-if CHARLOTTE - DAILY OBSERVER FEBRtTAtiY 28, 1906.- . , CCIAL A XI) JPIIS03AL ; Mia. C. . Steele "entertained the Thursday Afterrroon Pleasure Club and . a number or other guests at cards, at i- , her home or? East Morehead - street, ' ' yesterday ' afternoon- The club, prise .. i was won by Mrs. C. E. Hooper; the r i6tor'e prise by Mr. C. J. Wadswojrth, . and. the consolation, by Mrs. E. V Fin. lay son." ' , ", 1 Besides the member of th club th - -. ) 4 following named were guests t Mea damea ' FY B. -Smith. D, X. Pop.' K "Lockwoed Jones J. H HowelL H. P. t : Shaw, C. L. Alexander.. J. ,C Mont- "i gomery, O. ' W. Butt, I B. Johnston, " " W. V.' Wnlayson. H.1 Murrill. arte. JV., pie Sadler. ,C. F, Wadaworth, a. X Hesi.- Misses Minnie- Beck, of Rich , mond, Va.j Mary Brockenbrougn, Julia . tr Koberwon. Micy .uaiee ana Helen .J'-: Brenv - ? . - . Mesdame Joseph R. Ross and Har , " ris Millinckrodt were the punchers. t " l f Mlae Margaret Thurmond entertained , , at - bridge whlat yesterday afternoon : j tv" compumenc to mim xNaiajie levy, w'. ' r th ruetrt f Mr. J.. A. Solomon. The - - souvenirs were won by Mrs. R. M. t "Miller JrItl ani Miasea evy and Eva ' ; Mrs. Henry AJ Badham. Sr.. left yea terday tor Birmingham, Ala., where ?1'h will spend "some-time with rela t tlva , ' -r 'i , "" Mr. and Mm Frank Pegrram, of Oa tonla, are visiting Mm Theodore Pe gram,- at Shopton. ' ' ' ; 1 - ' , 1 ' f Miss Henry McCranr. of Morrlatown Tenn, will leave this morning foe New Orleans, La., to attend the Mardi Gras, ; fter a visit to Mrs. David Badham. i', Mrs. Badham will go to Mobile, Ala., and other Southern cities to spend a month with relatives and friends, v Miss MaVirie Hauirhton. of Wllmlng - ton. Is visiting at the home of her brother, - Capt, Thomas H.: Haughton, ' on East Eleventh street. , i Mf. liottle Mafmtt entertained a t few friends at .cards yesterday after- noon in compliment to Mrs. Harold k. t Graham. There were no pruea. fa Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Galther v went to Gastonla yesterday to visit their daughter, Mrs. K. C. Anderuon. t' S,,' '' j' Miss Isabel Brown, of Salisbury, was ,' the guest yesterday afternoon of the ' 'Athenae "Book Club, which met witH ' Mrs. J. C. Abernethy. ' - A. i' . s; ' " 'Mr. and Mrt. J. W. DeLaney, of 4 , Waxhaw, were visitors in the city yes- ; tirday; Mrs. P. Butler Mayes is ill at her home at Piedmont Park. ' Mr. J. C. McLaughlin has returned to v her . home at Wade bo ro after a viaJt Mrs. F, O. Hawley. She was returnlmr from Davidson College, where she attended the Junior speaking In which her son participated. Her friends will regret to learn that Mm. Julia. Smith is seriously ill at her home on West Trade street. . : Mis. Zeb V. Kehd rick went to Bock Hill, 6- C, yesterday to visit relatives. Mrs. B. F. Dixon returned to her home -at RaJeigh yesterday after a visit to - her son, Mr. R. U Durham, on Jack son Terrace. Mr and Mrs. B. Clayton Burnheim. and daughter, who have been visiting at the horns of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Burnheim on Elizabeth tvenue, leave, to-day,' for Wilmington for a few days' visit hefore returning to their home in Newark, N. J. They are accompanied to- Wilmington by helce Miss, Bessie Btirknelmer. , Miss Anne Elolse Burnheimer was t . home Monday afternoon to a number of friends in honor of her little vousln. Miss Loralne Burnheim, of Newark, N. J. The Invited guests , were: Misses Susie and Margaret .Cowles, Caroline Constable, Helen Schiff. Carrie Wilkes, Kate Kendrick, hd Florence Hood. f . Mrs. Harry Boatwrlght. of Ports ' mouth, Va., is expected here soon to -Visit Mrs. Walter R. Talalferro. Mrs. W. D. Cowles, who Is now with her sister, Mrs. John W. Miller, will go home about Saturday. She Is im proving rapidly. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. WJiarey, after upending several days in the city with friends returned yesterday to their home in Davidson. Mrs. Robert E. Costner, of Lincoln- ton. Is the guest of Mrs. H. E. C, ' Bryant, on North Church street. - The attendants at the Hoffman Rhyns wedding, which took place at mi. Hoiiy last evening at :B0 o'clock, gave a ball at the city hall last night Music was furnished by the Richard don Orchestra. The crowd Was con genial and a most pleasant dance was enjoyed. . Miss Lots Holt, who has been visit tng relatives at Graham and Burllnc. ', f ton and spending some time at Plne- hurst. Is now the guest of her brother. Mrr win K. Holt, Jr., at Lexington. K 1 " ' - The friends of Mrs. C. W. Tillett ,- will be glad to learn that she Is able r t. to be out after an Illness of several . weeks., CORRECTLY AND t : liiiyitatiQiiD promptly Engraved SEND TCR SAMPLES AND PRICES 'AS i Mrs f ; PVStcycris Engraving Co, Engravers r 4 ; 47, Whitehall St. Atlanta. Ca. I gaged In thte work Of rescuing chil dren for 2 years, and during these years they, have .saved $.000 children from' starvation and Itomelessnese, and lr manf instances no doubt from de pravity, and have placed ; them in homes where they have the right kind of surroundings, Mr. and Mrs. Street er have been engaged, in this work in other States, and they understand how to carry it on in North Carolina. Miss Sadie pilyeu, the collector for the so ciety,' Is spending this week in Charlotte- collecting funds for the support of the society, for it has no other means of support than voluntary of ferings. Shs in,, thoroughly identified with the work, having been connected with it for some time, and- is thorough ly informed about , the work, and de voted to It. She has an enthusiasm and charm of personality that makes her especially suited for her position. One of the babies recently rescued by the society was the little one that was left at the homo of a negro wo man in Greensboro, and which excited much- kind sympathy throughout the State. ' When It was rescued by the so ciety It was Miss Bilyeu who assisted In caring for the little one until it was strong enough to be taken to the kind mother who is now caring for It as if It were her own child and has received it Into her home as her own. The society investigates thoroughly beforehand every home where it places a child, and under no condition, would a child be placed in a home where the surroundings are not the best. People In all parts of the State ar becom ing more and more interested in the society, "and are giving more largely from year to year for its support. There are in Charlotte some who are thoroughly in sympathy with the or ganization, and during her stay Miss Biyeu hopes to enlist many other sym pathizers and to secure liberal contri butions to aid in 'furthering the work of this organisation which is fulfilling the conditions which claim the promise of blessing for having ministered un to the least of these, of having helped the weak and helpless little ones. JWfDDING ( 1 INVITATIONS I Are usually bought but once, and are always wanted In the latest style as to size, stock, and in good taste as to en graving. We represent the best en- gravers, and guarantee perfect satisfaction in every detail. If you are interested, let us "juote you. " v STONE & BARRINGER 6001 SOUBS AND STAnOfURS ' This is it Grandest Trunks Made Fitted with our improved Roller Tray, finished in handsomest manner, of best material and unsurpassed work manship. ' FIT FOR A BRIDE Length 38 fncheak Price $18.00. Length 38 inches. Price $10.00. Length 40 inches. Price $20.00. Others not, so pretentious, but hardly any more so. GILREATH & CO. NEW STOCK SEED i Full Line of Fresh BUISTS' and FERRY'S Sweet Peas in Bulk The Tryon Drug Co. Phone 21. ' 7 N. Tryoa. Sub P. O. Station in our Store. Children's home society. , A Charitable Organldatlon That Is if y - Doing a Worthy Work -A Kepre- ' - (tentative of the Society la Here-. ' Many tiitufl Children Being Res- t-1 i ouea lYom Degradation and V- overty. w NO organisation in North Carolina la " oolng so much to aid destitute and "helpless children! as the Ndrth. Caro . Una Chlldrena Horns Society, which , , nas neaoquarters in Greensboro, and . which reaches out to helo children In y. every part of the State. The society nw pevii. orgamaea in rtorth Cafollaa M-- less . than' "three vmm. Kavln ft- chaptered in November. 1903, but dur- v 4s ' - tune ws. onnaren ' nave been , rescued-rrom the surroundings of pov erty atid ain, and have been placed , ,sln good homes- 14 of these were under . two years of age p 20 between two and 'six year old; 4 between six and it . years, and 45 over twelve. f The society has had requests for . -y ehlldren to be placed in their homes - - from, more-than 300 families. ; DuMngvthe last .three weeks four young babies that were abandoned t have been rescued by the society and v-placed in homes where loving mothers are caring for them as for their own children. ' 1 f The mission of the Children's Home Society Is to little ones: who by- the ctrcumatancee surroundinir their lives , are barred from entrance to any or k phanage. Just, recently five young boys have been : released from the chain V gang by efforts of th society and have been placed where they have whole some surroundings, .And' several girls it or 3$ years old 'have been rescued ' and placed tn an atmosphere of purity. Mr, W. B. Streeter, State tuperlnten ' dent, and v his wife, have been- n- We Study the Care of Your Linen as well as lta cleanliness, show whiteness and proper finish. We wash without tearing and iron without scorching, blister ing or stretching the moat deli cate garments. You, of course, know that we do the most beautiful work In , the South. We wash with stea mand iron with Steam Heated Pressing Machines so there is no possibility of (tearing,; stretching, scorching ':or blistering any article,: no -matter how fine and fragile. ' As a matter of precaution ' and economy. It will pay you to patronize us. 'Phone 180 to-day. Your linen will last twice as long when done by the Model Steam Laundry. I ARE YOU A VICTIM of indigestion with its train of kindred evils? j Mrs. Joe Person's REMEDY Will cure you. X Why -suffer longer? After you have exhaust ed time, patjence and money on quacks, try this King of (jurative Agencies. : : : : : From the mountains to the seashore the grate ful people of North Car olina sing its praises. 1 v ,4 4 v-i ipq WHITE NECKTIES! l Always look neat and Araiilw. ' n ..i. V.: .."L ' I I Vnr allv Wh k, if W ---.-'"- " - w vucv v iivw unco, , CHARLOTTE STEAM; LAUNDRY. Mnnoerers, vyers ana Cleaners, zlt . Tryon Street,' : : : t Protect Your Building With ; : r V U L C A N 1 T JE -R 0 O F I N C The Original Composition' Roofing has stood the test" '40 yearo Flint coated both sides. ' Stands highest cold test; Nails and cement packed in roll No tin caps used: If you can sun drive a nail you spa lay it".-, Waterproof, acid ,proof proof, "Write or call and see Us.-V ; ;-; V4' Architects; Attention!; ?; Heavy ' Stock fon '-llscd ALLEH IIARDVARE COMPAMY New Spring Coeds Arriving Daily Oui buver Is In the "Northern mar kets and some fine purchases of early Spring-merchandise are already In. specially do we Invite your atten tion to a choice v lot of the 'atest styles in Ladles' Furnishing Gtods, direct from the fashion centres. Prop Into out store the first time you are down town, make yourself perfectly at home, and look over the new things. We'll have something new to show you every day, and we assure you polite, courteous treatment at all times. -Below we give a partial list of yesterday' arrivals. "m&k 4 Wide Insertion For Shirt waist Fronts, Trimmings, very stylish patterns, per yard .. . . .. .' ,'. lc., S5c. and 85c. Ail-Over Embroideries for Some ' extra .' nice qualities waists, yokes, etc.. per yard . . . . . 30c. to $1.50. Embroidered Collar Bands Trimmed with Val Lace, about a dozen styles "-all" very new. 10c. a length, or 25c. a yd. Also with Persian Centres at per collar 15c. New Spring Collars We have a reputation for keeping an excellent line of Toadies' Collars and Neckwear, and yesterday's ship ment will surely eHtabllsh it more securely than ever. We think, in fact, we are sure, it's the choicest and most up-to-date line we have, ever had. Come and see for yourself. Two prices,. 25c. and 50c. A big lot to choose from all new and exclusive styles. Long Gloves New Klbow Gloves In Plain macks and Whites, heavy silk, per pair, . . . . . . 75c. and $1.00. Automobile Scarfs de . Chine, ea New Silks In Crepe de . Chine, each . . .... . . . . 85c. and $1.83. All colors. 36-Inch Grey Silks in Checks and neat Stripes, per yard $1.00. A fine value and very stylish for a pretty .dressy suit or waist. Dress Goods Many new Spring Styles alreadv here and selling rapidly. Ask to see them. J.B.IVEYXCO. I IS WEST TRADE ST. New Spring Shirts We are showing a very elaborate line of SPRING SHIRTS Let us make you wise by looking at what we have to show, before you buy elsewhere. Plain Negligee Shirts cuffs attached or detached. Coat Shirts cuffs attached or detached. Our Colored Shirts in clude all the new weaves in Checks, Stripes, Plaids and Solid Colors, made in any style. White Negligee in most any weave, pleated or plain bosom, made in all styles; cuffs on or off. Pritts $1.00, $125, $150 Yorke Bros Rod ers jlall Orders Receive Prompt .v 'w i- Attention. BEL.K BROTHERS X BUY ENTIRE STOCK THE CAROLINA CLOTHING CO We believe it unnecessary to detail the importance of this big transaction. Every one through this section is familiar with the character of merchandise sold by this, one of Charlotte's leading and popular Mens Clothing and Gents' Furnishing stores. The extreme low figure at which we made this mammoth purchase and the fact that conditions are such that necessi tate us disposing of THE ENTIRE stock in a short time, compels us to place same on sale at prices that will mean . a quick clean sweep of the entire stock, and an ENORMOUS SAVING to every purchaser. SALE OPENS SATURDAY MORNING MARCH 3 AT 9 O'CLOCK Sale Conducted at Carolina Clothing Co's present stand. BELK BROTHERS Money Saving Piano Propositions JOIN Mathushek THE Club! 100 style 48, regular price $420. To club members $340 cash, or pay $20 cash and $10 monthly, with in terest The New Scale $400 Ludflen & Bates to club members at $287 cash, or pay $10 when you Join, then $8 monthly with Interest. Or the Kensington $275 styles, at $190 cash, or on terms of $10 cash and $ monthly, with Interest. Special features In either club to Interest careful buyers who want the best for the money Invested. Write for our "Bank Book" offer No. 9 Its free for the asking. Quarterly or yearly terms If desired. Ludden & Bates S. M. It, SAVANNAH, GA. Sale of stock of goods and ;totber personal property r By virtue of an order made in the matter of W. H. Proctor, bankrupt. I will at It o'clock ta:, on Wednesday, the Mth day of February. j0, in Durham, N. C, at the store building recently occupied b W. H. Proctor, sell to the highest bidder for cash a stock of, goods, ware and merchan dise, consisting of heavy and, fancy groceries, glass, wooden and other ware, etc, Also fixture used In con nection, with said business, and two hones and delivery wagons and all other personal property of the estate of W. St, Proctor. . I will lake pleas ure In showing the property to pro Would You like to Have Your Poitiers Dyed? We dye and clean all kinds from the ordinary cotton ones V the finest chenilles, velours, etc. Can dye them any color, and you will be surprised to see how new and nice they will be. . Don't buy new ones when we can make your old ones new 'for a small cost. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works MrsY J. IL-Better. Proprietress 1 THE BEE If WOOL BLANKETS AT COST , One. Detroit' X-aaI . ww wa $16.75 : i 1 i rs ' slops' -The season being most over for wool blankets and we need the room for new goods, we arc offering some special bargains in this department Good all wool North Carolina Blankets JO-4 and II -4 size, some slightly soiled and others fresh and clean worth $3.50 per pair, to clean them up we make the price $2.75 per' pair. 12-4 cotton blankets extra heavy in white and gray a regular $1.50 blanket $1.00. SHEETING .-if"'. ' , J1 . . M-: V ' 10-4 sheeting one of the; best made -t v r measures full 10-4 pure ' white 25c yard. 'tsM.v ?i f t i ' III i, ;WP;L'.yy U v .. CEPARTt:otT. sror cc:m tpj. rE n o::u:: i t - t i J4 .IS l1 ,