' V JA ty.V t' UV vH?': ImmOCT PAIIjT 'OBSERVER, ,MABQH 22, lOQg. -'V ' V r jEE7 OAD TO KOBTHWBST . i ',( .,. ..-.j. - i-. mto, coxxccT nutt, ciHAJBorns I i 1" t L J "J K t, , , . f 31m Sesboard and JTortb Js Western , MM to pa One ad the Same I Charlotte Brooghs 100 Miles Nearer , ;',th Coal ud Iroa Field via Rutberfordton ud the Kew Uno Many InproTementa to be , Made. ', ' Much has been said lately of the , new South Western Ballway, wtrlch k ii ta k run from thai coal and Iran ' IMda of east Tennessee, Kentucky and' "--We Vlrrlnla. to the Atlantic n board. Railroad men have thought that the 8eboard Air Line wm back tag the ww road, financially. Recent 'developments KO to show that the cur- rent report are true. There is but . little doubt that tbe men who are f ur nlnhinr the monev for thie construction ; of the new road are holders of big " slices of Aboard Air Line stock,. It V Is believed that the two roads are, to 1 all Intents and purposes, one. 1 The South & Western road extends i from Elkhorn, Ky.. via Krwin. Tenn.. "V, to Spruce Pine, this State. The line from Spruce Pne to Marion Is now w being- built, several thousand laborers ' being employed In the -work. When th road Is finished to Marion, It will "" then be run to Rutherford ton. a dls anre of about 21 miles. At Butherfordton, the new line, will In tersect the Seaboard road, which con J met with Charlotte. Monroe, Wlt 1 " jnington and th coast at Southport. l' Prom Rutberfordton. the new road will be extended t Spartanburg, 8. C, where St will cwnnect with the Charleston A Western Carolina road, ' running to Aurusta. Oa. and on to the '"-Atlantic) seaboard at Port Royal, 8. C Should one tafc the trouble to ex ' amino the map of this section. It twill be seen that the new road will i'jrt a, direct route front the coal and ' ' Iron fields of eastern Tennessee, Ken- 1 tucky and west vim ma. K(f coast. , , w , This means much for Charlotte. It I givx the city direct connection with the coal fleMa and thus the ' " heavy freight chanred which have been such a burden in the past will ' be -materially lowered. The fact that i Ma two roads will be nnrr the same management will assure better service a well as cheaper rates. il At present the coal fields are ap prosJmaDely 375 miles Crom Charlotte. Should a manufacturer order a car of " . coal direct from Poeahcmtas. which Is ' practlally the center of the coal dls ' nrlct. It would come via Lynch burg; Va., traveling the distance , named above. Bv the new route, via 'lUltttwrfordton, Marlon. Johnson City " 1 and the coal fields of Kast Tennessee or Kentucky, the distance la only ap proximately 275 miles, which is 100 , . miles shorter than the present routA TWs will moan a savin of at leant ' W cents on the ton. with the possl " WIHy of a further reduction If the two lines compete. J In this connection. It innv he stated : -a that one of the prominent traffic agents of the Houth & Western road was in Charlotte a short time ago for the specific purpose of finding out the amount of coal used hv the local manufacturing mternrtsos. He was on 'J a tour of the Heaboard road and se cured estimates at each coal consuming- point. He is reported s having stated to a prominent cltlxen of Char lotte that the freight rates on coal and Iron from Tennessee and the ter ' rltory traversed bv the South & West j ern road would be 25 per cent less than Ihey are at present. ,v The new road will connect with the r ' Chesapeake Ohio ai Elkhorn. Ky.. " which given it a direct line Into Clnclii natl and points In the Middle West. In this way. the great grain and provision centers of the country will be brought j Into closer relationship wKh Charlotte. '' The building of the Panama Canal j i I wtll give Influence and prestige o V the Southern seaports. The construe- I i tlon of this new ralimttd connecting th seaport with the MUblle WeBt w 4n,.r... n... , ,.r ii. .hu,,.i.r ,r,. ters and all Intervening points on the , ConnecWn road. ' In anticipation of the heavy traffic that will have to lie hauled over th': line running from charlotte to Huilui--! furdion when the new line Is finished' v.u already a survey has been made of f th" track from Monroe to Rutherford-; ton and, durltvg Die next vear inuriy of j J the heavy grades will he cut down, the - line will be s'.ralffhteued and other im- '. 1 provements made. I , ROOKEYKIr CM Wt.l lt IMS IIM) Ills Theory AImmH IIm- Negro Muy Im HIgllt. but It Cannot In: I'ut Into Practice. "I hnad a Congressman an Inter- i ' twiirig siory oi uie liooKcr waslilng 1on illniwr Incident .it Washlnv ton a few years ago.'- said a Charlotte man who has recently been North on ,i trlii. "This CoiiKcesnmaii said that Presi dent ItiHUM Vell had I'. id a friend that Ills theory atnit I tie negio na: K'mmI he thought, but that it would n i do to put in practice. If.- h.wtcl Wash ington to diioer t'i him, lieln-vin; that It Was Ills on n .ifr.nr ai l Dial it Mas all r Ik tit . hi . titughl him that. !b't(i iiamitig hint "But ten days after ine I'rertdetit Itoosevfll twrk from a little I while train hand knock i. lsal ptirler down for I'U'tn Oil his SllOUlde). l(lMMH-Ve the man who struck the I i i . .I.... t e iili-lll. a'. i hi uv he Hi w Ml sfc I X liis lllld h.i w that low w a j. wnaivf mm a on rim train, ami, anci .-a- aftri . lng the slat Ion. be vo-m (,,, i H- young fellow and ,iWe1 htm If ' n ftom ' thl- South. Tin- fellow .m.h.I lia , . was from I'ennsylvania Wh-'i iues- ' tinned abaut .ntrlklng the negio he said ! that h was in hi hl oil. f ,i any of' hlS Wo),le Mould Man i U , Would not iiernut a nem o n. put hlx j bands on him Tlimt an. I other Im I- i ', dents convinced Hoosevoit that, If his; theory about the negro Aa t K'li t . It ! Was not prm tli al. and could not lie i ,fv lived up to In this cotmliy. i " Then, l.s.' the Congressman added, j the President beard of 11 n-ejero cati-h-ing a little white girl by th hands and holdltg im to her. saving-that he! T was s good sh s for president 1 in v lloosevell said so when he dined Book- ' - sr Washliwrton.' "In, other words, the ltoosev .lt i,ie;. j 4 , Would bring no end of trouble and' 't bloodshed for the reason tliat the n. ! ,( gro wa not prepared, if )n ail. w:ly t , ( qualified, for suoh treatment. The' 4 President has realized this." i ' Hallway Macttln HIioih for Hok . i , H'. h. V. "f ff is rumored that the shoo fr the A -Ctd 3 Cn division of the Ki,iitiierit Itall- , way may i movou to Kcv Mill, x c, Thetdea seems u be to put them at a central point between Charleston and , Marion, in order that the repair of 'the antll litis nwy be most coriven ? lently done, s.-.'tr-l.-,:'A ,Mgwel. agent f n,e Kouthsrn, has been in Rock HiU lately sod It Is thought lie is looking up this . nchln soup swbjsoi. It is also mmiH that some . of the mechanics of the Kouthem BiOi way have already moved to ix-k Hill..,, r CLKiR TUB (XIMPLKXION. ; Orine Lssativ Frail ttyrup stlniulatM , the liver - sod tharougtdy cUmruu the systets ' gnd . clwars the eotnptextos of idHiples snd blotches, ft is the beat I: x :Uv for wnn sad children sut . is ii and pleasant and noes not grip or Vken, Orlno la much superior to pill cfH-ricnt vh ters and all ordinary esuia--,i it one not Irrttat the stomaeS J b.eu. ii. H. Jordan te Co. ,r Aft TO COL.;J It. WINCHESTER, He is Hefty on Ills ftoe and 8 makes , ' a , Ugar HlUiout Jtlring it. . tThe moat energetic citbten of Ms ace, to, tho eountyF ts OoL'T. R, Winches tor, who is to t the city meat and mirk Inspector after April 1st He Is on the co from nlomlnar till night and tf a rat die anywhere that tie ought not to have?dled CoL Winchester for rte him out and sees that he gets a good warm 'place in the crematory. along- Dy the aide or his ancient ene my,, the, cat ;5 The colonel to .- here there aad' everywhere doing deeds of kindness," If he does not' 1l)ce a man no is mv enougn w,. say , so ir oc casion eemay to demand ft. Once up on a. time he had a bom that he loved not and he made no secret of the fact that. If it became necessary; for him to serve another term under that head he would fold his tents and re turn to 4?weet tJnJon, where he could do Jut os he pleased.' As a soldier of the Confederacy Long-Nosed Bob Win cheater, as his comrades called htm. was courageous and true. Charlotte will tiave In him an industrious, pains taking meat and milk Inspector. Those who know the genial old sol dier like to see htm getting about, for he is so nimble, so spry and so watch ful. The only thing that "his best friends cannot understand 4s the rea son why he takes a dry smoke. As he goes from place to place, dipping In here and there to nee if there is any thing rotten in Denmark, he smokes awy at a dry. unlit cigar. Ho keeps cutting- down on the mouth-end of It but never puts any fire to the other end. Then, too. Col. Winchester wears a muzjsle on his cigar, keeping the free end wrapped about with small rubber bands. "Why do you harness your oigar. Col. Winchester?" aoked an Observer man of the officer. "X do that to tteep Tiim from falling apart. I can use him a long time Just for a dry smoke If ho does not break in pieces." Thus spoke he as he took out his smoker and looked at It affectionately. A FINE FAMILY OF CHILDREN. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ilarrlngcr Have Ten Splendid Boys and Girls, Who Are Much Admired by Dr. Graham. "I have Just returned from Char lottesville, Va.. Where I saw Dr. Paul Harrlnger and his family," said Dr. George W . Graham, yesterday. "f do not recall the day when I saw such a flue family of children as that of Dr. und Mrs. Barringer. They have ten healthy, hearty, good looking boys and girls, all of whom are exception ally bright. It reminded me of ante bellum famine, when parents boasted of a goodly number of fine sons and daughters. When I went to the Bar ringer table I 'had to stop and view the sight, for I had never seen a more pleasant one. There stood Dr. and Mrs. Barringer and eight of their chil dren, two of the older ones being ab sent, all In perfect health and sound In mind and body." Dr. Graham was very enthusiastic In lils compliments to Dr. Barringer and Ills family. .Mr. Harry P. Shaw Accepts New Po sition. Mr. Harry P. Shaw, who has been connected with the Shaw Harness Company for several years, has re signed his position to accept a travel ing position, with the Baa-sIev-Har-wooil Shoe Company, of Lynchburg, Va.. Mr. Shaw will continue to live In Charlotte, nrakltiig- thl city headquar ters. Mr. Shaw Is a clever and cn jmble yming business man and his friends will le glad to know that his new position Will not necessitate leaving the city. A 8C1K.NT IF"IC WONDER. The cores tlint stand to Its credit make Mucklen's Arnh-a Halve a scienlltlc won iler. It cured K. It Mulford, lecturer for the I'm Irons of 1 Iiisbnndry, Waynesboro, I'n . of a dlstri Hrlng casa of I'tlcs It llculi the wnrni llurns. Sores. Holls. I fleers. Cuts. Wounds, (.'hllhlalns and I CoT.'.k ."ore " " " " JrdUn i m . - OUR HATS ALWAYS PLEASE Our Spring Hats are Get ting Scattered All $er Town Derbys and Soft Hats We find that, while lots of men are willing to pay $5 for a hat, there are other men who want to pay $1.50 and $2 less. They can do it by buying hats here and without sacrificing style. We have blocks of leading makes to choose from; your fancy as well as your head can be quickly fitted, Knox Hats $3.50 and $5, Stetson Hats, $3.50 Longley Hats $3.00 . Yorke Bros. 6h Ageaii for Knot Hat, I f NEGOTIABLE BILL OF LADING; Bill to Have "' ICallroads . Issne More Kattsfuotory Shipping Papers Movement Hng.juiiea oy.jMjtic -; ersAfeociatJaa...... .,', aj! v . . The North Carolina Bankers' Asso ciation tia- been, for some time en deavoring- to. have the railroads issue a negotiable bill of ladimr. The bill of lading as ordinarily Issued is not con sldered to be sufficient protection in commercial and financial circles. A circular letter has just been Issued by Mr. William A. Hunt, secretary of the association, on this subiect. which reads as follows: ' ('The ,WU ofMading commute of the American Bankers' Association, who are trying to secure the adoption of a negotiable btM of lading, has come to the conclusion that, owing to the many legal difficulties caused bv the varying laws of the different States covering this subject, the pnlv course left to pursue to thoroughly safesruard the Interests of the members of- the as sociation is to recommend the enact ment by Congress of a law ntgulatlng fhd tiaa nf nY-A Kill Af litjllntf In lnter-Ktate commerce that will thor oughly cover the subiect and which will secure uniformity In all the States. An enactment of this measure will re lieve the banks of the lanre and heavy losses they have 'Incurred in the past upon bills of lading not properly safe guarded. In the House of Representatives a bill embracing the Ideas of the bank ers as to a negotiable bill of lading has been introduced bv Hon. Charles E. Tow-nsend, and a similar bill In the vSenate by Senator Burrows. These hills have the unqualified approval of the American Bankers' Association and you are urged to write your Rep resentatives and Senators In Congress, asking their assistance in the matter. "This Is important and vour prompt attention Is earnestly reauested." Will Intersect Three Large Roads. The railway which Is being con structed by the Southern Power Com pany from the point where the new , power plant is being developed at the Great Falls of the ttawba, is now! completed to a point on the Lancaster ft Chester Railway. The company Intended to extend it at once north ward to a point on the Seaboard Air Line. An extenlon north of the Sea board Air Line to Rock Hill is being considered, and rights of way are be- ng procured for this extension. At Rock Hill the road will coruiect with he Southern. The distance from the Great Falls of the Catawba to Rock Hill Is probably 30 miles. In this distance the road connects with the Ijincaster & Chester, the Seaboard and the Southern Railways. It is possible that the road may be ex- ended still farther northward from Hock Hill, and the most probable route will be up the Catawba valley. Old Scotch. When one refers to Old Rngllsh," said Dr. O. T. Winston, standing with his back to the lobby stove, "every body kflow the, reference is to the ancient form of the Knglish language. So of Old French and Old Irish. But ' nobody thinks of language when one! says 'Old Hootch.' " -j vili lis t7 We Clean Carpets Our modern Carpet Wheel Injuring the goods takes out and brightens up the colors cost of five cents per yard spent. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY. Lannderers, Dyers and desncra, tl9 S. Try on Street. A Solid Carload Crushed . Fruits and Fountain Flavors '"f'ttTt1' , 'mi hi II. lint ! Hii I I I lit J 111 HI tun, 1 , . r-iJI .... Jsl A fii -y nX This car is in and being rapidly distributed. We offer Manufacturers' Prices on All Fountain Goods. Apparatus and Outfits from $50.00 to $2500.00. Ice Shavers, Steel Founts, Glasses, Holders, Spoons, Rock Candy Syrup, Extracts, Coca Cola, Nerve Coca, Root Beer, Straws, Bowls. Burwell & Dunn Company, WHOLESALE OILY. 205 South College Street IP55 I rtl I: .x 1 ! .1'-" If . . i. ifrti 7 I ii i" i T ' ' C 1r . ' : BKnllLM ntt i.i SOCtHEKV MEN FOR DIRECTORS Governor llerward . and Col, Leroy - Spring, of Month Carolina, Hug .', rested for the New York Life and ' tha MntuB.1 of New York. . , ; ' s "The South is coming- for her share of the good things -nowadays," said a Charlotte business ",'mai yesterday. "The South Atlantic States shduld be represented by at least one member of the board, of directors of each one of the . big Insurance companies - of - New xork. -'The friends of Governor D, C, Hev- w&rd are preswmtg M nam as the proper person to reoresent this see tkm ' on the board of the New Tofk Life and the friends of Col. - Lero Spring, of Lancaster. S. C, retak lng active steps to have him added to the board ot the Mutual or fte 101 "The stockhoWers of these companies could not do better than to send prox ies to these: two aentlemen." . There Is 'considerable talk Of this sort in this sectidn of the country at this time; ; (Messrs. Joseph ryan, oi Richmond, Va.. and Mr. D. A. Tomp kins, of Charlotte, -are already mem bers of the Euirttable board. Careful Housewives always use Burnett's Vanilla because no state pure food .commission has. ever ques, Moned Its absolute purity. Use nt and take no risks.? MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CURES BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES i.y. a"a aaa a a A TRIAL CONVINCES fOR SALE BY LEADING DRUGGISTS cleans your carpets without all the dust, raises the nap j wonderfully. All this at a ' you II say It's money well 3L OLID CARLOAD Soda Founhun Goods! t a ii s a . . f psrj.nynfjenora amtiR uj. M MurKTlMM SOtWMTIS.S.y GO-CARTS ye have just received a large shipment of THE CBIBRATED "BIOCT GO-CARTS - pad ar now psrpared to supply all your .wants In this ft ; This ' make Is strictly In a " class by Itself, and you' must hat a "BLOH- it you want - ths most PERFECT, cart mada. : ufe Hf aaly by , te r' -1-'' Tr f : " w CO. n - iMll.w miA M EO ,,,Vaf IWJ.QefeBii.i b A K .W Office Dcslci Office Chairs Office Tables We Are Offering Special Bargains In This Line. It Wifl Pay You To See Ouj .Stock At Once. Parker-aiP(tiner C6 , "' IHIIIIIIIIIII '"'"i'if"' -mm-' " ' 'V,Y , aWafe?;:GC2S! OUR line of Felt Hats has proved exceedingly popular this season. The Styles are very pretty indeed. The arguments in favor ,of purchasing a Spring Hat are numerous ; they give an air that Is identical Witlj the season. The hat alone almost takes the place of a new outfit.! , To ' be properly dressed for the spring season demands a New Spring Hat. 1 0ur 'assortment was never more complete than this season, and the effects in Soft Hats are particularly gopd. In addition we carry a HATS in all the pop- Prices: $3.00 THE LONG 'TATE 6LOTHJNG Oldest eiothinr Store In Charlotte. Goods sent on Apoval returnable at our expense. A T the approach of springcustora demanaVit, and appearances I are so improved by such acquisitions sthait is not a matter of I wonderment at the popularity of fre3h Spring Ties. , We have ' iust received and have on ifisplay certairilv the brettiest and probably the largest lot of Spring Ties we Kve ever "handled. The assortment is varied and mclude3i aImost'.eyery conceivable shape and design of Ne:k Piece that isvWOrniFour-irt-Hands that tie large pr small knots, in narrow and broad widths; Long Fouf-m-Hands, narrow widths, , made especially ;f or people" with large necks: String Ties with large ends (migHty popular thk, season) both for business and .dress, suits?' 'our Black and White Bows for evening wear are very pretty; JKesay-Tiea Ties m bows and four- . ..' in-hands ail these and more are represented ? in' this shipment. ; ;t On account of the many patterns of .the different style ties, "it is . . purely a matter of selection. We, feel .fully confident o satisfy- ' ' , v mg the most particular buyer; yj ''V.'f ' '-x We have Ties in this lot ranging in prife frpnV25c to $2.6U . 1 -, ' ED. MELLON GOladm etoihiers v Mall Orders Have ityompi ;7ttienUoh. ' Wt HAVE TAKEN : ; THE AGENCT for the WABASH. -CABINET' : CO. , . ' Manufacturers of " 1 , Vertical Filing CaWpets' snd r - Index Cabinets and everything ;t , that ts tnade In 'office t urolturer" 11 us figure with you. Ilciten, Dixcn & Co . . $35.00, -rolIjr Gnaraateed; VUttlek WrtUntti Greatest . Slmplldtyj-O consequently greatest durability. Perfect. and pert manent alignment. Only Interchange' able steel type eystem.' Many other desirable features. DOS'T, WAITS THE Oli WAV USB. A TTJMS WRITEK. It add. tons and prestige to your business. ' v T'j " b If. II."TOVXSEXp.lm Agt., ' 22 Wi Mftli St Charlotte, IV. C y Ton sau C2 UASE. ; ? ' Atlantic HoteC Morehead CHy. K. Cf. . Best seaside reeort on Atlantic Coast. . Unequalled facilities; for Boating. Bathing. Fishing. Aecom modatlons for MOO. gyerta .Perma inent Encampment of State - Guard. Large Patronage. Money-maker for right party. " ;' '" -': ; '. 'Address, until April 10. 1901, "R. , P. POSTER. General Manager. Golds poro, H. C. , - ' - iirC - UlF. Qt. ft ... WW ";.l;l.y,.i'- 1 K Ji n a I e c t i o oo k Cases 4. A. Filing Cabinets a full line of STIFF ular Shapes. $3.50, $5.00 GO.. i; When :You : :; :Uean. House. 11 place, to jwy .the many! ; ."utensilsyou .'tiecdr.and 5 ; ought to have. r4 : Allen Hardware Co ! I fvniOLESALEi AXD RET All J .- i-v v Li " -1 ,

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