la a pretty as" picture, . But'.hothlitsT has' ever Alled.'The Times -egrept' that lsrl Won't writ edltortal, wbkk b vu do well At Mrbody. - A c , ' SHOT AT XttJBGLABON EOOF PROVVLCR JtADE - HIS ESCAPE Drummer Ahoota at Xcirro Man W10 ' Was iSndeaYOrtng to JOnter Ivady's Room at Salisbury Hoarding House KJLslng IVad to Secure Junior C OrplruigeMovement. to Kstnbliah ," CiiADufber of OtMumcrco lr. Halee- fey to Wod A Innco Mr. Clarence ;,, Snider Injured 1wn Klated Over . I'rospoot of Kecurlnar . I toad to National CeineterjrJDay's New at Special to The Observer. .Salfabury, ; Jeb," )l-About midnight last night, the boarding house at the Misses Chunn, on West. Horah street, was etroused by the shot of .4 pistol A party of young men, had just re tired, When a. negro waa wsen on the root trying to make- an entrance into tne room or a Miss Harvey, of States vllle, one, of the guests, 8. C Ellison. a traveling man from Alabama,' drew his gun and fired through the window, bat the inan Jumped off And made his escape. Th Misses Otunh have true licion ae to the negro and his purpose and ofneera will keep a sharp lookout tot him. Mr KHlson ehot through, the window but says he did not try to' hit ma fmn, who appearea to re Un armed. . ;v" 1 The Junior Order is proving ltseU a very philantroplc institution and at its State Council here In February the location of the orphans' home will be determined. Committees; have been appointed to solicit subscriptions from ail the councils tin the county. And there Is gratifying co-opeatloti on the part of the townspeople. This canvass or tne city ana the county has begun and la being carried on .with energy. Mr. K. C. tJregory has had a roes' sage from W. J. ' Bellamy, . Esq., of Wilmington, telling, him that the -orphanage stands a great chance of be ing located here. Messrs. . Gregory and sheriff Julian are committeemen at large and will superintend the work. , Another thing that will, at some early day, be brought up In fhe Junior Order councils., ie the Confed etate monument which the Daughters of the Confederacy have been unable to erect with their own labors. The plan Is to have every Junior in the county (there are about 1.000) to pay 1 eotn, in a lump, or in installments. thus raising 9I.00O. It is hoped to have other fraternal societies to take tip this plan, but whether they door not. the proposlUon will be submitted to the Juniors , and their nsuul munifi cence may be anticipated In honor of Miss Maitle Holt,' of fi rah am, and Miss Lizzie Steele, of Statesvllle, the young men of the city last night gave . a delightful dance; Sixteen couples, stags and chaperons made a merry party which began at 9'30 and ended at 12:30 this morning. With the visitors came Messrs. Flake .Steele McCail, Braswell and Craig, of .Mtatt'svllle; Boy Rankin, of Asheville, and Croak, of Atlanta. The visiting ladies were decidedly enamored ; of .Salisbury and her dancing people And said eo. There is probably no town in the State that keeps in such happy humor. The couples And other par tlclpants were: Misses Mattle Holt and ISurie Thompson, Llnio Steele and Junius Russell. Mary Ramsey and Ted March. Catherine Cartwell and Arnold Snider. Janet Quinn and Stanton Turner, Lizzie Crump and Hayden Holmes, Beulah' Kern and Fred McCanless, Beulah Barker and John McCanless, Luna Thompson and Ernest Alexander. Rosalie Bernhardt I and Henry Hobson, Mlttle La wis. ana rternhnrdf au.i Sanmlnrji and 1 Oordon. Annie Klzer and Dr, PeLaiiey Carlton, May Radcllffe And John., Wright Davis, Mrs. Tate 'And Paul Bernhardt, Lucy PunnelV- and Jultari McKenzle; stagsFlake Steele, Braswell, Mt'Call, Rupert, Roy Kan. kin. Bob Craig. Croak. "Will Oaskill Worth Murphy, Tom Bust, Hugh Brown and John Fisher; chaperons- Mr. and Mrs. Dow," Dr. and Mrs. Fliupin. Mr. and Mrs. Strlckler, Mrs. Quinn. Mr. and Mr. H. C. Williams nnd Chief Frank Miller. Next Fri day nlRht, February 9. the city wilt honor Miss Kmma Lewis Speight, one of (Ireensboro's finest young women, and this will very likely be the Idst ante-Linteu event. Mr. A. B. Saleeby. the well-known confectioner, left to-night for Oreens n. 7 Miss Martha galeebv will be married at some date tint definitely arranged tO-iluy. The prospective bride Is quite a pretty Hyri.in, but distantly related to the groom, bearing his name. They will follow their wedding with a three weeks' tour of the country, after which thev will return to Salisbury to llv going to housekeeping at once. Mr. Kulcebv Is a loyal American, though a native of Hyria. He Is a member of nearly every secret.,order and comes more nearly up to he laws of those fraternities than any man In them. When he first rame here he began to go to church, hearing a sermon on the (heme. ''And thei disciples were first tailed Christians In Antloch," ennnee ed himself with the Methodist church, these wnnhj having been "sId of the community lu which he lived, Mr. s.iieeby Is the proprietor of a beauti ful candv store and manufactory, one of the very finest In the State. Salis bury's affdiion has been showed to wn id .hlrn to-duy. when he has been tnaA emiainntlv hv til frlfntn Two tui bines were sent to Whitney this morning to be used by the com miv for own worklng small plant. The wheels were shipped from York, I'a.. and will soon be Installed at the temporary dam. This ha, nothing, Of course, to do with the permanent work, merely furnishes powej for the electrle lights to be used in the great woik of aeveioptneni. j ,p ff nathrOC-k WSJ llvfe this . pm'lty flouring mill will soon be In op. ''ration by water, near Gold Mill, his hAinv Mr Itathrock brhuirht With him A sample of flour turned out by this mill. At present it Is being run by (steam nut it 1 a question or oniy a faw uiamIis whin Kliji ilixm tertTt K r. paired and a canal will carry the) water to the wheels. Mr. Clarence Snyder, one ot the managers of the Coca Cola Company, suffered A sever accident , last night traveling now. Salisbury has many other virtues thlrstlc. and this incidental feitnre of ! her life has been too much emphasised, A , hatiibcr of commerce has been Ions eedl and Mayor noydeft wlU take. tree ted ' to turns of our sister cities when we coult hstVA jucurcd them by f roper a UM Ion, t will gsk, Jthrough 'he Post, every cltlscrt who .hoe the letercsts of Salisbury at neart to meet at th t It y hall Monday might at ,8 o'clock! for the purpose of organising a rhamher of commerce, J am convinced that the only way to make this organi sation effet llvs is to elect a secretary, pay feint & Aulary tand have him d- vote his entire time to the duties laid out for him. I hope there will ix? a large attendance at Monday night's meeting, and that steps will be taken that will result In Salisbury' jadvance ment." ; t t?,i, v.5, 1 " Salisbury has learned to alt, beau tifully, upon the driveway to the Na tionat Cemetery; and of all the beati tudes, .canonical and apocryphal, she has learned to say that one enjoining men to expect- little and shun-disappointment, with ! the greatest . grace. But. this morning's' .Observer 1 has caused hope tolee eternal 1iv the hu pnan heart , and the. paper's) assurance that $18,00 will be ordered by the Ben ate, is taken almost as final, The Ob server is the virtuous swearer's steady standby here and ,that brilliant woman, who' said to your correspondent Batur day that her only complaint against the paper' was that it issues but once daily, personified Salisbury properly, . ' Mr. and Mrs. T. Edgar Johnston left to-night 01 Florida, wber Mr. John ston seeks, the semi-tropical climate, lie lias -almost recovered from A per nicious attapie of Appendicitis in which the knife was victor, Mr, and Mr. D. . R. Burrlght," of South. Dakota. have moved to Salis bury And' will reside here permanently. They spent. last' winter in Asheville, and visiting Salisbury, became, so much attached id the place that they chose their, home" here. Rev. Edward Fulenwlder, of Lexington, spent the day in the, cityMiss Mattle Holt, of Graham, was at the dance last night and returned home this, morning. Mr. Louis Brown,' of Concord, spent yes terday with Mrs. Brown who has so much improved' as. to guarantee her going noma soon, '.V -'f .r" r" T""r "f'liTHf Tiritfrli'-si ng 1. - n , 1 ..mciih - ' TACTICS OP THK BEAKS. tWng Mr. Hester's Figures. to Bc faddle the Public Thinks Growers Made a Mistake In Putting on a Tim Limit. .To the, Editor of The Observer: The bear have resorted to all sorts schemes to bring about the recent decline in the cotton market. The lead ing representative has Issued many circulars, and used th figures of Mr. Hester, of the Jtfew Orleans Cotton exchange,' to' mystify and befuddle the public. He might properly be called an "equivoeator,'" because an equivo cator Is one who conceals the rest thing by the one he puts forth. In his efforts to. make this crop look as big aa possible in the minds of fhe people he says Mr, Hester makes the weight of this crop Sltf pounds per bale and on A 10,000,000 bale crop at that weight we would have a crop of 10,380,000 hales of 500 pounds each. He never said any thing about "Mr. Hester statins- the weight was 62S pounds per bale last vear. Figuring last yeat's crop the same way, we had a crop of 14,187,560 bales. The world used last year's crop and the best authorities claim that Eng land will use 240,000 to 600,000 bales more than last year. The balance of the world will use as much more, Then what difference does it make whether this crop is 10,300,000 or 11.000, 000 bales? We Will not have enough cot ton to supply the mills by some 8,000, 000 bales. I think the Cotton Growers' Associa tion made A big mistake in setting the price at 15 cents and limiting the time to 90 days, because it has practically stopped business and caused an attack by the bears that would not have tak en place If the mandate had gone forth to hold the cotton and refuse to sell for less than a given price, without the time limit. ' Let the proclamation be: "Hold your cotton, hold your cotton and keep on holding your cotton, until the price goes to that agreed upon by the farmers' association." Conditions warrf.r.t much higher prices. Cotton is no higher to-day, at 12 cents, with silver bullion at 65 centa an ounce, than it was at S cents in 1895, when silver was 27 cents an ounce. Increased basic money cheap ens money and enhances the value of commodity., AH the farmer has to do now is to take a bull-dog grip on his cotton and go to sleep until some hungry bear knocks at his door and wakes him to buy aia cotton and at the farmer's own Price. JASPER MILLKR. Charlotte, Jan 3L 1906. THK SKNIOHS BANQl'irj'KD. Tile Junior ('inns In the Presbyterian College Kntcrtaln the firaduating . (lass at an Klaborate Feast ui the Hotel Buford -Tlie Toasts. The Junior class of the Presbyterian College entertained the members of the Senior class at a most en.lovabie. banquet at the Hotel Buford last night. The party - comprised 51 stu dents and three teachers and the young ladles enjoyed themselves in a jolly school-girl manner. The menu was an elaborate one and was served In the Buford'a best style, and the toasts were witty and entertaining. Miss Louise Alexander, president of the Junior class, acted as toastmaster and gave a toast to "Seniors. The other toasts were as follows: "Music Seniors." Miss Julia Christian; "Alum nae," Miss F, Kuykendal; "Gradua tion," Miss D. Lott;l"Mlss Lily Long." MIssTS. Nalr; "Dr. Bridgers," Miss M. Pressley; , "A Sheepskin," Miss D. Dick; "A Teacher's First Year." Miss Helen Bridges, "College,? Miss Mabel Ht okles ; "A Cap .and Gown, ' Miss c. GraVes; "Senior Trouble Miss K. Haynes; "Senior Sdltors,'' Miss Uleek- er Held; ourselves, auss Margaret Morris, . , ' 'Squire Maxwell Soltloqulw. "I have been out at my toothbrush orchard at Hugnr Hill, said 'Squire Maxwell yesterday, "and on the way back I got to thinking ot the change that has come over this town since, say, fifl. In '69 I knew every man and woman In Chai'iottevand When I saw a baby carriage coming along the street I knew whose baby was In Jt. I knew oil the dogs In town, nd every one of Squlrs Parks' noga ana cows, now,- h continued, a little aaaiy, i aon't know people that llvs in .sight of me and on land I used t tn, on the street I aon't know A; tenth of the faces I see." , v.t ' Report of St. Peter's Hospital t for tianunrjr , The renort of . 8L ' Peter's Hospital for January Is as follows: ; In hospital January 1, minim al February 1, 18; . admitted in-Janu . tanlAAit fe 1 kinliuar V. 88: days of treatment, 82t;'"number of' op erations, !; numner 01 mrins, v, num (jher of deaths, 0; outside cases treated, f;a . i ' , District Wo rSf began Janusry 1. 190fi, with patients; admitted for treat ment In January, 15; number, of visits wade. isi. - ' ' ' - ... mm m. 3. lackland, supt. ivmii ii it,,' ii ii1i,inlili1ii1vTT''"'rfTf '""B"'"r' BuiMoiube's New County Home Xenr . jlng oniphtion. . ' Correspondence ef The Observer, " Ashevllle. Feb., l.-ltAirmsn Reed of the board of county rommtiwloiiers, said this morning that work ld been .resumed on the , erection of the new county home -and haf laborer were how, , engaged ' on the 1 Interior plaeteilug.' ,tho, structure., . The, 41s agreeable weather, ot the' past '- ten days has Interfered with the. builders of rtieihome. - Mr.' Uord wtld that-the building' would bo (completed and ready for occupancy within 4)0 days. HAND IN HAND. MArt-iaget and Wvorces On Merrily ' Along Together .In the County of Buncombe. .' - ' ''.'. Correspondence of The Observer.,' ' S AAhevilbv . Feb. . 1. Figures taken from the records in Register of Deeds Fortunes office and from the court records show that marriages and di vorces in Buncombe' continue to march hand ' in hand. During the month of January '28 marriage licenses were Is sued,- while during the same - period, five divorce proceedings were tnstltut edrrather there1 were, four divorce cases docketed' and .one for. alimony. The : number-of marriage licenses is sued during January was, consider' ably leas than the number Ordinarily Issued 4nr a single month. Wake' ,rormt to : Wy W M. ' C. A ame ef Basket Ball. " ; A gAme of basket 'ball wtli fee played 'between the Woke Forest "team and a teamr from the Young Men's Christian Association on ijfxt Wednesday night, at 8; 45. The team from Wake Forest is making A" tour of the State and the game -ought to be A . very . interesting one.- ;The best available players have been selected tor the T, M A, team and are undergoing j a 'Short course ef training for the event under the direction of 'the physical director. The entire basket bli squad took' an outdoor run of About a mile Thurs day night. - There will tie an. Admission fee of 25 cents. - ' . . . , 1 . Lawson'sllistorjfoffiCe - Price, $1.00 Each Tiff OBSERVER PRINTING HOUSE, - CHARLOTTE, N. C. , PEOPLE'S COLUMN The Observe will send A. D. T. Messenger, without charge, to your place of business , or residence for advertisements for this column. 'Phone A. D. T. Messenger Service, No. 45; or Observer, No. IB. AU ad vertisements inserted in this col umn at rate of ten cents per line of six words. No ed, taken for less than 20 cents. Cash in advance. WANTED. WANTED By competent young man position as book-keeper or assistant; A 1 reference; will begin on small salary. J. A. IX, care Observer. WANTED-Reglstered drug clerk; good alary; flne opportunity. G," care Ob server. ' ' WANTED A 1 traveling salesman, must havfi experience and come well recom mended; good contract to right party. Address The McNeal Marble Co., Spar tsriburg, 8. C WANTBO atraw and shuck we want several hundred ton of traw and hucks at once. Tar River Maltreat Co., Louisburg, N. C. WANTED Milliner who has spent several easona In the largest millinry estab lishment In the North, denire position in Charlotte; reference exchanged. Address 8. X. . E., care Obnerver. WAMTMU Men to sell the new interna tional encyclopedia; excellent oppor tunity for right partiei. Addrena Dodd, Mead & Company, 80S Auetell Building, At lanta, Ga. . ' WANTED Two good second-hand draw ing frame, 6 deliveries each, 10. or 12 inch coilera. The Mewton Cotton Mills, Newton, N. C. " WANTED Drug clerk to prepare for North Carolina Pharmacy Examination in June. Quiz begins In March. CorreV Sond with, "Clietnist," Box 406, Qreens oro, N. C. LOST. LOST Cliocolate hand-bag, containing black purse and several dollars in ( hange. near square Thursday afternoon. Bee Observer, , w lOST On North Tryon street; gold thimhle, In silver case. Reward It re turned to KJ3 Morth Tryon street. FOR SALE. FOR SALS) One Twentieth Century Boda fountain, counter ana uopper Sink; made hv L. A.. Becker & Co.. and used onlv one season. This fountain win be sold In Wnihiiw, N.' to, at noon on the 17th day of February.to ths highest bidder. T A. Kendrick, J. R McCain, Receivers for Jackson irug co. FOR SALB-WX) oords of Z and -4-foot dry oak wood. i. tr. urawiey jlopre vllle. NC. , , FOR SALE f-lnlf or entire Interest In HA,. 41 ..MAnA.... h.l.lnA I t AMA A P , town in western North Carolina,. Address core Charlotte Observer. A BARKER SHOP for sale; well equip ped; good , stand. Apply at 106 East MarKct street, ureensoorq, , vv. M1SCELLANFX)US. RRLIASIaS! MAN OR WOMAN to travel, distribute samples, and employ agents ; local managers also, -tlS a week and ex penses. Ziegler Co., 226 Locust street. Philadelphia, . - - , NOTICE TO NURSES-The name and ad dress of every registered, -graduate nurse in Worth Carolina Is wanted by the North Carolina Btate .Nurses' - Associa tion. Please send your address to 'the Serretnry, Miss Constance PfohL Win-ton-Balem, M. C. t A BARBER WANTED. Rufus F, Cald well. No. 21 South. Tryon street. . FT'BNRsHEJD ROOMS 1 for rent; oniy. NO. 41 N, Church street. men DRCO CLERK WANTED-Reglstered driiff clerk to tako Chrtrge of my drug store for t or 1 Wees: references required A. W. Thormsnn, No. I Montford ave nue. Ashevllle, N. C. c LATEST NOVFXTT "P" PUZZLE, Can ' you put me rea n xns rmi a winner for Brnnts: 1.WI0 sold In Atlanta In tin dayr sample brinetl for cents, silver, Menaetnonviue noveny -o , jnenaers-n-vllie, ,N. V. ' I'M LF.AV1NO Charlotte; offer to m1 m eleeiint. modern - homo Kllcarmth Heights. S. R, Jacobs,,. 'Phone 692, - j IFOR TtENT. FOR RENT Beven-room bouse 203 Rvuth Mvere street; water and gas. Apply to A. L, Smith. - , - , i FVRNISHRD ROOM for rent; In good neighborhood, with, all convenience. Apply (, or address 'Uf North College treof, -.'(, A met FOR RENT The entire three-story brick btiltdtng. 33xi:Ki. - with . cement basement at no South tiollsKS trest, new occupied by lnlrnstlonai Harvester Company, of Aiticrlca, Apply t building or to W. R. Uurwell, ' 4 FtR KBNT-J Two fumlstiel room j on ground noon Apply m N- College., . v--yspei-W "ASSAYINGS- A ' CHEMICAL XNALTStPS. OR3K3 OF EVERT ESCRlPTIOI. fi.-T!lS'r"T'F",,',rp,4,"i f t4II 5. lta strseu Charlottt, N. C. it , 619 Hits r o" tfc. $ rv upat, f-'H t v ary vvC1 " tkw II I 11 3 - r-A ,vr . , f' j;'i. -' t X mm L li W: To-day is a regular found up of all odd te. The pH on. siete, is almost a givewayv These prices ( r , ' are '?v Not Good After To-Day. Big Ooin -w sv j - e . - , se bhoes, lvlen s s r vjooas ano in iaci every iinem our 3 big stores are going to-day: at faigCUtSe SPRnSIGSTYLE STIFF AND 1 . 1 $250 'AiA TheSurbrise t '" One Gen Two in Tryon street store and one .y: .. .-,..,W ;-W..iY-fP, nii' S'M'"-- V'! W. '-W ' gr BWSpt sr..prl.s1sfPsl.4; FpjYB"r ,.,''!!','- in Trade., r It was a regular graba f game.all day yesterday and will be bntinued ill day , VA' f1i1;i 5".lf ttt't !i tlC0(etrrtiKt5 I ."H 'uL. ' )V'.Sr I'1-, , ', V c : U VIA 1 1 A ni mUKmj li,e Aw4jtM: mZ - - 't t y. i4- lit ' :'f7H ' - W'' sv 'sianr f V " ' ' . A X? ts , , O'l 1 , '. ' ' , , 1 v;-,: A-' 5 ' 0 ,?n.'i mm Pay - , ; jr m. ih9 m V" e urmshmgs,; Dtp - DILWORTH! SOFT flATS 9A. I .t i , M.vt : ' , .1' v t ',w ' J. ' i ' ij) t Countei ii e R 7 1 May. ft X!,'A: : f f ffll'. " ' ' ? 1 i t 1 1 " ' ( . tl 'I'M 'tJls'Jll.it-AJi '