.jl8' 'VV::i daily observes, marcel; ioo6.y:A..: y ,v .? 2 : V-v ; . sv:: a:,:: : . 1 tV ttOMMEECB'-AKD' .fWAKCB .KKW 1UCH tJSVfixIcCWTOS f 1 i- - J- " " ' 4 A 1 ' - Hitter Cable Than Expected, ' Bull- . Mt Wwk-End Flgurea and im ',' Favorable Wcsuhcr Created Firm -, I'ndcftmw . ThrouirtHXit the fteaalon i 11.14 Touched for May and M 4 lor ' New York. March :i.-The cotton mar rt opened Arm. at an advance oC 6 to pojuta and Wxw Increased the am 10 a v matter f II ints on me acuva nwm, - " which aold at new hlg-n levels for the i ! movement on hlahcr cablet than expect bullish week-epd flicures and less fa- rMa weather reports. There wus an ' active covering of shorts and sofno bull 1 , support but arter touching 15 for May T and 11.15 for July, the market eased off h', ""J 'or points on realslng. Later It ruled rather Irregular. lnt showed a firm un i detlone and during the middle of the V morning: was only a point or so ort from ' , the besc , . , l. Kecelpts of cotton at the ports to-day 14143. against 17.224 last week and 28.121 lust year.. For the week 100,000 bales, KM rr last wrrk and 202.T12 last ytr. To-day'a receipts at New Orleans 4A10 bales against 9.741 last year and at Houston 2,116 bales against 8,2 last year. Gains of to 7 Point at New Or leans. New Orleans. March 24. Spot cotton In good demand and the offerings more lib eral. Bales 2.850 bales. Including W to arrive. Quotations advanced 1-1'i; mid dling 1 futures opened firm at an advance ol I to 7 points in svmpathy with stronger New- Tork and more satisfactory I.lver pool. During the week May gained 47 mint whil.. snot advanced Vi a cent. Many active traders on the floor of the exchange now express the opinion thut middling cotton will go to 12 cents before it recedes to 11. The markft closed quiet With net gains of 6 to 7 points on the Active positions. New Orleans Fnturca. New Orleans. March 24. Cotton futures closed: March 11.07; April 11.17; May lUtti June 11.29: July 11.35; Aug. 11.12; ficpt. 10.55; Oct. 10.42; Deo. 10.44. Xew York Cotton. NfW York. March L'fSpot rot ton r l,a- Cd quiet; middling uplnnds 11.75: inlddliiiM gulf 12.00. Sales WJ bales, f uiures open xl nrm dim ciosen very snnav Open High lw Close 10.S9 IflW March Aoril .10.(10 b 10.IW 10.K! 95 11.01 1 1 .f 1 1. US II. 10 ll.fis I0.5H 10. 4.1 lfl.4 10.5U 11.01 11.16 11 1 11.10 ll.fti 10.01 to is 10. IS 10.61 10.51 May n. on 11.17 June, ofd .. .11.11 July 11.12 11.17 August U.20 11.04 Sept 10.59 lo. til Oct lo.4 10.19 Ntv Dec 10.M 10.M Jan 10.52 10.56 Liverpool Ctolton. Liverpool. March 21 Clming, ciitton : spot In fair demand: prh-fs points higher; American middling fair b 55; good based upon legitimate Influences and the middling 625; middling tf.05; low mid- immediate course' of prices dceiids al dling 6.SS; good ordinary 5.71; ordinary most entirely upon the dullv attitude of 6.5. The sales of the day were X.000 bales, of. which 1.000 were for speculation ami export and Included 7.100 American, Jteecipia oaiew, an Amrniu. ru- ttircs opened firm and closed quiet; American middling g. o. c. March 5.8; Karch.Aprfl 5.8S; April-May 5.i); May June 6.92; June-July 5.W; July-Aug. 5.W; Aug. -Sept. 5.91; Sept.. Oct. 5.7r,; Oct. -Nov. e-; Nov.-I)ec. 5.67; Dec.-Jun. 6.67; Jan. Kel). 6,S. TKAIHNW IN WTtK'KS LISTLKSS. Price Movcniont Wan Very Narrow ami Willi No Well-lH'llncd Ten donoy, leaving Net t'lmngea for the Wrck AliiKwt Nil. New York. March 24. There was very light interest shown In to-day's stock market. Trading was listless and the price movement very narrow with no Well-defined tendency. Reudlng's Ir regular flurtuatioB over a range of stout it point below Inst night were fol lowed to a less extent by the general list. Te market lacked the stimulating In fluence which came ,from Reading's strong advance yesterday and was In clined to sag. ltst prices of the week In the minority of active stocks are not. materially altered from those of last Saturday, although there have been con siderable fluctuations during the week. The hank statement showed no changes sufficient to alter the uncertain feeling over the money outlook. There was nothing In the day s occurrences to in dicate any change in t he money and ex change situation. The stock nial'k't closed Intensely dull and Irregular In tone. lotal sah-N of bonds, par value, 11,0, j,- "",' . .... " Total sales w. rc 2W.I00 shares, ncltid- v. T..I,. ....... .... jl i I -c .. ... n ... .,T.., ... ... 1.S0O; N. & W. ); Reading iS.sao South. ern l,4W; preferred I0; Union 1'aclllu 21, Wi, SlosH-Hlierrield Km. New York Produce. New York. March 21. Flour lirm with limn ifi.juii... Minn. IHK.-Oin I" Minn, bakers t.1 40 to $.1.75; winter patents V to n.'jf. itye n..ur dull. i:i.4t to 4.:n. Cornmeal firm; fine $115- coarse $1.01 to tint,: kiln dried li'.C to ;.. Rye nominal. Unlit Inquiry: Minn, patents H.2.' to tt 50 Hurley dull: feedlnu f"; nialtinir 10 to M Vlu-at steady; No. i red S elevator. Op tions urichaiiKed. May mi July 84; Sept. Vfo. oin steady- No. 2. 54 elevator; options S to ,c. net li.wer. May 61; July fil Sept. t!1; Ie- U. Oats firm; mixed . Heef steady, family $11.50 to $i:i.00; n.ex tsi.00 to $10.ott; heef hams $20.00 to $JI Kt; pa k. t $10.00 lo $IO.r0. Cut meats st ally: pickled nellies to 10,i; pickled shoulders 7 to '',: picked hams 10't to 10. laird barely steady Western sif-amed $n 40 to $S 46 nominal. Refined Iwf'ly steuily; continent $.&; cot)iMuud to V I'ork firm; family $I7.M to $IH00; short (I'ar $15.7'. to $17.75: mess $Ui 74 to $17.20; Tnllow steady; city S; country i to r.'.4. Cotton seed oil was firm Willi moderate trade 1'rline crude f. o. h. mills 'JH to 27: prime summer yellow Si'4 to 31; prime white Xi lo i. prime winter yellow t 2b. Potatoes steady, lini luliKi'd. Fre!p;lits an4 pennuin ijuiet unchangr-d. CHbhages dull, unchanged Rosin oulet $H.0O to $4.u6. Turpentine nuiet it to Rlee sleody. domestic S' to ; Japan nominal. Molasses firm; New Orleans fto to 3x. Vffe., sfMit Rio oulet;'J,o.' 7 Invoice KVJ; mild steady: '-oidova 8'4 to 124;. futures dull, unchanged. Sugar raw easy; fair rtflning 3 1 P.. lentrifugHl i text 3 17-S2 to 3-lfi. molasses sugar 1 2J-3: lo 2 13.1$. Kehnrtt iiift. 'oufeetioners A 4.4'i; mould A $&.0S: cut loaf 15 W. ' Cruslrcif $.',(! jstwdered $t ,nm. grarnnatid $1.70; cubes U.K. Naval Stores. 8nvunnsh, Match H Turpentine unlet W; sales 77; receipts lif,; shipmeiitM 13. Rosin firm, sales 3M; re Ipin 719; Shipments .; su-k 35,707. Quote- A ft CUKF 3.s(j; fj $3 tt, $ ii: it if 4 so; M fUK; N 5.TB. W l $r..5; W W Wilmington, March :l.ltplrlts turpen line nothing doing; ie.. ,,i i r.un , Rosin nothing doing, receipts iu Tar firm $I.M: receipts u t " Crude turpentine firm U.X,, $r, is) und PM; receipts 6. 1 M- The Dry Goods Market. " i New Tork. March 24.-Cotton goods were firmly held In first hands und buy. , w .wer more . pliant In to-day's dry 1 goods market than has ben ttie cHse for - two or three weeks. The over-sold r in - ditiona of many departments of the four ' Itet la creating a scrsmbl for deliveries and the chief question now Is to get good . regardless of price. Joldwrs are ' ! doinc an unusually good late spring busisess, l.lnens, burlaps snd staple i4m goods are all well sold wita -j. . dancing Mmdency. 4 ' j u- - The Money Market. , New Torkv Mart-h 24. Money on cll , nominal: no loans. Tint louns steady: v vara ano w aay per oani; a months , 4o per eeac PtIum wereanllle paper w per .cent,, sterling eacoana 'udy with actual tuUis In hankors' tills at $4SS.4fi to U&M, for demand aod at . to $4.0 for to day bills,. Posted rat 4rt to 4tcrH and tm -to I4W. 4'..mmerciJ Mils $4J to $m. .Jtef lW v . Mlcaa dollars M, , v. , t j . ....... ...!, I ,.., j'f fteahoard AJr Una Stocks. . , Pnltlmore. Md., March St-. -A. i eoiruiMa and preferred m tiling doing. , it, 4fT r- ( r - Haytrard, - VJck - - Clarfc'a ; Cotton 'v - Ittaf. , -, 1. Furnished by the Cotton ExcHanc and Board of Trade. - New Orleans. , March It. For a flatur dsi'.fh jrattnn ;nurltt. i1uinlfli'ed - re mnarkable. strength, especially when it is taaen inio conaiaerauon mat n nw hw a pull week. In the early . hoars It looked jm if nriros wm Bnlhsr to easr off ma terially under week. end . profit-taking but-buying orders cant In In good vol ume and pat prices up. The - buying seemed to be for the account of short fully as much as for the account of longs. Some operators expressed dlssppolnt ment that the market did not advance more on the sensationally bullish visible supply statement of last night. The varl. ntiona wero about the widest ever posted, the total supply showing a decrease for the week of ITMtiS bales against an In crease this week lost year of 2tt,960 and a decrease -this week In- )04 eg 4i.iS2: Spinners' takings for the week were put at 264,000, against 236.000 last year and LS3.WM In 1904. kuek seemed to be with the bull camn although, of course, every one had been expecting more favorable statements after the season progressed. No one, however, expected such a drop in the supply as was shown. Spinners' tak ings are now about 100,000 bales larger thus far this season than they were two vears ago but are still under the takings at this time last year, the figure being 7.O0O.OUO. against 7. 76S.OOO and 7.O7.000 In 1904. There are many bulla who expect to see the difference between tawlngs this season and last season narrow ma terially before long. The market oiened firm at an advance of 3 to 8 points on a strong opening In New York. Liverpool futures were about as expected on the fluctuations In the American markets yesterday afternoon, but the visible supply statement did not have as great an Influence as was antici pated. Soon after the opening offerings were free but In a short time buying set in In sufficient volume to more than ab sorb the offerings and the market str ngthened. Prices advanced, in the trading up to 11 a. m. until they were 11 points higher than yesterday's clos ing on the old crop positions und 6 up on the new. In the spot market there was good looking around on the part of buyers who found only moderate offerings and factors Imbued With large ldens in regard to value of their holdings. Tills restrict ed trading. 1'p to 11 o'clock. Hbout 2.000 hales, counting everything, were traded in the market was called one-sixteenth hlfflier Liverpool old 8,000 balon of spots iidvanced American middling to 6.05 and udded 2,000 bales to the sales or yester. day., C. 1. Kills & Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special to The Observer. New Orleans, Iji., Mnrch 24. The week end statistics were very bullish Indeed, In view of which the action of Liverpool w;is regarded somewhat tame and cables mated ihHt offerings from the South were Incrensing at the udvanre. Nevertheless, merlcan nmrkets have been aggreslvely supported by the bull contingent, and there is nil manner of lalk as to the ex tent of the possible Improvement, "cor nfrs." etc. l'nder the circumstances. It Is difficult lo form a definite opinion. the manipulators. With tills urtifielnl nupport. und we believe a reaction will occur, but if it continues higher prices Hre, of course, n foregone conclusion. As an evidence of the character of the news In circulation, Mr. Price wires one of his friends here to-day as follows: Mow do the skeppes feel this morning. Tell them for nie that spring Is the season of hope, confidence and optimism, and not of skepticism. If spinners' takings continue in present, ratio. It Is beyond the power of my tongue to describe situa tions, that will exist." C. P. E I.I. 18 ft CO. Hubbard Dros. A Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special lo The Observer. New York, March 21. With a belter Liverpool than had been expected our market opened with a good tone but with little outside business. Trading was confined during the forenoon to local operations and us offerings were limited there was little difficulty In sustaining prices and advancing them toward the close. As the demand has been local so the fluctuations. have reflected the momentary temper and the tndlspositon of the part of the bears to take advant age of present high prices. IOcally the market appears overbought, but so long ns sellers do not appear the advance may be continued. However, prices cannot In variably move upward, ami many conser vative operalors lire inclined to look for a reaction while holding aloof for the! moment. Ill RUAKIJ HltOS. ft CO. Chicago Grain. Chicago, March 24. Profit-Inking by discouraged holders imparted a weak tone to the local wheat market at the close lo-clny. mini iuotatlons on t he May allvrv hoino r.iT u iw ,. ..i. ' ' :,.' . ; . oown v. ais snowe.i a loss oi o lTOVsoiis were 10 to 15c. lower I . . ... CIIAR1XJTTE COTTON M A IlKET. March. 24. I These flKures represent price paid to i v.iikoiis. I (tood middllnH 11 Hr,.f ,,,1,1,111,, II , , ,7,1 " : "?,?,,,;:,. ,,Lfa Jl 'Yiu el ,' 1 " 10 INTERIOR RKCKII'TS. Yester. day Memphis Auffiista Bt. Ixuls Cincinnati Last year. 4.I2M 1,35.", 5U. 4'JI 6.255 Houston .2,115 COMl'AHATIVK PORT HKCKIPT3. 1 ester- Last day. 3, MS yenr Inlveston N w (H h a ii . . 13, lis 11,741 4.M I Mobile, ' . l:::l M iKi Savannah .. .. Charleston .. .. Wilmington ... lloston Philadelphia .. . Various Total, estimated 2,70i L'S3 410, LTi I 4d ' r,.'.r.: 1 .1,000 I 'OUT MOVBMKNT. Galveston, firm ItVt j Mobile, firm' ....... II Havannali. Hnidy 11 Charleston, firm 11 Wilmington, steady Norfolk, llrm UaUlmyre. nomlnaj . New York, quiet .. I'oston. oulet Philadelphia, steady llotiston, steady . . . . .ugiista. firm .. ., McitiuIiIs, steady.. .. Bt. Ixiils, firm . . .. I.oulhvllle. firm .. .. 104 11.75 1 1.76 12 U 11 f.-K'. 11', HH ll KHTIMATK8. To- Iast da v. yssr. New frleans 2,s00WJ,smi 7.l Houston 4,00O1rt,6O0 .Kr7 Oalveslon 4,MH)Jr6.0f0 7,20 CHICAGO PRODUCE. WMKAT High Low Close July 7KU 77 77 Hept 7KI Tl 77 May 7HT4 78 COHN- July 44 u 44 8. pi 4M4 44-1, 44 May 44 43T (MT8- fc-f.t. BT, 2K 2M4: July 2t 2!t 24 May ..10 30 PORK I May 1.4S 14,1ft .. July It!. H.SS U.iA UiM ; May 42 K3S .K. July ,2f. .4t .40 H'p( MO 812 M BIISM- May ft.75 . $40 Jul. H.JO s.a ,M rlept ..Kit $.C7 Mf I CMJB1NO BTOCK LIST. Adams Express , ., ,, .. Amalgutiutted Copper A met n un liir Kmandry .-. ., . American Cur Koulidry pfd . Bwrican "4ittn OH .. .. .. .. ,, American Cotton Oil pfd.. .. .. ., American Kx press , Amerlcaa lll'le latler pfd , Americau Ice .. ., ,'.S47 .i.lOll .... 34 . .. K ....224 .... ... 4ff Amerieao Ic pfd ,. ,, ti stlMiHililt I JllSeeO oil , . ,. ., ,. , , 71 America Unsswd Oil pfd .. .. ' .... 41 Amrkmn lAkwmotive , . ,1 ,. XV Aftftsrlcnut M!onMtiir pfd ,i ...lisu Anierican ftmeltlng te. Refng,, ls'i American emtrfting It ReXng. ptd., ,4J1H ' f t ' 11 1 I Hit. Charlotte, North tQaroUna; edtton and -h Wo olen Mill Machinery t -: :T;L Complete Equipment for Working .Over Jute Ba$&in& American Sugar Refining .. . .. American Tobacco pfd. ccrtlf,. .... ..108Jt Anaconda Mining Co ..,.,! Atchison Atchison pfd Alluntle Ponsl t.ina 154 Baltimore & Ohio ,,.110 Baltimore & Ohio pfd .. 98 Biooklyn R. T 88 Canadian Pacillc Central of N. J ..,-..... Chesapeake & Ohio 58 Chicago & Alton 3" Chicago & Alton pfd 75 Chicago Great Western 2014 Chicago A Northwestern ....231 Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul 174 Chicago Terminal & Trans lift Chicago Terminal Trans, pfd 30 C C. C. & St. Louis R Colorado Fuel & Iron 62 Colorado & Southern 33 Colorado & Southern 1st pfd 70 Colorado A Southern 2nd pfd 514 Consolidated Gas 145 Corn Products 1 Corn Products pfd 53 Delaware ft Hudson 204 Delaware, Lackawanna & Weal.... 448 Denver & Rio Orande 4S'4 Denver & Rio Orande pfd S7 Distillers' Securities .... 69 .. 62 .... 77 .... 67 ....1 ...113 , Erie Erie 1st pfd Lrie 2nd pfd General Electric .. . Hocking Valley Illinois Central .. ...170 International Paper 22 International Paper pfd 8t j International Pump 33 j International Pump pfd 83 Iowa Central . ,.. 31' Iowa Central pfd 67 Kansas City Southern .. 2 Kansas City Bouthern pfd 57- . Louisville A Nash 14 I Manhattan 1. uh- Metropolitan Securities i Metropolian St. Ry 111 ' Mexican Central 244 , Minneapolis ft St. L 73 , Minn. St. P. ft Sault Ste. M .161: Minn.. St. P. ft Sault Ste. M. pfd 176 Missouri Pacific 4 , Missouri, Kansas & T 34 Missouri, Kansa ft T. pfd 72 National Irfad 79-K National R. R. of Mexico prd :. 39 N. Y. Central 142 N. Y. Ontario ft Western 50 . ! Norfolk ft Western 87 ' Norfolk ft Western pfd 91 , North American 9!H4 Pncifte Mail 4.1 . ! Pennsylvania People's Gas Pittsburg. C. C. ft 8t 137 i)4',4 Louis 75 711 ! Proased Steel Car 52 Pressed Steel Car pfd 97- Pullman Palace Cur 237 Reuding 131 Reading 1st prd 91 Reading 2nd pfd 7 Republic Steel Hepubllc Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd Rubber Ooods Rubber Ooods pfd Ht. I,, ft San Fran. 2nd pfd St. I,. Southwestern fit. Ij. Southwestern prd .. Southern Pacific Southern Pacific pfd Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd .. .. Tenn. Coal & Iron .. 20 .. 99 . ... 26'A ... KH ... 39 ...100 ... 4G . .. 2- .. 64'i ... B7 ...117 .. 40 ...101ft ..147 Texas ft Pacific 32 Toledo, 8t. U ft West 35 Toledo, St. U ft West, pfd 54 I'nlon Pacillc 152 Union Pacific pfd : 96, U. 8. Express 11 United Stales Leather ., United States Leather pfd V. 8. Realty KoV, U. 8. Rubber 53V U. 8. Rubber pfd H i 1'. 8. Steel S'A 106 I'. S. Steel pfd Virginia-Carolina Chenilcul 5014 Va.-Curo. Chemical pfd 114 Wabas.i 22 Wabash pfd 50V Wells-r rro Kxpress .. WestlnRhouse Klectrlc .. ..233 ..168 .. Vi .. W .. 27'i .. &ti j Western I'nlon Wheeling Ijilte Krie ... 1 1 pun'f-..i.K' . n niM Uiimn enirai Wisconsin Central pfd NKW YORK BONDS. 1'. S. refmulinjr 2s. registered 10.1 I'. H. rerundiiiH; 2s, coupon IM1,; I'. H. ,1s. registered 10,e I'. 8. 3s. coupon 103 I'. S. Old Is, registered "i I". 8. old 1s, coupon UH I'. H. New 4s, registered 1:424 I". K. New 4s, coupon 132'4 American Tobacco 4s 1H American Tobacco fis lltii Atchison general 4s 104 Atchison adjustment Is Atlantic Coast Line 4s '.'' m l.iilllmore ft Ohio 4s 101 Ilaltlmore K Ohio 3's 1 Piooklyn H. T. cv. 4s M Central of Oeorghi 5s H.IVa Central of fin. 1st Inc S Central of do. 2nd Inc 89 Central of On. Sd In hcsupeakc unto ivss. Chicago A Alton 3MS .. : Clilcagn. R W. new 4s 100 100 Cliieago, R. I. Pacific R R. 4s.. 'Chicago, R. I. A Pacific It. R. col. (is t0!i 'iiS;C. C. C. A St. Iuis gen. 4s.. Colorado Industrial As 8er. A.. Colnrudo Industrial lis 8er. H.. Colorn.to Midland 4s 1 'oloraoo Ik Bouthern 4s ( 'uba 5 I)enver lo fh-ande 4s .. 77H .- 7T4 .- 70' .. J ..1044 Distillers' Hecurltles 5s Krie prior lien 4s .. .101(4 Kile General 4s 9i Mocking Valley 4Vis 10SV4 Japan fis I'l'a Japun fis. 2nd Ser lot Japan 4VS i Japan 4s certificates 2nd Her l lulvllle A Nash. I'nltled 4a ltt) MatihattHti consol gold 4s Hiiipj Mexican Central 4s , sfij, Mexican Central 1st Inc 2314 Minn. Bt. Ixnils 4s ofd KI cohon Wew Tork, .March 24. The signifi cance of to-day's weekly statement of cotton statistics Is so oblivious us to ralsa the question not whether cotton will advance but of how high It must go. I am a close student of figure- and never have I seen any whton pointed more Imtublttbiy to u complete exhaustion of the available supply that coiitlgeury is averted as It Is sure to he, by a rapid and convulsive rise In price. It to the prospeciivu situation as regards the present crop shall be added as now seems probable tha fears of a late and Insufficient yield next year, consequent upon a wintry spring and vernal floods the skepticism which the commencement of the advance has been regarded with May result In the most urgent buying and wildest speculation that tha cotton trade has witnessed for a long time. An advancing market dur ing the later half of the searon tvitn diminishing supplies and good trade a rery different thing from a speculstluh which at the commence ment of the seasons attempts to force Impossible prices for the whole crop. As the prospect of the new crop, which Is far from reassuring, Is be coming sux:h an Important factor, I hall appreciate It If my correspond ents throughout the Aiuth, will until further notice telegraph me at my ex pense, night rata, not mora thun ten word, giving ma their Impressions at, the outlook whenever it shall seem to them in any respect abnormal, THBO, II. PRICE, - ' Missouri, Kansas A Texas 4 ..J0MI Missouri, Kansas A Texs 2nd.. .. National R R. of Mexico consul 4s,, H N. Y. Central gen. 3Mts 7i N. J. Central gen. 5s.. ...... ...... ...... 129H Northern Paclttc 4s.. .. ,. .. .. .. ,.104 Northern Pacific 3s .. .. 7 Norfo4 ft West- con sol 4s .. -.. Oregon Short Una rfdg 4s.. .. .. .. 9t Penn. cv. 2s .. .. ..K0 Reodlnar Oenernl 4a: 1..100U St. Lbula ft Iron Moifrftafn cdrisol va.'.m ' 1 Bt. liouls ft San- Francisco fg. . .. Sift St. L. Southwestern con. 4s 79 Seaboard Air Line 4s 00 Southern Pacific 4s,. ...... 83 Southern Pacific 1st 4s ccrtlf........ 96 Southern Railway 5s.. .. .. .. .... ..118 Texas & Pacific lets .. .. .. .. .."..123 Toledo. St. L. ft Western 4s ofd..... 84 - Union Pacific 4s., ,. -.. ;.;...K)6 - Union Pacific cv. 4s .155' V. 8. Steel 2nd 6s 8 Wabasn lsts ; ...116" Wabash Deb. B . 81 Western Md. 4s ..87 Wheeling ft Lake Erie 4s 90 Wisconsin Central 4s 92 Manufacturers and Jobbers JVeqnently find It necessary to hare. Banking Facilities In ad dition to those offered by local bank. THE First National Bank of Richmond, Virginia. With ll.lfO.SOO.OO Capital I5.000.000.0S Deposits 17,000,000.00 Total Resources Offers Just the Additional Fa ctlltles Required. Jno. B. Purcell, President; Jno. M. Miller, Jr.. Vice Presi dent: Chas. R. Burnett. As sistant Cashier; J. C. Joplln. Assistant Cashier. JAMES . MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MKKCIIANTS. Cotton Yarns and Cotton Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Philadelphia, 123 ami 124 Chestnut St. Boston, 185 Summer St. Xew York. No. 73 Leonard St. BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO, N. C. Consulting, Hydraulic and Sewer Engineers. Plana and estimates for power plant and sewer systems made on application. Bandy A. M., Ph. B. Assoc. M. A. M., So. C. E.. and Terrell, C E. Rensater. , ESTABLISHED 1880 C. P ELLIS & COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants MEMBERS OF j The New Tork Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association. New Or- leans Board of Trade. NEW ORLEANS Special attention given, to executing of orders in contracts for future de livery of cotton In all the markets. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW TORVC MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. 1 ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur- ! chase and sale of cotton for future ' delivery. Correspondence Invited, j CAT LIN & CO. Commission Merciianu . 845 and 347 Broadway New York Boston, Philadelphia. COTTON YARNS. All numbers, Skeins, Warps, Uops and Jones COTTON OOODS. G. llouartt Wilson Norrie Scllar MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Exchange New York Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange Liverpool Cotton Ass'n., Ltd. FERNIE, WILSON & CO., COMMISSION MfeRCIIANTS Hi Beaver Kircct - - New York Prompt Attention (liven to the Exe cution of Orders on the Exchanges. COItRK8!ONEXCK SOLICITED. -Mt. . 7S jotm ik runs -"' WllfVttH-UHlHH-t .Attractive Investments. 9 Interest paid semi-annually. -We Jiave on hand at this time soma BighGradcRrsl Mortgage Bonds WWoh will net .tha Investor I per cant. Correspondence solicited. Write for our pamphlet "Interest. Income and Investmenta." -BOND DEPAHTMENT, , " Wachovia lcs.i S Trust Cc.?2. V, ,VIN8TOX.ALMt M. C " COTTON WJ I LL M ACM INERY 4 V 1 t l 4 J I 1 "ii 4. H "l ,vv-1 .'i t ? - main eitwM OUTH TRYOM ST.. - '" t ' - , "OHARL.QTTB N. O. S- e""( J . , I" . I r , RevQlvlnc Flat Curds,, Railway Heads, Drawing Frarnesr 5ptnnlri g Frfjf'mes, " Twisters aod Spoolers QuUIers and Reels, COMBERS. k . . Vi,v ETC., ETC The Largest Pipe Hie Philip 1111 85 per cent Magnesia for covering high-pressure steam pipes. Asbestos Moulded for covering low-pressure steam pipes. Wool Felt for covering- low-pressure pipes. Hair Felt for covering exposed pipes. " Pipes covered with Carey's Coverings never give trouble. For further information, estimates, tc address Charlotte Branch The Philip Carey Manufacturing Co. 216 S. College St. E. P. T1NGLEY, Manager. MILLER & COMPANY EXCHANGE BROKERS. . No. 100 Broadway, - - - New Tork. Members- Naw Tork Stock Exchange, New Tork Cotton Exchange, New York change. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Board Of Trade, Chlcag Board of Trade, Liverpool Cotton. Asso. elation. Executes orders on any of th exchanges of which we are members. All orders sent to our branch office at Greenville, 8. C, will be transmitted instantly by private wire to our niaio office In New Tork. and executions re ported promptly. The Best Service. Prompt , Attention, Immediate Settlements. Your Business Solicited. F. B. ALEXANDER. Mgr. 117 W. Washington St., Greenville, S. C, 5 f COTTON SEED OIL i ft j J ' x i X and Gin Machinery NOT IN ANY COMBINATION OR TRUST. Complete plant from fifteen to two hundred tons capacity. Spe cial small oil plants for gin neries. Complete cotton gin ning systems. , E. Van Winkle Gin and Machine' Works, ATLANTA. - - GEORGIA. HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers Miscellaneous Southern Securities I WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Washington, D. O., 408 Colorado Bldg Cotton Mill Stocks WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant. COTTON TARNS, ALL COUNTS COTTON GOODS COTTON AND COTTON WASTE. Amsterdam - New York. I RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. COTTON WARPS AND TARNS. No. 114 Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA, .... PA, A. D. SALKELD & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS -7J Leonard St NEW TORK. COTTTON TARNS. WITH Fred'k Vietor & Achelis. WM. D'OLIER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS COTTON YARNS tttlri and Chestnut Rta. ICartner and Merchant lUdg. PU1LADKLPHIA. PA, HAWARD, VICK a ciai (cticafaissb : : V.! : Kerchants. It 5TUART W. iCRA?tlER ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR V ' 1 i y . rV iWOnnifXT y - mm ...... ;. Slabbavs Rovlns Frames sW. Cl f. tMftsMw.MMtle.eaMl Jack Frame Covering Plant In Carey Itlanufactiiring Co. CINCINNATI, OHIp CROMPTON-THAYER LOOM CO. WORCESTER, MASS. FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM. DAMASK, QUILT. CASSIMERE, BLANKET LOOMS, DOBBIES, BOX MOTIONS. REPAIRS, ETC. SOUTHERN OFFICE: CHARLOTTE, N. C. ALEXANDER & GARSED, Managers. j TOWEL Cotton Ginning Machinery; HUNGER. PRATT. WIN SHI P. EAGLE. SMITH, THE CONTINENTAL LINTER. Their merits are known around the world. For catalogue and Information, address CONTINENTAL GIN COMPANY. - - Charlotte, JENCKES SPINNING CO. PAWTUCKET, R. I. COTTON YARN SPINNERS, CONVERTERS AND DEALERS, " I Correspondence With Southern Spinners Solicited. X a A. R O B BINS Complete Equipment for Cotton Mill, Power Plants and General Maehnery. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. J. SPENCER TURNER CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j OCTICES: New York, Philadelphia, Cblcago, St. Louts, London, EnglandL Yarns and Cotton Pjece Goods. ' HIGH-GRADE spindle, loom, engine OIL GEO. B. HISS OIL GO. CHARLOTTE, K. 6. - PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO, tUomi LEONARD RTREKT . - . THIRD AND CHESTNUT STREETS 210 MONROE STREET - - GREENSBORO' Mill Supplies and Ma- diinciy, 6RgNssoRo it c sccp loots, :wcc . VOL Direct Representatives The;Browncll 1 n uoticra ana 7 7 I (. m G rf Jl'i 'ti $ W . ' ; - f ' etouitaatt BUIUDIN. Vi-f - t i , r nil Mill 11 -i " Automatic Feeders, ; x' Ooeners and Trunks 4U 1 . ,lJl i,v ' r (, l v ' JS ' grcaKert iniernifua(v nu-jy , Finisher Lannars. " ; I trschner Carding Beaters ' -Thread Extractor. I .;. ., yrpit tockDiyt , i " , ,8. it J- ETC, ETC.. - t - The United States ETC, N. 0. AND VALVC S I SiF IS . . s. NEW TORI . I'lIIL-DELPHIA - - - CHICAGO SUPPLY SO. (Bp. Dayton, rO. iztiQtncs. ,, i it 4 ".-' T i5P i - 4f "

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