1 '. r Is - . j Ait ?n r-. 1,4 ,v fTT'i", 1 j -, -yy 0,rVf -v. -rry , CBtARIiOTTE DAILY, OBSERVER KAKCH -18 1906,V ,t;, ff ,tir t,ftMW& -, . -.! T rrr' - rz. j. - ' - ,,...,jyi,.,L'!1.... ., J'.,""m"g-J- rw.? 'Tij m Km.. vw ' s 1 1 Y K ".v-"' J1 f-ri - " " New Dress Goods 4 4 -Inch Orey Shadow Check Chif fon Panama, the correct shade of trey. Prleer the jrard $1.00. Grey Panamas 6 4 -Inch Alice Grey Panama, genu ine imported stuff. Price the yard $1.00. Exclusive Dress Patterns '' : A beautiful line of Dress Patterns, no two alike,, the new Raspberry Shade, Old Rose, Grey, Nile and all the leading shades for street and evening wear. Price the yard 75c., $1.00, $1.50. Genuine Danish Cloth, 18c. the yd. White The swellest line of White Goods that has ever been shown In the city. These goods are arriving dally, and . you cannot afford to miss seeing them before making your purchase, Trimmings of same material to match. Ladies' Furnishings Women's Long Kid Gloves for 1906 Owing to the popular style of short sleeve, long gloves are greatly In demand. You can be fitted with us. In Black and White, 1( and 20-but-ton length; Black and White Silk 16-buWon lengths. Short lengths also. Silk Ruffs, Lace - Collars. Ruch lngs; a beautiful line to select from. . Just received, the Spring and Sum- , ' mer Styles in Thompson's Glove-Fit- rtlng Corsets; assorted stylos o select from; all prices from 50c. to $3.00 each. Special Centemeri Ktd ' -,t :'v;f Glove.s;'1r'Lv';V. r; In Rrown Tan and Relli "1L7S '" ' ' , ,6ne extra special , In P - i' (Ubutton 'Colored . K Centlmerl I. Kid Glovea;1' ,' llwht , shades. .(Vrnlle"'fheyaayott will btve choice, 1 . f fv. ',' ("1 I jf s.-..a r V are New Silks for Dresses and Waists 17-Inch Alice Grey Radium Silk, shower proof, the newest silk on the market to-day. ' Price the yard $1.00. 22-lnch Grey Chiffon Lulsana, printed warp; to look at this num ber means a purchase. Price the yard $1.25. Grey gilk. with small white cheeky very popular. y ' Price the-yard 50c. and 75c 27-Inch Shepherd's Plaid .Luisane Silk. Price the yard 7tc. A complete, line of .Drapery Silk, all1 new spring designs. Price the yard 50c. Goods Baby Irish Collars and Cuffs, Ren aissance Lace Elona; several beauti ful patterns; White Pompadour and Irish Lace Etons. Latest Styles In Neckwear, Shocks, Chemisettes, Ties, Scarfs. v Laces 1 Laces! French Val, German Val, Irish Point Gaze, Net Top, princess. Cher ry, real Torchon, Machine Torchon. With all these we have Edge, Inser tions and Bands to match. - 1 ; . ' i .V t 1 ' 4 1 1 ; SlTSfT i y ( rr . y Sta--s - 4ty V- , H ' f- .ass FOR some weeks past our Milliners and Buyers were going ltpiryipne place to another, secur ing tlie sresffid fashions of ; the season's latest productions in Women's Head-Gear; They had access ta some places that are not open to the public in genaral, and this is where America's styles are fashionede This season promises to be the best in our his tory Our. advantages are greater longer experi enceand we are better equipped in every way to furnish the swellest lot of Spring Hats, Coats, etc., ever shown in the Queen Fine China and Glassware 100-piece Dinner Sets In line Im ported China, French, Austrian and German China; beautiful designs and shapes. Special -prices from $18.00 to f SS.OO. Plain White China Dinner Ware In open stock; Cups, Saucers $1.25 set; Dinner Plates 1.26 set; Breakfast Platen tl.00 set; Meat Platters (5c, $1.00 and $1.15 each. . Decorated Havtland China Plates and Cups and Saucers. Special $$.00 doten. Fine Porcelain Toilet Sets. 10 and 12 pieces; newest designs and shapes. Just In. Special from $J.60 to $12.60. Imported English Earthenware Tea Pots, pretty designs -and Shapes; S0C and 6 Sc. , Plain Blown Glass Water Tumblers. Special 00c. dozen. ' ' '' i Heavy bottom, tall -Ice Tea Glasses Special at 76c. set. Plain Blown Glass 1-2 gallon Water Pitchers. Special BOc. and Bc. Large Fruit Stands, regular 75c. Special at 60c. ' Plain ' Blown Glass Punch Cups, special $1.00 dosen. Plain thin Blown Glass Finger Bowls. Special at $2.00 dosen. , HOTEL WARE Just received big lot of Hotel Ware, in double thick China Cups and Saucers. $1.25 dosen. 6-inch Plates 76c. 4osen; 7-Inch $1.00 dosen; deep dishes 86. dosen; meat dishes. 4 and 6-Inch, 860. dozen; Butter Chips 0e.: i dosen: Hotel Tumblers 660. dosen r Notion Department A big tot of MARBLES for the boys; all kinds and prices. Just received, newt iPlctures, with Gilt Frames, quite a flimber to select from. Special prices 15c. and 25c. ' each, ' V'v-;-' v 'Q-:Z ' New lot, of Pearl Buttons, all sizes, at per dosen le. v;v";.. v.-' Bradley's Woodland-"Violet Talcum Powder, at I8c. pe bottle. t f , Bradley's Wlldwood 'Violet j Toilet Water, at JSc. and BOd per bottle. t Williams' Shaving V SoSp. . at ter '.cake c' ; , We have a complete line of Hair Brushes, all prices from 10c. to $1.00 each. - s. . t 1 " 1 v A, ' ' Dressing Combs, prices from Sc. to . 80c.' each. , , , ,i.J lx ' . r f f' " V City or State. Carpet Department Special values for Monday morning will include a large assortment of handsome Wilton 9x12 Rugs that are well worth much more than the price we ak. Kashmir 9x12 Ruga, neat, clean and beautiful, artistic designs. 9x12 Wilton Rugs $35.00. 9x12 Kaahmlr Rugs .. .. $12.50. 9x12 Seamless Axminsters $23.50. Special For Monday Only 1,000 All-Wool Ingrain Carpet Samples; the nicest lot we have ever had one day only 25c. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 10c to 25c A Pure Linen, Hemstitched, nar row border or wide, good sire, at 10c. Beautiful, fine quality Linen Hand kerchiefs, wldo and narrow hems, at 26c. Shaw Knit Sox In the Spring Styles for Low-Cut Shoes, solid and fancy, at 25c. GUYOTT Suspenders The genuine, In fancy and plain, at BOc. EMERY Coat New Spring Patterns and the best titter made, for $1 00 to ll.BO. Genuine Scriyen Drawers $1.00 I The brown Jeans 'and' 'Scrlv0ns,(; latest patent. In all siseS, at 11.00., -Vs. 4 S . j. -f Coat Suit We can now show a prrtty line of Wash Suits, in White Durk and Linen. Prices from $3.50 to $0.50. White Suit.1!, in Linen, made Pony Jacket, half tight-fUHn Jnckets. trim med In strap of material, braided, pretty, full skirt Prh-e $6.50. White Linen Suits, made Eton Jackets, neatly tailored and trimmed In stitching, good, full skirt. Prlcfl $5.00. WhitB Duck HultM. Linen finish, Kton Jackets, trimmed in xtraps of material, piped In light blue and blue and white chrochet buttons, pretty, U'immed skirt. Price $3.98. SHIRT WAISTS. Another big line of White Lawn Shirt Waists, elaborately trimmed In Val Insertion and Lace; also imita tion round thread and hand em broidery. Prices from $1.00 to $1.98. Jewelry Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Lancer stock and' a better selection now than ever of the above goods. We are now showing some extra good values In Diamond lopse and mounted Rings and Brooches. We mount our own solitaires and offer for sale only per fect stones, weights guaranteed. Dia mond Rings from $5.00 to $300.00. Watches of every descrlpUon. Solid Gold. Gold Filled, Sterling Silver and Nickel. Ladles' and Gentlemen's slses, from $1.00 to $75.00. Jewelry, all that's new. Just infrom the factories; spring goods. Brace lets, Hat Pins, Brooches, Cuff and Collar Pins, Waist -Sets, Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons, Fobs and Chains. Mounted Side and Back Combs, and lots of new Novelties. Our wall cases are just full of rich Cut Glass Bowls, Vases, Pitchers, Boys' Suits $200 to $6,50 A handsome hue of Spring Patterns and of the bent makes on the mar ket. Have snap, quality and fit all combined. IC department lrey Jacket SulUs. Invisible plaid, niade short Pony Jacket effect; tailor finish. Skirt made from piece cir cular, wlth-foldn of material around bottom. Prlrim $12.00 and $15.00. Klai-k Panama Suit.-. Kton Jacket, plpid with Milk and trimmed In but tons and xtitrhlng, circular skirt, with plaited panels. Price $17.50. Cream Suits, in Panama; made in Eton and Pony Jacket, nuf.iy trim med In bandn of xilk, lined with silk, pretty skirt, plaited. Price $25.00. Spring Coats Handsome line of Spring Jackets, in covert, tlght-ntting and short box and half-fitting effects; lined and un lined. Prices $3.50 to $12.50. Ladies' Fine Oxfords Undressed Kid and Black, plain toe; our Colonial Hiuml. at $3.50. Patent Vlcl. etc In Artistic" and "American Lady." at $3.00. "Florlne." in nil leathers, $2.60. Department Tumblers, fancy and odd-shaped pieces. All of our glass is of the best quality, selected with care, and our prices are always lower than others. Silverware. Sterling Silver our strong line we carry in stock at all times. Everything from a tea spoon V a chest of silver; Tea Sets, Berry BowIh, Bread Trays, Bon Hon Dishes and fancy pieces. Jewelry depart ment Is In charge of a PRACTICAL JEWELER. Every article we sell Is GUARANTEED to be as represented. We are selling ageuts for the American Clock Company's Electric Clocks; require no winding, and are very accurate time-keepers. Just the thing for factories, offices, or wher ever a good, reliable clock !s required. We have sample clock running in our store to show. Orders taken for Engraved Visiting Cards and Wedding Invl';.t!ons. . I),,- Jill" 1,1 '