x 0-day Hi insxoriY;; t " t ' ' . 1! Jl-Abdurrahman IV; sultan of Cordova, dethroned by a relative and pufc to death. -.He wu a patron of science. which he culti vated with .success. ' ' 1U0S. John Comyn murdered by Robert Bruce in, the Convent, of "ttha Minorite Friars. , They' were . , ,l rival nobles. ,. who had recently -settled - tbeir .xnirerences.' ana agreed " vpon a revolt ' from the V dominion - of England. Comyh , , . - had treacherously revealed the ' matter to Kdward. ,r Bruce t' , hastened JO accuse him of it. nd after some altercation, struck i hV- him wltfc his dagger, and he was , Immediately dU.patchfd by f - Bruce' attendant. Walleran, Count of St. Pol, ".'. s Issued against Henry IV, of 3 England, his famous cartel of ""defiance. 1744. British Rloop Squirrel raptured tthe Spanish ship Pierre Joseph . S-. wth 195.O00 pieces of freight on ,'! board and a valuable cargo of S ' cochineal. Indigo, etc. , 1775. Charles de Heconddt. Uaron Montesquieu, an illustrious Frenchman, died. His '.Spirit of w Laws' has immortalised his ii-ffe. same.' . 178$. John Cadwallader. an officer . . of the Revolution, died, aged 44. He commanded the Pennsylvania troons. and was In several 1m- L jm' .! portant enragements as a volun- X!,:.::'t.i-m. , , v.A .... tin nirxHlanfi ' and esteem of Washington, f i;5.-The Knglfh garrison at Ber- f gen-np-Zoom disarmed and sent i ' prisoners to France. The French 7 also took Gronlngen the same w,"'-4...-' dav. 1795. The toner of Martello In Tor !,. takf.il hv tYtf Kritlnh under Admiral Hood. 177--The French pll.'ugcd Iyretto, ti a fortified town in Italy. The . soldiers entered the cathedral. .3T'17f7 The Frencli pil'uged !retti). which contained the 'holy ht'UKO." in which it ix said the Virgin Mary lived, ill Nueareth, and laid Ueir hands upon the madonna, ihf fafnoiix "Lady of Iretto." which they found standing upon an altar. In a nlchf of Bllver. surrounded by numerous gold and sliver lamps, and adornd Alth Jewels. She X " was wnt to Parlx. JftO. Portugal Invaded by the A . . r- French under Roult. ,V 1854, Faustln, emperor of Haytl, an 1 nounced that he had Bettled his ' famous dispute with Napoleon 1 III. of France. JM.ViCongreBS appro'ed the act to K- ( secure the rights of rltlxenshtp t to hildren of American citizens H who had been born In foreign I''- countries.-. JM1. Oen. Benjamin F. Butler, then " commandr of Fortress Monroe, j - 'established a system of free ,- schools for whites and blacks at tt f Norfolk, Va. ' 1M5, President Uncoln made public v't f L the correspondence which had passed between him and Jeff f . IvIh In the peace negotiations 1 carried on through F. P. Blair. 1979. Congrees. repealed the Pacific v mail subsidy. JSM. Archbishop Gibbons appointed -j, apostolic delegate to the national J council at Baltimore, , ArmncemeiMs for ManufHiturer' t Club's Hecond Annual ItccepUon J Complete -Many Prominent Men g,c" to be in Attcndamie. ; u, Wperlal to The Observer. . Jllgli Point, Feb. .The arrance- tnents for the second annual bartauet " of the Manufacturers' Club on the 14th " Instant are now complete. Letters of -v acceptance are being: received from fv. jromlnent business men all over the iaie and th Indications are that the T . number of visitors will exceed that of last yeur. Business men, manufac- v turers, educators and professional men , ' now look upon this banquet as one ,-v of the Important events of the year in ' North Carolina and are glad to attend. i As previously stnted, the principal tuiuirnii win oe maae Dy uovernor ' Glenn. His subiect will be "Norf'i 4ind ft may be Btaledn the authority VV" thftsSA Ir. B nnal ( Art Ir n.ti- thai Utm - lit r pupitnin nuvw vim I. una " speech will be one of the greatest the - '' i lr..'rrt nr- li a ,vi.r rnniiA The industrial development 'of North "J Carolina will be the keynote of the , invasion. impromptu responses are lo expected from Congressman Pnge, Judge Ilfiyd, Judge Douglass, Dr. Wln w slon. Dr. Mclver, Z. I. Walser, I). A. Tompkins, M V. ltic hards, John W. ' Fries, J. P. Caldwell, W. Ay. Blair. JMHjhuM Daniels and others. Mr. J. II. Buuthgate. of Durham, who itirlll- iy his mutchleHs toast to "White year to the toast, "Tlie Women of North Carolina." The Governor's ia(T, In full unl- , j torm, will hi- in iillt iiilancc, ;iiid will receive rutiny coui fplcs duilna thlr ''' l.'i.' 'It ft A,i FPl.m V ..ui. .... ..Ill ....... 1. j jirest-ni. Tills iihv will Univ.- on the lliglit t Ihc HMi ami will hh. nd the ollowlng day In visit mg the mnu- .V . ...4 . . I . . it. . . . . x, (jim.uriiiK jtiHiiTH oi tliK'l J 0til. 7 Jt WtU be u r'J IMHr dny nut nnlv for KUfh 1'oirn. Iut for tde Ht ni, a VU:f "Nt-art h Mf.l(i)tt flu t III M...W t . i. . I ' ("if vunni.ii. Iiaft n Ml ("nl I 1 I 1 1 1 I f 1 mtsst of Hip Klwood, and the spirit if r-fNrth Canilinii and lifr Krciit hwiiK Iilllg" will w predotufiiiirit. An expni sieriiiKrapFior will mk lwn all ihf sueeches this vcai- iiudiniid nntrons of the Presbyterian Col the dub win have the- uine publkthed i :iW.I..I ...... ..... I aJH4 be In sitendnnco. well n ,i. ' ' els I correspondwnts of the Wnt press. J The off luers of the Manufacturers' ' C'ub of Hiti J'olnt uro: President, V. Tot!illnon: vlre president, J. W. v ( Jtsrrls; secretary and treasurer. Am K. v irate: J. El wood Cox. V. C. Jonf?V' Bradshsw. V. N. Tula. J. J. fPhr- rlss. K. A. nw. W. T. Parker. R. H. 'M heeler, Dted Peacock. A. , .KM, , DIFJI 1ST COLORADO. A . i 11.11 . . .1. u)i:i.rmm4 m rs x,. a iti9-tij oi n-OIINIIU : 'Hfing Had Been Married Only a ' - r MtMt.T(ai. i Correspondence of The Oirver. Jt(itland Neck, Feb. ft. News was ' reeeived here yeeterday that Mr. A. H. 4 Hall, formerly of this place, had sud denly died at Colorado Kprlngs, Co) ."The first telegram said he was taken , suddenly lit, and his brother. Mr K . 'W, Hall, started at once to iww him. Before night a second telegram came paying that h Was dead,. The Todv III be brought here for burial. The t last telegram said that the body would , w monxiu inrai vrOivraaQ last ntgnt. Mr, HaU was married here only a few months ago, his hrlde being Mis ?t ami Dunn,, daughter ot the late A. i . Dunn. v They left in a fw days af marriage for Cidorado, where Mr. j I all hoped tor regain health and strength. He was Ahe json f Dr,- , li. Jlli, end grandson tt the htte Dr., A. H, Halt., an 'eminent physician .of this ... u"J .lii '. it -.Hiii h.iiiiiiii! in (' ji iiji. ' in il.in i In to rcius A cavn .is oxb dat ' ) i I.AXATIVH fmOMO aulnlne Teh. ...ik. lrutxll 'refund money tf tt fsils i.j rnr. fc. V. X1UV4C stgsaturr IN IUNUS OF 'A .RECEIVER Foijcy holders brinJ action . vf'rf t' r - . i twi--5, Jmlge .Ferguson Sign Order at Pnr ,; ham Appointing . Temporary "Re ! ' reiver J for Mutual - Reserve fund ; I Jfe Association of New- J'ork. and lltinc Company ito gltow Cause at f Greensboro fVsbniiitT' 2R1 Why 3 Receivership Should Xot be Mado : Permanent Action .Taken at- In- f. - stance of PoUcy Ilokfere Who Want Claims Satisfied. ; . , n i Special to The Observer.,., thirham, Feb.'.-rTonl-ht. Judge O. 8. Furgerson, wko arrived, from, Oxford signed an rorder, appointing 'tempor ary recetyeffor : the? Mutual Reserve Fund Ldfe Atwociatton',' of NeW ; forlt, in so far a the' buslns of Oils State is concerned. The Durham Loan & Trust Company, of .this cUy waa ' ap pointed temporary receiver, to glv boivd in' tha' uro ? of 45,00ft 'and v matter U madei returnable before Wu honor in Greensboro, at 10" d'clock Feb ruary 24, m. which time the company is citel to show causa why the receiv ership should not be made permanent, until sufficient funds have been, col lected to satisfy a claim of $2,000 made by J, W. Blackwell. At the same time Judge Furguraon signed another order directing the company to show cause- do, February 24 at Greensboro, why a temporary re ceiver should not be appointed for the company in this State. The 'first order was secured by Guthrie tc Guth rie, attorneys, in the Interest of J, W. Blttcfcwell, and the second order was secured , by Chambers Everett, attorneys, In' the interest of C. -M. Herndon and J. W. Carlton, Black- !'' claims $2,000, Herndon $i,800 and 1 1 l" company has been In litigation ni nunu u. mug iiuie, iMrfe nam bers of suits have been brought against the company to recover the amount of money paid, in, the policy holders dropping the policies when a change in rates was made some time ago. These litigants have been dragged through the court ?of New York and the Federal Courts. Now the ac tion 'taken is to appoint a receiver ;f or the affairs of the company and to Sat isfy the judgments obtained Jn tbe courts here. The orders of Judge Furg'erspn are directed to , James H. Young; ( Insur ance commissioner, and enjoins all policy holders from Wins; premiums to others than the temporary receiver. The second move, that of.' Chambers ft averett. Is a', notice to the com pany as to why this action shall not be taken. , -T , t, PVTIIIAX jBANQUKT. DIM r let Meeting at Concord a Bril liant Affair Th Visiting KnlgbU Knjoy Itoyal Hospitality. Special to The Observer. Concord, Feb. .The district meet ing of the Knights of Pythias was held here to-night. The Knights were at horns In Castle hall. It was a great success. At 3 o'clock the following programme was rendered at the lad les' reception: Piano duet. Misses Lore and Cole;, selection by the male quar tette; address of welcome, Rev, O. H. Cornelson, Jr.; vocal solo, Mrs. J. E. flhenk: p!aio solo, Miss M. El Fox: response to address of welcome, F. R. Mcivincn, jesa.. of Charlotte, vocal solo, Mis Rose Harris; piano solo, Miss Olivet CUne; recitation, Miss Mayfield Cole; selection, Dr. Reed and Miss Pat terson; refreshments. The lodge opened at 1 o'clock; S. 3, Durham, of Bessemer Clty delivered an address on "The fiplrit of Frater nity." Reports of the lodge deputies were heard, Mr. K. R. Preston, . of Charlotte,, delivered an address on "Pythlanlem as a Charkcter Builder." Dr. M. D, Hardin, of Charlotte, spoke on "What Pythlanlsm Btands For and Alms to Teach." All the addresses were fine and were enthusiastically re. reived. At a banquet to-night the menu was as follows: Blue points, celery, cold turkey, cranberry sauce, chicken sil ad. potato salad, cold boiled ham, madeira tee cream, cocoanut cake, chocolate cake, tea, cofTee, wafer crackers, Park er House rolls, cheese. Mr. 3. F, Hurley was toastmaster In the ab sense of Mr. A. B. Barnard, of Ashe- ville. Toasts were responded to as follows: Dr. M. D, Hardin, "The Uplr It of Friendship;" J. B. Fink. "The Host "Number 81;' J". 3. Etell. "The Py 1 hlnn ftoeially ;" and others. A large number of visitors were present. It was the greatest event Jn the history f Pythlanlsm In Concord. The visitors were highly pleased with their cordial reception. First Baptist Sunday School. The following is the programme which has been arranged for the First Baptist Hunday school Sunday after noon at S:30 o'clock: 1 Music by orchestra. 2. -Singing by school. 3. - Solo. Neva Cribble, 10 years old. 4. Prayer. 5. -8lnglng by school. . Selection by orchestra. 7 nolo. Mr. L. J. Townsend. s. - Klnglng by school, 0. s-tiig by "Ariel" Quartette, Jr., Victor Httttiebunks. 'Fleet "Williams, Lloyds Grlblile, Willie Phillips. (Aver hk? age years.) HI. -- Heading of lesson. ' ,il. lesMon study. 12. Announcements, n. Closing hymn. v itrritnl by the Primary Clasws. Quiii- a larnf number or the menas Ick guthercd there yesterday after- I ,t... t MVIVAM Kw h prepunitory departments ot Mrs. Fisher and Mm. Htevmrt's classes In the music conservatory. It wa a rl Insplratkm to look into the inlKht litHn faces and watch the nimble tiiineiH nnd see how well they seemed t be entering Into the Spirit and study of tii grat artJ The vio lin as well as the pin no was repre sented sind most of the pieces1, were played from memory. : s' This Is h very Imporlant grade of work for In It lies the hops of the fu lurr Rrfrtlrtn In Art Htwlk). ; r The Presbyterian Collee Art Ktildlo ws the scene of a festivity last night from I to 10 o'clock, the occasion Ile itis; the reception tendered by Miss An thony to her art class and a num ber of frlfnds from the city. The stu dio u brilliantly (Humiliated and decorated with beautiful potted plants. Delightful refreshments werr served by the young ladles which added much to the material pleasures M the even ing. Not th least aniohg the pleasures however, wss the opportunity of see liig the fine speritnents of Mies An thony's work. The studio was credit n the college and to Miss Ant bony.' Two Alm-Hetag Missionaries " Two foreigners, claiming to be m!a stonarlwi from Armenia, iv I pen calling upon a number of 'The. Char ktt minister for alms during tht past several days, ' Both of them are well built, wee rinsr heavy beards, with dark, hair and eyes and ef decidedly clvrlcal garb.. If, the reports beanie they have not labored in , train;, for verlbye -opened -this purs -wide to thenv ;, ' I . jt MADE JEUIKG .SPEECH r. - - , MR. BRrrr m niE s.iiCEii. trial Special: Assistant i Districts 'Attorney Makes) , I-Irs npferli Sot 0. Vtoaacu ' tion In Notd Case, Against . K i Revenue s Ofilorr SamnelSevewly . Criticised Col. W.' II. Chapman lor .Dereliction ia . Duty Argnment limited to ; Kight Hours for. Kanti ' Ride-Ex-Jadg :j Bynnm to ; Open for: the pefenso Tills Morning '. Cse Win Probably Go ti Vary Next , ."W ednesday. , t f ; -j ( Special to. Th (Observer, V; ' V V'- Greensboro, Feb. i.-Accfdln; to et pectatlons tha taking of testimony was concluded this morplng in tha-Ov .W Samuel trial In Federal -Courts .which started hm weeks, ago hut . .Tuesday; The morning session was consumed In ratieivlng rebuttal testimony front three witnesses i Introduced , y the district attorney and argument of - 'counsel .V, was begun upon the opening of court this After noon, the first speech being' made by Special Assistant District Attorney' J. 3, Brlttwfao spoke for two hours, clearly and, forcibly presenting th contentions of the prosecution. He ar. rayed the evidence . relative to ail At the courts relied upon by the prosecn-ttl-on in the but of Indictment and discussed, In detail, the testimony of all the witnesses bearing upon the non destruction of various distilleries. Mr. Brttt undertoqk to show the intimate association on the part of the defend ant with Bud McEwen and James Combs, two. of the most notorious Il licit distillers In Wilkes county. The speaker severely criticised Col, W. H. Chapman, Internal .revenue; agent, charging him with, falling to render necessary aid In -making the investi gations of the charges . against the revenue officers. He referred t the discrepancies in the reports of Samuel and cant ended that these alone were sufficient to convict. His perroation waa -very flnSv When he concluded he was warmly congratulated and com plimented by members of the bar end others. Mr Brltt spoke with the ease and grace of the trained . orator and had a remarkable facility of speech. -"The argument has been limited by Judge Boyd to -eight hours for each side. To-morrow morning; ex-Judge W. P. Bynum, Jf., will speak in behalf of the defense and, when he finishes, court will probably take a recess until Monday morning, at which time First Assistant District Attorney A, H. Price will argue for the prosecution. He will be followed by former Gover nor C, B. Ay cock for the defense arid A. B. Hayes, solicitor of internal reve. nue of the Department of Justice,, who has been assisting- in the prosecution of this case. Ex-Judge 9. B. Adams will follow him. speaking for the de fense and Mr. C. B. Watson will con clude for the defense. District Attor ney A. E. H6ltm will make the con cluding argument for the government. The case will probably go to the Jury next Wednesday . District Attorney Holton 'left for Yadklnvllle this afternoon In response to a telegram Informing him? that his brother, John Q. Holton, was a the point of death with an attack of pneu monia at his home In that town. TIIK DEATH RECORD. 8. tu Halladay, of Gnilford. Correspondence of The Observer. Oreensboroi Feb. 7,- Mr. 8. . Hal laday, aged 75 years, died yesterday afternoon, at his residence, hear pied mont Heights, Just west of the cHy. The remains were shipped to Stanley this afternoon for Interment Dr, J, K. Dee, of Shelby. Special to Th Observer, snei&y, Feb. . Dr. J. K. Le, a traveling optician, died Wednesday at ternoon at his home here after an ill ness of two weeks of Bught's disease. He leaves a wife and five children. Three of the children live here., the other two living in distant States. son. Prof. D. L. Lee, in Texas, and a daughter, Mrs. C. L. Newell, in Btan ton. Va. , T Mrs. J. K. SI Us, f Winston-Salem. Correspondence of The Observer. Winston-Salem, eb. 7.-Mrs.'- J. 13. Sills, wife of the local superintendent of the Virginia Life insurance Com pany, died at the Twin-City Hospital at 3:25 o'clock this afternoon as the re suit of an operation for an abscess in the head. Mrs. Sills had been com plaining for some time, but her con dition was not considered serious until yesterday. The deceased was a native of Brunswick county, and was born January 1,1868. She came to this city with her husband in 1808. She leaves besides a husband, three daughters. . Mrs. A. Horn, of Yadkin. Correspondence of The Observer. Winston-Salem; Febi J, Mr. R. B. Horn, manager of the sales depart ment of the R. J. Beynolds Tobacco Co.. received a telegram this morning stating that his mother, Mrs. A. Horn, died suddenly last nignt at ner nome In F,ast Bend, Tad kin county. The age of the deceased Was 71 years. Mrs. Horn possessed, a beautiful Christian character and was loved by all who knew her. i She Was an ex emplary and honored member -of the Baptist church at East Bend. The funeral services Will be held to-morrow and the Interment will be hrthe family graveyard. . Sheriff 11. T. Hodges, of Beaufort. Special to The Observer. ,- Washington, N, C Feb. 9.8herlff Robert T. Hodges, ne of Beaufort county's oldest and most highly re spected citizens, died this morning af ter a week illness, with - pneumonia, lie held the office of sheriff of Beaufort county for W years, v During; that time he won the confidence and respect ot all the county's eltisens, -He leaves a widow and three children to mourn thelf loss. The funeral will be conducted from the residence- to-morrow. The In terment will he in Oakdale Cemetery. The coroner of Beaufort .county,: Dr. Joshua. Taylee, by virtue of his office, aualtfied as . sheriff this' morning and wUl fill the vacancy until a successor Is appointed by law, f - ; . . .... .... .. ' If you cant do anything else, get put 01 me way oi mwpsi wiiv nukr j.j j i i -- I, I, - -- .r--ry'i- MAXIM'S MAXIM. - llcsdfet ' Claims Often Otrrfc More Conviction Thait Iioua Boasts. When Maxim,, tb famous Inventor, placed his , gun lefore a eommtttce of Judges he stated Its carrying power to, be considerably below what he felt sure the gurt would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a triumph of surprise Instead of disap pointment as It might" have been; if he- had overestimated Lhls irun's ef ficiency, '"i.; ) V,"' ' t , Our claim regarding Vewbro's J.Ier piclds M based; tm actual ; acletitlflo faetsv .'' it1, w,i : If a living germ Is causlnc : your hair to fall out It's the most sensible thing to kUI that germ. , - - - Smwbro'M Herplclde does this quick-ly-, and, (TectuaUy. , . "Destroy -.the caiise you remo-e the effect. ',v - " Uold by leading druggists, f Send 10c, la stamps for sample tat Ihs Herplclde 4n" IMrsltj Mich." IV 11. Jordan ' ft Co, Special Agents. ' ,7 , : 1 V : m LVyV-- CC el.a. ' t Imparts that tequliar lightness;' sweetness, and Y"; flavor noticed " in the " finest cake, short; - V : fe;:tfcake, biscuit, rolls, crtists; etc.,whichVv2!';:; v ';c;jIV expert pastry cooks declare K - -1 Wtalnablebytheuse Jfj;; o 'tv,vs,v 1 ' t any other leav-. .; -Jt;, lA r t .f enmg agent. Y - V ? 4 x Mt t A pure grape aeam of tartar, povoer.. No alum. 7 ' tf'X- f ft r It, ROVAt, BAKINU fOWDeS CO,, NEW YORK,,5 HESTER'S ' COTTON STATES IEXT. Aggregate for: the Season Tlius tVtr , Is Beliind Same 162 lays Last Year 1,028,000 Bales. New Orleans, Peb. . Secretary Hes ter's weekly cotton statement issued to day shows for the nine days of February an increase over last year of 63,0U. For the 162- days of the season that have eiapsea, trie aggregate ts benina tne same days of .; last year 1,028,000. The amount brought into night during the past week has been 190,273 bales. The movement since Sept, 1 shows receipts at all United States ports to be B,48,436; overland ocress the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac rivers to Northers mills and Canada, Bt6,K4, In terior stocks in escexs of those held at the' Close of the commercial year,, 638,73; Southern mill takings, 1,1S,009. '-...v.. The total movement since Sept. Is .m,va. .-i ,y- v - ;.- .. Foreign exports for the week have-heen 10,704, making the total thus far for the season 4,271,l'c .The total, takings of American' mills. North, South and Canada, thus tar for the season, have been 2,764,185. Stocks at -the seaboard and the. 89 leading Southern interior eenters have decreased during the week 15.085 bales. Including stocks left over at ports and Interior towns from the last crop and the number of bales brought Into sight thus far from the new crop, the supply to date is 8694,659, against 9,339.760 for the same period last year. Sea slaftd Cotton. Savannah, Oa., Feb. 9.-Sea Island Cot Iton uotattoni Fancy Fortdas. 7ty extra choice, do WA; choice, do 1615; Fancy Oeorgias ' full staple, T7W"V4; extra choice to ; fancy Oeorgias, 16: extra, choice, do" 16aittt4; choice, do 16(8 15H! 'extra fine Georgian and Florida, 14; fine, do Uf'13. New York Produce. New York, Peb. . Flour Steady but dull. -. - . Rye flour Quiet. Buckwheat HourDull, Buckwheat Dull. Oornmeal Barely steady. Rye Nominal. it Barley-Dull. Whest Ptrm: No. 2 red, 9HA elevator: options, net higher; May, 90; July. Wt September, 87. ' Corn-Ensy; No. S, 6m elevator; op tions unchsnged to lower; May, to; July, SOW: September, 50H. - Oats ISasr: mixed, smvoH. Jjflif-j- fltttftdy - ' Cut meats-Steady; pickled bellies, mW pickled hams, . Iard Steady; reilned, steady. ' Pork Firm. . , Tallow Dull. - ' Roain-Qulet, .80(g-13.86. Turpentinw Quiet. ": ; Rice Firm- "'...-. - .. . Molasses Steady. Coffee Spot Rio fluiet; mild, steady. 0 'Futures Steady, unchanged to 5 points Sugar, raw Nominal; fair refining ZT4; eentrlfursi. 3 n-3Z43; i molasses sugar, JH; refined. nult. t J. ' Butter Irrogular, unchanged., Eheese Firm, unchanged.' ggs Steady, unchanged. 1 Cabbages-Slow, unchanged. Potatoes Firmer, Main and other Eastern per bag; f!.7Fj!.0O, i Freights Quiet, unchanged. Peanuts-Quiet, unchanged, ' i svcQ&drvt, SEASON. Many T.adic Hae Participated Ill . . .Deer linnts at wme xoxawsy. Correspondence of The Oheerrer. Ashevllle, Feb. I.i-The hunting era son in and around Lake . Toxaway, Just closed, has been . ona of 'the most suc cessful since the .establishment of the. resort. It is learned here to-day that. during the season covering December and January,, many lady guests of the hotel have participated In, deer hunt ing and that five ladles have succeeded in bringing down each a -deer, The Toxawsy Company prohibits dogs on' the boundary and the deer of ten come close to the- hotel, ' Several limes during the past season guests from the hotel have watched the fleet-footed animals swim the laka within bow shot of the hank. A taw passed by a recent Leglstaure,' which hunters de clare an excellent ne,. prohibits the shooting of deer whil the animals are In the watsr. , i ,ii i 1. 1 mm. inn ii i.m ..li.-. r , Mr. L. W. Porter, a Well known lKn..j.1lM a..tkatnni4 Vs KrWCrll A ItAlllA 1 raveling salesman, nas pougnt a nouse house and lot, on the fioufevard Dll- ?orth. from M, C. a Bryant and .will tl Wn IMUHI VMra Wrifth mov thrt to llv. Tor vrl yar AAA lf as) DAaaM haaWsa llkfsswl f ShdhU; It by.' They will rome here about .the 1st ef the month, ' . V aura sa- iu hiibi a vs saw w aewv k j C I " ssash ?. NORTHS SHOW -WINDOW r-;- . ?H"ITS A GOOD TIIING--ttsK . ' . .THE riAKUFACTlIREB GUARANTEE IT. ' i-aL BEID-FRAJfKXiAXD, Air. William Manrico Bell, of Greens horov Weds Miss WUllam Smith Franklnntt at Washington. , -Correspondence of The Observer. WashlngtotXi -ITebi 7.--A quiet home wedding; was solemnised at the resi dence, of Dr. Willlara Smith Frank land. No. 181" Twelfth street, N. W yesterday evening at 8: SO o'clock, the contracting parties toeing Mr., William Maurice BelL of Greensboro. N. C and Miss Emily Girth Frankland, of; this city.; The eeremony was perform ed by Rev. William F. Docke, pasto of v the ' Mount; Vernon Methodist church. South, of Washington. The only attendant were Mr. Walter B. Bell, of Albemarle, N. C, a brother of the groom, w bo was- best man, and Miss .Mary Frankland, of Washing tan, sister ot the bride, maid of honor. The bride was becomingly attired In white organdie and carried a bouquet of bride's roses.' Her only ornament was a handsome pearl brooch, the gift of the groom. , After the marriage dainty, refreshments were served un der the direction of Mrs. W. S. Frank land. The happy young couple left on the night train for Klkln, N. C, where the honeymoon will be spent at the groom's old home. The bride Is a daughter of the late Capt. Walter Frankland, who was a prominent Vir ginia citizen and belonged to Mosby's Brigade during the civil war. She la a young woman of rare grace, lovely In, disposition and -will add much to Greensboro society, where she will re side. The groom Is the second son of: Mr. and Mrs. John S. Belt, well known i citizens of Elkln, and enjoys the con- fldence and esteem of all who know j him He is at present connected with the Odelt Hardware Co., Greensboro. They will be at home to their friends at 328 Gorrell street, Greensboro, after February 12th. MIL JOHN O, HOLTOJT DEAD, Brother of District Attorney' Holton Pasee Away at Vadklnvllle Re iniblican Candidate for Congress Two Years Ago. Special ta T'ue (KiservtjK '" : . "Winston-Salem, Feb. 9. District At torney A S.' Holton was here this af ternoon en route from Greensboro to Yadklnvllle In response to a telegram that his brother; Mr. John O. Holton, was dying at his home there of pneu monia. A report was received ' later that he was dead. Mr. Holton was well-known lawyer.: Two years aijo he was the Republican candidate for Con gress In the seventh district. He was state solicitor for six years. Careful Housewives 4 always nse Burnett's Vanilla because no State nure food commission has ever questioned its absolute purity. ' - YOU HWE A COLDWrif dose your stomach with a sticky lyrup? Work flirecl. get to the center of the evil, nib Gowani Pneumonia Cure over your chest or throat, or over both. .. , ? Not mere plaster or Imiment, niind you, but 54meB that penetrates aiid heals, : stimulates, purifies and strenotrwais vmirmlA. inflamed, weakened lungs, bronchial lUDes, eic?Jr.:V.: .):2''ii!.'i.."-v- ;,c-; . OOWAN't OOKS IN. It Cures CTOUD ill tm mintilM . coldsi sore throats,- etc4k in one night Guaranteed to curepnru-l"05-Ae most terrible, form of cold. " Uneaualled for rhntmah'tm and all muscular soreness, for boils, .felons. Ulflamed o!anr? Mr An drunriau sell fM m.t.. .iU bottiea, i.fiF oslivSts. BLf tf del3 on r.celpTaf pSi. afigjfe Durham. M. C WHWUh, ' . , " ..... . .: V ' .V M aSBBS i'V "" ' -'- r a .4 ' 4 J if;,i i , "k'0i r ! r ? RALEIGH COLUMBIA o s . 1 I irAIr INI t m ':vv i a -r t : i D1S AU GKION'S :; PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE MASHVI1XE -XaeerpotaUd $t0.IO,00 BsUh.-1 nau . men. No- Waeatiiml . Enter . any '. Call -ar Send fee" Catalogue. k POSITION. , if ay deposit , money for tuition in bank until cOurss is completed and position Is secured, or give notes and pay out of salary. In thoroughness and reputation D. P. B. C. Is .to other business eollegea .what Harvard and Tale are to academies. CAPITAL STOCK ' ' , ;tsicooiuTsi'r.' - ""'';:-' "-H'h" Not the cheapest, but preeminently tht BEST. ' "These' are the largest, oldest and best" equipped schools , In North vCarolma positive, provable FACT, LOOQ former stndehti holding positions -f In North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written con- - tract. Shorthand, Book-keeptnr, Typswrttlng and JDngllslv taught ;v hy.xp.rtt. Addresa't( f 4 - tJ ICIXG0 S BUSiBSSrGOtLJB GB " ,v Charlotte, J. tr talf IthV N, 'ipX i ''SX; hlsh-grada Coiles 'fotiiwomaaSi equipped with ' every r modern In. i prev.m.at :-pwteft--?tW'mim4Um. ' - vi F,vt ' i'-fi-t-,",::'&'mf S.y.s""rsj. iwswiesi o -A, , '""ii Vim.! r ';'-";u TIIEfCIIAiltOnEiSUPPLY'GOLlPAIlYS TETNED WBUL GIMIA3T ; HEDDLES AND ; HEDDLK ? FRAMES. i - Voskett Bishop. Uteam Traps Carried k w ' fr'sf-.-': :. Vsi CHABJjOTTE mam college and ; ' ' . . . ; t W-A-J jV t i t-iN . 4r ; - Tides liberal sums for: surgical operations ahds pays liC era! indemnity for permanent disability, rlssued by .', " c ' "'j SOUTHER?! STATES TRUST COMPAJTT. A T' Vr'' f.-v.-v-v : Vr'yOssa.gtK''y., ,V,?'itV;,-t' - S .rBAyBTJLABB ? "A -1 . i - j-a ' " ---- - - -' -- - j CHABIXTTE,',3fi1 C. i " r jrijuwv ,i''i ' A fUUtt-UKAJUJS tXJtOilXiJG Modern In all respects- IJB0.000 lngs; Ideal suburban location; park ot 2Q acres offers all th. allure-" , ments of a free, open-air Ufa In this delightful climate; free from ' noise,' dust and smokexpvecloaklng beautiful ; Charlotte "'and i, sur v rounding country. Physical culture and out-door games; . Car line " ft connectlona . ' University specialists and experienced teachers at the ; heads ot all departments, Umlted to-i00 Boarding Students, . ',' Established- reputation tor thorough -work and good health. 7',- .- ;,Kor handsomely Illustrated catalogue sn4 full Information address Barga:iis3n S2cc:iI!r.i::l.Vd:i!2s Vi' We,-nave 10 Tsecond hand Pneumatic Buggies," -V f -Tall in good condition and newly painted ' that we wilt sell cheap., 'Also a number of qther second r nana venicies, ; 7 1 :J,V;iVMVC.!!i'S-:S(!;:3 03. I p i i fm r""' T 0 PAIE :; i.JlULL.J f f:ouLDrtsi.v 'S. ' M t s -V j, 5-is ' i i tj "i !l ' COTTON '-OIL'- MACHINERY KNOXVILUU . Tr-Brw ivt wff , ;TeartL . Btrongly endorsed brBusU ' lima.. , w Wi , iu ar t Uitl. '; SCHOLARSHIPS free. - To these K who take Book-keeping; er- BhorU hand, .w will give scholarships-free la Penmanship, . MathemaUcs, Bual ' neas Spelling. Business letter Writ- : lng, Punctuation- etc', the- literary - branchea that wni. earn for, you e" r ;';.. J. $30,000.00 t .ill itf vl rcrWccnr; : r: - - , r i 'Vi ! J! r ! vi-rfr-t vn .f iu,aci. i. in stock;; ahw Card Clethlng and 7'?J' - BWIiyUfs'.',. t w . 't.- s- s - k.i MasaAas vs (o;.WATor;tf;' : ''Vs ;"'''w-'f :i''. t JfXJK YOUNG UAVJES t- "Xtf eoUsae Plant: fire-proof build- ' .1 J , , ,t - i j, liif a - trr ff" '" swuwisissi twiiiiitstswsisssasisssiauotts, ns v 1 II J ', ' , ssirie-Wi8saks, tO,UasiDtttJstemg8ts, v .. ,? . v ' 1 , . 4 I J " . J ' ?'';.'.i: '..' ' :'..,-;. 1 w ........vV. ;',-.;' -v. v':...;.7.,-.''.,I'.'. .;;";;;'''. '... - .;'' . Ji t$&: f f 4 i & 7'

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