it .-K mm SOCIAL AKDPEUSON A L There' a etude n tr recital at . Elizabeth : College to-morrow everting at 8:30 o'clock. The. patwns .' ; and trlertda of the Institution , are Jtavlted .;.t, atteftd. 'ju-J J . l , ) V7 fJ' ,V Mr. ' T. C 'Ournm leu yeoieruay ' 4-norntng- fon Greensboro to, visit re ive and friends. . , - I , Miss Bella Torrence, of Motint Pleas ' ant, Is spending to-day' in the city with ' " her parents, Jlr. and Mrs. jC. I Tor V rejvoe, On, .west .iraaa .icsi. , . i "Amon.Jhe'Maltora in the city yee-'- teraay,wasliw. J,,.fcllee.. Hatch, of Wilmington itvjio -was a guest at the jsuioro. . Miss Helen. Harris left yesterday -Mnornlnr for her home at Richmond, I Va, after a visit to Mrs. E. 8., Pe- vgnm, on.jNqrw siTyoii street. . Miss Alice Otover and Mr. William Clovei". after- a visit to their brother, - Mr,' Fred W. Glover, have returned to ,iherr .-home at Rockland, Me, ' 'Mrs; C. B. Stephenson' will entertain ', at "cards, at-her home at Dilworth, Saturday afternoon, ki honor of Madame A. K. (Jauwer, or Baltimore, Md.,and Mra.iC,-H. C. Mills. , Misses 'Margaret and Beulah Howell are spending to-day with relatives at -Stanly." v, u ."Miss Elizabeth Walker Tyler has r turned to her home in Lynetibutfj, Vs., after a two weeks' visit to her aunt, Mrs, Houston Rucker, on East ave- .; Hue,' ,, - Mr. and Mrs. it. W. Conway are spending this weekylsltlng among the Florida resorts. , , . Mrs. A. Q.; Butler haves to-day for UreensDoro to vihi relatives, v, 'Mrs,;-Rt B. Hunter and Miss Eunice Hunter, of King's Mountain, are spending some time 'with Mr. and Mrs. : Alexander, near Carmel. ("OlTTY SOCIAIi. Miss Ola Herfon very charmingly en tertained a party of friends at her home in Steele Creek township, last evening, in compliment to her guests, Misses Cullle 'Marsh and Louise Neel, of the Presbyterian College. Mrs. O. C. Hunter and little son and Miss Pauline Alexander spent Wednes day with friends near Sharon. ', Mr. Parks Klrkpatrick spent Satur day and Sunday with friends In the city. Mrs. Klrkpatrick has been spend ing some time with her mother. Mrs. C. M. McDonald. Mr. A. J. Hunter, of Charlotte, spent Saturday in Sharon, visiting some of his old- friends, -,- Mrs. James T, Mathews, who has been visiting her mother in Sharon, returned to Charlotte on Saturday. Mrs. P. M.: Burns, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Gussle Klrkpatrick, has gone to Augusta to Visit- her son, Mr, T. K.- Burns. 9 Mrs. Fannie Weaver will be with Mrs. G. Klrkpatrick for a few weeks, during the absence of the latter's mother. Miss Ida Sloan, of Dixie, was In the city yesterday. One of the marked events of the week will be the reception which Is to be tendered by the Pythlans of Char lotte to Supreme Chancellor Charles' E. Khiveley and daughter. Miss Mary Shiveley, in the parlors of the Southern-Manufacturers' Club Tuesday af ternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock. BRIEFS. A Few Minor -Happenings In and About the City. Mr. Ed. Sehorn, who has been ill at his rooms on North College street, Is Improving. Her friends will regret to learn that little Miss Hazel Brown is confined at her home on West, Fifth street by ill ness. -The tenth sermorunn the series on 'Temperance, and Obedience to Law" ; !-vnt the Second Presbyterian church to- night. ' A coming event of Interest will be : the students' recital of Miss Buffing- ton a scnooi or music, which takes ? place, next week. -Rev. Dr. John E. White, of Atlanta! Jie"erN T - vivj IllgllV. ; While in Charlotte Dr. White will be the guest of Mr. W. C. Dowd. -Hl many frelnds were gratified . yesterday afternoon to see Dr, 1. w. Falson out after his recent illness. He Is rapidly gaining back his strength. The tenth lpoture on "Temperance and Obedience to Law" will be deliver- ed by Rev. Dr. Martin D. Hardin at k the Second Presbyterian church to- night. s Mr. M.'R. Tabor, who succeeds Mr. Ab. V. Harrlll as assistant ticket agent at the Southern passenger sta ' , tion, has arrived ln the city. He as &'! eumed his duties yesterday. Mr. J.- Leak Spencer has purchased the handsome home of Mr. 8. R. Ja cobs, nn Elisabeth, Heights. The con , federation is uncleptnnj to be some- thingjn the neighborhood of $8 000. , An oyster supper Is to be given at the Sharon "'-esbyterian manse by the ladles of the church on the evening j 01 jwarcn znu. xne proceeds win be s for the benefit cf the church. All are , urged to attend. A number f troops are to pass ..through the efty Tuesday night en - route from Washington to San Fran cisco. Mr. R. I,. Vernon leaves Mon , day night for Washington so that he , may accompany the party, , ' The International Harvester Com , pany has almost finished moving into Its, new store room at the corner of p'Bast Trade street and the railroad. A With the exception of a few pieces of nUarhlnery the farmer" store room oh (south College street is vacant. -"The Charlotte Retail Merchants ' are to meet in. the law .office of Mr. ""A.' B -JuIc to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. The meeting bids fair to be one of the most important in the hls - 1 try -of the organisation and. all mem bers of .the association are urged to ; ' attend, , , . , 1 Prof. Wm V. - Klrkpatrick, of ' , Rhode Island, writes his home-folks , ln the county that the Ice' there Is sev- eral inches thick, and quantities being 1'.. cut and atored for. summer and he seeme-'ta ...enjoy lhat- climate - very : muchr ' j v " ?t " j. " - Mr. W. JWC, tiyler who has been Ilf, la Improving. H has been Confined to ' " hi room for. some time and , is now only able to be p and about a llttltf, ' The new directory of. the Southern , Boil Telephone, Company .wilt be Out . March.' 1st.' Manager James , Norfhey -v estinytted tbt there-will he at least 60 new stations Installed in. the city dur ing the month of February ; , .,. v llon't" -wait Vou'il like Blue Klhbnn Lemon and Vuiulla Ix.-iwr. Absolutely per; fene twlra aa far nnd give des sert the "Biu Ribbon Flavor.",, . , ; ,v. vf',5; personal. .;,i,'.& v ' V '-"... I f f I'he Movement of js Number of Peo pie. Visitors and Others. , " ,JMr. J, W Mullen, -of SalishtflT, re turned home last- everting after ppend lnsr a few dava in the city.. ' Rpv. A lPXBiidpr Martin left ytster day morning for 'fjummervUle,'' S. wnere, beginning to-aay, ne win wir duct a series of meetings at th Pres byterian church there, Hi puipit win be occuple to-day by Prof. Sentelle, f Pavidson-'College , Mr. Robert 'Adams, of Gastonia, Is spending to-day In the clty with friends. . j . ' J ' ' Amons thrf out-oMown people here -yesterday- was'. Ur , 0..B. , Harshbar- ger, of HaUBOUry, twno was a guesi at the Butord,- : . Mr. a t, Calvert," o Statesvllle, was a visitor In the eity yesterday. Mr. Archibald Johnson and Rev. O. ; P. Harris, - pt Thomasvllle, were among the visitors in Charlotte yester day. The . ywere guests at the Cen tral, r Among the out-of-town people in the City yesterday were Messrs. W, C. Whltener and J. S Harris of Corne lius. - Mr. R. i tb Stevens, of Monroe, was in the city yesterday, staying at the Buford. r Mr. L. 1. Caudle la spending to-day with relatives and frelnds at Maah vllle. - " , Mr. W. I.. West, of Wilmington, spent yesterday In the city. Among the guests at the Central yesterday was Mr. Z. M. Rea, of Greensboro. (Mr Ej O. Jennings, of Llncolnton, was at the Buford yesterday. Messrs. W. R. Taliaferro and P. C. Brunson returned to the city yesterday arter spenaing 'two or three weeks in New York on business. Capt. W. T. Roland left last night for Atlanta, Ga., where his wife is visiting relatives. Capt. and Mrs. Ro land will attend the Mardl- Gras, at New Orleans, La., before returning home. ; v Messrsf t S. W. Apperson and J. A, Dean, of Winston, are visitors in the city, being guests at the Buford. Mr. W. N. Jeane, a Wadesboro mer chant, is -spending to-day in the city with friends. , Among the guests at the Buford last night was Mr. E. E. Pearson, of Mor- canton. Among the visitors in the city are Messrs. G. B. Heath and J. A. Plerson, of Lando, S. C. They are guests at the Central. , Mr. W. F.' Morton, of Kernersvllle, Is spending to-day in the city. Mr. (Bernard Smith, of Davidson Col lege, is spending to-day In the cltv with his sister,, Mrs. Arthur Walker. Messrs. H. I Marr. C. Weloh and ,1. M. Bennett, of Gastonia, were among the guests at the Central last night. Among the visitors In the city arc Messrs. "A. C. and J. M. Pavne, of Taylorsvllle, twho are guests at the Buford. ' . Mr. W. S. Lee, Jr., left last night for New York on business for his concern, the Southern Power Company. T. W. C. A. NEWS ITEMS. The Colonial Costume Concert to bo Given at the Presbyterian College Other Tilings of Interest. The vesper service of the Young Women's Christian Association will be , 4 -rr i , . lead by Mrs. W. S. Stuart, her subject; being "Our Christian Example." Mlss-ihas labored Industriously for 20 years es Lottie Gray and Edna Eddlns will t to save and accumulate property and furnish special musical numbers. ot his earnings was in his home. , He has a wife and a number of bright All women of the city are Invited IlttIe 0hn,irn. "Misfortune's seldom to this service. j alone" is an old proverb, und it seems MIsa Mildred WatklnS' Monday even-1 true ln thi case, for it was only a Ing Bible Class will be 'omitted next I week ago that Mr. and Mrs. Blakney Monday night on account of the mem-lll,st a bright little girl. . bers desiring to attend ye Colonial Cos-1 Mr. BlakfeneflV nelghhrnw met at tume concert at ye Presbyterian col- Carolina Academy late yesterday after lege auditorium 1 noon and appointed the following per- Monday night the friends of the I sons to solicit funds to help him re Young Women's Ohrjstian Association I build his home: Messrs. L. H. Robin will show their interest in the pur-i"0". w- Ross and H. E. C. Bryant chasing of the piano now in the asso-lr Charlotte; John S. Miller, for Pine elation parlors by attending the colo-! vllle, and O. W. Pofts for Fort Mill nlnl coKtnms nonrert riven hv Dr. Fish-I and Pleasant Valley. fer and pupils of the college of music at . . .. . . the Presbyterian College auditorium, i COMMEHCIAI, TRAVELERS MEET. The -programme Is good. The evening will be a pleasure to all who see and ! A Jewel Emblem Pin Presented to hear ye colonial singers. I Mr. L. IV. Schlff Five New Mem- The young women who have been hers Received, gelling tickets report excellent success. 1 The Charlotte council, United' Com so there will be a large audlenoe 1 1 merclal Travelers, held a most inter- greet ye musicians. Admission Is 50 , and 25 cents. 111 1 THE CHARIjOTTE DAY NURSERY, j I One of Charlotte's Most Worthy : Charitable Institutions A Matron leslred. r The following was given to The Ob server yesterday Jy a .friend of the "The ladies to whose management the Charlotte Day Nursery hits bfn committeed. are much grarftad at the Interest manlfestsi by the patrons and friends as well as tha prospect fur use fulness which the opening of th- sea son promises. Thev feel especially grateful to The Charlotte Observer for their kind references to the work and mission of the association sppear- ing rrom time to tlm. I "The association Is seeking Just at .! this time for a well qualified matron I for the institution, hoping that thourh that fhrnucrh the poliimn n.' Th n-1 server they might come Into corres pondence with Just the porson desired It la nronnned tn thn v,,r,r., Home in such attractive form that it I will be a home Indeed rot only for the boys and girls entrusted to it, but also for ladies who as matron, kindergar ten, teacher and other Christian work ers may take up their rflid?nce there. The commodious bulldinsr devoted to the use of the association Is situated on the corner of T"Javdr.i and Phlfr streets, and Is well adapted for the purposes of thla work and oharlty." To Make Extensive Improvements. , The Tate-Brown Company will make extensive improvements on Its store. The building will- be painted, new fur niture and fixtures put in and the In side remodeled generally. The tailor ing department will be enlarged and improved in many ways. When com pleted the place will be one of the most attractive of the kind in the State. - Two Kxtrn Sermons To-Day. Rev. John E. White will preach at the First Baptist ehurch twice to-day, first at Jl o'clock thla morning on "Go ing With God," and t S p. m. on "Pour Way With Temptation." Mr. White Is ait "eloquent speaker, and those who hear hint wilt have a treat, He comes here under the auspices of the T. M. C. A. and will lecture at the Academy of- Music' this afternoon. -A Joint Masonic Communication. The" three Masonic lodges of Char lotte are soon to have another joint communication, similar to the one held In ihie city last November The work team from Monroe has. been, Invited and arrangement are being made, for a most enjoyable event; too guests are xoected. ;f ,-.r j . v 'ft k Change of ;toremaii. , . V Mr. William Jarrell, who' for eleven year has been foreman of the D. A. Tompkins Machine Bhop, hat resigned hi position, and' been; succeeded , by Mr., Richard Kennedy, . - - t A 'A f kjiilijtowiiiir1ttsmliirrriTr--iTi'i1i,rijTiifiivr.':-ril) l.lilii UH " f Jr y '-Mr. S, 1 Torrance, who la Hi at St Peter's Hospital, la alowly lmprovins, ;X4ariagefinvitations CORRECTLY AND PROMPT LV ENGRAVED SENDTOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. p. Stevens Engraving Co, Engraver 47 Whitehall St . Atlanta; Ca. 141 CASES DISPOSED OF, An Kxtraordinary Week in th Su perior Court -25 Cases Continued Tlie Gamblers Are Acquitted, Not withstanding WU1 Ziegler'a Testimony- 100 More On sea on Docket and 34 Prisoners in Jail. The first week of the February crim inal term of the Mecklenburg court came to a close yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when the court adjourned until to-morrow morning. - The week was an extraordinary one In many fea tures. The court room was Dacked with defendants, witnesses and spec tators at all times and the business of the court was dispatched at a very satisfactory rate. During the week 141 cases were disposed of, besides 25 or 39 cases that were continued until the next term. About 100 of the cases dis posed of were submissions and nol prosses, the rest being tried by jury. Practically all of the session yester day was taken up with the argument in the cases against a bunch of 10 al leged gamblers, negroes, against whom the chief witness wan Will Zlegler, white. The cases had been begun Fri day. There were Ave or six attorneys representing the defendants and It was their speeches that consumed the time of the court. The jury acquitted the entire bunch,' refusing to believe the testimony of Zlezler, the white man who said he had gambled with them. Solicitor Heriot Clarkson is well pleased with the work of the court so far. Of the blind tigers found guilty during the week seven received sen tence to the road a and more than that number were fined. There remains more than 100 cases on the docket to be dis posed of this week. There are still 34 prisoners In the jail awaiting trial. MR, BLAKEIUEY LOSES HOME. Fire Destroys the Residence of Mr. J. A. Blakency, of Providence Township. The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. James " A. Blakmey, of Providence township, was burned Friday night. The Are caught from a steam pipe that connected the kitchen with the dining room. It broke out about 9:30 o'clock and Its work was quick and complete. Mr. Blakney had time to save a few things but the major por tion of his furniture was destroyed. The fire swept from the dwelling to the smoke house and gutted that. By the assistance of neighbors and the ti f (xttwvo rm thA rvlinr Mr Tlln.lrnMr bdv. e1 hls meat and other 8tuff that wers ln the smoke house. The loss will Uimountel to about 1.500. without a cent of Insurance. To rebuild the house llnli refurnish It. at the present ad- I vMniu 'in lorn, win rtn u 1 re .wu. Tnla loSH hltg Mr. Blnkney hard. He esting meeting in the hall over Belk Brothers store last night. A large number of the members were present to assist in the initiation of the fol- lowing named new men: Messrs. Al- bert Redfearn. Lambert Huhn. Clifford H. Schwart!!. J. M. Ross and Emery H. Storr. The following visitors were present: Messrs. Charles Hart. of Asheville countll. No. 185; and J. M. Boykin, of Lookout council, No. 162, Chattanooga, Tenn. The event of the evening was the presentation of a very fine Jeweled em blem pin to Mr. L. N. Schlff, In token of the couctl's appreciation of his ser vices as junior councillor. Shingles From a Distance. Mr. Samuel J. Asbury, a well-known contractor of the city, was toting K lJiwunm ioukiiik biiiihsk-b. yes- terday, when some one asked: "What are tbey?" "You can't guess?" was the reply. Cedar. "Yes, they are red cedar and they came rrom tne state or Washington. Mr. w. C. Maxwell has Just received a car ,oa(' of them 5r-hl house on lno rovioence roaof I It is said that shingles are so hlffh here ttosit It is about as , cheap to bring them from the Pacific coast. Trlexl for General "Cnssedness." The one lone defendant In the citv police court yesterday morning was Wyatt Leach, who drives a street car riage for Coles & Smith. Leach' was charged with being drunk, going to sleep in his , carriage, blocking the street and general "cussedness.? Leach was found guilty and fined $5 and the cost., - COUNTRY GENTLEMAN BENNETT SIOAN I CO'S Leading 5c Cigar. All Havana Filler. B. B. Java Coffee A "Credit toAny r r. Feast ItSuitfTheV, Taste, It's Always t ' Good, Every- Can; Guaranteed, ' :; : , - Usher Bros. NEARLY 3000 VICTOR RECORDS RECEIVED YESTESDAY Send in your or ders, wholesale or retail. Feb. record list also complete list for the asking. STONE & BARRINGER CO VICTOR DISTRIBUTORS STIEFFS CLEARANCE SALE AMONG THEM WE OFFER : BTEINWAY KNABE KRANICH A BACH MATHUSIIEK ' IVERS A POXD FISHER EVERETT Etc, Etc. All Uprights Practically New Write To-Day. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet Tone Southern Warerooms 5 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. II. WILMOTH, SIgr. Castile Soap In Bars We have In stock more than 1,000 pounds of absolutely pure Castile Soap that sella for SO cents pe pound. Our special price on this soap is 20 cents per pound 3 pounds for 50 cents. The Tryon Drug Co. Phone 21. 7 N, Tryon. Sub P. O. Station in our Store. BP GOD-SEND TO SUFFERERS! Mrs. Joe Person's REMEDY AN INFALLIBLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion , Scrofula Rheumatism niood Poison ;V.,;remaI Weaknew, . I s fiktn and Blood Disease " " ' For Sale hy Droggiat.'; Price $1 per Bottle Mrs Joe Person, i U " " ' v Wife;' tMK ':-??$fx&m III'- ' '1. , ' i -V r!'' l TR 1 MM I N GS WHAT to use for Trimmings is always a complex question. Early, arrivals of a large and varied assortment of those most sought " after places us in a position to meet the requirements and show a . dainty line these very properly priced. Dainty Oriental All-Overs with Edges and Insertions to Match Tucked, Hemstitched and Lace Inserted Allover White Chiffons $1.25. $1.50 and 12.60 yard. Baby Irish Allovers with Bands and Insertions to match; nothing newer. . . Narrow Persiand Bands, very pretty for collars and to lend a touch of color to the now so popular cream woolens. Faillette Silks at 25c Fatllette Silk, a new popular washable Mercerized material, very suitable for pretty shirt waists. Colors, White, Cream and Pink. Price 26c. i 7' Another lot of those wide kind that 19c. WHOLESALE, RETAIL Just a word to say that we are all ready now to give any one who wishes it, a good cleaning or dyeing job. Try us on your evening dress waist or any soiled garment you have. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works Mrs. J. M. Hester, Proprietress THB HOUSE HOLD LINEN --We are prepared to do your household washing by either t'Flat" or "Pound Work" list. The term "Flat Work" means table or bed linen, towels, eta "Pound Work" means all the 'household and family wash starched and "Rough Dried" ready to be easily Ironed at home. The use of either list proves an economy over the ordinary pense when done by the irregular and uncertain ' washerwoman, to say nothing of escaping the burdens of wash day worries. We would be glad to take up with you the ques tion of laundering your house . hold Items by either list. Why not ask for our prices and let us explain the saving you will effect? 'phone 160. Ask our drivers to explain. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY The Crowcll Moia Co., Inc. -For the. Treatment of ' Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases :. v Special "apartment end-norm for lady patients. All forma ot electricity for ' treating nerroue diseases, and various methods of massage, - Includ ing the , Biihnlaler vibrating method. The stockholder all being physicians constitute a consulting board. - r Specially trained male and female nurses and attendant ,v - , 8. M. CROWELL, M. Prea, T, M. STRONG.' M. Resident rhyalcina. Mercerine at 25c Mercerin, a beautiful soft, White, fullMercerlssed Sheer material; nothing more more suitable for the popular eyelet and shadow work Price 25c. yard. 15c 40-Inch White Lawn at 10c Beautiful quality fine Shear 40-inch White Lawn, 15c. value. Price 10c Ladies' Spring Covert Coats at $5.00 New lot of Ladies' Tailored Tan 27-Inch close fitting Covert Cloth Coats; full satin llnde. A beauty at our price 16.00. New Arrivals in Cottons One crbs new spring styles of BateR' Searsuckcrs. We not to fade. Usual price 12 l-2c. Our price 11 l-2c. Pretty assortment Dark Percales. Price 7 l-2c. Ribbons Again for Monday beautiful Ribbons (as sold last Wednesday) the real usually retail at 35 and 38c. yard. Monday's price Your Own Picture on a Button 5c Over a thousand taken ln one day that's what our Wednesday's record was. Nothing your parents, wife, or friendH will appreciate more Uian your photo taken in this unique way. Work guarunteod. Photo gallery ln our ladles' suit department. With every Uc lar or more purchased one picture made free. ELK BROS. SHIRT SALE ill Continue Monday This sale includes all the shirts we have except the New Spring line, which we are mak ing room for. $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 all will go Monday for 75 Cents Each White and colored Neg ligee, and colored stiff bosom. All sizes 14 to 17 1-2 Sale Price: 75 Cents Cash Yorke Bros. & Rogers See our East Window. SALE OF STOCK OF GOODS AND OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY By virtue of an order made In the matter of W. H. Proctor, bankrupt, I will at 12 o'clock m., on Wednaaday, the 28th day of February, ln Durham, N. C. at the atore building recently occupied by W. H. Proctor, sell to the highest bidder tor cash a stock of goods, wares and merohaa dlse, consisting of heavy and fancy groceries, glass, wooden and other ware, etc Also fixture used In eon nection with said business, and two horios and delivery wagons and all other personal property of the estate of W. H Proctor,; I wilt take pleas ure In showing the property to pros pective purchaser , " , . w. i. OBISWOUJ, ' Trustee la Bankruptcy W warrant positively If WE ONLY KNEW STOMACH IKOUBU COULD K CURED i Four years ago my general health i gave way. I was afflicted with a dls i tresHing stomach trouble, and could, i not touch solid food of any kind. I For ono year I would vomit every I thing I would swallow, even down to I medicine and water My stomach . i would not retain a thing. No ona is lean know what I suffered from weak :f ! riess, dizziness, shortness of breath ami nervousness. I often felt like It . ; i would be so much better could I dl and get out of my suffering. Off and on I was under doctor's treatment for j three years, and I can only say that v doctors' medicine did me nt good. Then some good fate put one of Mrs. Joe Person's pamphlets in my ' hands, and I read where so many- i had been cured that were as bad oft I as I was. I j?ot a bottle of the Heme ! dy, and from the very first dose .t : took I knew I had struck the right -i thing. It was the first medicine X ' ever took that the first dose did m : good. For the first time in a ion& Ume I was not nauseated after taking . I I continued It and continued to lm ' ! prove until I took thirteen bottles, ; and It made a perfect cure of nib It has been a year since I was cured, ' i and I know I am well. I recommend . ' It to every one who has stomach -i trouble, and to all who have rheu-iis matlsm. as It cured my brother of; . rheumatism. He tried to got me to ' take the Remedy long before I did, ,. but I thought because it cured rheu mutism was no reason it would cure 1 stomach trouble, and I had no faith ' ln anything. It was as a last resort I saved me had I tried it three yearw before! ",,' (MISS) REBECCA TROLLINQBR,' ' Newton, N. C. Nov. 11. 1901. Money Saving Piano Propositions JOIN THE Mathushek Club! 100 style 4. regular prlea . Ilia, To club members IStQ cash, or pay , $20 cash and $10 monthly, with In terest. - 1 ' W. The New Scale $400 Xudden A Bate to elttb member at t$ST cash, or pay $10 when yon Join, then IS monthly with Interest, y- -y, Or the Kensington II7S etylss. at $10 cash, or on terms ot $10 cash and If monthly, with Interest. , - ' Special feature - tn either club t interest careful buyer who want t' s best tor the money Invested. - Write for our 'Ban Book e -No. 9 Its tree tor th asking. Quarterly or yearly term td-r' V t ' it V"' H fl