1 U r K liKJOIClXO OVER FIRE. 1 ' Detraction of Row; of Old Kuslness ' s Houses at Hendcrsonvtlle Hemovc ' 1 Corei, Dondenea of The Observer.' ' ' " ' 4- irAndArannvltlA - tTsh 1 Thin rftCnt imp. n wrncti wvre coimunicu annual all the buildings on one square on Main 1 la a matter of sincere rejoicing to the t. . . people of Hendersohvin.; The liouses . were old and-dilapidated so that-they - muiu trot o insured cept i im. - . - ponible rate, and were chiefly used for (. s t restaurants few tha colored people or someimng or mat 'Kina, .in one or j. ? two, cases the Mom was a regret but ' " -Tim i win iui fix nm iint renevea nv j- r ,V children of. th town were, much im f: ..il;....fd..nMiiattA fh. 'Ajwan. eif -ata ' rtiAaa -came tumbling; t out of the Are until t ,i;"R ona was reminded of the Pled Piper, of Hamlin. i;v',? "'l - v, f In one ef the stores, burned last ,; ? Tuesday night,' was found recently, V trunk' iost last". Hummer" after-being , . tikert from the, Wheeler Hotel . to the ? . Southern, depot.. This trunk belonged . ' to fm nf thn nosts of the Wheeler ind contained -many beautiful Kowns ; and handsome Jewels. It Is said that ' the Sonthern Railway had already ex- V - pended 1500 hi, searching for It. , - Tn proprietor of this '-store , was 5imp juogwin,' a-- weii-to-ao. reepeciea colored - man owning a store - and a Jtvery stable. He fclalma that the trunk 'waa left there by a colored man as se rurltv for a loan of ten dollars. The ( dresses and. Jewels .had been worn , when found; ,. py- ''."!"';. "" : - Mr Claud Brown has- recently i. brought a car-load of Worses from Tennessee. These were sold at aue .tion. Another carload will snpn arrive and the sale will be the seventh of Alanh.-T-Mra. Joseph Netonwn has, rev turned from CinclnnatH. where ahe went to accompany the dead body, of her husband. While In that city a married daughter a resident of Cin clnnsttl. died. The Rev. Dr. Grlmon of the Preabyterlan church hjs been very 111 for several , weeks and we are glad tn knrvw h Is now able to resume his, duties. AT THE ACADEMY TO-IY. Rev. John E. Whit tbo Speaker ..He Is an Eloquent Speaker. The meeting for men only to be held Wrfs .afternoon tn trie Aicadwny of Music, at 5 o'clock, will undoubtedly tie one of the greatest of the series that is being promoted by the Young Men's Christian Association. The speaker will be the Rev. Dr. John E. White, pastor of the Second Baptist church of Atlanta, Oh., who comes to Charlotte especially for this service. Dr. White announces the subject of his address to be "The Everlasting Realltv of Reltelon." No man in Charlotte should miss this opportunity of hearing one or the mo eloquent men or the Houtn in an an diess especially for men. The meeting wilt begin promptly at the appointed hour and the doors of the Academy of Music will be thrown oten to the public at 4:so ocjock. . A cordial Invitation la extended to all men to attend whether members of the Young Men's Christian Association or TRADE! BTEET BARRICADED. A tYeiglrt xTraln Jama Into Some Empty Cars and Shoves a Couple Across- tue Macaaam-. West Trade street waa completely barricaded , for the space or an hour last night by a freight and a coal car that were .pushed off a spur track, 20 feet Beflbw the' 'crossing. An lncomlttg freight ; engineer failed to see the slirnals and he -Jammed his train Into a line of waiting cars, with the result that three cars- went over the spur, two stretchna- entirely across the street. The foremost one damaged the awning In. front of Mr. J. H. . Emery's store, Street cars, vehicles and pedestrians were held up while the yard crew, re moved the barricade. The flanges of the wheels cut a deep straight track in the -macadam from the time tha car b left the rails, and the task of getting . them back was easy. '" $20,000 Claims Pending Against the t ? City. , idalmB aggregating approximately 120,000 are pending against the Water -r-Cemmleeion for machinery shipped the new water works plant. The commls jfion has. steadfastly refused to pay '. them and the matter haa been atand ing in statu quo for . the past several .months. The companies holding these claims have not taken any steps to recover ny law, doubtless hoping that '.' the accounts may be settled out of court. . . Cars Derailed at Franklin . Junction. ,. Five cars of a freight train were ' ' derailed at Franklin Jimctlon, Va., on .. the Washington division of the South-i-'ern Railway yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock, blocking the track and mak :. -Ing it necessary to make up the south borund trains south of the scene of the accident. , A spoclal made up at Dan vllle, Va was run as No. 35. doing i.the Work of both "Nos. 35 and 29 as far 4 -M. Charlotte. A special was made up ' here to run as No. 29 to Columbia, S. tCv'ftpd Jacksonville. Fla. ; r.v.jl' " ' ' '. - Engines llaaletl Katlier Tlian Shipped. : Rather than ship three engines by ' rail from High fehoals to Charlotte for ' repairs, a prominent manufacturer of . '' thla city bad the machines hauled by - "wagon through the country. The trip -.overland was made in one day, without . mishap. If the heavy articles had been ' loaded on cars there would have been an opportunity for breakage, and probji ? billty of delay in transmission. The trip through the country wus satisfac :'' tory In every respect, for it was cheap r,. safer and aurer. , -. , -,( : ... mum siecttng or piiworth citlaens, - i ' The mass meeting of Dilworth cltl ens wilt be held in the hall over the Dilworth , Drug Store Tuesday night., ;,. All ; intereatea in this movement cor v weparate Incorporation wilt gather at , C Vclock. Matter of importance are .Vroe considered. Alt the committees '-re to submit reports and these are jj to be acted upon, it la understood that , there are ,everat new items to come u vp which will be of very general in- tertstv ,A4 are urged to attend. f f Oil Refinery Agala Work. . The oil' refinery "at the plant of the 1 Southern Cotton QU Company, aouth of the lty, which wa burned several t. weeks ago, has been repaired and Is now again In line working order. The ; storage' warenoTise rpT.seea, wwen. was also burned,.: has. pot. ben replaced, v While there remain-marks of ' the big fiflre, the fnany improVementa that liava bten made almost obliterate ail these ' traces.' h vj ?t, . r - . '.' ' : ,' A .Waahlngton , Birthday rrtv A George Washington birthday party wni given . tne : ennoren : in the Carnegie Library Thursday afternoon at :3tt o'cioeii. th young folks' read" Ing room will be decorated especially for this evrit. The spirit of the day tttlt be carried out as murh as pow mom..; ueorge ana juartna, Washington will preside -at the favor table. The occasion promises to be r a. most In teresting one... , tn ' f , - LIVIWO FIGURES IN THE ASNUAI ; STATEMENT OK THE MET , ' ;. , . . .. ROPOUTAJT XIEE.S-, " .-.r .,..,..1,1.11. f,. The yearly compilation of stattstlos published by the Metropolitan Ut In surance Company is never dry reading. A 'summary of that company's busi ness for the year WOS, Just- issued, tab ulates astounding figures in the con cise manner .approved by accountants) and- following' the-custom of former years; -supplements them - with, a. clear and lucid analysis for the benefit of people who arc not accountants. Few persona are sufficiently familiar with . great financial ' operations to grasp- immediately the full significance, of a balance sheet, in which totals and grand totals are expressed in hundreds of' millions, but the purpose- of a lite insurance statement is doubtless to in form, jtnd enlighten.' Its multitude, of puiiey-noiaers, arm , iuu .. purpose -i laa Metropolitan management accomplish es with "(Signal v success. Followlntr closely .upon -a period of agitation in the life - insurance field such a swt ment i timely and specially interest ing.'' ' After placing before Us a eompre henslve statement of the company's general condition, and presenting a, series of comparative items, the Metro politan reminds us again that the number of its policy-holders (now In creased to more than eight and a half million) equals the combined popula tion of our eight largest cities. In Other Words, If the Company's policies now in force, were all placed lit New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, St. I.ouis. Cleveland, Cincinnati and Milwaukee, every man, v woman and child In these communities would pos sess o:;. Men now living remember when the whole United States could hardlv have supplied so vat -u number of Insur able persons. Even at this day there are twenty-four State and Territories Whose combined papulation does not equal the number of people carrying insurance In this one great company. We are Informed that nineteen thousand persona were In the com pany's service at the end of 1905. It one adult breadwinner represents five lndivduals in the total population, we must conclude that nearly a hundred thousand persons draw "subsistence 1 from this institution not In Insurance benefits, but In direct payment for ser vice to the company. This army of nineteen thousand em ployees evidently Includes no drones. During the year Just closed it handled a dally average" of one and a half mil lion dollars In new business alone. The company issued on the average nearly seven thousand new policies every business day during the same twelve months. A single item which Illustrates graphically the real meaning and pur pose of all this tremendous business Is that' relating to insurance claims paid during the year. These amounted i more .man io,uw,uuu. 'i n Is means that some one received from the Metropolitan Life In benefits one hun- area and six dollars every minute of every business year of eight hours inrousrhout the vean. Again, the uncertainty of life and health, and the universal need of life insurance are most impressively em K B. A. I) Buy Lot I II Build U Douse (On Boulevard Near Oak Street) Dead E Z for some homeless couple, Price lot $850.00 (worth $1,000.00.) You pay cash for lot and I'll build the house and give you 72 months to settle the bills. Or l"ou can get the lot for $350.00 cash and 1 and 2 years time on s&uo.uo notes. - Take your choice. F. D. aLBXaVDBR HOI a. Tryon. p. 40. Dilworth Floral Gardens For choice Cut Flowers, for Wedding Flowers, for Floral Designs everything or any thing in Cut Flowers. .. We are fully prepared to handle any order for any kind of Flowers on short notice. Telegraph; telephone or write, us if you have time. Promptness la our motto. I IV. G. McPHEE, Pro., j , Charlotte, N. C. I P. O. Bog 127. Bell 'Phones. 1 : For one "week, beginning Monday .morning, the public will have the benefit of seeing demonstrations of the wonder. - ful 'hair preserver, scalp cleanser end dandruff remover,- In addition to seeing demon- ' strationa there frill also , be at our store some ladles with. re markable growths of hair', , whtf attribute " this', growth, 'to 'jhls wonderful hW, preparation., J R. II.:J0RDAN &C0; DKVGGIftTH.' , h'. - fflion f.' if Springs Cor. 4 ' 1VE SEVER .CLOSE ' Demonstrators Herbicide phasised in rthe statement that lS,l policies paid within the- year 1905 had been. In force less than welve months; iind (;that 4426 , of these Bolides were paid In - less than three months rota the time they were issued, t "', ' '.The Metropolitan .Life "began , "the year 1906 with aesets of more than one hundred' and Jiffy million dollars, showing au increase of more ; than twenty-three million .dollars over the preceding twelve months, i This evi dence of ample and Increasing strength la a most -satisfactory thing for policy holders to contemplate, and It is a further cause for satisfaction tha't the largest year's business hi 'the com pany's history was transacted , at a lower ratio of expense than has ever been reached In' previous years. 'The company directs particular at tention to the fact that It does not Issue Tontine, or "deferred -. dividend' policies, nor any form of contract whieli falls to specify in exact, terms what the Insured Is to' pay in pre miums and what he is to receive in benents. That the simplicity of its contract-agreements Is a popular fea ture will not be questioned, in the light of facts above noted, j Many items In the company's sum mary have not been touched upon for lack of space, but the document itself will be widely circulated, and one's time can hardly be utilised to better purpose than in the careful and reflec tive reading of He entire contents from beginning to and. Boys' Meeting To-Day. Mr. J. A. McRae will address the Boys' Sunday Club this morning at 10 d'clock, and the subject of his address will be the third of the Ocean peril series, "Without a Compass." All the boys of the city, over 14 years of age, are Invited .to hear him, "The Conductor," will be the sub ject of Mr. J. F. Flowers' talk at the BOys' Volunteer League this afternoon at 2:45 o'clock, this address being the third of the railroad series, and the boys of the city under 14 years of age are urged to attend this meeting. Special Notices YOU WILL FIND THE CALIFORNIA Navel Oranges, that we have just re ceived extra tine. lt us send you a dozen. Another shipment of nice Malaga Grapes. Just, reeclved, too. Monday we will have Parsnips. Car rots and Nice Headed Lettuce. 'Phone 6S. MILLER-VAN NKSS CO. IF YOU ARK SIFFER1NO WITH the headache to-day. 'phone Woodall & Shffipard for a bottle of Allan's Headache Remedy. It. will cure you. If It don't it crHt you nothing. Price 25 cents. FOR RKNT-I5 N. HRKVARD, 7 rooms, $J2.5i); 10 S. Mvers, 6 rooms. $16.6ti; 41! N. Church, fi rooms. $13.50; 5(5 K. Fourth. 4 rooms, flM: K. Seventh, 4 roomc. $S.X; 914 N. Cald well, 4 rooms. S7.ro. Other i and 1 room houses. .1. AKTHVR HKNDER SON & BRO. GET THE EXTRACT THAT CAN BE relied upon Hlue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla. Absolutely pure. Goes twice as far itnd Rives deSsf-rts the "Blue i'R'bbon Flavor." TO LET- 903 E. FIFTH, $12.50; 912 10. Trade, .'0; suburban cottage, lots of ground, stable, chicken house, only 10; cottages, vacant lots and real estate Kenerally for sale. E. L. KEESI.ER. Phone 344. BUIST'S & FERRY'S GARDEN SEE1. Everything you want. DILWORTH DRUG STORE, B. S. DAVIS. 'Phone 247. OUR WHITE WYANDOTTE. WON IS out of 23 ribbons, all firsts, at Charlotte show. Eggs for sale. Write for bo6klet. Kew fine surplus cockrels, guarantee no tirass. CHARLOTTE POULTRY FARM. WOOD AND COAL YOU CAN ORDER of us any or botli the above articles and get Just what you want. Our per sonal attention given to all orders, large or small. We have a full stock of all grades Coal and Wood. 'Phone 402 W. A. AVANT. WE BUILD MACHINERY TO ORDER, overhaul and repair machinery, cut gears, make patterns, models, etc. HOl'THKHfi MACHINE WORKS High Point, N. C. SPEND A NICE QUIET TIME AT THJfi Gem where there is absolute comfort and anything you want to eat prepared to your taste. A lunch counter unsur passed In the South. OEM RESTAU RANT, E. V. Crwell, Manager. BUY A HOME IN THE LAND OF the sky." Magnificent home newlv erected with out buildings to match. SO acres of land in high state of cultiva tion; seif-suppcrting at a bargain. Large sale of town and country prop erty, for ale or rent. Carolina Real Estate, Loan & Development Co., W. T. Edwards, President, Henderaonville. N. C. Fresh car load Melrose FLOUR. We sell to anybody. THE STAR MILLS. 'Phone 287. Our Ten Modern Green Houses Produce fut Flowers as near perfec tion aa possible. This combined with our reputation for Fair Dealings and Prompt Service Insure satisfaction. Roses, Carnations, Violets, Smilax, Wedding Flowers, Floral Designs, etc . Write, Telephone Telegraph. I. Van lindley Nursery Co. FCKONA, N. . Send telegrams to . Greensboro, '. Vr. E. Kjr Batchisoo. 'te ' X! 9. Hotchlaoat ; I ill i i INSURANCE' i. i A IDE! MX til, If V VOFFlCRt Nf. 9; nvnf BuUding. ' : MH JrDOn 3IsV !J't I liocat Cotton Figures. '! f't The receipts at J;he citycotton p!at- form durlog- tfief. last week have: been comparatively email, although tn ex cess of the receipts for the correspond ing week of last year. 1 The , receipts for the week;, were 478 bales. 278 of which- were, sold- Thursday by Mr. James I. Orr, -The receipts for the cor responding week of last year were 128 bales, and the price at that time was 7.50 cents a pound. The receipts at-the platform yester day were 68 bales, against 76 for the same day last year. The price yester day waa Jl cents & pound, the price a year ego was 8 cents, advancing half a cent a pound. - DEPOSITING BY MAIL Send your deposits by bank draft or check, by postal or express order, or registered mall. Should this be your first deposit, we will send you a pass-book by return mall. We will also send you full Information concerning future deposits and withdrawals. We 'have a great many out-of-town depositors who do banking In this wayand not a dollar has ever been, lost In the mails. This method .of- banking has proven entirely satisfactory. We pay 4 per cent, interest and compound It four times a year. Southern Loan & Savings Bank . M.Browi .Pres., w. s. Alexander. V, Pres., W. L. Jenkins. Cashier. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY OFFERS THE BEST ON THE MARKET IN Homes Investments" Farms A. G. CRAIG, Secy. Office 18 E. Trade St. N OT The Mechanics' Perpetual Building greetings to the public with the information that the books are now open for the subscription of shares to the 47th Series, which goea into effect on March 1st (and the first payment Saturday, March 3rd), and as we have for 23 years held to the inflexible rule of "First .Come, First Served." prospective "home buyers or home Bo Htt To subscribe now and get the number of your application assigned. This Association claims the dstluctlve ability of being able In from SO to 60 days from the time the Committee on Loans makes Its report to meet the Loans; no three, four or six months waiting for us. A discerning public has ever given us a most, generous support, because we have ever openly and truthfully taken it into our Confidence; and the following in formation (as verified by our Auditing Committee, consisting of Col. A. L. Smith. W. W. Phifer and .1. 11. Wearn, Esq.,) we know will not only be gratifying, but also astounding to that generous public. The Moneys Passed Over Our Desk During the Month of January Were the Unprecedented Sum of $67,00 0.00 And the Apomit So Handled During th e Year 1005 Was the Colossal Sum of $ 353,00 0.00 And the Total Assets of $613,500.00 To Which the Management Points With Pride as Its Jewels. This Association Is reaching its Quarter of a Century's Life. On March 1st we will have had 23 years of uninterrupted prosperity without the Loss of a Cent.. It has been the means of making thousands of happy homes, and is to-day sought, by not only North Carolina or even the South, but throughout the Vnitcd Stales and even In Europe, as a worthy example to he patterned after. Hence, we can with assurance ask you not to delay, and subscribe at once to the New Series, the 47th. S WITTKOWSKY, President. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec'y and Treas. FOR THE DIRECTORS. The Sweeter Music The big bass horn makes the louder nolae, but the little cornet sings more sweetly. The Mutual Building & Loan, however, Is out of her swaddling cloth, having served the people 25 years, and hav ing matured 30 series within a shorter time than any other associ ation of our acquaintance. The test of value Is the maturity period, and here Is where we've got the drop on the other fellows." Now open, and new stock being sold dally. Just want 500 shares more for this series. E. L KKSIER, Treasurer, PHONE 344. JOHN R. PHARR, PresideoL FEBRUARY 3,1906 The Charlotte . Building & Loan Association V OPENED ITS 33 SERIES Applications for loans now being filed Join the xrowd, start an account with, the Associ ation of the People and For the People Subscription Books For Stock Still Open C;v'v ; OFFICE 203 NORTH TRYON ST, , JH. VAN WM-, Wlilis; BRQWN Sec. 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. i'X'f , 'Vi'ontlng on Beattle'a Jfrwd Macadam oad. three mites - from city:; about fifteen acres in timber forty young fruit trees t l-room .'Dwelling and a 9arn, 4 good Spring an place. Call at office for prices. t - v" e.i K f .Stioltz's Green Ileuses. 1 Fresh . Carnations, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Floral Designs a specialty. Prompt attention given to tn and out-of-town orders. - w. w. saioin, Successor to T. W. Long 'Phone 427. and Manager. Phone 377. I C E ! and Loan Association sends kind builders" are advised to Now ii I " i ill iinAFJi 1L. L,lJI,IIIkrtl II. " ' ABarg aih for a Here Is a Fine Bargain for a Qalclc' .PurctMser;'-- 3..,' . Very attractive 9-room dwelling on Elisabeth Heights, on car linev House modern throughout and has a slate roof. Lot beautifully elevated. Dimensions of lo UsxJU, with alley-way in rear. Pre' ent dwelling so located that lot win permit Of erection of an add!' tlonal building. Owner wants to make Quick sale. .-For price and terms apply at office. w;-)v No better investments can be made than purchase of business ' property, either Improved or unimproved. We have lots of nice opportunities on our lists. We also have many handsome values In residence properties that can be bought right and terms arranged ! to suit customers. Be sure 'to consult us before renting or buying:' We are best prepared to serve you. 'Phone 236 and we will look ' you up immediately. SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE Srd. Liberality, a disposition to rules permit. U WW WW WW 1W WW P'f 9W 9W 9W 4th. Courtesy, a spirit of sincere politeness anri which, in banking, Is one of the. products of modern inese ana more you will find in the COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BWK W. E. HOLT. Pres. H. A.IM VX, V. I. A. ;. BKKMZttl. Cash. - . . A ALBERT 1 SI MMEV. Asst. Cosh. 14 si a si sB 4 si S m n ssi V sVs sas aesw FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 1 8 65: Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 DIRECTORS: P. M. BROWN GEO. W. BRYAN J. C. BURROUGHS FRANK GILREATH l. S. MYERS F. b. Mcdowell II. M. McADEN W. B. RODMAN T. W. WADE C1IAS. A. WILLIAMS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED FRANK GILREATH, Pies. 2 , Merchants and Farmers National Bant CHARLOTTE, N. C. JNO. W. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK cjuRtom i. c It Is our constant aim to be courteous and accommodating to alt classes and make this a bank where those of moderate means shall have the same treatment as those more favorably situated. Tou are cordially Invited to open a bank recount with ua W. H. TWITTY, Cashier B. D. HEATH, President. J. II. Little, Pres. C. M. Patterson, Gharlotte Trust Qompany Capital $100,000.00 This Bank Is fully equipped to care for the accounts of banks. In dividuals, Arms and corporations. It respectfully Invites corres pondence or a personal Interview with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. DIRECTORS W. II. BEIiK, O. P. HEATH, II. O, LINK, J. II. LITTLE, 4. M. OA VIS, T. C. GUTHRIE. USSB TS OVER Million Dollars A Progressive Bank - One For Progressive Customers. Bt 8INESS SOUt ITED. Southern States Trust Qo. CAPITAL 9200.000 - TRUST BUILDING. CMARLOTTE, V. C GEO. STEPHEN'S, T. B. FRANKUN, W. II. WOOD, J. E. DAVIS, f . , President. View Pres. r Treasurer. ; Asst. Treas. Mote tf Norwood 1 01. 10 to SS Sanford Hid wanted. II Gibson 9T. 18 Monarch pref. ti. 10 Henrietta too. 309 Trenton lf. 20 Modena 'Itl. " 10 Mamer. ' Bid wanted. 10 to 40 Arcadia 1 4 1 60 Arcade loo. 1 100 Pacoiet 111, is uanney ft - , . - IS White romiiure t"o ,jtia wanted. 20 to 80 Ant. Warehouse. Bid. anted. 14 BarnhSrt Mfg. Co, 115, ,r ' ; c abbctt & Quick Purchaser; LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Aooui wnere to place yooir es t A . . . . - , ' J.- banking busines. settle tha question by having a confer ence with one of the officers of this bank, who will cheerfully give you all the Information you require In order to decide upon a bank. Of course you know what requisites a bank should pos sess to commend it to a criti cal business man: 1st. Strength, shown by ra tio of suiplua and profits to capital, and personal liability of stockholders. 2nd. Resources, showing ability to handle the business of its customers, acconiniodnu; whenever banking fiifiid iness, times. Fl. M. VinOR, Cashier. CAPITAL $200,000.00 ASSETS $100.000.00 We Invite you to oper. an account with us, promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. Ws pay four per cent interest on time deposits. GEO. E. WILSON. President. B. ROSS, Vice President, C. WILKINSON, Cashier. Vice Pres. Jj. R. I la good. Cash. C. M. l"ATTKRSON .1. W. ZIM.MEU.MAX. W. M. LONG. investment Securities . fj Jt Arista, Bid wanted.. ' 60 Loray pret Bid wanted.' V 100 WasBlagton pref. 10. 40 Highland pret. 100 and inU 100 Lancaster pret. ,'too, (0 H skins pret J00 and InW V:''i fjK Dtiling 0. ,k - r 20 Enterprise par 40r ' J, Southern 80. , 1 - ' 15Loutae 10U ' 10 to - 50 Union ' wanted tot Matdfti) -Wl 2S to 80 r York Cotton M1lk .Bid Bid wanted. wa 3,000 anted. s- Spray Woolen MilL. Cc. 4 1 f ' U4 . ''! f ft1 . f t e'i r; in X' I ' V" - k1 t It f A -, , v hi 1 , 4 V

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