; CHARLOTTE , COTTON DOWN 9 TO lA POINTS t EucoeMNlon of lloarksh Humors -RC' gardins; tlto Trading Situation Made ... Jlio Market .Nervous and unsettled, ' Closing at Lowest I'olnt o( tne tea donExpected Bull Support- Did o juaterinuae. - v '- New York, March 29.Th cotton mar kt- waa pervound unsettled., with the 1 clone eay at a net 'decline of to 15 pmts.8la for the day were ostimated at 2S0.0OQ pule. - - - '" , " .The opening was steady at a. decline ol i k i point ana in loss win mcreaseu j slightly flKht a-fter the call under liquida tion .and rumor that the bulla ware try vlv in to onload lata vmteWlRY Hit the' New for May and lUi for July, the market k epot aalea reported from the Liverpool market, private report of a good apot de- ;i:i;;.v:fi'itnand in. the South and the wet weather " " insthe belt. But after advancing fo about , i 1 D9 closing prices o yesieraay mere was , a renewal of celling for both account on , retort that a coal strike waa welunlgn rov' Inevitable and a more favorable weather 9 : 1146 and July to -11.08, when - there waf v another rally an private wtrea .claiming' that ArkuiMi mi havlnar the heaviest anow atorm or tne aeaaon, ana rumors , , that the bun party, would try to run in v..j '.'V T.na KArrnnnr innrr immvii mmra .ins , , ciose. uaier, nowever, tne marvel eaaea - oft aceln. aa It waa found that the bull ' support did not materialize, and the mar ket la the late arsefon was rendered very ' Savanna and New Orleans and originally paper and might be sent to New Tork and their, cargoes delivered on- May con iracii. i na . maran c unea . ii iu low frv-iatnt,?aesi0a''andl about l points Am' down from the high level at-yesterday. . - 1 1S.2T bales, against 14.529 last week and 28 063 last vear. For tha week. 100 00 -Talea, against 109,772 last week and 202,712 .-..' ,)".' last year. 't o-day a receipts at Mew w and at Houston, 2,045 bales, against 1,82 tfT. lat year.. j ( t - ' j; . uoudes vi j to ii roiuu at wew- tj -s t,.' leans." m V ITW; lTkrlan IkXafwit 94 JlMnt ntAn .' . quiet; sates. .1.409 bales, including 900 to arrive and !,W f. b. Quotations un- onangeo. Miaaung us. ' (.Futures, notwithstanding the bullish reatures. continued heaw rains -over .large sections of the belt; Improved eon- . aiuons in. uiverpoot- ana - Mancnesier, openedaiL. about last evening's closing '. ,. vecy weak and continued to ease oft to the . and -of the session, the market clos- f v inar near tne bottom with net losses on all? positions' from March to August, ln , :.: . elusive, f 10 to ll points. , . New Orleans Future. New Orleana, March 2.-Cotton futures closed: March 10.97; April 11.01; May 11.12; June 11.18; July 11.2S; Aug. 10.98; Sept. .. Wv. W VWSt ' ., New, York Cotton New Tork. March 29. Cotton, spot cloa e quiet, 10 points lower; middling up lands 1170; middling gulf 11.96; sales 650 balea futures opened steady and closed easy. Ooen Hio-ht liw Close jua.rcn , - April., v. .. .. - May n.2.1 June .. .. .. .. ..11.13 July ....11.1 Aug. .0.9ft sept. ; ...Mao " Oct .10.44 NOV. 10.44 ; Pec io. i .' Jan, .... Feb. - XJverrjool Cotton. Uverpool, March 29. Cotton, spot good business dope; 'prices one point lower; American middling fair S.56; good mid dling .&; middling 9.05; low middling 5.89; good ordinary 6.71; ordinary 5.55. The sales of the day were 14,000 bales of which 2,000- were for speculation and export and included 11,600 American. Receipts 5,000 bales. Including 4.400 American. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady; American middling g. o. c. March 5.8S; March-April 5.88; April-May .89; May June .91; June-July. S.93 July-Aug.-5.94; Aug-Sept. J.0 Sept.Oct. S.73; Oct-Nov. SffT; N0V.-EW0. 6 66; Dec-Jan. 5.68, Jah-F-etoj 8.67. , ,-v 11.10 11.12 11.28 11.1. 11.17 11.00 10.63 10.48 10.50 19 52 10.52 10.98 11.06 11.11 1108 11.09 10.88 10.63 10.36 10.39 10.47 10.52 10.97 10.98 11.11 11.00 1103 10.88 10.49 10.86 10.36 10.89 10.11 10.44 : New fork Produce. ' 'New -Tork,; March 29. Flour quiet and about, steady. . Bye .flour steady, Cornmeal firm, pye nominal. Barley steady. Wheat firm; No. 2 red 85 eleva. tor.,- Optiona H to net higher; May S5; July 83; Sept. 82H;s . C6m firm; No. 2, 544 elevator. - Options Wttet -higher. May 51; July 50; Sept 61K; Dec. 60. . Oats steady :,jnlgVst 36. . Beef steady, '. , Cue meats' StMUy.' Lard .steady; West ern steaihed. to f 6. Refined steady; . continent 9.00. . Pork Arm;, family 118,00 to 918.25; short clear IW.00 to iS.0O. Tallow steady. . v Cotton seed oil .easier on the soot for i ' prima summer yellow. ; Others ' steady, good- trade. Prime crude f. o. b. mills ' - 27 to 28; prime summer yellow 34 to 34H; ' prime-white and winter yellow 36tt to 87. Peanuts steady, unohanged. Freights . w. to Xaiverpooi quieter, coiion Dy steam 17c - sraln by steam tl4d. - Potatoes Arm; MInp and other East. -. era. per bag. S, to t2.$; State and Weat- ern n to. sa.20; foreign tj to 3.i&. Cabbage. tlrmi Charleston, per barrel crate,. $1' 25 to 12 76: Florida f2.bo to 13.09. Rosin firm 94.05 to 14.10. ; Turpentine -. . steaay 10 . tJ ;,!'-' Rica steady.''- Molasses : firm. Coffee. spot Rio quiet. Mild steady; futures steaay, . uncnangea. . . centrifugal 9 test S 15-32 to i; molasses :. sugar 2. Refined quiet. - Butter-'ateady.'i- pnehanged. Cheese a a strong, uncnangeq. Eggs stronger; nearby selected 20; f. Weatern firsts 16: Southern 15 to 16?4. x. Baltimore rrodnee. , : Baltimore, March, 29 Flour steady, un changed. ; ,Wiiat steady; spot contract 83 to 8314; k Bouthern on grade 764-to 83, " Corn firm: spot 4S14 to 49; Southern , ' whit 48 to 60. , , , ' Qata firm; No. Z' mixed 35 to 3S& Rye , firm; No. 2 Western 68 to' 70. ' ,. 1 Butter steady, unchanged; fancy imlta tlon 20 to 21; do creamery UK) 29; do ladle V to 18; store packed to 'iS. f !'V: Egg firm, unchanged 15. " Cheese firm, . 'urwhanged; large and medium Sept. 14V&; 1 Nov. 14; small 14,, to 14. . ' Sugar strong, unchanged. - '' f, 1 "' " "" ' , 'A f Navaj Btort. i -Wilmington, N. C. March 29. Spirit turpentine nothing doing receipts ' 7 casks. - , Rosia nothing doing,'- receipts 64. v . Tar firm, $1.80; receipts 327. . S? .Crude. turpentine firm, 93.28,;. $5.00. and t f tS.90i receipta 37, - . ' , V" t ' " h"1' 11,11 1 ' v v ! 'Bavannah Ga.., ' March 59. Turpetlne ;r, , firm aalea 918; receipt 1W; ahipmenu 14 1 - Ivi, a ? ; . , ; . shipments 462; stock 20.621 Quote: A B C i I-1) fa f3.90r F $3 86; O $3.90; to $4.20; I M.ST.; W K $4.70; it $5.23; N $0.45, W 0 $5.60;, W V A. ta.to.'? , t ? - - ' ' - ' ' 4 ' t T " The Money Jdarket. few fork."1 Matvh 29. Mnnev ' on pall Strong .and-ttlgher 6 to ? per cent) ruling rate 6: closlns bid iW. offered a, .Time loana steady; ft day, , 90 days and ais months i per cent. . - v ' -: - Prima mercantile paper' i to Sir per , cent. SterMng exchange ay with actual: biiKlnea in bankers' bills at $486.20 to $4x5.25 for demand and at $482.35 W $482.40 for 0-day bills. Posted rate $483 to $4K14 and $48ii o $47. Commercial bills $4M to m2kj, Bar silver 6!4t., Mexican dollar 60.. , - . - , " The Dry Goods Market. ' -. New Tortf," March" S9.-The drY good market to-day was generally firmer with i a satisfactory trade in progress ; among jobbers. First hand asked higher price and there was a better demand tor all line i of goods made from print cloth ysrns, Except narrow print cloth which were slow but rflrtn. '.The, raw market showed mora strength. Th. market for woolen good for tha day was quiet. . . -" " Chlcao 3ralau-: 4. .,' .V . Chicago, MarcK 29.i-After a day ol list less trading the local wheat market rlo4 ed Arm on fair demand by shorts. Final quotations an the- May delivery, showed a . net gain of . H: Corn wss up 'Oat ' wera H ,to . '4 higher , wbij j provision 'wara to 15a iowsr. .Jt. " , Wall Street Regards Arnarently Cor. ,tatn lwft Coal Disablement Hith tJoinparatlve l-quawiiiuty oumtiib -lloiu xiielr Own ' Aguinst j jpepres New Yorft v Marh' M The speculation In the atock market to-day waa under the restraint of tha active call money mar ket. , During the early part f tha day efforts were made to extend tha advance and to Ignore the effect of the higher can money rate, .There was a considerable ac cumulation of stocks at soma uolnts and prices were bid up with some aggressive ness. 'When it waa ee that the money rate dung to the six per cent, level with a tendency to go -higher, the efforts' to get price up were desisted from. The auaenca of anything like urgent selling induced by. the rise In money confirmed tha supposition that tha polls an organ ized parties which entered tha stock map net on tne long siae uus wees were sup nlied .with resource! in the way of .time loan to secure them against the vie is l- tudes or the call situation, rne Apni ma. bursement of dividends and Interest are estimated a high- aa $65,000,000, of which it is neitevea 40,3V,ow wiu t required tor tha tightening 04 money to-day. An en gagement of $1,000,009 gold for import waa announced overnight but the' parties .to the transaction were reticent as to the source; or to supply, Kacef tor uma loaoa were unaffected bv the rise in call loan rate and this kept up apfcculAtive eonfldence in a relaxation of the money market bext week. - Wall ' atreefrf ia in clined, to accept a bituminous coal strike as a practical osrtamiy-, .sui proresaions are-heard of a belief that the stock mar. ket effect of the strike has been dis counted .already. " The principal cense, queues, of the strike is looked for in the iron and steel trade. - The extraordinary comparison- of net earnings of railroads reported for February compared with last year kept up a favorable Influence on the stock marked Nothing of the early gain remained, by the end of the day, but the apparanc,ot renigtanoe to the. depres sion persisted 'throughout. The r closing tt .-ata4y -t.'-ft.f .tu:--u-e-'',w...--t-'r-'l-' -Bonds were Irregular,;: Total sales, par value, $2,785,000. United States bonds were air unchanged ,on calL -!', .:' " Total sales. 711.200 shares. -Including: Copper 75,900r' Cotton Oil 900; Ice 21.700: Smelting. 33,700; A. C V, g,900: C V O. .- mw; coio. r uei w,w: uonsouaatea was zt, 800;U " N t,600 N. & W, 100; Reading 54,200 Southern Rwyr7,106; preferred 609; Union Paoifio 102. 500- Steel 60.400: Va.. Caro. Chem. 400; preferred 200; 81os-Shef. ' IM I I 1 M , II. I U. ! r C. P. Ellis Co.' Ctotton Letter. Special to Tha Observer. New Orleans, March 29. In the face of increased, spot sales at Liverpool, and a retail veiy steaay delivery market; a con tinuance of bad weather with reports of snow and torrential raids la aectlona of the western belt; and the existence of a satisfactory demand for spot cotton, both American markets developed a reaction ary tendency to-day which It Is difficult to explain unless it result rrom selling by the bull interest at New York, a sus picion that obtained rather generally tin aiternoon, wnen anaoiuteiy no iresn sun. port was in eviaence. rv&iurany, an an ouu markets reac tions are justlfled and healthy and In some Instances they are brought about for ' the ' purpose of dislodging weakly held lines of lone cotton, so as to clear the. technical nosition. and it 18 our Im pression mat tuts is ine purpose ot the oreaK witnessea 10-aay. mere can oe no douot that the ions- In. terest had recently Increased materially. in fact so far as the local situation Is concerned, an overbought condition has neen plainly apparent during the past few days, a feature which hpea mm dis tinctly prominent last evening when an attempt to sell large lines of spring and summer months precipitated sunrisinir ratnni tor a lime. in mis connection, all the evidence at hand to-day would Indicate that the order - emanated from New York, although the recognised bull leader unhesitatingly denies any connec tion therewith, and uses the argument that It only shows the desperate strait ui ins unon interest. The official Weather forecast Indicates clearing skies to-morrow, the realization of which will deprive the market of art important bull factor, but the basic strength is undoubtedly the Indifference of holders Which. we believe, will operate against any substantial or last ing decline and while we should not be surprised to see the present reaction oro. ceed somewhajt. further, we would favor ouyina in snarp aecunes. ior scaimna BurpuHFK. as we. question ir manipulation is as yet at an ena. u. tr, touula ft CO. Miller A Co.' Cotton letter. Special to The Observer. New Tork, March 29. The market, af ter showing nervousness, and a slightly higher : tendency, developed 'decided weaxness, ana Dy noon May had lost 12, ,the whole list being weak, the with drawal Of bull aunnnrt liavlnt ni-ioaa tn drift to a lower basis, and 'encouraging some shorts selling of all postfion. Cables were few, Liverpool spots Bales were good, and Manchester advices-satisfactory, and yet there waa general indis poaition to take any part except on the bear aide. Bad weather conditions were encouraging bulla early in the day but later 11 was rumored mat more or leas cotton was coming to this Dort from New Orleans and Savannah, which might be delivered on May contracts, and this did much, to withdraw support from all quarters, aunougn tnere was no, connr. mation or tne report. Another report was that the South was offering more freely of strict low middling, but there was notning to snow tnat tms was any thing more, than an Isolated instance. The general disposition was- to sell, bat this waa mainly owing to the withdrawal of the bull clique for the time being. Liverpool due to come five to six' lower in tne morning. , ; miller a CO. Hubbard Bros, ft Co.'i Cotton Letter. Special to The Observer, ' New York,. March-. 29. Though foreign advipe wera stimulating and told of large China business, Liverpool quota tions, were lower and our market felt a cnuBCK at tne opening wnicn soon Drought realising sales. While tha demand for May deliveries continued during the fore noon it was on a decreasing scale and on declining prices. Speculation falls to be attracted at present figures and the tendency not only to realize but to sell snore,, is Becoming more pronounced as the buyers must inspire new 'buyers with more enthusiasm than they have at pres n o pass values miner, xne marKet lack, special feature beyond the tiqulda- tlon and trading has been largely local. HUBBARD BROS, ft CO. v , Seaboard aj line Stocks. -Baltimore. March 29. 8. A. L. common and, preferred nothing doing. COMPARATIVE PORT RECEIPTS. ... t - . Teeter. Last . day. Galveston .,861 New Orleans .... 3,849 Mobile . .. . .' . . w - - 30$ Savannah .... . .4,65$ Charleston .,.....t.i, lt Wilmington .... ...i Norfolk .... J58 Boston ...... PhUadelpnia Various ( . ' Total .... year. 9,805 12.599 1.712 8,763 402 522 ' 7 J90 " 48 179 28.416 . ' ; . PORT MOVEMENT. ' Galveston, firm..: .i- j, M.. U8-K New Orleans, quiet . ,-.. ...114 s Mobile, steady . .... 111 Savannah, steady ). .. ..4, 11 , Charleston, firm..'.. .. .f 11 Wilmington, steady, , ...., '11 - ' Norfoia, nrm iiu Baltimore, nominal New York , owlyt ac-v ''. ? . Chzriotts, Mortlt Carolina ,f s . . i 1 ' ', 4 4 lit 4 " A J! Gotton an d :Voolcn Mill $ v ) :s machinery Complete Equipment for WorfynQ Over 1 . '. ? :i.-aa .. vi .., waa aaaiaaaB '" a w a m w w mmmt m m. m m,'..f CHARXOTTB COTTON MARKET, At f J i I These flgurea teprmnt the, price naid-tv wairona' , i , -.March S9. Good iniddllng t . it..' ..- Strict mWdlinar..... . . ??H Middling .. .. it , Stains ., .. w.. ...,10tol0,4 CILUILOTTEJ PRODtTCB MARKET,' (Corrected daily by J. W. Zimmerman i , , ;v -v , Company.) Chickens Spring., .. .. ., .. 12 Hens Per. bead .. i. .... .. .. 36 Ducag.-. gs . . .... ..,,,,. Rye .. ....... ...... ...... .. .... Oats Feed ... .. ... ... Corn i... ... ......f Cotton Seed . . .. .... .. .. Oat Seed .. .. . .. 40- IS 80 45 Cf to 6o. ess CHICAGfS GRAIN AND PTtOPWB." . Hlfc-h Low Cleae WHEAT September .. rfuiy '. May ..: . CORN , (Tuly ..... September May OATS September July .... May .... , PORK May July .... . May .... . LARD May .... July September RIBS May July ...... C7714 7714' 77 tee ,...i..41 ......i45 ......44 .28 ' 29 80 .16.47 .16.30 8.45 8.55 8.67 8.77 8.77 76 76 76 44 44 44 28 29 30 16.30 16.15 September 8.82 8.37 8.47 8.60 8.6S 8.65 8.67 77" '77 77 m 44 28 29 30 16.80 16,15 8.40 8.66 8.60 8.65 8.67 867 X .......WT.-. .. t ... ...168 4..116 .. .,..171 . 22 Plnittnn. aulet il- .. a 'a 1 . . 7 x iiiib.uc;iiuim 1 vi4iv ' sw aa -mw .mm -aiai ' Houston, ateady '.. ..11 (-10 11.70 11.96; Augusta, nrm ..-v, ...s .. Memphis, -nominal .. , liu St. Louis, ateady - llt-14 Louisville, firm 1 r 11 'rV, ESTIMATES. To- LMt ; ?. i r ! 1 day Year New Orlaan .....iaoo-8,o 15,837 Houston -., 3.600-8,000 . 8,348 Galcesion - . .3,5003,600 ' , 11,333 INTERIOR. RECEIPTS, w f v-" '- v ' ? Tester: - Last St. Loula V. ,,... fl,195 , .,.,1044 1177 a.uo 8,323 CLOSING STOCK UST. Adama Express . Amalgamated Copper WTJi American car ft jrounary jjw American Car ft Foundry pfd 101 American Cotton Oil ?4 American Cotton Oil pfd w American " Expreas American Hide ft Latner pio JJ American Ice MH American Ice T?. Amertcan LinBeed OH 21 American Linseed Oil pfd 46V American Locomotive .. j American locomotive pfd.. American Smelting A Refng.. .. .. ..160 American Smelting ft Kerng pio American Sugar Refining .. .. W American Tobacco pfd. certit iw Anaconda Mining Co . S7; Atchison .' Atchison pfd AUantlc Coast Line '-ml Baltimore ft Ohio 1 Baltimore ft Ohio pfd Brookln Rapid Transit 85 Canadian Pacific 119 Central of N. J 21?;, Chesapeake ft Oftlo ' Chicago ft Alton '.. J Chicaaro & Alton pfd.. .. 76.'. Chicago Great Western .. .. Chimin ft Northwestern .. 235.:; Chicago, Mil,- St. Paul.. .. , . Chicago Terminal ft Trans.. Chicago Terminal & Trans, pfd.. C, C 6. & St Louis .... .. .. .. . Colorado Fuel ft ft-on .. .. .. .. Colorado A Southern .. .. .. . Colorado & Southern 1st pfd.. .. Colorado ft Southern 2nd pfd.... Consolidated Gas .. . Corn Products. Corn Products pfd ricliwim Hudson Delaware, Lackawanna ft- West Denver ft Rio Grande .. . Denver ft Rio Grande pfd Distillers' Securities Brio, 1 Erie 1st" nfd .. Erie 2nd pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central . International Paper international i-aper pia .. . International Pump o International Pump prd Iowa Central .. .... t. Iowa Central pfd ... .... Kansas Clt Southern Kansas City Southern pfd Louisville ft Naehvllle ... .. .. . Manhattan L...... ... .... ...... Metropolitan wcunties .. Metropolitan at. ny .. ... Moxlean Central ... ...... ...... , Minneapolis ft St, Loula ..... Minn., Bt. P. ft Bauit ote. tn.. .. . Minn.. St. P. ft Sault Ste. M. pfd. Missouri Paclfle ,. .. Missouri. Kansas ft Texas.. ..-,, Missouri, Kansaa ft Texas pfd National Lead .. .... ... National R- R. of Mexico Dfd.. .. N. T. Central .' ... .......I N. Y. Ontario ft Western ... ..,,.... 60 Norfolk ft Western .-. ., .. $7' Norfolk & Western pfd. North American Pacific Mail 48 Pennsylvania .. ... Pennle'a Gas . . , Plttahur. CI C. ft St. Louis., i. '.. 79 Pressed Steel Car.. .... 62 Pressed Steel Car pfd., , ,. 74 Pullman Palace Car .. ,. .. .. .. ....237 Reading .... .. . . ,.... Reading 1st pfd 91 Reading 2nd pfd ... 96 Republic Steel .. .. ., .. .. .. ...... 90 Republic Steel pfd.. .. .. ..Wl Rock Island Co.... .... ...... 27 Rock Island Co. pfd .. ... . .... .... ... 67 Rubber Good .. .. ., ................... 40 Riihher Goods nfd.. .. .. .. . .. ...100 St. Louis ft San Fran. 2nd pfd 46 St. Iyuls Southwestern .. .. ,'w23'i St. Louis Southwestern pfd . 64 Southern Pacific .. 8 Southern Pacific pfd 41774 Southern Railway .. .. ............ 40 Southern Railway tfd.w .. .. .... T..101T4 Tenneaaee Con I ft iron . .-..147 Texas ft Pacific .. '.. .. ...... SHV4 Toledo, St. Loul ft -West .. ..... 35 Toledo, nr. units m west, pia, M't Union Paciflo .. -, ' . , . . .i,lM tTnlon Pacific pfd . u. b. Kxpress.. v, -...in 77, 8. Leather .. .. .. . ,.,. t .. TT. S. leather ofd.. .. .. i...... ... . V. S. Realty TT. B. Rubber .. .. .. . .. 64U tf. S. Rubber pfd . IT. 8. Steel ., . .. .... Xt. S. Steel pfd ......10X VlrglnlaCarollna Chemical 60 Virginia-Carolina Chemical pfd., u ..114V Wabaah ... ... .. . . ,-4. 227s Wabash pfd .. .. . .f . ... 60 Wells Fargo Express ixS Westinghouae Electric .. . .. ..168 Western Union . . ,, - n 9 Wheeling ft Lake Eri Wisconsin Central Wlsoontln Centra pf4f.,( .w f - t$ ,. ......lot 104, .. .,..103 a 04 .. ..132i4 12 "80 ..1" ..: .,104 .. 96 ... .. .. 9 J. ...404 .1 .. 944 ..'.. .. 97 1134 884 M 91 .. ....106 80 100 4s.. .. m ' r NEW TORK BONDS. U. S. refunding 2s registered , 193 u. o. reiunamg as. coupon .. U. S. 3a,-registered .v..... IT. S. 8s, coupon .. .."i. -.,, .. U, 8, Old 4a,' registered .. .. V. S. Old 4s. coupon tT.S.yNew.'.W,' registered.:.. .. tJ. 8. New 4a," coupon .. ., . American Tobacco 4s .. .. American Tobacco 6.. .. .. Atchison general 4s . Atchison adjustment 4a.. .. .. Atlantic Coast Line 4a., ., .. Baltimore ft Ohio 4s.. .. .. ., Baltimore ft Ohio 3Vis. Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s.. .. Central of Ga. 6s.. ., Central of Ga, 1st Inc .. Central of Ga. 2nd Inc.. .. .. Central of Ga. 8d Inc Chesapeake' ft Ohio 4s Chloago-ft Alton -8.. .. Chicago, B. & 4.-new 4s.. .. Chicaaro R. I. ft Pacific R. R. Chicago. R. I. ft pacific R R col. 6s.. 90 C. C. C. ft St. Louis gen. 4s 103 Colorado Industrial 5s Ser. A 79 Colorado Industrial 6s Ser. B 78 Colorado Midland 4n.. 76 Colorado ft Southern 4s 93 Cuba 6 .. .. .. 104 Denver ft Rio Grande 4s 89 Diatllters' Securities 5a .. ..89 Erie prior Hen 4s 100 Erie General 4e., 92 Hocking Valley 4a 108 Japan s Wl Japan as, 2nd Series 100 Japan 4s 92V Japan 4a certificates 2nd Series .. .. 9i Louisville ft Nash. Unified 4s 102 Manhattan connol gold 4s log Mexican Central 4s. 81 Mexican Centrat 1st Inc 24 Minn, ft St. Louis 4s MVi Missouri, Kansas ft Texas 4i 101 Missouri, Kansas ft Texas 2nd 89 National R. R. of Mexico consoi 4s.... 85 N. T. Central gen. 3s 98 N. J. Central gen. 6s 128 Northern Pacific 4a 10 Northern Paclfle 3s 9fi Norfolk ft Western consoi 4s 102H Oregon Short Line rfdg 4s 9H Penn. cv. 3V4s.... 101 Reading General 4s 100 St. Lpuis ft Iron Mountain consoi 6s.. 117 St. Louis fe San Francisco rg. 4s 87 St. Louis Southwestern con. 4s ofd... 80 Seaboard Air Line 4s 90 LSouthern Pacific 4s 93 Southern racino jst 4 certincates. . ', Southern Railway 6s." 117 Texas ft Pacific lsts r.3 Toledo, St. L. ft Western 4s 88 Union Pacific 4s. 105 Union Pacific cv. 4s 15 TT. 8. 8teel 2nd 6s 99 Wabash lata .. 115 Wabash Deb. B 82 Western Md. 4a 87 Wheeling ft Lake Erie 4s 89 Wisconsin Central 4s .. 93 ? OHARLOTTI N O mm Revolvtnf Flat Card, Railway Heads. ' Drawing Frames, 5plnnln Frames, Twisters and Spooler , Quitters and Reels, Ijooma, CQtXS&Sl ETC.; ETC ' v '. , - ji i.i - ATLAMTAs r flatten, Rovlnf Frames latatnedlates, Jack Frame nsuinwiiHiwmn, e j i .. Openers and Tmnk, - Braaker, Iiittrac4iaW; FtaUlMr iMfpmeuytji KlrschnerCardlnt Ccater Tbrcad Extn&on? t'? -J' :" -. Waata PlckUhCtatZ Raw Stock Qnrtss fer i ETC ETC. ' '1: ' it The Largest Pipe Covering Plant In The United States The Philip Carey Manufacturing Co. 1 1 CINCINNATI, OHIO 1 v ' ' 85 per cent Magnesia for covering high-pressure steam pipes. Asbestos Moulded for covering low-pressure steam pipes. Wool Felt for covering low-pressure pipes. Hair Felt for covering exposed pipes. Pipes covered with Carey's Coverings never give trouble, For further information, estimates, etc, address Charlotte Branch The Philip Carey Manufacturing 216 S. College St. LP. TINGLET, Manager. Co. "1 $iJ t J V tj-7I 5 a1 28 . .... 68 .. Al60 .,.,'156 i.t;ii2 ...... 74 .199 4 C1 ...... 72H ...... 188 a- ' 944 ; a- i ? t. 7- r. 'v - " ' . t V 187' , A. ' 40l ; above i Wllmlnston, rf, C.'os Cape Fear rlyeh mile from By.; 1 million feet lumber 10,. 600 corde of wood, which can .he put Inte Wilmington at a profit or f 1.09 per cord, oy flat boat, Price 14,000.60. ,118 A t 1.8 mile of Btatesville. 8 new buildings, (arm Jb aov order, 80,00a 'feet pine , Umber . on tract -' ' f ';. . . ' ey, year.ip,., $7,000. ... M . : , Memphis,,..",,..,....,.,, f2j.ij.53tl ypt further aeacrlpllon write to .............. . ; ' i.- ' uuu -. ay. - a vuiiy w i jo e. nxui 6W Ctutiottc X,' C Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently Bud It neceasary to have Banking Faollitlea In ad tUtioa te those offered by local THE First National Bank ,';- t Blobeaond, Vtrtinla,' ''-' t With J 1,186.606.00 Capital 8,006,000.60 Deposit IT.t06.606.6e Total Resources Offer Jaat the Additional Fa ellltlea Required. Jno. B. Puroell, Prealdent; ino. M. MUler. Jr Vice Preal dent; Chaa. R. Burnett A gtttant Cashier; J. C. Joplln, Aaalatant Caahler. MILLER & COMPANY EXCHANGE BR0KER8. No. 100 Broadway. - - New Tort. Members: New Tork Stock Kachange. New Tork Cotton Baohange, New YerM Coffee Baohaage, Nw Turk Produce B change, New Orleana Cotton Eachange, New drloana Board of Trade, Chlcaga Board of Trade, Liverpool Cottea. Asso ciation. Execute orders ea any of thl xchange of which we are members. All order sent to eur branoh office a) Oreenvllla, 8. C, wUI be tnuiemltted Initantly by private wire te our met office la New Tork, and execution ret ported promptly. The Beat Service, Prompt Attention, Immediate Battlements, your Business Solicited. r, B. AUBXANDBtV Mgr (17 W. -Washington fit. Greenville, g, G JAMES . MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cotton Yarns and Cotton Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Philadelphia. 12a and 114 Chestnut St. Boston 185 Summer St. New York. No. 73 Leonard St. BANDY & TERRELL, GREENSBORO. K. a Consulting, Hydraullo and Bewer Engineers. Plana and estimate for power plants and aewer ayatems made on application. . Bandy A. Ph. B. Aasoo. M. A. SC.. 80. C. X.. and Terrell. C B. Rensater. ESTABLISHED 1886 C. P CI1IS & COMPANY Cotton Commission Merchants MEMBERS OF The New Tork Cotton Exchange, New Orleana Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Broker Association. New Or. leans Board of Trade. Cotton Exchange Building NEW ORLEANS Special attention given to executing Of order In contract for future de livery of cotton In all the market. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HUBBARD BROS. & CO., , HANOVER SQUARE. NEW T0R5C MEMBERS OF New Tor Cotton Ex fohaBge, New Orleana- Cotton - Ex ehange, Associate Member Llyer .boo! Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur eha and sale of" cotton: for future tteltvetT.' Correapondenca Invited. . ;Altrecth'e';;tete8nt& Interest paid eeml-annually. v Wo have on hand at this time Some i:;2herc::fifst.;:rtg2eE:r.is Which' t wilt - net ' the Investor . 6 per , cent. .Correspondence solicited. , . Write-1 ior our pamphlet "Interest, Income and. Investment. BOND DEPARTMENT, ', V,r:2.:valc;n Mitt Ccr;: jriSTON-SAIXil, N.- a ; ooooooooooooo oil! COTTON SEED and Gin Machinery NOT IN "ANY COMBINATION OR TRUST. Complete plant from fifteen to two hundred tons capacity. Spe cial small oil plant for gin neries. Complete cotton fin nine eystema E. Van Winkle Gin and I Machine Works, S ATLANTA. - GEORGIA. XQ0)000CftO00O0CO If You Expect to Buy Gin Machinery for 1906; Write Us cf Once for Our Catalogue and Tell us Your Wants Continental Gin Company CHARLOTTE, N. C. "ft CROMPTON-THAYER LOOM COT , WORCESTER, MASS. , , i''' -. FANCY COTTON AND GINGHAM. p TOWEL, DAMASK, SUTLT, CA8SIMERE, BLANKET LOOMS, ETC. 1 ' as DOBBIHS, BOX MOTIONS. RiPAIRsf ETC MJirmiOHH rasjaelg T BM: rvW am www swiawwi war m "ww.wasaea w r mt VJ,AUy4 AMtf V. ALEXANDER & GARSED, Managers. t h JENCKES SPirUAJITJC CO. PAWTTTOKET, R. I. COTTON TARN SPINNERS, CONVERTERS AND SBAXJERS. ' Correspondence With Son thorn Spinners Sonotted, j- HUGH MACRAE ft 00, Bankers Mleoellaneoti Southern Securities WILMINGTON, N. a WaexUngon, D. CL, 468 Colorado Bids Ootton Mill Stocks O. a. ROB BINS Complete Equipment for Cotton iiill, Power Plaits and General Macnnery. .A CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA.' J WILLIAM B. CHARLES, Commission Merchant COTTON TARNS, ALL COUNTS COTTON GOODS otyrroN and cotton waste. ; ' BBBJBMaaBB - Amsterdam, - New York. RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. SPENCER TURNER CO. COMMISSION MEnOHAirTO. OFFICES New Tork, Philadelphia, atiaaga, St. Lonia, Tarns and Cotton Piece Goods. SS niGN-GRAOe SPINDLE, LOOM, ENGINE AND .OILS ,- . , t. -. OOTTON WARPS AND TARNS. No. 114 Chestnut Street. PTJIIiADELPHIA, . PA. A. D. DALKELD. is BR0.( COMMISSION merchants . SdTS LnoJUuNI Bt, 'kW TORS, -; h ' v,0 O T ITOW-AIl H sT ' -.. ' wits-. FredTc Vietor & Achelis. ;WM. VD'OUEIt 00 - OOMMtSION -MERCHANTS , 1 COTTON YARNS TkJrd sad Chestaut Sta. ' y I tbrlne and Mettfiaa6 llldSJ, - mnfTr,ATtwfprxa yj . V. ( 1 vt? A V,, - s l :' A,'l fvf feUaCcr.r.r:3 v; Bait Oils and Cold Water id Oreasea.Leibrl eating Qreaaea, ResMlaesl fijwjbs) t$ GEO. B. HISS OIL Ga . '-.Vt CIHABXOTTB. N. Vs v- " f V i PAULSON. LINKROUM & CO. 'SS LBAnD-VSTIlEET':i;- ..-. V - NEW TOt -4 THIRD AND CHEHTNTJT STREETS' PHXLADKLPII I SIO MONROE STREET C1UCAOO GREENSBORO SUPPLY CO. y . 'if ulUnJ, HlWwwwJ,' lul':V fc.'i; . '. ' . i 8'"" M KT'l pr"Y . r if" Tro Brovncll Cc. Dry: - ' '-'1::

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