i ;4 s i, 1 KW V 1 8 1 CHAKLOTTE DAILY OBSERVE!?, UHCU, 12; 1906V 'cm ! I' 1 4 SEBMOxVONBJSGHSmTIUX IDJUHdWERTON JLT NIGHT At Tryon Street MetltooVst Clwreli , Last Niffht lev. Jr.. K. 'Howerton, - '!. D., Preached Stronjr. Force ; ml Sermon, V'sln a Uta Text : T Word W Jai ..be: Bom Again" ' v-There -- Wat .Larg; Congregation t ,1" Present and one Conversion t the , j. Close of the Sermon. ' The congrrjrations of the First Pn?sby- lerlan and Trlnitr Methodist churches -r united with tho of Tryon Street Me4ho . ' dist end the Second Presbyterian In the , churche In the service last night. . At the Second Presbyterian church the j auditorium and Sunday school room were thrown together and the large room thus - made and the galleries were filled with . attentive men women ana cniiarrn. Rev. M. D. Hardin, D. 15. preached the sermon end Rev. P. T. Durham conduct, ed the opening devotional service. Dr. Hardin announced as his text the following words: "If ye then, being evil, i know how to give good gifts unto your -children, how much more will your heav- -' enly Father give good gifts to those who love him." In part he said: "It is no t-asy matter for the average 1 man in the midst of his perplexing H'e to grasp the Idea of God us taught ly Jsbus hrlst. We have our ideas of gd and evil so Interwoven with our material . Ideas that we have difficulty in unrter t standing that the ideas of Jesus Is thestanding that the ideal of Jesus . Christ is the true one. We have a ten dency of setting up our ideal as the true one no matter who gives us another. "We find that earlj age or man Is able to grasp the truth of the Ideal of Jesus Christ Just in propwtlon as man has the capacity to reoe It. The mans Ideal rises only as hlt?h as himself. Our conception of God must ever he only a magnified conception of the good that Is In ourselves. Out of our experlenees are unable to realize all the truth that Jesus Christs teaches US of God. What We should do Is that we should go to Jesus Christ and learn from Him and thus be better able to Dave the true con ception of God a lie presented Him to us. "We are prone to drag down the ideal ' of God as taught by Jesus Christ to our level instead of raising ourselves to the belaht where we ran realize His Ideal., "Let us not make our Ignorance, our lack of the measure of God's love, but rather let us come to Him as little children and learn more of His love and Klls life. If man being Imperfect, being 1 evil, knows how to love, shall not the ,' Creator of man with His love rise above the man He created? Christ is here teach ins; that God In His love Is greater In Just the proportion that the Creator Is greater than the creature, the object of Ills creation. "When we come to slop and think of It now poor and Insignificant are our lives when compared with the life and love and power of God. Compared with this man has no power. "Have men wisdom? Yes. Intellect? Tea. But before the wisdom and Intellect that perfected the brain of man, man's wisdom and intellect becomes confounded. Thla Is God's wisdom and intellect and in the attribute of God which Is greater than wisdom, greater than Intellect, and greater than power, shall man dare to compare with God?'' (Here Dr. Hardin gave n beautiful selec tion from nrownlng Illustrating God's Wisdom, power and love.) "Great poet, whose message to his ags wai one of love Is but repealing the message of Jesus Shrlst. And wc the children of nn Infinite Father to cloud ur lives with things of the earth. "Remember that character Is the thing of supremo worth to us. It Is character alone that we. can carry with us from this life Into the next. The very fact that men suffer for sin Is proof to me that they am watched over by One who would keep them from sin. Suffering will cease when the great plan of redemption Is worked out for them. . "In His attonlng work. In Ills death on the cross Jesus Christ shows the great love of (Vid for mankind. In the suffering and death of Ills Son on the cross God frsve the grent evidence of His infinite ove for men. We are measuring from the standpoint of the material and the finite while God Is giving to us from the stand point of the spiritual and the infinite. 'All things work together for good to I them that love God' Is the cryof St. Paul. O for Paul-like faith to lay hold of the God-life and to grasp the Ideals of Jesus Christ as the only Ideals for Us to live by; If we had this faith nil the doubts and clouds that rise before our eyes would clear away before the rising of the sun. "This Is my prayer for these servient that they may result In making it po Bible for men to grasp the great lunrta , mental .truths of God and that they may be able to understand Uic love or God for mankind. "What Is human love? ICvery man who ours Is fairly glorified with the lives of those who In their ln- are living tin man epics. . "What Is human loviA; Kveryinan who lies bad a good mothepciuHiwa that human love Is even unto ilerflli And God's love s Infinite, Is stronger than the mother's Ove many thousands of times multiplied. And I come to you to night who have Spurned this hive of God. and HHk you If yo you can keep your self. respect ami spurn ills love any longer O my brothers ?oil Is striving to make you understand His love for you; Me- h striving to show you Jut how He will honor and glorinv you if .you will let Him, and will you lunger spurn His heart of love which yearns for you?" Dr. Hardin held tin- closest attention of his congregation from first to last, and his earnestness was so apparent that It was easy to see Unit every word eatne from the speaker's heart. The service Was lmprfMHlve and helpful. At the close of the service Dr. Hardin made nn earnest plea for the four con gregations to unite in the Second Presby terian church this meek, make this meet ing their chief Interest and to let nothing come between them and this which should be the chief cone ern of all Christ lane. 1; .in addition to the service In this jt-huretl. In which the congregations of I Pf Tryon Bt . Trinity Mctli.t ami the ' 1 Flret Snrt Second Presbyterian churches Will unite, th" services In the other tthurches will also be continued this week. Death of Mm. W. '. Parker, of Spcn opr. Special to The Observer. Spencer, March 11. Mik. W. C. Par ker, who ha been critically 111 with typhoid fever nt her home here for !the past seven weeks, dle( at sVao o'clock this morning. The remains left Spen cer on north-tmund train No. li to night for (loldsboro, where the funeral takes place from the Methodist church to-morrow morning. Accompanying the remains were the husband. Mr. W. ?. Parker, a well-known engineer on the Huihern Hallway, and all members of the family who were pres ent at the time of dcalh together with a large number of friends. Be fore her marriage Mrs. Parker wus Miss Beulah Fordham, of Goldsboro. She leaves two small children, Ave a 1st era and six brothers who will at tend the funeral. L -. Use Dllzanetlian. The spring number of he Elizabeth an, the quarterly published by the v- Students of Elisabeth College. Is Just from the press and Is a very credit f able Issue In every respect. The table tf contents of Ihe literary depart siVj meat Is as follows: "Moonlight." po : . em. Miss Charles K Jefronle, "Itos- alni's Stabat M.ter," Miss Clara Lou ise Volght; "An Knst-Hide PJay ,fri trronnd," H. T. K,; "Heart Longing." 'k poem. Miss Jeffords: 'Delist Pre ' sented In Diatellan Society," "A Feb- A nary pastel," poem. II. T. r. "cu Hd' Prank," Miss Jeffords; "A Lily V ef Paradise," a poem In memory of Mlas Ileleah Henkel, Miss Llsette i."' Clayton Hood. CKAMWON LINIMENT FOR RHEU- . - v -. MAT1SM. y Chaa. Drake, a mall carrier nt Chnpin. w vllie. Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain ,v Balm is toe champion of all liniments. : The past year I was troubled a great 4etU With rheumatism In my iioulder. After' trying several cures the store keeper here recommended this retndey t and It completely cured me." There Is : kk use of anyone Buffering; from that . painful ailment when this, liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One an. plication gives prompt relief and its con, tltiwee use for a short tJate will produce remanent cure. . ye sale by K, H. ordaa C . - t - - ' PERSONAL ; ),,,v' f ? Tit Movement of a :i limber of Pco . - pie, A'Mtors ark'l Otltem. , OMr."C. M. Cooke, Jr4 of Kings Moan.J tain, spent yesterday in mo ; cny wim friends., ;'- ir. J. L. Klrby, of Raleigh, was regis tered nt the Central last night, Mr, H E. Allen, of WadesborO. I spending to-day tn'th'e city. ' Among the guests at the Central last night wero Messrs. W. F. and Will Mar shall, of Gaston!. Mr. R. K. Blafr, of High Point, was at the Buford Inat nlgin. Mr. W. F. Terrell, of Greensboro, Is a visitor in the city. Mr. T. J. Hedgepeth, of Wilson. la spending to-day in the city, staying at the central. Messrs. A. W. Griffith and J. E. Sock- well, of Greensboro, wero among the visitors in th city last evening. BRIEFS. A Few Minor Happenings In and About the City. T! t, new seats in the general wa:tlng rooms at the Southern passenger station huv ar-ived and will be put in. "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" which will be the attraction at the Acd emy Tuesday, Is the only offering of the week The department of literary lnter pmui'oi, of Kllzabeth College will give a repoing recital this evening. Friends of the college are cordially Invited. The Boston American League base ball team passed through here yesterday l:'.orr.in in a special Pullman car on the way to Macon, Ga., for practice. Ilecepliori to be Given at the Presby terian College. The ladies of the A. R. P. and Pres byterian churcnes of the city will gWe a reception Wednesday night, from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock at the Pres byterian College, to the delegates to the conference on the Closer Relations of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches of the United States. All Presbyterian and A. R. P. ministers of the county and their wives, all min isters of all denominations of the city and their wives and all visiting min isters will be expected. Besides thl the invitation la gener nl to all adult members of the Pres byterian and A. It P. churches of Charlotte and the members of any of the churches represented In the con ference who reside in Charlotte. There will be no cards Issued, and the only Invitation will be those ex tended through the newspapers and pulpits. As has been stated before, the con ference will be one of the most im portant religious gatherings ever held In the South. Mr. .1. M. Auten Dead. Mr. J. M. Aut,en, after a lingering Illness, died this morning at 1 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. F. owens. on Palmer street. He was 2H years old. and Is survived by one child, his father, Mr. H. L. Aulen, lately of Atlanta, Oa.; a brother, Mr. It. G. Aulen, and his slsber, Mrs. Owens. Mr. Auten had been In falling health for 16 months. He first became 111 at Greenville, S. C. where ho waa engaged In business. Ho was a member of the Greenville lodge Knights of Pythlaa. The funeral services will probably lie conducted to-morrow morning. The Interment will be at Hieele Creek Presbyterian church yard. In our Cut Flower Depart ment we maka a specialty of Funeral Designs 40 different shapes and 100 different sl7.es. Any Price. Or der same by telephone or tele graph and we will get them to you quick and fresh. We pack securely and ship to any point. Plenty of loose' cut flowers now. Write us for prices on wedding flowers. I. Van Lindley Nursery Co. POMONA. N. C Send telegrams to Greensboro. HEItPKIDE J One of the very few remedies that' we per "sonally endorse and rec ommend. Cleanses the scalp and produces full growth of healthy hair. If you have a good head of hair, Herpicide keeps it, if you haven't Her cide will give it to you R. II. JORDAN & CO rn KsciiimoNisTS. Pbone 7. Springs Cor. WE NEVEIt CLOSE. Dr. E. Wye Hutchison, 3. i. nvtehlaoa. INSURANCE FffiE, OfffCEt Wa 9. Hmtt ! attstKBvau. Bell .iVsMgarlaJUMKw , -Tfi fir department w talwJ tt vrr v afternoon to .put out im emu'! !''.. ahaf sprung up In Mr. J.- s li. I.n.fve. leea nose, aajointng ni "i" on v.si T.Mle, street, me cnmicii en Cine d.,' the work., r , ', THEWEATHER, i t 1)1111 1 Ill' ' f Monday 'find Tuesday: North .Carolina: ahowere Monday, cold er In west portion, Tuesday fair, colder, light south shifting to northwest, winds. IT. 8. WEATHER BUREAU.. Charlotte, N. C. 8 P. M. March 11, 1906. Sunrise 6:39 Sunset 8:27 (Standard time) IXCAV WEATHER REPORT. Highest temperature .. ..66 lowest temperature.. .. .... . - 4. ,-41 Mean temperature; & Kxcess for the day .. ..." Accumulated for the month 3 Accumulated for the year "S Precipitation for to-day (inches) 09 Total precipitation for the month.. ..98 Accumulated deficiency for the month .SO Accumulated deficiency for the year 138 Prevailing wind direction E. Special Notices WE ARE SELLING HAIR BRUSHES at special prices that are very attrac tive. Come and get one. DILWORTH DRUG STORE, "Phone 247. B. 8. DAVIS. ROYAL LUNCHEON-TUB BEST OF all the after-dinner cheese. A fresh shipment has just been received. Try a jar. 'Phone 88- MILLER-VAN NESS CO. WILET'S CANDIES MADE IN AT lanta one day, we sell I there the next. Fresh always, absolutely pure. JAS. P. STOWE ft CO., Druggists. 'Phone 179. THERE'S A TREAT IN STORE FOR you If you've never tasted "'Blue Rlb ' bori Flavor." Ask your grocer forBlue Klbbon Lemon and Vanilla and say it plain. SCHOLTZ'B GREENHOUSES FRESH Carnations, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Floral Designs a specialty. Prompt at tention given to in and out-of-town orders. W. W. SCHOLTZ, Successor to T. W. Long. 'Phone 427. NUNNALLY'S DELICIOUS CANDIES fresh by express. 60 cents per pound. Sold exclusively in Charlotte by WOODALL & SHEPPARD, Druggists. DO YOU WANT THE BEST OFFICE in town at $8.60 to $15, 1st floor, or to to $10 on 2nd floor? I've got them. Also store-room. E. 6th street, conven iences, only $12.50. You are new pay ing twice as much for poorer places. E. L. KBESLER. 'Phone 344. WE HAVE A VERY FINE LOT OF seasoned oak and pine stove wood; quantity and quality guaranteed. We also carry a stock of terra ootta pipe from 4 In. to "t In. 'Phone J70. Prompt delivery. C. DOWD & CO. ABSOLUTE FIT tilTARANTEED. NEW stock beautiful spring suitings Just ar rived, lrft me take your measure be fore the rush is on, nnest goods on the market. All orders have my personal attention. If. MILLER. Tailor, 10 East Trade street. FARMS FOR SALE 24 ACRE TRACT. 2V4 miles of city, macadam road, $75.00 per acre. This place will be taken in JO nays. Also other nice small and large farms for sale. J. ARTHUR HENDEK. HON & BRO. WANTED FARMS. MINERAL AND Timber Iands for Northern buyers. Write JOHN F. BEATTY CO., Real Estate Agents. 300 East Fifth street. BIO LINE 8ILVERWARE JUST RE eclved. Would like to show you what I have. Goods purchased here En. graved free. J. E. STEERB, Jeweler, Corner 5th and N. Tryon streets. MORE OLIVER TYPEWRITERS WERE sold in North Carolina last year than any other make. We will sell more than all other makes combined this year. Ask for facts and figures and reasons why these condition exist, If you don't already know. J. E. CRAY- TON & CO., Trust Building. WHITE WYANDOTTEH. UNTIL March 20th next we will sell our $6.00 eggs at $.1.50 and our 13.00 eggs at $2.00, to persons living In Mecklenburg eountv. CHARLOTTE POULTRY FARM. RI'RINERS MEN WILL NOT FIND A more convenient place to dine nor a more varied bill of fare than here. Our efforts are for kulck. best satis factory service. OEM RESTAURANT, E. F. CRE8WELL, Manager. SILVER POII8H 2Bc. BOTTLE. Cleans your silver nice and blight. Thone 170 for a sample package. J. E. 8TEERE. JeweUr. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. WATCHES CLEANED AND REPAIR- ert In a workman-like msnner by men of ability. Satisfaction guaranteed. J IT 8TEERE. Jeweler. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. Our CORN MEAL Is uniformly fresh. Not how cheap, but how good, la our motto. THE STAR MILLS Phone 297. Dilworth Floral Gardens For choice Cut Flowers, for Wedding Flowers, for Floral Designs everything or any thing In Cut Flowers. We are fully prepared to handle any order for any kind of Flowers on short notice. Telegraph, telephone or write, us If you have time. Promptness Is our motto. I W. G. McPHEE, Pro., Charlotte, IV. C. p. O. Box J 17. Bell Tliones. 2 The Crowell Sanitarium Co., Ice For tbe Treatment ofr Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. 1 e special apanmenu ana nurses ror lady patients. All forma of electricity for treating nervous - diseases, ana various methods of massage, includ ing the Bilhnlaler vibrating method. The stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. -- Bpeeially trained male and female nurses and attendant. 8. M. CROWKLL, it 0., Pres. w. u. rmoxo. k d A SAFE -jCOVOtt MEDICINE FOR tn tmyinr. a cough medicine for child ren never be afraid to buy Chamber. Iain's Cough Remedy. There Is no dan ger ron It and relief Is always sure to follow. It to especially valuable' for coldtj: croup and whooping- coogb ? For -..My .,, ,u,,i FOmiS7UE! ,319 acres of fine farming land, 10 horse farm open .for cultivation; 86 to 100 acres in timber; well watered; fine pasture; located on both sides pi. macadam road; nine miles east of city; one from R. R. station; good Improvements,: Rents last year $1,600. McGall & Gianton 217 K. Tryon St , 'PhonJ 240. Tbe gain In new. building and Industry in North Carolina la create I than at any period in tlie State'a history. The North Carolina Home Insurance Co. ' '; . of Raleigh, N. C, should receive Its proportion of this prosperity i as compared with the percentage of new business given to It to periods of less Industrial activity. - : : v C: Give it the Insnranoe on tbe desirable new propcrtlee you nave v to offer. It will help to build np our home State and continue the great era of prosperity now enjoyed by our people. i - Southern States Trust HARVEY LAMBETH " Office of the Mechanics Perpetual Building and Loan Association Charlotte, N. C, March 5th, 1906. The management of this institution felicitates itself on the great unbounded confidence shown by the public in the RUSH to SUBSCRIBE to the new 47th Series 1500 SHARES have already been subscribed for, and as the sub scription books will remain open for sometime to come, we may reasonably expect this to be a 3000 share series (unheard of in the annals of local Build ing and Loan Associations.) We have stated t6 the public that we have MONEY IN PLENTY, and can reach borrowers in about 30 DAYS after the application is recommended by the exam ining committee. It needs but be stated that we received over our desk Saturday the 3rd. inst., the enormous sum of $15156.14 You would-be borrowers ponder over it. R. t COCHRANE, Scc'y & Treas. S. WITTKOWSIflf, Pres. What Yoy Can Do The Mutual Building & Loan Is without a peer In essentials, and t they are these: Maturing Series within the standard time; Making loans according to promise; Impartial treatment in conducting its af fairs; sticking strictly to the most approved methods; being cour teous to all, the small and great. alike; always ready and willing to . explain the systems and plans. We've got the facts, brother, and "we are the people." The other fellow must get up and hustle, or our April Series will startle the natives with Its magnitude. Come to-day. INO. R. PHARR, President. I L. KEESLER, Treasurer PHONE 344. I a home 8 1 1 THE CHARLOTTE A. O. CRAIQ, Office 1 E. Trade St. Secy. BR NK1N G This bank accepts deposits by mall on exactly the tame terms as though made In person at the bank. Deposits may be lent by registered mall, postofflce or express money -order, - bank draft or check. This system la safe and practical and has been adopted by hundreds of banks In various parts of the country. We have never , lost a dollar In the malla When your deposit Is received a pass book Is made Out In your name and the amount deposited entered and the book returned to you. This book should accompany subsequent deposits. With drawals can be made by mall. We pay 4 per cent -interest and compound it quarterly. v:. ... ..,'.,-v' ,;V,'. SOUTHERN LORN & SAVINGS B71NIC f. Brown, Jfres, W. & Alexander, V. Prea, W. Jenkins, Cashier. 51 1-2 ACRE Wl FOR SALE Vi-ontlng on Beattle'a Ford Macadam - read three tnilea from city: about fifteen acres In timber; forty young fruit ; trees; l-room , Dwelling and a Barn. A good Spring on place : Call at office f or prleea. Insurance An Up-Icv, l:zz fcr S:!n J3rick veneered, metal roof, -water, gas, etc. f Near P.-O. .Price 15.210 Fcr lease, Osc Year Tcra , .7-R.1 modern. N.TryW 6t, Dwel ling, $26.00 month. , t-R. modern. N. -Tryon Bt. Dwel ling, $25.00 month. 7-R. Boulevard pwemng, $30.00. ) P. JD. ALEXANDER Real, Estate Dealer.' O Inanranoe. 202 8. Tryon. '. ' , , F. 4M. Company, Agents Manager insurance Department' We are offering for a few days a very desirable home, half block from North Tryon St, in the very best residential section of Charlotte, at a price that should betaken up at once 1 REALTY COMPANY and Manager. Phone S77. BY MA IL n c rn run i tic -m and Real Bute Aitnt- l . have ver !aW rental list and arr established ellentile who ' iJ5... 4iu2 to provide thero homes. In addition. have exceptional -fartliUea for handUng this t Important feature of the real . estate' . business. Ue can keep your houses filled, jnake-' fine soHection v 5 and prompt settlements. Tour property entrusted to joW care will ' ' Dv.ur. Tery est n-0"5' constant .;. attention, v and will . be' ;,nanaied In.a, manner entirely aatisfartory , 'to you.- -"Klnr.up 23 to-day and let our KBNT.MAN cotneyto see you ' ifti , SOUTHERN , RKli ESTATE LOAS - AJ;D . THUST COtfTJ -if - " " - -- - ' '-". - - , t'tV. fltfWili 9m ii it pip w in inn pumio mow whm tney- In this card to-day, la that we the wiufnsmess to Handle your yoo call and see us about your . !"'" n. u. uviuKin a, n vua, iwr"f""n m la. fa s XV tiBKT 1 SCBU ISV Aast, Caah. -- m "-a.ae A--a-Aaa T J FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED 1865: Capital and Suiplus, $500)00.00 DIRECTORS: : P. M. BROWN '-.;; ., GEO. W. BRYAJt at. a BURROUGHS FRANK GIXREATH J. a MTKRS F. B. McDOWEIi H. M. MeAOKN W. B. RODMAN t; W. WAJDK CHAS. . A.tWI a AMI. YOUR BUSINESS "SOLICITED FRANK GILREATH, Pres. w000t0w04000000000 S s. Merchants and fanners National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK aunontut - ' " " It Is our constant aim. to be courteous and 'accommodating ,to all , classes and' make thla a bank where those of moderate means shall have the same treatment as those more favorably situated." Tou are cordially invited to open a bank aecotutt ,wtta-, W. H. TWmY, Cashier 6. D. HEATH, President Qharlotte Trust Gompany Qapital $100,000.00 Satisfy yourself of the soundness and reliability of this Institution then come in and open an account Every courtesy and accommo dation extended to either large or small depositors. - - D IR JS Q T O JRtS . W. H. BE K, O. P. HEAT,"V'''f : . PATTERSON, J. L DAVIS, H. O. IJtNK, . 3. W. ZIMMKRMAN, ; T. O. GUTHRIE, J. It. litTttiB, V W. M. LONG, ( ' OFFICERS J. IL LITTLE, C.M.PATTERSON, U, H. B AGOOD, President. Vice Freeident v Cashier. , PREPARE NOW to take advantage of the'NfiW INTEREST quarter ; which begins in our SAVINGS DEPART? t tMENT April IsL If you have an.account, , in , crease your balance, if not; be sure to open . one this. ImontH. IVe Pay U Per Gent. ; Southern States Trust Go. CAPITA $200,000 " ' ' : ' TRUST BUILDING, ' CBKRVOtmZ, W. O, . GEO. STEPHENS, X. S. FRANKLIN, W. II, WOOD, 9. E. DAVIS, President. Vice Prea, ' Treasurer. , Aast., Treas. , Southern Mill Stocks w Offer Subject to Sale: ' ' 25 Broomfleld Mfg. Co. ...104 100 Florence . , , . . . '. H BO Statesville ..101 200 Trenton so dafffisv . : 1 IB Arista , .. .'., 3S Southern ..-, w 19 Dllling .. n ..... 0 60 HoekinS --..".. ,' ! 30 Louise j". .I-. . . , . 10 10 rtdoHty .r ,'.. 10 Athertott .. .. .. . . 99 P. G. Abbott & Go ' - '- " " :" ' ''''--' WMiiuiuw lumtuu , Is thla message sent' that you i i may profit thereby. We would . maic you know where vour financial interests can' be best cared for. .It la one -of the da- ,v velopmenta of , modern , com . rmerclalutm ' that banks advert -J Use at all. Ten or fifteen- t yeara . ao the only announce ' ment Jn the . publications of a 'bank's . existence -waa a report of , condition or w standing; card to please tbe -proprietor . of . a newspaper, who was a customer of the bank; but now all Is changed, . banks are now on a footing, ,i . in this respect with - other a business Institntiona and miiat i nave t oner. Ail we wish to aay 1 J have the resources, the ability and' business. . We would like to have bank acoonnt 1 f uii ' wmiii ' :-e v. Mr. A. . JDIUI JXitt, ui -; H. III. VICTOR, Cashier. CAPITAL ASSETS $1.500.000.00 We Invite you to esen an account with us, promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound . banking. Ws pay (our per cent Interest on time deposits. GEO. E. WHiSON, President, JNO. B. ROSS, Ties Frealdes it, W. O. WILKINSON, Cashier. 3' We Can Use Subject to Supply; ' SOOxark... 4, 14S 60 Trenton , . .. . 11& 10 to 20 Odell 87 1-3 10 'Gibson pref. ., 100 to Arlington . .'. 120 weii " "innmi TYiron . 20 Gastort Mfg. v.. ,10 Limestone 20 Gibson S9 Loray pref. .. 5 100 Washington pref, , , Vt Charlotte, JV. iz . it y 1 '4 5 t iff it 1 ,' l 4,