J . CHARLOTTE DAILY 'OBSERVE!?,' &1ARCH 231906. 10 A AYIIOLE FAMILY ON GAKG cAnnrnuEns' have bad record AH U Members of RXwan.IWly Ioa the Stripes and Do; tcrU-c .for the ' Countj Mrs.' Mary Toofe Die la a BrttlnHre-neriH , Julian Defends the County Aainf , Cliarge That It Is Owrof rTw f"" nlsblns; Dirgmt Niuwner J: tors-of the Walts Lwv Death . Sir. Robert BnweSsMrr News s Notes. :' ,BpwJl to The Observer. Salisbury.; March 22 THlfre usual condition surrounding- the K"" s. eounty chat sans: m cnai , family has donned the stripe and In Mgw j perfomlw Its real . Mrvta. to nh; - country. wm d ,t-vhtt i - . this paper, last fall Charles oc Will Canr . ruthers made an assault upon Walter m Crump, one of the most popular young " men ta the city, and Will cut him almost to death. No more savage act ever . committed, and for two 'b v" est fear was entertained that Mr. Crump could not recover. The assailants were hrnnrht to trial and convicted of secret assault and conviciwi. ai hh hu:. had no lawyer Hnd later secured Craw ford Bennett, Ksq., of Charlotte, jar. ' Bennett learned that the bill or moa, rnent was defective and it had disappear-' ' ed. He moved the arrest of Judfrmewt They were then tried for conspiracy and " Jim uarrutners. ine narr oruiim. " ' seemed to have been the instigator of the whole thins, was arraigned. All three went up for two years. It develoied that " Jim was unlike a "bishop, the husband of mne wife." but was a blitamist. Old man - c . rv.MM.tkM- . ia fnthw wnii taken , before the grand Jury and swore that Jim had not married during his first wife's life, but it was shown without a , doubt that he had. Mr. Bennett appeared In February for Sam. made a (imp de- ' fens, but lost. Corruthers gave bond, twnriinflr the motion for a. new iriiii. i ins .morning Mr. Bennett wrote I.. 11. Clein- f ent, who prosecuted me cuse. irim nt " would not perfect the appeal and the old Tnan goes to the gang. It Is the first case " Of the kind in the record of Rowan ooun v tv. The four Carruthers, criminals, are not native North Carolinians. MRS. MARY E. TOOFE DKAD. News was received here yesterday nf. ternoon by Mrs. John I. Roueche. of the death Of her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Toofe, In Baltimore yesterday morning. Pneumonia was the cause. Mrs. Toofe Jived here for years and. so much aia , she become a part of this city's life, that ' Iter people claim Salisbury as her home. '. The remains will be shipped here and : buried 8unday from the Catholic church. Bhe was K3 years old, a woman loved by everybody, and there has been a general expression of surprise and sorrow here to-day. Mrs. Toofe Is survived by four " children: Mr. lawrence H. Toofe, of Baltimore: Mr. Roderick B. Toofe. of Atlanta; Mrs. Annie Fentrens. of Nor folk, and Mrs. Roueche, of this city, AN INJl'STICE TO ROWAN. Sheriff Julian to-day was Interviewed - as to a special from Hamlet, crediting Gov. Olunn with having said that Rich mond and Rowan counties furnish the area test number of Watts law violators. ' lie said: "You can say that this Is a areat Injustice to our county and I don't . think that, because Rowan Is wet, Juxt any old thing should be said of her. Gov. Glean may have said this but I don't . believe so and nothing could be farther wrong. I know and you know that our county Is ably officered. 1 have always said that the Watts law is one of the best ever put on the statute books and J have Instructed every officer to en force It by bringing nil violators to Jus tice, Here Is where the revenue officials Jive. I help them by reporting anything wrong that I see and they would help !e ana iney won hi neip arganlzed, and It will ne vei our county's being one)t of tllo COf,k; r so"?; ;;ltthit ? nichrd .v Th J y I L.ti aia hr.u'nusr tii v (thfV . me. Instead of of the worst. 1 best In the state It necessary to notice such reports as . these that discredit our people." Robert Bruce, a well-known and Renin I cltlsen of this town, died yesterday even - Ing. following a long Illness from con sumption. Since October he had leon , kept from his home and gradually died these long months. Mr. Bruce came here when a boy, having moved from the fotinty. He was 44 years old. worked faithfully at his post and died without enemies. He was burled this afternoon from the Methodist church. Uttle Miss Iyde, the nlne-year.old oaugnier or Mr. ana bits. ii. r . vun- cannon, of Spencer, was a dellghtiul hos- teas to her friends Inst night, r Miss La-vlne Evans, who has been sev . srsl months In Salisbury, left to-day for ,Orsboro. That city can now say j truthfully that It has added one of the (Mate's finest young women to her own. Miss Evans won Salisbury without half trying-. CWrVOCATIOX OP tfiAmxrrrE. fOrtton tCmbrarlnir KplM-opiil Church Work In Guilford and PorKytli Ad journs After Profitable Meeting at GreMMboro. Special to The Observer. Oresnsboro. March 22 The Con vocation of Charlotte, or at least that sltlon embracing , ths Episcopal church work Irt Guilford and Forsyth count lea. Wthlc! convened at Ht. Barnabas church In this city last night, held three en sons to-day. The sermon last night was preached fcy Kev. Alfred It. Berkeley, of Madison and Mayodan. wfco has tnsler consideration a call to bscome rector of Ht. Barnabas church. His Sermon was strong and eloquent . The eonvocstlon was called to order lhls morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. K. A. Osborne, of Charlotte, the arch dea con who Is presiding, and Hev. 11. T. Cocke, of Wlnstoii-Salem. preached the sermon;, which was followed by the communication, conducted by Rev. Air. Osborne. Following the morning service the ladles of HI. Kariutbas served a de Jlgtltful luncheon in the rectory and His afterrsnon session oie(d at 2: 30 o'clock. Thw reports of the d I (far-en t charge were received and discussed, after which the convocation took U a discussion of the Men's Missionary League. At ths aternoou session Rev. Mr. Berkeley read a most Interesting account of the work which he Is doln at Madison and In the mill settlements of Mayodan. To-night, the last session of ths convocation. The attendance at each service was large and much In terest was shown At the First Iti kttlnt Clitm-h. T M MMI I I ..Mi at 1 First Baptist well attended. church continue to Toe morning meetli fs prove helpful to many. Lst night Dr. IU W. Iteltle based nis sermon on the words of A grippe to Paul: "Almost hou pursuadest me to be Christ Ian, ' Acts M:28. lis VIvMijr told of Paul making his defense, the Interruption of Fes tun. charging him with madness, and the question of Paul to Agrlnpa. "Bel lev -e thou ths prophets?" When Agrlp , ra answered in the well-known words, "Almost thou pursuadest me to be a . unrisuan," fsui expressed the wish that all present were such as he, ex cept for his chains. The preacher said this answer of -Paul Was no little arsruttwnt hi J strong, powerful one to Agrippa. He srpoke of the meaning of opportunity and how easy It Is to let opportunity to be a Christian: lllate lost his. Kv- mrv Hi. n wIia .Iami I. I n H ... losing tne opportunity. After dwelling on this thought for a short time, he Appealed to ail present to accept the opportunity!, they" now have to be tCttrfetlaosv tfhere were two profes sions of faith. To-night Ir, Battle will repeat the sermon of list 8un-i Pre-!. lent Ilannee, of Ilroun, Nesks to ( nnverae and WotTsnt ntodenls. fif" M to Ths Observer. , . f.p itriturg, a C, March n. Dr. W. V Psuijce, president of Brown Uni- wst, rrevieenee. K. made a talk ts ts - studests , ef- Oonverse Clleg at t hapH esereises this morning. ' He after, wsros wbrited. WyOenl College ind pude is nei-4 address, - U was beerd with t '-liI InUrrest st both plsoes,. White In sZlSJSllXl t il j, it, riuiw m it, mumt nt BIO FRATEnXAli SCABS MEXTTIXG. l,ft -.m .i ir 1 -' To be Held In the First Presbyterian Charcli Snndsy AJfternnon at 4 -SO O'CJock Her. Jr. JMartln JX Har din to Deliver-the Asldres. ',,. - Much Interest ls'belni; manifested r the big mass meeting for , men which Is to be held in the auditorium of the First Presbyterian church, Sun day afternoon at 4:3 o'clock. Htv, Martin D. Hardin,-pastor of th Sec bndi . Presbyterian "iurcb, 'will deliver ths address and the following; named organizations -will t 1j represented; Woodmen ot too WorM, A ncient, Free and Accepted Masons, Junior Order United American Mechanics, Improved Order of Red Men, Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manufacturers' Club, Charlotte Artil lery, Horet's Nest Rifles, Print ins; Pressmen's Union, ; Charlotte Typo graphical Union, Carpenters and Join ers, No. 1332, Carpenters and Joiners, Sfo. 658, Iron Moulders' Union, Nation al Association of Machinists, Brother' hood of Locomotive Engineers, Com mercial Telegraphers, Benevolent Pro tective Order of Blka. The following invitations were Issued yesterday: The Churches of Charlotte Invite all the Fraternal and all Other Organisations Of Men In the City i to the Greatest Mass Meeting of Men ever held in Charlotte at the Ffrst Presbyterian Church, Sunday after noon, March twenty.nnn, nan past four o'clock Rev. Martin V. Hardin. D. D will de liver the address. Each order Is requested to march to the Church in a body. In the envelopes containing the in vitations addressed to members of the several lodges, Knights of Pythias, were enclosed the following: We earnestly call upon the knights of our lodges to accept this Invitation and to meet ai Rathbona Idge rooms at three fortv-flve o'clock: C. R, McMakin, c. C; W. T. Rucker, . C; R. 1,. Thomp son. C. C: A. . uraig, r. ti. Cates, K. of K. S.; W. O. Iake, K. of R, B ; H. S. Stokes. K. of R. & 8 ; A. K. McCausland, K, of H. & S. MAX1' WITXEHSKH TESTIFY. But Xone of Tliem Know Anything of the Nalo of Wlilnkey In Richmond Whiskey Forces Strongly Organ ized. Special to The Observer. Hamlet, March C2. The Investiga tion Into the liquor situation In Mlch mond rounty was begun here yester day morning, and is being continued to-day at TUocklngham. Rsqulre lf)g, of Rockingham, Is hearing the evidence, and Messrs. Dockery and Williams are examining the witnesses. A large number of witnesses wero put on the stand Jo testify as to the sale of whiskey It the county since the first of July, J5905. The majority of I ho witnesses testifying are the most Innocent men that ever lived. Home appeared as though liquor was a new thing to them. Borne, who are regular drinkers, had no knowledge whatever of Its sale. The whiskey people of the county are thoroughly arganlzed, and It will he very hard to a medicine e prohlbl- lonists, however, say they are deter mined and propose to leave no stono unturned to secure evld nee and pros ecute the violators. last night at the residence of Mr. Robert Keel, his daughter. Miss Flos sie, whs married to Mr. W. K. Robin son. This marriage was a very quiet affair, the most Intimate friends of i the contracting parties, having known nothing of their Intentions until they were marled. Rev. T. A. Slkes, pastor of the Methodist church, performed the ceremony. The report comes from a high source that th Heaboard will at once double Its force here. The Increase of business makes this more necen sary. Confirmed by the Hcnate. Washington, March 22.-The Senate In executive session to-day confirmed the following nomilnatlons: Charles S. FraivlH, New York, am bassador to Austrla-Hunary. Postmasters: Georgia J- H- Dunagan. Jefferson : B. A. Llfsey. Rariiesvllle: J. F. Thorn ton. Greenstboro; rt. T. Nance, Arling ton. The Crowed Sanitorium Co., Inc. For the Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. Special apartments and nurses for lady patients. All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases, and various methods of massage. Includ ing the Bllhnlaler vibrating method. The stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. Specially trained male and female nurses and attendants. 8. M. CROWEMj. M. D., Pres. W. M. STRONG, M. D.f Resident Physiciao. DASHING STYLES There's a vim and a go to our tailoring. Dashing style without loud ness or overdoing. Wp ratr to tho discriminating tauten. Critical dressers are our best customers. If you're n crank on good tailoring, we re sure to please you: and If you don't know the exactions of tailoring styles, our service will be an educa tion to you. The style we put into a suit given character unci tone to It Khun its adjustment t tl(j man wearing It. our tailoring asserts liself. SUITS TAILORED TO TA8TK $18,OOto $50. OO Cabanlss & Co. Inc. , Tailors 9 1 Tryen St, Chirlcttc; fl. WilPF it rMranvd tV'ntnin In DurlUUtt Court Brings- Action to Compel Former Husband to Permit cuuaren o Special to The Observer. ' ' ' " v. ) Durham. March tt In thojeourt rooni this, afternoon' Ihens, was a scens that was pathetic. It was a contest over a dlvprced' husband and wife asXto bow often the three children,, placed In the cars of the father, shsll visit the mdtnsr. Some time ssro a dlvores was granted W. J. Coley from his wife, .Mrs, "Cora I Coley, and the three oldest children, were placed in the ears ot ine lainer iiht y a rat Ion belns a compromise by which-the husband paid lUs wife alimony, was gn" the three oldest children, and the mot.Vr kept the smaller one. It was agreed thw the children left In the care of ths fatbe.T hnilM vlatt lha mother at will and the oomplaint that came up In ths court this afternoon. In which Judge Furgsrson had to sit as adviser to the two, was brought hv tba mother who claimed that her children were not allowed to visit her as stipulated In the decree of the court. The husband then charged that the wife had not vacated and given possession to cer tain property as provided In the decree. Judge Furgerson gays each a lecture, said that the order of the court must be obeyed and intimated to the husband and father that th three children In his care should be allowed to visit the moth er aa often as one time each two weeks, to remain sevsral hours on each visit, and said that unless there was some specific reason they should be allowed to visit tba mother one time each week. The parties in this litigation have lived In Durham for a number of years. Mr. Coley was In- the mercantils business here for quite a while. . 1 HERE ARB IX)T8 OF GOOD TOOTH pastes and we have them all. out we really believe that DENZOTHYNOL leads them all. Won't you try It, lor 25 cents or a sample for the asking? DILWORTH DRUG STORK, 'Phone 247. B. S. DAVIS. FOR RENT- 4 ROOMS OVER '223 WEST Trade, 115.00; 6-room cottage, modern conveniences, 10 S. Myers, J18.M; 0 room house, ell E. 7th, city water pahl, 11.5; 6-room house. 502 N. A street, W.0O; 4-room house. 604 8. Church, 6.0(h 6. room house. E E. 4th, (7.00. J. AR THUR HENDERSON & BRO. A MVERY SERVICE THAT IS SAFE, good horses, nobby turnouts, drivers if you want them. Our horses, while they are not by any ineatis dead, are per fectly safe. 'Phone for a team for tlie wlfo and children. J. C. COCHRANE & BRO. AT OUR STORE YOU WILT, ALWAYS find a complete stock of Cereals and Health Foods. A fresh lot Just received. Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Trisculls, I'urTed Rice, Ralston's Breakfast Food. Pettljohn's Breakfast Food. Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, Force, Hecker's Rolled White Oats. Mother's Oats, Quaker Oat Flakes, Wheat-Hearts, 1'urlna Pan-Cake Flour. Flap-Jack Flour and Kgg-O-See. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. 'Phone 68. SIRE TO PLEASE, BLUE! RIBBON Vnnilla and Iemon. Absolutely pure, goes twice as fHr rtndjthe "Blue Ribbon Flavor" Is perfection. Cl'RED AS IF BY MAGIC. THAT IS what the mime Implies and that Is what Magio Headache Cure does for that terrible pain in the head. We sell It. J A 8. P. 8TOWE & CO., Druggists. Phone 179. FOR SALE GOOD 1X)T. LARGE HOUSE double floors, storm sheeted, beautiful ly papered, sliding doors, hot water heat nice gaa fixtures, modern bath up-to- date in every particular, for W.ww. xou (an curry good part of It In B. & L K. L. KEE8LER. 'Phone 344. TRY ROSEMARY IXJTION FOR CHAP. . r d and rust skin. 15 and 25 cents. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. 'Phone 247. B. S. DAVIS. OI'R CAMPHORATED GLYCERINE lxtion will keep your skin soft and smooth as velvet It applied every night berore retiring, friee a cents. WUOU ALL & SHKPPARD, Druggists. FEW DELICIOUS CRATE FED BROII ers 'Phone fsrm, No. 2943. CHAR LOTTE I'OULTRY FARM. WATCHES CLEANED AND REPAIR ed in a workman-like manner by men oc ability. natlsraction guaranteed, J. E STEERE, Jeweler. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. FOR SALE-:,000 CABBAGE. LETTUCE and Tomato Plants. Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs at SCHOLTZ'S GREEN HOUSES. Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone 2061. WE HAVE A VERY FINE LOT OF seasoned oak and pine stove wood: quantity and quality gunranteed. We also carry a stock of terra cotta pipe from 4 In. to 'H In. 'Phone 370. Prompt delivery. C. DOWD & CO. ABHOLUTB FIT GUARANTEED, NEW stock beautiful spring suitings Just ar. rived. Let me take your measure be fore the rush Is on, finest goods on the market. All orders have my personal attention. H. MILLER, Tailor, 10 East Trade street. WANTED FARMS. MINERAL AND Timber I.nhd for Northern buyers. Write JOHN F. HEATTY A CO.. Real Estate Agents, 300 East Fifth street. BIG LINE SILVERWARE JUST RE reived. Would like to show you what I have. Goods purchased here En graved frre. J. E. STEERE, Jeweler. Coiner Dili and N. Tryon streets. MORE OLIVER TYPEWRITERS WERE sold In North Carolina last year than nny other make. We will sell more than all other makes combined this yeiir. Ask tor facts and figures end reasons why thene conditions exist, if you don't nlready know. J. E. CRAY TON & CO., Trust Building. BUSINESS MEN WILL NOT FIND A morn convenient place to dine nor a more varied bill of far than here. Our efforts are for kulckt best satis- rsctory service. GEM RESTAURANT. E. P. CUES WELL. Manager. SILVER POLISH 15c. BOTTLE. Cleans your silver nice and bright. 'Phone 170 for a sample packsge. J, E. STEERE. Jeweler. Corner 6th sod N. Tryon streets. Our CORN MEAL Is uniformly fresh. Not how cheap, but how good, is our motto. THE STAR KH1S Phone t7. In our Cut Flower Depart ment we' make a specialty of Funeral Designs 40 different shapes and 108 different slses, Any Pries. Or der same by telephone or tele ' graph end we will get them to you quick and fresh. We pack securely and ship to any point. Plenty ot loose cut flowers 'now.'; Write lis tor prices "on wtading .flowers. f ' fend 'telegrams to Oresnsboro- v- IK' " e C- t i Ulll ' ? PATHETIC COURT SCEXE. - Special Notices .'' ; -- " . - ForvTns Observer; - ; 'IEBEV CENT COTTOW, t v , whah I gwlnet f ,,'.,. ! III tell you dat right now; , , T.i?n f5 bee dls"ino'n' V'V - erawl'n' erroun't - , co'n oome de eott'n and Ter'bs gitrn V tindah de groun. lfv ' I gwlns .raise, ' ' Hit 11 be sight to seel , I don keer shut Mlsf Jordan aayst i 'Leben cent good nu fer sue, '' ' D1BTCS F.' B.. M A UiTU EARTH JS BETTER THAN NOKC . V '. . a'.- .... ..-tf-'t-,- i yuu t are ambitious to own -a pot and afraid of big things, think or this , - o ovxoo in southern section, 3rd ward, for only $175.00 of which sum 160.01 cash T ig yequiredr ,1. F. D., ALEXANDER Ileal Estate Dealer. 209 & Tryon. Fire Insurance. P. 4M. Dilworth Floral Gardens Don't hesitate to place your orders with us for your Wedding Flowers, Isose Cut Flowers and Floral De signs. . 'V. . In dealing with our customers i-in filling orders by mall, wire or direct our motto. 14 "Put yourself in his place." W' . Send us your orders and we will exercise the same care In detail aa would be given were you here to se lect We put ourselves In vour nlace and give what we would expect to" re ceive ourselves. The choicest selection of cut flowers. The beat service. W. G. McPHEE, Prop. Charlotte, N, C. P. O; Box 127. BeU 'Phones. MB We Solicit The Savings Deposits Of Business Men and Professional Men; Of Clerks and Book-keepers; Of Merchants and Laborers: Of Salesladies and Housekeepers ; Of Teachers and Stenographers ; Of Young People and Children. SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANK y. st. 'Brown, Pres.. W, 0. Alexander, V. Pres.. W. I Jenkins, Cashier. The gain in new building and Industry In North' Carolina la greater uuw ac any penoa in me state's History. The North Carolina Home Insurance Co. of Raleigh, N. C, should receive its proportion of thla prosperity as compared with the percentage of new business given to it In periods of less Industrial activity. Give It the Insurance on the desirable new properties yon have to offer. It will help to build f our home State and continue the great era of prosperity now enjoyed by our people. Southern States Trust HARVEY LAMBETH New Series The Mutual B. & L. is dally listing subscribers to the April Series. No other Association In North Carolina can boast so proud a record as to quick maturities, and right here Is the real es sence of value to all subscribers, whether Investors or borrowers. Thinkers, financiers and business men generally, are realising our ascendency In this Important feature, and are nocking to us. Hear This, Now . " We are making loans In as short time as any Charlotte Associa tion, and have made a great many a shorter time than any other We lead in other features alto, and most cordially invite an Inter' vlfcw and inspection of our record and sybtem. INO. R. PHARR, President E. L KBSUR, Treasurer 1 ' PHONE 344. ; 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Fiontlng on Beattlss Ford Macadam road, three miles from city; about fifteen acrss In timber; forty young fruit trees; S-room Dwelling and a Barn. A good Spring on place. . Call at offloa tor prtoatk - , r . ELIZABETH AVENUE LOTS We have on our list several desirable lots , on Eliza beth Avenue .Kaw is the time to select your builds ing lot ,We will be'glad to show thisproperty toanv t one interested. v 3 't . THE ;CnAKL0TTt , CRAM Trees. 'Phone s?T-omce Ig t fe.", Trado U, Iague Team Defeats University Virginia, . - - Charlottesville, "Vtu tMarch' 22. "Washington American league, i3i-Uni versity of Virginia, b. t -V v.Hr FLCeWER "7 SEED We ihav; a iIegant ana a ; large stock - of . all kinds flower seed'. Mandevlll &" King's fresh crop; no t doubt best, as to their growing. n St in Sweet" Peas ulk. R. H. JORDAN & CO PRESCRIPTIOXIST8. " Phone 7." ; fil Springs Cor. NURSES' REGISTER. . Dr. B. Kya Batchlaon. Hutchlsoa." INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT OFPXCBt-V, t. Hunt BuUdlnc BeO Thoas dStS. Company, Agents Manager Insurance. Department Now Open LiiiOBSSl ILL COCHRANE Insorance and. Real Estate AtnL. HEALTY;CO".IPArJY pf I f v,t PTE . r;::-s rcr m isTATt tm a que ygio wmn ' fRentlm?o!snn3(Ut,V rn'.ln "tret' ' rooms.;i ,,;7. :..800.00 5S,r,0Lt2,59pw mo5b'' b, bought t;iiwr . price . if h taken' at once.r .- " ' .' V". '. , i ' OoeJ.rth Jle Won,,; Hps. locality 16.500.00 rAllTlirhM trn riwiw i,,, .1 . auuincty : iirU.DlAlt: i iiiuvv pi i V. - k - , -- -.. -v T .. i, - . ' , , . Y : -- x ft '-a . .VAi- C bank and its oorps of officers .and clerks., but also of the town '3 t ilS.U8 a chan(? t"?aIk wltfc.you apoujrouR account and youf,J ft needs,, ' . v3 COMMERCIAL .- sw ovud Mrwm. ' JrK A. VVTtJi, u nsaaisislsaslMailllitsslisUlsliiaA Capital 'and Surpfus, $S00Q0:OQ DIRECTORS: P. M. BROWlf k ' ; -. GEO. W. BRtAW . 1 9. C BURROUGHS - ' J r FRANK GIIiREATH . . , , . .. .. . 3, & MYERS , jr. a. McJDOWElilj . . ' H. M,J. MoADEN. ;' W. B. RODMAN " - , ', , ., y T. XV. WADE ; 'v:.. :-:.-,i5mAa.-r.A.' W1IXIAM8. YOUR BUSINESS SOLiaTED HIANK 6ILRWTH;. Pres. J, ILViaOR, Cashier 1; - Merchants anil: Fanners National Bid CHARLOTTE. N." C t00400000Oao03aOaHKOa THE CHARLOTTE- osHomnc. It la our constant aim to be courteous and aocornmodaUna-o an classes and make Uhts a bank where those of aediraUnmeana shall .have the aim treatment as those inora 'Virablysituatad, . Ton are cordially - Invited to open a bankjsccoual wltlv.nsw W. H. TWITFY, Cashier Gharlotte Trust Company eapItaIlooKo6dJdpr: Satisfy yourself , of the aonadness and reliability of this Institution- ' then come In and open an account. -Every courtesy and acesmmo nation extended td either, large or small depositors. ' DIRECTORS. tli W. H. BEIiK, , O. P, HEATH, v . tC M. PATTERSON, J. M. DAVIS, ILQ. LINK,v . J. W, ZIMMERMAN. , ' T. C. GCTHRIX J. H. UTTIdV W. M. LONG - OFFICERS 1. JL LITTLSV V C 1i 4 fit 'v Hi '$jfla paid Hon Three; Months VTime Ccrtifi- ' -. cates and on .? Funds in our. Savings Depart- L ment remamins tnrougn our interest enoa f - Southern;": States , Trust eoi: ' ""TRtJST BtTILDING, . CHARLOTI1C, . a J ;OEO. STEPHENS, T. A FRANKLIN, W. H. WOOD, DAVIS. L . .' rtm Isisil -i trissb . Vasshaa -i IVMlTlMlti v" Asss.a nsss.. Vk Vloa,Prea. 4k tVSNMVWW HIGH GRADE ' J.000 1st mortar, loans on Real ta per cent. Preferred stock, interest Apr.,. Oct, 4 7 per cent, prererrea totocjt. inieresc eisy ana or. ' ' 4. j . 'N. CUtate OsvUntereat Afir. and Oct.1,,. wjtf j Jv. .N.'C. -State 4s. interest Jan. and July. i ' i f A'K " 1 .Boothern Mill Stocks of H descrlptlona- v - it i - - v. , I ihT , i'rW MUi Wf f , - tJ : Jr;r .h k s I k g n nrm!!.-- rinfivv .1 r . 4 u rciic;;:;s An.:'.cir,c LUAN m TCUST C0"PAMY fw 'U'UMUU The 'VOieTof Wisdom never' - ...' m "Poke -4n..'truerv Words than it 4 t Keep your banking account et tho Commercial '" A iCaHnnoi ' jia mu am 3 . rila resoureen iin0mintlaS . sa cinuea, and up-to-date - meth ; odsv together ;wiUwnollte and v kccommodattngclerks and vOf- fleers -'-whoee conrtesy ' - and" 4 irienannesa inajta .unpleasant : 4 Have' you noticed ' the large ,increas in the business of the bank slnse last'-yearT This . atwul b-n-;- waII. .mm. mI - NATIONAL nnmrc ; V. P. organized: fnr ' ls- CAPITAl. $200,666.00 ASSLTS $1500.000.03. We invite yon ta open an account witn us, promising- every courtesy and M accommodation consistent with sound Wa pay four per cant. Interest on time deposits, GEO. K. WILSON. PrenldenL JNO. B. ROSS, Vice Presidewt, W. C WILKINSON. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK B. VmWfikm f . FATTKRSON, 1 14 H. HAGOOJL ytce President. . Casble. V if1 1 1 VVtttsnrtr. v Asnvntat. s INVESTMENTS Estate, i

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