CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, MARCH 23, 1003. X v -'A i , tr. ir1 V "V 7 rt "a. BEPOBTEBSABE XCUDEp BARRED Br jISPEaBT Bdin ijarorataUoa for the Fablle as te the . Oioration of. the Greet SI oral la ' , atluitloa M ill be Bfcatt Out by the s , vr Board of Control Tjttronfch lu Ifosuwa A doo tadTen Per On Be , ,W! .)' duction In A anber of rwBHnera . Mrs. G. H. Bom Blee at Morganton. -, 1 ' ' ' Observer Bureau. ' 1201 Main 8tret, - ? y : Columbia, S. C. March 22. ',. ' The State board of director this morning adopted. In toto, the black lilt Messrs. Lyon and Chrlstensen aent In of whiskey houses that have not been dealing fairly with the State, and the list Included a number the board was about to award bids to. The result Is that the purchases will not be wade until this afternoon, the tng session or the Doaxd being de voted almost exclusively to canvass ing a large number of bids from a great variety of whiskey concerns throughout the country. "We will certainly purchase noth ing from any concern named in the list," said Chairman Rawllnson, voic ing the sentiment of the other mem bers of the 'board standing by him. "We shall work In thorough harmony wtth the investigating committee in all matters. "We want their assistance. We are going to award these purchas es according to the best bids. No, we will not publish the bids, as this would be exposing business secrets of the houses dealing with us. That sort of information will be available to the Investigating committee alone." The members of the board were tnuch put out this morning over the published statement that it held a number of secret session Is a small room adjoining the regular board room. They all said there was abso lutely no foundation for such a state ment, that they consulted together in this room on the matter of bids, but that no secret session was held any where. NEWSPAPER. MEN EXCLUDED. While no definite action was been taken on the question so far. It Is not likely that this board will open Its sessions to the newspaper men. The conclusion was reached Informally to-day to give out what Information , the board thinks the public should have through the clerk, from the mln ' " jutes, admitting representatives of the newspapers to hearings on special top ic They contend that nothing tran ej aptrcs that they have any objections J, to being published except In the light of business policy. A sample Item long ithe line of Information that J. eh on Id not go to the public is the ac tion of the board In the matter of em v - ploying an attorney to pass upon the legality of the purchases of the old board The members will not say whether they have employed an attor ney or not. The board expects to con clude Its sessions this afternoon. Attorney E. W. Able, of Kaluda, has Written the Governor to explain the Clarence Thrallklll matter, n whs re- i jwncu w inn oovurnor mm. aiinougn tne Tnrallkill case had been passed Upon by the Supreme Court, which confirmed the three-year sentence' Jhralkill got from his part In the kill ing of Ben Rutron, who was shot by Thrallklll got from his parti n the kill-; )tlll, who got a llf eentence. Mr. Able says Clarence was detained at home a few days on account of busi ness Ibut that he surrendered and was assigned to duty at the poor farm, on the 7th day after the remittitur tame down from the Supreme Court. a save Thrallklll has not gone to e gang because Dis. F. 11. C.unter and D. B. Frontls certify that. In his pressnt condition of health, this would endanger his life. - Hlnce the crop repnr feature has keen eliminated from the weather bu reau service. Section Dlre tor Hfiuci ! unable to guagc the effect of a freeze upon the fruit or anv other Ht, i erop. Much anxiety Is felt here and throughout the State to-diiy as to what ,V damage the frcze of the past two t.i days has had upon the peach crop and upon truck In the lower tier of counties. While formerly Mr. Bauer 4 ' was able, the next morning afler a rraese. to tell conditions throughout xne BtHte almost s accurately as If be were on the ground, he rould give no satisfactory Inronnatlon this morn ing. He knows, from the fact that the Xemoemt 11 re renrtitiir at lil- ,, .... waa 21 nnil r.n lh ...... -I f ...... ia -in degress that great dHinnge might haveiUm U F Johnson officiating In been done. He plumes that the up- I Presence of oiTV the relatives - " " 1 I u III OV U I), per counties have experienced as w an zv aegress in many places, hut. hav ing no information of previous con ditions either of the winds nr the prog rsa of the crops. h- could not tell the result even if he had the tem peratures wired In to him from all points. All of which is very disap pointing to a numb"! of important Interests. In the opinion of Mr. Bauer, howev er, cutting off the crop reports Is mil an altogether unfortunate atTnlr In other respects. He nays the crop rp- parting feature w,m eliminated al the instance of the cotton association. I Which complained or too many sources! Of estimates, affording means of pei -' Ulation. In addition to the weather! aervice estimates, there wire estimates' from the eerisus department and from; the statistical department, ptuvidliigi tnree nlstlnel ourm k of estimate. Which Covered not only ii Kin. lint ev- I 'mild lie any ! ry crop on whhh there peculation. The sad news n-ui he.l here to-day Of the sudih-n death laxt night, at, Morganton, N. C. .f Mix Georgl.tiiiui 1 H. Rose, wife of William 11 Itoae, the cotton mill man of iMs elty. Mrs.1 Rose was onl 3:i yeain old The f 11- tteral arrangt meiHH have nut la-en 1 made, but It is thought that the body: Will be taken direct to Cha 1 iiHon. pet former home. )i being th- daughter of A. Haiel Heywstd, '.f if v. I Mrs. RiMte haven two final! children. J and though Columbia In Htill icgardedj a home by the -family, Mr. Row: has keen at work In Greenville for sev - ral months. Mrs. Hose is survived by these brothers and slaters: Mrs. W. Boyd Evans. Columbia; Mrs. WhI - tef Henderson and Mrs. C c. Cham - , Jf plon, Charleston, Mrs. F. II Herring. Bevannahi Mr A. H. Hey ward. Ma .;.J..,Wt; John Ashley He) ward. Colorado. A.;. NUMBER OF PKNHK)NKK DE- ; OrtEABE. The State pension board In session 1 "r to-day finds a greatly red u red pension list by comat1on with lust year's ..; list althooKh the appropriation this year Is 1 2ZS, OOO, as strsinst 1200.000 Isst , year. Tha reduction, which amounts ''. t -about ten per cent.. Is acourHd ' f f ii for OB tha Score of an InrreasinsrrnAn her of daths smontr the veterans, t'p to tbla time the list has steadily ln creased, the new applicants fsr out ' tittmbeHnr the deaths or removals to i ' - other fttAtes Tha list last year num ' bered pver t,000. -" ', DOCTOBS ABB FVZZVED. ' ' The rsmarksMe recovery of Kenneth McIvry,-af Vaneeboro, M.. Is the sub- )ct of tnitcb Interest to the fnedieal fra. tamlty end a wide circle of friends. Me ears of his esse: Owuta ta serore in. fiammstlon of tha Throat and eonges? tuio of tits lunrs, tare doctors tare aae up-to i, when. a.- a last resort, i as induced to trr tw. If Inar-s Hr-w Dia eovery end I ant bappr t asy, U saved t"v lite." Cures (ha worst Coua-l and . ,.id.. rronehMla.-? TiaiMa,r HiTeak 1 tn , Httnaa and ,.L i Orlm . -,tA t R H. Jordsn it C.' drug i i ., jc ao ai-tsv , na wiue ires. CSAPITAIi 1XCREASJEO TO-f7ft,M0. Salisbury's New Bank a Success from hai Start tfalth Will Vote Bonds . for N. - A W. y Kxtciudon Another c aaioon in rrospwt., , PorreBpondence of The Observer. ; ' Salisbury, March 21. At , monthly P'e Bank last night an increase of paid-in capital, from. $(0,000 'to $76,000 we oroerea. Thle la now -the largest amount carried by any local bank, toe Wachovia being a branch con cern. Tbla Institution haa enjoyed a splendid patronage and, oat the end of four months, hows, .' in' round num bers 1150.000 on deposit ,It. s believed by some of the largest stockholders that, at the end of the first six months, a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent, will be deciAred. This is Regarded as remarkably good for "the first showing, and there Is hattirally Joy over the splendid record so far made. Citizens from the east ward, In which the city's tenderloin district Is almost a special bailiwick, have presented an earnest petition to the mayor and board of aldermen to banish from this ward the disreputable women. Mayor Boyden has sent the petition up for the next meeting of the aldermen. In case of failure here, the matter will be carried before the grand jury. Sarah Clodfelter, a. Spencer negro. Is held In a (50 bond, pending a pre liminary hearing In which she is In dicted for an assault upon Edna Ea gle, a young white woman. The Clod felter virago and the white woman quarreled Monday night and the ne gress knocked "her down with a brick, breaking her Jaw and bruising badly her fa and head. Officer Crews paught the negro girl and she was put under the bond, awaiting the recov ery of the white woman. .Mr. J. T. Wyatt. the granite man, declaims that Faith, his home town, will vot- bonds for the new railroad which Is to run by Sallbury from Win ston. The granite shippers are not able to secure enough sidetracks to do their large business and ate anxious for a new line. It Is said that all peo ple within a radius of 20 miles will favor the proposition to help the N. & W. along. Little can be done until the next Legislature meets, when an election will be ordered. H. M. Cable, of Oreensboro, Is here to-day looking over Salisbury's field with a view to opening a saloon here. Mr. Cable wan once owner of saloons In Durham and CJreensboro. but whs retired bv the elections that made those two cities dry. He has fixtures, he says, that are worth In a bar more than $2,000. but thoroughly valueless now. Mr. Cable has not yet presented his application for license, but will very likely do so at the next meeting of the city council. IToUNFA'-FOISirKF.. Popular Gale City Couple (jovernor Peiinypackor and Party Ktop III the t:ity Address by Air. 7j. P. Knilth. Correspondence of The Observer. Greensboro, March 21. A pretty home wedding occurred nt 8:30 o'clock this evening at Idylwlld. the hos pitable home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. (5. Foushee, Jr., the imarllfil vows being assumed by their daughter, MIks 'Male Louise Foushee, and Mr. William J. Homey. The house was approprlfttely decorated and a large number of relatives and friends of the couple witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. E. E. Gillespie, of Yorkvllle, H. C. An elegant wedding reception fol lowed the ceremony and Mr. Homey and bride left to-night for a bridal trip to Northern cities. The bride Is an accomplished young woman, while the grooms Is one of th City's bertt known young men. He holds a posi tion with the .Security Life St Annuity Company. A good-sized audience assembled 'n Central Body Hall In the llevlll build ing to-night to hear the address of Mr. Z. P. Smith, of Raleigh, on thw subject. ''Foreign Immigration." Mr. Smith Is s prominent member of the Junior Order United American Me rharilrs and editor of The American. I the official organ of the order. 1 Governor Pennypacker and party, of I Pennsylvania, took supper here this levelling en route to Vlcksburg. Miss., ito attend an unveiling ceremony, i They were traveling In n special train I (if seven coaches. I MIhs Daisy Crawley and Mr. C J. ! McMlchael were untied In marriage ; liml night at the residence of Mr. O. v . jenningK. "II L" r..., , i. - . ... . .. I in and M r. ; "inmate menus or uie -iuii McMlchnel and bride will reside on Guilford avenue. POU KJNti STATION AT MAX TON. Melon firtmors Confer With Trans IHirtatlon Officials of Atlantic Coast Line mid Armour Line An Esti mate of the KoIn'hoii Comity Crop. Correspondence of The Observer. Wilmington. March HI. The llobe son County iMlon Growers' Associa tion met bore to-day and had a confer ence with the Atlantic Coast Line transportatlon offMalu In regard fomenting the Madison Square Garden traffic mutters and with representa tives of the AriiKturt'nr Lines in regard to establishing an Iclna station at Max ton. Both conferences were very it-Lsf.n-t ryi, according to members of 1 he aNiH latino who were Interviewed. 1 The 1 nip ettionc fur KKKi In the ter ritory embraced by the tumotnat Ion ta ll.'i curs of iNUitahtitpes. RliO cars of w .Met -on Ions. u.fMM) crates trf corn. .cdB, lieuiiK, berries. cucumlaTS, lettuce hikI asparagus, in quantities. The Car olina Truckers' Journal, of thla elty, I was adopted us the official orgnn of the UHMoclatloil. Gi: A t.OLI) WATCH, Ynunir Men of GafTncy Make Prcwnt to Young 1 4td y Who Itefrlrtulftl Imo ArlrrKHOS. Kpeelal to The observer. Hpai tanburg. . C , March 22. A ! special from ttaffney guys: j This afternoon at o'clock the young men of the city went In a body " 'he home of Miss Mae Peeler and 1 presented her with u, gold watch as u toiceri or ineir spprei latton of ner attention to Misnes KlterldKii and ntshop Just after thf klllltis; of Messrs, Duvtdson and llcnnelt by Oeorge Hasty, and during tho trial of Hasty, when the two young ladies were stopping In Oaffney ns witnesses. WH IS VI Uj IMjACT. KltcrilT f MiHtrc County f'apiurcs KMi-Gnllon Mill aiul Destroys 1,000 Gallons of I leer. Corrpsiwndenco of Th Observer. ('arlhn;. Mil r eh it. John K. McQueen, a liiintx-r and tlmlier man, Huurday, while looking nft-r his Pustncss Intnr ests wulked upon a complt-tc and es tTiMv" iluit whiskey plant In full opera tion. Mr. MHju.n informed fthi-rlfr Kel. ly and the stirlfr tirade a trip to the scene 8lurdiy night. He ruptured a still of l-lli capacity ami about 1U gallons of whiskey. II dt-atrnyivl nearly I gallons of ix-r. This ts the first exe cution of the Ward law in this county. CUSARg THK COMPLEXION. Orino La(lv rrult Hyrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly rfeanans the sysum and , clears the oomplcxion of pimples slid blou-hea. U fs the best Issatiye for wowen and children as it s rc'H svnd pleasant, and does not grip or eVken. Orino is snarh sutwrtor to pllijf sserisat waters aud all inHnrf caiiisr lm II does pot IrrHsts the stomach eiiu nwnti w. n. iviua ss vo, . xew.. jail von naA3fZ t Commissioner Det-lrte to' Build 15,. , ooo Prbwn to Take place of One Condemned - by Judge 1'oancll. r Correspondence of The Observer. - . BoHaburyjtfrch2!. Arthur I Bralth, representing tne f. trnrnn iire-nwi, Construction Company, of Washington, to here to-day end want before a called meeting of the county .commissioners to discuss the remodeling, of- the old or ths building of a nw.JaU.-. A committee of leading clUsens, with Mayor Boyden at their bead, met with, the commissioners. Mr. Boyden spoke for the new Jail.- He said he waa opposed to 'any ornamenta tion of the old syesore and he hoped to see It torn down. It would cost 18.000 to overhaul It and by ' Investing 112,000 or $18,000 a modern prison could be. built. uvery clltsen expressed, oy a nuns vote, the unu aentlmmit and the commission ers this afternoon adopted the suggestion of h mavnr HI HmJIh ftatri ha re. carded It aa much the better Dlan and declared that I1&00Q Will build a Jail modern in every detail. It will nave room for 72 persons, ,ha shower baths, ten tin heat iui1 nil Modern BDDllance. There will be special cells for jevenlles. wnites, negroes ana women ana u wm have a nrettv exterior. The commission ers adopted the new plan and will begin Ann the erection of the structure. It is not the least of this Interesting development to mention the fact tnai Judge W. B. Council, whose very ex haustive charge to the grana jury start ed the Investigation resulting in the con demnation of the new Jail, was here to day, although his visit was nurely coinci dental with the action of the commis sioners. While In session to-day the com missioners also took up the matter of road buiUIng and decided to place the county tfluin gang on the new Mocks ville road at a very early date. Recently there has been a camp built one mile from town and great quantities of ma cadam granite have been hauled along the road. There will be great road work done this year. WANTED TO SEE THE WOULD. Three Morganton Youths Bnn Away From Home, but Soon net urn Personal and Kcwa Notea. Correspondence of The Observer. Morganton, March 21. Three of Morganton's youthful citizens, having grown tired of the monotonous life of school, and longing for something more strenuous, left their respective homos early yesterday morning for unknown parts. As soon as they were missed, messages were sent in every direction, and friends In differ ent sections of the county were no tified to be on the lookout for them. Great anxiety was felt for them on nccount of the Intense cold of yes terday an last night. Hearing that a searching party waa out. they re turned to-day, doubtless sadder than when they left. One of the adventur ers carried all of his clothing and a pistol. The boys are about 12 yearn of age. Dr. C. E. Rosa and Dr. E. W. Phifer are In New Tork taking a specali course In surgery. They will be ab sent until the middle of April. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Laiarus have returned from Baltimore. Miss Reece. of Bal timore, who will have charge or the trimming department of Mrs. Hicks' millinery store, arlved last week and is at Mrs. Hemphill's Mr. R. L. Claywell left this morning with his little daughter. Laura, to consult a specialist In Salisbury. Mrs. E. L. Falson. who has been visiting Miss May Murphy, has gone to Chapel Hill, where her husband is taking a course In law. Miss Llzsle W. Perkins Is visiting her uncle. Rev. William Gor don, In Camden, S. C OLHEN-CIOTCH MATCH. Much Interest Manifested In Ap proaching Event Success for Ol son Will Give Him Championship. Correspondence of The Observer. Ashevllle, March 21. The wrestling match between Charles Olsen and Frank Ootch at the Grand Opera House Friday night promises to be an Interesting sporting event. From pres ent Indication there will be a great crowd In attendance-. The contest Fri day night will be the most impor tant that the Ashevllle sports have been privileged to witness. It will also be an Important event in the wr slllng career of Olsen. If the Ashe vllle wrestler succeeds in defeating Gotch. which many of his friends con tend he will do, a change will be rung on the championship of America and the man entitled to the place will be f'harles Olsen. winner of more than a dozen matches In this city and many tlrnea that number In other cities. The approaching contest has also at tracted considerable outside attention und it Is certain that many from oth er cities will be present Friday night to wit nens the fight. J. H A. McDon ald, sporting editor of The New Or leans Item, Is here for the big event and other sporting editors fi-om other well-known journals will come before the nlglit of the contest. Ashevllle. March 21. The Import ance of Friday night's championship heavyweight wrestling match between Charles Olsen, of this city, and Frank Got hch. of Buffalo. N. Y., In the Grand Opera House, was strlckly II UiHlrated to-duy by the arrival of llarvey t'MiooK, of .Mew York, repre- Exhibition Company, and a retinue of 4L' devotees of wrestling from Chatta nooga. Tenn.. and New Orleans, La. I'ollock's presence here Is for the pur pose of challenging the winner 011 be half of Abdul Madrigal, the 250-pound Turk, for a finish cateh-as-eateh-can ma tei in New York next May. If olsen wins Friday night, he will be In vited to wrestle the Turk for a guar antee purse of $2,000. or 30 per cent. r t lie gross receipts. Ootch, It Is said, demanded i0 per cent, of the gross receipts in case he wins, and New York wants him. Two ApproRtiiitiK MarrlaRo. Ccirrrspondence of The Ohserver. Uuiliatn, March 21. Announreihent wh k mad tol-dHy of two approach lnK niarriaffts that will be of Interest to a great many people, as the parties to the marriages are well and widely known. Th first of these will be .Mr. John Drewry Burton and Miss Eva Oompton. btith of Rldgeville, Cas well county. The other will be that ot Dr. H. E. Watterfteld, of this city, and Miss Minnie Woody, of Uoxboro. This event will be solomnlaod April 11 and that of Air. Burton and Miss Compton will be on the 4th. The marralge of Mr. Burton and Miss Compton will be solemnised at Bethel Methodist church and two of the at tendants will go from here, these be ing Dr. U. E. Statterfletd and Mr. Lewis Marshall. The marriage of Dr. ftttterfleld sod Miss Woody will take place in the Baptist church at Rox boro. Tha bride-elect la the daughter of the late John P. Woody, Who was a leading Republican poittlclal In his day. IlaiidsomHy ItfOsrmbwed by Opera tive. Oorreapendence of The Observer. ;V Laurlnburg, -March. 2t Mr, H. C Moore, night superintendent of tha rtckaon Cotton Mill, Is the recipient of a beautiful gold watch valued at 40, given to him by the force, ot op., era tors immediately under bla charge. Mr. itoora has been here - but': one year, but In that time haa proven hlms'. so efficient and clever cotton tntll wan. s la f Hands are proud-i,t swe aim attaining such atk-resavV and his helfk gladly -contributed tQ the werk of rsspect and esteem la tney oota ueir aupnmtenaenu . wisb l:tOES, SKIP. "f They Were Involved In Shooting ticrape Near WatlesboTo -llev. , T. K Love at Baptist Church Newi jVote and Personals. :.--'Ch Special tev Tha Observer ' ' ' -" ' Wadesbero, March The year-old ln fant of Mr. and Mrs. O, K. Colson, died tills morning of pneumonia, y h . Monroe Scales, the- slayer of - Tllton Scales, both colored, has not been caught up to this time. He is a heavy, glpger caka colored negro, six feet nigh, and has a pear on one side of his head. . Hev. if P. Love, formerly tha beloved pastor of the Wades bo ro Baptist church, but now assistant corresponding secre tary of the home mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention, stationed In Atlanta,- arrived this morning, and will hold services to the Baptist church to-night. -. ': ", ' Mrs. D A. Baker, of Wayneavllle, ar rived this pHtmlng on a visit to her father. Mr. W. O. Rennctt. Jlim Covington, a negro, who has re cently served a term on the chain gang, was shot in the fleshy part of the right arm Saturday night, the 10th. When asked how it ww done, he said that he was told to halt by a man on the Depot read. He did not know the man. Whon he failed to halt the man snot him. It, seems that there were others In It, as a negro, Jess Wliloughby. who works for Mr. W. A. LUcae, was asked by Mr. Lucas how he hurt his hand. The negro said that He went down to Charlie' Pratt's house, in the rear of Dr. W. M. Morton's lot. to get his hair cut, and that, when ho got his hand on the In side of the door, another negro. Jerry Curies, shot shim between his thumb and first finger. ,! Wliloughby and Jack McRae made this statement to Dr. Mor ton, and a trial was called for Saturday, but all of the nine participants hod fkip- Mlss Nore, Boggan Is quite 111 at her home, west pf Wadesboro. Mrs. IX B. Blalnck left yesterday for Dillon. 8. C, to visit Dr. J. P. Ewlng. MATTHEWS NEWS NOTES. President Moore Addresses Cotton Growers Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Observer. Mat the we, MerCn 21. Mrs. DeWitt Funderburk has been quite 111 for sev eral dars. Mna. Charles McLaughlin, who is at the Preabyterian Hospital In Char lotte, Is much Improved. Mrs. H. C. Morrison, of Waidemere, is v lei ting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson, Mr. Perks Kirk pa trick, of Sharon, is in town looking after hla interest as tax collector. Mr. W. H. Stevens, of Charlotte, is here In the interest of the cotton grow ers' association. Mrs. L. F. La r rant, of Newberry, & C, Is spending some time with her brother, Mr. John Ste vens. Prof. Byrum, of Steele Creek, who baa been teaching near Matthews, closed his year's work with quite a pleasant entertainment. Mrs. J. W. Tucker, of Charlotte, has been with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Bar rett, for several days. Mrs. W. H. Freeman is quite feeble and has been for several months. Mies Lucy "Stewart, who Is teaching at Huntersvllle, spent Sunday at home. Rev. M. H. Hoyle, by request of the family, attended the funeral of Mr. John $ikes, of Monroe, last Friday. A meeting waa held at the Academy last night in the Interest of the cotton growers' association for Morning Star township. An interesting address was made by President C. C. Moore, of Charlotte, with short talks by Mr. Renfrew and others. A goodly num ber of ladies were present. Prnlt Injured by Cold. Special to The Observer. Spartanburg, S. C, March 22. At, 8 o'clock Wednesday night the ther mometer showed a reading of 23 de grees above aero being within 6 de grees of the minimum record for the winter thus far. The cold weather, which has prevailed In this section during the past four days has killed much of the fruit, tout It is probable that the apple crop Is safe, or most of It, as the apple trees had not begun to bloom when the cold wave came. However, peaches, plums, pears and other trees that had put forward their blossoms, suffered and 1t Is thought that this part of the fruit crop has been killed beyond hope of revival. a w il j f VteBy j i us II e. ',,'- '.'.. t ; GOLD DUST is the daily sunshine of more than a million homes, b Ask , anyone who his ever used it and they will tell you that neither soap nor any other, cleanser can take its place or do its work. GOLD DUST stands alone. - VJhsf GOLD DUOT vjUI do Waah OlstKaa, Blsaket. tineas Etc. , . Waall OlalHHU Crackar ersib Flaara Voodwork, Coaster Bbalring aad Maatela, , Olaaa tota aaal 9tm,. - . Osim Oil Ohstkw Claaa ftilvsrwsrs, Ztnc. Metal Wot. Broase aad Brte-a-braa. - Oleaa and Messeve ttalaa fraai Oarpata. Wash and taMllsa Milk Oana aad dairy nteaiOs. OlamiWIadawa. Mak Hard Water-aft. Oleaa Plsturs Framaa and fitaaj. ; Make th Ftaeat aft aap. y' Wasb Braslisa asd Oasaba -, t . val Braasaa. ? 4 - - ,v. . , ' Olaaa Straw Hata. . , Ctoaa Bathram, Tabs, PlBaa, Eta. . Wash Oraaa Shialda. " ' , Rasaava rrt Stains. . j ,1 Olaaa Faatbar PUIawa. t , Ar Maka a EsMilala lot Plant mt'Tn ' 't,A No soap, borax, soda, ammonia, naphtha, kerosene or foreign mgredient ' krs. needed with GOLD DUST. It willda.aH the work without assistance,'' ,T?V i i roes, 4 ' Reservoir Suit Still in Progress. Correspondence at The Observer. Wlnston-Balem, Mareh 31.-Thft "examU nation : of; witnesses, in . the $7, Boo suit of ; Alloa .Gray,' colored .against the 'city of, Winston to still Jn progress. ' The prose", eution, rested about , U4 'clock to-day, 1 when the defense began taking evidence. It Is certain that the ease-will not. go to i the jury, before to-morrowatternoon.. as no less than four arguments will he. made after the taking of evidence la concluded. - ,,,....i i. ' n'i '! 1 f BliiglMim Defeat Wake. ForeeL". Special to The Obaerver '.vj.- ' Wage Forest, March J L Bingham won over .Wake Forest In , an un-. Interesting game of baseball here this afternoon, the score being .tUto A CHICAGO ALDERMAN QWE8 Hla "1 can heartily and conscientiously recommend - Chamberlain's Cough Ram. edy for affections of . the throat end lungs," says Hon. - John Shenick, m Bo, Peoria . St., Chicago. 'Two years ago during a political campaign, I caught cold after, being -overheated, which ir. rltated, my throat and 1 was finally com pelled to stop, as I could ot speak aloud. In my .extremity a (.friend ad. vised me to Use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. X took two doses , that after, noon and could hot believe my eenses when I found the next morning the in. (lamination bad largely subsided, I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the' campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat In the Council." . This- remedy Is for ale br a H. Jordan & Co. HEALTHFUL Purity" Cotton Felt Mattresses, the Stamkfcl Mattress of America Every Mattress built with our Special Lifters. Manufacturer in eigri qualities, from ABSOLUTELY PURE RAW STOCK, in the MOST SANITARY FERRO-CONCRETE MATTRESS FACTORY IN THE WORLD. Every detail of scient&c Mat tress building i practiced in our Factories. Every Mattress manufactured bears our "PURITY" trade mark and is sold under this positive guarantee. VPURITY" MATTRESSES ARE FOR SALE BY Oyer one hundred and fifty first class retail furniture establishments throughout North and South Carolina. If your dealer does not handle "PURITY" Mat tresses, write the Southern Cotton Oil Company, Char lotte, N. C, who-will give you the name of the nearest dealer. tRE N. K. FAIKBANK COMPANY, Oicte-Uakert o i 1 V .i. A.e- . I I v, -. v 14X0 Talles t&e V l Place of Calcmel 1' L&xo is an ethk&l, vegertabte aubetitoteIorclomeL. Ita ef fect are just aa good or better. without any of tiha dftagera of ,, salivation ., or bone-eorroaionv 1 whichfoUowthepeeof calomel. , R makes yor liver make ' you a new perton. - -, M" 1 "' "' " 1 ,' 1 , I ij".' "in.' 1 hi, i i'SSS. 35c per Bottle RESTFULNESS 1 1 W :. Thb Guarantee en atrp Mattreu "W ftwfcs thW n b nsfirtwud horn p iw Sock. htm bom tmr mdmxtmm A old mm tfact M mmttnL Slate oe itiai tlra euato, esd H tmmd iapaHact m tjndatj m 1 iieshsn. m il m yum dak, wb tmiaimd k nhted M yt ssi snot tmi, 'Purtty" Brand of MeOntta art Mamifaciurti Solely The Southern Gtton Oil Co. ChMiotte, North Careliu See tbst your snare bat Ibis label atUciwd "Lot tho GOLD DUST TWINS do your vjorti" House cleaning and ruffled" tempers dirt and disorder tired limbs and aching bodies 'they go together unless you use GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER. It does the work more thor oughly than soap or any other cleanser in half the time, with half the effort. Make your house brighter and work lighter by using for cleaning everything-clothes. and dishes, floors and doors, pots andpans.windowsand woodwork. tor YAXKt SOAP Soifcri RtS;vay ' In EfTect February nth. 1900. , -This j condensed, schedule is pubHshed y -..,'.1-as information snd ts aubiect to change- '. . without notjee ta the pubiio, ; , . ' ; 4 00 a. ro. No. t. daily, for Richmond and local points; connects at Greensbor r :! .;: for Winston-Salem, ' KaluiKh.' Coldsboro, S i Kewbera and Morehaad City: at Wan'i' villa for .Norfolk.' , s : a. jh. No n dally, for Hock 11V" Chester, Columbia and local stations. i' . " T:ie a. m. No. il dally eseept Sunday, ' for ButesvUie, Tayloravtlle, and local r points; connects at Mooresvilla for Win-. ' y ston-8alem ,and at Ststtesvllls for Kickv, ry. Lenoir. Blowing . Rook, . Ashevllle, , end. other points west. - 5 ' . . , ' 7-tf a. m. No, U, daity.'New Tork -and x. Atlanta Express. uilman- sleeper'- ta..-i.s,;,;'" Columbus, Ua., and day eoscHes to At' lanta. Close connection at Spartanburg l? y for Hendersonville and Ashevllle. TV" ' :B a. m. No. U. dally, Hew Tork an31a Florida Kxptntsa, for . Rock Hilt- Chestef1 ? Waynesboro,- v Oblumbla, v Savannah, Pft.ii aaksonvlUe. -' XMnlag' car- servipe. v ' ' - a. ra. Not K, dally. V. , rest 1-aii for Washington and . all points North, lt . Pullman drawing- roorai, slespers toi , Now Tork and Richmond; day -coaches iim ' New Drleana ta Washington, Pining cat . s s. : aervlee Connects ;, at Greensboro tee-Wlnsten-Balem, Salelgh ant Ooldsboret ' :J0 a. m. No.- S7. daily. , Wsahlngtoay , and oathwestem - limited. v Pullman drawing .-room ' : sleepers. New Tork to ai ' New Orleans and Birmingham. Pullman vt,y -n observation "ear Mew York to Xlsoon. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train.' jo:o a. m. no, .w. wsamngton ana Florida limited. Pullman- drawing : room sleepers to New York; flrst class coach t to Washington. -- Dining, ear? serviea. -' M'. a. m. No.28 dalfy, for Davidson, j KooresvUla, i Barber" Junction, ; Coolee- . mee. Mocksvills, . Wlnston-SaJem and . Roanoke, Va.,- and, local -points. - 12:211 p. m. Np, . 11 dy, for Atlanta and local stations; eonntcU at Spartan .... burg - for Hendersonvllle and ' AshevUlev . ; f :W p. nv. No. U.-daily,; for Richmond and . local statJons; oonnects -gt Greens. bora for Raleigh and .Coldsboro. Pull, man sleepers. t Cresnsbro . to - Ralelgn, Charlotte to . N&rfol., , and Charasue ta Rlchinond. " ; ' ''' t: n.s . --:00 p. m. No! fS. 44l ir, exeept 8unday, freight and passenger to -Cheater, S, C. and local points. . :. ,:.-i- T:lB p. m. No. 24. dally, eaoept Sunday, for Taylorsville and local stations: eon. necta at Btatesvilie for Ashevllle; Knox vtlle, Chattanooga and Memphta. -$M P. nii No. tl? daily,: Washington and South western Limited, for Wash. Ington and .all points. North. Pnlunsa sleepers and Pullman "observation car -to New Tork. Dinihg ear. servlcs. Solid Pullman train, -h.. " 10: p. tn. No. M,' dally, Nw Tork and Florida Kxpress, for Washington and points North. Pullman . sleepers front . Jacksonville and Augusta to New York. First ' class day coach, Jacksonville to Washington. -r 1 ' :Mn. m. No. Bally, Washington and Florida Umiud, for Columbia, Au gtista, Charleston,. Savannah and Jack sonvllls. Pullman drawlas room sleep, tng csr to Jacksonville. First class day coaches Washington-to Jacksonville, Urti p. m. No. HO, dally for Washing ton and points North.' Pullman sleeper to Washington, first class day coact Atlanta to Washington.- . - 10:20 p. m. No. II, dally. United SUteS Fast Mall, for Atlanta and points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans snd Birming ham. Day coachea Washington to Now Orleans. Dining csr service,. Baggage called for arid checked from hotels and residences by Wsdswortn Transfer Company, On orders left at City Ticket Office. i-" . .. : fit, B. SPENCER. Oanerat Manager. 8. H. HARP WICK, Passenger Trafflo Manager. W. H. TATW5E. Oen. Passenger Agent, Washington, . C. SEABOARD AIR LINE WAIL WAV. Direct line to the principal cities North. East, South and Southwest. Schedule taking effect January. ?. 1. subject to change without notice. Tickets for passage on all trains are sold, by this company and accepted by the' passenger with- tha understanding that this company win not be responsible for failure to run Its trains on schedule time, or for any such delay as may be Incident to their operation. Car is es-erc-tsed to give correct time of connecting lines, but this company Is not responsible for errors or omrolsions. Trains leave Charlotte as follows: No. 40, daily, at t.01 a, m. for Monroe, Hamlet, and Wilmington without change, connecting at Monroe with M for Atlan ta, Birmingham, and the Southwest, with No. M at Monroe for local points to Atlanta. At Hamlet with 38 for Ra leigh, Portsmouth, Norfolk and steamtrs for Washington. Baltimore, New York, Boston, and Providence. With 66 at Hamlet for Raleigh, Richmond, Washing ton, New York, and the Bast With 81 at Hamlet for Columbia, Savannah, Jack sonville, and all Florida points. . . No. 133, daily; at 10.10 a. m. for Lln colnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton with out change, connecting at Lineolnton with C. N- W. No. 10 for .Hickory. Lenoir, and Western North Carolina "no'iSJ. dally,' U! P- for Monroe, connecting with il for Atlanta, Blrmlng, ham and the Southwest, at Halmet with 43 for Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville and Florida points. With M at Hamlet for Richmond, Washington, and New York, and the East, with 32 at Hamlet for Raleigh, Portsmouth and Norfolk. Through sleeper on thla-tsam from Charlotte, N. C to Portsmouth, Va. daily. No. S, 8.45 a. m. dallf except Sunday. Local freight for Monroe. Trains arrive In Charlotte as follows: No. tS. 10.00 a, ra. dairy from' points North and South. - . -, No, 132. 7.06 pm. daily, from Ruther ; fordton, Shelby, JAnco,tttiun,i;an4, C. N. i W. Railway points. y .. - . . No, , iu:46 p. m. aauy rrom wuminar ton, Hamlet, and Monroe, . also from points East, North and Southwest con necting at Hamlet and Monroe, j Connections are made, at-.Hamlet with all through trains for points North South, snd Southwest which. are com posed of vestibule day coaches between ; Portsmouth and Atlanta, and Washing, ton, and Jacksonville, and sleeping cats between Jersey. City, Birmingham and Memphis, and Jerssy City -and Jackson ville. Cafe ears eh hit through trains. For Information; time-tables, reserva tions, or Beabbrd descriptive literature apply' to ticket agents or address.- :' ' -'SDWARDT'. COST, 2nd V. P.. , PORTSMOUTH, VA. JAMES KER. JB, O. P A. , CHARIXXTTli N. C. , ' C. H. GATT1S, T. P. A. RALiBTGH, N; C ' aSBSS f -r. fi TfcrouiVI Train DclIy.Charlotla , '-t noanpke, Va. v' ' " - schedule la affect Deo-1 litOi. ' '; I1:0 am i-v ChnrlottvSo. Ry Ar :0 pra t:16 am Ar Winston, go. - Ry. Lv i n pm 2 60 panLv Winston. N. s W. Af :00 put ioopm X MartlnsvUle. Lv U:4t am ' iS pm Xv Rocky Mount, JLv W:2 am 1M pm Af Roanoke. ..i.,-.w.tV MM anr -'SDailykv - v-r-i ' -- Connect at JRoanoke ylaShenandonk Valley Route tor Natural Bridge, Luray, uaa-arstown, and ail points in Pannsyl, vaTdNew r-rork maa' aleeper Roanoke and Philadelphia., - , Through coach, Charlotte' and Roanoke. ' Additional information- from agents Southern Rsiiway. . M BRAOa. - w. HSiViLiiJ, wi i. rsHi geui. i.. , - jr. . . . ... ROJ lAfXUJVfli, ... VA, Special rats via Seaboard ; Air lAne Railway, account t the Southern Bap--, tist Convention, Chattanoogn, Tennw May ' Wtn-iein. - , abovo occasion rate of one fare plus Sc, Tor round trip, from all points in North Carolina; tickets ta be sold May Mb; Mb . snd JOtb,' with final limit ten days front date Of sate. The Seaboard has double ' gaily service from principal point to At- - vwr rate srwf Information, address, ? - - , JAS. KER, JR., C. P. A.,1' i v H. G4TTW,- . v. 1l . , Traveling Passns;rr AgenL . Ralslgb . C CHAR. B. RYAN. ' - tlenerai passenger Agent, " . . I'ortamouth, Va. , , " It 4 ' y