CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, FEBRUARY, 22, 1006. , 1 JJJJ-J1JMM,Mt,M,MMM I III! Ill .... j - T T rounds new depot. ,. r-rn Hallway etommericea V ork r. New Structure; Which Is ttrCot : -,000 A Small - lire Ki t ivial to The Observer- f 1 " ' ' 11 fih Point, Feb. JL A re started in he. diurt and shaving room of .the Southern Car WorU la nlgbl : a few minutes before o'clock and but for the prompt assistance rendered would have resulted - seriously. - Th help Wi round the plant at th time quickly djusted 'the hose to a. hydrant and had the Are subdued-by the time the Are companies arrived. The loss Is ln- v consequents!. Without any ostensatlon, but In a Viulet way. the Southern Railway Com pany sent a crew here yesterday to '"make arrangements for the beginning of High Point's new naseengor depot. V Tool and work houses were located snd " the lt etaked off and to-day the work of throwing dirt for the foundation be gan. The building: proper -will be one f atory in helghth with a two-story ar- - rangement in me nwaau. ne " -- Story, which will be used for a tele i arspt office. There will be one or two 1 other offices. Altogether the building . tend shed will toe 40ft feet long. Several .estimate on the cost of the building have bees given out but rellale esti mate now in hand place the total cost . 1st 135.000. t. r Thursday afternoon between tne .hour of 8:80 and 6:00 o'clock, Mrs. Charles R. Green will give a hatchet r Washington birthday party at the -' 22 wood Hotel In honor of Miss Plum rner. , . " The High Point Cornet Band has ' v been reorganized and the new aggrega . tlon promised a sure thing and the best " of music A competent Instructor will ' be secured and the beat talent In town '. has been acquired. Of tote the band 4 has gone under the name of the Junior Order band but It Is now Intended to be independent and to be run on a bue w Ineee plan, charging for their services. , ' . i Thursday morning the North Caro- Una Caa Workers Association will s ' rave an Important meeting In Green. tooro, ' The manufacturers of tables. -V Desks safes wi also have a meet , In on that date. Owing to the rapid ' advance In labor and all material en 'T tertnc Into the construction of fumi ture of ail kind, the manufacturers " have been forced to advance prices on ? many lines of goods and to this end 'tiavo organized, so as to have uniform Uwu. ani HMLt nil alike. I" J A novel and rather amusing sight V 'was witnessed here yesterday in the - ..-Alw.r nt m mrlnsd of sleighs, tne ' .rf. .t Mr neorse Penny, the ' - f.ii.vnnwn horse dealer and livery nun It was a regular summer day rwxrA remarked that snow was " ' Vet to tell this year and anyway they would come In good for ntext years business. . ' ? A real estate company has purchas U cd a thousand or more acres of land around Hill Top, this side of Pomona, r nd Will Improve the land. The fine ' farm of Mr. J. H. Minis, of this place, 1 Is concluded In the sale. " V Mr. Jonathan P. Redding, of High , Point, has Invested In Greesboro dirt, , wuylntr two lots adjoining the city hall .! tomperty. . , , -An item of Interest. Inasmuch as It tt an -unusual thing showing the thrift A' f High Point's neroes. ,1s that about $11,000 has been Invested In property ' by this race, for which they are buy . Ing through the building and loan land other sources. . go far till er huik-uhr" i.a.c .tjeen erected In H'.gh Point, which Is a good start to outdo the record last ' year, when It was thought to have 1 been great record-breaker. In add I tlon to this, there are contracts In hand for 0 more houses, making the ' totsi erected In course of erection near- , ' lyA'rcent marriage was that of Miss v Delta. Lanier and Randolph Craven at 1 the home Of the bride here. rtev. Mr. , 1 VJopermun omviming. -' - Th funeral services over the rc 'A mains of the nine-year-old daughter ' of Mr. W H. Reld. who died ytnterday. " - were conducted this afternoonti ut the house by Rev. T. V Marr. of Washing- o Street M. E. Cnuroiv V " " Appalachian Park onvcnlion In liar- '"" Wlmington Messenger. rri Umh 3rd there ! to be held In the city of Charlotte Ht the Invitation " - nf th leadlna- buslnens men of that city an inter-Htate meeting "In the In- terest of the pannage "f legislation by 4 cougrew looking to the establishment V of national forest reserves In the Ap- ?' iSfctchlau mountains ami the estab Ishment of Htwe forestry assocla- , tlotie." The Messenger with thanks , t cknowtdge an Invitation to have a representative present on this occasion. The card of Invitation contains a very elaborate programme of exercises. The r Ooveinom of several of the Houthern , (Mates are to be present and make ud ' dresses, as well as prominent officials , eonetei with the forestry service of the Federal government Our Govcr ' V nor Glenn, of course, will be on hand , end make one of his characteristic - ieeches. We are gtad to se that the i Charlotte people have taken the mat ? tor of an Appalachian forest resrve ' no in this manner. They w U In this way attract wide spread attention to ' ' the Importance of government action i ' in -this matter. Tlwy will serine the , JJ attention and the -o-oienitlon of the;1' attention and he o,rall..n of the m,te executives fiom Mrland t- lUttves from Maryland i this impjrtant measure. I . n ?.?ZLal V" , r , BUVV. ... i... - " to t ie DDle of "he press t IS f turT S-nerat ons In the tonih" WatThan this ,tarrce fores "f ? imrtance day and South At la Oeavor 10 pnw.v ,,.. ,..--.. ... " ' we none inis . meewng in v '-"' " " . t . .... -n - . ... II 1 t.n HA unit n I . whole section of the "ry ' de',d"'! OO the Appalachian w"''' for Us steady water supply th-t It. -4lnn will he such a vigorous proiosi 1 aa-ainst non-intervention by the ' ih. wanton destruction of the ! "ml,.1 " " T i . h n.nnn.l It Seems insi tne rauruau pmiiie iir j' tnountsln forests that the "J"0""' now disposed to rush things for the '.V- wvTnmrnl w"L IZ 2t um ,.ho munufacurers here and the rnanufac- , of Its proceedings and of it pho- circumstances, will i : v sroverninent In the dlsecrellon of these "i ", forests that It will be forced to take ' i active measures to preserve these -- eplendld mountain wofdUnds. 4. i":,u - . .-- A f'omnlal Tr. 'i"' Correspondence of The Observer, f Wlnston-8Iem, Feb. 20.Th fol ' ";r;'teing Invitation have been issued la jhe-cltv: ' 'v "The Wlnston-Kalein Centennial ir'" rhspter, ' D. A. 11., desire the pleasure Y'ef'FOW presence at a tVilonlal Tea to k - given at the home of Mrs. E. A. 1 - JKHert. February twenty-second, nme- ' - 4een-eiK, from four 1 ten o'clock. HII - " yer offering." ' ! 'V- Alleged Counterfeiter Arrested. , f' ' . Corresrtondetie of Th Observer. Ashevllle, Feb. 39-J. M. Bell, of Macon count, was arrested t Ashevtllc sis tltm 1st night by Deputy Marshal J. A. Parson ef Clay county. Bell was ' arrested a capias Issued-at a term f United States Court held last year. The luaff is.chargwd with counterfeiting " or passing counterfeit money end had Mmprd his bond, is November of 19U4, l.f-U was rreted here oil ebaige ef paIg of cospttrfeit money. . i " ' AgonWnff Burn - ' r Instantly relieved, and perfectly riealed, by Backlen' Arnica salve. Of - Rlvenbark. Jr., " of Norfolk, V, writes; "1 burnt my knee drsadfutlyi I lia t it bl Istered all oven Bucklen's Arnica Salve sippped, the pain and Iiealel it' without SCST."; "Als t (-a all wounds and sores, 2S& at It. II, Jordan te Co', Druwlsta;, .' ' i i' ' ' . . ..m.r I . Tiir,-- m-iTi ni'mnn IVeddins ' of Young Conple at Vah Ington. : C-Bank to Erect Jfew . Building. . ' ,.; - - . ' . Correspondence o( The , Observer- - -Washington. N..C Keb. 20. Last Wednesday evening Miss Jodie' Gur ganus was happily, married to ' Mr. . Fernanda Little, the marriage taking place at the residnece of the bride, and the ceremony being performed by Rev. Nathaniel H. Harding, of St. Peter's Episcopal church. The atten dants were: Mr. Caleb .Cutter and Miss Cassle. Thomas, ; Mr. iGlles , Our gaous and Miss, Emmy Grey. Mr. Robert Sawyer was best man and Miss Leon Tingle maid of honor. Im mediately after the jnuptials a recep tion was tendered the bride and. groom at their future: residence, on Third street. ' Many of their friends , called to extend congratulations and best wishes. They were the fortu nate recipients ot many' useful and handsome presents. , A force of hands nas been set to work tearing down the old Martin house, corner of Main and Market streets. This Is one of the old land marks in this city and for many long years it has stood on this corner private residence. , This property was recently purchased by the Savings Trust Company, and Mr. James V. Buckman. one of our leading business men, As soon as the present build ing Is removed the Savings A Trust Company will erect a large "and up-to-date bank building and Mr. Buck- man a four-story department store. This property Is situated In the heart of the business section and is one of the most valuable sites in the city. It is ramored that several more large and commodious brick build ings are contemplated for wasning ton In the near future. These will be of the latest design and fitted up with all modern improvements. Mr. H. R. Bright Is very 111 at his home on ost Main street from pneu monia. Miss Virginia Hammersley, of the Washington Hospital, left yester day afternoon for Roanoke, Va., to bo at the bedside of her brother, who met with the misfortune of having his skull crushed by falling from an electric pole. MR. COSTNER'S BURIAL. . Ills Body Was Horribly Msnglcd by Hontlicrn Trsln Coroner's Inquest Held. Special to The Observer. Reldsvelle, Feb, ZL The burial of Mr. 3. I. Costner, of Spray, who was kllied by a Southern Railway train near Stokesland yesterday, took place to-dsy. The details of his death are horrible in the extreme. The old man. who was the proprietor of a hotel at Hpray. was at the Park Place store and decided to take a walk up the track. It Is presumed that he walked several miles. At any rate, he had decided to come back to his home, as according to James Motely, colored, who was an eye-witness to the ac cident, he was walking in the direction of Danville. Upon seeing a southbound freight train approaching, he stepped from the track that he was walking upon to the other of the double track system. The noise made by the freight train prevented him from hearing the annroac.h from behind him of No. 8, which was going north at a high rate of speed, and the short distance be tween Mr. Costner and the train pre vented the stopping of the engine be fore it hit him. This Is did with full force, without any slackening of the speed and the unfortunate man prob ably did not know what killed him, as death was Instantaneous The body was terrlWy mungled, the head being sev ered and the remains strewn along side the track for a distance of prob ably 25 or SO yards. The train was immediately brought to a standstill, but It was soon discovered that the victim of the accident was beyond any help that could be rendered by man. , "0'; the accident the train proceeded , upon journeyi Aa oon as he heard I of the affair, Magistrate Alexander ( n who(MJ d,BtrU.t the accident I iwfured, summoned a coroner's Jury. This Jury Immediately repaired to the f the traeedy -smd there vlew- As aoon as tne autnormes were nou i e1 tn remain of the deceased and re turned a verdict that Costner came to his death by being struck by passen ger train No. . Mr. Contner was about 60 years old and Is survived by a wife and two children. . .. SHORTAGE OF CARS. High Point Kttll Wrestling Willi Problem Which Has Given It Much , Trouble, (Special to The Observer. High Point, Feb. Sl.-Fos- the past two or three days the manufacturers of High Point have again been some what short on cars but the arrival of a t-ouple nf dozen to-day helped out considerable for the msh trade. Every now and then the manufacturers get In a rather tight place (or cars but they are long-suffering and take things easv so long as they can get cars to bin the urgent orders, and hiding their m-t. If it is a ifasonaoie lengm oi M. a rn. aiifftolAnl run Th liirlrA in- .-;;,' umi ner iInp)v , ,.lr,,ir,,.,,.,, hv 1h. miipo-n- i. ...ems. t'itr We l1' ... I a i we i - . . . . .. jand the company , has not yet wakened o the fact. Of course the railroad P"Ple do not want several -landliig Idle for even a day on stdraks If It tan help It. but It i hard inalterfor the comnanv ; " - ",'." " I k R tfW SOak all the time. These ll j i f ii i nil vnin r mil ,u i a. fine point and the only way t' keen uft all the time Is to keep , , Mlt) on ,hB lr..,kl, .,.. B , From surface Indications meet the company half way as long as It manifests this spirit. Hamlet News Mote. Correspondence of The Observer. Hamlet. Feb. 20.-The Ladles Aid So ciety of the Baptist church gave an orange tree and oyster supper last night In Lackey Halt, the proceeds of whtch are to be used In the complet tlon of their new church here. Quite a nice sum was realised. The Alkahest Male Quartette and BeM Ringers appeared her to-night. This Is ons of the best entertainment that has been to Hamlet. Mr. and Mr. J. L. Benton returned Ust nfght from their honeymoon trip to Atlanta and other Southern cities. Mrs. Baldwin Stark and children, of Ilarelgh , who have been visiting rela tive here, returned home yesterday. They were accompanied by her parents Mr. end Mrs. B. W. Love. Mrs, J . A. Duncan went to Carey Sunday to be present at the funeral of her brother, Capt. Carey Thompson, who was killed in a railroad wreck near Holley Springs. Saturday. CHAMBERLAIN' CODOH REMEDY THE MOTHER'S FAVOB1IJC , t To sothHir'end healing properties of this renindy. Its pleasant taste nnd prompt and permanent cure have made It a favorite with people everywhere. It Is especially prised by mother of ' email ehildran, for eolds,-eroue and whooping couth, as it alwsys sBards tjutek rsltaf. and s it contains no opium or eilr harmful drug. It snsy hs given as coo. fUienfly jo l"by a t an adult For sale By . vv. - 4V H pftvldsort Juniors f Will . Hold Forth '-, Friday Tlie . Speakers - and Their Correspondence of The Observisr,- -, i' tvIdson. Feb. SO.The latter part of, the week promises gaod deal of di version from the more sober duties of the class room. The four sections of the Juniors with their numerous ora tions, will offer i enough .intellectual pabulum-for those who ate fastidious as to wht they feed their minds upon and those who are more musically m dined . will, find i something to their taste. " Even to ' those to whom the strictly physical end athletic eide; of life appeals most strongly will not be forgotten. Each session for the '. or. torlcals will be enlivened by music by the orchestra and glee club.7 Siturday afternoon a formal ' concert - by - the same orchestra win be given and the quartette will sing a number of songs. Friday hlght -after the s speaking a gymnasium performance under the di rection of the instructor. Mr; Hunting ton, will entertain the i. visitor ,t and public generally. It ds altogether afe tn v that this exhibition will well be worth the seeing. Last yor It was fine and this season the training has been both longer ana more inorouBit. uniirifov reeontton -to ' the Juniors and their intends In the Biblical Hall in m ... .'k. u.nii tf "nra.torl- cal" week. ' In due time will come blue Monday, when the lair visitors wm have departed and tor the most part have left only e. memory behind., ine only bright spot for the college boy, after such Interruption to the grind of text books, is the second jeexure oi Rev, 8. M. Johnson on Monday night, the 2th. Report (h-as It that w large number of young ladles will be here this week, 40 ha-vlng already been placed." . Following Is a list of the Junior ora tor with thefr subjects: R. J. Atwell. Mayhew, "Woman's Place In Society; F L. Blythe, Huntersville. ''The Bat tle of Kings Mountain;" W. H. Bogg liberty. "A Socra. 1 Crime;" T. M. Bulla, Fayettovllle, "A Nation's Sui cide;" G. 8. Chandler, ueceaur, "The South and the Nation;" W . B. . Chandler, Mayesville. 8. C.. Tne Progress of American Civilisation; C, L Crane, Decatur. Ga.. "The Demo cratic Predicament;" A. B. Curry. Jr., Memnmls. Tenn., "General Joseoh Wheeler;" R. A. Fetser, Concord, The Water Power of the Carolina; C. u. Flowe, Davidson, "The leadership of Educated Men;" W. B. Gillespie. Rock, Hill. 8. C, "The Product of South ern Brain;" W. IT. Cuerrant. Wllmore. Ky "The Powers of the Individual, W. H. Hamilton, Clover, 8. C, "Irnmi gnatlon and the South;" F. E. Haah agen, Wilmington. "George F, Hoar, Z N. Holler, Davidson. ' The Alms of SoclaMsm;" T. B Long. Charlotte, Americanism;" R. C. Love , McCon- nellsvilfe, S. C. The Uncrownep -ro:" John McEacbern. Sivannah, Gu. The Secret of Ruesla's Collapse; w. C. McLaughlin. Wadesboro. "America s Weakness;" J. L. -McLean. Maxton. "The Hague Tribunal;" M. J. McLean f Taron'An Old Faloned Virtue:'' H. McLeod, Red Springs. TThe.por.t mouth Peace Conference; J. A. MC Muniy. Mint ll. "The Scotch -Irish Hi the Carolina ;" T. - Merchant, OalnsvlUe. Fla... -true C Nlxo.n. .l.owesvme, -,i''"" 'j .!.)" t w. Piirnell. Jr.. Red Springs, "The Economic Kttect of the -... 1nrar' ASROClatlOn. K. 1. Tield. Davidson, "l ne niao " tlon;" W. C. Rose. Laurinburs. fwai way Rate Legislation;" D. S, JcoU Graham. "The Modern Touchstone J. E. P. Rhorard. Iva, 8. C. A Pre- ent Day prooiem; nmnm ""'". T. .. fege Hill. Miss., "Is War aWe;" C B Stockard. Saxapahaw. "Back to Vatiire " J. M. Walker. Burlington, "Progress and Poverty;" Everard Wil cox. Augusta, Ga., "Westminster Ab bey." MENTAL ANGUISH SUITS. Tlwy Occupy ihe Time or tiullford Superior Court. Correspondence of The Observer. Greensboro, Feb. 20.-Gullford Su perior Court Is engaged In the trKil of mental anguish suits. Hannah Bur roughs was given a verdict last night for $200 against the Western Union Telegraph Company as mentsl anitulsn dmiges on account of the delay In the vi!!.,.!, ,.r a. mesaere. To-day S i time of the court was consumed largely In hearing the case 01 jonn ourwa against tne same i-iii..ijr. tiff being awaruea w Another suilt growing out of the same transaction was Ih'it c.f Rosanma Ma news v the Western Union Telegraph -omiionv. Which was started this aft temoon and will go to the Jury to morrow morning. vr J. B. Benson, of Virginia, hs leased Mr. D. A. Klrkpatrlcks 250 aore flrm Just north of the city and will engage In farming and stock rais ing Mr. Klrkpstrick will devote his entire time to the manufacture of blMr T D. Tlnnln has errlvcd from Wilmington to take a position In the Greensboro National Bank- Mr Charles L. VUrmtory left to-night for Richmond. Va to accept a po. tlon with the Southern Bargain House of that city. CAKE OF MOtfT IffTEREhT. Pnullne rte Rlcardo to bo Tried by Federal Conn for Fraudulent I'se of Malls. Correspondence of The Observer. Ashavllln, Feb. 'A-The trial that pro. tnlses most Interest at th present spc rial term of I nited . l",'Sl Court wilt be that of Pauline d Rlcar l.i. charsed with using the mails for fraudulent purpose. ni.i; era KU. the n the Huneoinne uoinur J" ." ' ral months. He was brought here from lorlda at the expiration y e nenltenllary in t wi cu.i nu nciu r .v1 it.!!.,..i siaiM fnnrt In AShevI e. ror op,rftied In Ashevllle Bnd Slack Mountain some sis yrurm mw . snld to have secured many victims, lie Drofesaed to have the power to rulleve rare and worry; to restore ntrsngtod domestic relstlons and to find hidden been aummonsd to appear and testify against Rkardo These wltnease rep rvent sift States and some of them Kave treasure, a numocr . wi.. come long distances. Home c-r those th "late or Florida and one from the State oi coiineoiiout. MIL NEWSOM'S BimiAL. . i n.f . ' itmaina of Man Killed by Falling Karth at Winston Taken to 111 Home for Interment. Correspondence of Th Observer. Wlnston-Bulein, PVb. Ja The remains of Mr. Kugene Newsom, who was kllied under the Hle,w's creek Street bride Mondsy afternoon by a bank of dirt caving In on him, were prepurrd for burial and sent to th home or tho de ceased, near Tnbnccovllie, this morning accompanied by the fatlu-r Of the de. eeasedrMr. O. M. Newsom. The Inter ment will probably he at Mt.- Pleasant. Mr. Newsom leave a wife and two daughters, their sges .being . three and a half snd two years. It t learned that Mr.- Newsom was standing -oyer a "stab" when th bank of dirt fell on tillii and that he wus pressed upon the sharp stick with such for that It on. tered the abdomen, inflicting a wound from Which h bled to death. Collar Bone Broken. ; ' Correspondence of "Th4"ObsfTer. ? Wadesboro, Feb. a J0.-Thts after noon, while driving through town in a wagon, a Mr. Vaughn's mule took fright and ran, throwing both out, bruising Mrs. v Vaughn considerably and - breaking Mr, Vaughn's collar- ft ? . ? a i ' T " ' r ' Vance AVIiltcs, ol 1 Sdrrjr.' i - Special to The Observer. Klkin. '!.. 2U.Mr. Vane White died yraterday morning at his home, near burcb fetation, after a short illness fronv pneumonia. He was member of Rush Lodge No. 41A Masons, ana was burled . Willi . the honor' of that order to-day at :1 :-oclock. -' lie -was In the prime ef young manhood, ..being- only 21 year old. A youn wife and two small children ure left to mourq. an affection. ai nuaoana una lamer. ' , . , Mrs., A. Vi Tliom, of Guilford.' t ; Correspondence of The Observer. , f Greensboro, Feb; ,20.-Mrsi Amelia F Thorn, widow of tho- late Robert Thorn. died- suddenly .. this morning about -1 o'ctock at her home near - Morinb ehurch. 8ho had been in good hea'h and ' retired last night, feeling a well .: usual: Her .daughter was awakened sbout 3, o'clock by the heavy breathing of her mother,; who expired in a few minutes. . She-; was : about years of age and leaves twe daughters.' The fu nerat wut occur at Alumanee cnuren To morrow morning: at 11 o clock, followed by the burial at that place. -Miss Luclndav Crondcr, of Spartan "burg. Special to The Observer. , ' ; Spartanburg, 8. d' Feb. 30. Miss Lu- clnd Crowder, aged 60 years, died at her home on Wtt Main street Sunday night. after being -ill from pneumonia for some time. For. several vears sha lived outside the r city, where she successful- iy conaucteo a, general ana stocs larm. The funeral was held Tuesday nnd the remains were Interred In Magnolia otreei cemetery. Mrs. Sarah J, SIedet of Caswell. Special to The Observer. Reidsville. Feb. ILNews has reach ed here of the death of Mrs. Sarah I. Blade, of Caswell county, whtch oc curred at the home, of her daughter, Mr, Maria G.;- Watkln, lnDanviUe yesterday, after art illness , extending over 1 several years. She was in the 8th year of ; her age. Mrs. Blade Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mar ia G, Watkins and Miss Pauline W. Made,, and One brother, Mr. Alfred C. Taylor; The Interment took place this afternoon. '...- , .--;'.- L. C. Hufflncs, of Rocklngliant. Special to The Observer. Reldsvllhs, Feb. 21. Mr. D. C. Huf- flnes a well-known citizen of the coun ty, died at his home near Monroeton yesterday of paralysis. He was the father of Mr. J. D. Hufflnes. of Relds- vllle. , Messrs.. Edward, Thomas and Luther Hufflnes, of Rocky Mount, are also sons of the deceased. The funeral took place at Fair Grove church this afternoon. . ; ELKIN'S BOOK CLUB. Delightfully Entertained by Mrs. Mc- Neer PersoiUjI nnd News Notes. Correspondence of The Observer, - Elkln, Feb. 20. Mr. Lot Harrle, who has been for the last four years In Richmond. Va,, Is here visiting his parents In West Elkln. Walter Bell, a former resident of our town, Is spending a short time here with his parents and shaking hands with old friends. The fine weather of the past week ha put a number of our people to gardening and the farmers to plowing. Mr. Carl Polndexter left yesterday for Richmond. Va,. to take a course In Business training in one of the col leges In that city. " The book club was delightfully en tertained by Mr. McNeer Wednesday. It being St, Valentine s Day, the house was tastefully decorated with hearts The ladles recited verses, comical and sentimental, .appropriate to the day. Several verses were orlsinai! end high ly compllmentory to the hostess, A vocal- solo by Miss Hunt, and Instru mental aolos , by, Mrs. Biggs, Miss Bland and "Mr. Robert Reece. were much en loved hv oil. Mrs. Cook read an article on "The Early Costumes of St. Valentine's Day. Miss mce re cited 'The BeMs," a very difficult poem, In a highly dramatic and pleas-ino- manner. Mrs McNeer had prpvld- ed special amust-mcnt.' The ladles In tum, were blindfolded and given a pin to pierce a heart fixed upon an easel. Mis Bertha Bell being' fortunate In piercing the heart nearest the center. wa awarded tne prize, a largo nean Shaped box filled with Lowney's candy. Another prise, a rramea picture, wan given to Mrs. Will, Bell. Each guest was given a lovely, valentine. Dainty refreshments were servea at smau tables. It was the largest club meet ing of the season and pronounced oy, all one of the most pleasant. un.,TO. 4hevllle Vrom New Olsen Returns to Asnevilie rmm a unnra. Correspondence of The Observer. Ashevlllef Feb. 20. cnanes uisen haa returned from New Orleans where he defeated Oscar Wassam Se.turdav night in a contest ror nest inree oul qosc VOUT StOmaCn Wlttl a 8UCKV of five falls. Wassam Is .said to be Z Tr.l. j- . . . aj Oscar Baiter, who wrestled Olsen here tyTMpt Work direct, get to the some time ag-o under that name. cenjn of tin rvil mr Hnwan't "Shad" Link is expected here this af- UCr OI. m fUD VjOWan $ ternoon from Washington to train for JrnClimOnia Cure OVef VOUT Cnest uhm Sarfh I "t' "cnVof XkVl Of throat, Of OVer both. te3,'! .OTna trflntnwh'the'hve I N a plastef OT liniment. bull while here will Inaugurate a novel rnind VOU, but a medicine that feature m snorting circle,. penetrates and heals, stimulates, s. a. ii. ofthTs M 1,8 Moved to Ham- purifies and strengthens your cold Correspondem e of The observer. inflamed, weakened lungs, bronchial Hamlet. Feb. 20.-There is a ru- tubes rr mnr to the effect that the division u"' superintendent s of fleflt : with th train dispatcher's and train master or tne Seaboard Air Line are to be moved from Raicigh to Hamlet. The rumor seems to be weii founded and it is bclleved bv those who are In a posl- tion to know that,. at n early date, this change win be made. iicid for court. Special to The Observer. : Reldsvllle, Feb. 2i,Jttr, am Alius, ...V nJ 1,1 II a.4 Whit Mills tt Dft- gro, near Ruffln, was given a prellml- "ary hearing yesterday. The nature of the evidence has not been learned, but Mr. Mills was put under a bond of $300 for his appearance at the next term of Caswell Superior court. , ., 1PJI I" y Um or Daok Pains; Svrallsn CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B. B.B. . B, Mu ssdsflss ttrtti tt Bmmf W (. J.1 aaaaaa maaa ml aaaaaaitass. ti a aafMcy Wiiais ' aal iHMlitaa. It MaSMShr neaSsrtsI h gtA.B.hwiaiiiiiiills. R lawltentss Hw Stess. sssMse h ears ss rka, aad isani Ii f ttw vn i stsoo. wsksj mmmm wm rnwtwf m it i HMS "''""aTnaea.e e fM, saaSfMeas eat na WmUs sad BMfeeta 9ttm Issilas sms snat a MISMtlaBMa , - H ' t S - . r FIRE AT FLAT, HOCK. 11 V JV- l t I...I1IH.I1II ii-rt , ta i s( Bant, StaWes and" Carriage House Ht ; SUnontod Summer Home ucairoyeu, Correspondence of The Observer.. Flat Rock; Febv'.Z0.Tne cam siaojes nd carriage house at 1 the summer home at this place or tne late Juage C H. Slmonton, of Charleston,' S," C, were completely dee'royed by fire late yesterday afternoon. ' The. origin of the fire i unknown. A' eon of Mr. Fink Kuykendall, who. has . the place ' In charge, was at the barrt about o'clock and others passed the barn at' about that time, but none of these eaw any sign ef Are. A half hour later when Messrs Kuykendall went to feed the block, it was first learned r that the barn was on fire. The Dimes quickly spread-from this building to the crib and carriage house, and, "had It not been for the quick work -of the Messrs KuykendaaV a : number t -of . expensive carriages and buggies would have been burned. Owing to their prompt action these, however, were saved. Aouanlty of roughness was burned. The Slmon ton place is One of the most beautiful and best kept places at . Flat Rock. It Is very fortunate that there was no air stirring yesterday afternoon, the ttarn end carrlaee house, were ..danger? ouslv near the dwelling house. The place is the porperty of Mrs. B. F. Als tno, of Charleston, S. C a daughter of Judge Slmonton. t - ,i k mil in ' ' ' " i 'J'' ! -!i Mills Can Afford to Pay 18 Cents for , , Cotton. ' To the-Editor of The Observers ' The free movement of cotton during January, and so far this month, com- nared with last year, that being the bumper crop year; nas ia a very ao moralislng effect on many people, and has caused a great many to close out their holdings at - a loss. The world should not lose eight of the fact that cotton ha been bringing 11 to lift cents during these montns against i to 7ft cents last year, which has given the producer a profit and inducement to sell, this year against loss last vear. Aeain. It should not be over looked that the movement up to last Friday wai 247.000 bales behind two year ago, when the total crop was only 10,011.000 bales, we nave, mere fore to get from now on for the bal ance of this season, 247.000 bales more than two years agd, to make a 10,000, 000 bale' crop. Granting that we get the 247.000 bales or .even l.vuu.uuu oaies more than' two years ago, we will be far short of a supply, and with stiver up around (( cents an ounce end trade rwwilttnna a healthv a they are to day, the market should be around 12 cents per pound. Tne majoniy oi tne mtUs can pay that price now and make a handsome profit. JASPER MILLER. Charlotte, Feb. 21 1908. Durhandte Goes to Virginia. Correspondence of The Observer. Durham. Feb. 20. Next week Mr T. H. Martin and family, who lived In Durham for many years, will leave for Virginia where they will make their home on a farm- owned by Mr. Martin on the Potomac, Mr. Martin has been a prominent tobacconist for years and has served the city as alder man since coming here. Capt. J. J. Loughlin Is also making arrangements to move his family from Durham. He has been elected cashier of the Bank of Southport and moves there to take charge of his work. He will begin next week. Capt. Loughlin has lived in Durham for many years and has been a prominent business man. 1 Verdict for $5,000. Correspondence of The Observer. . Wadeaboro, Feb. 20. The case of David Bites against tje Seaboard Air Line Railway Company has occupied the entire time of the Superior Court from last Thursday until this after noon. It was a case for damages for the loss of a leg by the plaintiff, a ne gro. The Jury returned a verdict, In favor of the plaintiff for the amount claimed, tS.000. Judge Fred Moore, of Ashevllle refused to set aside the verdict, so the case will probably go to the Supreme Court. FOR BILIOUSNESS AND SICK HEAD ACHE. Take Orino laxative Fruit Syrup. It weetcus the stomach, aids dlgeatlon and acts hs a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without Irritating these oraans. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures biliousness and habitual constipa tion rtnaa nni n:iiiMAte or orine and is 1 mild ana pleasant to .-use. iwih , Oilno and refuse to accept any I .,ihtltnte H. H. Jordan & to. . y VOU HAVE A CO! D WTkw r Vurt KJl-J. Wtiy ,. COWAN'S QOES IN. ( lt cures CTOUp lfj ten minutes J ! . , r . colds, sore throats, etc, m one night Guaranteed to cure Dneu- . ymJ r1 momatne most terrible form of Unequalled for rheumatism and all muscular soreness, for boils, felorut. inffarnirl !nrl Mr 0 , All dlltrvllta Sll lAMn Bamtar mtm ' 3)a ots. By mail, if fi"c'Price- xGowa M'"clCo., I hare ved Oowaos Pneumonia Cure with splendid molts for eoagba, colds and sever pals l chest sod km, it never fails tor. , swi t, ttiwsnoa . v- a UUL Joints, Itohlng, Dumlng Skin sheading Bra4-Bos pslas, sctatas a SsDsHag satos a sad ewsa last soaag vsoi o riaMMerUaM.SMilte lolaUl ot seeuta bmscmsi en: ssky la swviag anesiss m bars 1 est emekest Mas Uus St sktaU ska kdS Ssd IwssiSBlMea ; salssi ks kisatht tesMica, haaiar. teat, ale, BSIsaiS BkeaBska fiLaUS.) Witt Sn Saesa,gi'.; lag ealdt Nltef turn tb flat Sass, sad 8. S. a. ssbo a rich,tleeaag taoS ef eans, rkfc, Wood shtct ts r,aslrilsbaailDt.Stta aaSMnactt Md eas al si , sad te tfals 'ar saAtej a ssdset, sssbtg ssre ef aMoasstta It all at tama ' ' -; Week XaaeUve KldayOae tbtesstM off gstastttlss Is Sat Is laactret kslaajs sad slatted g. a. A tuesfttttt wsafc talasys at Utdin, swhilna eg an gjirnf sstms as sg tissets.s tttstajs tajasiyfflr. m .4 Dr-Vs.TPree t W l" HghS ciaaaUty f . "r "f;"dr saaant Swat Fee by wrttle Bto Salaa CAlre,OaV lMrib voartrsaM. ywr ease alee seat U sesasd. let.. Foe M&tt Fehr's SEABOARD uj) AIR LINE RAILWAY Direct line to principal cities North, East, South and Southwest Schedule ef fective January 7, 1605. - v . 1 rains leave Charlotte as follows: No. M. daily, at 6:01. a. TO., for Monroe. Hamlet and Wilmington, connects at Monroe for Atlanta. Birmingham and nomtT South, at Hamlet for Raleigh, Norfolk Richmond. Washington. New rnrk and all points North and East; for vuumbla. Sevannah ad Florida pointa no! dally. at 10:10 a. m.. tor Lincoln. in Shelby end Ruthsrlnrdton. Coo- at Lincolnton with C. A N, 7. ; ne.. ,, Hailv. at 7:16 D. m.. for Uonn. -.ncts for Atlanta. Birmingham and' connect . t H.jlM ffidelgU Richmond. Washington. N.n York Tand all points North i and Ka.t. At Mnmlet for Columbia. Ssvannan and l3LTono day wun . m.. fTraini arrive at Charlotte a. fallows, " No7l3i. 10 ,n" POWtS North a??o8ia at 7K p. m. from Kutherfordton.f ohlihvand Lincolnton. - - ? 8lJo 89?at M: W .. from Wilmington. Hamlet and Mouroe; also from vomti North and South. ijmneetlons are made at Monroe with .11 through trains tor points North and South which are composed of vtibulM Say coaches, Pullman drawing room alMping cars end dining cars between Atlanta, through Richmond and , VasU imarton to Few York. For rates, time tables, reservations, ddIV to ticket agent- or, appiy JAMES KER, JR.. C. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C. C H. GATTlS. T. P. A., Raleigh. N. C C B. RTAN. G. P. A.. Portsnanth. Va. NIWlttMVesler Through Train Daily.Charlotte to Roanoke, Va. schedule in effect Dec '3. 1805. - 11:00 am Lv- Charlotte, So. Ry Ar tt:09 pm 2-16 am Ar Winston, So. Ry. Lv 2:25 pm vui nm I,v Winston. N. ft W. Ar Z:0 Dm 6 00 pm Lv Martlnsvllla ' Lv 11:46 am 6 5 pm Lv Rocky Mount, Lv lv.snt am 7:8a pm Ar Roanoke, Ly :Ot am Daily. ' Connect at Roanoke via - Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural Bridge. Luray, Hagerstown, and all points in Pennsyl vania and New York Pullman aleeper Uoanoke and Philadelphia. ; - -Through coach. Charlotte and Roanoke. Additional Information from agents Southern Railway. M. P. BRAGG. Trav. Pass. A sent. W. B. BEVILL. Ge'l. Pass. Agent, . ROANOKE. VA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Special i educed rates via Seaboard. I'enaacola, Fla.; New Orleans, La.; Mobile. A Hl Account - Mardl Gnv, February Snd-.Tth, one fare, plus 25c " . round trip, tickets sold February 21st ' ' 26th Inclusive, tinsl limit March sd. Tickets can bs extended-Until March Loui'sville, Ky. Account Department of Superintendence National Education, al Association, February 27th-March 1st, one fare, plus Sue. round trip. Tickets sold February, Xtth-SSth-Mth, rtnal- limit March 4th. . C H. GATTIS. T. P. A.. Balelgh. N. C. run 7riu, ' j.u , . - 4 , ,vf'.t Modern 6-Room cottage In DHworth."' Modern H-noom house E. 'ith- , j street Modern 7-Room House TSA acres of land, gooa Darn, asyers t-ara,, on N. College street. "Modern house blocks from Independence square; 9th street 'Plione 840. Conservative Mitel life Wants District "AgentsTfcir good, unoccuined . : territory. v Liberai Nonforfeitable Renewal V"7 Conttcts,direct ; with , the ' company. ?WevV; have a Special Propoktion which will double' ; 4 , -ssWasassaBBBsaasBBBBiiMSSBBBBa aasaaaawsi jjj, ' your business.;. Write in our Industrial Department we have positions open for, 3d ca pable, experienced Suicrlntenilcnts and Asalaunt Snperlntendefita to open up branch office ..Applicants must -be r, able -to ahow ,, clean .lreeorai,.--:.Thui-'to'ait---p-portunlty.-,to: grow and prosper with young - and aggressive Company. Our new Industrial Policies will create a , sensation. Guaranteed Cash Values, Automatic Estended Insurance, and PakTVn Insurance after the Rth-year, Instead of the lath, ' a with other1 industrial policies, Policies dear, concise, easily , dcratood by the layman, instead of ' being tangled , Up with re- strictlont. like other companies' contracts. 1 Apply to j .. , , ' ( A : r M. DAfiCY, : GenzrEl r.!-rcr, : (csmzthi Kiel life terence.Ccr, Q:'. II. f . ;' .' ''''' L x-. - J?,, eair .f.-t j , , v e vlndigcstsool It will restore your losl appetite, renew and whet the desire for .wholesome food and give :h -f. you power to properly digest what you ( You will again know the keen- enjoyment of " 1 a food square meal. . ' , , J,1 . oaiac a. mm , is predleesterl tonlt? food composed ot bar- - - , f , ley malt, hops, and the purest of pure crystal j , , water,, Nothing more-no dru nochem- f1 ' r teals. ' Its- province is lo aid nature by . ; strengthening the nerves, blood and muscles , so that the stomach can do Its own digesting, r f, X U is deliehtfully palatable. . f POft SALS BY ALL ORUQOIT8. -' " Malt Tonic Dept.. LoolsyiUe, Ky V Southern flaite In Effect Fetauar Utlv JSObV; Tktm An4mAa Mhadllla la DUOllShSd : .' '' , -: Information and is . subject to chaage wunoui notio to ia puwi& - a w m. i hkiiv. fn RleamoM and local points; connects, at Grsenrtof.:;,: for Wlnaton-Salem. Raleigh. Idbor. - Newborn and Moreneaa t.:ny. ; for Norfolk. , " v, ''r 0S a m.'S'e, ff. dally, tor Rock ElR." ) Chester, Columbia and local taUoiia t ?:10 a. m. No. Is. dally except Sunday. ' for BUtasvllla" Taylorsvllle and Joe" ir Folnts; .oonneou st Moovili for Win- - -ston-Salem. and st Statesvllle tor ory; looir. Blowing Rock. AshevUl and ,v .. ; Other points west. . t".' "'":?,- ', I. 1B a. m. No, r, dally, New Tent w Atlanta Express Pullman sleeper J Co. lumbus. Ga., and day coaches to Atlsoua. OoImi . connection at Cpartanburg ferHr Hendersonvtlle snd AshevlUe. l: a. m. No. 81, dally. New Terkjod -Florida Express, for Rock Hill. Cbester. . v. Wtnnesboro. Columbia. Savanaah. Jaa sonvlila. Dining car sevee- V 1 . :M a. m. No. it dally, tr. .Fa,i, for Waablngton and all points North. , ,r Pullman drawing rooms, sleepers te Jjew, -. ., York and Richmond; day coachee Nw , Orleans to Waahlnsrton. Dinto car eer. . : vice. Connects at Greensboro for wm. ; ston t aiem, Raleigh and Goiasboro. a. m. No. tt, daUy. Wahmten tn Suthwestern Limited. P-dmais dwtn . t room sleepers. New York to New Orleans and Birmingham.' pulLman.ebeswtlejj!..;!: car New York to Macon. Dining ear er-. . . ,- vice. Solid Pullman rrair i , ' 10 ffi a. m. No, j. Wasnrngtea and . Florida Limited. Pullman d-wlng roam , sleepers to New York: nrst elns eoach , s Washington. Dining cas "ervtce. , ...v(,, . II. 00 a. m. No. ss. dnr, c Uarlda. , Mooresvllle, Barber Junctlsn. Cooleeme, , , Moekavtlle. Wtnston-Salsiw and Aoaneke,,, ,f .... Va, and lecal ooins, f . - , U:J5 p. m. No. it. dailr. or AWanta and , local stations: connects'! pa.rtaaburg . t for Hendersonvtlle and Ashevllle. v , ' 7:00 p. m. No. Yi, dully, tor. Richmond snd local stations; connects, at Gte'J boro for Raletgh snd Onldsboro. PU s -man sleepers. Greensboro tn Rslelfn. Charlotte to Norfolk, and Charlotte to S Richmond. yffi :00 p. m. No. S. dally, except Hnnday,.; , freight snd sassanger fo? Chester, a. - tint. p. m. no, Z4, aaiiy, excepi ouw; for Taylorsvllle and local stations; con, vllle. Chattanooga and Memphis. I ..... necr.s at wtatosviu ror aiwti .lie. Chattanooga and wempnis, : S:11 n. m. No. . daily. Waabington end Southwestern Limited, tor Washington sid all points North. Pullman ,ler ; and pullman obervalion vr to j. xora. fining oar sarvic(i'i' t.ri.,:. man train. . .. ... .- 10:1 W p. m. NO. S4. daily, Kw ior n Florida Espress. tor Washington ma,w. points. North, Pullman leeners .-fwJ;jc Jacksonville and Augusta to.NvW Tork.,' First claaa day coach, Jacksonville to Wahlneton. .... 2" B0 p. m. No. . dallv. Washington and C Florida UmltTd. for Columbia. Augusta. ; Charleston. Savannah and JacksonvlU. )tw Pullman drawing room sleep ag cr . to v i Jacksonville. First class day coaihes r Washington to Jacksonville. ; - j -11:US p. m. No. 40, daliyfOT Wsshlngton and points North. Pullman sleeper t Washington. First class day eoackv At- lanta to Washington, -.'- ' - 10:20 p. m. No. fc. dally. United StaUj ir Fast Mall, for Atlanta and points .South and Southwest. Pullman drawing too;vv;,, sleepers to New 'Orleans and Birmlng j ham. Day -eoaches, Washington to N , Oi leans. Dining cjr service. v Baggage called tor ana cheeked lrom f , hotels and residences by Wadswertjj . Transfer Company, on orders left at CM?-, Ticket Office. .,' v- n-- H. B. SPENCER, teneral Managei , , 8. " H. HARD WICK, Passenger .Tratfl Manager. r Z W. H TAYIsOK, Gtt. VfiWtoST 4AV , -" I, Pine sUreet- An elegant noma- win v irvnuus wu ivim vnp. ij,,... 8-Room house N. Brevard --street, Two .'modem, nooses- i)r riwit, h , v ,217 X. Tryon Su. for particulars. 5 i 1" "'' ('fl'fV 'J I r

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