. . V CEAKLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, MARCH 21, 1900. , J 'f V i ! (Contlaited From I'sge bc) COAh SJt,HtMXSmJS MENACE. ) nyi" Und Outlook Vu iw IM Eve Before at This ApVv From Fort Cmw !EvZ.T&tllo .Mills Continue ' Active.' ". " ' ' i ' "March 33. R. G. Dun A Company's Weekly Reslew of Trade to. . Morrow wm iwr ; . rimtributkiM of spring: msrehan I "diss hi receive check because of the 'Tieavy snow fall ana srvere iionm i Muttons of the ccaintry, but iome .'offset Is noted fin reneed activity lor ' Winter goods aod there Is no interruption to the activity of shipping department CconMence In the future Is remarkably t Wight, and the outlook would be far bet ... h.n ver before at this season if the fuel uncertainty would be removed. Mer- .nu rolleotlona are more, promyi, ex cept In certain parts of the South, where cotton Is still held for better terms. Commodity prices are slightly higher, on the whole, and building materials con tinue very strong, structural work being abnormally heavy for tho season. Ball toad earnings for March thus far sur pa last year's by .l per cent, and for 5gn commerce at this port '"f1 week shows a gain of $2,897,082 In imports over the same period of 1906, while ex torts are practically unchanged. Or, o of the best features of the Iron tnd steel Industry is the steady demand for steel rails. . . ,, ... ,. . No decrease is noted In the actrvlty of textile mills, produce exhibiting per sistent confidence In the future, despite the Irregularity that Is noted In primary markets. , Recent heavy transactions In leather Improved, the tone of th market. New England shoe manufacturers are re ceiving orders for fall gooxis from sales men In tne west una nuuui, urn ucumim being chiefly for heavy goods. Failures this week numbered 21.1 In the United States, against !&5 last year, and 87 In Canada, as compared with 1(1 a year ego. FALL RIVER TRADING Ql'IET. Higher Prices for Cotton KtrenKtlien Cloth Market Slight Improvement la Demand for Finished Goods. rail River, Mass.. March 23. The Weekly sales in the local cloth market are estimated at 115,000 piece. Although only a fair amount of trading whs dune In tho finished goods market during the week, a alight improvement In the de mand is noted. No change In prices I reported here, but In some outside cen ters sales of 28-lnch 64 by 60 have been made at i. Higher prices for cotton hns helped to strengthen the tone of the cloth market, so that manufacturers are averse to making any concessions. It is expect ed that these conditions will prevail so long as prices for cotton are held up, and unUll something definite can be learned as to the future course of the raw ma terial market, quiet trading will be look ed for here. Quotations are: 28-Jnrh 64 squares S; SS-inch 4 by o. 3H; W-i-ln h b4 squares, ftt; JS-lnch 68 by Tl, oft- 'Hayward, Vlek tc Clark's Cotton Letter. Furnished by the Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade. New Orleans, Marth 23. In the cot ton market to-day up to 12:30 p. in. there was too much talk and too little buying to give the market the healthy tone that R has had since the New York bulls have become active asralii. The market at times had a decided) v artificial air and the line of the market literature put out was eadly marred toy the statement In a letter from the ' null camp to the effect that 9fi per cent, of the cotton that was up In the Khreveport section had been killed by . the cold. This was fractal, because It la only a few days ago that telegrams told of snow storms and blizzards In that section of the belt, and again It Is less than a week ago since the bulls were atrenuously ridiculing the idea that cotton was up, even In the earli est portions of the belt. To-day, pri vate and public messages told of ruin to young cotton by the freeze earlier In the week and newspapers printed columns of reports showing damage where a few days ago it was stated preparations for planting were very backward. Toward noon the bulls let up on crop news and in one grand cho rus that was heard from Liverpool to Kan Antonio, Texas, they chanted about the big advance which was to come, not to-morrow or next day, but before the closing of tho market to day. Meanwhile brokers around the ring yawned ut the dullness and wixheil otne one would quit talking and go to . trading. -- The market opened at an advance of E and points In sympathy with a strong opening in New York. Liver pool was about as expected. The inar ket was dull during the greater part f the morning. In the trading up to 12:30 o'clock the active positions, with tnany rocesnlons, advanced Yl 1o IS points alKA-e the level of yesterday' closing. At 12:30 prices were at about the highest level t,t the day. Hpots were in very fair dc-maml. but trading wi restricted by the vU-ws of sellers as to prices. Factors asked nn advance of at least 1-18 for even their mo)t undeslra.ble offerings while for anything choice they asked ud vawes of from one-eighth up. Dur ing the morning one sale, of about 1.400 bales was put through. Total salm tip to 12:30 o'clock were about 3.T.O0 fcales. Liverpool sold 10.000 bales and quoted American middling unchanged f. ' il l pence. C. P. EUls ft Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special to The Obse rver. I New Orleans, La., March 23 Liver pool again displayed surprising strength, and while some cables were h of a reactionary character, the bulk , M the news was of a favorable teiwr, i. 'reporting wll-rn in a divided minor to - Ity, and palpable existence of nevous tiess among shorts. American markets were comparatively tame throughout . the session. The urgent short cover- f i' ; sng appears to have c-ulmlnuted, a'ld V the greater part of the transaction , , represented scalpins; operations for lo j j. C1 account. M,r. Price used the wires s ' freely during the forenoon, contra dieting the rumors current last eveu- ng that he was selling, while some of the prominent brokers there had con- i- tldentlyopredicted a sharp rise this af- , . ternoon, wHich, however, failed of de. ,: velopment for the reason, It Is stat v ed, that too much cotton appeared for ';'-! 00 the " "P- inducing a wlth- ''w? -l,r".w' f du" SMPport and scattered ft l realizing by smaller longs .; i -The market seems to be absolutely " ' kt nominated by manipulation, and under ' i the elrcumstan-es. opinions are of II t - ,t tie value. So far as the actual facts i . In the situation are concerned, they - 1 undoubtedly favor higher prices, but i s it i quite apparent that speculation been restricted because of the fear i s, rte present movement was inaug rl i k tinted solely for the purpose of estab- llshing more ttractlve selling basis. ' In thio opinion, however, we do not ;7 hare a the legitimate Influences are .t ' . e opposition to the adoption of the , bear side except, perhaps, for quick - turn; At present we rather feel that, " after nucti fiM advance, some re. Action ! logically due. tout viewing the trength of etaurt cottan, and eonsid ' erlnsj th neeeswltr ot another large . -rop next eeuaon. to me?t consumptive req ulrements, ae well as thr certainty ' f etrengthenlmr tt(etls Henceforth, r feature that oncure, which la ac . repted a jeopardizing the welfare of the tm.mw"-mllk'tkUi!k, exerclee sv very stlmulatinsr Influence oo value tenerslly, smd, e It would be onreas onal.Ie to suppose that the season Is te he without-frequent axmree of this character, we believe it wlU found 5' A ''"Few1 Minor' Happening lit; n& ,' - t Ahont tlM -Clty. , . ' i Xlke Other Girls' at the Acad emy Ol MUSIC XOniBTIt. , ! v . 'Squtra 8. H. Hilton era hot able to be At his office yesterday on account. of sickneaa i "Ur' Jasper Miller 1 eonflned to his home on Kast Fifth street with alight case oi sppenoicius. No business was transacted tn the flutierior court vesterdav. Judge ti.. Bryan will go to Shelby Monday to bold tne (jteveiana uupenor court Tickets for the lecture , on "Heme Bconomlca" by Mrs. Burton Smith, of Atlanta, are on sale at the Carnegie Library and Jordan s drug store, Mr. Chalmers Klrknatrlck. Who la very 111 with pneumonia at his home In Sharon township, ' was reported some what better yesterday afternoon. -The north-bound passenger trains on the Southern yesterday morning were badly off schedule. No. M. from Atlanta, Ua.. did not arrive until evening. Mr. H. A. Cathev. of - Steele Creek had the misfortune to get his right thumb severely hurt in a well windless yesterduy. The bone was broken. Mr. II. R. Wilcox has let the contract for the building of a home on the east side of North Church, between eighth and Ninth streets, on ths Fitzslmmons lot. -T)ds afternoon at S o'clock the house committee of the Young Women's Chris. tlan Association will meet in the secre tary's office. All members are urged to attend There la to be a mass meeting of the older bovs at the Y. M. C. A. at i o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The speak er will be Mr. J. A. llelvin and the soloist Miss Grace Eddlns. The Dixie public school, with Mr. G P. Helllg as teacher, closed yesterday, The Hliopton and Iixl baseball teams played a game of bull and the latter won by a score of 7 to 2. A number of new electric light poles are being placed on west Trade street neur the square. The old ones, many of which are decayed, are being removed as the new ones are erected. The receipts at the city cotton plat form yesterday were 08 bales and the bet price paid Tor tne staple was n cents. The receipts for the corresponding dale of last year, when the price was 7.75, were 66 bales. Mrs. W. L. Butt, chairman of the house committee of the Y. W. C. A., ha called a meeting of the committee for this afternoon nt 6 o'clock. The meeting will be in the secretary's office. The finance committee of the Twen tieth of May celebration la at work again. It is hoped that a liberal response will he given tho committee when they cull at the severai business houses of the city. No sooner have the workmen filled up one great hole in South Tryon street, than another 1 begun. A force of la borer began digging in front of the Manufacturers' Club yesterday after noon, immediately after the rilling the great ditch in front of the Central. The Independents will plav the Kx eelRiors In a game of baaket-ball at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium to-night. The gaino i xclieduled to commence at 8:15, and a large crowd is expected as these game are attracting the attention of the iflKet-uall lovers of tne city. Admission to the game will be 10 cent. The advertising committee of the Twentieth of May celebration 1 to begin II work at once. During the coming week a number of enveUpes are to be printed telling oinething of the celebra tion. The committee la determined to leave no stone unturned to give the cele bration all the publicity possible. Jim Payton and Joe Host, two color ed dispenser of bug Juice at Newella, were carried before 'Squire W. t. Alex nnder yesterday charged with retailing. The evidence wa heard unci the new darkle bound over to tho court under a t'JTi lond each. These bonds were fur nished and the offenders releused. More points were brought In yester day than at any time In the present membership contest at the Young Men's ChrlHtlnn Association, The whit flag was the leader to 2 o'clock, when the lilack flag was seen to fly, denoting that the black teum wus In the lend. At 9 o'clock the white team again forged to the fore. Finally at 9:30 the black team ugaln wnn the leadership. HUE AT LK.4K8VILLK. Onn Storo Dcstroyotl Town Kaved From lM'Hlructloii by Mre Wall IVrtonal Notes. Correspondence of The Observer. Spray, March 22. Fire last night destroyed the building and content of tho establishment occupied by Tom Iurllugton'i general grocery business, also the adjoining meat market con ducted by am Dlllard, colored. These buildings were located on Washing- I ton street, Leaksvllle. It Is probable tliul the whole business section on the; south side of Washington street would have been wiped out had it not j been for the fire wall of the Leakc-vllle- Hardware (Vs. store. Mr. .Kd. Wllllnmson, of Worthv Hie, arrived In Spray Tuesday. --flein-rnl William Draper, of Washington, Is visiting his son, Arthur J. Draper, In The Meadows. Ir. Carl Van Ruck, of Ashevllle, Is a visitor in the city. At the recent debate between the two literary societies of the Ieiks-v-IHp-Spray Institute, those favoring an Increased navy for the United Slates won. Mr. J. K. Prior, of Frederick. Vic tor und Aililles, New Yolk, is in the illy. jirofitahle to take ndvari'tage of de liremlons in which 1u buy. C. P. ELL1H & CO. Hubbard Rros. A Co.'s Cotton Letter. Hpcclal to Tho Observer. New York, March 23. Very bullish Hdvices were received to-duy from Liverpool, stating that the feeling there was decidedly in favor of high er prices. Here the realising orders lit tho opening were quickly absortwil by the bulls, who slowlv advanced July u the shorts covered at the same time. May was for sule 011 a scale upward, the strength In July and the weaknees in May. as compared with yesterday, being attributed to a ro V(rral of position by the bulls. There waa little Increase In tho volume of outside speculation, though many bul lish dispatches were received from the South. At no time did the market pre sent the UBUal appeurnnce of bull spec ulation based on a general speculative, movement. On the contrary. It showed evidences of heavy local trad ing on each side of the account to force the short Itvtereet to cover. Many very bullish views were In cir culation but no new Ideas. HUBBARD BROS. & CO. Miller tt Co.'s Cotton Ictler. Special to The Observer. New York. March 23.-Prlce again climbed up to-day on rather more out side support, especially in tlia July posi tion, which showed considerable anini.i tlon In the lute deallngr. Wire house did an increased business, thut mouth. Vay monopolising attention as hereto, fore. The bull clique, early In the day sere believed to be wavering, and lurk ing to cohesion. At any rate it Is re. ported that harmony In their action was lacking, and a, hesitating attitude re sulted in all direction. As the day ad. vanned there was renewed support from the clique, und best prices- of the day were eui lic-d during the late seslon, sentiment of the whole being more fa vorably Inclined. Numerous bullish cables Were at hand from Liverpool, and this, with a numlr of Southern advice of better price for spots more active demand generally tended to fortify the bull position on contracts (or the time being, although there Was continued absence of outside buying. Weather eon. union 111 n oeii were or the very best, nd j the week-end figures were bullish, the weight being W.nwo, against Sti.OOtt last veer. Smithrra spot markets were generally higher, and continued scarcity of good grade was reported. IJverpool is oue ens vt two signer in- tne morning. , BRIEFS. AGAIN HELD VP, IE-Sehv lor, Marlon Butler Succeeds in - DelayhOsT Jonnrmation oi Mr. ursui as otiUnsa9ter at moiasooro. . nlDeclal to T!fa Observer. , . , Ooldsbora MkWch 23. Ths connrmauon of Mr,-Louis NVs. Grant, son tf Major H. l sr,-tiOUis a.uniih "l .r.J . f.-n K-ii up at the InsUga- tea of ex-Senator v Marlon Butler who has succeeded in haying it held up for the peat few months., un wn, aruuiiu he haa succeeded in halving it jield up is WMnv ri iina ie look as if Mr. Dnhaon. - the r resent Incumbent, v will iimmmI hlmJr- r thi U.b)OkS like Mr, Grant. It is a much mlxeduup affair and haa got to the jsolnt where & inspector has Keen here investigating . the signa tures of several dtiaens w ho fflgned , lie recommendations of both espltants for th ntetmastershln. Mr. Dobavn ; bag made a most efficient postmaUr. ASK FOR BLUB RIBBOV LEMON OR Vanilla extract and say It Plain, xne kind that gives desserts the famous "Blue Ribbon Flavor," DO ' YOU WANT FRESH FLOKUJA Vegetables lor your uunaay oinneri If you do, you can certainly And some thing to suit your taste in this list of good things to eat. String Beans, Bell Pepper, New Irish Potatoes, Lettuse, Celery, Spinach. Water Cress, Spring Onions, New Red and White Cabbage, Beets, Soup Bunches, Radishes, .Vege table Oyster, Strawberries, Grape Fruit, Florida Oranges. California Oranges. Malaga Orapes. 'Phone your oxders early" 'Phone 68. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. ' FOR SALE-4.50O, DWELLING, UP-TOu date; 11,6410 cottage; ii.ow collage; as, 100 suburban plane, Vh acres and good house well enclosed: Il.wu Place, iin unri McDowell! Il.OflO and SW0 lots. ciivMO K.ltznheth Ave.- 11.700 N. Tryon lot: store room for rent, HZ. 50. E. L. KKE8I.ER. 'Phone 344. STOWE'S FOOT POWDER WILL Rlli- lieve thut tired sore reeling mat comes to the feet from too much use. Wo sell it. JAS. P. STOWE 6 CO., Drug gists. 'Phone 179. THERE ARE LOTS OF GOOD TOOTH pastes and we have them all. out we really believe that BENZOTHYMOL lead them nil. Won't you try it. for 23 cents or a sample for the asking T IMLWORTH I DRUG STOKE. 'Phone 247. B. S. DAVIS. FOR RENT 4 ROOMS OVER 225 WEST 1 raae i:.uu; e-room coiiage, muumu conveniences, 10 S. Myers, H6.W: room house. 611 E. 7th. city water paid, $10.5; 6-room house, 602 N. A street, W.OO; 4-room house, 604 8. Church, 3.00; 6-room house. 606 E. 4th, $7.00, J. AR THUR HENDERSON A BRO. A LIVERY SERVICE THAT IH BAKK, good horses, nobby -turnouts, drivers It you want them. Our horses, while they ore not by any means dead, are per fectly safe. 'Phone for a team for the wife and children. J. C. COCHRANE & BKO. 'Phone 62. OUR CAMPHORATED GLYCERINE IOllon will keep your skin sort ana smooth as velvet If applied every night before retiring. Price 28 cents. WOOD ALL & SHEPPARD. Druggists. FEW DELICIOU8 CRATE FED BROIL- ers 'Phone farm. no. an a. n-axt-LOTTL POULTRY FARM. WATCHES CLEANED AND REPAIR- ed in a workman-like manner by men of ability. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. M. STEERE, Jeweler. Corner 6th and N. Tryon streets. FOR SALE-2,000 CABBAGE, LETTUCE and Tomato ftanis. (Jut -iowers ami Funeral Designs at 8CH0LTZS OREEN HOUSES, Charlotte, N. C. Phone 2061. WE HAVE A VERY FINE LOT OF seasoned oak and pine stove wood; quantity and quality guaranteed. We also carry a stock of terra cotta pipe from 4 In. to 24 In. 'Phone S70. Prompt delivery. C. DOWD & CO. ABSOLUTE FIT GUARANTEED, NEW stock beautiful spring suitings Just ar rived. Let me take your measure be fore the rush Is on, finest goods on the market. All order have my personal attention. H. MILLER. Tailor, 10 East Trade street. BIO LINE SILVERWARE JUST Re ceived. Would like to show you what I have. Goods purchased here En graved free. J. E. STEERE, Jeweler. Corner 5th and N. Tryon streets. MORE OI.IVIOR TYPEWRITERS WERE sold tn North Carolina last year than uny other make. we will sell more than all other makes combined this yrnr. Ask for facts and figures and reasons why these conditions exist. If you don't already know. J. E. CRAY- TON & CO., Trust Building. iHI SlNKSH MEN WILL NOT FIND A more convenient place to dine nor a more varied hill or fare than here. Oor effort are for kulck, best satis factory service. OEM RESTAURANT, ; E. F. CRK8WELL. Manager. 8II.VKK POLISH 25c BOTTLE. 'leans your silver nice snd bright. 'I'hone ITo for a sample package. J. K. STEERE, Jeweler. Corner itb and N Tryon streets. Our CORN MEAL Is uniformly fresh. Not how cheap, but how good. Is our motto. IKE STAR MILLS Phone 27. FOR SALE ! N'o. 1 lf0 A. at Condor, Mont gomery Co.. 20 miles Irom Whitney Co.. on Yadkin river; 20 cords wood to acre Unit find ready sale at mine near; not cultivated; no Improve ments. Price $10 per acre. No. 2 600 A. both sides of A. tc. A. Ity . 1-2 mile of Eagle Springs, Moore Co.. near Pinehurst; finest of land for truck, berries, fruit, etc.; fine invest ment at $5 per acre. Jno. F. Beatty Go. S09 K. Fifth St, Charlotte, W. C. We Positively Guara ntee All Work Therefore you will do well to get our prices on Cleaning and Dyeing your Spring Clothes. See some of our work in our display window. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works Dyers. Cleaners and Scourers of Ladles and Men's Fine Garment. Special Notices Mr. C. T. Bradford, first assistant manager or the traffic department of the International Harvester Company, oi wnicago. hi spending few daye in THS WIIATHEE,- Forecast for fbunmlriv and ftundar- Rain Saturdayr and srobablr Sunday: iresp norineasi win as. , . 4 , '' " t'Fr toe" Treatment of H, WiMskey, ' llorphine and t Nervous Diseases. Special apartments and nurses for lady patients. All forma of electricity ror treating ttervous diseases, and varloua method of massage, include Ins; the Bimnlaler vibrating method. The stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. ; Specially trained male and female nurses and attendants. 8. M. CROWELL, U. PrcsJ, W. M. STRONG, K. 1 Reeddent Fhrslcdta. In our, Cat Flower Depart--, inent we make a specialty of Funeral Designs 40 different shapes and 100 different sixes. Any Price. Or der same by telephone or tele graph and we will get them to you qulcr and fresh. We pack securely and ship to any point Plenty of loose cut flowers now. Write us for prices on wedding flowers. J. Van Udley Nursery Co. POMONA. N. C Send telegrams to Greensboro. Dilworth Floral Gardens Don't hesitate to place your orders with us for your Wedding Flowers, Loose Cut Flowers and Floral De signs. ' In dealing with our customers In filling orders by mail, wire or direct our motto Is, "Put yourself In his place." Send us your orders and we will exercise the same care in detail as would be given were you here to se lect. We put ourselves in your place and give what we would expect to re ceive ourselves. The choicest selection of cut flowers. The best service. W. G. McPHEE, Prop. Charlotte, IV. C. F. O. Box 1ST. Bell Thones. We Solicit The Savings Deposits Of Business Men and Professional Men; Of Clerks and Book-keepers; Of Merchants and Laborers : Of Salesladies and Housekeepers ; Of Teachers and Stenographers ; : Of Young People and Children. SOUTHERN LORN A SAVINGS bRNK if. Mi. Brown, ires.. W. 8 Alexander; V. Pres., W. I, Jenkins. Cashier.. Watch The Mutual l Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' meeting, ' 17th of April, 1906, an Amendment to the Constitution of the Mutual B. & lu will be offered, increasing the stock from 10,000 to 80,000 shares, which Is authorizing 12,000,000 capital Instead of $1,000.-. 000, as at present . THE APRIL SERIES. Subscribers, investors and borrowers are coming In almost hourly for the new series. They all realize there's no time like to-day.-Applications are pouring In for spring building, and w are paying out the coin quicker than ever, and almost on call. Look Ahead, Brother, or You'll be Ron Over. . JNO. R. PHARR, President E. L Kf ESUR, Treascrer . " . . PHONE 344. 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. fronting on Beattta'g'Tord "Macadam road. three . miles from -city; about fifteen aeroa tn Umber; forty young fruit trees; I -room ',, DwsUlng and a Bam.. A food Bprtng on placa, - . V- Call t o0o for prieoa. , f . " - , j J rt ,' kiV i u 1 j r ' ELIZABETH AVENUE LOTS We have on our list several desirable lots on Eliza beth Avenue. -Now is the time to select your build ing lot. We will be glad to show this property, to any one interested ; t "0': THE CHAnLOTTE REALTY COniPAfiY 4 O. ClUlf Tress. fOOB r 1 Fcrlfe : Peltry -d Cattle 'i ' Snppllea their deficiencies nd Increase their proficiencies. V Tou cannot make a more proflubler investment . than buying tood for . your, poultry and cattle. , We, aell all brandt; R. II. JORDAN & CO PRESCIUPTIONISTS. Phone r. Spring Cor. NURSES' RJEGISTEK. Dr. B. Wye HatcbuKnV VT. Hutchison, LI INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT OFFICES NO. t, Hnnt Bsdldlng, Ball Vbonm 48Ml F. M R A o A LITTLE EARTH IS BETTER THAN NONE If you are ambitious to own spot and afraid of big things, think of this A lot 60x50 In southern section, 3rd ward, for only 175.00, of which sum $50.00 cash Is required. F. D. ALEXANDER Real Estate Dealer. 203 a Tryon. Fire Insurance. P. 4S0. IlilSSQD ; :; ::' R. L COCHRANE Insurance and Real Estate Aent nmnc. 7T OfOco IS JG. Trade 6t i,QTc r::;3 i:t House and lot on Elisabeth- Ave., T rooma .v" ' 4 House and lot ort Elisabeth Ave., rooms t-iwra nouse, n. uranam St.. Cottae e. a m. a i - r - j. -iory nouse on &ast Ave., .As:-.. StWsUl tt . , - . i i' tt t bank and It corr nt tmrm Give us a chance to talk, with w::m .1. s X M i.-r E JyrZlFKVjaL. NATIONAL- BANK 2 XT. E. nOLT.Pres. It A. DtTStf, V:" P. A. G. BRENIZEIl. Caah. A rillST NATIONAL BANK :0IGaMZEp; 184S Capital and Surpfus, $500,000.00 DIRECTORS: y X GEO. W.'BRTAH JT. C BTRROUGHJ : ' ; FRANK GIIiREATH "'. -sT. S, MYERS F.' B WUDOXTELL . H. It, afcADEN - B, RODMAN . V - T. W. UrADB - . YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED A FRANK GILREA7H, Pres m llerdirts ed Farcers CHARlOTtt, N..-C ,,,sssssssasasasssssjssjsssssssMsassjs '. ' ' --,s" ass KrMvOvOvOvOvCvtWrigeof Til C CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK . auaomiic ' It la our constant aim to be courtsoua and aocommodatinc to HI classes and mak this a bank where thoso of moderate means hall navo ; tho aarae treatment as those more favorabry-altuated.f, v Ton aro' cordially Invited to open a hank aoeonnt with na, Qharlotte Trust Gompahy eapitai $oo,ooo. oo Satisfy yourself Of the soundness and reliability of this Institution v then corns in and open an 'account. Every courtesy and accommod datlon extended to cither Urge or small depositors. " DIRECTORS e , ' W. H. BELK, - O. P.v HEATH, O. M. PATTERSON, s. J. If. PA VIS, IV 6. LINK, 3. W. ZIMMERMAN. T. O. ' GUTHRIE, , J. H. LnTUEJ,' W. M. XiONO, - OFFICERST. It LTrrLE,, C. M. PATTERSON, L. H. HAGOOD, - v , President. - Vice Presideatvc ; . Cashier. v RANIUIMG BY MAIL tjlan.by.whicliyou may no matter where, you live.-'ury it, ana open yourac-, count in time Jto share in the earnings of the new h terest quarter, which begins Ajpril 1st. W PAT 4 Ptt CKT Southern States Trust o; - CAPITAL 20.0)0 ' r . TRUST BVXLDINO. - ' CDABXOTTK, N. C. ' -v CEO. STEPHENS T. S FRANKXIN, W.'H. WOOD,' jr. E. ATIS, , . President.' Vio Pres. v Treasnrer. ; t Asst. 7Yeas. . ' HIGH GRADE .000 1st mortgr. loans on Real Estate. - , a Pr.f4rrit Htnir.' Interest Aor. Oct. J 7 per cent. Preferred Stock, interest May and Nov. a . ' ' w f fit.tA aa Inunu) inr. and Oct , 1 - r ' ' "1 , . N. C. ' Stats ' 4s. " Interest Jan. and July. 1S ' . ' 'if ; Southern Mill Stocks of H descriptions. ' . r,i F.'C.- ACC0TT COMPANY 1:1 rcu: ;,:;:3 Anr.'-ciivz 4 '.'. -.IS, 600.00 lot it 1.2xl20r beautiful ia ti . I -1,650.00 j 4. ... ,,11.7(0.00, 7 rooms .,,. . ,f IJ.600.00- J ' IT . , C i k The voice ' of wisdom -.never; spoke "in ' truer; words than i - does to-day in advlslns; you to j keep your banking Account at' tho Commercial' ' Natlonar' ., Bank, where you ' will 'find imv pie resources, unequalled fa i v " Mji-iumaw ' mem- ods, together with polite and accommodating clerks and of.4 A fleers, whose .courtesy and r. xrienaunesa make it pleasant agreeable, to do business with tho bank, . . i' Have you noticed the lr. Increase tn tho business of the bank' since last year? Thl ' oKiva wen, tioi oniy Tor 'the j an a k,,. i m . - 1 you about your account and your ' 1 HJL VICTOR, Cashier CAPITAL ASSETS $200,000.00' ,n rams yon to open an aoeount with us. promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. ... . . , Wo pay four per cent Interest on time . deposits. , CEO. E. WILSON. President. ' JNO. B. ROSS, Tlco PresBdMt, . ft WIMDfSON, Cashier. have ourbank at your door, i INVESTMENTS 1 7. i " '4,