, -ft 3 m 1 ft ; THIS DAY, IN HISTOBY . C87. Theodos'ius degraded Antloch, 1 the metropolis ot - the East, .and 'subjected it to the Jurisdiction of , leodlctsa, n Account 01 e aeai : - . tton. i T r'"1 v " liU. -The order or Knights Temp Van suppressed by & pepar de- lv tree. ' 177.-Battle of La Chlnse, In Aus- s i , tria.' The French, under Guieux. (drove the Imperialists before ' , . them until they fell in with Mas- sena, at Tarwis, and were de ; feated. The French took 5,000 v ' prisoners, 400 wagons and 30 cannon. tttt. The Kronen under Joubert. croHsed the Adlge at Newark. In Saxony, defeating General Lau dohn, entered Hoizen. and marched directly for Claufen. lYt-nch took l.f.'Xi prisoner. J805. An epidemic nf typhoid fever caused hundre.ln of deaths anion French prisoners in Kng land. Stilt. The Arcade.1 jimt completed at Providence. K J . was wild to he the most cosily and elegant bulIdliiB of lis Umd In the United States. 1834. Horace Ureeley. Jonas AVIn- chester and E. Hlhbett bring out the "New Yorker. ' 8842. Condy Kagiu-l. author of The Free Trade. Advocate, and many other political productions died In I'hllndelphlu. I'a. 1854. The Kpanlfdi authorities sur rendered the brie Mack Warrior. to Cupt. UuJIock. on IiIh paying 16.000 under protent. 1855. Ramon l'lntn. an eminent t'u ban lawyer, suffered death by the earotte at Havana, for conwplr injf to take Concha's life and overthrow the existing govern ment. 1853. Recruiting stations for enlist log men In the British army were discovered In New York and Philadelphia. 9835. The Russians, In a night sortie upon the Frenrh lines at Sebas topol. driven back after a con test of two and a half hours. 884. Frank Blair and General Me Clurg, in the House of Repre sentatives at Washington, created excitement by denouncing each other as liars and scoundrels. S885. A breach had occurred be tween Emperor Maximilian, of Mexico, and the Roman Catholic Church. 1874. The British government pro posed to the ITnlted States to es tablish special "track" for ves sels crossing the Atlantic. 885. The British under Oeneral Graham were ambushed by Os raan Degna's men near Hasheen. who later attacked Suakin, the English base. 1895. The completion of a njerger between the Oeneral Klectrlc and Westinghoust) companies for it , giant electrical combine, reported from New York. COMMERCIAL CM B BAVQIET. Bfr. I. A. Tompkins Addrewe Rock Mill Organization on oornment Control of I'tiblic I initios Annual . Election of Officers. Bpetlal to The Observer. Rock Hill. . C. March 21.-The an riual meeting and banquet and the election of officers of the Commercial Club was held In this clt,y lust night. The meeting was a success In every ray. The address at the banqutel af ter the election of officer by the vis itor and cltlxena were very much en Joyed. The business meeting was held In the club'a hall. The club has nearly ISO members and fully 125 of it tnem- bars were present. The result of the f-Jertlon of officer's for the ensuing year is given below: President. John O. Anderson; first Vice president. Y. C. Whltner; second Vice prtMildenl, Ward Albertson; sec retary, C. K. Schwrar; board of gov ernors, George W. Wltherspoon, T. O. Flowers, J. II. Barron, C. I,. Cobb, W. W. Moore. K K. Poag, Sidney Friedheim, JVter Ihrl.-, T. L. John ston, C. W. Spi-ncer. Rev. W. t,. IJn- gV R. K. Barion, i. A. liuchannan. Dr. J. It. Miller. K. K. Cloud. J. it. Johnson. K. H. Johnston, Ira H. Dun Up. H. U Dlehl. W. J. I'toddey. The board will mw-t for organl.al Ion 2 Friday night ami will then elect a treasurer. It wmk decided at this rneet- lng to have lien utter three classes of m members, namely, class ( whose monthly dues will bi Z; lans B. dues 11.50; clasM A. dues tl. The dues are not compulsory except In class A. This subject was voluntarily brought up by amis of the mem hers and the major ity of them thought it n. wise plan to have an arrangement like this. Kach Old every member Is entitled to en ter any class )tn hocscx. The object e to get the lub In a better way financially, fur mini' lc Mod Improve ments ar. i,i t- made In the near future. fttr the business iium-Miut the mem bs Hdjourm-d ., McKlveo's Care, where a most d.llKlilful supper was orved. After 11,1, f, ,,t. i ,e sM-iik-ers were hII. rl ni,i,. ,)r. J ). A. Tompkins, of i 'lim i, ,(!,, tMl. fin, to speak. Ills addirxs whh very In- "it-infm ,i ri i ii mi ru- 1 1 e ll si k", or goveri.rnent i.ntt .1 of all 1 1 usts. : i-.iilro;ol i I heir of- 1 corporal loiui, nmur, I oinpanlcM. II.. ilintiuM that Ttt-e should l- insiw, I. ,1 ir. n;tine us our banks and ottu r i nn ,uit ions, mo that the pnliil, might kn..w what Is Tolng on. Mi Tompkins Is a H"'l talker and h.M ,Ik a ixi I.-ik mM-I. bound while (,.- cm, ,1 i., ihein on this subject. Mr V. . , ... j, . f c),iir lottf, forr.x-iiy ,,f , k I ill. whs the n-rl speakt-i. II. i.-,k for his sub ject. "Push llm k Hill" He told how the cltlwiis fiuld help i he tow n won- aenuuy if they would "push." He said ioll,lr - .niiii 'i, u ,,.,. Mui,' i i .i I coiiBpli nous by It m absence but according ZnuM u . ? Ullshed If they,,,, ...,.,,,.,. wMI ,Mly pnufully l,.tr Would stand ,a k urui wait for the . on. and will prolmhly then be getting the vinrr leuow 10 oo ttw PtuihlriK. Anions thV' olher siH-nker u.r. f llavor John T K.l,lv M...r. wr I J. Roddey. I. It. John...,, w it n,,...' I tu. . cusar I'tutir. VS. II. Ariail H. liarber. J. H. Johnson nnd ?nrl ' VV U Roddey. KILLED 11 MIIKIINt; i:x;ik. FTMilk fSmitlt. Kinpkiye of the Sru. boal Air Line. Run Down in Moii- Wife ami HI, Children. Special to The Observer. Monroe. March 21.- FVmu SoiltH a Whit man eninlovt in n. i... ..i ! the HKttatA Air nn ti'i "was run down unA i...,.i.. LVi.". .' ' a m,i, . M ""i"' uriuiip oi nln rxxlv werr I Portions of his body were! horribly mangled snd death must have ftecn Instantaneous, ftmlth was en , gl. la bis work about the yards. sTHveliBg ilinloars from the g racks . The engineer in chars- of th shifting i engine, who sae switching a train of '' cars, did not see him until tt. was too Jate t top the enalita. Smith lived , t, at Bentott Cross Roads, and Isavtea a , wife and -elx cblldretv - . He you weakness .of any kind eLomacb, back, or .any organs of the bodyt-: Don't dope yourself with or- dfnarr medlelnsv Hoilister Rocky Mountain Tea ls the supreme curative . power,- 26 cents, f &, If. Jordan A CAROtJWA DICIXATS SH.IVPE'8. lloeto Vln fUxoritl 3ame ' fcy ttotNre of '4 to S-'Bob" Howard la KoC tot Sharps, ij jv fj Special to The Observer. V, ' ,"-' Chapel Hill. March 21.-U:arollna defeated Sharp's Institute In the sec ond game of the seaaon by a.acore of 4 to 3.. The visitors put up en unexpsctediy close game. Carolina touched Brandon, Sharp's first pitcher, for three runs In the first inning. "Bob" Howard, well known In Charlotte as star pitcher on Bar ley Kaln's last year's team, went Into the box, and. though hit rreeiy, manage! . to keep hia hits well scattered. Onlv one run was made off Howard's delivery. The game was rather Interesting and exciting at times. Thompson pitched good ball for Carolina, but got rather poor support. The high wind rendered accurate fielding Impossible. The game was. devoid of sensational features. Stem and Calder led the hitting for Carolina. Patterson, Webb and Story put up a nice field ing game. The score by Innings: H. m. K. Carolina 30001 000 0-4 10 a Sharp's Institute. . .0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 03 7 4 Batteries: Thompson and Rogers; Brandon. Howard and Hharpe. num mary: Earned runs, Carolina i. Sharpe 1; stolen bases, Sharpft 4; two-base hits, Sharpe, Stem, two left on bases. Carolina 9, Sharpe 7: struck out by Thompson, 10, by How ard, 2; bases on balls off ThdChpson, 1, off Howard, 1; double play t aider and Fox; time, 1.J5; umpire. Iane. MAY NOT OIK. "Rome" Kwhrest, Who Shot Himself at Bennettuvillo, Recovering. Special to The Observer High Point. March 21. Word re ceived from Bennettsvllle. S. C, says that "Rome" Securest. ! young man who attempted suicide there on ac count of trouble which he had got ten into here end for which he was afraid they would Imprison him, has a good chance of recovery now If blood poison does riot set In. The bullet en tered the lungs and took a downward course, lodging near the hln bone. Mr. Charles Ingram, whose hors? the un fortunate young man carried off, re turned from B'innettsvllle yesterday morning, where he went to recover his property and dtsnose of It. Mr. In gram says that an attenrot was made by Securest to sell the horse and that he had offered" the animal at such a trouble In disposing of It at anything low figure that he, Injfram, found like its worth, conscauentlv left the animal with a friend In a nearby town to sell for him. It is said that, as soon as young Sochrest heard of Mr. Ingram's presence, he wm ho mor tified that he IrrwnediateJv sought to takm his own life. Howevor Bechrest seemed very repentant, nmrnlslng to make good. If given a chance, for the wrong he htyi done others. MIKSIONARY MASS MEETING. Mr. .1. rVenk Homers, of Clutrlottfe, One of the Speakers at Convention at ornelliw Saturday. Special to The Observer. CorneMus, March 21. Sunday morn ing at 9:30 o'clock there will be held in Zlon church a Sunday school and mlsstonajry mass meeting. Several speakers from neighboring towns will be present and make addresses. Among these are Revs. W. R, Ware, of Monroe: c. M. Pickens, of Plne ville; Z. Hlnoliiilra, a native of Japan and a graduate of Trinity College. Mr. J. Frank Flowers, ot Charlotte, will also speak, discussing the rela tion of the Sunday school to missions. The occasion 1s looked forward to with Interest and will attract a large number from the village and neigh borhood. NOHDICA AT SALISBURY. The Great Singer Hum Been Secured to Apear There Date to be Fixed Definitely To-Iay. Correspondence of The Observer. Salisbury. March 20. This city hns land ed Nordloii for a fact and the great song bird will lie here either March M or May Nordicn sings In Ashnvlllc. March 27 and she run give this city an ante or pKt dute, tlio management deciding this dt finitely tomorrow. The blessing; of henrliig the world's greatest singer will come as graciously to otner neur-by town as to Ballshuryy. Piedmont North Carolina will listen again by reason of niiMSiiiiry s iiccpssionny hjiu inn most, brilliant audience ever seen In a loeul theutre wit asaln grace the town on the corning of the wonderful singer. Two New lawyer for Durham. Correspondence of The ObRerver. Durham. March 20. Two new law yers were to-day given the oath and permitted to practice In this State. These young men are both from the I'niverslty and cume here as a mat ter of convenience. They ure: Mr. Norman Alexander Towuscnd, of i Koheson county, and iMr. Thomas l William Simmons, of Sampson j county. They received their license at ! the last sitting of the Supreme Court I and are now studying for it degree In law at the Slate University. In re i reiving the oath as lawyers Mr. J. Cruwford ltigRS, of this city, stooa (tp,,nsnr for them and avlmlnlsleie.i the throp oaths taken by each on. Miller Spei lul to Co.'s Cotton The tbsesver. Ixttejr. i i.rk wl.irch II. -Liverpool took the hull vit-W ih.it we hud anticipated, in,. I tin- mi irk, I continued strntig nil (In v. The real frmure was the shrinking of the .l"l premium ovt May, for wnloli v.ulii.m iledui'Hi.ris have" been advanced. I he probabilities ure thnt some strong Intel ,'xl here ilenlros control nf the a lii.it i. .it, in At any rate it will be lu- leresiliiK 1" wuirh the May option front iIiIm mil. The irenem! public continues Icoiion from th- snme oplj who were enoush to liny now. Th six.t situation Is slron. The bull "'' v. hendod bv some of the most pro ...,, ,n ,i . I..r k.... Intvrwit in ln' new crop to work on DlKpatciics from tli' muln spot points In tin Interior are uptlmlMtle, and the wliolo i.nioii xlt un ) Inn remains to our urn or thiiikliiK. UlMtlnctvely a bull pro- j l-jelt Ii.ji . MI I.I.Kit A CU. ItulilMtnl Irjs. A Co.'s Cotton Letter.' Kpeilnl to The Observer. New Voi l;. Msri'lt SI. Largs buying or. Idem lor American seeount were in Llv : eriMMil trore the opetilriir, os were nmnv (rahlirriiriiw ;tdvlHlntf ICiirone of ttm nrrth Inbllltv of strnnv snniMirt lur tn ihn Ittisrkei. I nder these cnndltlons. thnt nnuket oM-iied higher and sustnlned the lmprov ni-nl to th close. Prom the niiiD.lll.ftl IMih.1 . I.m hiio short interest wsa In evldenrs. wspeelslly in Miiv. where the bulls took all ths of ferine t etu-h surivsMivs five nolnts ad vn i ice Asrulnst these purchases they sold July to u moderatn degres ss the shorts covered. There was un absence of out sldo buying for an sdvaoce. the outside totiss pursuiiis tbo sum policy that they hv during the pest month of selling on inn Havsnc. iriere was som Buying ity tluf locul traders on lb theory tlutt the movement against the shorts could not tertnlnste In so short period and that it must continue longer , altbougti the pace was rnpld. ';... HLBUARD BROS. A CO. TO CURE A COLO IV OUTB DAT Take Lax ATI VH RKUMO Quinine Tab. lets. iMutsists refund moner if It fails to sura it W. 0OV 0 signaturt la ee aoa bo sat i g i , , A MIXKLENBUtO UN. . Mr.' Price, Ifeed f Price ' Teeple , I'leno Cgmpeny, ft Native of North i Caroline High ' Point 'Expect Early jiolBttoa of' injunction Ob tained Against It by Southern kh- Special to The Observer. ' 1 ' ;f ..' 1 High Point. March JtMre. Vf.iU. fitoner, who has Accepted themanae- ment for the State of North Caroline of tins Price t Teeplee Piano Com pany, of Washington," D. C, wjth headquarters at High Point, is a Southern woman by birth, having been raised in Jacksonville Fla. She lost all during the great fire there several years age. Mr. Price, at the head of this big company was born in Mecklenburg county, this State. In early life he went to Chicago and afterwards became secretary of the Cable Piano Co.. of that city which position he occupied until three years ago when he and Mr. Teeples found ed the Teeples Piano Co., of Wash ington. D. C. Owing to the rough weather of the past week very Hit la headway Is be ing made on High Point's passenger depot. Since Referee Morehead has decided according to the findings very much In favor of the city of High Point in the suit of the Southern Railway against the city, for alleged trespass of this company's rlgihts. the people here are expecting the Injunction to ' he dissolved at an early date by Judge Hoy a or Judge Prltchard so the city can prosecute to completion the work mapped out -on said street. The Southern Railway will most probably take an appeal if the findings are un favorable to the company but. this win not hold up the work on the street In question. The decision of the Judge Is awaited with much Inter est by the citizens of this place. Cases Compromised in Dnrliam Court. Wounded by Rifle Ball. Special to The Observer. Durham, March 21. This afternoon the cases of (Mrs. Jernlgan and C, R. Jernlgan were both compromised after all day had been spent In taking evidence. In the oese of C. R. JerrK gan, by compromise, the plaintiffs get 2o0 each. The case of W. A. Ferrell against the city of Durtiam, on ac count of one of the disposal sewer plants, in which' $2,500 was asked, was also compromised for 600. Guilford Sunday School Convention Special to The Observer. High Point, March 21. To-morrow the Guilford County Sunday School Convention will be held In the Friends' church In High Point. Repreeenti tlves are expected from every Sunday school in the county. An interesting programme has been prepared for the convention and . large number of Sunday school workers are expected to be In attendance. C. P. Ellis A Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special to The Observer. New Orleans, March 21. The action of Liverpool to-dny was a stuperfylng sur- orlse. especially to those who aggres slvely attacked the market following the publication of the census flirures yester day. Cables are singularly unanimous In expressing optimistic views, especially referring to the continued activity of trade conditions, and the necessity for further buying by spinners to meet cur rent requirements. v American markets ruled firm from start to finish. Efforts to undermine prices were not lacking at intervals dur ing the session, but the absorption of spring and summer months proved more than equal to tne tasK or supporting prices, and closing figures are within a few nolnts of the best of the day. Meanwhile, the prominent Wall Street operator has been actively circulating predictions of further sharp advance in flie near future, and Is credited with having bought an enormous quantity of May contracts at New York, this de mand dlrectely resulting in a narrowing of differences between May and July and bringing about talk of a possible squeeze In the former. We question ir sucti an attempt would meet with success In fact it would only result In the attraction of undesirable cotton rrom the South, which would tlnd this medium the most lucra tive one for Its disposition. Naturally, there has been a tendency to question the sincerity of the expressions ancW present movements of the erstwhile bear lender, but aside from this we find a well grounded conviction in certain quarters that an enormous short Interest exists In both the old nnd the new crop which, it in exported, will be forced to eventual ly seek cover, should the trade demand continue on its prevailing scale of activ ity. So far, however, snots have not fully sympathised with the advance In contracts, a discrepancy that suggests the wisdom of .securing profits on recent purchases, in the event of a further Im provement In the near future, as It Is quite likely that opportunities will fre quently offer to replace such Interests advantageously, especially if a protfnet ed siell of propitious weather Is to fol low the recent climatic disturbance. C. P. BLIJg & CO. Baltimore Produce. Baltimore. March 21. Flour firm, un- changed. Wheat eos spot contract Corn (inlet, spot to H Southern white 4ti to 4XT. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed MVfc to 35, Rye firm : No. 2 Western 8 to e. Mutter Arm, unchanged: fancy Imita tion 2U to 21: do creamery 29. Kggs stendv H. Cheese Arm, unchanged; large Sept. H'i: Nov. 14. Sugar steady. The Money Market. New York, March 21. Money on call cosier, highest 5 per cent; lowest 4; rul ing rate 4Vt to 4; Inst loan 3; closing hid 3, offered at 4. Time loans sternly; eft dnvs and Wl days & In bHi months & to r.: prime mercantile C to 5V4. Sterling exchange firmer with actual business in hunkers' bills at lS.4f to UMM for de mand bSmI t WH2.f0 to M42.65 for 0 day bills. Posted rates W.H3 to WKPA nail iwtsvi to 487. Conimerclul hills silver Mexican dollars SO. Bar The Vri Goods Market. New York. March 21. The dry goods murker whs stronKer to-doy. The un. certiilntv of the past three weeks has twatiri to disappear nnd the danger of M..i,- rvlsins has oussed. In the onln ion of ths large factors. The jobblna trade to-dsy was gKid ana All lines ot r domestics wers steadier. Knit soods snd underwear mills t wers well sold nheatf and prices ruled isry nrm. Cotton SetMl OIL New York. Msrc.h 21. -Cotton Seed oil wus flrin and hlsher with fair buying for export and packers. Prims crude f. o. b. mills 2 to am; prime summer yellow itl to XJS; prime whit iuyfc to k prime winter yellow 3i to Clilcago Oraln. Chfengo, March SI. Oeneral tlnnldatlon enused weakness to-dny in local wheat market. At the Hose wheat tor May de. livery whs down . Corn was practlcnU ly unchanged. Oats showed a loss of l: provisions wers 19 to 12 higher. IT CTREW THE DOCTOR, Now Kelentlflr Dandruff Treatment Recommended by a Pliysltian. Mrs. Mary C. Crawford. Oakesdale. Wash.: "Herploide .cured me per fectly of dandruff and falling hair." Dr. E. J. Beardsley. Champaign, III.; "I Used llerplelde for dandruff and falling hair, and I am well satis fled with the result." A If R. Kelly, 215 Desadsro street, elan Francisco: "llerplelde put a new growth of hair on my head, llerplelde does more than Is claimed." Herplclde kills ths dandruff .germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Cures dandruff, falling hair, and prevents baldness. Sold by lead ing, druggists. Send 10e. In stain pa for sample to The Herplclde Co., ! trolt. Mich. R. IL Jordan A tin.. Special Agsnta, ; , ' -W y 'M - MM Uf nffj 1 If in l it in fiii Fehr's OFFICER ON T1IE DOLPHIN. Lieutenant Pope Washington, of (iloidsboro, Promoted Carrier Boy Bitten by Doje Mounted Men Chase Rabid Dog. Correspondence of The Observer. Goldsboro, March 20. Lieutenant Pope Washington, I. S. N.. who has been spending several days 'here on a visit to his venerable parents. Col. and Mrs. J. A. Washington, has been promoted to senior engineer officer on the Dolphin, President Roosevelt's private boat, with headquarters In Washington. D. C, with orders to re port for duty Wednesday morning. He left to-day at noon for his post of duty, taking with him the best wishes of all fats friends. Lest night, as young Joe Brown, the hustling little carrier of The Dally Argus, was in the act of placing a paper upon the porch at Mr. Na than O'Berry'a house, on Centre street, the large St. Bernard dog of Mr. Tom O'Berry. without even barking, jump ed upon the little fellow and bit him severely upon tihe reft shoulder. The boy screamed and aid came to him. Thje dog was beaten off. The little fellow was taken to Dr. Cobb's office and given medical attention. Mr. O'Berry greatly regress the sad hap pening and will have the dog killed, but it is thought best to wait a few days before doing so as the dog may show symptoms of rabbles. Joe is very popular and the affair Is very much deplored by all. A big strapping negro, Jim Moore, was arretted late yesterday evening by Officer Fulghum and locked ud. Jim is a laxy, worthless negro and no doubt will, be greatly Improved upon when Overseer Lucas. of the road gang, g'ets through with him. He was tried) this morning upon the charge of selling whlHkev, and was bound over to ,he April term of court. Being unable to give bond, he was locked up. Dr. A. M. Lee, of Clinton, N. C. is in th'e city on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Rowena Micks, who has been very 111. She is some better to-dav. A "phone message from WaMer, about two miles from this city, this morning, states that thnt neighbor hood was thrown Into considerable ex citement by the arrival of a score or more, of mounted men In that place about o'clock. They were chasing a large yellow cur dog which had gons mad and had bitten several ani mals at Princeton, jonnston county. Their horses were tired and they gave up the chase. Acre In I nlon Will tie Reduced 83 1-3 Per Cent. Correspondence of The Observer. Monroe. March 20. Mr. C. C. Moore. president of the Stats Cotton Growers' Association, nnd t:ol. n. J. j-ocKery. chairman of the executive committee. spoke In the court house to-day at 11 o'clock to one of the largest gatherings of farmers ever assembled In Union county. It was a very enthusiastic meeting. Union's best farmers sav that the acreage this year will be re duced at least 33 1-3 per cent. CHAMPIOM LIXIMKNT FOR RHEU- MAIJ C9JK. Chas. Drake, a mnll carrier nt Chs spln Paln vllle. Conn., says: "Chamberlain s Hulm Is tne cninnpion or an liniments. The past year 1 was troubled a great desl with rheumatlwm In my shoulder. After trying several cures . me store. keeper hem recommended this remdey nnd II couiiumviy vui-u urn. i licro ! i no use or anyone sunenns irom inui Inful ailment wnen in obtained for a small plication gives prompt relief and its con. tinued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure, f or sale ny It. H Jordan A Co. Mledodor Don't Physic I Use Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets for all liver troubles.- Safe, ; sure, permanent ctirei "tnd complete treatment fo 25c. Easy natural and ' certain money back if tbeyfaij,, , . " - 3 0 Com r- JWhori thd Stork comes and leaves lh6 little stranger to your nome win be your duty to prepare for ita. future health, to emptoy 1 every effort towards making It a hale; hearty. - sturdy babe. The vise mother who has taken ' -' Fell's' Malt Tonic for some time before the arrival of the little one knovs how tt has given tier refreshing sleep, quiet nerves, good digestion and strong constitution. She should by all means continue the use of this incomparable Tonic food. Its health building effects will be felt by both mother and child. FOR 8ALB BY ALL DRUQQISTS. Malt Tonic Dept., Louisville. Ky. A LIVELY TUSSLE. with that old enemy of the race. Con stipation, often ends In Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They . perfectly regulate tnese organs, without pain or discomfort, 25c at R. H. Jordan & Co., druggists. FRECKLES AND PIMPLES fiEHOVED to Tea Dart. Nadinola The Complexion Boaatifler U n- Aorti by thousands of grateful Wist, sad guaranteed' to remove ell facial discolora tion aad rotors the beauty of youth. Tbs wont casat in twenty days. 50c. and $1.00 at all leading drug store, or by tnaiL kr NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Teas, TUB MOON IS MADE OF GREEN CHEESE many people would lead her to be lieve, when the housewife toes to purchase flour for her baking day but if she has once used the Pride of Charlotte flour she will take nothing else It is mads ot the choicest . se lected wheat and ground at our mills. MECKLENBURG FLOOR- MILLS Lee Kotner, Proprietor. Phone 3. HAVE YOU SEEN The elegant new line of Belt Buckles, Dog Col lars, Collar Supporters, Bead Necklaces and oth er new novelties in our South window. Best quality goods, lowest prices. GARIBALDI & 6RUNS. SEE OUR UNI OF FOUNTAIN PENS. A full assortment---all sizes and prices. Every one guaranteed The best made. If you have ever had trouble with a Foun tain Pen, give ours a trial, and we are sure you will . be satisfied. ; v THE PMIOUf jTAIi'l ox:paiiy. ' ! 1 s 2-. fMBTS MOULDERS CHARLOTTE N. C GEARING i ; u . -. I , t lxf Micno I PULLEYS ; HANGERS COTTON MILL MACHINERY COTTON OIL MACHINERY A high-trade College tor Womeni -'WwPP- wttfc 'knirjr'' taodsrn tm proTomeat. Special rates' offered for second term. . ' " 'i 9. R. BRUMSBSi D. M PPsstftteat. A Gentleman's Cigar for 5c "COUNTRY GENTLEMAN" i r - i 8f "wS THE CHARLOTTE WK ARB SOUTHERN AOBNT8 IFOR S i f ronnco wnisi oerman hewdles axd , heddle frames. WRITS US FOR PRICES. ' Foskstt Bishop Steam Traps Carried In stock; also Card Clothing and a Full Lino of Supplies. CHARLOTTE BIRMINGHAM SP ART AXBTJR Q iMcogfotataO CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00 . . . ' , - r -- - - . -- ., Not the cheapest, bat preeminently the BEST. These are the largest, oldest and best equipped schools in North Carolina positive, provable FACT. 1,000 former students holding positions in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written con tract. Shorthand, Book-keeping. Typewriting and English, taught by experts. Address KING'S BUSINESS GOLLBGB Charlotte, N. C. ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY ' OF MUSIC ClIAUIiOTTE, N. C. Suburban Location, Extensive Campus, High Grade, Experienced. University Educated Teachers; Fire-Proof Buildings, First Cltsa EQulpmeht . , Schools of Music, Art, Expression, Business. Enjoys a Reputa tlon for Thorough Work and Good Health. catalogue: CHAS. Painfing41epairing-Rutoleing; Have your vehicle painted and repaired be fore spring. Don't wait-until spring to have this work done, for then you will want to use your vehicle daily. We have one of the best equipped carriage shops in the South and invite you to call and look, through it." J ' ESTIMATES MADE ON VEHICLES FREE. DRAUGHOM'S Raleigtw Colambia, KnoxTllle, Atlanta, if Collekes to IS Stated POS1TIOX8 secured or money. REFyNDED. Also teach OV MA1U Catalogue will eon vines you - that Draughon's Is TUJS BJCST. Call or sand for IV SCO. 1 . " . 1 ' i 1 'i , , ' i . ' Preslryteriwi .Ccllege fer Waen DUHOnf, 1 L 3. SUPPLY COHPANY or Raleigh, N. a sent fuee. a KING, President. THE DEjy OME FEJtFECT IN AFFOINTaOUfi; ' ; KLKGAKT gERVXCE. . ' r. -Special Dining Boon for Inrllaa Pabllo Stenograrher. ; ' c. Long Distance 'Fbona, - . t- the dei:;iy m t X ' Si VI, i

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