' . V: CHAELOTTE DAILY OBSERVER,' FEBRUARY 24 1906. 8 j r J 1 y-'t 'A 5 1 US 'A '-7 V- Vinnmmlii (iewmonlefl 'Attend Be ginning of Erection of Spartan . burg's Now Federal Building. r.MMLniiAiiM nf Th Observer. t- Spartanburg, & C. Feb. 22. At high ' maaii to-dav the cornerstone of the iwiatafAo building, which the govern ment is erecting for the city at the cor of North Church ,. and Walnut streets, was laid with Impressive ana intereatbig ceremonies by the Masonic , : tnrfMa of the county. There were hun- "Vdreda present when the handsome stone was lowered Into position, with a CORNERSTONE XATD. programme of prayer, music ana aa- iiidreseea. The school children of th -city contributed. In no small degree, ' to the success of the occasion and Hu 4 S perlntendent Frank Evans Is being '"heartily congratulated for this part, rl' Which be planned. Acting Grand Master Smith conduct ' ed the Masonic features of the pro- - gramme assleted by the members of the. order. ' i The orator of the day was President X; Henry N. Snyder, of Wofford College, v Swbo chose for his subject a very hp V'pjr and appropriate theme "Washing ton, the Man Who Laid the Corner stone of the Republic." i-sHl speech rang with patriotism from beginning to end and that hlti words found an echo In the hearts ana ' Blinds of his auditors was manifested -fey the close attention on the part of the vast assemblage which filled every av&lllble foot for several hundred feet !? around the stand. The children of the i City schools, prior to the opening of the ceremonies of the day. dressed In costumes depicting the various well , . known characters of Mrrthcr Goose's - rhymes, formed In line anil, headed by J.i'that patron saint of the nursery and mounted on roller skates, swiftly glld ' ed through the principal streets of the city and finally brought up at the building. ' The day Is reckoned as an eventful n of the history of the city, as It marked the presentation of the Aral Federal structure to the community. It was through the work of Kepresen tativ Johtumn that the building wan made poeslble and the due public credit was given him by one of the speakers. " VAIN EFFOIIT TO THWART CUPID Durham Father Places Guard Over Girl, but She Makes Good Her Kb cape and Joins Her Ixivcr. Corespondence or The Observer. Durham, Feb. 22. Mr. Walter F. Barbee, who lives In the eastern part of the city, had quite a chase to pre vent his daughter eloping with a Mr. Whlttlngton. but, as Is usual In such cases, Cupid outwitted the old folks and the couple has skipped out. ImM night Mr. Whlttlngton and a frlenu applied for license to marry and It Ister of Deeds Markham was not sat isfied as to the age of Miss Nettle Bar bee, the young bride-elect. He told them they would have to get a written permit. They went away and returned With a note saying that the girl was of legal and Register of Deeds Markham found thlM.to be a forgery. He again refused. After that Mr. Barbee went In search of his daughter, found her and carried her back home. Ijtst night a guard was placed on duty to see that the young lady did not leave her room. About the time the guard was relieved this mornltiK MIhs liarbee escaped and has evidently Joined her Intended and they have Bklpped to some other town. Mr. Barbee to-day sent out a number Of notices to various counties In an ef fort to prevent the marriage. HIS EM PIIYER a negro. Norwegian Tailor Comes From New York lo High Point to Find That He Had Been Employed by Negro Luckily He Found Another .lob. Special to The Observer. High Point. Feb. 23. To read an ad vertisement in a New York paper an etpert tailor was wanted at High Point, to answer the same and accept the Job at 125 per week and finally to arrive here and meet his would-be em ployer face to face and find out that he was of African descent, was too much for a Norwegian, by birth, who came here yesterday. The tailor called upon The Kntcrprlse and told of his troubles and especially of his disap polntment and humiliation. He was ts mad as a full-blooded Irish man when InHiilled, repeating that what a fool ho was not to think about asking If the advertiser wan whrte or black, but as there are very few negro tailors the gentleman from New York said lhat any one would naturally suppose that the advertise wan white and that the firm here should have been more ex plicit. Hut all's well that ends well, and the gentleman from New York got a good Joli nfter all for Mr. David Jonen, the well-known tailor, of Dan ville, was In town and, hearing of (he presence of the tailor from New York, contracted with the gentleman and carried him to Knnvllle lust evening. COAST USK SHOPS. Contract Ia'I for Their F.revtloii at Waymrw. (.a. To Com $100,000. Special to The Observer. Wilmington. Feb. It is an nounced from Atlantic Coast Iyine headquarters that the contract for the mammoth fImi;i. to be built at Waycross. Georgia, has la-en awarded. Heventeen (inns submitted hllt. The contract lis given to the Pennsylvania Prldge Company, of llcuver Falls. It In stipulated that the work must be completed by January 1, l!to7. Wlille the official refiiMc to state the con tract price. It Ik known that the Shops will cost not cH than 1 400,000. Escaped I 'rotn Jcf and Diiinh School. ftpeclal to The iltsr-rver. ,t. , Albemarle. I'Vb. 23. Information i,. reached here to-day In the cflVrt tlt.it 15. Walton Purr, a d.-af and dumb ,-boy, about 17 years old. who was sent 40 the Kchool for the Dear and Dumb t Morganton about a month ago, made his escape from then lust Mon day His mother, who Is a very old ' , widow. Is greatly dlstrens.-d about him. r He Is about S fret high, has fair skin. ,Wm eyes and red hair. His mother 1 "v jls Mrs. Nancy Furr. Hloomlngton, N. 'fl. Whe will appreciate any Informa . Most pertaining to him. Annlvenwry KxercUcs at Wofford. . Correspondence of The Observer. Spartanburg. K. C , peh. 22. -This evening in the auditorium of Wofford t College the anniversary exerciaes were ' hld, speeches being deilvi-rd by two representatives, one from each literary society. The speakers were:. J. ft. - Lyles, of the Preston Society, who poke on "A Typical American." while iftho other speaker, H. W. Puckett, rep 7 resentatlve of the Calhoun Society. j rwtrayed the death of the despot In 'Ths Last Breath of Despotism." Af , ter the regular exercises a reception . was held to the soctetf halls. t V,' " 5 FRAUD EXPOSED. ' , ' A-Jtm-: counterfeits have lately been rnaklng and trying te sell Imitation, of ltr. King's New Discovery for Consump. ton, Cinirh nd Colds, and other md etuea. thereby defrauding the puWIe. This is to wars you to bewsrs of such ppl. who seek ' to proflt, tbtous h nitling - ths reputation . of resMtdies lth havs ben successfully urln iliseaM, for over X years. A sure pre. t ttn, . to- yon, our name on ; the wrapper. Look for It. on all Dr. King's or itucklen's remedies, as all others are "r (mitallons. 1L K.- Bucklen A Co,, , jcagor iu and , Windsor Canada, ft. L jvedan it Ce. X&fl THE DEATH RECORD.- f f n ' -1 k s '"f , ; Mrs. II, Grant, .f Asheville. Special to The Observer. " , , . v Asheville. Feb. S3. New wia re ceived) hero to-day of the death 'at Macon, Oft., this morning of Mrs. H. F. Grant, of Ashevllle: Mra. Orant survived her husband Just Ave days. Mr. Grant .died In Macon Sunday night OwJng to the Illness of Mrs. Grant, the surviving children could not leave the Georgia city to bring the remains of their father home. The re mains of both Mr. and Mrs. Grant will be brought to AahevJUe to-morrow and the double funeral service con ducted from the First Presbyterian church. Tlionias Caudle, of Forsyth. Correspondence of T,he Observer. Wlnston-Stlem, Feb. 22. Mr. Charles Marshall, rural free delivery carrier of Walnut Cove, was here to-day and re ported that Mr. Thomas Caudle died at Wialnut Cove yesterday with black measles. His sister died Tuesday with the same disease and his daughter is not expected to live. Mr. Caudle's son brought the disease home from West Virginia. The latter, who has been 111 for some time. Is convales cing. Mr 11. D. Delgh, ol Chapel Hill. Special to The Observer. Chapel Hill, Feb. 23. Mrs. H. D. Leigh, wife of H. D. leigh, a mer chant of Chapel Hill, died to-day at her home of heart disease, aged tz years. She leaves eignl cnuaren, sev eral of whom are married. Deceased had been In poor health for some time past. She was a faithful member of the Baptist church. The funeral will be held at Durham Saturday after noon. Deceased was a sister oi ex- Sheriff lUgsbee, of Durham county. Mrs. A. F. Eslielmon, of Wlnaton- Salcm. Special to The Observer. High Point, Feb. 23. Mrs. A. F. Eshelman died In the sanitarium at Salisbury yesterday and her remains were brought here this morning where they will be Interred. Deceased was the wife of Mr. A. F. Eshelman, of the Union Furniture Co., of thla plac. and was a good woman, she leaves, besides a husband, several children to mourn their loss. For several months she had been In very feeble health, and this was her second trip to the eanl tarlum. H. II. Kinoald, of Burke. Stwcial to The Observer. Morganton. Feb. 23. Mr. H. H. Kin cald. whose serious Illness was men tioned In The Observer, died at his home near Table Rock yesterday and will be burled to-day at Mountain Grove church. Mr. Klncald was a Christian gentleman and was one of the most prominent citizens of Burke county. He wias born and reared and had always lived in Burke. He was in his eighty-third year. He is survived by a widow, one soriv Mr. P. S. Klncald and four daughters, Mrs. Mildred Parks, Mrs. Harris, Miss Emma Kin raid and Mrs. Francis Klncald. He had been a member of the Masonic lodge for many years. Dilworth I Floral Gardens For choice Cut Flowers, for Wedding Flowers, for Floral Designs everything or any thing In Cut Flowers. We are fully prepared to handle any order for any kind of Flowers on short notice. Telegraph, telephone or write, us If you have time. Promptness is our motto. W. G. McPHEE, Pro., Charlotte, N. C. X P. O. IJox IJW. Bell 'Phones. 1 CIGARS For Sunday are more in demand when you are unable to supply your wants. We sell no ci gars on Sunday but would like to furnish you the Sunday supply TO-DAY. Everything in cigars do mestic and imported. R. H. JORDAN & CO rnKSCIU PTIONI8T8. Phone 7. Springs Cor. See the Herplclde lady with the beautiful hair at our store. F. D. A. For $400.00 60 feet on S. Church St. Room for two houses. $50.00 cash will talk and a deed will be executed. - $3 acre farm in" Steel Creek, at $30.00 per A. F D. aLBXANDBti 20 . Tryon. r. U. -: i : the' weather ; . '-C f 'i - ' 5' ' Forecast for Saturday.;, and . ' Sunday: Fair, warmer Saturday: ; Sunday fair, colder In ' western portion; light to fresh south winds. ' - i. Charlotte, VS. C, 8 p. m. Feb. 2X-8wn rise 1:00; sunset :13 (Standard time). LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. Highest temperature .. .... .... Lowest temperature ..... ..' .. .... Mean temperature., .. .. .. .. .... Excess for the day Accumulated deficiency for month .65 .42 M .09 JS0 .70 .00 Accumulated excess for year .... PrecfDitailon to-day (Inches) Total precipitation for month. 1.68 Accumulated deficiency for month. 2.13 .Accumulated deficiency tor year,, .tu Prevailing wind direction .. ... ....East Special Notices DO IT NOW! GET BLUB RIBBON Vanilla. Absolutely pure; goes twice as far an dglves desserts the Blue Ribbon Flavor." WHITE WTA NDOTTE8. UNTIL March 20th next we will sell our 15.00 eggs at 13.60 and our S3.00 egss at 12.00, to persons living In Mecklenburg county. OTARIjOTTE POULTRY FARM. LARGE SHIPMENTS of Clnco Cigars, all sicca and shades, Just received at WOODALL A SHEPPARDS, Whole sale and Retail. BUSINESS MEN WILL NOT FIND A more convenient place to dine nor a more varied Dili of rare man nere. Our efforts are for ltUick. best satis factory service. OEM RESTAURANT, m. a. CKH.BWELL, Manager. BIO LINE SILVERWARE JUST RE- celved. Would like to show you what I have. Goods purchased here En. graved free. J. E. 8TEERB, Jeweler. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. OUR STOCK OR TOILET ARTICLES comprises everything required In the toilet. Nothing omitted that eaa be used to an advantage. JA8. P. 8TOWE & CO., Druggists. 'Phone 179. TO LET GROtTND-FIX)OR OFFICES, htat and partly furnished, steam phone free. S16 and 88.60: suburban home, large grounds, stable, chicken yard and Incubators, only 910; second and third floor offices, cheap. Homes for sain, easy terms. B. L. KEESLER, 'Phone 844. A FRESH SHIPMENT OF CHIP8 has Just been received, not "chips and whetstones." but fine, freeh Saratoga Chips. They are packed in half-pound cartoons, and are guaranteed by the makers to be "the best on earth." Try thm. 'Phone 68. MILLER VAN NESS CO. SILVER POLISH 25c. BOTTLE. Cleans your sliver nice and bright. 'Phone 170 for a sample package. J. E. STEERE, Jeweler. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. ASK F, M .SHANNANHOUSE. W. B. and J. K. A. Alexander, Z. A. Hovia, J. E. Thomas, and John P. Greene, what they thing of Purina Poultry Foods, they are the big breeders', and all of them use it. We sell It. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. B. S. DAVIS. Phone 247. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH the headache to-day, 'phone Woodall & Shcppard for a bottle of Allan's Headache Remedy. It will cure you, If it don't It costs you nothing. Price 26 cents. WOOD AND COAL-YOU CAN ORDER of us any or both the above articles and get just what you want. Our per sonal attention given to all orders, large or small. We have a full stock of all grades Coal and Wood. 'Phone 402 W. A. AVANT. WE BUILD MACHINERY TO ORDER, overhaul and repair machinery, cut gears, make- patterns. models, etc. BOU'l'HKHN MAUH1NE WORKS High Point, N. C. WATCHES CLEANED AND REPAIR ed In a workman-like manner by men of b iv. Satisfaction guaranteea J. E. STEERE, Jeweler. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. "BUY A HOME IN THE LAND OF the sky." Magnificent home newl erected with out buildings to match, acres of land In high state of cultiva tion; seir-supportlng at a Dargain. Large sale of town and country prop erty, for sale or rent. Carolina Real Estate, Loan A Development Co., W. F. Edwards, President, Hendersonvllle, N. C. Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 23. 1908. Messrs. J. Arthur Henderson and Bro.;' Agents. Charlotte, N. C. Deer Sirs: Allow me to thank you, as agents ror the Hamburg Bremen Fire Insurance Co.. for the nromDt payment of the full amount of Policy No. 26.17, $400. on 312 and Si 4 East 12th street. This loss was adjusted Feb. lth and I received draft In run, witnoui awcouni. on reo. zjru. Very truly yours, MRS. B. J. HUNTER, Fresh car load Melrose FLOUR. We sell to anybody. THE STAR MIllS 'Phone til. Our Ten Modern Green Houses Produce Cut Flowers as near perfec tion as possible. This combined with our reputation for Fair Dealings and Prompt Service Insure satisfaction. Roses, Carnations, Violets, Smilox, Wedding Flowers, Floral Designs, etc. Writs, Telephone, Telegraph. ). Van Lindley Nursery Co.' FOMONA, li C Send telegrams to Oreensboro. Dr. B. Nys Hutchison, J. J. Batchlso. LHielli INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE N ACCIDENT OmCEi Hat f Hani BaUdlag. - Bad Ybosw 4SM. . - Smashes Ttccora JTor Winning Mounts. ?Hot Springs, ArkFeb.-'SS.-ockey Herman R&dtko,' by winning rf our races to-day ' smashed the world's record for wlnnlnjr mounts during h week, his record for one week being 13 winning, mounts. HAVE YOU TRIED A COUNTRY 6ENTU2UUI CIGAR? THfYARf 411 HAVANA FILLER AND SQL ' . FOR 5 CENTS A BTtiRGMN We are offering a corner lot, close in, admirably lox cated for flats, and at the price asked should be taken at once by anyone wanting an investment that will pay 10 per cent or over. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY . A. O. CRAIG. Office It E. Trade St Secy. DEPOSITING BY MAIL Send your deposits by bank draft or check, by postal or express order, or registered'' mail. Should this be your first deposit, we will send you a pass-book by return mall. We will also send you full Information concerning future deposits and withdrawals. We have a great many out-of-town depositors who do banking in this way, and not a dollar has ever been lost In the malls. This method of banking has proven entirely satisfactory. We pay 4 per cent, interest and compound it four times a year. Southern Loan & Savings Bank f. M. Brown. Pres., W. S. Alexander. V. Pres., W. L. Jenkins, Cashier. NOTICE! The Mechanics' Perpetual Building and Loan Association sends kind greetings to the public with the Information that the books are now open for the subscription of shares to tho 47th Series, which goes Into effect on March 1st (and the first payment Saturday, March Srd), and as we have for 13 years held tp the inflexible rule of "First Come, First Served," prospective "home buyers or home builders" are advised to Do It Now! To subscribe now and get the number of your application assigned. This Association claims the distinctive ability of being able in from SO to 60 days from the time the Committee on Loans makes Its report to meet the Loans; no three, four. or six months waiting for us. A discerning public has ever given us a most, generous support, because we have ever openly and truthfully taken It Into our Confidence; and the following in formation (as verified by our Auditing Committee, consisting of Col. A. I Smith, W. W. Phifer and J. H. Wearn, Esq,,) we know will not only be gratifying, but also astounding to that generous public. The Moneys Passed Over Onr Desk During the Month of January -Were the Unprecedented Sum of $67,000.00 And the Amount So Handled During the S 35 3,0 0 0.00 And the Total Assets of $ 613,500.0 0 To Which the Management Points With Pride as Its Jewels. This Association Is reaching its Quarter of a Century's Life. On March 1st we will have had 23 years of uninterrupted prosperity without the Loss of a Cent.. It has been the means of making thousands of happy homes, and is to-day sought, by not only North Carolina or even the South, but throughout the United States and even in Europe, as a worthy example to bo patterned after. Hence, we can with assurance ask you not to delay, and subscribe at once to the New Series, the 47th. S WITTK0WSKY, President R. E. COCHRANE, Sec'y and Treas. FOR THE DIRECTORS. " Search Tou can't find an Association that can truthfully claim as fine a record for Maturity of Series as the Mutual Building A Loan, and, brother, that's tho real test of value to you. Remember, we are 25 years old, and we cliallenge the earth where 6 per cent prevails. Our books are open to the world. Get figures from them all, then place ours side by side and strike a balance. We are open to-day, and we want your business. Will give you the best results ob tainable by the best plan yet devised. E. L KEESLER, Treasurer, PHONE 344 JOHN I tMIt, President. FEBRUARY 3, 1906 The Charlotte Building OPENED ITS 33 SERIES Applications for loans now being filed Join the crowd, start an account with the Associ ation of the People and For the People Subscription Books For Stock Still Open. OFFICE 203 NORTH TRYON ST. J. H. VAN NESS, Pres., WILLIS BROWN, Sec 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Fiontlng on Beattlc's Ford Macadam . road, three miles - from city; about fifteen acres In timber; forty young Crolt trees; t-room Dwelling and a Barn. A good 8prlng on placa. - Call at office for prices. - " -y- Scfolb's Green Ilc&es: 1 Fresh ' Carnations. , Cut , Flowers, pot Plants, Floral Designs a,' specialty. Prompt" attention given1 to - to and out-of-town orders. ' , .; - ' . Successor toT -W. Long " 'phone 427. ' "7 and Manager. Phone tit. Tear 105 Was the Colossal Sum of for it & Loan Association R. E COCHRANE Insurance and Resl Estate Aent i Bbos Property ;;;:FdfC;fe!2; New two-story brick business house with large basement, on East Third Street. , Leased to good tenant for five years. Annual rental 125.00, - Pays l,per cent. net. Price .v.' fc.. 8,000.KV Vacant -lot on East Third 8treeW sdJolning rtha? Southern Bell ; . Telephone's handsome new building. Thla lot 1s near Southern freight depot and College street - The latter is the busy hub -of tha city, -Price .V , . ,J . , . .,. ;f ,i SUft-OOv per front foot. .' ' No better Investment can be made than the purchase of well lo cated business property, either Improved or unimproved.. ,,TVe have lota of nice opportunities .on our lists. " vB sure td consult us befora buying a home.v Our lUte are full v of good values all the, time, and vre can help you finance almost any problem that may confront you.- - , If yoq want to rent, consult our rental list- before making your " decision, fn, ,i w - . " SOUTHERN : REM." ESTATE """'"'"""'MsBssBaSMgS gf ,! wwm ww tp wr ii ff 9 iwn tu m v v n trii money to deposit, we are in position to meet your needs in any department of our business and .would like to have an oppor tunity of talking with you about the matter. Largest capital and surplus of any bank In the State. - ... GOMMBRGiZlL NATIONAL BANK W. B. HOW, Pres. R. A. liXTftN, V.f P. A. G. BRKNEEER, Cash. AIiRf RT 1 KITMURV iut f!..h BltiHlslI si a eiaataisasaaia t.aa.ii,a4aift1i FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 1865: Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 DIRECTORS: F. M. BROWN GEO. W. BRTAN 1. C. BURROUGHS ' FRANK GUiRCATH 9. S. MYERS F. B. McDOWHXIj H. M. ' MeADEN VI. B. RODMAN T. W. WADE CHAS. A. WTXIIAMS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED FRANK GIIREATH, Pres. H. H. VICTOR, Cashier. W Merchants and Tarmers National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C 0vOvOO40eOvO0O4eCK H5Bgfg3psJgjg5BBssa55 THE CHARLOTTE It Is our constant aim to bei courteous and aoeommodatlng to alt classes and make this a bank where those of moderate means shall have the same treatment as those more favorably situated. Tou are' cordially Invited to open a bank account wifhus. ..- W. H. TWITIY, Cashier B. D. HEATH, President Qharlotte Trust Qompany Qapltal $100,000.00 Satisfy yourself of the soundness and reliability of this institution then come in and open an account. Every courtesy and accommo dation extended to either large or small depositors. DIRECTORS . W. H. BELK, O. P. HEATH, C. M. PATTERSON, 3. M. DAVIS, H. G. LINK, JT. W. ZIMMERMAN. T. O. GUTHRIE, 3. H. LITTLE, W. M. LONG. OFFICERS J. II. LITTLE, C M. PATTERSON, L. H. HAGOOD, President. Vloo President, Cashier. aSgBTS OVBR Million Dollars One A Progressive IBank v For Progressive Customers. BUSINESS SOLICITED. ' '4 '' Southern States Trust Go. CAPITAL t$00,OM TRUST BUILDING, 'W CHARLOTTE, N. O. GEO. STEPHENS, T. a FRANKLIN, W. IL WOOD, J. E. DAVIS, .President. Vice Pres. - Treasurer. Asst. Tree. LoeaL - For Sale: . . 10 Little-Long Co. 110. 10 Allen Hardware 100. 14 Barnhardt 115. 26 Atherton 0. ID Hoeklns 100. ' SO Hoskina pref. 100 And int ' -IS Highland Park pref. 100 and int tO Louise pret 100 and inw zs Calvlne pref. 100. , - ' 10 Merj tt Farmers' Bank I SI. x 10 Henrietta 20. - . 10 Fidelity bid wanted..' 10 to- SO Flerenee ill.- - LOAN AND . f EUST; COM 1 'That's; the reason th number of depositors at tho' Com-( ' . merelai National Bank Is con- ; stantly .. Increasing. We have bejen , successful, . not only; In building up a strong bank with Urge resources, but also In ac, quiring unusual facilities for " handling our business and ln . troduoing the best up-to-date : 4 methods In all departments. . We shall be pleased to have a conference with any one who is desirous of forming new banking relations; any one who wants - to borrow monev. or. anv one who has 9. CAPITAL $200,000.00 ASSETS $1300.000.00 We invite you to open an account with us, promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. We pay four per cent interest on time deposits. GEO. H WILSON, President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice Presides W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. NATIONAL BANK sroeics - . . Wanted: 10 to 60 Commercial Nat'L Bank 140. 20 to SO First Nat'L Bank 103. SO & L, & Savings Bank ISO. 10 Charlotte Nat'L -Bank 170. SO; Charlotte Trust Co. 10S. ' 10 to ZO Merchants and Farmers IS. 1 0. to 69 R g. Trust Co. US. . , 25 First Nat'L Oastonla 12S. SO Citisens' Bank Gastonia 110. v: 10 Osark Cotton Mill 145. 1 , J SS Lowell 1S6.- J -, 30 Arlington ISO. i 'f f ) 1 -1 r