.'CHABLOTTE: DAILY OBSERVER,. MARCH, 23, ,si906. Sly 3 1 V .lit - y v. ( ft C0JIHEI1CE AM FINANCE (Continued Firom Pago Eight.), 3 O. P, Kills A Co,' Cotton tetter j Crteclal to The. Observer. )"Nvw Orleans, March 22. Liverpool ; i tullx responded to tb Advances on. this side last eyertfrix; sJthmigl It was feared that it would Tail to do so.. Cobles con. ' tlnue of an ncouf-aglnj'tenor.. The .see- ! ' sion in American market uavs neen m , i.ir 4reatinf to an unusual degree. As yat 1 ''- th volume of outside business remalm ; comparatively small, .ut It was notics Table this morning that the demand from. -. the interior waa- on broader scale, and ;li irr conjunction , with further aggressive : v n' professional support aiv advance of IS to "v 17 points -waa. established. Incidentally,, ' scalpers trailed akrtir'ln: the hope of re ; selling profitably . this - afternoon, but r.if-S wkim it became vaptsed about ifhat ' the "vn rf,jniruujv was seuiqg unaer cover at Uiliif Tora effort, to liquidate followed, auVunder this bressure a substantial re actjon . evelopd, . In this connection, JH, rPrtce irires' tlsy since , the close -of t taes market, that reference to his selling v is unwarranted, ana tnat da continues to v. i, view ; the posl tlon : as f a voting . higher values than those vet. witnessed. After such a rapid rise in prices), the A reaction ht bur natural and logical eape- dally as "spots have not followed with . 1 . expected alacrity. This fact haa Induced many of the recent buyers to secure - profits on to-day's improvement, so that t wfaHy quUeifT there exlBta any -1 . Durasniwimi inieresi or mm ancnmwn while the vfbMtae(eM':JMsv':4n ivo way sympathised with uie su rength of the old Indicates clear! v an Increase , rattier than a decrease of the speculative pori- ;Kwinxitraentei4 euurtenawgr ? M sucn leoRf racnu save. sua, most part, Bass es, into tne aminos or the trade against forward sales of the product, s or tne product, deliverable arlvlrur comoaratlVe stability next autumn i tnoeei positions, in view oi.tne reason' . able certainty 6f crop .scares during; the gerlod ef growth anA development, and considering ala the; facte that the etatls. tics will strengthen; Jiefcefertb. w fall te see the Justification! for any testing 'decline and thtiik it advisable to secure profits on short contracts, as well as to . buy scalping parposee. In periods of de ' presalon. ( SuClJSJAAO-MJCX). '. ,g Miller A t'a . Cotto Letter. , Special to The Observer. ' New York, March 22. The smalt re , . Option In the final portloi of the day-w largely due to advices ' front the South , stating that spots were not following tht extreme advance. .The leading ihanipula , tor sent forth several bullish advices during the day, and New England people - here are talking distinctly bullish. Be- aides, the light New Orleans estimate ' wa another handle to the bull lever. The small reaction after the decided, ad. vajtce Is not at all an unnatural one; and we remain bullish, basing our stand on . the eold-out condition of the old crop montna, ana tne over-sold onaltlotv of the new crop months: This--important technical situation, In conjunction with the fact that the Bite of the next crop is as yet highly problematical, makes us feel that infneyean Jm made by buying cotton- on Weak SiJois. c Liverpool is due to come one te trfp dowd in the morning. ri MILLER tc CO. t' , .... . . Rabbard Broe C6.'s Cotton ltter. Special to The Observer. TlriK..!4Vloe from UverpoM suterrthat there i W heavy selling there tor American account by brokers' Wh6 '"have' - beh ""large buyers here of May. This Is accepted aa the Jatural moveu te ease the long .interest, t was also thought -'that 'both May and July have been' sold here on the advance, principally July aa buyers appeared to cover. In May the buying by the short Interest onrrled., that- position to a pre mium over July. Outside of the buying, . cause by the fear of a. squeeze in May, there has been a large speculation for an advance The trade, however, expect the movement will be carried, 'further, al though the short. Interest has been large ly reduced bythe--coverlhr of thepaxt two days. HUBBARD BROS. & CO $eabor4 Air Line Stocks. .itoSlmei tett'itf.VS." -'A. L. corn- tnon v5i to 30 ; preferred nothing doing. a rn It - tS Is y, ' ' -1 'trry, . .7r?, . - ; " r jgg? , f' . ; ' - 3(:::j The Papers The People Mead .OS S' , "... MM SBSk. U M Ms1 ' ' t? 8 X i.M' w 1 .US I I l mjal. . fT' v--S.s.a- rt.e. . ..' . - jflk' Jr-i ' ' - i ' . 1 . - v pj o u ?.. 1 xn 4 . X 1 sj.l aweaaa)jammmee , 1 . ; - - :. ' " ' r ' T . -' j V X ,;WIS8T0!f KLKS .JBAXQULTT. - i H ' . mi Him. j" a, ' f Address ; by District Deouty YSold ' FeAture Three Cot ta gee Burned- i .AO Approachlnr Slarriaite, - i - - Correepotideace ot The Observer' As ' wlnston-aJeirv March" tlThree Cottages owned by H. Montague and a barn beloncin to 3. W. Stout, on Crawford etreet, North 'Winston, were destroyed, ty re v at ' 4 : J9 . o'clock: . this morning, i The co ttagrea;1 were .'decupled and every family loet more or.less ot their ; houeehold. ; roperty.'-The i tire started, .ht a three-room cottagn occu pied by-Mr: JC OdelU whoae wife bad a rtarrov escape rrom being burned tO deaths i .'' iit.'J-lxX." a sr he- Winsten:' KUk ' held- a delightful social seseloA last. Bight. A' feature of ioe- wccaaionv f .-art jinspirwix swaress 6reeRbon. MeMlscuasM: -th prtn-'f crptes and work or the order, referred to the noble work: erf ormed and the fellowship that: prevails , ambner the merrtoers. . Aji informal ; smoker fol lowed thi wpeechrmakirur. About 100 membflm. An tnfnrml ' . mntrr f n(- lngre entertainment ' was ; erreatly en joyed by one and all. The lodge at Its reg-uiaf meeting next Tuesday night wriu elect officers for the ensuing: year. ur, k. j Kierson received a telegram yesterday etatlng- that hie father-In-la w, . air. -M. A. Roes, of Dickson, CaU died suddenly at Detiver. Col..' while rt . route ' tv wlnston-Salem, to - visit tin daughter. Paralysis was the cause of his death. ' Deceased was 70 years old. The remains) were sent to Dlck- eon for Interment. Invitations have beert received here which read as follows: "The honor ot your presence is requested at the mar riage of Mi us Carrie May Polk to Mr, David' Henry Browder, on Wednesday evening, -April 4, at 9 o'clock, at the residence ; of ' Mr. Fulton P. Allen, Wadesboroy N. C" The groom-elect Is a former ,-resident of" Wlnston-Salem. He conducted a book-store and had other business interest here, lie Is now engaged Jn the -wholesale grocery to-be is a daughter of the late Col. L. l. Folk, who estabtlshed The Progres sive Farmer in this city, a paper now being pubiighed in Kaieign. The plaintiff failed to uwear before Judge Peebles here last Saturday and how cause; why an order .made by hie. honor at Bocklngham court, sentenc ing Thomas) Venable, of Pilot Moun tain, to iall for 30 days for contempt of court for. failure to obey an drder against trespassing upon the land of Venable's neighbors should not be re voked. Judge Peebles wired the sheriff of Surry to ; release Venable, but the prisoner refused to leave the Jail vol untarily, saying that he wanted to fully-understand the matter, before going out. The same strong' arm of the, law that Incarcerated . Venable waa re quired to land him outside of the prison bars. It is alleged that the man's mind is Impaired. One of the features of a great to- baoco exposition to be held in Madi son Square Garden,. New York, the first week of next September, will be a Southern tobacco sale, ot which Col. G. E. Webb, editor of The Southern Tobacco Journal, of this tityi is to be auctioneer. . ... A. email but appreciative audience heard Dr. W. "W. Bays' lecture on vjourtshlp" at Burkhead M. E. church last night. Dr. Bays is an entertain ing speaker as well as a fine' thinker and his lectures and sermons never fail to make a fine Impression. He left this morning for High Plont. ' . -t , i-..ri. , ,. Smoking- wouldn't be half as much fun to a hoy if his parents made him do it. . Contentment Is never begotten by re gret. ';-, W. . e &ini&FEMie Banllv OiDseiPvep All the news of most widely between W S r . The v best j,. , ;throtigh: t which . . 'T mm v happenings; ot the ;w8rld ;;arid lt V'' rw st wr rn ."sw. 'iirn ri'M' , "?':' y-4N2t.TUBiaiC;LQSIS SOCIETY, Organisation fop Prevention of Con siimpttou to bo Iormed at Meeting ot utate Aieatou society m vm Tof tht Editor of The Observer: ' ;' , At" the '1305 sessioa of the Medical Society of North Carolina a discussion Was held as to the Advisability: ot steps being taken to organise a State society for the prevention of tuberculosis The president of - the society- was author- lsei; to appoint a committee to careful? 14' cOhrJder the nroDositlon and to sub- mtt ieconrmndations,?plarM. ' etc.- to ms jnext session ot tue , estate Meoicat 8ocif ty. whft-h convenes at Charlotte May i 29-SL vTlji commtttee ; la com posed of representative niedloal men, well-known as ftrao.tttWnera and:' sani tarians throughout Vie State, and it Is assurea . tneir recoramen-aatlone will carry much weight both in ith profes sion and with.-the: general public as weiu . y)- :. - ..i. -ri.r. As we underetand 'it," It is proposed to organise a State, society which will Include in Its: membership ? not only medical men but dentists, pharmv t.jiiB, lawyers, ministers and - the gen eral public as well.? A, determtnea f fort will be systematically made to acquaint the public with certain facts well-known to the medical profession relative , to tuberculoals and to study thS bkst practical methods of prevem- The report and suesested dans t the committee will be given to the oft. fessiotr and the public at the session of the State Medical Society "in Char lotte and will be looked forward to with some degree of Interest by both proiession and, laity, for it is now a well-understood fact that one-sixth of all human deathe are due to tubercu loma, and It is believed by medical mea who have given Special study to hls subject that most of the cases should be prevented and that a majority of tne cases occurring should, if early recognized and promptly treated, ter minate in cure Instead of death. The following gentlemen compose the committee: - Dr. M. L. Stevens, chairman, Ashe- ville; Dr. R. H. Lewie, Raleigh: Dr. George T. Thomas, Wilmington; Dr. J. Howell Way, Waynesville; Dr. James (M. Parrott, Kins ton; Dr. C. M. Strong-. Charlotte; Dr. Ben. K. Hays, Oxford; Dr. James A. Burroughs, Ashevllle: Dr. Albert Anderson, Wilson; Dr. W. H. H. Cobb, Ooldsboro; Dr. Chas. A. Julian, Thomasvllle; Dr. Watson S. Rankin, Wake Forest. J. HOWELL WAY. Waynesville, March 19, 1906. ASHJEVILLE REAL ESTATE DEALS Valuable Residence Property on Cliestnut Street Clianges Hands. Correspondence of The Observer. Ashevllle. March 21. Pour valuable pieces of property belonging to Dr. J. E. David, located on Chestnut street. were sold yesterday throiuth the real estate agency of LalBarbe & Co. The property sold consists of four resi dences and was purchased by Ashe vllle men. Thomas 8. Rollins, chair man of the Republican State executive committee, purchased the property at 198 Chestnut street. This residence Is directly opposite the residence of Judge J. C. Prltchard, Mr. Rollins' father-in-law. The consideration was $5,500. Another parcel of the David holding went to Solicitor Mark W. Brown. This residence is located almost on the corner of Chestnut and Liberty streets, and sold for 5,200. Dr. F. T. Meri wether purchased the residence ad Joining on the east for $5,000. Fourth piece of the David Chestnut street property will go to W. S. Thompson for $5,000. ' the world, the State and Charlotte every day in the year. The read newspaper in ashington and Atlanta. Results prove this claim beyond EVERY DAY i i BEST ADVERTISING TOIE eOTTOW BELT -it V't'-sl't Tr&,Vifi''T0li - aftemooh m - ;w n. iJI ..'-V J - M.wrpirnnirnn) UC7 U XVU U Jl U U S advertisers may reach the best people . of Charlott W&&tttlnV"f?Wl'- WEEKS ,' c v AA'TI-SALOOar LEAGUE i It Js Organised a High Point F. C ; lioyles- Elected Trustee for Dsuk- rnpt Manufacturing Concern.. , Special to The Observer, , - , c "' J High Point, March 23.-An ant!-sa-looa league was organised here . Wed nesday night ; at the Friends church With a large membership. Last, night,, in the reception room at Staley Brothers, jewelry store, Mra. W. M. Stoner, entertained the Music Lov ers' Club. Thr.ee Teeple pianos, for which Mrs. Stoner is manager for North ' Carolina, were used and the room was. made very attractive with, rugs and brome electroliers. A pro gramme full of variety was rendered by Mr. Stoner. Mrs. Slier, Mrs. Crow - ell, the Misses Fisher and Miss Boyd. L?9Z"?XL c:JfL Coi. a. w. Mackiin. of Frankfort, Ky., who" Is onhis way home from his winter vacation, Coi. Mackiin is a Confederate soldier, the youngest In Morgan's brigade, but Is now an ex tensive land owner In the Blue Grass country, raising short-horn cattle and road horses,- The 'creditors of the Centaur Manu facturing -Company met yesterday and elected Mr. Frank C. Boyles trustee to wind up the business. This Is the . .... ..-A4 I.-.- f . dna bury and. In few months, was in the hands of a. receiver. The fTemple . Male Quartette Is the next attraction at tt the nlgh kvf 'MCsirch the auditorium on 30, this qua-r- tette closing the season's attractions. Constitutionality of lioards Qucs- . , uoneu. Special to The Observer. constitutionality of the township WHWIUKi W. -V-., .Hill L II 4 lit board or assessors, wnicn was appoint - ed by the supervisor for the purpose of determining the valuation of prop- srty for taxation, is quentioned by good many citlsens and several attor neys have expressed themselves as be ing inclined to that view. To the minds of the lawyers who take this view the act is special legislation. as it does not apply to the Slate at large. In the different counties the boards are created in different ways, hence no uniformity exists and, be cause of this, tne question regarding the constitutionality of the board has arisen. $85,000 Insurance Paid on White Stone Hotel Property. Special to The Observer. Spartanburg, S. C. March 22. Ad justers representing the insurance companies, with which tht- owners of the White Stone Llthla Springs Hotel, recently burned, held policies, have held a conference with the proprietors of the resort and have derided to lay the full amount of the policies, aggre gating $85,000. Wounded by III lie llall. CorresDondence of The Observer. Durham, March 21. Lutn this after- I noon John B. Morris, a prominent , young man, was accidentally shot i and wounded by a rifle ball. In com- : pany with several young men, Morris ' went out for target practice. While' returning a small rifle In the hands of i J. C. Dixon Was accidentally fired, the i ball entering Morris's risHt hip. The j wound is not of a eerlous nature. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. The cures that atnnd in Its. eroriit m,ii. Bucklen s Arnica Salve a scientific won. der. It cured B. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry. Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns; Sores. Bolls. Ulcers. Cuts. Wounds. Philhl ntnn nni Salt Rheum. Only 26c at R. H. Jordan Co. s drug store. the cotton belt and the best advertising medium FOR ONE "Jj the , the ; local news mmjm:. ; ' CONVICt swot BY GUAIU). f Wniie Isutn. 'In Attempt to Escape rrom uancomoev cnaiu usng, tc reives Wounds Which t May : Prove vFataL ' '"i ' (- ' Special yto The "Observer. - ' '. ' , Ashevllle. '' March a-Willer Isunt, a convict domg time on the county chain gnng, attempted te escape this afternoon and was shot by one of the guards. . One bullet' entered Isum'a shoulder and an-, other his back.. Isum is dangerously wounded, though there Is a possibility that he will recover. The guard, told the convict to halt thrice before firing. Isum was serving a term for larceny. jVOiT 14AC A 4nri r in HVVt. A COLD. Why youf stomach with a bcU syrup? work direct, cet to the Ji i ! I r , vl evil, rUD viowan S Pneumoma Cure over vour chtt or throat, or over both. Not a mere plaster or liniment, mincj you, but a mechdne that penetrates and heals, stimulates. purifies and strengthens vour roM- inflamed, Weakened luiuTS. bronchial . i . , nuwusi i , 7 "DC8t tlCi COWAN'S COM IN. It cures crouD in ten minuter- Colds, sore throats, etc., in one night . Guaranteed to cure pneu monia the most terrible form of . - COld, Unequalled for rheumatism ! i ti , . ui muscular soreness, tor boiis. fe on. ;nflartwl laJ - ..wm IHUIUI) tlV. ! A tl -J :. botfly $. oup.i,TS cents. BV,rT bNrece pt'price- wan Medical CoL .i.LilfT uj? Cowan's Pneumonia Cure with fEJ? .. ?Jl'Jt"d!,mi It never fails to re- an aruroitrs an r.-. , . f DLUIT. Greensboro. N. C. A FULL PINT or OLD VIRGINIA APPLEJACK Grtndfifher'i UedtciKMl Brandy. Ai tn drcniieiKnl I'll tans you thUf ra ti with rour order tor CIH Of WESTOVER 10-YtAH OLD RYE WHISKEY " Bast the World Ovs This Is Fim tali wilt) row FIRST Made from th cholcen (rain. Ym'II I I free ii'i the rlcbeat, Anest larores I I whisker roa're irer luted. Not to be I 1 ill mi minuitry frttA qtl. mJ. g 8 qti. $5.95; thlpeed prtpmld la plain paetate. After rou'ro tatted it, if you're not en tirely Mtianed that It's the sett rre whiaker for the rajonejr roe 're ever had tlnplr cork up the open ed bottles, ship back to me, ei prtat collect, and will immtilm ulf nfumd fair mu;, I refer St) the Bank of Richmond, and to the Planters National Bank of this cit ss to my reliability. Write for free Iw. booklet (lying Information on the whiaker question. PHIL.G. KELLY, RICHMOND.VA. YEAR, $8.00 MEDIUMS CarolinaSe and the norir ' ' . ""0ww vwv.. of the day at J ::!L - . A . Cigat'ib'r-'iSci "COUNTRY Quality Style. Ask Your THE CHARLOTTE ira ARB SOUTHERN AOEXTS FOB UNITED WIRE. GERMAN HUDDLES AND HEDDLE FRAMES. ' . WRITE US FOR PRICKS. A Feskstt A Bishop Steam Traps Carried in Stock; also Card Clothing- Ahi m mj uii Malum CHARLOTTE1 BIRMIN SMCOSOSATtB CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00 Not the cheapest, but preeminently the BEST. These are the largest, oldest and best equipped schools In North Carollns a positive, provable FACT. 1.000 former students holding positions In North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written con tract Shorthand. Book-keeping, Typewriting and English, taught by experts. Address KING' S BUSINESS GOLLBGB Charlotte, N. C, er Raleigh, N. C. ffti ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARLOTTE, N. C. Suburban Location, Extensive Campus, High Grade, Experienced. University Educated Teachers; Fire-Proof Buildings, First Class Equipment. Schools of Music, Art, Expression, Business. Enjoys a Renuta tlon for Thorough Work and Good Health. CATALOGUE SENT FREE. CHAS a KING, President dispute - ,r FOR vsrf r Sr. -I & ft Sk-. v . Br a r v -& n f f i : The 3. your tea table x it. GENTLEMAN Quantity, Workmanship Dealer. SUPPLY COMPANY ui eyuyinim, . . GUAM SFARTANBUHQ mm 4 x. I er . v "4 1? 4' , - 'i A - - V, .1 n I f 1 i 1 li f