points Firmer Knot ' - Situation " nd - Bad . gather Orrr tJo tUtit Caused Ad- ' lance of 10 to 18 Point 'to oe Itaauhod, ' but Reaming by Early 1 Buyers Blade Market Ease Off. . York, Marco IS.-rThe.cettort mar ket Was very quiet ; to-day. but ruled steadier'; In tone and 'closed at a. net ad vance 'of ;'. points, galea, were tl mated at JSO.OOO bale. ' The, opening Was steady at an advance of $ to- J, "points In response to higher Vcsbles than expected, Unsettled weather VMn me BOMiB en? Tepprta or aiv 'improves! f spot demand. ' Right after the call all the active month showed net gains ranging Irom to 9 points on covering of aborts and little buvinc for at ,urn. but there ' , at no indication of bull support and as cotton gains 4 to 4 soon jas the1 reauiiements or the more .. timidv short wm filled the market euaed oil to practically the closing figures or i . the previous day. under a renewal or lo- , cal baar oressura and llmiidatinn. . PrU M .Vate advices from the SowtH continued r W iom in reporting nrmer spot suus- tioit and bad weather over the belt. It be- Ing elated that temperaturea were low .iw oan Aniomo atatrtci wmie, rains i1;' ,werf checking farm work In otherseo- K ' J- tionai. and; the "market -rallied . acaindurw- Ani:& the nrfetoirinn . with nr mih t. M time allowing: a net auin of 10 to 13 points iew--"crop months being relatively nrm. i f 1 award the clone realizing by early buy ers' caused -recessions- of ft- or t- points , Crom the best, ! and the flnal . tone - was v&i4jr ;hvuu7' DUUlllvi u fray ' were generally unchanged. It is reported that there Is a good inquiry for supplies r from the local stock, but sales oniciany . reported were only 8,08 bales, Keceints of cotton at ecelpts of cotton at the ports to-day, 30,863-bales, against 14,23 last week and a. 484- last year. For the week, 100.800 bales.: aSHinst- lfl&.2t- last-week and 150.. '- 175 hist yeri,'Toidy 'a receipts at New virie&na, ,sw oaies, , against iu,i9tr iasi yi ear, ana at Houston.. saws bales, against stocks amosip "stagnant Mine Workers' Re.Asaetnbllng Partly ' Responsible for Kxtxrme Dullness -Louisville A XasUvlUe Strong and r i n...ia ,i u - weak. 1 New Tork, March 15. According to the ' alternating movement of the stock mar ket which has become noticeable this week;-prices should have advanced to- day In reversal of the late decline of yes terday. As a nutter of fact, a tendency ' towards recovery became faintly- per ceptible In the market after some early - extension of yesterday's decline. There was not sufficient " motive power In thb -Volume of transactions, however, to give ' the movement of prices much headway. The .recovery was also Impeded by the continued liquidation in suine of the pub lic utilities stocks. The dullness of the market was so extreme as to leave the trading absolutely Idle for long periods during which not a single transaction was recorded on the tape. The practically ' Stagnant market was attributed partly to the re-assembling of the United Mine . 'Workers' convention and the desire to .' wait the outcome of its deliberations. The ,call money market held its firmer tone to-day, the rate raising to 9 per cent, during a late flurry. The day's dividend disbursements, including the $15,000,000 by the Standard Oil Company, were estimated at over $18,000,000. Louis. i vlllto 6 Nashville waa conspicuous for strength to-day, Influenced by rumors of an intended Increase In the dividend rate. The influence of the collapse in the Chicago Union Traction stocks was em- ; pnasisea by the late rise in the call ; money rate to 9 per cent, and by the violent, drop in Missouri Pacific of points by intervals of half to 1 point between sales. The poor showing of the - annual report and the recent retirement .'front-the directorate of important flnan f clal Interests were credited with the drop in the stock. The market closed weak. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par vniuew . i,Bto,wv. UDueci males oonoa ' were all unchanged on all: Total 'Mies- Were 625. 460 shares. Includ ing: uopper i&aeo; Cotton Oil 800- A. l. 1.800: B. R. T. 36.000: C. Ik O inn- Pun. W. 100; Readlhg 47-.30OF Southern Railway I j,uu, preierrea iw; j;. is. & i. eon; 1 nlon Pacific 36,600; Steel 84.200; Va.-Caro. -iiem, i.sou; eioss-anetiieia oo. Gain of Several Points at New Orleans. .- New Orleans. Match'. 15. finnt nnhnn . Steady, sales 4.460 bales, includ nsr KM m .arrive ana XJ l.o.ls, (quotations un changed: middling W. Futures opened 4 r to S points up and by noon had gained '2 to points aaaiuonai on favorable I.iv ' erpool cables. The trading was verv lleht no in me noseuce oi support aunng the afternoon session, prices eased off 3 to 4 points and closed steady, the old crop juiPHina ciiiuwiijk net gams OI 3 to 4 ' points. ; New Orleans Futures. -" New Orleans, March 15. Cotton fu. ; tures" closed : March 10.41; April 10.49; .May .10 54; June 10.60; July 10. t; Aug. 10.61J Oct. 10; Dec. 10.02. JK New York Cotton. V New York, March 15.-Cotton. spot Closed steady, 10 points higher; mdidling upianas ij.ub; middling gulf 11.30; sales '2, 048 f bales. Futures onened stenriv and I f closed barely steady: March April .. May t. Jun ,. ; July 4. Aug, . Sept, . Oct. . Nov,,.. Dec. t. upen mgn jw ciose .-10.24 . 10.!9 121 lO.'.'t . ..m.2 10.30 10.) . . J0i39 10.46 10.65 10.28 10.40 10.48 10.&2 ..10.50 10.58 ..10.47-48 10.54 ..10.18 10.J4 ..10,10 10.15 10.48 10.48 10.17 10.06 10T10 10.17 10.48 10.20 10.10 10.12 10.15 10.19 .10.14 v 10.20 10.17 1 ian( i ,. ; Liverpool Cotton. , Liverpool, March IS. Cotton, spot In fair demand; prices 2 to 4 points lower; American middling; fair 6.28; good mld- 4 dling fM middling 6.78; low middling good ordinary o.n; ordinary The Uwalesof tho day were 10.000 bales, of Which 1.000 were for speculation and ex- . port ' and Included 9300 American. Ro- I ' . MA . . 1 1 1 . . -3 t AAA A . , . i-npil i,wi ihucb, uiciuuiiiii WV AiiieriuHn. . Futures opened steady and closed quiet and-steady; American middling g.o.e. March 0.59; MarcfuAprit 6.59: April-May I SO!' Map-June j5.2: June-July 5.4; July Aug. IW; Ang.-8ept. 5.S3; Sept.-Oct. 6.51; - Oct.tNov. 6.48: 'Nov.-Dec. 6.45: Dec-Jan. .46! Jan.-Feb. 6.46. I- -ti : Naval Stores. . RavAnnah. On.. March 16. Turner! tine (nrm 0; sales 113; receipts 63; shipments oz.r ;. Rosin firm: sales 859: receipts 833; ship ment 797; stock 35.088. Quote: A B C D , band v 4.o; o M.io; m k.-ti: i m sa; it IC 2ft; N i5.20;,N $5.90; W O 86.10. W1W . V Wflmlnglort,": ifarch "15. Spirits turpeh tin nrm 68; receipts S oasgs. ftosln firm tt.tiO: recelnts 842. Tar firm 11.80: recelnts T7. Is ACfu,,e Ttunjentln. firm. ICOo; and l.(IO.'Wlalpta.-4liii.i'.r.f- Tho Bfoney Market. New York, March 16-Money on 'call Strong and Wgh ;6 to .9 per cent; ruling rat 6H; closing bid pffered at 5t. Tim loans steady t' 60. days . and 90 days- 5 . to tHi ir months I per cent. . Prime nier eantlls ipuper to 6W nr nt.' Hterlino- exchange strong: closing easier with ac- TAVimtiMw uvpd ,swiaifj mnint WILIt tual busioess to baikera bills at $486 60 to ?4.w w eetnuMjma ni (4X3.70 to 8483.76 for day bM. ' Posted ; rates- H83 to tmty and $4H 84B7.H Commercial bills to W'4.t Bar slh-er W. . Mwn m . . SA.' .fin.! '. '-, .: ,jt::.. . ,t'.' 'i1 , ""..vV" ' . " 7 1 Baltimore frorinr.' " Batmorc. March IS. Klour dntt. ' nn ehanged. Wlieat 1 dull; - apotv. contract 821s to Corn strong; anot 4iU,to 4.i; Southern- whits n to . , Oata steady, ffoi I , mixed iti Ut 4. Rye dU; No, Western to 70. -7 Butler 'jfirm, tinchangedj fancV'tmlTaZ tion 21 te 22; do erMmery 8; do India m to J; store packed. J5 to 1, . ', - 4 Kggs firmer IfcVi. Cheese ' firm,, un changed 4 Sugar, strong, Vnehanged. - " ,;n i i ii .1,1 i. inf.1.1 4 .v'V ' Cnlcaft-o Grain. v Cntcago,-; March 1$. Improved demand for flour, and cash wheat at outside grain centers, - together- with an estimate of depressed, shipments ef wbat from Ar rentine caused strength to-day In the lo rut wheat market., .At tho clone May 'op tion was up to Ta.-' Corn-was up- H H- Oat showed a gain of Hto fi. 1 rovlsons wets 7M to fc!',4C higher. ' - Kew York. March li Flour ouiet but steady.i Rye flour, dull.. Cornmeal gtedy Barley dull; malthig 4 to 60. Wheat Hrrni No. i red W elevator. vOp tions dosed H to He net higher. May closed 84; July 414; 8ept. 81. Corn steady; K. i. 1 elevator. Optlona Closed Hc.net higher." May 4j, July 48; atsrsteidy.'mfged W' Beef steady. Cutmeats firm, -pickled toel- lle ( tO 10. rM - K - ' ' t Lard firm. Western prime to fTO; refined firmi continent IS-ZS s v pork steady. Tallow - steady, Cotton eed oil was about steady with a. moder ate speculative demand. Trim crude f. o.b., mills 24H to 85; prime eummer yl low iVi to Slfc: prime white $4 to Wfc; prima winter yellow to mi. pAtutAM Miik Hermilda. . second Cfott par barrel 3.W to sweets ouu ud changed. ; , rubhuirea dull, unchanged. Freights and peanuts steady, unchanged. Butter Ami. " unchanged. - . Cheese firm, unchan ged. Eggs firm; nearby selected 91 to 22; Western firsts 16; Southerns 13Vi to 15. Rosin ftrm. Turpentine Arm U to 7J, nice quiet. . qauiuamva sicauy. . - ifntrmA innt . Xiin nuimt. " mild .-' tejtv Futures finally -steady net unchanged to points lower, . , ' a Suaar raw strong: fair refining 3: cen trlfugal 96 test 3 to 317-32; molasses sugar 2. Refined firm. ,-,-Tlie Dry Good AlarkeC 'V New Tork, March tt.The dry "goods marnet to-aay . recoverea irom tne re vision in prices in bleached goods upon the announcement that the lines on which prices were reduced are now near ly sold up til full. Printed goods were strong, the p tocks of first and second hands being low. . Orav goods remained quirt, and the' weather held the jobbing trage aown somewnat. jrieecea unaer Wear was well sold for the fall, and there was a renewal In the demand for light weight woolens for immediate delivery. Seaboard Air Line Stocks. , Baltimore, M4-. March S." 'A. 1 common K'i -asked;- do preferred 65H asked. . vj.., '...,.. ...' C:' P. Ellis & Co.'s Cotton Letter.' Spefcia! fd Tha dbservef; ' ' ' ' ' New Orleans, La., March 15. Liverpool was better than, the, logical expectation and private cables were also more re assuring, stating that the weekly reaue tlon of the visible supply figures for the ensuing six weeks,- and large require ments of consumers until the end or the season, with the uncertainty attached to the extent of next season's yield. Justi fied considerably higher prices. . Such optimistic expressions, coupled to the continuance of unfavorable weather con dition throughout the South, induced the scalping element to endeavor to ef fect some recovery in American mar kets in which they were successful only to an Insignificant extent. In tact when they attempted to' sell out their pur. chases, it Was found that the speculative support was conspicous by Its absence. notwithstanding the early dissemination of bullish opinions. Thus it is that the situation Is really uninviting for speculative ventures ex cept for quick profits. On the one nana, we find a general contention, among spot dealers, that the trade demand Is of a very satisfactory character, not par ticularly ilberau nut substantial, and constantly accompanied by statements of extravagant profits accruing to manufac turers on the present basis. On the oth er hand, attention ' is directed to the rela- tlve dearness of existing values as con. trasted to a corresponding period a year ago. to the very favorable start of the new crop, to the less buoyant conditions In financial circles, and to the meagre speculative support, arid it Is apparently the concenus of opinion' that a radical change In the phrase of the latter factors is essential to intercept the prevailing tendency to liquidate on the part of dls. heartened holders of spots and futures, a continuance of which will naturally bring about u. lower plane of values, but as it is reasonable, to suppose that the trade will continue to acquire needed supplies as prices weaken, it is also rea sonable, to infer that any further decline will progress very slowly, and be char- acterised by frequent variations as weatner conditions ar re ci ooa or Dad. C, P. ELLIS & CO. ,.; QHARLOTTE COTTON MARKET. . ' ,"' '''' March 15. These figures represent prices paid to wagons. v Good middling..;.,. .. ,. .. ...,11 Strict middling.. .. , 10i Middling , .. 10 Good middling, tinged ... -. 10 Stains .. , .. ..9 to 9 PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston, firm 4. New Orleans, steady Mobile, steady .. Savannah, steady Charleston, nominal .. .. ,. ... Wilmington, steady Norfolk, quiet Faltimore, nominal New York, steady , Boston, steady Philadelphia, firm Houston, steady Augusta, steady .. .... .. Memphis, steady St. Louis, dull ;.. ... Louisville, firm 10 101 10 7-16 10 10 10 10 11.06 11.06 11.80 10 101.16 10 10 11 COMPARATIVE PORT RECEIPTS. . ' Tester. Last - day. year. Galveston 8.472 6.167 New Orleans 4,830 10,199 Mobile 226 l,l9 Savdnnah 1,791 2.781 Charleston 122 Wilmington .. ... .... 31 830 Norfolk .. .. .' 823 1,660 New York t. . 50 Boston 100 340 Philadelphia 19 Total 21,817 ESTIMATES. To- Last, day. year. New Orleans 5,OflOB,000 8.254 Houston.,.., 4.600(86,000 3.291 Galx-eston 5,0O06,O0O 3.7K9 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. Yester. Ist day. year. Memphis - 3,008 Augusta .. 287 920 St. Louis .. 1,664 2,058 Cincinnati .. 8C5 230 Houston .... t. 2,332 4,i2 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE. (Corrected daily by J. W. Zimmerman Company.) Chickens-Spring .. .. .. 12 '825 Hens tcr head 35 Ducks .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 28 KggS V'i.W: i.... ... .......... 13 Kye ., m Oats-Feed ..t... 46 S0 Corn ... 64 6b$ Cotton Seed ...... Oat Seed .... .. 60 3f Wheat- . High low - Close 77 n 77 Sept.-U. ........ .. ... .7714. 779, July U i 1 ,.n N TJH May .a 414 hs) s4e797m 77 CORN July , ..,,f,.,...43Xt May' ear e - 4 s s 41T4. 44 A 434 'ssis 2 2 4S 4114 43 OATS - . Sept ..'.... ..: July ... .. .. .. i. ... ,W Msv .. .. .3 & . 23 'i, 16.82 15.71 T.fS 787 8.07 ','.) ,'8.42 tM PORK , V May .. ,. ..' W ......15. juiv .. .. i. ,...ii.nt 1S.00 16.62 LARD May , .. July .., t7 Rent - ..1.07 7 .71H) ,. 880 8.35 8.43 BIBS- , . . . May... .. ,.-,7-, . x.w July' ,. 8.45 Sept. ..... ... t 8.631 . CLOSING STOCK LIST. Adams Express -v .uv i. .. 7 Amalgamated ' Ctopner .. w -.. .107t4 American Car & Foundry . rr-".,'1.. 4H American car m uounory pia.. .. ,,-,.101 , kmoi-lun Cotton-Oil .. . ..i .- t4U American Cotton Oil pfd v. M , American Express;., .i. .. ,.'...28 American Hide A Leather pfd .. KVi American Ice . . . American ice, pra i,....,.,., American Linseed Oil . ,y,i 21 American Unseed Oil pfd.. 45 American' Ixcomotrv . ... A merlcan licomollw pfd v a S . v118 American- smeiung-.w rteing.i., -y ,,io', American Smelting A Refng. pfd,.,. .Ill American Sugar Refng. ' A meric it Toimceor pio. -xernr, i .?;.. ;ib AniiconrU Mining Co., .i wv,,,.....2w Atchison,. ... 1i Atchison pfd ..... ,.. t ,n...,l"2 Atlantic Const Line i Bultlmore & Ohio .. . a.H..'..l'i6 mexander -i . ,' , ' Correspondence Solicited Baltimore A Ohio pfd... .... Brooklyn Rapid Transit , Canadian Pacific ..,- .' . ' Central of New Jersey ., .. ;,. Chesapeake tk Ohio .. .. Chicago & Alton ... v, ..A. Chicago & Alton pfd .. .... Chicago Great Western ... i Chicago & Northwestern .. .. Chlcaao. Mil. & St. Paul .. ,. .. . -....1WH ...... so 75 ' 20 . ,i ..23S tioi . .. U i 80 - "" J5 ' . i. t . ,,,.. 2V4 Chicago Terminal &. Trans.. Chicago T. A Tranfc pfd C, C. C & St. X-iuis v, Colorado Fuel & Iron .. . Colorado X Southern .. Colorado & Southern ut pta , " Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd Consolidated Gas -u , ... '?,, Corn Products .. v. r ii Corn Products pfd ',.: ,," " fsJxu. Delaware & HudsOn .. .. "' Delaware, Lackawanna & West.....w Denver & Rio Grande .. K Denver & Rio Grande pfd .. .. .. . rMailllem' Recurltiea .. .. Rrlo . Erie 1st pfd .. . Erie 2nd pfd .. General Electric ...... ii i . ...... 1157 .... 83 ,- .... 3S4: .. .. 82 i ...iVW,.'! Si 29. I Hocking Valley Illinois Central ., ... Interna'tional Paper' ..r. ., .. .. International Paper pfd. International pump .. .. ., International Pump pfd.... .. ... Iowa' Central . . t. Iowa Central vtfi Kansas City Southern .. .. .. ...... ' I Hnnthprn nfn.. .. ... W LoulsvlUe & Nash... .. Manhattan L . Metropolitan Securities ',,'i,7 Metropolitan St. Ry i" Mexican Central Minneapolis & St. L. .. .. Minn., St. P. & Sault Ste. M.. .. ..150V Minn.. Bt. P. & Sault Ste. M. pfd....l0 -t Missouri. Pacific Missouri, Kansas & T .. Missouri, Kansas St Tex. pfd National Lead National R. R. of Mexico pfd New York Central N. Y. Ontario & Western Norfolk A Western Norfolk & Western pfd North American Pacific Mail .. ., Pennsylvania People's Gas .. 94 84 71 lO ! 89 ... 145(4 , Cfl ,i 87U .. .. 91 42 ! 137 ' 94 ! Flttsburg, C. C. & St. L f Pressed Steel Car gj' Pressed Steel Car pfd Fullman Palace Car Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading 2nd pfd f' Republic 8teel Repblic Steel pfd., ex. div 101 . Rock Island Co -y Rock Island Co. pfd 8 Rubber Goods '. Rubber Goods pfd Sr. L. & San Iran. 2nd pfd -4o St. L. Southwestern St. L. Southwestern pfd.. , 65 Southern Pacific Southern Pacific pfd "TVi Southern Railway Vt Southern Railway pio i"'7 Tennessee Coal & Iron , lf Texas & Pacific Toledo, St. L. X West 35 Toledo St. I.. & West .35 Union Pacific "fi Union Pacific pfd fn United States Express 116 United States Leather United States Leather pfd., United SUtes Realty ., .. ' ? United States Rubber - United States Rubber pfd United States Steel 40- U. 8. 'Steel-pfd..'.. ....... ... ...J05 Va.-Carollna Chemical .. .. ....... oi Virginia-Carolina' Chemical pfd U Wabash .. 22J4 Wabash pfd p- -SI1 Wells-Fargo Express .1;, 233 Westlnghouse Electric 1M Western Union 3 Wheeling Lake Erie 19 Wisconsin Central 26 Wisconsin Central pfd , 65 NEW YORK BONDS. U. S. refunding 2s. registered V. S. refunding 2s, coupon .. .. 1'. 8. 3b, registered 1 1 ' H 9s. Vounon . I i ...103 ...10414 103 .. .. ...103 .. ......103 ,. ........104 .. .. ....131 ia.i,.tA -.t ... ...... 79 .. ......iib , ..10 .94 99 .. ..,..;104 ,. .. W U. S. Old 4s, registered .. IT. S. Old 4s. coupon .. . Uv 8. New 4s, registered .. V. & New 4s. coupon American Tobacco 4s .. American -Tobaxco 6s.. .. Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4s.. . Atlantic Coast Line 4s .. Baltimore A Ohio s.. .. Faltimore & Ohio 3s.. Brooklyn R. T. cv. s Central of Ga. 5s.. u Central of Oa. 1st Inc 91 85, Central of Oa. 3d Inc.. Central of Oa. 3d Inc Chesapeake & Ohio 4s.. ...... , Chicago & Alton 3s Chicago. B. & Q. new 4s. Chicago, R. I. & P. R- R- 4a...... Chicago, R. I. & P- R- R. col. 8s C. C. C. & St. Louis gen. 4s ofd,. Colorado Industrial 6s Ser. A...,, rvilnrnrin Industrial 6s Ser. B.. ,. 106 ttii ..106 ...7 VH Colorado Midland 4s 76 Colorado & Southern 4S , " - Cuba ,6s 104 Denver & Rio Grande 4s W m.ttllsrs' Securities 6s 88 Erie prior lien 4s .101 Erie General 4s K! Hocking Valley 4s 108 Japan 6s.. 100 Japan 6s. 2nd Series .....100 Japan 4s - Japan 4s certificates 2nd Series., .. Ivoulsvllle A Nash. Unified 4s 103 Manhattan consol gold 4s.. rt .,1"3 Mexican Central 4s 1 82 Mexican Central 1st Inc. 84 Minn. & St. Louis 4s old 94 Missouri,. Kansas A T. 4s.. .. .. ,...101 Missouri, Kansas & Tex. gnds.. National R. R. of Mexico consol 4s.. 86 N. Y. Central gen. 3s.. ., ,w. New Jersey Central general 6s ;... Northern Paolflc 4s,, ., :. ..... ,. ,. ,...lt4 Northern Paciflo 3s.v .. ,. v .. 78 Norfolk 6 Western consol 4s., ,, ..103 Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s.. .. .... 86 penn. cv. 3s.. ........lOOv Reading General 4s.. .. . ..' ,v ..100 St. Lt A Iron Mountain consol 6a... .HH St. L. A San- Francisco fg, ,4s..., mi St. L. South western ont 4s. . .... 8y "THE STAMP OF PER- 5 ; FE0TI0NV. ; f- ; . Our namc3 on mAcbJne means that in its manu- facture quality waa the . first consideration, price - the second. That is why - we grow; I ij " lfANUr ACTUREK9 Of ;.-f Ccttcn TI1TI, Cottcn Oil tzi Ct!::r I!ic!iir:ry. - ; -ii'lvAi T8EBg .... Wa y&fzGarsed Mill Seaboard Air Line 4s, .." , Southerns Paclrtc 4s.. ,. . Southern Pacific -l"t 4s certiilcutcs. Southern Railway 6 Texos & Pacille Ists . Toledo, St. 1 & Western 4h . . Union Pacific 4s.,f.v Union Pacific cv,' 4s 17. S. Steel 2nd 8s,v Wabash lsts .. . Wabash Dob. B.' . Western Md. 4s...;. Wheeling & Lake Brie 4s Wisconsin Centra a.. . 'Mi . Hi . !W"r us1 Wj .KHi .li4iii . .HH . 811 . Win 32 JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MKKCHAXTH. ,Cotton Yams and Cotton Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. PhiUulelpIila, 122 nd 121 Chestnut St. a,. lloHton, 185 hummer St. New York No, 73 Leonard St.- Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently find It necessary to have Banking Facilities in ad dition to those offered by local banks. THE First National Bank of Richmond, Virginia, With M6O.SOO.00 Capital $5,000,000.00 Deposits $7,000,000.00 Total Resources Offers lust ths Additional Fa cilities Required. Jno. B. Pureell, President; no, M. Mllr, Jr., Vice Presl dent; Chas. R. Burnett, As gartant Cashier; J. C. Joplln. Assistant Cashier. HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS CHARIXTTE A GREENSBORO. N O. Wheeler, Runge and Dickey ARCHITECTS- Second Floor 4Cs Building. CHARIiOTTE, - - - - - - N. C. FRANK P. MILBURN - ARCHITECT Coluinbia, - S. 0. . BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO. N". C. Consulting, Hydraulic and Sewer Engineers. Plans and estimates for power plants and sewer systems made on application. . Bandy A. M., Ph. B. Assoc. M. A. Iff., 80. C. E., and Terrell, C. E. Rsnsater, ESTABLISHED 1880 C. P ELLIS ft. COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants MEMBERS OFr The New Tork Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association. New Or- Means Board of Trad. 1S2 ' i - Cotton Exchange Bnlldlng S.Hi.. NEW ORLEANS Special attention given to executing; of orders In contracts for future de- I livery of cotton In all the markets. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 1 f" AV J fj T. ALEXANDER MJDt. W. X. n.ltXAMMUiO, DENTIST.- CARSOX BCTLDING Southeast Corner fourth and TRYON streets. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., AHANOVER SQUARE, NEW TORVC MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex- j - change, New Orleans Cotton Ex .?,;ehanfe. Associate Members Lirsr w nsol Cotton Exchange. ORDERS. JSOLICITED-rFor. if Jpure chase and sals of cotton for future - delivery. Correspondence Invited. Machinery for farm 2nd fac- fory. Rrsfprc Return Tubular and "iT Portable on skids, lfrom .l2to 150 H. P. ln:;roved Gin Machinery, ngje and , Presses, and complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day : and over. , 1 ' p t C-v J'k Four or five kinds, 71 all sizes, ifttuse in the South. t emallest to complete; cottori mill outfits. LIDDELL COUPAUy,; 1 s v ' COTTON EV1 1 LL MACH1 IM ERY. J ? Stuart Cramer,5 OUTM thyow t ' OHABLOTTt, N. O. UK Revolving Flat Card, Railway Heads, Drawing Frames, 5plnning Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Quillers and Reels Looms, COMBERS ETC., ETC The Largest Pipe The Philip 4. 85 per cent. Magnesia for covering high-pressure steam pipes. Asbestos Moulded for covering low -pressure steam pipes. Wool Felt for covering low-pressure pipes. Hair Felt for covering exposed pipes. Pipes covered with Carey's Coverings never give trouble. For further information, estimates, etc., address Charlotte Branch The Philip Carey Manufacturing Co. 216 S. College St. E. P. TINGLEY, Manager. MILLER & COMPANY EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. 100 Broadway, - - - New York. ! Members: New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange, New York Produce Ex- ; change, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Board of Trade. Chlcagsi Board of Trade. Liverpool Cotton, Asso- ! elation. Executes orders on any of th ' exchanges of which we are members. i All orders sent to our branch office at , Greenville, 8. C, will be transmitted 1 instantly by private wire to our main j office in New York, and executions r i ported promptly. The Beat Service," Prompt Attention, 1 Immediate Settlements. Your Business Solicited. 1 F. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. I (17 W. Washington St., Greenville, 8. C COTTON SEED OIL and Gin Machinery WOT IN ANY COMBINATION OR. TRUST. Complete plant from fifteen to two hundred tons capacity. Spe cial small oil plants for gin neries. Complete cotton gin ning systems. E. Van Winkle Gin and Machine works, 2 ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers HlScellanoous Soutliern Securities j WILMINGTON, N. O. ' Washington, D. C 08 Colorado Bids 1 Cotton Mill Stocks WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant. COTTON TARNS, ALL COUNTS ; - COTTON GOODS 1 COTTON AND COTTON WASTE. ! Amsterdam. . New York.1 RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. COTTON WARPS AND TARN'S. -.1ViL?",,1''t 8treet. PnTLADELPUIA, . . ... PA. I A. D. SALKELD ts BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS CM! Leonard 8t - NEW TORK. O.OT'fTOW TASKS. , ' . with , ; FredTc Vietor ts Achelis. TOI. D'OLIER ts CO., COMMISSION ' MERCHANTa COTTON , YARNS k lUrd and Chestant Kta. i HArlner and. Merchant BIda HAWARD;;VICK -.":v n ? ii 1 m ftlUAIUi i. fe . Mi Cctiaicniisshn ENOINEER AND CONTRACTOR. v-wX : . tan 5Iubber , Roving Frames Intarmedlates, Jack Frames Covering Plant In Carey Manufacturing Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO CROMPTON-TH AYER LOOM CO. I WtlRCKSTEll, MASS. FANCY COTTON TOWEL. DAMASK, QUILT, CAS8IMERE. BLANKET LOOMS, ETC., DOBBIES. BOX MOTIONS. REPAIRS, ETC. SOUTHERN OFFICE: CHARLOTTE. N. C. ALEXANDER & GARSED, Managers. Cotton Ginning Machinery Ml'NGER, PRATT. WINSIIIP. EAGLE, SMITH, THE CONTINENTAL LINTER. Their merits are knotvn around the world.' For catalogue and Information, address i CONTINENTAL GIN COMPANY. - - Charlotte, N. Cv JENCKES SPINNING CO. PAWTUCKET, R. I. COTTON YARN SPINNERS, CONVERTERS AND DEALERS. Correspon denes With Southern Kplnners Solicited. " tf O. a. ROB BINS Complete Equipment for and General CHARLOTTE, J. SPENCER COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICES 1 New Tork, Philadelphia, Chleaco. St. Louis, London, England. Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods. HIGH-GRADE SPINDLE. OILS Soonrea Belt Oils and Greases, Lubricating Greases, Ready.Mlxed uoia water f ainta a gems wattles' Dress Ins Compounds. GEO. BY HISS OIL GO. " CHARLOTTE. N. C. . PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO. ; Cotioim Yap ia M LEONARD RTMEKT - - -THIRD AND CHESTNUT STREKTS 210 MONROE 8THEET - - - .Attractive Investments. Interest paid semi-annually. We have on hand at this tlnva-some londs Which will net the Investor per cent. Correspondence solicited. Write for our pamphlet'Intereat. v.' : Income gnd Investments., v BOND DEPARTMENT, . Wadibvia loan I Trust Ccjsny WINSTOX-fiALEM, X. C 'JONM IK f ft ICS- T 4MiMailB4i ? H y i S re t EQUITABLC BUII.OII f " . ATLANTA, fUh Automatic Feeder's, ' 5. ' Openers and Tfn V: f t -Breaker, Intermediate ami -rf Finisher Lappers, , , ' s Klrschner Carding Beatert K Thread Extractors, Waste Pickers, etc Raw Stock Oryart. ETC., ETC. The United States AND GINGHAM. Cotton Mill, Power Plants Machnerv. NORTH CAROLINA TURNER CO. LOOM. ENGINE AND VALVE - - NEW YORK - PIOLADELPHLV -' ' - CHICAGO V VICT0RJA KEENCS CEMENT The best and most econ omical ; material known " fox plastering and imitation' tils woric v..-?. -.ft. J.aGRINNAlT, 173 Main St. Norfolk, ,Vr. HOTEL EVERETT. , ''' I.'' "llifib PolaV N, O. ' New. and atrictty fu'st-cHs-: located: three minutes i- Hot and cold baths, el.ctuo 1 tars to ths commercial travel, c r. ru:i'r 1 1 1 e i ,1 i