1 t A-STCONG SEKHON.TO ' XR. HARDIN AT FIRST CHURCH j" " V. Twelve Hundred Men, Representing i t, lYaternal Ordorv Clubs, Unions ., nd Military Companies. "Attend ... - i Big Mass Meeting and Listen to y; , IXrnest and lYifuI Appeal "jto .'4, Acknowledge. - Tliem selves Chris ' tians Christ Made Laws That Have influenced Civilized World - for 1,900 YearsThe Sermon In PnlL r '-'The mas' meeting held at the First Fmbyterlan church yesterday after ' ooa was ne of the most Interesting gathering of the kind ever assembled (- In Charlotte. Toe meeting wa (or ', men, and there must bare been 1,200 - present. Dr. i Martin V. Hardin i preached what wa termed by many , one of the ablest sermons ever, heard in MU city. He spoke with- enthusi asm and feeling to the inspiring audi- eoee.' ine music was first class aad every one seemed to take an Interest In what was eata and done Many of we various organisations of the city turned out en masse. ; The sermon is as follows; ' ' '"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the eons of God,, even to bhn that believe eth on Hie name." John 1:13. ' ; "Jesus Christ claimed to possess an absolute unique power over, the Uvea of those men who would put them eelves trustingly into His hand. ' "Our text is hut one out of many Where it la asserted that Jesus has done 'And eould do, marvelous' thing for all lives that are opened to Him through faith. When John writes these words he is simply etating a fact or nis own experience. Through Jesus power over him, John himself la lifted . out of a dull, monotonous, provincial uxe wnere nis only thoughts were up on Ms fishing nets and the stupid gos lp of his village, and is made a writer whose insight into Jesus' character has been the inspiration and moral of the ages, is made a power for truth and righteousness, which the world will never outgrow. John had himself ex perienced all this and mom He wrote this gospel when he was an old man . after he had had years of opportunity to eee what the influence of Jesus was Upon many of his countrymen and men Of other lands;. and he asserts that as many as received Christ were made the sons of Qod. There had come out Of Jesus' personality a transforming might which had worked miracles of 3-e?eneraiien ana glory in tne lowest and hardest lives. John had himself felt and seen these things. "Now the moat prosaic account which can toe given of Jesus Christ cannot hide the fact that here was a human life doing the work of God among men. A young, unknown, vil lage carpenter, untaught in the schools, unread in the world's wisdom suddenly appears and begins to speak as never man spake. "He writes nothing. He simply takes the incidents of life as they come upabout him, and leads men's Mjuugiii inrougn xnese incidents DacK to God. All that he says is off-hand. a sponianeou8 as the gushing: of a clear stream of water from the moun tain side. Broken fragments of these discourses what can be remembered an written down by unlearned men, and now for 1900 years the world has been going to these sayings of Christ lor tne ultimate word of truth upon human life and duties to God and man and all the wisdom of philosophy, all the accumulated knowledge of civi lized man humbles itself before the spontaneous, self-evident truths of life that fell like cut diamonds from this trange man's, lips. Instead of being overtanen ana outgrown the teachings or jesua run on as far beyond the wis dom of our day, as they did before tne world two thousand year ago. "He lays down laws so hard that human nature does not' like .to obey them, and yet when he eaya to jnea: 'Follow me,' they forsake all and come after Him, as filings play to the magnet. Here was a human life that for only three years was publicly known. He was from the beglnnlg re sisted by the rich and the powerful, hated by the learned and ruling classes, persecuted into death by the priests or religion. He stirred the pas sions of men as no other has ever stirred tbem; and yet, amid all the hatred and excitement that raged about Him, He was as calm as an elemental force. He goes to the cross and meets a death of unpltied In famy. But He accepted this as the ultimate realisation of the very pur pose for which He came into the world. He sees It approaching, He sets his face to meet it saying: "And I, If I be lifted up, will draw all men Into me.' He dies with this prayer upon his lips: 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do? And lo, this cross, this Instrument of death and shame, turns into a throne of glory, from which there goes out to the hearts of men a power, such as no Caesar ever exercised. "Jesus is put Into the tomb, but all his disciples become so convinced that they have seen and talked with Him face to face after his death as they had In olden days, that all doubt and dread is taken out of their hearts and they go forth to give their lives unto death in the effort to make the world know their Joy, and the freedom, the peace and the love. This Christ leads the civilized peoples of the earth captive. Millions believe on Him: thev build Him churches, they Interpret .turn in- neologies and priiosophies; they lay at His feet ellver and gold, aye, ;, their very lives. They worship Him in song; they madly hate, they passionately love for His sake. "No matter1 what theories we may accept to account for the cower of this, unique life, these facts remain ag'-j absolutely undeniable. Here Is a human being who has literally plowed Hie way into the destiny of races,, a frluman being who has exercised a power over the destiny of the world, which is greater than that of all other wise and good men put together. Here is a human being who so masters mankind that His personality is liter ally? a, stronger and more dominant force t or billions of lives than cen-tary-long inheritances of sin and an imalism. " - ''Hoy do "you account for all this? Is it accidental? If so, we live in a chaos and It is vain to search a ra tional explanation of anything. Wat 'it: by pretending to be'jGod, when He was not God? If so, we have this strangest and most unbelievable of all things: ; that an unreality and a lie have ariven to men All the realltv and ' Jf truth that they can ever hope to know. Vvtf "How dld Jeeus account for Himself i f and for the results that He was ab solutely certain would flow from His , ', llfe and death? And then his resur , - faction' Into life again? He said that . ha was one With God, that He was ;' , God, came Into the world to accom- ' , plish this very result namely, the ex- , - tortlon -of all who would trust them w - selves tAHlm. ,..-.-.,- , l "I know myself what t ant and what 't am not better than Any-other human helng can know me; you know your Z self better than X or any other man ' " can know you; and I eay that this man, who has exercised such ancon L ' trast over the life of the world did not 1 know Himself, . to mr mind, simple s" , nonsense. That the rreatest mxmrha ever trod this earth should not know -i more of himself, of his own nature, than any. other man should know, and that therefore Hie word should not be , the richest revelation of that which is . In. Hie life and makes HI power over i mankind, that is Incredible. There le . hut one explanation of the life of Jesus Christ in the light of all the facte that ' 'cluster about Him and Hie work which' - caa satisfy, the normal reason. And that is the explanation He give of Himself that Hewa God in the flesh God , revealing Himself, toymen through a man. , 4 ' . This .the explanation which be lievers have accepted,' and ' when we find these believers, through, this faith -in Him aa God, coming into a spirit ual state , of ; exaltation,, ot purity and peace and power, such as men ought to have who know the true God, It to 'my mind, proves aa clearly as any fact in the, world can be proven, that the. .claim of. Christ . are made good. He to God, and as such. He bae A right to demand the awowie surrender oi ur,Jlve to -Hlou He, and He alone, gives to man. the only rational, workable theory of life, which does not break down before any con ceivable trial He furnishes the soul of man, j with .that . realty ot things, without which we, all Intuitively, feel that our- Uvea are Incomplete and meaningless. ' "Browning has voiced the consci ousness of every true follower of Je usue Christ, when he said: The ack nowledgement of God, in Chirst, ac cepted by thy reason for thee, solves all questions in the world and out of lt Jjet a man once grasp this sublime truth .with his Intellect, and then be willing to live his life on the strength of it: that Jesus Christ was ond is God. and. then comes to him a power that no man who is trying to live his life without God can ever realize. He : can meet persecution, loss of property, disease, sickness, suffering and death, without fear. His spirit triumphs over all. "O, that I might meake it clear here to-day to every man who hears me, that there is an infinite reality and power in the religion of Jesus Christ 1 O, that I might convince those of you who are trying to live without Jesus Christ, that you are robbing your own souls; that you are neglecting the one thing which can give meaning and dig nity to all your activities. O, that you might be convinced of your own sin, when in the face of the Christ, who humbled Himself and took upon Him the form ot A man, that He might suf fer and die to reconcile men to God. You deliberately close your heart to Him, and- go living your own cruel, selfish life which thwarts, by whatso ever power you may possess, God's blessed purpose to save a lost world! I care not how moral you may be, I care not how respectable you may be in the eyes of men If your heart Is closed to Jesus Christ, it is closed because of sins that you love better than the God who has died to save you; and you are going down to your grave a lost soul that has missed the one thing for which it was created union with God and the power to glorify Him forever. "Now, if Jesus Christ was God In carnate, do you doubt dare you doubt that He has the power to save you? "God in His own Infinite wisdom has seen fit to lean the responsibility upon you, of accepting Him or re jecting Him. He will not take your own freedom of choice; that would be to reduce your manhood to the level of a mere machine. He leaves It to you, to your own will, not whether you will save yourself, for this can none of us do, but whether we will let Him save us. "He has the power to fill the vast heavens with the stars. He has the power to oreate the worlds and to sustain their myriad forms of life; the power to create you, but you dare doubt that he has the power to save your soul from the evil that Is in it, when there is not one of us here who does not have a large part of his being longing for freedom from sin? Men may talk about the incredible things of religion; but I say that, to my mind, here is a position which is so unreasonable, so incredible that the whole universe shouts aloud that It is false. Jesus has to save millions of other lives, and unless your life, my unsaved brother, Is . a soul mon strously clear out of oneness with the life of man. He can save you, If you will but be willing to trust yourself to Him. "I have talked Individually with a god many men. In the last few weeks about giving their . hearts to Jesus Christ, and possibly, with but one ex ception, they have every one expressed the wish that they might be Christi ans. They have virtually all given the same reason for holding back from taking the step, and It Is this: They hold a high conception of what a Christian man should he; and let me say that I do not want to lower that standard one iota beneath that which Jesus Christ has set, namely a striving arter perfection, the full life of God in the soul. But., all of these men here said that they did not want to take the step of pretending to give their hearts to Jesus Christ, and then falling back. They wanted to be assured that when, they became Christians, they would stay Christians, and their fear of themselves holds them back. They seemed to have the idea that they will stay away from Christ until, on their own strength, they become good. Then they will come to Christ. Now, let me say to every such man, that If you wait for that day to come, -you will wait forever. You will not, you cannot, work your way to God. by any merit system; you cannot come to God or Godliness wothout God. You delib erately reject the highest thing In you. wnicn is your consciousness of the need or ood, and then try to find God. Speaking the authority of the words of God, I say to you that 'God resist eth the 'proud.' As long as you hope that you may become strong and good without submission, to Jesus Christ, and without the aid that He gives to sinners, you are trusting in yourself, and not In Jesus Christ, and if the Bible and human experience makes anything clear, it is, that strength comes through fath In Christ, and not through self-reliance; but the very moment you are willing to humble yourself, as a little child, and cry to God, in repentant prayer, 'Lord I am a poor, weak, sinful man, conscious of my unworthtness, of my failures, my need of Thee: save my Lord or I die, and you cast yourself at the feet of Jeeus In this spirit. He will life you up, and He will pour into -your wait lng soul a power that Is not the power of man hut of God; and to. In your weakness, you are made strong; in your humiliation you find yourself ex alted. In the stoop of your soul at the feet of Jesus Christ you are empraised beyond yourself, or, rather, for the first time to find your true self, com muning to Jesus Christ in this sense, you die with sin - and self, and the miracle ot the new birth Is wrought You find 'yourself a babe In the king dom of God. But you are In the arms of an infllnite Father who will not abandon you to die. but who will, with the Christ, give to you all things needful foe your development and growth in righteousness. I say you. will find yourself at this point of con version, Just where we have all found ourselves, mere babes In Christ, And aa no child learns to walk in the nat ural world without stumbles And falls, so no child learns to walk in the way of eternal life without falls. But. hav ing serrendered your all to Christ, when you fall you wilt rise and try to" walk ' again, . until, by and by, you grow' strong through spiritual ex ercise, end through feeding upon the true bread of life until you are A man grown , Christian, who lives and walks and works tn spiritual freedom, force and power. ' . -,-. '"Oh.f my brother4 men give Jesus Christ a Tchance. to show ; His power hi you and do pot hold hack and say that you will trust Him. until you are strong enough, and food enough to walk without Him. . - - "If you Will not take this first 'Step, if you will hot come to Jems Just as you are, in all your sins j uu will, nev er come te Htm at all. , -'Dr. Weir Mitchell, the great nerve specialist, of -Philadelphia, once had id his hospital a "nervous woman, who had laid upon. her bed f Or, years. And had restated every effort to induce her to try to walk.- She said she eould not, and as long as she believed she could not, she would not ,try. One fl Ay Dr, , Mitchell touched a match .to thei bed clothing, and as the flames hegan to spread, she saw it was walk or die, and she leaped -from the bed and, ran out of the. room, and from that time could walk.. O. that I had some power to touch with the fire of God's holy - spirit to touch the poor, sin ensnared wills . of the men in , this .house, whe have labored for years under the de luslon that they could not so much as will to let God take hold of them. You. my dear, dear men, have but te hold on to this delusion, live as you have lived, and the fire will come, but Oh, God! what a Are I a fire that will consume in eternal death! Will you resist the spirit of God and die without Jesus Christ, who Is the resurrection. Or will you, will you let Him fn now, with all His cleansing, healing pow ers, to make you at peace with self and God? "Every man In this audience, who will in his spirit cast himself upon Jesus Christ, will find himself, from this hour forth, possessed of the power to know that he is a son of God." THE REVIVAL SERVICES. Crowds Increasing in Size and More and More Interest Manifest - Rev. Fierson Coming This Week It is expected that more Interest win be taken In the protracted services this week than At any time since they were begun. For three weeks the pas tors of the city have been preaching earnest eermons from night to night, and- have been doing personal work that has proven effective. The ser vices from the first have been attend ed by laTge congregations, the num bers' Increasing almost every day. The meetings have been characterized by thoughtful, earnest preaching on the part of the pastor, and by close atten tion on the part of the men and wo men who have heard them. There has been nothing of the nature of the sensational about the meetings, al ready the number of applicants for membership la the various churches will reach Into the hundreds and a large number of professions and se cessions Is hoped for the week. Jtev. Arthur J. Plerson will hold his first serviee In Charlotte to-night. He Is a man of world-wide reputation as a minister and preacher. He stands es one of the strongest spiritual lights of the 19th and 20th cenTurles. He has rarely, If ever been excelled as a student and expounder of the' Bible, and he is a man of wonderful faith. In the introduction to one of his best known books, '"The Crisis of Mis sions," he usee thin expression which has become so wldelv known "Facts are the figures of God," and he proves this in his writing and preaching. Charlotte Is fortunate In securing his services, especially at this time, and his ministry will no doubt be blessed In this community. His simple fqlth Ir God's word and the power of prayer has made of him a man the world loves to honor, and In the life of no man, of modern time?, probably has been more forcibly proven the truth of the word "Prayer and pains, through faith In Jesus Christ Will ac complish anything." a THE CONCERT LAST NIGHT. The RIclMirdNon Trio, Assisted by Mr. Davis Willi the Clarionet, Delighted a Gathering of Choice Spirits in tlie Manufacturers' Club After Church Comments on Concert. The Richardson Trio, violin, piano, and cornet, assisted by Mr. William Davis with the clarionet, rendered a delightful programme last nlwht In the northern hall of the Manufactur ers' Club after church services. The northern stairway served for bleachers, end was well filled with members and gueats. and therp was quite en audience of women and men in the parlor adjacent. . Verv well received were th" Over ture from "The Magic Flute." (Mo sart.) and several other numbers bv the- orchestra: and "Palms," a cor net solo, bv Mr. I,. Baker; Fantawla from Faust, violin solo, bv Mr. Richardson: Prelude Siclllnna. clari net 80,0 by Mr- William Davis: and a piano solo by Mr. Karl von Low renz. TTaher die Steppe. Mr. Richardson, bv request, gave the andante and scherzo from Ruben steln's Ronata. op. 13. for violin and piano. He managed the difficult ten Ique of the piece and interpreted it exquisitely end hie audience was de lighted with It. The piano oart. tnkon by Mr. von Lawrene, who Is a pianist from your heart was equally well done. Interest In the concerts Irtcren-'-from night to night and are regarded as e great luxury by thoe fnrtunnte to heer them. Last night's pro gramme follows: Overture, "Maarlc Flute" Mozart Quartet. "Rlgoletto" Verdi Cornet Solo (Selected) Mr. Louis Baker. Reverie Bratton Prelude. Slciliana Mascagnl rriarinet Polo) Mr. W. Pavls.- "Faust" Fantasia Gounod Mr. D. Amiitl Richardson. Sextette from "Lucia dl Lammermoor" ...i . Donizetti "Ueber die Steppe" Sthytte Mr. Karl von Lnwrenc. March from Symphonle "Lenore"..'.... Raff DUE BILLS 3 We notice that several plane concerns are offering due bills, for different amount to per sons making the most words out of letters contained In the: .firm's name. These coupons to Apply aa a payment when the person - holding the coupon is ready to buy from them, We will accept coupons given by any piano firm as payment on the Artistic Stieff, Rhaw,. or any piano we- sell. Write for information. Send -in ' jronr 1 coupons " a ' Chas; ; ML; Stieff; Afansfaoturer.-or the Piano - u With UKt Sweet Tone. . . ' ',' '" . .jy - ,A 1 Southern Wsrerooint ,f " ' ' Wet Trade Street ' "X CHARLOTTE . Jf, O. , C. II. WILMOTIC Mgr. ; . 9 Wee Trade ettreet, fsaoo t. Hi i V A r . 9 ' MILLINERY OPEN I N G Titccruv iiirirr iuljuu mum, i WEDNESDAY 1 AND THURSDAY I Our Milliners have been very- busy for some time, getting ready the prettiest lot of Hats we have ever shown. Tou are cordially Invited to attend our opening and see the display 'of Spring Fasaions in Hats. Open House Tuesday Night. We will ' have on display Tuesday night, not only our Millinery, but our New Spring Goods, our Pretty New Dress Goods, Fine Madras, Printed Organdies, New Designs, White Goods, Silks, etc., will be open for Inspection. MUSIC BY THK ABBOTT ORCHESTRA. Embroidery Sale To-Day at 9.30 A Magnificent Lot. If you want wide and pretty Em broidery, cope to this Bale Monday. Lots of it for every body. ON TIME Business men admire our methods as well as our tail oring. We're wide-awake and progressive always "up and doing." From the beginning our business has been managed on certain fixed principles of right buying, right handling, right pricing and right treatment to all. Just now we're busy fill ing Easter orders. It inn't a bit too early for us to tal:e your measure. One strong feature of our service Is that we're ulways on time. We don't deal in delays, mistakes or excuses. If your suit is promised for Easter you'll get It at that time. See our line of Milk twist worsteds and unfinished worsteds for drexs clothes; it's the finest In town. sum TAILORED TO TASTE $18. OO to fSO.OO Cabaniss & Co. Inc., Tailors , : e S. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. "Sakes Alive! Of course we blow, Who wouldn't when they had such perfect equipment and did such beautiful work as ours?' Do you know It really would . surprise you to see how much pains, thought and effort are expended on our laundry j work? We are Just like - A Prissy Old Maid A That prim and particular about everything we do. Our staff of inspectors. Whom we have styled "Our ' Vigilance Committee.": demands perfect work, snd will be content with none other. , , For Christmas-ryou-'-iwlU want your Lace Curtains and ' Table Linen- done extra1 nlco, so you . win of course send them, to the thorn to the . Model SteamC Wundry H IS WEST TRADE ST. fj HeBBeeMeWeMBseWBeMe it mm'-ii M ' ;r IdacaMl fMJ B e" 4 Monday at 9.30. 15c and 20c Embroidery at 5c . Several thousand yards pretty Ham burg and Swiss Embroideries and In sertions; values 10c, 15c and 20a Sale price commencing prompt ly at 9.30 o'clock Monday morn- r cts ing 3 yd None charged. Special Sale Real Linen Torchon Laces Mon day at 9-00 O clocks J 5c to 25c Real Linen Laces at 10c 3,000 yards Real Linen Torchon Laces with Insertions to match; values 15 to 25c yard. Commencing at 9 o'clock Monday morning: sale 1 nets price. None charged. Linen Sale Monday Morning at 9 O'clock Special sale commencing Monday morning at 9 o'clock of 36-inch shear linen lawns. This offering is a special purchase of a forty piece lot and the BELK L & B. PIANOS NEW SCALE FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR MODELS TO CLUB MEMBERS AT $287. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS Nine out of every ten pianos are bought on payments gifts to the family many are taken away on account of the death of the waRe-earner. Join tho club, now forming". Save near ly a hundred "d twentjr-tt dollars and besides In case of death of purchaser we glvs the family a receipt In full for bulHiice duo on )lsno pro vided contract has been In force six months and the pay ments have been made ac cording to agreement. It costs you nothing extra to protect your family write for Booklet N"o 9: It's free and will ex plain everything. Over SOO L. A B. Club Pianos gold Inside of four months to satisfied customers They are warranted for life time. Ad dress hidden & Bates S.M.H. 3s Years in Music. SAVANNAH OA. UTILE TALKS ON FACIAL MASSAGE NUMBER FOUR in administering massags, remember that ail ths move ments should bs upward snd outward, The-tendency of ths face Is to fall, and the massage movements should be made to counteract this inclination. It's the muscles, not ths skin you - are trying to reach, and push -Ing loose skin about will only create new lines, -The ' massage movements w hich we have Illustrated In these littls I talks wilt produce marvelous results If persisted In; A great deal of patience Is . required. One month or ; three will not produce any : startling results, but a yea , will do much. . Five years . will frequently transform a face and make the owner, of Jf look It years younger. . If you would retain your .youth and' good looks, yon ' should take awful good car of , your face. r ' - Let us help you with our ? ''thousand - and - one" dainty helps for the toilet table. , ' Hosa and Almond latface Cream Is a delightful applicant ; turn. wv'MiMru" '-xi! 50c 36-inch lavender v yd WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CIMO) MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CURES BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES A TRIAl CONVINCES EOR SALE BY LEADING DRUGGISTS HOTEL EVERETT. nigh Point, jr. a New and strictly flrat-class; centrally located; three minutes walk from depot. Hot and sold baths, eleotrle lights. Ce ten to the commercial travelers. ' B. ID. Kraa Proprietor. Brass and Iron Beds and Cribs We have Just received a large shipment of Brass and Iran Beds and Cribs, which we offer at very low prices,; . fiee our line of S-plece Beds with the , Steel , Double (, Hoop, the , aatrnlng ' with -a Reputation, and Spring guaranteed1 for ova years, ," -piece White Enamel Beds, with Brawi Trimmings! special JT.SO t Brass Beds f $0.00 to tlt.OO. The best tn Beds is hone too go. A- 1 - "II I If 1 i m special prices made for this sale means ,a tremendous saving. : ' - ' - " V. h'u 25c 36-inch shear, white linen i Qi lawn sale price r 7C 38c 36-inch shear, white linen )tZ , lawn sale price 3ws 1 3 ',. 'fl .Jf 50c 36-inch shear white linen OOw lawn sale price OOCfe cadet light blue and O O li solid linen sale price Silk Special for Mon day 48c value, yard wide white OQ Habuta silk at 07C 50c 27-inch solid colored China OQ Silks (all shades), special at OsC 27-inch Oriental Perspiration-Proof Lyon's Dyed China Silks, all colors and white. a q ' Price 40C 27-inch Radium-Finished China Silk, a beautiful, soft, all-silk material, especially pretty for waists and even ing dresses; Alice Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Lavender and TA White. Price OKJC 75c value 23-inch Crepe-de-Chine, all Shades and Black Cf and White. Price OVC BROS. On the Victor. One of the greatest charms of i"' OWnlnir H Vlntnr llou In tho tat Ko - . - ... ...... ...m -t one can have always at their disposal not only opera singers and operation selections, but the grand old church; hymns rendered by the famous Haw den Quartette and noted Trinity v Choir, of New York city. Among the--;-newer records are the following: "i Glory Song, Holy, Holy. Holy, Lead ; Klndlv Llsht. Lost Chord. Nearer M'fi God to Thee, Sometime We'll Under -,';) ihiiii. ilia ittiiiia. rrn i ni viir. - Sing Alleluia Forth. ' i Ask for complete catalogue of ma- : chines and records. . it j 'SUM Stone & Barringer Co Victor Il8trlbutors. Nice modern 7-room house, Plna . Modern 7-room house, E. 5th SW,''S 12.6OO. .... .AtinivA U JAr1 aIIv Lfc, ;t,v FOR RENT Hrick store. Boulevard, Dilworth; next to drug store. v xjij Modern new 7-room house, W. 8th, St., 118.00. McQall & 317 N. Tryon St. G I an ton. Tbone 3tOv . i i -, i m j 1 , ft'