, AV. A . A A A Ai--.'.- '-"...A V a urn ii . . .. isawsa ' f ' CCIUIEC"AfiD .FINANCE MtRKET MODERATELY ACTIVE '.' T: - Undertone -' FIrni and'' Price : ,li Working to New High Ground for an VpvvVrd , Movement A Rally , ' Later in tins oetwioa on ine ore 1 . Culling for General Rain in . New Tork, March Th cotton taar A ket was moderately active 'ltri th un. Jprtone Arm and prlcei worklnf into new '. nign. erouno lor tn .upwura . moTemeni. mc'.The cioee Dai to u point ne mgner. " 8ale were eatlmated at 260.000 bales. I - i i 4 1 he otK-nlnK wao firm at an advance of jaVitA airiA-i th ham t In 11 aH ' hfa Innf html. neflir1 in h English market.; Th early " ' ' fWPHllWr' U1V OUUWBU elHT-4 .!!.: ID TWI I s 1 1 hw.w Matna uaM full : nit : h 4 Trwrrt ItihiiImA Wilt Kftarlah eulltnor nt(na oon , .vr tn opening. ( nut tnere hb f ood : suDDort 4 or no! nu down porta tnat Tains were delaying crop pn a " ,- r, peratlone In Texas, the forecast calling iV, j ''lor more ceneepi reins in im uouin io- night or to-morrow, and continued r i norta of a bit: toot demand. Mav sold ui) to 10.80 and July to lO.HT during the t V warq tne close under reaming. Tne nnvu It A ..the day wis the narrowlnr bf the July 1' 55s premium as compareo wuu nay, wu u ? ? etrongtn or near poauone was aaia 10 1 be due to further sales or contemplated aalei out of the local stocks for. exoort- 4 5 Jtecelpts at the porta to-oa.y SS.U3 balea ,, against 27,166 last week and-J0.U7 last A I' year.- . i"or tne weeK teaiimaTOa r, w,w x naleg against 104.001 laet ww-k' and ltfa.. i 664 last year. To-day'a receipts at New ' Orleans 10.WS bales ' against 14,495 last v yeai'j and at Houston S.27 bales against t , llTHast year.virfVJ.pj':-';' Av:'s .'" rft "n .; lu. u'jiyiiU'.WiiJ W"'iv'" '" ''" .' - " JSTOCK MARKET I ItKEGTJLAH . . a A Desultory Retwvery From Preaaure -.; of Om Preceding Day -The Closing Tone Steadier. New York, March The day's mar- , art gave unniwkable evidence or ic- lief -"from vthe pressure of the urgent and forced liquidation which upset prices " yesterday. A desultory: recovery was the .consequence, in which covering of short ' oootructa by nrofesalonal operatois on ' ?f the vpear side Of the market played a large part. The later etages of Hie' markt. however, showed a striking dla i. . Inclination to follow the recovery by any large oommitTOBnts on the long side. Tlie-advanciiig tendency whs spotty and; ' Irregular and did not ret in until, aftar a ragged opening m wblcn the majority v.' of ? the aotlvc list sold lower than laat -r, Bight's closing. Besides the prominence of yesterday's weakest stock. in the re-- overy there was a show of - positive strength In the Wulmsli securities and these of southwestern railroads In the v eaoie, group. Some of the other ear. j. rlers lalso symputhlied In the movement. A strong market tor copper In Loudon helped Amalgamated Copper here. The . ssneinbling of the coal operators to con . aiders the propositon of the anthracite c miners for an agreement gave rise to ; varying rumors which were reflected In , the fluctuatlonx In Reading. To-day's i. money rates were not materially chang ed, although the general tone begins to show the benefit of the liquidation ac- complished In the stock niarket. The s sagging tendency of stocks at one time wlpe4 oufc pretty much all of the gains !. hutja henvy buying movement in South ' em -Railway in the final dealings re- established some portion of them and left the 'Closing tone steady. Bends were .-steady, lotal sales. tar' value. 12.040.000 United States bonds were all unchanged on can. . Total- sales were 993.000 shares, includ InsrS CoDDer .175.500: Cotton Oil 4.20f): . Smelting 37,500; Tobaooo 600; Anaconda t..-as,0W A. V.-'U, 400- B. R. T. 22,(00; C. & y o. Sjaco: c. v. & r. x.saa-, u & n. 3.600: NAeV W. 1.900; Penna. 33,60V;, Reading i j'h.vjv. oouiniTn oe.ouu; jo prererrea 401); V. P. lOi.500; Steel 104.100; do preferred . as.tiOQS V. C. C. S.200: do preferred 200; Sloeahcff ield Steel 1,900. t L' siU New Jrteang Cotton. . . . New Orleans, March 6. Spot cottonac tj' tive, firm and a Shade higher: Rales 7. s. 000 bales. Including 1,600 to arrive. Quo tations advanced 1-16; tpiddltng lOlS-iii. Futures, Influenced by better Liverpool opened 8 points- higher than last even. ' j Ing's lose. The market, however, was jv extremely dull, and only the strength of Liverpool cables enabled the bulls to v send prices up 6 to t points above the vs opening before the kesslnn ended. The market eloeed quiet with net gains of ' 1 to 18 points, on all positions from Marchjto August inclusive. October and December gained 10 points each. ii . ?few Orleans Futures. , New Orleans. March .-Cotton futures closed as follows: March 10.78; April iu.mi; jaay iu.wi; June w.wz; July ll.u; ,,Aug. U.93; Oct. 10.30; Dec. 10.32. " New Tork Cotton. New Tork. March 6. Cotton, spot clos . ed steady 10 points higher; middling up- - lands 11.30; middling gulf 11.56; sale 6. 12$ bales.' i Futures- opened Abd closed steady. Quotations ranged as follows: f -- . Open High Iow Close '-March 10..&6 10.U5 10.54 10.63 up April 10.0-65 10 i 10.83 10.70 May A 10.77 10.86 W.74 W.til - June .1 .. k ....10.84.86 - 10.86 July .. 10.90 10.97 1(186 10.93 i Aug.. 10,4 10 88 - J0.81 10.87 A Sept. Of d W.48 10.60 10.47 10.46 Oct. A 10.36 10.39 0.S3 10.36 Nov... .. ;. ..mat 10.W. -10.117 10.37 Dec. .... ....10.38 10.41 106 JO 40 Jan. 10.40-43 10.44 7 1 r, WvrpooI Cotton. . I Liverpool, March 6. cotton, spot in ii fair demand; prices one point lower; '- American middling fair 6.41; good mid. dtlng 6.07; middling 6.89; low middling 1.73; good ordinary 5.66; .ordinary 6.39. , The eglrs of the day were 12,000 bales of i wnicn i,iiw were lor speculation and ex Altort and Included 9,900 Anierloan. Re- i eel pis vW) Dales, including 7,200 Amerl. an. Future opened and closed steady) American middling g.o.c, March 5.74- ! Merch-Aprll 6.74; April-May 6.76; Mav- T June june-Juiy 5.81: juiy-Aua. 6.83: If Ang.-Sept. 5.S0; Sept.-Oct. 8.65; Oct.-Nov. : Kov,jwec.( 6.si. - , j'. 'v"""""" "" ", ' " , A: Naval Stores. p Wilmington, March . Spirits turpen tine nothing doing: receipts 3 casks. . Rosin, nothing doing; receipts 66 casks. s.ATar. firm 31.80; receipts 7S barrels. . Crude turpentine firm $3.ao, li.oo, 35.00; ,r recwipis u chsks. Savannah. Ou.. firm 69: sales 28 March 6. Turpentine receipts 75; shipments Rosin firm; sale 425: receints 77S: shin. , tnent 1.410 stock 42,234. Quote: . A BCD :- n v- una u m.ui h ; 1 fi.fta; K .20: M 35.45; N 35.90; W O 30a0; W W 36.20. ' 'JSj'-" '' 1 1 ... A - " The Money1 Market. "Now Tork. 'March 6 Mnnev nn call firm to-5 tier cent ruling rate 6; viosing oia ? oneren 0 ana lust man 6. Tm loan steady; 60 days and 90 days C to 6 per cent six months 5 to 5. Prime mercantile paper 6to 6 per cent, i, Sterling exchange easy with actual busl ness in bankers' bills at 3485.75 to 3485.80 for demand and at 3482.70 to 34K275 for so dsV Ollls. Posted rated rate $4 8354 and ' Commercial bill 3482. , Bur silver Art-, Mxican dollar 349. 'SA'SiA'a tj. ' '.y . , -' 7 11 j if 1a Raltlmorev lroduce. Baltimore, .March Flour , quiet, un- riianitea, , nutmi (juiei; spot Contract 83 to 33. ' I . , 1 T , ' - Corn firmer: spot 46 to t; Southern Wlilta 45 to 48. ; Outs easier: No. 3 mixed 34 to 34. Rye easier; No, 2 Western 70 to 71. Butter, firm, unchanged- fancy imitation 31 to SB; do ereumery 29 to 30. y Egg -steadr, unchanged 1444. ' Cheese Arm,' unchanged.. . Sugar-- steady, un changed, , , . s ." k " ' " , 1 ,ft , Chicago Jrala.A " -; '. Chicago, March 6. Aellvo, covering hv short who were forced to eover by the strong condition of . the cash wheat market caused m close In the local wheat .market: -hero to-day final. quota tlona on the May option being up . Corn showed .r In of . Oate Were un Provlslona were 2 to So lower, s- , jiCotio Secdtom, 'l ' New' Tork. 1 Marolt .-iTotton aeetf ol we Arm with trade only Moderate, Of ferlnas-. light, prime crude , f.o b. mills 24'4 to to; prime summer yellow 33 to 324; prime . white -S44 10 J&j prime winter yellow 34 to 35. ' ... " , Ktm York Produce. ' New Tork. AMarch Flour "ateady. Rye , flou quiet. Cornmeal nrnt-s Ry nominal. Barley steady. Wheat firm; No. i red W4 elevate. . Options showed tt to c net advance, May 8B; July S64 Sept WA. v . ' - Corn Arm; No. 3, M elevator. Option showed to Ho net rlae. May 40 July 49( Bept, 60. , - " Oat ateady: mixed 4H te 35. , . Tallow steady, s Beef steady. . CutmeaU firm. Iajrd steady' : Western prima WIM to 37.96., Refined Steady. Pork ftrm. Rosin steady. Turpantlna firm 72 to 72. Rice steady. ,. Molassea ateady.j Cofteo. spot Rio qult;,No, 7 Invoice T-1. Mild fluleti cordova 4 , to 12. -Futures teady at a net decline of 10 to 15 point. Sugar, raw steady; fair refining 2 29-.C to 2 15-W; . oentrifugal 313-32 to 3 7-10; molasses sugar 821-82 to 11-16. . Refined quiet. . . ' A' ' ' ' " ' '" . Butter sieaay, , uneese nrra. tuggs nrm Peanut and freight quiet and un changed. f otatoea- steady Maine ana other ; Eastern, per bag, gl.76 to $1.90; Stat and Western 1 .66 to 31.80; foreign ll.w to fi.w; sweets quiet, uncnangea Cabbage easy.t unchanged. Tlie Dry Goods Rlarket- New Tork, March 6. Spring business in the dry goods market Is proceeding satisfactorily to the jobbers, returns from the west being particularly en couraging. CIIARIOTTE COTTON MARKET. - ' March 6. These figures represent price paid to wagon. Good middling .. .. ... .. Strict middling .. Middling .. , Good middling, tinged.;. Stains .. .. .... .. ... ... ... 10 .. 10 ... 10 ... tfS COMPARATIVE PORT RECEIPTS ' . ' Tester- Last A - day. Tear, i Galveston..,. .. .. .. tX . 12.779 New Orleans .......10,908 14,495 Mobile 372 63 Savannah 2.997 Charleston 181 143 Wilmington . .... 35 , 202 Norfolk 9:!8 1,443 Boston .-. .. .. .. 81 166 Philadelphia 76 Various , 56 Total .. .. .. ,. .' 33.143 , 60.830 - ' ESTIMATES. To- Last, day. Year. New Orleans ,500f 10.600 t.273 Houston 5,760 8.250 14,105 Galveston .. .. 7.0CO 8,000 7,859 , - . . ' INTERIOR RECEIPTS. 1 " Tester- Ijist day. Year. Muniphis .... 3,114 8,315 Augusta 135 469 St. Louis 3,202 2,118 Cincinnati 597 315 Houston 6.827 11.871 PORT MOVEMENT. Galvexton. firm l"Ta Nw Orleans, firm 10 13-16 Mobile, nrm .. .. 10 11-16 Savannah, steady .10 9-16 Charleston, firm Whf, Wilmington, steady 104 Norfolk. Arm 10 Baltimore, nominal 11 New Yorkk, steady 11.30 Boston, steady 11.30 Philadelphia,-steady .. ..' .. ......11.65 Houston, Hteady 0 10 Augusta, Hteady ll Memphis, steady and nominal 11 St. Louts, steady 10 15-16 liilsvllle. firm 11 3-16 C. P. Kills ft Co.'s Cotton IjCtter. Special to The Observer. New Orleans, La.. March 6. Instead of a decline of 2 to 3 points as had been generally expected In response, to the reak In American markets yesterday, Liverpool recorded an Improvement-of 4 points, with sales of 12,000 bates. Cables were uniformally bullish, foreshadowing a continuance of liberal spot sales. ' Sellers of yesterday Whose diagnosis of market conditions evidently proved er roneous. Inasmuch as they accepted the. weakness abroad as an indication of a cessation of the demand front' -spinners, have been diligently covering their out standing commitments to-day. - while some frenh buying has also bern in evi dence doubtless in the conviction that the trade are In need of further supplies and will continue to acquire them around current or -at slightly higner prices. At best the market is a small affair, now ever, readily influenced either way by Orders of any volume to buy or sell, but It is plain that it Is more responsive to favorable than to unfavorable develop ments. In other words, the predominate Ing opinion Is apparently that existing values represent the legitimate price tor cotton based upon the supply as meas ured to the consumption, ana any ma terial weakness is regarded as unjusti fied unless it receives Its inspiration from the withdrawal or tne trade, barring which a gradual Improvement wil doubtless be witnessed. At the same time, the volume of speculation would Drove unequal to alone support values. and a stoppage! of spinners buying would be the signal for a substantial reaction. Under the circumstances, operations should be predicated upon this feature, Which appears the potent one for the time being. While spots are Hn such ac tive Inquiry, scalping operations should be made on the long side. As- Soon as this demand subsides, selling on bulges will offer greater attraction. C. P. ELLIS CO, NEW YORK BONDS. IT. 8. refunding 2s, registered V. B. refunding 2, coupon .... LT. 8. 3s, registered 17. S. '3s. coupon V. fl. Old 4, registered ,...v. V. B. Old 4e, coupon IT. S. New 4s, registered I". 8. New 4s, coupon American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco 6s Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4s Atlantic Coast Line 4s .. .. .. , Baltimore Ohio 4s Baltimore & Ohio 3s Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s .. .. . Central of Ga. 5s ofd.. ....103 ....103 ....03 ....103 ....102 ....103 ....130 ....130 .... 79 ....116 103 .... 95 . .. 89 ....104 .... 93'i - .. 93 ....114 .... 96 , .. 87 .... 84 ,.106i .... 80 ..... 99 Central of Ga. 1st Inc.; Central of Ga- 2nd Inc Central of Ga. 3d Inc Chesapeake & Ohio 4s .. .. Chicago & Alton 3s Chicago, B. & Q. new 4s ... Chicago. R. I. a P. R. R. 4e. Chicago, R. I. & Pacific R. R. col. (a 89 C. C U. & St. luls gen. 4 102 Colorado Industrial 6s Ser, A 77 Colorado Industrial 6s Ser. B 74 Colorado Midland 4s ... 76 Colorado ft. Southern .4s A ,94 Cuba 6 .. .... .... .... ..............105 Denver Rio Grande ... ...... 99 Distillers' Securities 6s .... 87 Krie prior lien 4s .....100 Erie General 4s ... ,. 93 Hocking Valley 4s ) ofd ..10 Japan 6s ,100 Japan 6s, 2nd Series .. .. .. ..100 Japan 4. .. ..v -.. 90 Japan 4s, xer. 2nd Series. ..,.,.... .t B0 Loulavllls Nash. Unified 4s. ...... ...103 Manhattan consol gold 4,. .. ...,, .102 Mexican tntral 4a .. .. .. .. ....... 2tt Mexican Central 1st Inc.. .... .. ..24 Minn. A St. Louis 4s.. 92 Miasourl, Kansas A Texas 4 .. .. v.100 Missouri, Kansas & Texas 2nd t National R. R. w Mexico oon... 4s;i.. jew ior central gen. .... M ,.im ...,W3 New jersey, ventral general fig Northern Pdclflo 4a. .. .. .. Northern Pactfle 3s Norfolk As Western consol 4s .. ..loni ... 96 Oregon -Short Line rfdg. 4s.., .. Penn. ev. 3s 101 Reading General 4w..',...'Mji,..,,...KM St. U t Iron Mt. consol (...... 117 St. L. tt San Francisco fg. 4 86 flt. L. S' western con. 4s ofd. M Seatmard Air Lin 4 .',.. ......... ..ivi tO. Southern Pacific 4 .,.1 93 Southern. Pacific 1st 4a certificates.; MU Southern Railway ,t .v ...,,..117 Texas ft faeinc ists' ..v,...Vi.-...;,i23 ; EoladO, St. l St West.' , v.. H t'nlon Paclfto 4s.,.,,,,, i. ,,.. ...104 Cnlott Pacific cv, 4a, ,.,.153 ' IT. S. fiteel 2nd Ss. jm'ii Wabash 1st nfd.w ..,.. a 116 Wabash Deb. B.... .. 81 Western kid. Wheeling A- Lake F.rle 4,,.,((,..(. 30 , Wisconsin Central 4 .. ... ,.,,.,...,1 92 Is th', spring tfm ; you renotato youf bouse, . Whjr noi your nodyf Ilolllster's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out Impurities, cleanses and -enriches the blond) and purines the entire sys tem. - It cents. RH. Jordan. A Ca t Qharlotie, North Qaroiina Gotton and ; W ooleh Mill Machinery Correspondence Solicited CHICAOO KROUUCE. WHEAT Hlatt Low CIos Sept, .... July .. . May ,.. CORN- July .. Bept, .. May ..... OATS Bept. .. . July .... May PORK- May .. . July .. . LARD Muy .. . July .. Sept. .. RlBSh- May . . July .. . Sept. .. ...... TO ..A. ..79 79 .. ....43 444 .4315 78 7H 78 79 7814 AMTs 43 43 43 28 29 30 15.45 15.50 7.82 7.92 8.05 828 8.30 ..284 ..29 ....30 .15.76 .15.67 . 7.90 . 8.00 . 8.12 . 8.35 . 8.40 16. 7S 16.65 7.86 7.96 8.07 8.30 8.82 8.40 CLOBINO STOCK LIST. Adams Express 248 103 41 Amalgamated Copper American Car & Foundry American Car & Foundry pfd 100 American Cotton Oil S-s American Cotton Oil pfd 90 American Kxpress " American Hide & Leather pfd 35 American Ice 47 American Ice pfd American Linseed Oil .. .. .. 21 American Unseed Oil pfd.. ... .. .. 44 American Locomotive .....'. 67 American Locomotive pfd.. -.. . ..iiH American Smelting & Refng.... ..164 Americttn Smelting a Refng. pfd. ...121 American Sugar Refining 138 American Tobacco ofd. certlf 104 Anaconda Mining Co 2531 Atchison 89A Atchison pfd 102 Atlantic Coast Line .. .. 156 Baltimore & Ohio 110 Ba t more & Ohio ofd K Brooklyn Rapid Transit 79 Canadian Pacific 169 Central of New Jersey ,2124 Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton 30 Chicago A Alton pfd.. 77 Clucaao Great Western Chicago & Northwestern 224 Chlcaao. Mil. & Bt. faui i( Chicago Terminal A Trans .. 12 Chicago Terminal Trans, pfd 30 C. C & Bt. IOU1R v Colorado Fuel & Iron 59 Colorado & Southern 33 Colorado & Southern 1st pfd 71 Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd .. .. 49 Consolidatpd Gas 156 Corn Products 17 Corn Product pfd 56 Delaware & Hudson 303 Delaware. Iackawanna & West.. ..450 Denver & Rio Grande 43 Denver Rio Grande pfd 86 Distillers' Securities 65i Erie .'. 41 Krle 1st pfd 77 Krie 2n.i pfd 68 General Electric 167 Hocking Valley 115 Illinois Central ifi International Paper 21 International Paper pfd 83 International I'unip 28 International Pump pfd 81 Iowa Central 30 Iowa Centra lpfd 57 Kansas City Southern 2 Kansas City Southern pfd 59 Louisville Nashville 145'4 Manhattan L 156 Metropolitan Securities 71 Metropolitan St. Ry 115 Mexican Ontral 23 j Minneapolis & St. Louis 76 Minn., St. P. & Sault. Ste. M 149 ! Minn.. St. P. & Sault Ste. M. pfd. ...169 Missouri Pacific 99 Missouri, Kansas & T 33 Missouri. Kansas & T. pfd 71 I National lud 77 ! Nutiomil R. R. of Mexico prd 38 j New York Central 146 New York Ontario & Western 49 1 Norfolk & Western 86 i Norfolk & Western pfd 90 j North American 98 1 Pacific Mail 41 ' Pennsylvania Wbu'rgf c. c; & sr-iv:..::::::::: 8 Pressed Steel Car , si Pressed Steel Car pfd. 87 Pullman Palace Car 236 Reading ..128 Reading 1st pfd Reading 2nd pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel jpfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd Rubber Ooodx Rubher Goods pfd St. L. & San Fran. 2nd pfd Bt. I Southwestern 8t. L. Southwestern Dfd . m) . 96 ; .108 . 26 . 66 45 23 4 Southern Pacific gRm Southern Pacific pfd 117 ! uuifri ii xv" ii v, ny ; 33r Southern Railway pfd .......100 Tenn. Coel Iron 14714 Texas & Pacific s2 Toledo, St. L. West 36u Toledo, St. Ix)uls a West, pfd: 64 tJiiiuii raciiitT Union Pacific pfd United States Express United States Leather United States Leather United States Resit v ... ..150 .115 pfd. United States Rubber United States Rubber pfd United States Steel United States Steel pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical ...... Virginia-Carolina Chemical nM Wabash ...... : Wabash pfd Wells-Kargo Express Westlnghouse Electric ..... Western Union .. ..... ,j Wheeling Lake Erie ... Wisconsin Ontral Wisconsin Centrul v pfd THE STAMP OF PER. FEGTIOHV' . , : , Our name bu machinery; , means that in its inanu- ' t acture quality was the first consideration, price the second.. That is why : ' We grow. 1 ' ' a- ' t , . IsUTOFACrDRXIUI Of y ' Cotton Mill, Cotton Oil and , Other Machinery, . S3 . 63 .112 m .16 .60 ltflU. 7? 60 ......230 158 , 93 19 , 26 .64 41 Van x Landing ham & Howell Qt,iA . OIUUUUIU, flUCIlOU, lilUIIUIUO Ui UU. I ' . h . ' " EOVPTIAN COTTOX, DUNDEE CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 1,1 " i t JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cotton Yarns and Cotton Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Philadelphia, 13a and 121 Client nut St. Boxton, 4S& Summer St. New Vork, No. .73- Ijeoiianl St. Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently Und It necessary to have Banking Facilities in ad dition to those offered by local bank. THE First National Bank of Richmond, Virginia, . With II, I50,000.e0 Capital 18,000,000.09 Deposits 17,000,000.00 Total Resources Offer Jut the Additional Fa cilities Roqulred. Jno. B. Purcell. President; Jno. M. MUler, Jr., Vice Presi dent; Chas. R. Burnett. As sistant Cashier; J. C. Joplin, Assistant Cashier. HOOK, AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS CHARLOTTE A GREENSBORO. N.C. Wheeler, Runge and Dickey ! i ARCHITECTS Second Floor 4C'a Building. HARIiOTTE, N. C. FRANK P. MIL-BURN ARCHITECT Columbia, S. C. BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO, N. C. Consulting, Hydraullo and Sewer Englneera. Plans and estimates for power plants and sower systems made on application. "V ' Bandy A. M., Ph. B. Assoc. M. A. M.r So. C. E.. and Terrell. C. E. Rensater. ESTABLISHED 1380 C. P miS X COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants - MEMBERS OF - . Co"" Ech'?f' New ' Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association. New Or- leans uoara or Trade. Cotton Exchange Building NEW ORLEANS Special attention glvn to executing f orders In contracts for future de livery of cotton in all the markets. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. DR. 0. L. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. CARSON BUILDING Southeast Cornar FOURTH AND TRTON STREETS. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE. NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery- Correspondence Invited. Machinery for Farm and fac tory. FntrinPC Three kinds, from 12 u5 t0 150 R R Return Tubular and I ' Dnrfohl on skids, : from 12 to 150 H. P. imjroVcd Gin Machinery, C - S and Presses, and complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and over. SEW MillS, Four or five kinds, ; v 'all sizes in use in the South. Pc!!cys and Shafting, smallest to complete cotton mill outfits. ,r HDD ELL COMPANY, lS:l.e.rl. C fv - ' It ,1 , u . -t AND CALCUTTA BURLAPS. " ; ADDRESS! C11ARIOTTIC, N. C.' ' Ml 01 Won SOUTH TBTOM T.. OHAftLOTTR. N. O. II Revolving; Flat Card, Railway Heads, Drawing; Frames, Spinning- Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Qu liters and Reels, Looms, COMBERS ETC., ETC The Largest Pipe The Philip 85 per cent. Magnesia for covering high-pressure steam pipes. Asbestos Moulded for covering low-pressure steam pipe3. Wool Felt for covering low-pressure pipe3. Hair Felt for covering exposed pipes. Pipes covered with Carey's Coverings never give trouble. For further information, estimates, etc, address Charlotte Branch The Philip Carey Manufacturing Co. 216 1 College St. E. P. TINGLEY, Manager. MILLER & COMPANY EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 100 Broadway. - - - New Tork. Member: New Tork Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Bxchanpte. New York Coffee Exchange. New York Produce Ex change. New OrUana Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Board of Trade. Chicag Roard of Trade. Liverpool Cotton. Asso ciation. Executes orders on any of thf I exchanges of which we are member. All orders sent to our branch office at Greenville, S. C. will be transmitted Instantly bv private wire to our main l office In New York, and executions re. ported promptly. I The Best Service. Prompt Attention, I Immediate Settlements. Your Business Sollolted. F. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. , 117 W. Washington St., Greenville, 8. C, I COTTON SEED OIL and (Jin Machinery $ NOT IN ANY COMBINATION -vj OH TRUST. X Complete plant from fifteen to two hundred tons capacity. Spe- clal small nil plants for gin- nerles. Complete cotton gin- nlng systems. E. Van Winkle Gin and is macmne woncs, a rwr avmat GEORGIA. xomo94o9 . HUWM JVLAUUA: UU., Bankers Miscellaneous Southern Sncurltlea WILMINGTON, N. C. i Washington, D. C, 408 Colorado Bldg) Cotton Mill Stocks I WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant. COTTON YARNS. ALL COUNTS COTTON GOODS COTTON AND COTTON WASTE. Amsterdam, - New York. RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. COTTON WARPS AND YARNS. No. 114 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, , . . ' PA. A D SALKELD tt BRO., COMMISSION IICIICHANTS SS-T Leonard St., NEW YORK. COTTTON TARNS. WITH, FredTc yietor?!&Achelis. WM. D'0LIERk & CO., COMMISSION SIEIICHANT9 COTTONiYiJS Vblrd and Chestnnt Bta. Mariner and Merchant nidf - t 1 ! r-' x?1 It. EZiPSUA.- FA. ' & ClARii 1 $ XcltCa CCiTiiSSiCH; : MILL MACHINERY. Stuart W. Cramer, .ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR. 51ubbers, Roving Frames Intermediates, Jack Frames Covering Plant In Carey Manufacturing Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO BBS j I PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO COTTON 83 Leonard Street, - - Third and Chestnut Streets, 210 Monroe Street - - - J. SPENCER TURNER CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICES: New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, London, England. Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods. iCROMPTON-THAYER LOOM CO. WORCESTER. MASS. FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM. i TOWEL, DAMASK. QUILT. CA88IMERE. BLANKET LOOMS, ETC.. j DOBBIES, BOX MOTIONS. REPAIRS. ETC. j SOUTHERN OFFICE: CHARLOTTE. X. C. f ALEXANDER & GARSED, Managers. Cotton Ginning Machinery Ml'N;i-'.lt. PRATT. WIN'SIIIP. THE CONTINENTAL Their merits are knoun around the world. Eor catalogue and Information, address CONTINENTAL GIN COMPANY. - - Charlotte. N. G. JENCKES SPINNING CO. PAWTUCKET, R. I. ; COTTON YARN SPINNERS, CONVERTERS AND DEALERS. fi Correspondence With Southern Spinners Solicited. ;A O. a. ROB BINS it Complete Equipment for Cotton Mill, Power PlantaV and General Machnerv. r . f : CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. ' . HIGH-GRADE SPINDLE. LOOM, ENGINE AND VALVE OILS Soowaa Bait Olla and Greases. Labrltratttur Greutaea. Raadv.Mlx-ad FaAata.;-: uota water faint. Agenta GEO. B. HISS OIL G0i J CHARLOTIT4 N. 0, - ' ' " .. VICTORIA KEENE'S -Ay a The test and most econ omical material known for plastering and Imitation tile work. 1 ' K 173 Main Gt, Norfolk, Viv 1 CQUITASLB BUItOINOV ' ?-' ATLANTA, iV, Automatic Feeders, Openers and Trunks Breaker, Intermediate and Finisher Lappers, Kirschner Carding Beaters Thread Extractors, Waste Pickers, etc - '.A Raw Stock Dryers. ETC., ETC. t The United States YAK - - New York Philadelphia Chicago i:JLI SMITH, 1,1 NTEIt. nattier iwessjna coaapoaada.,1 1 v . 1 -4 j J6NK ft. mits ' noTFti rTTrttTT. tA ll?-lm Point, N. C -.Nw- and u-ictlw Bi'sLcIhsk; t located; tare nnuites n. f-"-i Hot aud eui-l flf ine l ter to the cutuii-i I lis- .. r. i' x . if J t i ,1 " If (. I V ,:- S

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