CIAKLOiTi: DAILY OILRVER, FEBRUARY 15, 190G. ''JCIALA:;DPrOSAL Rinri;;t rnnoiiT iciurr::s. rr,u-:iv:i ox gold dcrixq WAR 4 ' - '- I r Sllss Tula Adams, of Gastonla, was the guest yesterday of Mis Dora Allen bater. Jdrs, ' T. -J. IVltherspoon returned home last night after a visit to M Edgar Love, at Llncolnton, Mrs. ' " Mrs.-C. M. Carina will entertain the t Friday Afternoon1 Book Club, to-roor , " row at ' her, homa on ; Bouth-, Trypn w street. X J . f ' v', r,-fM,-j-1-i a' 'V i ,v i v j. . jfrs. William B. BaskervlUe and Miss ' ' ' : Sudle BasRerville have returned to the t, f v J f' city, after a, visit to relatives t pa v,j f Wgn. ana jLurmourg, , f j , " MnrniihaM Fewelf. of Rock Hill. ' ' 'S. C. spent yesterday In theelty on ; her return from Jackson, Tenn. where she visited telatrves ana menas. - - , . Mils Luey Bobertson. has ' returned 'lioroe after visit to Mia Nettle Dock ery, at Lasrtnburg, Miss Dockery has gone to ;oin juage ana u jr, p. wauier. . t .s Mr. A. . P. Rhyne and Mia Helan .'Rhyne. of Mount Holly, spent yester- in th ttv Thev Were aeoompa- , nied n their return last bM by Ml "... ' ; Mary Spencer Anderson, who will - be fi - t the gTieat Of Miss Rhyne for some time. v f ' ' " ' " t The ERsabeth " College Chorar'So clety lve 4ts recital at tne oneg auditorium thl evenintr at o clock. The society has been, practicing for the tecltal for several .weeks and ji nne programme wfll btdpKfl. ,The.- pa trons and mend of the college are Jn- f Ag vlted to attend, t , ; j Cards readln follows were re V. '''ceived 1ft thelty Vfrterday: J . The Faculty, and Student Body ,'j ' of tha Presbyterian College- "r ws -rrlday Evening. February 16th . A 8:W-U:S9 P.' rn. ' Charlotte. N. C; : , T, , ( The Colonial Dames meet this after , noon at 4 o'clock with Mrs, H. A. Lon T v don, Jr., a,t her home on West More- ' , head street. - - Miss Beasle Steere is to entertain j ' at her home on South Myers street this evening. . , - ' Mrst Edwin' B. Oresham and small son, spent yesterday at the home of " Mr. and Mrs. . P, C. Henderson. nea.r - Croft. . ,i- ,- ', . ' , The Eclectic Book Club will met with Mrs. A C Barron to-morrow af; ternoon at 4 o'clock. " ' ''.':' "V 't ' i t Vn t T Wfnn entertains at carda this evening from 8:30 to 11:40 "I o'clock in honor! of her guesta- Misses ; , Laura and Alpha Oreenof Atlanta, Cla. .'. . . , 1 ' 'The Chetldon Book Club meets with Miss Hattie Orr this afternoon at 4 - o'clock, at her home on East avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Lethco leave the of the month for an extended trip South, to pointa in Florida, Cuba and Una hare. There are many stories in circulation . - as to the number of weddings which are to take place this spring. DUworth, North Brevard street and a neighbor ing town are among the latest to claim a bride or groom. Miss Annie Bryant hae returned to the city i, after spending several days in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. W. W. Morrison, of Concord, Is sending several days with her aunt. Mrs M. E.Aabury, on Bast Fifth Mlw -Rachel Ho werton charmingly ' . entertained at her home on West . Trade street last eventng in honor of . ... her ' guest. Miss Anna . Morrison, of Mariposa. The feature of the even . intr, and one thoroughly In Jceeping ' witn at. valentine s s tay, was the . rame of progressive proposing which was keenly enjoyed by all. Each young man offered himself to each '. young lady, at the conclusion of which a vote was taken to decide the ., ?young lady and . the young man who v . had deported themselves best under -the circumstances. The prises were won by Miss Sara Hargrave and Mr. ' ; Robert Glasgow. Jr. The following -named were the invited guests: Misses .l Julia Christian. Helen Bridges, Sara v'fj : Hargrave, Picket Anthony. Nell Sar ret and Mary Nell Mellon, and Messrs. E. R. . Preston, Robert Glas gow, Jr., Alston Morrison, Tom Walsh, George Moore, Frank Mc- :',' Hae,. Malcolm Bradfleld and Jackson Bcaell. . i . MWs Vashtl Keys leaves to-mor i !;row m,ornlng for Charleston, S. C, to ' s visit relatives. .' , ' rf.' -i - . . .. -l 5 .... : . Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gruff, of Mocksvllle, were ' guests In the city ; - last evening, stopping at the Central, Mrs.. Charles A. Mose.'ey Is visiting hor son Mr. C. A. Moseley, Jr., who , , 'Is attending school at Florence, 8. C. From Florence she will go to Atlanta, , Ga., where she will visit her sister, x She will return home the latter part - nf the month or tho first part of Murch. . - ' ' r. -. COUNTY SOCIAL. " MJs,01a Ppratt entertained a nutm ' ,bcr -ot - friends, at her home in Berry1- ,J, '-; bill township,- last night, in honor of Mi Jnoy Waaler." -, ' "Mr. Price Neely, of Steel Creek, "'; ' Jef t lat evening for Laurlnburg, where , she wilt be the guest of Mrs. Walter v-i McEachern.,. " - - Rev jE... Brfce IRoblnson, of Marsh .:.;.,,;: vllle-, Is spending a few days with rela- ? stives In Steel Creek township, n route i t nerma, Ala., -where he has accepted .. a call to the, pastoi-ate of Alabama ' u etreet Presbyterian church. ,;,-;, iV Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Furr, of Newells, " spent yesterday n the ellt.'i . tf! Mlssea Willie "and "Cora Newett de- 4 ,f . lightfully entertained, a number of ' , their frienfla at a , Valentine party at - Ihelr home la Newelie last evening. ftodaBs Lecture ,To-Morrow Wight' - , Mother Jons, who 1 one of the .best known of the lecturers preaching 5 socialism, will - speak at the court - ' house to-morrow evening at S o'clock, t " The, speaker is a strong advocate of r aoclalhrtlc principles, especially with , regard, to child labor.-" She was one of the leadens of the strikers at Crip ' " pie Creek two or three years ago and, .because of her refusal to leave the V place, wae Jailed, ;-f ,V i it..y.' 4- .Mortgage on Clyde SteaniHhlp ' Cont ' : Iny Rerorded. , , Bath. Me..-. Feb. 14. The 'mortgage v. given by the Clyde Steamship com. pany to the Knickerbocker Trust Com' pany, of New York, as securitv fn mn iwue Of bonds amounting to $4,000,000 wm recoraeu 10-oay m . the county Monty refunded If Blue Ribbon Imon ! er Vanilla, falls - to v please. '.' Absoluu-ly ura' Uues'twlce as tut. ., .-..y.-.- Humored That the Seaboard Air Line is to Uxpoiul Much Money In Char lotto bUortly Track to be 1m . proved. The Information comes from the best of authority s that the Seaboard Air Line ,13 making ready to expend large sums of money In and about Charlotte In the near future. The depot facilities are to, be materially Increased and ar rangements are to be made so that any amount of freight may be handled wttfi expedition Already the Seaboard has number of ootlona on urban and uo- urban real-estate and .the road Is re puted to he looking for other desirable sites which may be utilised. It U stated that number of elde and spur tracks are to be laid and several addi tional warehouses for, freight r to It is rumored "also that the' officials of the Seaboard contemplate doing vonstdwrable repair' work thia spring on the line which runs from Charlotte to Rutherf ordton and - from charlotte ; to Monroe., iris understood that Char' lotta wilt be made headquarters for the -construction corps. In this con nection l mar be noted that Capt E. Berkeley;- division superintendent, with headquarters, in Atlanta, Ga.. and General Superintendent; C, H.-Hlx. ot Portsmouth, Va,, . passed through the city Tuesday en route- to Rutherford ton for the purpose of inspecting the condition of the line so that they may suggest what is needed to be done.-- t.BAjik OFFICERS RE-ELECTED," f.v - . : iX -saswii i.nfli- f- r.:,-:V': f ,i- - 'I'iV'AWi1- Cltarlotte Trust and Realty Companies , fte-KIect Directors ana O In cert A . Prosperous Year. The stockholder of the Charlotte Trust and Realty;' Companies met in annual session at -No. 18 East Trade street yesterday: afternoon. Mr. T. W.Wade called the meeting to or der and MrrtoH, Hagood acted as secretary. . . -Both ; boards of directors were re-elected, t aa . follows : . Of ; the Charlotte Trust Company, Messrs. W. H. Belk, J M. DaVla. T. C. Guthrie. O. P. Heath, H. G., Link, J. H, Little, W. m, long, J. M.. Patterson and J. W. Zlmmermant of the Charlotte Realtv Company .Messrs. W, H. Belk, O. P. Heath, H. Q. Link, J. H. Little and C. m. Patterson. -i. With the election of the directors, the etockholdera meeting adjourned. The boards of director at once went into session and reports were received from the several bank offlciaia. These re ports demonstrated the fact that both Institutions had had a. most prosper ous (beginning aqd that the prospects ror tne future were exceedingly bright. The following" named were elected of ficer of theV trust company for the ensuing year; J. h. juittle, president; C. : M. Patterson, vice president, and L. R, Hagood, cashier. The old officers of the Realty Company were re-elected, namely: J. H. Little, president; H. G. Link, vice president, and A. G. Craig, secretary. . .:. THE CHANGE IS BEWILDER1XG. Prince Docs Not Recognise th MhIc pen After, a Cork Carpet Has Been riacca on tne FloorContrast Be tween int Stowe and Jack Dog. The workmen last evening covered the Mule Pen with a new cork carpet. The floor had 'been bare for some time and . Prince. ? the handsome greyhound mascot of the shop, could not believe nia eyes when he walked into the nen. He entered cautiously, advanced about three feet, from' the door. crazed around In a daied, doubtful sort of way and, with -a sad shake of his head, iumed tall and walked out. Jim Stowe. who has better breeding than any of the canine retainers of tne establishment, came to the door, looked around, smiled, and nranced around the den, congratulating the re porters bh the ' tmprovemerft. In con trast to the actions of Jim Stowe, were those of Jack-Do, the monsrrel wh In herits as hie natural master the mail ing cierk. Jack was altogether indif ferent to the changes. He came In without noticing the carpet, curled up under a desk and Imagined himself a inorougnorea duh pup. ' Mr.. C. M- Short, who has been spending some time In Nashville, Tenn., baa re lumed xo ine ouy. Genuine Mad Stone. A genuine Mad Stone. Will cure bites of rabid dogs; will cure hydra phobia; ' will cure bites of poisonous snakes; -will; euro lock-jaw;, will draw any poison from the system. I have treated hundreds of cases and every one has been. Cured. A, D, YELTON, , Lattlmore, N. t f Wears Twice 71 s V tf we offered to do yeur laundry work at half price- If we offered to sell you sOme v thing at half price you would : think- you were getting bar- gatna la Ifc not Just as big a - bargain to make your llnenr V wear, twice as long 7 Why not . direct an inquiry regarding results from one of our cus tomer.. They will surely speak , j their satisfaction. AS fOR QUALTY Well, that speaks for Itself.' : Our laundry work Is so dis tinctive, so characteristic that f you-can teU-It as far' as you can eee. We launder for par fllcular people,; who doea your work T . ' ' - MODEL STEAM II I VALENTINES: :;SEritiUEfffAL:i:' AND comics... yalentineiBookai: An Old ; Sweetheart r of ' Mine, Evangcl&e,' Hearts and . Masks.; All illustrated;' ;by Christy ff. lc-stcn,;Cixcn fi Co ,Some Interesting' I-lgures About tho Relative Valuw of Gold and Con federate Currency t During; the War, f The comparative value" of Confeder ate currency rand t gold-' at different times during the " great civil war, is very clearly and strikingly shown In The Democrat, published In Charlotte in the summer of 186S. ' The paper be longs to Mr. Zack Taylor, ofi Crab Or chard township, and fs a curiosity. ,- ' At the beginning of the year 1841, the premium had increased ,to SO, cents. January 1st, 1S62, the premium was but 26 cents. During the summer of 182. this premium increased until it , had i reached, on June 15th, the sum of 13. The , premium - on November 1st, wan $S. - ,,',11, t "p s In 1863, the difference 1ft value be tween the two currencies, United States gold'- and Confederate i. paper, began- to Jump : up , with leaps and bounds, r March 16th the premium on the : yellow metal wa 6; May 15th, 6; June lSth, $7.60; July IStb, $10: August 16th; $15. During the months Of September, October and Novemben 1863, the premium remained the same. On December lsc however, It Jumped to $20, t w j A ls,f i ' During the year 1664, the premium on gold remained about $20. It fluctu ated, "some times being1 $23 and then again only $11 In December, however, it Jumped to 150 and from theft on to ,the close of the war with a few Inter missions, the . preponderance of gold over' the other currency became more and more marked.-" ' January 1st, 1866, the premium was $60; January 16th, $65; February 1st. $56; February 15th. $4; March 1st, $55; March 13th, $57; April 1st, $70; April 15th, $80; April 20th, $100; April 26th, $200 April. 27th, $300; April 28th. $500; April 2th, $800;; April 1st, $1,000. and May 1st. $L200. rnen. Ing sa4e of seats for James O'Neill In "Monte , CrUto" ventonlav mnrnlnar Much Interest Is being manifested In this production, - which will appear at the Academy to-morrow night. ' i Lava Lotion With Benzoin ts, a splendid preparation f or 1 -..the 'face , After Shaving It will allay the smarting and burning, will make a quick heal of the little gashes, and will gradually overcome ten derness. It makes jthe skin firm, smooth and soft, . and hea!s the irritation around In growing hairs. When you take off a collar and find a red, chafed streak around your neck, rub on some of the lotion. 25 CENTS AT HAWLEY'S PHARMACY By mail post paid for 23 cent. STIEFPS CLEARANCE SALE AMONG THEM WE OFfER : STEIVWAY KNABE KRANICII & BACH MATHUSHEK IVERS A POXB FISHER EVERETT .tc fctc. " All Uprights . PracticaUy Write To-Day. - New Chas. M. Sticff ' . v - , Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet . Tone ; Soutliern Ware rooms - - 5 W. Trade Charlotte, V. d. WILMOTH, fgr , ' DATS j -j- Bad --weather days are likely- RAINY jv " "otherwise cheerful home. Kept Indoors by weatheri 'tinabio' ? ( ,o reftch.-lrienae .or neighbors,' the most "optimist! housewife U liable to 'ah attack of t,he ''blues," At wh tlmea the BellJ tele phone. Is doubly valuable. It" I a safe and dry entrance Into the homo of. the most distant friends. It fears' neither darkness tior weather. ' Jt brightens the dark; hour by dlnpelllne .loneliness." f" ;-. -4. You ;need ,such" an agency 'in your home, -V't-fVK I vto,C co cc;;:::.a scutiei tm Taifi:::i e - f ,. '.(.. .a if" i. V V i 3 f.!ore Days of the Sale T o- D a y is Linen Day Sale Fine Dam asks arid Doylies. Our regular Prices on Table Linens are acknowledged to be low; our trade In this department, Is rapidly building up. Thursday we cut these prices and Offer you 'goods that you must soon buy anyway, at very attractive cut prices. , 63- inch heavy bleached Cotton Damask . , 23c. yd. 70-Inch extra heavy unbleached Union Linen, -splendid value 46c. yd. 64- Inch half bleached Damask, a splendid value, all linen . . 46c. yd. 70-lnch bleached Union Linen, a good one. . .. 46c. yd. : 70-lnch German Bleached, all Linen, well worth 76c- 61c. yd. 70-inch full- bleached, all Linen, heavy; handsome patterns. $1.00 grade .. .. i. 7c. yd. ' 72-inch full bleached, extra fine, double-faced Satin Damask, nice enoflgh for any table 8e. yd. Extra good Linen Napkins, excel lent patterns $2.98 Doz. Also good values at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, etc. jiimsco. 18 WEST TRADE ST. Money Saving Piano Propositions JOIN THE Mathushek Club ! ,100 style 46, regular price $420. To club members $340 cash, or pay $20 cash and $10 monthly, with In terest The New Scale $400 Ludden & Bates to club members at $287 cash, or pay $10 when you Join, then $8 monthly with interest. ' f Or the Kensington $275 styles, at 1190 cash, or on terms of $10 cash and $6 monthly, with Interest. Special features In either club to interest careful buyers who want the best for the money invested. write for our "Bank Book" offer NO. 8 its free for the asking. Quarterly or yearly terms if desired. Ludden & Bates S. M. Ii SAVANNAH, GA. to prove dismal and lonely "in even ca c TElECr.'.Fil Si'JH : Anniversary i " J BRING L J BLUES. :-t:r, m Our phenomenal success yesterday, the opening day, proved; , , that we have the confidence of the people , ; Three Days More of Immense Bargain-Giving Embroidery Sale 10.30 This Morning 15c and 20c Embroidery at 5c Lengths 5 to 6 3-4 yards, beauti ful embroidery; values 10c, 15c and 25c. Sale Price 5c Silks Extra Special Again To-Day 75c to $1.00 Silks at $1.00 to $1.25 Yard-wide Silks at 75-cent Silks at 50-cent Yard-wide Be. Val Lace at 2c. 10c. Torchon Lace at.' 5c. 25c. Large White Aprons at 19c. 25e. Gilt Belts at 25 and 38c. Fancy Collars at lc, 50c. Gilt Belts at 88c. $8c. Ribbon at Ilk-. 35c. Ribbon at . 15c. Have Every purchase of hlmxelf made free. No GoodS Charged at Sale Prices Office Furniture Tables, ' Chairs, Desks, Filing Cabinets, Catalog Files,N Storage Cabinets for Electrotypes, for Spe cial Stationery or Blanks, Card Indx Cabinets anything useottn an office. Call or write for cat alog describing in de tail the articles you are interested in. STONE & BARKER CO. oma oinrnim THIS 18 MY OPINION, SUMMED CP. OF I8. JOE PEIISON'8 KEMEDV. It Is the Bent McdlcUic Compounded In Tills World. or rnore than two years I was a severe sufferer from cnionlc dyscn tery, brought on by acute Indigestion. Almost dally I had to take something for- relief. It also brought on a ca tafohai headache, from which I suf fered dally, and which debilitated me to such an extent i wouui nave iu in down three or tour nour eacn aay, an if mado the flesh of my face ex tremely sore and sennit I ve to the touch. My general health waa greatly impaired, of course, ana , was. wean and nervoUB . One day t was at my nn. home, and after dinner I was taken, as usual with one of those terrlfflc catarrhal headaches. My daughter-in-law had been giving Mrs. Joe Person's to her Itttle boy for ec sema, and It had cured him. She suggested that I try !t as a bottle was then on the mantel. I did to, and the very first dose I took relieved that headache. I continued it that night and the next morning, and even, on the second day afber I commenced It, I did not have to He down at all, for the first time In several weeks. , " I then bought a docen bottles, and toolt ; nineteen bottles before I stop ped.; ' My condition was . brought on by malarial fever, which I had con tracted In Texas fifteen years ago, and from the effects of which I have been suffering ever since. , Any one, to see me now and be fore I commenced taking Mrs. ' Joe Person's Remedy, would hardly know me ' for the same person; ; For- the first time in fifteen years I AM WELL and my heaitn nas Bean.-,, restored. This. la my opinion, summed t up, of Mrs, Joe- rerson s nemeny;' , It Is tins Boat Medicine Compounded .i t in?iiw worhi. v. ' Only suck to It - long enough (o eradicate tho trouble front tho blood, It will cure, land It Is perfectly harm less - in every respect. For - fifteen years It is the first thing 1 have ever found that counteracted that ma larlal trouble contracted In Texas. i , MRS.. MARY AMANDA NASH. Lumberton. N. C, Dec, V J05. ' ! i . N 1 l V ' f ' , - - ' - The Attraction of the Hour Bleached Another lot White China Silks at Other Clearance Specials for To-Day $1.50 Bolt Long Cloth at $1.19. $1.25 Bolt Long Cloth at 8C. 60c. Woolens (short lengths) a'-. .35c. 68c. Woolen Dress Goods at S3c. 76c. Table Linen at 50c. $1.60 value Table Linen at.... 91.00. $1.00 and $1.25 Napkins at 85c. $3.75 Napkins at 92.95. Your Photo Taken Free $1.00 or over entitles customer to have one photo of Photos taken In Suit Dept. Ask chrk for coupon. BELK BROTHERS WHOLESALE, RETAIL Spring Business Opening up Another good day's selling yesterday The reputation of having just what we ad vertise growing and every day. Embroidered flannel White wool flannel, wide width, all wool with beauttful patterns embroidery work, 50 cents yard. Wide White Lawn 42 inch fine smooth white lawn, 12 1-2 cent value for 7 1-2 cents. Linen Good wide pure-linen lawn, white 25 cents The Marseilles Full 1 1-4 size beautiful bleached Mar seilles spreads, big value at $1.98. ;vi-':Vv New things going on sale every - day now. Keep an eye on f; itt t&fky nmm. it EPARTMEfJI- :'; cosxHi Tries r:.D c::l: 75 a.."'-.;'' Domestic Sale 10 to 10.15 this Morning of that Yard-wide Bleached Domestic, as sold yes terday, for fifteen minutes this morning, 10 to 10.15. Sale Price, v.... 5C Not over ten yards to a customer. .50 .85 .39 cents cents cents cents 39 Goods Charged at Sale Prices Nicely making us new trade " ,' 'I- Lawn Bed Spreads - nn wr l.t-'V s i r. I! v mi

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