SlfSl it ::z LUCKBPfiy iiard nix AS KXCTflxq TOMTICAti CAMK ioiairal fliw Game Between ItoIHns mid I he "Organisation"'' 0,1 . ne Mde and Blackburn and th "Hi u the Other, Resulting In Defeat " or latter, at Times" Sensational -Assistant ?Jltrict 'AUomey .Prtoe Will. Hold HI' MK What is to ' 1 Itecome of Sir. Brill r Mr. Black burn May Yet Ijonc Greensboro Mid , 1S Goldsboro IHwiofflc Appointments ' " -sidelights on thi Situation. Correspondence of The Observer, J Ashevllle, Pel. 5. The political ehess "'same Wing played by members of the " Republican persuasion in North Caro 1 Una, which has beeil In progress tor , the past several month, has been an ,'i Interesting and exciting' and, at times, sensational one. It has been ' played by Chairman Rollins on the one v .J hand and Congressman Blackburn '" and & bevy, of "outs" on the other. There have been msv mysterious amoves. There huve been times when A - odds of two to one on rrigrnnan Blackburn looked like easy money and when the game seemed all but won by , the representative from the eigntn pih , trk't.- At these critical moments "' there went forth hurry calls from one " v'"'01an,Mlt,on" for a "demonstration" ; " 'at the nation s capital. There weie . consultation! and ronferences. An , A V other move and then the political - A chess-board presented a different as ' '','pect. The President was standing 1 Vpat" bv the "organization ' and tho -i , game from the Blackburn rnrner ' 7 looked doubtful. Thus the game was ,1 "J ptajed. featured at time by moves ,' that bespoke caution, cunning and ' A -political sagacity. At other times -"'Caution wn but a ly-word. Rash , ' plays were in order and the fortune V of first one and then the frfher hung A''-' f th balance, it ha bee 'renu v! ou contet and a conW Cr i nad ' ' '"U. been watched vilth Intense !,.,reat by . the people from one end of North , ' 4 j - Carolina to the other. And now the 1 game hRM ended. The President has takn a hand and the president mts ',,;!'Vm V The three big political officers In Xorth Caroiinu have virtually been ,.;V 'disposed of. The President hns sent s tho Kvniito ih mimt-K of A E Hoi- St' ton for dlitrfct attorney to succeed himself; of H. it Haiklnx for collector , of- internal revenue for the western district, to succeed himself, and of J. ,' M. MUIlkan for United Slate marnhal .' for the western district of North Caro 1 ' Una, to succeed himself. . 7 The President haH finally and de y termlnedly shaped his course, has set-,-' lied the political squabble, and Messrs. ' Harklns. Holton and Millikan will re ; tain their offices for another four ' 'years. , This derision of Hie President to re '; Appoint to thlid terms these office holders was not the programme that hJ' her halrman Holllns or Cngnsi. iti.MM ,lu,ir,i ,.u,-, i,i r... JVIr" ntlemenaeslrrd changes In All three of the of flees, fongrens ' 'i .man Blackburn's course haw been ; .' ;' elearly outlined heretofore. Chalr ,,, man Roll Id" Is authority for the state ' . ment that he desired a change. The President, however, ha examined the " ' ' .-records of the present "Big Three" of- i, nce-noiders, nas round mat tne rec ords made by these gentlemen are ". .excellent and hence their reuppnint ; ment. r '", -' BLACKBUKN HARD HIT. , '"v.- pursued struck Congressman Black- s oum in a vuat spot, t tint vvagner, or Miaiesvnie, was congressman JiiarK f - burp's candidate for the marxhalHhlp. ' , '' The President Is quoted as saying thut he would appoint Mr. Wagner within tO days. There are those conversant with the facts who nay that, when the Prest , dent made Congressman t li Im promise, I.-"' , he was not acquainted with the full ,v facts; that since that time certain things have been brought to the Chief 'Kxecullve's attention which tho Prenl dent conceived to be sufficient ground for the changing of his mind. Thcxe :, additional facts, however, which have ibeen prrnied to the President do 1 , Wot in any way reflect discredit upon wmMr, Wagner. ;;V It is said that the President deter .A.j.. mined to reappoint Mr. llolton h ' 1 cause of that gentleman's record and 'feifS his efforts to uncart li revenue frauds ,.. and bring the gtillty pxrlles to lustlce, f , that MafHhiil Milllkrtn's tecoid is ex J ceilent: that Collector Hiitkln's tecord "i Is excellent and Unit the (ontinued w services of these ofiicet-H ate nocessnry ? to carry on the invewtigHtlun Into rev- cnue fraudx and to pfxecute thoge ln .', , dieted for vlolittlnns of the Inw. 1 BOLLINH NOT f'ANOI l).TK. (Chairman Holllns returned from .'Washington yesierduv. The oft-ie-IMsated statement thut thfi t hitlrman would become district attorney was denied upop Mr. Itolilns' nrrlvI her ,i , yesterdav The t hiilrnwin ml I he had ?,ot been h canilldato for dlxtrti-t nt m '..j-'tomey or uny other office 'The chmrmnn hImo denied the ,;k.'feport he ' hud l..-n nf ', terCoIle.toi iimklns' Job "t ttol '. -;Jins has sevirnl tittis lutelt denied that he v;ik n i.indldate for the. (11m 5, trict attorm)filili hut, notuil'iNtund 7" lug these denials, theie have been pr- alstent rumors to the contrary. It ?ti 1 h been n couceiled foct that the .chairman could have secured the ll- I ' trfct attorneyship Itud he been on up "$!cant. . The reappointment of H.-nkln Hol ton and Mlllllum Is a Hlgnnl defeat for sth! "outs '' This Im conceded. They jnavf! fmore(i for change In these, of- "! flee. The fait that thu p, ...i,t.n .,.- taken "the bull by the horns'" "and , j- i Kji"'Mitiii.-iM io sun nirnseir n not overly consoling tu th "'irganlsa- tton." ill is really vhtory for the , tblrd-lermer, defent for tho "outs" , V ; and t dog-fsli foi the "organ izi ion " ' ;'s Mr, KarkltiH. Mt. Millikan and Mr. 1 a ,',Mo!ton have always been termed "or ' ganiasatJon men and their reaotMilnt- -jj. mew, to ottue is viewed as n "or tranicatlon" victory. Ah a iriatler of -'.-fact, however, the insn slnted for Col ' t?-; lector Harklns' Job was c. (J. Bailey, .': 'pf Bavle county. Mr. Bullcy was In .'.- Arbevlll last week. 11 Is known thut ''ha was Introduced to certain persons - "as the next tollectot." Mr. Jlarklns, v however, had not been reckoned with. A it to said that, when he learned thai ha waa to resign and that Mr. Ruiey to succeed him. Mr. Hstkltis f forthivlth dec Uj red that he would wot leslga: that "ihoy" would hsve to fore tilth out If he went and then he , , ,toid hh;f to WttKhmKton. ; t k" 1 y" tAT 3U out, , , A. belief no obtains li certain ouunsre that Mr. USackbutn may yet Je our In the aro.ntmvrtt or tw of hi followers 4 postmaster at ttreens , boro jud.Otdslord. .These appolnt wtrnts. -jp hil-r- ua and it la vnow letrncd. on high authority that fiber H toing ttt Is? something doing along t an shorHy," The two afficea if-cfrded "artanlxaflvnf'. ap loeiits, and the "organisation' s l l "iflg to give them vp without a 4 tfuMirn f ht. It Is pointed out that, ii the I resident has thrown Mr. Black burn down In one Instance, the Wag ner appointment, lie may thro whim down In another. - Wi'h the rcappoiu'me.nt of District Attorney H;ton another third-termer MH (!(.. again,, 'i'bia will be As' eistattt IHRtrict Attorney.- Price In thf connection it, Is Interesting it teculite on 1 what is 1 to become of Special , A rxistant DMrlct Attorney 4. J, r.tHt It 1 known ihat.Mr. Brl'i wt aimed for Mr,' I'rtce"'! lace and ih IU epecltil ae;iartt j-'h was o.y t 1-js through 'the trial, ot the rev onuo .flifirs or iiaitt Mr. 'Price "went o-t fT Mr.vBtltt l,tf taken can of 2 ' It . stated this afU-rnoora that hetwniH, Another ila HJ beioimst for blm'jiv;"'.'V' V ihsk - And now that All, ,ft? 1prctlclly all, it (ho big offlUe-hotdeM hiiv been ftp pointed What will the "outs? do?-They h've font n W'"1-" WW tltmVth fight nd 4srupt the partv se'll futiber? Thesare unesTlon tbt r. benff asked bat tj answered f lr. the meantime the pemocrats are log on, Interested,-and ti:Jng nett'e, ST.VTESVIUMi AIR UNE. Project to Establish I4n to CSonnect With Proposed WeW B. & O. Road Projected Ktatesvlllc News Notes. Special to The Observer. Statesvllte, Feb. The project of establishing the Statesvllle Air Un has been revived and subscriptions are now being solicited to make a aur vov. This would toe a line running from Statesvllle ami eoutiectlng with th prdposed new road of the Balti more & Ohio, running through Shen andoah and Rockingham counties, Vi and paralleUng the Southern. The proposed Statesvlllo Air Une la to be built to the Virginia line, or as far as may be necessary to connect with the Baltimore A Ohio. 'That such a line Would be of untold benefit to the peo ple of Htatesvllle - does not admit of any doubt. ' . . The annual meeting of the First tk.i1 JtUA. - T nH A aslrtrUl HrtW ftf , gtatevfe waj hf.M Saturday at their . ntaren nOT This association haa only 1 recently wound up its last series and ! rnaie ttn excellent showing. A new ! Bries of stock has been Issued and I areuJy a great number of shares have , henn siihttc-rlbed. The officers elected opu- proaident. J. C. Irwin: vice pres ident, H. C. Cowles; secretary and treasurer, U Harrlll; attorney, I C. Caldwell; directors O. H. Brown, I. Wallace, N. B. Mills, W. T. KincaJd, R. H. Klckert, L. O. Wagner, 3. A. Brady and h. Harrlll. The board of alderman, at It regu lar monthly meeting yesterday after noon decided that there could be no more hogs raised in the corporate, lim its of Statesvllle. , , . Ruth, the little two and one-half year-old daughter ot Mr. A. I Stlm mnn and John, a younger son, were playing Friday will some bottles in tho nireet. Shortly afterward the little ' Xiil as waen v oww 1 ... 1 was summoned who pronoumed it girl was taken violently 111. A doctor case of carbolic acid poisoning. After j huV7 the child began to 1m- prove, ine imie ooy i.u n.n creosote and his mouth was painfully hiiriii Moth have recovered irom I tin Vailfl tiff nets. Mr. T. It Drum, of Salisbury, and ti Kva Wilkinson, of catawna, were married In Statesvllle Sunday afternoon 'at :30 o'clock at the home of the bride's cousin, Mr. A. . Wil kinson, on Sharpe street. Rev. li. H. Hohhins nerformed the ceremony.' Mr. niim holds a oositlon in Salisbury arid Miss Wilkinson Is the daughter of Mrs. Harriet Wilkinson, of New Mrs C. R. Webb returned last week from Mt, Airy, where she had spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs, t . c . Ashcraft. Mrs. C U Wheeler of High Point, and Mrs. J. W. Ma,rsh. re Thnmnsviile are auesta of Mra. H, I. Colvert Mr. H. O. Steele left last night for Philadelphia, where ho goes to attend the convention of the Na tional Brlckmake'rs Manufacturing' As sociation. Mrs. W. K. moan returnee, vesterday from a visit to relatives In Taylorsvllle. IN COMiVSION WITH CARTER. ;overnment Produces Evidence Tend ing to Show That Greene and c;ynor Were Fraudulently Given inside Track on Rive and Harbor Contracts, Savannah, da., Feb, tl.-Evldenee pre sented for the government In the Oreens and Oaynor case to-dsy was designed to show nn alleged practice of Captain Cirier to stmt out other contractors then the defendants from river and har bor improvements made under the super lsion of the officer of engineers with whom fireene nnd Oaynor are charged with having conspired to defraud the government of some two million dollars, One plmse of the method alleged to have been followed by Carter wafc inn withholding of specifications from onr trsct'irs who were not in collusion with the engineer. Carter, It was shown, in most ruses would enclose but one eopy nf sneriflrutlon. whereas It was es- sentlal tiist Hie contractors should have three, us propoHHls With specifications nttnehed had to be made In triplicate. Hv Cm time letters had .been exchanged and the. sdditlonal copies sent. It was nileged, thn date for the opening of bids would have epproached so closely us to prerlndo the "outsiders" getting in their proposal In time. Many letters were Introduced. The an tlie tenllelty of these was proven by Chief Clerk Sterley of the office fores of Car ter and his successors. They were read hv Central Thomas F, fcsrr, formerly Indue advocate neneral ot the United; Htiues Army, who Is assisting In the prosecution. Mr. Sterley ws tho solo witness. Imerest was added 10 the proceedings hv oiTdxImnil sharp colloquys between opposing counsel. RETURNS TO FACE CHARGE. ;affncv Stun. Alleged Diamond Tlilcf, Taken to Montgomery, Ala, t'lMlms Woman C.aie, Jllm 11 to Kings, special to The Observer. Gartner. S. C . Ft h. -Fred Deslafflno, who wss arrested to this city yesterday ehursvd . with stealing three diamond rlnspi feVm Mrs, K, L. Templar, of Montgomery, Ala., left last night on a midnight train for Montgomery. He con rented to return to Montgomery without the formality of wit'lsmon paper. He was In clmrife of Clilef of Pol e T. H I.o'khiirt, who will accompany him to MontKimn ry. M w seen hy The Ol.ser irm roneMprfpdent last night st the sta tion and seemed very Jolly and un con cerued uL the outcome of the arrest, lie luforrm'd the newspaper man Unit tie Was conlldfat l tm t the affair would n:it be uny trouble to hint and that the mutter h.iil not , a used hltn the least uneasiness. He still nuilnhttiie that the woman, Mrs. Tetnplur, with whom he lodgi-d, gave him the ihiKx, lie stated that tie had- tils pmwtd til ail of the rings, two In Atlanta and 01m after rcturtiiug to this city. lis Ktale llmt ho will demand a, prelltnlnnry Itivefititfrttion, and does not there will ever be 9 trial. - AgtMiitng Itnrns -are Instantly relieved, nd perfectly healed, by Buck ten's Arnica Salve, RlYMtbark, Jr., t Norfolk, Va., writes-. - "t burnt my knee dreadfullyj that It bllatered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the psin, and lies led u without, a ,"' Abw he!s all .wounds and aara - 9v at . li. Jordan tt Co, 2rugita,,; IIECOREOCOCATES SAMUEL HASTY ON KTAX0 FOI'H tlOt ItS Allesred ' Co-Cohsirfrator With G. W. Sanifid Bears Out Statements! ' Made by IiUttcr as to Itcpoats of lItU lerlcs Jewtrojel Alter Jitrect JKa '! auiination Ijastlng t'otir Hours lie - .to Turned Over to Prosecution and - Is . hubjfeted to 1 Searching ; Cross ' '" Examination Which WUi be Con- rinded- To-Bay Character,.-, Wit nesnea xainlneiL - , epeciai 10 Tns .uossrver. v Orsensbore, JFeb. I. In the O, W. Sam net trial In Federal Court Plstrlet At torney Holloa ' finished the crossleaamt nation of J, H. Smith, formerly a special employe in the reVenut service,- within a short time after court recoaveaed this morning and the rest of the day was con suiried in receiving the testimony' of 3. VI, Hasty, ' ait alleged ce-consplrator with BaiAuel, lie was under 'direct, esamlna tlon for four hours and was then, turned over, to the district attorney, who Is gtv Inff .him .vatMt: vlirArrmB njnft AYA-mlna- Ptioh. which will not bn concluded until 10-niorrow mornin. 1 nasty's testimony is In reference to the transactions which tie and Samuel made while, serving as revenue officers In Wilkes eounty, the witness corroborating Samuel's evidence and -tho reports mads by , him in all particulars.' Tho prosecution, is endeavor ing to snow tnat collusion existed oo tween tne officers ana the illicit oistu ters of that trrAHyn This morning Uenuty,, Collector T, C McCoy was examined as a character witness for the defense and this after noon C, Mebaae testified to the good character of CtriV T. H. Chapman, in ternal revenue agent Jost - before the dinner recess T. C Morrison, of Wllkf- noro. was exit mines as s cnnracier wit- ness for the sovernment and he- testified that Samuel's character was bad. on cross examination Mr. wataon asked him If he bad ever reported any ot the illicit distilleries that were sum to oe in opera tton. He replied that he had not, but that he had discussed the matter with Col Dula, United States commissioner at Wflkesboro. and was told that it would do no good to repon, as the officers al- ieaay Knew eeoot tnem. THE PKATH KECOBD. Capt. David Barrow, of Allendale, N. 3, Correspondence of The Observer. Winston-Salem. Feb. 5. News was received .here this morning of the death of Capt. David Barrow, which occurred Saturday at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. S, M. Prltchett, at Allendale," N, 3, Last May ha was stricken with Daralysls. followed by a second atroke three weeks ago, front which ho never rallied, deceased was a brother of the late H. W. and William Barrow, of this city, and was known to many of the older cltlztna of this section. Capt Barrow enlisted as second lieutenant of the Forsyth Riflemen. Company I, Twenty-first North Carolina Regiment. May tt, 1861, and was 'promoted to the cap taincy of Company K, Twenty-first Regiment, April 26, 1863, Ha was wounded and discharged on account of disabilities in 1863 and, assigned to conscript duty, in 'which position he served to the end of the civil war. Mrs. O. 8. Kendrlck, of Gnffney. Correspondence' of The Observer. Gaffney, S. C, Feb. B. Mrs. O. S, Kendrlck died at her home In this city last evening. Mrs. Kendrlck had been ill for a long time and her death was not a surprise. Mrs. Kendrlck was one of the best -known ladies in the city. Before her marriage she was Miss Spear. , She was a promt nent church and social' worker. She was a devout member of the First Baptist church. The funeral services took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Baptist church. Mra. Rebecca McBanicl, of Cumber land. ' Correspondence of The Observer. Fayettevllle, Feb. S.Mrs, Rebecca McDaniel died Saturday morning at the residence of her son-in-law. Mr, Jonathan Evans, on the east aide of Cape Fear river, aged 81 years. The funeral services, conducted by Hew V. (i. Smith, took place at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon. The deceased was the widow of the late John McDaniel, and before marriage was Miss Rebecca Uzzell, of Wayne-county. She leaves one son, Mr, S. F. McDaniel and three daughters, Mrs. Jonathan Evans, Miss es Lou and Willie McDaniel. She wag one of the oldest members of the First Baptist church of this city; in 'fact, probably a charter member as the church was organised by her brother-in-law, the late Rev. James McDaniel, one of the ablest preachers of the Bap tlal faith in North Carolina. FIRK AT ALBEMARLE. Flames Originated In The Enterprise ISnllillng Fira was jtnrcaiciung, hut Damage Was .Small. Correspondence of Tho Observer. Algetnorle, Feb, 6. Albemarle became verv much excited last evening over an outbreak of lire in th second-story of the Stanley Enterprise building. The fire originated in the garret and soon the flame covered t.e front end of the room. The bucket brigade turned out in full force and by hard work, the fire was scon subdued. It was a,, narrow escape from a destructive Are, The second-story or tne ouuaing was occupied by Mr. J, . Price as a rel dene. All his furniture wa saved, with only slight damage. The office of The Enterprise was badly disarranged by Thn' rani estnt market, in Albermarte seems to bo quite lively. Quit tv lot of property IS ciuingmg nanus ai suoa values, . . Our people are making -an effort to tinv. thn anras nfflne moved from the depot and located In town, v It is very mconyenieni 11 u, , BOLD' ATTEMPT AT BURGLARY. Wonld-Bo Store, Robber" at High Point Frightened Away - by Shots. ftpeclal to The Observer.,-, , High Point. Feb. 6.-A bold attempt at Wrrf7A3ks by continued selling on the part of de, ? f1?1'! ?LthnJi2 'uiKtwiM br,U nforMlsed ' bulls an7l did not eulminate fin,jr fiSK rrt t&ort"luntli prices had sold off or M points Mr, B. R, Itagan ena uegt nnywoiin, 5.rdiiVs fta-ures. In thi decline w,n Avar thn latter store, heard the e ash of a window pane and raising the window noiselessly, opened flre on th burglars below. However they made good tneir escapei Ji ne ,( .yim Company's truck had been brought into use by the burglars to carry off Mlr Cds, but 4t was not needed. The glare had evidently planned a whole, sale theft. In alt there were nve shots AOD DKATH8-MBS. Wj SAM MPSCO Mrs. W, (Stan Upwxmifc, Of Cherokee . ' .County.. i. Clw v-f. Correspondence of The Observer. 1 "'' tlftfttW. S.C., Feb, ..-Mrs. Sam Ups comb died at her home at Asbury Friday She was the wife r one of the most nruinlnsnt planters and merohants In tns rountr. . Mrs, . Jipscomb- was M Vesrs old. She had' been -married Ml yeunt. Seven ehlldren bad blessed . the - union, Mr. C. Vt. Wpscomb. of Union; Mrs. ftobert McOhe. Of Oreenvillei Kdward, Samuel. Warren and Itoso,- Mrs, Wps eomb was- a twin-eister of lr. C. - M. lrttiU Joen. of. this city. The funefol took place Saturday, lietna Mndued by Revs. J. J. dewberry and J, . Wilstm. : The Interment was, at the old family .burying ground at Asbury, . .rt ; , , xj Xm &y poisons in Itooi. , i'-- 4 4 1 Perhaps you .don't refill fthat many pain poisons originate in your food," but fme day you may feet a twinge of dyspepsia that-, will-on vinee you. Ihv , King's . ! New ; Ufa Pllle are guaranteed to eure alt alck pes due to polanns of' undigested fod or "tnoney, backv 2&cv. at ft,' H. Jordan ,V Co,' - di uf atore, ' Try I4 T i-i. I 11 Illl '6'''' t 6 . 2"i IT rr Trik s- 'is'itOv'ssssa li t -.'"A-' few small . biscuits easily1 made wiih :; Royal; Baking Powder.. Make them . ; ,'t; oiAaii its aitttin jiuwiiu. , uaurym iiji",., ,,' 1. iviix ana dekc iusi, , oqxore ; me, xncau CaV Serve hot. ' n j : ; -A ?M i f bw4mn j : tKdn these little hot biscuits wife". butter,' ana noncy, marmalade, or janieA ; , , ;' a You must use Royal Baking Powder ' mval Bakinq powder co., new vork s McKAT-ERWIX. Mla Jonle Erwln Becomes the Bride of Sir. Palmer McKay at Moorea ville Personal and News JMotes. Correspondence of The Observer. . Mooresvilie. Feb. 5. Last - evening at 6;30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Bass, mother ot the bride. Miss J-onle Ervln and Mr. Palmer McKay were united in marriage, Rev. T. J. Rogers officiating. Miss Willie Lipe, of Woodleaf, , and . Mr. James r Ritchie war the attendants. After the cere mony a iv elegant wedding supper was served to a & number of invited guests. The community is in deen svmoa- thy with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Goodman, who lost their Infant baby, born but Friday. - Mr. and Mrs, Allen left this after noon for their home at Charleston. after a visit to Rev. and Mrs. W. S. wtison.' j.They,, were accompanied by Miss Wilson, of Charleston, and Dr. Sarah Wilson, of Columbia, who were also visiting here. The Btatesvllle minstrels will ap pear at r the-' -Academy to-morrow night. They will have a big house, if tne weatner . is good. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wiileford and I son, J. if. wtileford, left this morning for Slloain Springs, Indian Territory. where they will probably make their (home. Mr. and Mrs. Wiileford sav they will return if they do not like the country. Master L Parker has Dneumonla at the home of his uncle, Mr. M. ,F, Nesblt. Culp A McNeely Bros, to-dav mov ed their stock of merchandise to the PresBly store room in the hank block. Just completed. Mrs. W, H, Horton and daughter. Miss Hattle, are visiting relatives in Salisbury. -Mr. Clay Williams, prin cipal of the Davidson high school, was here to-dav with his homo folks. Mr. XL H. Miller, the druggist, is placing In his store an onyx eqda fountain, - Mr Frank Alexander, of Walla Walla, Wash., and Mr. L. (1. Mclean of Concord, are on a visit to Mr. Gib son Furr. Mr. Alexander ia an old Iredell county boy, but has lived In the West for 19 year. INTEREST ITi MARRIAGE. Mi s -Carrie McCanlese, Who Was i Married to Mr, Carl Hammer, One of Kallflbury'8 Most -Gifted and " Popular Young Women. Correspondence of The Observer. Salisbury. Feb. 5 There has been no event of recent date in which Salis bury tooK a prorounder interest than I the marriage ot the gifted daughter, ' Mlaa Carrie McCanlesa and Mr. Carl I Rammer, of Schenectady, N. TC. Miss i McCanless Is the daughter of Capt. N. i a. Mccaniess 01 this city, and is ,a 1 surpassingly intellectual woman, be-1 aides being an artist hardly equalled In tne state. Her father is a wealthy 1 citizen ox'NaiisDury and haa had much to do with the . ctty'a phenomenal growth of the last five years. Mr. Ham mer spent six months here, a portion of that time as editor of the Salisbury Sup, Whose fierce fight upon the or ganized Democracy and the city ad ministration furnished daily sensations here and big occasional Items else where. He was a vigorous writer and made It hot for the town which in turn, made It so caloric for him that he wore a big pistol for days. He had many friends here an the same ana wnen the Sun. management .dislodged him, its all-season warrior went. The city was hardly prepared for the announcement that the marriage ' had , taken place. formidable parental objection, as well as that of friends, was that Mr. Hammer had been married and dl vbrcedf. lie cevtainiy .. captured a woman of grucea. - O. P. Ellis C. Cotton letter. kv rteieans Feh. 4. After declining ton points this morning In. response to th6 weakness of American market yesterday Liverpool recovered and closed at a loss of Ave or six points which should have been sufficient incentive ' for a good re ctum on tins d0 out ws was aeronw.-u from jeaterday figures we thfiik the lust remnant Of the specti latlve long interest was rather abandoned or hedged and as far as futures are con cerned tne situation iuins"v -. nutiiH'i thnn It has lxwn mX any time since the bull speculation was lanuguraiea lunt ,iiMni;:Oiif fllfremnnar from ijvernnol was ressonabls, futures are about on a parity with spot cotton wnne me specu lative long interest has been eliminated and we suspect that whntsver floating in terest now extt . in short. The spot situation ! now the . doubtful future, Dears, contend that margins on spot cot ton are running out and money is un questionably very tight so that many oon tanil that a. tarss amount Of SDot COttOO must b ' sold in order to releive the. tension, Jl tms snouia - prove iru a further break Will be Inevitable but with this fear removed the market is In a position to improve substantially and w think the , chances ore In this direction. Kxporter have covered ', their . holdings heavily to-day -indicating liberal move ment, in actual cottoa and to us the situation looks more tniaouragtng to night, than tt has done , for some time nast though we are not yet prepared to, ex. pact mer than a -' A woman worries Until she-gets wrinkles, then 'worries because . aha has them. ' If she takes Hoi lister's Rocky Mountetft Tea she would have neither,- Bright,, em ting face follows He use. ' 35 Cents. Toll or Tablets, -' B. H. Jordan, A Co,jx..,)j'-,t,' 1, r 0 . eith entire Qutaiae "Csr e Coi ta Ooe Dsy. U iJ,Nj t ;'r x' V Judge Allen's Illness Delays , Bun- Correspondence of The Observer, Ashevllle, Feb. The regular three weeks' term of Superior Court, for the trial 01 criminal and civil cases, did not convene this ' morning, according to programme. , Judge . W- R, Allen. wno was to preside at the present , term. Is ill at hte home In Ooldshoro aou KMiemi. rteiii was tw-uay nutiiieu that he would be unable to' attend. The sheriff waa instructed to adjourn court until Saturday, when It Is hoped that Judge Allen will be able to come to Ashevllle and -hold court. HACKNEY BROS. Plumbing and Heating Contractors Jobbers in Supplies HACKNEY BUILDING. W. FIFTH .ST. Uncle Sam says: Ob sack bonis of wblaksr bottle I bond. 1ott. jAen It w. made u4 AM bottle, ia afcl IMS) Italfjt, ItM. Tb as wbo virnnto'Srink tfee bt on mt nmtti UlllttM GOTISNMCWT't GUAHAMTM m w Aet so Poor it coNCiuim. , HURON RIVER RYE A au4 !' JUntuclir toes Maih-J '; . f Sen nn $3.8 tor 0rts, ot $7.6S rar 0 Quarts, if m tout like : ftship It bck ts mc tummtllta ui t will if mmd nr miuf. ' 1 4 , Aik say ak is fttcbawa at to th wlltblllty el ' PHIL. G. KELLY, SICHHOHO. U. , T Wfh let Pre Booklet (irlsf labl -formation on tlx Wblikcy Queitbo." Let Us Serve You For All Purposes WEsdlth.BestCoal. , V : that money can buy; 1 find know we ' can" give satisfaction, no niat ter whatyour fuelrc-' guiremchts may be- Blacksmith Coals a Standardlcc CHARLOTTE . C product too ot the World is contsmrd ereny year C W, C3VCS s'.aature en but. 23s Vn ' .t i f 1 -. V V w CA i, wi, t 1 J many c;,AL tcro to u. 3 t:. . 1 l l ,Llih that tic boards and ether el, f.r.Tirr,. - .. . ::. :: ' .Some of the boar J3 w c have lately cent out, or now making are as f 0II0.7.T: New City Lighting Plant, Concord N. C. Yad!:ia Dovclcnmcnt Co. Whit- . 1 -::A,.neyN.(a Wiscacrctt Mill Transmission Plant, ' Albemarle N. C. Water Vcrhs Pumping Plant, - vuatiubte jln. kj. reiiiwoius i lamng. Mill,, rem- - , Abrokey N. C. Wermont Mill. Bessemer City N. C. : ;! City Lighting Plant, Dallas, N. C. Barker Chemi- 'Xj ;V; ,cal .Co; Ingles, Fla;; City Plant,, DavidsonN, C. a - ! Henderson Cotton Mill; Henderson; N. C.:-: Irene ! V; ; ; Mill, Gaffneyj- & C. ,0Uak. Wall & McRae, Rock- a ;r ; ingham;.N.C. Marion M'fg Co, Marion, S.C, and;S' ' others, and others; and others. :: - r v. v - -1, ; y We name some of the very recent installations for , tj ? A,; which we have made theswiteh-boards. We.not, v I : a only make.switch-boards lor our own contracts 1 ; I ! A.butforothemaswelL , Fullline electric supplies a a - I andMSttJ I TUB TOMPICMS GOMPZWY Electrical Contractors aax; raueigh tin linnrir 11 hiiDiiirnn nt t rrn kxoxvvulb - COLUMBIA Fir11 lll.fll 'III IWlifXN III I Mfh VORFOLK XAsnviixEi iiiiui iuiiu uuuuiruuu uul,IwL.uu attjima " Incorporated. $IOO,08e.)o."EstabAlt nets men.,. No -vocation. Knter any iau or ena tor uauuogue. POSITION. May deposit , money for tuition In bank until .course 'la complsted and position Is secured, or give notea and pay oat of salary. ; In thoroughness and reputation JD. P. B. C. la" to ether buitnesa colleges what Harvard .and Tale are to academies. CAPITAL STOCK : .... . . . $30,00.00; ; - Not the cheapest, but preeminently the BEST. .These are , the ;'. largest, oldest and best equipped I schools ' In North Carellna positive, provable PACT. 1,090 former itudents holding: ' positions y, In North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed , by. written con- ' "tract Shorthand, Book-keeping, Typewriting .and English, taught, ' by experts, , Addresa ' , j 'i , , Vm , ' ' ' VAA4 iAA; ,i ' ' .'r .'v-.-.i v. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Charlotte, N. ,C , (r(7"V ''rV.'' - , ' A" I ' ..mUt ' '. . ' 111 '" A high-grade 'College for Women, equipped with ' every ' modern laU provement, -Special rates offered for second term.w A" - INSURAaiCE WOMEN SGOTT'S NVimLQ&KB , Quickly relieves such a eondltion-taklng away, ail paUW-nd ye- ! stores the nerves to their normal balance. . - 4 , , -, v in 25 0 - Centa. , ' , i, Trtm aample by mail ok retneet-' A- eiVOs 'aV.,50O TT GO.B Gharlotte, N. Q: Wholesale TIIECIIAfiLOnEf A " 1 T WB. 'ARB BOtJTHKRN AGENTS IfOB ;A TINNED WIRJEV GEKMAN HEDDIiES WRITE IIS POR Feekett Bishop Steam Traps Carried a Full Ldne of CHARIOTTE BIRMINGHAM Luai vuyexs au tuseaKea vM9K. vuc9 uuc4.u.iuiub aujt auxgictu 4 J1aJ,1A.1- -feJSelJ asWAMeal MSfa4aM f ,nat ELIZABETH COllliGE "AND : jb$ srwrAittiaim oasuamy company. .-:- z rinLjll , 1 f Vrt- I BOOTHERN STATES TRUST COMPANfA S' H --."r-f-.-,, .v( General Aeemta. it ..-.' - U A'i.t ' -',, A I HARVBT XiAUBSTSt Manager , .Insurance. Department A: v.? - " - r11". " IM. ; ' ' 1 ! "r :v"". " .A''""x .'rV'.l'"" '' "" "l'1., V!!gaiJ! 4ff l 1 f A IIIGII-GRADC COLIiKGlS HOB. XOVNO XiADtCS' ( . . .;, Modern in all 'respcts 1360.000 college plant; t fire-proof "build. A ings: ideal, suburban location; park of 20 acres "offers alt tho' allure- ' ' ment of a free, open-air life .In, this delightful climate; free front , noise, dust and smoke; overlooking beautiful. Charlotte ' and sur' 'rounding country, physical culture and, out-door games. , Car line i ; connections. J University - specialists and experienced teacher at th -L head,-of all department,. Limited tf 100 Boarding Students." i;r, . Established reputation for thorough work and good 'health. ' ' ( For handsomely jUustrated catalogue and full Iqforfnatfon address J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, j m , ? i." v" w ,A - Having qualified a administrator Of the estate ot NVP. Tredenlck, de eeased, late of Mecklenburg County, N C this Is to - notify all persons having, claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, to the undersigned on tr before 'the 16th day of January, 1907. or this notice will ba plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate puyrunt, ' W. C'. Md.Airm,IV. - Administrator. ' This llth flay of January, 190C-. ) 1 j 1 t- . e f I wo cro malriR? switch .- Charlotte No C. in ," i r Team -Strongly endorsed by Bus!--" time.. : We also teacb BY. MAU SCHOLARSHIPS free. To those who take Book-keeping -or Short' haadi we will give scholarships free In Penmanship, - Matheinatict, , Buel nest spelling, - Business letter WriN lng, Puhetuatton, etc ' the , literary branches that will , earn tor yen or Balelgh, N. C, 1-sL Sf " tin t Presiitemn : a fcr'ffcfca y Why 3 not " toeiure youreelf $ agaiast A .those dreadful Sick mad Nervona . Beadaohea which .make' life almost; 1 Unbearable f A Ac 'i , r ' Av - u .v;;,,; . Tlien there comee to every ' woman ; .-times when she 1s Irritable and fer-Wti-o i pleasure herself ' oV those ajreandAiier; tZr&j:7r .- , Agent. ' SUPPLY; COilAtlY- AND ' HKUnTitS '' PR AMES. PftTCHS.' . ', t x j jl ? f , 2 In Stock! also Card Clothlng, an4 A ; Al Supplies, EPARTANBITRO JCiXcepwon ana, aiso pro-. ; h uperauuuH etnas pays liiyr .Si villi... ; '( "T- 1 3 u-7r','r tONStfiVATOSY OF vOS!C SEABOARD AIK I.TNB RAILWAY, -; PAISSKNGKJ DEPARTMENT. Ppecial reduced rates Via Seaboard.' Fennacole. Fla,; New Orleans, La.; ..Mobile, AJa. Account Mardi Oroi, i'ebruary nd-27th, one f r, plus o. , round trip, ticket sold February ,-t, "r'ltli inclusive, Until limit slirch 8 1. " Tickets can be extended unt'l ifarc i J7tln loulxvllle, Ky. Account jDepsrtmirt cf Superinteriilence NaUon:il 1 .uv.iion. al Asmoclstlort, "I''elriinry 2 t It- mroi jMt, .o:MJ faro, plu-i I hi. ron't t . Tickets sold - ! "Iirii.n v, i sn-L , . E'jtlt, unal limit M .-') 4 h. C H. CAi 1 , V. .P. A., i - i - J k idJi.aU, C, I . A.Z -a. M -J 1 " 1 ? ;l ;l 1 t.-.n If 1 V 1 "I j5--t e