XAJm U-VJU V - .. W m ju,:.. JLSJ t. '.-. n y e w tej-w ,. -j-w w- A VAMKrV tF CASES. Hloonshlnlngv Counterfeiting and Per Jury Among Ciiarges on Docket of Inlted State District tXwrt, Which Convenes AaiwvUle, Tuesday. Special to The Observer. . Asheville, Feb. 16.-Tb docket of th United State District Court, as made VP by Clerk Hyams and bis clerk ' f .rt, presents a varied aiTay of cases. ht work of making the docket ban been completed and ail i now In readl- ties for the convening of court next . Tuesday morning .when Judge waa- : ' dill, of Virginia, will preside at the ' special term, called several weeks ago. i , 1 here are 7 cases on the docket. Hev- tral of them have been on the records for years. The great majority, how- 4 2tr. arr new. The charge of blockad ing Is the offense loageti against mon , nt the defendants who will face Judge Waddlli next week. There ure other liaises besides mere inonnshinlng, hough. These charges embrace per ury, violation of the pension laws, .counterfeiting, permitting prisoners to a,ift rlplnvinc- and detaining mail ttintter. unlawfully obtaining and open- Lift mail matter, embezzling postofitce i fcrders and using mails for fraudulent , feurposes. i i-Kerore. trie aocxei is cioaieu miv; -ll! likely be some interesting trials tnd: There are a number or eases mat rill be alven wore than passing notice. SThere Is one case that will excite mi,Suei.,ai to The Observer. Dttle sympathy. This is the case of Slat,BV,e Kt.b. ie. Mrs. Mary , Sly Hunsucker. charged with b- o v H phr .Z,f J , rold famM -yesterday morning at 3 o'clock & "1X ,U 'thaVr'le! !t B.liingaley Hospital whe.e she wa3 "came h?e addressed to a per undergoing treatment. Mrs. Pfilfer iimed Huiisiirker. The letter was de-.'iad been In poor health for some ' liyered to the defendant. She opened ' : Imc hut improved somewhat a few H. It was not hers. It contained, how- ; ihp ; lis ago. Itecently she became Vver. an order for a dollar or in . The' worm- und her death was not unex ja'oman wan templed. Through Ignor J pecu d. Mrs. Phlfer was born a Mor . (M-e slie fell. She secured the money. ; n nn(j was 63 years old. She whs 'An Indictment followed She has never ,;(,(,., of Mr. J. K. Morrison and : Mnii arrested. She may never be. ; WUH rearpa in south Iredell. , 10 years t Two ensrs that one time created UKO t h month sne married Mr. W. S. ,uuch notiic and no Utile comment ,,n,f(. -S,)f,n H(lf.r thelr marriage ver .-Nortn armnw win mo e i. ; , jut acain. These are I he cases In which (A. J. Farrar and C. B. Bumgardner Vr charged with violating section t$l9 revised statute. These gentlemen ere Demo. rath registrars for an elec JtlOU held after the passage of the com 'f tltuliona! amendment. Tiny refused, tinder that amendment. ! allow cer itain negroes register. They were Indifted In the Federal Coiirls in WK. .'Since that time they have been re t)ired tn renew their bonds In the sum of i.VX each for appearancr at each term of court The cases have never en tried. The belief obtains in ei- ln noartei." that they never will be. i -The flurry over the enforcement of the mend merit has drlfied by. II is be lieved that the cases will be mil pross-; rd and noUilng more heard of the in- i jlllctments. The witnesses marnen 'Mgainst these men are James Nevis, 'jyr. Thomas Lawrence S .VI. Hanriik, Charles K. Sheiwrd and Hoberi Olas JfO. The case of I h.l-d sm.-s vs. l.r. 3U- Hambrlght is also on I he docket. Iwt the doctor will hai.llv be tiled.. He Is now serving a icrm in the Je.,r Klapeiiltenliary und w ill not b-bnmglit iiere for trial unlll Ibe end of hit term He Is wanted for violating the nenslmi laws He was a shrewd ar- " tkle. He ws caught at Charlollr and turned over lo I he ( icorgla an tHorilie who desired I. Is presence very much Ir. Hambrlght will, bow -ver. sooner or later have to stand trial here The two perjurv rases on the .lo. kd are from Madison .v.urilv. Sol Mc- Feache and Auk Graves are the de-; endant. The cases that promise lo he Interesting are the ones where J. 1 W. Alexander and Andy McClure, of Oaj countv. are indicted for permit-; ting prisoners to escape. John C. An- deiwn. of Cherokee. Is Indicted on n charge of delaying and detaining the wails and II. I). Mauney. of Haywood. 1T emlzzling a pr.stoftlce order. Two other cm or Interest are M. Y. An- ! a,-. n.ri r,f . i , i eif el I i up nd ! lUchards for vi.. biting postal laws. HI RI,IGTO XI1W S NOTES. liricral Clrrii-itl CliuiigcN In lnurnnce j? and Itcally incci .i. SCwri j ondem of The ibxert cr. Burlington. Fell. 1., A mini stl. eesH lul e iteri.iliiii , ni w .m give.i by tne JUadies' Aid kh i.-iy of t I'reHbyterlan bur h lat evening in th.- armory al Nbis pliii c, Krom S 10 10 o'clock I lie '"ball was filled with people who great ly enjoved the dainty xupper served. About $.i0 was realized from the eli te rtaiiurciii Mr. John M. Cook, lale of in- Triple idly Really Cirnpitny. has incepici a jiositioii wild the Piedmont Trust Coin LJiStiy ami will have chatKc of Die tei.1 'StHle and Inviirame ilep i rt uieiii h. Mi. I.Vsik x Mioriioglily informed us to the value of icil i hiMie In and .irnund liui' llngtoii anil his coiniianv hiiM made Im Sirtctake in pl.n lug iiiui at he bead nf this deparl iiinl of Ms huMliicHK. At a iiieeling of he 'll.eclnis of the Al.midii e liiHiiiauce Real Kslale i Comfiii 'an! vve.k. Ml. S. M. Honi- dy wan ehclid to the head of Ihe real ei,,i,- . iai Hie nl and Mr. . K I 'row son. h-if since that inectlnX' c epleil a jioxii on ,i r inaiineer of Ihi loan d par i iiienl In I ''c Maine cotnp-iny. The oflit 'f of i !iin i oinpaiiy aie in Ihe Hellers IniildinK. on M i 1 1 slieet. The l ock lloiilei h of the lloill" lll gUrsuce A Invesln I- it Coinpuiv In 1,1 u fne'ijn(f y xlerdn v . and i ted tlie ful !owb'jr gem 'eoien as offb ei Prenl dem. Mr. I' nh v I.. Williamson: vice Jtesh!eiil, Mr. II W Scon f (Iralcmi; Becreta ry und teiHiner. Ml. .1 ninx I' Alloiifhi The Hockholdci aie among the moH mijIihI intlal bucnr i men an I, Willi the Ki-iieril ma n i pemcnl of Hie company In chaine nf Mr. AlbrlKlil. Wll'ise sirUllv as an b iMirn in e niin it well-know n and whose hiil!icx t'lN eempany HliH,ith. r ton ohh is mhhiii d. Auionir in oi iioi'iiorn in MfsrK. It. I, II . !i N S Cildwell It P. Koberlsoo II nv ll i ei Joe Cam 1 p. V. Troilriger ami II V Meb.iue. A NEGHOK IIKIOTKIV. . fins kpi Hi MaMcr'-. Carriage for Tltlrtr Tears and Will Xoi Pari , . With It. ' To the Kdltor of The Obxj v er: - XearH- 30 ye.4i nit", at the s;i- of .he personal properly of the lair J 3. tjfng, who owned extencive proieriy . on Roanoke rivr. the family cnrrluite , 'r rosi h was purchased bv an eld in". i,rfo. Mr. Iuik'h rodrhiiiin lii ante, u f bellum days. 1'pon gi-tliug the nr- ,TOir home be at ofi e built a kIw,, .and placed it under It. From that day V tills he has not use.l th earrlan'- , Dor allowed anyone ese to do n. To- ,.'r day It I Ktill in got si repair. The old ,A viw win too r : i i,, uiiiiuiiKu o niin toiq wverai orrt-ra ior us purcnase, '.tie y he will keep It mm long ss lie i hot ami ui uhk ma cmioreii not to anil unit s numwr or ennuren re?l , t' eel I 11, teripg. The books are divided mto dlf- Tbe nerros name Is Turner Steti"- ens, He Uves on land owned by Mr. M. E. Ranvm, known as "Blakely." vhifh was the terminal of one of the i I5mt railroads, If not the first, to ba ' hunt in: North Carolina, running from Petersburg, Va., to Roanoke rlrer. R09irtt HAHAOU. UTadnesday, Feb, IS, 1SKMJ. v Ak any "SAT" that you may see, "WHy th$ Cmur, with Bear behind." - - had climb tree, Th yank,, od, bless h Yanks, - gays- be. ? ' . -' -They rava lloekjr Mountain Tea, R. It.' Jordan at Co. ' " V ," THE DEATH ' HfXJOKB.'v ' (, y ' 'i' ''"' 1,1 'V f 4 Death of Two Infanta at Caroleen. Correspondence of The Observer. Caroleen. Feb. M.-i-The little child of Mr. and Mrs. John Michael died sud denly Monday. , , . The Infant child of Mr. 3. B. Rine hart as found dead In bed this morn ing. Death of a- Clilld. Correspondence of The Observer. Monroe, Feb. 1 5. James ' Stewart, the : 4 -months-old child of Mr.. James A Htewart, manager of the Heath Hardware Company, died thl after no .r at 2 o'clock, of consumption of tin? owels. It was a bright child and ;).e whole community sympatnizes with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart In their bereavement It. M. Tliomasson, of Davie, Special to The Observer. Stateavllle, Feb. 16. Mr. R. if. Thomason died Wednesday at hia .loine ut Cooleemee, aged 61 years and 1 1 months. Mr. Thomason wM , . i iinunn countv and had been ,.t.JnK at Cooleemee for a number of year(; Kignt children, five sons and three daueiiters. survive. The re- mains were interred at Unity church Thursday. Mrs. M. J. IMilfe. of Walesville. ., . phlfer moved to Htates- .He. where they have made their home since. In udditlon to her hus i,uihI and brother, six sons survive, Mi. I,. A. Phlfer. of Salem, Texas; ' 'iev W. K. Phifer. or Urook haven. Mise. Mr. J. 1. Vhlfer and Dr. V. V. I'hlfer. of Stalesvllle; Mr. A. S. pliittr, of Baltimore, ami Mr. Charles V'hlfer. who Is is college nt Wake Forect. Mrs. Phlfer was a llfe-lfinR member of the Presbyterian Church ind was a good woman. The funeral -ervlces were conducted from the Kii Kt Presbj lerlan church at jcju 'clock this morning and the remains were Interred at Oakwood. HAi.lSlit ItV AND8 KXTEItl'niSK. i-yj.j tHnnei liiiniber (:nipany, f Knoxrlllc, to IxK-ate a Large I.ihmImt llant There Will Hair a Monll.lv Pay Roll or $10,000. ' The Observer. ' Salisbury. Feb. 16,-The Fred Brun- m-r Lumber Company, of Knoxvllle, T.-iin., has made a propostlon to Sai- Islitirj to build Its largest lumber plant here and at 2:30 this afternoon thla bid was accepted. It Is an Institution of magnitude, its freight will amount dally to ears and Us pay roll will be $10,000 monthly, this being Independent of purchases for the purpose of materials and Inciden '''' expenses. The company asked for M00 feel of main railroad track. 1,00 feet of sub truck and 10 acres of lar-d. The ground the company wishes t lease for ten years with the privilege "f purchasing It In two years. It will deal In hardwood timber and other minor enterprises are to follow this, The proposition calls for the eornpl-- "on of the tracks by April 1. 1806 and promises the beginning of operations t that lime. Two mills are to be erected on this ground, the firs! a trim (er, edger and dimension mill: the sproiid a band mill for the inoiiuffu- turn of lumber. It will deal In httrdwood timber arid ihe product will be distributed to iii-itliborlng towns with furniture fac torleM. Especially' will Ihe company pay attention lo the !ia:d limbers In' ami about Salisbury , The matter Is entirely vvoh the hi I I ding company. ICvery condition has j b"cn met Bnuarely and Messrs. I. II ; V'n ndei ford snd J. M. Mnupln. Kalis--bury's town builders, will go to Wash ington lale to-night to i,nf"r v lib Hupei inlendent Ackert. of the Houl h erii llallvvny relative to the tracks, ulioiil which. In the iialure of (hlnps. ' I here can lie little or no trouble In, securing. This Is an Immensely we il ; thy company. It has mills In Chat tan xiga. Tenn.; Ilecntur. Ala.; Norfolk. 'n.. and Charleston, S. C. In giving Salisbury the largect manufacfnrv a coinpllment l paid ll cltlzcni riioi -i rnie ti ll.nile I his it lo its ful lire piDin-j inc. j CHINESE SOMHKI5S' OI'EI'ES. j 'I'IxmikI1 PriKcnllng Cireal Plfliciitllrs. i Tlii'.v Are bo Itctnlnctl. China Itevievv. According lo the new Chinese mili tary Inns, in all (lie army, from Hie coiiimiinder I 'i the private, a new uni form Is Introduced, but the queaHon of tlie noetic presents great difficult ie c Many of the so'dl'M'S of the Pel-yung arn.v have slready aliort -lied their (i!em by Iwo-lblrds. However, the; i I in-, hm-fhu (the eiilef mill iry ml -inliilft rut ion), although It has several I limes illseused this question, lias not ; as yet p'TinllU'd the soldiers lo cut ofT the teir ilniler of their queues. K'. en prince Ch'ng does not ven I tire to ail, Item Ihe Kmprrss DowaH r with a lepoit about tliis malter. Just h fev lavs aifo the head eunuch. l.Micn ylnif clione a Ktiitalde occasion, as If unintentionally, to find out fom !,. l-lni n r s.4 IHiwager her opinion nn thi- iiiolioii. And so. at a tlmev hen (he MmfiresM liovv ic.er v.as resting ninl vv as heat inn l.'ie reading of the nevvx- puper, the he.icl eunueii made up his mii.d I i to tell her that all the papers now xtate (hit during wir tlm the qi.evic would lie a great Inconvenience llii the itoldlers. and on this arcmnit wfiihl It tmi he heile- to cut them oT. He hail hsnlly finished hli words when Ihe K.'iipr'-ss lnwager. full of 1 nrjtlt in her flee. :iswcr"'l ohnrplv. ' W'nit Oil I die. then you cm rut off ! your fiDeuef'" Ti e head eunueh. of ionise d rl n it i--ply to such an answer: and f.nni Ihat lime no one has dared to raise th question of .hollxhlug Ihe queue. ,, ,;,. i, ' ,j W IiiWoii h 1,1 bra r 0M-.ied. , ' orreHpondeuce of Till! Observer. : Wbncton-Halem. Feb, If,. The Cat no- igK i,iorary was ojtneti yewieru.iy iind lui !iir the (lav oillle n niiinher of i people visited the Institution. 21 adulis ferent deoarlments. Including books of referenee. history, travels, fiction, poelry., bloitraphy. general llleratiire, bcxiks relmirig to North Carolina and children's books There are also a number of reference books. I'olHon In Food. Perhaps you don't realise that many pain poisons originate in your food, but soma day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will con vince you. Dr. King's New Ufa 1111 are guaranteed to cur ail sick mm m, to poisons of undigested food or money bark, t Jtjlc, at R. H. Jordan , Co.'a drug stors. - .Try foundation up. THE COMING OV PROHIBITION. Some Obscrvalioiis on Wltey. Dis pensaries ami Kindred Subject An Optimistic View. To the Kdltor of The Observer: In reading of and observing things and events as the days go by, there Is rm one thing which gives me. along Brve the adverse crltics.n to wnjen , t j . 6he Is aome times subjected." said an with thousands of offers, more een- j old teIephi0ne nmn yesterday. uine thrills of pleasure than to read "it is of course trying to be Inter about the splendid hopes and signs of rupted In the midst of a conversation what is coming-prohibltlon-or at ' Jy "nvln the "? , 'cuth u on'' , the wrong connection, bad connections least for greater restriction and cur-1 and a thos8 ,fUIo lnil?, thBt try tailment of Hie wliiskey curse in North ' one's patience, but we should remem- Carolina and in other Commonwealths as well. It occurs to me that he would indeed be a sorry citizen, of what race soever, who would feel Just glad. And nnnther thlnor l observe lust here Is (I i am writing what I know, now) that certain line you want is busy when men who are topers, some not so much . Is not. Now, as a matter of fact, the so. and the dram drinker (not all. of; telephone girl can more easily give the course, but more than some might desired connection than report it busy. Imagine) 1 Say there are many men of , Making the connection Is an easy mat this kind who earnestly and ardently . ter and if you notice, when calling hope and wish for greater whiskey 1 for a number you can tell whether she curtailment, so that they may less has made an effort to give you the easily get hold of It, and this because number you want. If t lie number you cursed and entrapped and ensnared j call Is busy you will h"ir a distinct with Hutan'H greatest (?) among! rattle as she attempts to Join the lines men, when I do define it, I am not re-i "The telephone operator has many pealing a diatribe, but a sad. living j things to try her nerv es and It Is a denlorab e. terrible truth, which were better a falsehood. It Is coming, the overthrow and ex tirpation of this hydra-headed evil. It must come. Civilization cannot bear, for any considerable longer lime, this giant curse and octopus. I have often icmarked around I he fireside the won der and amazement and talk of It. Yet we know why It is. And we also know why It will not live always. Just as other great curses and ruins have been called down and out and over thrown. The All-Power Is working through men In this matter, praise he i ven. To our gond Governor and all other good-inlnded men, the yeomanry, the Vt,llH7ll tllll. III,. I linui i. II, .,,,,,. the cursa lias so often left its hideous mark: large-minded and great-souled newspaper men (not confined to the religious press, either: all lhee are simply at work at plain, simply duty In giving it a cut and a precept and a beware, now und I hen and here and ihere. And this work tolls. And this is why I write in Joyful hope. The overthrow of Ihe whiskey curse is coming Cod knows how soon. And we all know and feel that It cannot oome i .j soon. ilr There are also other applicants I did not Intend ev en lo moralize in j ajd ,t , e!iinr,ed that Congressman ibis paiagraph: and for what small ! ,;,M.i,hurn will be called on to take amount I have done so. the gravity of , the matter and the ea , nextessness of ! ' ; , , .ar(,ntr. ,)f Glagow. fee ing urn desire aie given as excuse, ! . , . , . were anv needed. rented a dwelling and w ill I still think, with the editor. Mr. nlovo his family here In the near fu Itoosevelt Is a ' Many-sided and al tut'. Mr. Gardner expecU to engage great mini."' and still 1 find myself I 'n business here. thinking after him again (his saying! .1 Wallach and famllv leave compel a man to think after him and ! Sunday for N'cvv York and will make coincide with him. because he gener- that city their failure home, ally has somew hat to say and knows j Miss Hessie Anderson, who has been how to say II In small compass) that, i on an extended trip to Decatur. III., If he does not have a care (Mr. House-j Memphis. Tenn.. Little Rock, and Hot velt) his head will spoil Ihe goodness U,'peMgs. Ark., returned home yester aud Ihe greatness of his heart and iHV. Miss Mnrv Robertson, of Rockv soul Such things have come to pass. Too much autocracy, presumption and arrogance is not good in any man- It is much to be deplored In as large a man as Mr. Koosevelt. I hope all these fears are groundless, bill care anJ caution and meditation would be good words for h I in fo "ruminate" upon. Speaking ami reading of (he dispen sary business. It Is a makeshift and a sony thing, ut the very best. South Carolina has seen nothing but sorrow ami trouble and blighting curse ever sin, e Its Inaugural, it certainly has been. In that Stale, a breeder and fer iiienier and Ins'.igator of strife mid dln (ord. We do not feel that lis birth into our State was particularly a hap py day. for it wns not. Time has shown that the words "no go-id" are not far wrong. Open Individual ba rooms, under regular license, are lo be ; commended, but Is Ihe ."title s whole- drngglng and struck a stump, break sale "imrllceps crlinmtnls" In a bad jnR his left leg Just above the ankle, mutter any better? We have alreidy j p,. K , nvie, of Ml. Holly, Is observed enough to believe the answer xW-n8 relatives' In Monroe. Mrs. A. "mi." It may be best In some few i ... D.i.niii. , tit. i uses snd few towns: but 1 cannot, at j this moment, call such to mind. Hut ; mayhap I do not know, f hope I do i not; for I would be glad If the dis pensaries were a help und a mndllV-n-tloii and restrict Ion. But enough here. and mm Id for what it mav ba worth, if t anything ut all; In good-will Bud no III. I al least, certainly. W, M. HHERItll.t.. Denver, Feb. 12, 190. T 1 "" " Treasurer Craig's Vlfe Seriously III. Correspondence of The Observer. Wadcsboro, Feb. 15. Mrs. Craln wife of County Treasurer, J. O. - A Craig, became, violently ill yesterday j mornliiK with uraemia. Her condition Is more favorable to-diiy. The following out-of-town lawyers are attending civil rour.t here thla week- Mr. M.itheson, of Crieraw: Mr. T .T .lerome, of Monroe, and Mr. Z. II. Sanders, of Albemarle. Arm Torn Off. Correspondence of The Observer. Kprav, Feb. 15. Mr, John 'Mitchell, a young boy, had hla arm torn to pieces to the e bow yesterday about noon, while passing through the lap per room of the Kpray Cotton Mill. It was purely carelessness on the part of the boy, as he worked In si dif ferent part of the mill altogether. Ha was merely pHsrlng through the tap per room when his hand was caught iu the machinery. v Order for HowKer ttcliwld. Correspondence of Th Observer. 4Jrrnboro. Feb. U5,-On mot Inn ' of Hinsdale and Bryant Ihe order appointing: a letnpersry receiver for the North Caro lina property of the Mutual Reserve Fund life Assoclutkitt was to-night rescinded In tleVwntl' case, from Durham, by til tfuprrme Court,,; , Both Baty and-I Know from experience, the health giving and strength building proper " ' ties of this incomparable liquid food, f Many a nervous, worn and weary mother has found renewed interest . in home and children by its faithful use; the little ones too, will glow and grow under its life giving influence 4 Malt Tonic Is not a medicine, no nauseous drugs in it. Simply the nutritious derivatives of Barley and Hops, in delightfully palatable form. It is a tonic food that builds from the its results are pieasing in tucu pennants-. Toe Smla li ill DruMMts FEHR'S MALT TONIC DEPT., Louisville, Ky. HIE TELEPHONE tilRL. Slio Huh Her Faults, but Does Xot Deserve the Criticisms She Is 'Often Subjected To. (The Birmingham Age-Herald.) "While it i possigle the telephone girl has her faults, she does not de ber that the telephone girl, like every one else. Is liable to make mistakes and that all the troubles ere not chargeable to her. For instance. It Is often cnargen that the telephone girl claims that n vvonoer sne is leaiiy goon nmu. art she Is. The position being sa trying it is absolutely impossible to avoid all the annoying lit Ip ttrni that bring abuse on the head of the telephone girl." PLANS ACCEPTED. statcsvllle KlrMt Baptlsl t'lmrcli lo Build New Edifice at Cost of $IS. 00(1 Personal and News Notes. Special to The Observer. SUitesville, Feb. 1. The congre gation of the First Baptist church here has, on recommendation of the I ,(Ui,lng'COTnrnttce accepted plans for the new church which will be pre pared by Mr. J. M. Mi-Michael, of Charlotte. Mr. C. H. Ltfster has been engaged to superintend the construc- lori of the building. 'Tne cnurcn win bo modern and up-to-date and th" building complete will cost about $irfi0. Work will begin April 1. Postmaster Long's commission ex pires Sunday, the isth. He is an ap plicant for reappointment and a petl- i s .,in n his behalf has been in circula- 'oiril, nelly. K visiting Mlsa Whitley t'on- ACt'lDKNT TO CHILD. IJllle Monroe- Maiden Thrown Front Merry-tio-Round und Sustains Bro ken Leg Mr. .Terry Htarnes In jured Personal Note?. .7oi re.spondence of The Observer. Monroe. Fob. 15. MIhk Kath erlno Itedwine, the little daught er of Mr. It. B. Kedwine, was thic wn from a homemade merry-go-round to-day and had her leg broken juvt above the ankle. Mr. Jerry Stowes, of Buford town- l-.lr. had tils leir broken while haul- Cu saw logs yesterday. Ills foot was Ing her mother. Mrs. .1. C. Fletcher. Mrs. '. IX Huberts, who has been vis 'tlnr relatives here, has returned to Fer homo at Minion, West Virginia. Mr. Claude Hrunner has accepted a position In Chester. S. C as steward '-f the Chester Hotel. LuWNDUV CO It CAHOLKKX. rtiuuor That It Will 'be Krected at Karly Date A St. Valentine Sociul Schools to Close. Corrolpondence of The Observer. Caroleen. Feb. 15. St. Valentine, al- ways thoughtful and kind, usually gen- 0tn... .-,, r voimir neonle last nlitlit gava I limn several enjoyame pariies. Ho also gave In marriage two happy young people, Mr. Taylor Gilbert und Miss Fannie yarboro. Rev. J. 8. Hiiinrlck performing the ceremony. The party at i, tl.rfl l 'Iiiwbp uru a Bnwlnltv Kpll- ! llant affair. Tbo weather was Ideal, the nUundanc lurge and everything was pleasant. Mr. and Mis, Clower know how to turn sunshine un happiness in on all occasions. There I a rumor to the effect that a st earn laundry will be erected here in the near futurev The closing of the schools here to-morrow will be a great occasion for the rtow of Minn snd eloquence. The crowds In attendance will be almost . Immense if the wheels, of the country can man age to roll over the roads. : Has Married 3,000 Couples. Correspondence The Observer, Bpray, Feb. I&.-MrW. 0. McFer land, formerly of Durham, but more recently with the Rhode Island Com pany, of this city, was married to Miss Hattie Taylor, also of this city, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Iter. " p. E. Field officiating. Mr. Field says thla make. 4,000 couple that he baa married. G.VbTONIA CONCERN ORGANIZED. Insurance and Realty Concern Meets Dlrevtorg anil Officers Capital is 420,000 Will Conduct Insurance, Real Estate, .Loan and Collection Business. Correspondence of The Observer. Gaatonia, Feb. 13. The Gaalonla Insurance & Realty Co., recently chartered with a capital stock of $20, 000, began business to-day. A meet ing of the stockholder was held in the Citizens' National Bank at which the following board of directors was elected: S. M. Robinson, Lowell; G. M. Gultlck, of Belmont; R. R. Ray McAdenvIlle; J. O. White, R. P. Ran kin, J. K. Dixon, C. B. Armstrong, Andrew K. Moore and W. T. Rankin, i f Gastonia. After adjournment of the stock holders, the directors held a meeting and elected Mr. W .T. Rankin, presi dent and treasurer, and Mr. C. B. Armstrong, vice president, these being granted power to select the secretary. The following committees were ap pointed: Loans J. K. Dixon, R. P. itanhi.i. YV. T. Rankin; investments c. n. Armstrong, J. O. White, V. T. Rankin, j 1 was ordered that a call be made c oifce for a payment of 21 per cent, of the capital stock, another 25 per cent, to be paid within 60 days, with option of closing settlement for the icrrmfnder of stock either by cash or r.ole. This company will do a life, me and casualty Insurance business, de ,l in real estate, make loans and collections and act as agents in law. It will reresent largely home inter est BIG 1,1 XER GOES AGROCND. Steamer Devonian Ues Helpless South of Boston Harbor for 14 Hours, but Sustains IJttlo Damage. BoBton. Feb. 15. For fourteen hours to-dav the big Lcylund Line steamer Devonian, from Liverpool, lay helpless on Srltaute Beach, ten miles to the south of the harbor entrance, for which she was heading when she went aground at )(l:30 o'clock this morning. Although she was heavily pounded during the day by n surf which prevented tugs, from get ling within hailing distance of her, the tug Patience managed to send a lino aboard this afternoon and then, with her big screw revolving und the Patience pl'lllng, the Devonian floated.. Th steamer apparently sustained little dam asrei. She arrived at quara'nllse about ft o'clock, too Inte to come up to her dock, and landed her four cabin passen gers. $ai)0 FOIt SOUK HAND. Vcrdk't Against Southern Hallway $25,000 Damage Suit iu Oullford Court. Correspondence of The Observer. Greensboro. Feb. 18. The Jury this inorning, in the case or J. A. Cannaday vs. the Southern Railway Company, which was tried yesterday In Guilford Superior Court, returned a verdict of jjUO in favor of the plaintiff on account of a soroi hand which was Injured while Caiimidav. was serving as engineer on one of the company's locomotives. To-day has been consumed In trying the cnae of J. M ., Marvel, administrator, vs. the Greensboro Klectrlc Company for $25,e)0 on account of the death of his little son. Willie Harvel. who died from Injuries received by being struck by the side of a street car ut Proximity last year. Durham Wins Injunction Suit. Correspondence of The Observer. Durham, Fob. 15, To-day tlie order of Judge Furgerson in the matter of the re straining order of Dr. T. A. Mann, heulth officer for the city, and the city of Durham against the Eno Cotton Mills, reached Durham. In his wrder Judge Furgerson continues the Injunction to the final hearing in the courts, this being a complete victory for the city. In his order, which was sent here from Greensboro, Judge Furgerson suspends the operation of the Injunction until April 0th In order thnt the Eno Cotton Mijls, of Hillsboro, may have time to put in and Install some well-known system of nowerage purification, tide to be approv ed by the State board of health. Hill Creditors to Mm February 2T. Correspondence of The Observer. Wlnston-Salem. Feb. 15.-MJ. J. K. Alexander, referee in bankruptcy, has called a meeting of the- creditors of W. JU Hill recently adjudicated bankrupt, to be held in the law office of Ma. Alexan der at 10 o'clock, February 27. at which time creditors will prove their claims, appoint a trustee, consider the proposed sale of goods, etc. Wreck Victim Hurled at . (ireensboro. Correspondence of The Observer. Greensboro, Feb. 16. The remains of Will Bears, colored, were brought here this afternoon from Spencer and Interred In the colored cemetery. Sears hi the fireman on northbound train No. 11 who fell headlong from the tender to the platform while watering his engine at the passenger station here last Monday night. . ' NOT HEItEDITAltY. Baldness Due to Mn Mlnnte ycrui. . Many people even unto the present day of grace, consider baldness doe to hereditary influence; Nothing is further from the trut.i ba dness Is caused by the onslaught ot a minute organism which secrete itself beneath the scalp and attacks the roots of the hair causing It to lose Its life and fall out i: This organism cannot be gotten; rid of exVept by the free and persevering use ot Newbro'a Herplclde. Ne matter how badly the scalp la affected, the Dandruff surely disap pears and hair health Is restored when Herplclde la applied. , . "Destroy fche cause you rvraove the effect." , Sold by leading druggist. . Send 10c. M'atampa forvnample te' The Herplclde Co Detroit, Mich. t H. Jordjan.eV Co., Special" Agents. . , , -s f V fr-t" r " " ' f SEE J. P. ST0VE & CO'S NORTH SHOW; WINDOW "irS A GOOD THING" THE MANUFACTURERS GUARANTEE IT. ; T ....... ti ( I f.'i" a f Conservative Mutual Life - Wants District Agents for good, unoccupied territory. JLiberal. Non-Forfeitable Renewal Contracts, direct.' with the company. We have Special Propositioh which will double your business. ' Write for particulars. In our Industrial Department we have positions ppm for 30 c- pable, experienced Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents toT open up branch offices. Applicants must be able to how clean,' records This Is ua opportunity to grow and prosper with a young and aggressive company. Our new Industrial Pollclea will create n, sensation Guaranteed Cash Values, Automatic Extended Insurance, i and Paid Vp Insurance, after the 6th year. Instead or the 15th, J as with other Industrial policies. Policies clear, coucJse, easily tin-., derstooil by the layman. Instead of being tangled up with ra-;; utrtctlons like other companies' contracts. Apply to ,y F. H. DANCY, General Manager, Conservative Mutual life Insurance Company, Charlotte, N.C KOWAX COURT. Man Who Jumped Bond Still Absent Sam Carrutiicrs to be Tried for Perjury University Alumni Asso ciation Formed. Correspondence of The Observer. Salisbury, Feb. 15. Grover C. Hall has not yet reported for trial and there is hardfv any doubt that he meant to skip his bond. Court has gone on just the same and this day has furnished the greatest amusement. Two colored men convulsed the court to-day. One Andy Watson was witness against Henry lwis for assault with a deadly weapon. In defense. Lewis said that he had the law from the sheriff and that he Is slave to the laws." He produced a trespass notice to which he had signed the sheriff's name and his own, and honeetly believed that this warning to trespasses gave him full right to shoot down any one who came near bis home. Judge Council fined both of them, after they cross fired at each other In the most amusing court scene ever enacted here. The Jury that tried 8. J. Kliiott and A. N Journey for assault, with deadly weapons found both guilty and recom mended mercy. Journev was badly shot by Elliott, his son-in-law. but he was aggressive and is said to be a bad character. Judge Council gave Elliott two years and Journey four months. Walter Mellaril pleaded guilty to larceny and goos up for four years. The jury has been impaneled for the trial of Sam Oarruthers for perjury. He is the father of the three boys now serv ing a term of two years for conspiracy against the- life of Walter Crump. Only two of the boys made the assault, but the defective bill - of indictment lost the graver offense of secret assault, of which they were convicted, and they are to answer other charges. Judge Council Is especially good to the schools and roads and the work is being done splendidly. Mr. and Mrs. A. 6. Saleeby have re turned, from Greensboro whore they were married yesterday. They are Syrians and splendid citizens. Mr. Saleeby Is the city's well-known confectionor and Is as thoroughly liked as any native born citizen. He has a neatly furnished horn and has moved into it. Major N. E. Scales last night presided over the alumni meeiting called last week to organize a University alumni association. Major Scales was nn 1853 student at the University. After a- permanent organisation was effected, Walter Murphy was elected president and John M. Julian secretary of the as sociation. There were about 2ft mem bers present but there are 40 or mqre who will become members of tho asso ciation. All of tlie University men of Salisbury are nnxlous to become mem bers of this association which comprises some of the city's best citizenship. KNC.INKS COLLIDE. Han Together at Rldgeway, Va Bndly Damaging Both fireman's Arm Broken. Correspondence of The Observer. W7lnston-Salcm. Feb. 15. An engine in charge of Mr. A. O. Barnes, of this city, collided to-day with an engine pulling a through freight from Roanoke to Wln-stnn-Saiem at RldKeway. Va., the result ibelng that both engines were badly dam aged and Mr. J.otin wens, sr. names fireman, sustained a broken arm. It ap pears that Engineer Barnes was return ing to Roanokft after having assisted in pushing a freight over a grade. He was running backward and was making pretty good time when his tender struck rrj pilot of the other engine. The collision It Is understood, will call for nn investi gation of the part of the railroad official. SPECIAL LOW RATES VIA SOUTH ERN RAILWAY. Account of Student Volunteer Move ment for Foreign Missions, Nashville. Tenn., February 28th-March 4th. 1906. the Southern Railway will sell on February 26th. 27th and 28th with final limit March 10th, round trip tickets to Nashville, Tenn., at rate of one nrst class faro plus 25 cents for the round trip. Round trip rate from Charlotte $15.20. For the accommodation of delegates attending this meeting from points In Virginia and North Carolina it haa been arranged to operate through Pull man car and day coaches leaving Salisbury at 8:60 p. m., February 27th. arriving at Nashville at 12:20 noon the following day. Those desiring Pull man accommodation please notify It. L. VERNON, T. P, A Charlotte. N. C. 8 EA BOARD AlK LINE RAILWAY. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. - Special reduced rates via Seaboard. ' Pensaeola, Fla.; New Orleans, La.; Mobile, Ala. Account Mardi Gras, February znd-Sith. ons faro, plus Uc, - round trip, tickets sold February 21st. 26th Inclusive, rtnnl limit March Id, Tickets can b extended until March 17th.' - -','";-, i.-.'V ... Louisville, Ky. Account Department of Superintendence National Education al Association, February 27trt-March 1st, one fare, plus 23c. round trip. Tickets sold February. 2h-25th-. 28th, anal limit Msreh 4th. - r C H. OATHS. T. P, A ; ' Raleigh, N. C, -'' CIIAMBERIJMN S COt'OU "REMEDY - THB MOTHER'S FAVORI'tfi. The toothing and healing properties of this remedy. Its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent - cures have - made It - a favorite with people , everywhere. . It Is especially prised by - mothers of small children, for oolds. -croup- and whooping cough, aa H always sgords quick relief, and as it contains no opium or ether harmful drug,-it may be given a vnn-' ftdenily te a baby as to a8 adult. For aie by IL H. Jordan- ft Co. . , ..-twis.. m. ,..-. ( .- iwQy fr y i. iv -f . M T 1 K v 3 la HACKNEY BROS. Plumbing and Heating Contractors - Jobbers in Supolies HACKNEY BUILDING, W. FIFTH ST. SEABOARD Va) AIR LINE RAILWAY . Direct line to principal cities North. East, South and Southwest Schedule ef fective January 7, 19U6. 'trains leave Charlotte as follows! No. 40, daily, at 6:01. a. in., for Monroe, Hamlet and Wilmington, connect, at Monroe for Atlanta, Birmingham v and points South, at Hamlot or Raleigh. Norfolk. Richmond, Washington. -tfew York and ail points North and East; for Columbia, Savannah and Florida point No. 133. daily, at 10:10 a. m.j for Lincoln ton Shelby end Ruthertordton. Coa nects at Uncolnton with C N. W.T No IK. da"y' Bt 7:16 p- m tor Monroe, connects for Atlanta, Birmingham -and points South; also for Hamlet. Norfolk. ftalelKh Richmond, Washington, New York and all points North and East. At Hamlet for Columbia. Savannah and Florida points. Pullman sleeping,; Charlotte to portsmouth-NorfMk. CN0 . local freight dally eg-ept Boa day with coach attached, at a., 'Tra?ns arrive at Charlotte follows;. No. 133. at 10 a. m.. from points North and South. . " No. IK at 7:05 p. m from Rutherfordtoi. Rhelbv and Llncolnton. . , .Hamlet and Monroe, also from point connections are made atMonroe With nil through trains for points NorthJand south which are composed of vestlbnlea day coaches, Pullman drawing room sleeping cars and dining cars between Atlanta, through Richmond and .Vali Ington to New York. For rates, time tables, reservation. -apply to ticket agent or, v-T. . JAMES KER. JR.. C. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C C. H. GATTTS. T. P. A. Raleigh. N, C C. B. RYAN. O. p. a' Portemcith. '(Ta, Through Ualn Dally, CharlotU to Roanoke, Va, 4- Schedule in effect, DeoS. 1906. U , " 11:00 am Lv Charlotte, So. Ay Ar :0O em -2:16 am Ar Winston, So. Ry. Lv 1:26 pm 2:60 pm Lv Winston, N. ti W. Ar tM pin 6.00 pm Lv Martinsville. Lv U-46 am -6:25 pm Lv Rocky Mount, Lv I0.-2H am t 7:26 pm Ar Roanoke, Lv Uara Daily. . ,-' Connect at Roanoke . via Shenandoah , Valley Rout for Natural Bridge, Luruy, Uagerstown, and all points In Ptnnayl- -vnnla and New York Pullman aieeuor ' Roanoke and Philadelphia. Through coach, Charlotte and Roanoke. Additional Information from ageau "' Southern Railway, M. F. BRAGG. . " . Trav Pas, Agent,r " W, B. BEVILL. Ge'l, Pass. Agent.- vT, .'.-.. - ROANOKE. VA, . n -' , aaaaaassjsgsjB s i. SEABOARD AIR LINK RAILWAY.! .-f-' PAS9i!.WGER DEPARTMENT. " The Seaboard announces the following -special rate account of special occasions ' under rules and conditions given below.. , ' New Orleans. La.; Pensaeola, Via. j .Mobile, Ala Mardi Oras. February 2!st ' ' to March ird, tickets sold February 21st '!'. to 26th, final limit March rd with privilege of extension until March 17tb, - Rate one fare plus 2S cent for round' trip. , Louisville, Ky. Account Department f Superintendence, National Educational Association; February 27th to March 1st. - Rate of one fare pi as 2S cents . , for round trip, ticket Mid February 24th, 25th. 20th, final limit March tbu, -s For further Information address, v 4 -. C. H. Gattls, T. P. A.,'? . Charlotte, N.,G- , HICKS CAPUDINE MMLMATBI.T WM HEADACHES T I m e ro nt wnraa T flNBe " , 5,9 i h 1 1 T ' '-'A V:-.

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