i in -iwi-m-HW-mw-ii ! , imw.H.n wpi'.ii,iMMiiii 'I'miiiiiiwiii i.iwwnf uwi!iiiMWiii i-pn.n.wwMnj-i m "! U !miipiWWWiiiiWWH H i' f j y ) uyimw i. hpihiiwihi nW -.ij.hi,. iiyi nyijPiiiwwwwiirtwwi iHH - WHW ""Win'i" ' .' m i J - " " ' ' " '" ' 1 " 1 " ''' ' ' M II 1 II IUI ' .1 ,1,1,,. .11' K4: C -j r J 1 PS M QrJJHt, -A ? It I V Nil 5- it JSHvS ;SKt iiriHrtaktrv witK tHf idea of c?iviiof to tint nnnlif of Worth (,-. COo "9 i it ? W'v t (fit. I t ' Carolina and the Piedmont region generally reading matter to meet the rctuirements of a Christian and Progressive People.' V V lit jjrt .aMv t t . i 1 .Ft ' , aily v Observer This paper jsiM year. It prints the news of the;ehltire'w the Associated Press, which is the greatest, em'gabet' minization in the world IJBesides its 'EditorxajwW passed here without comment there zx maintained departments of Literature Social Life, Indus trial News and careful attention is given to Educational and Church Ct Tne Observer is the highest priced paper printed in North Carolina and yet it is the cheapest paper in the State to buy because it gives so much , If one .loves good reading it is cheaper to buy The Observer than to buy, books. It gives fresh reading matter 365 times each year. 7 It one'; is in commerce or. manufactures The Observer will show bpj5ortUriities time and again by which the merchant or manufacturer tan find :new business or better business than he had before v;Thc Observer has a force of bright men in the field all the time This force is working for the readers of and the advertisers in :the paper, They keep before them the interests of the patrons of Fpail'l TIey gatfier ftot only the general hews but also specific riiews that will be of advantage to the reader They are on the look rpuf fci.new' channels of trade, for new construction work, for new .developments in agriculture and for all information patrons might want or be able to make use of U)q Eveiiiiinig' Clhroiniicle THIS PAPER GIVES TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY It gives the news and other reading for the family at the supper table and after supper It is the paper for the working man whose best opportunity to read is after the day's work is done. It is the paper for the out of town manufacturer or merchant who cannot get the morning paper until late in the day The Chronicb gives the same market reports of the current day that the morning papers give on the following morning. It is the paper for a family to take for the children who are in school It keeps well up with politics, literature and industrial conditions. The price is made to suit the family of modest means and the work ing people. V r, XTI 3 (.... i . .' The-Seriifi Weekly Observer JTic semi-weekly ls in some degree compiled from the Daily Observer: ,v- In addition to the compiled matter, it contains much original rMtter :.heScnweeklyv paper considered together, is one of mcTcheafe We send 104 papers a jyeW to a tarxiity is less than one cent each for Vpper, each; copy of which is more than a book k jSptciat. atmtibzirlEyeii.' to make the semi-weekly a paper for the farmer,. But it is also ai paper for any family which does not feel able: to: buyV a daily paper and which is so situated that it cannot rccpyp vuy, y ,,: x , , -r Wc repeat that it is the best paper for the money in America y ( t i i i , ( The Observer Printing.--House This is a Department of Job Printing and Book Binding In this department are made Letter Heads Bill Heads, Stationery of all kinds, Engraved Cards, Half Tone and other Pictures Printed Blank Books and Book Binding of all kinds 4 : 'illfeF it . o)ouoaervcr "l?i V. j- tj, 3- in lefvinW nMKinr Kn4 tvrtiM nAAtn naiAAnhfiv mVA4 Ka people. The company invites oubocriptiono, and invites WwiU , oendD sample copieo of atty of ito publications in answer to a postal card or letter 'I, f MB i j 1 1 l ,v A' y A.