of ico exhausted M VXGJl Mt'RDEH CASE CALLED . -'mhj! n'u'm X'-'-' vial Venire of 100 Exhausted Had a Second of ftO Ordered, to secure .i.iry for Trial 1st Wake Court of Lurch, and Moore: for Murder of strk-klano-lKHi . weathers, ! Hodent Over 111 Health, Take Ills Own life by Shooting; Himself Through - Head Illicit Still Captured ; New of the State Capital. , i . "i - Observer Buresu, 122 South Dawson. Btreet, , , V . Raleigh, April 2. ' The corner lot bounded by Harget and t Salisbury is soon to undergo s f decided change. A. three-story building complete In. Its equipments, will be r erected on the corner by John Brown , end bis won. Fab Brown, and the ad- Joining lota on either side will be sold at auctiou Tuesday of next week. The ' ' ground 1 recokned among the most , valuable In Raleigh, covering a stretch .,' SM feet on Hargett and 120 feet on . Salisbury street. " ,'- The case of the State against Frank Moore, and Frank Burch, alias ' Bunk" Burch, charged with the mur der of Night Watchman Ktrl kland, t at the Standard Oil Company's plant here, was called for trial in Wake Su ' parlor Court this morning. The first Special venire of 190 men wan exhaust 1r ad and at 4 o'clock another special -venire of 50 men was ordered. The Jury had not been secured when court 5 adjourned. ," The case was sent up by Justice Reld - Sept. 7, 1905. and wan continued for want of a bill to January, again tin February, then to thin present term. More than 40 witnesses have been gurn- moned. about 15 of iliem this morning. , YOUNG MAX KNDH HIS 1,1 FE. sr Enfeebled by an Illness with fever and depressed after the Indulgence In a periodical spree. Leon H. Weathers, a resident of Raleigh and a (wpable young buslnB man, committed suicide to-day at the renldence of his wid ' awed mother. Mrs. C. H. Weathers, on : South Blount street. The unfortunate '': man was, for a number of yearn, em ployed In the cotton offices of Charles E. Johnson & Company, in thin city, but went to Mississippi, whci-e tie held a position with the cotton agency of , Cr. H. McFadden & Brothers, at Merl dan. at which place, a few months V ago, he contracted fever. He returned , to Raleight about six weeks ago In "' poor health and bemoaning his con- ditlon. The man was given to drink ing and tried to drown his low spirits - In the old way, only to intcstlfy the depression. Iast week he was drink ing more heavily, and had even stated that he had tired of life anil would i end It with his own bunds. He had 4 eupposedly not had any more of the " etimulant since Saturday evening. He .! did not leave the house this morning, : but his gloom was deepened and when a fit opportunity presented Itself, he T'aced the barrlel of a .3K calibre pls- tol against his brow, slightly to the left side, and fired the shot he had planned should end misery and dlsap ;v polntment. Mr. Weathers was married five years ago" and Is survived by Mrs. m Weather and his mother, two brothers. J. H. and Fab. H. Weathers, and one liter, Mrs. John Knox, all of this ; City. The young man whs more than ordinarily capable and efficient and V was recognized for his talents, both among his home people and the stran Aers among whom lie had more re cently made his residence. No written message was left to any memlier of ;; the family or to any near or dear to him Deputy Internal Revenue Collector W. (J. Pool and I). C Downing suc ceeded In raiding and capturing an Illicit distillery outfit Sunday after tioon. in Cumberland county, within - two miles of a church, nt n point near Morrison's bridge, on Uttle river. The : officers state that the operators of the till were attending Kunday school at the church In question when the haul Was effected. The prlsse netted a r,0 galton still, nine fermenters and morn than l.tOO gallons of beer, two rm, together with a quantity of meal and malt. i : Charlie Davis, a comparatively '' young white man. from Inn hum. whs to-day arrested by a IlalelKh police officer at the Cnlon Station, Just hm , he had entered ihe coach of a South ern train. In one hand the man car . ried a dress suit cane, and the other , hand clutched a half-eaten sandwich When the officer took hjm In charge. rThe arrest was made Ht t lie- tnstga :. tlon of a deputy sheriff nt Durham, Who wanted the prisoner held in nn wer A charge of manipulating cer tain bank checks In that place. All thu nu mbers of the North Caro lina corporation commission left thin morning for Washington city, where they will attend a meeting of the National Association of Unllroud Commissioners. , - A (ItKDITAIMjK I'Kltl'OUM ANi'F,. "Tlio M iinimy and llw lliunmiiig lilrd" I'lcaxes a Fair AiKlieiice Mr. r , Mhltrtr Not l p to Klundnrd MH Y j hy faal tillniorc. "The Mummy and the Humming ' Blrd" was seen by h falr-slr.e( audl " ae at the Academy last iildht, and , .nrllh Mr. Whltear In the leading role, ' ' proved a very credit able pioductton. , ' He Is not by any means a bad actor, i -nd while he did not. in every partli u- .lar, measure up to the standards set 'i.'by Paul tJllinore In the role of I,or. L xtmiey. his Inteniretation of the part yMM gH. , Mr, Thomas N. HrlTron, the Italian ' ; Vllllan. who poses In Ixridou as Slunor D'Orelll, and is accepted Into the homes of the nohlllty on ric.hiiiI if his literary attainment, seeks to elope With Iady Lurnley. aid Is hunted hy vi OluaepiMS, the organ grinder, whom he ' has wronged. Is easily the levcrest Actor of the cast, and tils scheming and cunning, together with the cool neas with which he plans and exe outea his ends, could but hold the ad miration of the audience, henry Csrl 1-ewls, as tJluseppe. the ' J Organ grinder, displays unusual clev tt erness, and was enthusiastically ap- plauded for his dramatic pantomime the wrong done by Flgnor D'Orellt Bd th vengeance he had come to ,, lxndon to wreak upon. Altogether tha company presenting ' - ,"Tha Mummy and the Humming Bird" a a elever one. and last night s pro , duction pleased the audience who saw " It.' f 4 , SOCIAL t The Pisbyterlan College present! ,! Wry festive appearance last night. "U being the occasion of a beautiful , reception tendered by the senior class -J(f both the music and literary de , jpartmeats to the juniors. Quite a Urge number of young gentlemen from the city and from Davidson Col lege were also guests of the evening. Tha decorations were especially dainty and attractive, the color scheme be ing white and green in compliment to the janfors. Not only were these col , era draped in graceful festoons from t he ceiling, hut were- carried oat even , in the refreshments and and bouquets, ach piece cake having its date to r-ven letter . on the u white frosting. I'alma and fema with white and greeq carnations, gave a' charming finish to the arena, and it looked a though .. fairlea bad .been. -at ,vorfb' Trie evening went alio too rapidly, ' with much youth and beauty and hep ' vine mingled, . STOCK'- YABDSVXiK JSSUE ALfDKJlMEJ! : DISCUSS ' SUBJECT What Was Believed to be Settled, a lYoblmi More Acut Than Kver Mr. Dowd Asks QaeaUoobatHe reives Ho Tleply Final Action I'ontpt ned ' Vntll - Next Monday NightNew Milk Ordinance Paased . More Ughta Near the Square. . tike Banijuo'a ghost In Macbeth, the stock 'ard questlort "will not down." At the last monthly meeting of the board : of aldermen, an" ordinance was passed which declared .that after April 1 no stock yard or barn would be allowed within ihe city limits. It was believed that .this ordinance settled the question, for good and all. But not so.:. At the regular meeting! of the board of aldermen, which was held in the city hall last night, this I was the first .topic broached. Messrs.. J. I. Blakely and J. H. Wearn, mem bers of the police, fire and health com mission, appeared In behalf of Mr. Whitaker, asking: that the prohibitory stock yard ordinance of the last meet ing be rescinded. They declared that they had visited Mr. Whltaker'a place time and again and had ajways found it perfectly, sanitary. "He U conduct ing a legitimate business," said Mr. Ulakeley, "and should nA be dis turbed." But Mr. Blakeler and Mr. Wearn declared that If the stock yards were put out of the city It would work a hardship upon the butchers, raise the price of meat, and affect the whole city. In support of their plea, in be half of the stock yards, they added, that Mr. Whliaker would give bond to keep his place sanitary. Everything moved very smoothly so far. After Messrs. Blakeley and Wearn had finished speaking, Dr. I. W. Falson moved that the matter be tabled. Mr. W. W. Ward, on the con trary, moved that the license be grant ed, which motion was seconded by Mr. E. H. Williams. At this point the ques tion arose as to procedure. Mr. H. W. Harris, 'city attorney, stated that be fore anything could be done an ordi nance would have be framed, embody ing Mr. Ward's ideas. Such being the case the matter was postponed tempor-arll;-. And then came the interesting fea ture of the meeting. Mr. W. F. Dowd arose to ask why this committee from the, police, fire and health commission had appeared before the board. He stated that he didn't exactly catch their motive and hence desired Infor mation. "It is admitted by all." said he. "that stock barns are not condu cive to the health of the city. I ask then, why did they come? As officials, did they come in the interests of the health department, believing that the sanitary condition of the city would be benefited by these stock yards and barns? Some weeks ago Col. A. L. Smith was here to ask us to do some thing for the good of the Are service. We were glad to hear him. But these gentlemen, from the police, fire and health commission. appear here to have us rescind our recent action on ground. i utterly foreign to the service. I want enlightenment as to their mo tives." 'Mr. Blakeley and Mr. Wearn both disclaimed any personal Interest In the matter stating that they were simply acting for I tie best Interests of the city generally. This did not seem to satisfy Mr. Dowd and so Mayor Mc Nlnch called Mr. J. H. Ross to the chair, and he took the floor. He spoke for some minutes, presenting Mr. Whltakers case in its best light. But this, was not ihe Information that Mr. Dowd was after. Dr. Faisou, who has strong convic tions and never hesitates to express them, arose and declared that he was "ag'ln It, tooth and toe nail." As to the raising the cost of meat, he. did not believe that such would result. He declared that living 1n Charlotte was already Ihe, highest In the country, and that he didn't think that It could be come more so. Mr. Dowd declared in conclusion that he had nothing against Mr. Whitaker, nejther did hs believe that his place was unsanitary. He stated that he was agulnst stock yards and burns as a class not having any Individual mo tives In the matter at all. Other business was considered. Mr. Blakeley retiring to the mayor's room, where Mr. Whitaker was walll.ig. Af ter the expiration of perhaps an hour and a half, Mr. Ward Joined the party outside and on returning to the room, Introduced the following ordinance to repeal the one passed at the last meet ing of the board: "Be It ordained by the board of al-i dermen of the city of Charlotte: "Section 1. That an ordinance en titled an ordinance prohibiting stock yards within the city limits adopted at the March meeting. 1 !06, be and the same is hereby repealed. "Section 2. That the ordinance be In effect n nnd after Its adoption." Mr. Ward moved that this ordinance he adopted and his motion was second ed. It was put on Its first reading and pissed. As the rules were about to be suspended, Tr. Kalson arose and ob jected. Not only did he object but he offered as an amendment to Mr. Ward's motion, that action lie post poned until next Monday night, when i called session would be held to dls c us ihe matter In full. Dr. Falson deil.u id In making Ills motion, that no 1 -( 1 1 1 1 i - action should be taken until I an opportunity was given tne citizens , of W.i:d 2 to express themselves In Hhe m. liter. The motion as amended, learned ami final action was postponed t i J 1 1 1 1 1 in xl Monday night. At that i time tio- matter will be reheased and i dim ued hi full. j Tin- ii..w rnllk ordinance was read, section hy section, by Dr. Falson and adopted In Mm entirety, t'nder It. a city veterinary surgeon Is to bo elected. Applications ale de sired so that Ihe election may take place at the meeting of the board, next Monday night. Messrs. J B. Ivey. H W. Belk. J. W. Cuthberison and C. h. Stone appeared asking taut four new electric lights be placed midway of the blocks that lead from the square. This request was unanimously granted. The requests of It, II Jordan A Com pany, the Burwell Dunn Company, the Di I worth Drug Store, Woodall A 8hep pard, and the Atkinson Drug Company, for a renewal of their licenses permit ting the selling of liquor on prescrip tion, were granted. On motion of Mr. Williams, s cement sidewalk wss ordered placed on the south side of West Fifth street, ex tending from Graham to l'oplar. On motion, the Kouthern Power Company was relieved of furnishing 110. 000 bond for fulfilling contract as to street lighting. An ordinance was Intro duced and passed ordering all poles within the fire limits be painted before the 1st of May. All these poles are to be of one color, the ordmance preferr ing olivt green. IS KouUi African Native Nliot for Murdrr. Pletermaritsbnrg, Natal. April J -The twelve nutlves cendemned to death for the murdr of poliremen during tha up rising in February agulnst the collection of the poll tax. the postponement of wIium eaetition led to a dispute botweeu the imperial ' and colonial governments, were shot to-day. WANTKDPrlnllng press st once; good, , -ootunin fotie ' 34(ii, Adams "press. and description and pries to Bog 17, VlrgOina, Va- FOB lldUOB M- ELECTION FIRST .WOVE MADE TESTEWlAY Petition to the Board of Aldermen la Order an Wlevtio einT ur - curate A Dmteri Cltjacna Securing ' SUrnaraWnie5 Nam oi, aoow 800 Vetera IVho- t Were Registered for the . Last Municipal Kloction Will be i Required , to Herure -, the Klection Tb3 Petition The Claims ' "of BotJn Mdee-iflrha Fight On.-; A move was 'ftiatrgorated In the city yesterday afternoon, ;' the object -"of which is to have an election j called to decide whether thettown shall , re main drv or there1 eball . be salooniCor a. dispensary. A dosen copies of petition, which la, given be!ow,were made and given into the handa Of as many citizens, who . will see the ma jority of the voting-population of the city In an endeavor to get a aufflclent number m voters to secure an eiec tlon. An election has to be ordered by che board of aldermen and to have the board order such an eleotlon the signature of one-third of the voters who were registered lor tne last mu ntcioal election will have to be se cured. For the last election about 8.400 voters were registered. Therefore, approximately 800 citizens who were registered for the last election will have to sign the petition before the board of . aldermen . will order tne election. . According to tha statutes of North Carolina1, no election on the liquor question, which, In the case or Char lotte, was ,juiy fttn, jso. jyeirner -n thV'electlOn be held within 90 days from the date of any -State, county or municipal election. There will be a county election in Mecklenburg Nov. 6th. Therefore. If the liquor election is held this year it . must be held af ter July 6th and before August 6th. The petition being circulated fol lows: , To the Mayor and Board of Alder men, of governing; body of the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. "We, -the undersigned, being; resi- - dents, cltlsens, tax-payers' ana voters in the city of Charlotte, and who are duly registered for the last preceding municipal election held in this city, and being more than one-third of the registered voters in said election, re spectfully petition you, as the govern ing body of the city of Charlotte to order an election to be held in eaia city, after 30 days notice, in the year 1906 on the day of July, 1906, or be tween the 6th day "of July and the 1st day of August, 1906, or at such time as Is allowed by said law in said year, to determine whether saloons shall be established In the city of Charlotte." The move to have an election order ed is being made by men of the city who any that prohibition has- proven a failure In the city and who cite the court records -to prove that blind tigers have been rampant In the city and county ever since the town went dry. They say that it is for the men of the city to decide whether liquor shall he sold legally, In saloons that pay a nlgn license ana are unuer ui surveillance of the police, or megajiy by tigers, who disregard the law. Thev av that the majority of the people of the city are tired of "so-called prlhlbltlon" and that after Jan. 1st, When you are wearied from over work, feel listless or languid, or when you cunnot sleep or eat, take Hol llster's Ilocky Mountain Tea. f)ne of the greatest tonics known. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. Special Notices WILEY'S CANDIES MADE IN AT hinta yesterday, sold here to-day. ITS always frenh nnd as good as is maae. We ore exclusive agents for Oliaiintta. J AH. T. 8TOWB & CO., Druggists. '1'hone 179. TIIIH MORNING WE HAVE FOR YOV fresh Tomatoes, String Hcans, Lettuce. hard heads; Spinach, Soup Hunches. Radishes. Spring On loiiH. new Cabbage, Golden Itussett Apples, Oranges, both Florida and t'unlfurnin. Grape Fruit. Malaga Grapes nnd Cocoanuts. Ulg lot of 'nkes and Crackers Just received. Come eiirly or 'phone W. MILLER VAN NK88 CO. VVK CAN SirPPLY YOtT ANY KIND OF typewriter wanted now or rebuilt; largest typewriter dealer In Carolina. Hupplles for all kinds of typewriters ribbons, nirbon papers, oils, etc. Ex- Iit-rt repairman repair and rebuild XII Inds of typewriters. West on earth. Write ua your wants. JONKS, the Typewriter Man, Charlotte, N. C. IF YGI' HAVE THE HEADACHE TO dny, 'phone Woodnll & Sheppard. No. fin, for a hot I In of Allan's Headache Remedy, it will curs. If It don't it costs you nothing. Price 15 cents. AFTER HtrYING THE BKBT OF OTH er ingredients don't spoil your desserts hy using cheap extracts. Get Blue Ribbon Vanilla or Lemon. Absolutely pure, noes twice an far as other kinds, nnd the flavor Is perfection. I'I'HINA HAH Y CHICK FOOD FOR your biddies. Keep them growing end keep them well. 40-lti. bag, 1.26; lOO-lb. Img, I'i W DILWORTH DRl'O STORE, 'Phone 247. B. 8. DAVIS. FOR HA LK-MODERN ROOM HOUSE, ill..- lot mid barn, 614 North Caldwell street. Nice 5 room modern cottage, US F.. iiih street. Poreellne bath, hot water nnd k'ik. Modern K-rooin riouse, 600 East fill street. Nice building lots In various purls of city. At bargain prices. , A RTI I I'll HENDERSON & BRO. lll'RRY IT! FASTER IS ABOUT here. I,t me start on your Easier suit nt once. 1 have the finest linn of suit, logs in the city, Imported stock. Prices to suit everybody. Don't delay. Come now and be in the ring. Kit and satis, faction suiiranteed. II. MILLER, Tullor. The Old Reliable. KOK BAl,E--ft 5flO, DWRMJSO, 1'P.TtJ iluts: tl.rtoo cottage; 11,600 cottage; fi,. HIO suburban plsc, 1 acres and good house, well enclosed; fl.400 plnrs, 7th nnd Mcliowoll; tl.OflO and H00 lots. 02OB. Kllsnbeth Ave.; Il,7( N. Tryon lot; store room for rent, I12.S0. K. Lu KEK8LKR. 1 Phone M4. A MVKHY 8KRVICK THAT 18 SAFE, good horses, nobby turnouts, drivers if you want them. Our horses, while they are not by any means dead, art per fectly safe. 'Phone for a team for the wife and children. J. C. COCHRANE & HKO. Thone 63. FEW IJEMCIOI S CRATE FED BROIL. VI. I limn- iniiu. r- 1X)TTK I'OUl.THir FARM. rs Ttione rsrm, no. rH 3. CHAfi- FOB AIB-!,0fW CABBAOE. LETTUCE and Tomato Plants. Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs at ttCHOLTZ'H OUKEN IlOUflEB, Charlotte. N. C. 'Phone C1. WBHAVE A VERT fTnB LOTOF seasoned oak and plna stova wood,- quaniicy ana qunniy gunraaieea. we alao curry a stiK-k of terra eotta pipe from 4 In. to J4 m. 'Fhona 170. Prompt deUvery. f. tKJWD CO. MORE OLIVER TYPEWRITERS WERE sold In North Carolina last year than any other make. We will sail more than all ether makes : combined this yeer. Ask tor facts and figures and reasons war these conditions Mist, If you don't already know. J. E, C RAT TON CO Trust UuUdlng.. BtTRINEBH MEN WILL?. NOT FIND A more convenient ' plaee to dine aor a more varied bill of fare than here. 1 0ar efforu are for kulrk, best "satis. J907. Charlotte win again hare, :weH regulated, high-licensed' saloons. r The prohibitionists- of the city paint a different picture. They say that the bllnd -tlger evil incalculably small compared with i the evil of the open bars. They- say that prohibition has proven itself successful v in Charlotte and cite the testimony of number ot merchants .and . business men to prove that more- money has gone Into other channels of trade and that the moral at mosnhere of , the ' community has Improved. , ; i The fight Is on.,;, 'Farmers to Meet Next Saturday. '"The regular monthly meeting: of the Mecklenburg , Cotton Orowers Asso ciation will be held In the county court house, Saturday.' the 7th Instant. For the past, two ' weeks President H. K. Held has been going from point to points in the county, visiting the township clubs,, and getting them in line for the meeting Saturday. The acreage question will be the one dis cussed at this meeting. , THE WEATHER. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday: Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; light to fresh northeast . to southeast winds. HUGHES': SPRING c TONIC 99 Cures that tired feeling and puts new life into your entire system. A compound extract of SARSPARILLA and BURDOCK with Iodine and Potassium. Its an ideal Tonic for Spring and guaranteed a blood purifier ; Price 75c R. H. JORDAN & CO. DRUGGISTS. R B. & Ok of lie Choicest of . Suburban homes for sale; splendid situation, large, modern, conveniently arranged, nearly new veneered dwel ling, on Broad Ave., best car service In the city. Lot 100xl90-fruit and vines. 12 rooms for $8,250. ' .Ask or 'phone F. D. ALEXANDER SOS 8. Tryon. p. S0. WHEN INTEREST BEGINS Deposits made In the Southern Loan & Savings Bank, either on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of any month draw interest from the first day of that month. This applies to money that remains three calen dar months, and to Large and Small Deposits Alike. ' Our Time Certificates bear interest from date. SOUTHERN LORN & SAVINGS BANK V. M. Brown, Pres., W. 8. Alexander. V. Pres., W. t Jsnklns, Cashier. Store Building We are offering at a low price, a store building and lot 40x80 situated on a prominent corner and is well established as a stand for a retail grocery store. See us if interested. ? ? ? ? $ THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. G. CRAIG, Trees. 'Phone S77 Office 18 E. Trade St. THE PROPER THING Now, listen to this: The MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN Is now opening a NEW SERIES, Into which all are cordially Invited. We say to you, boldly and emphatically, that if there Is any other 8AFE INVESTMENT as ATTRACTIVE as this, we are Ignorant of It. Subscribers are rolling in as never before In our 25 years of un broken success, but we want TOU. THERE'S NOT A MAN, and BUT FEW WOMEN, In Charlotte who should not carry some shares right here. People of all classes, from the most affluent to the very poor, are found here on tha same level and reaping the same har vest of profit and satisfaction. t - ; ' -, - - - JNO. R. PilARR, PrcsM E L HOSIER, Treasurer. PHONE 344. 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. fronting-' en Seattle's Pord Macadam road, three mUes front city; about lift sen acres la timber; forty young fruit trees; l-room Dwelling and a Barn, A good. Spring aa place, r Call at offlea for prices. fnsurancc .v I 1 A Hadley Mayliecorcr,' ti'. Jefferson City, Mo., April Z.The phy siclan attending- Attorney Oaneral Her bert- 8. Hadley, announced last night mat Tianger or pneumonia baa passed, but that Mr. Hadley will not be able to leave his room for several days yet. f 'Turnejr CWesr to JalL 'l New ToraV AdHI .. S.-rJoseoh ' AT Turney, the defaulting teller of. the National uanx of . North, k America, was arraigned this morning and held in ten thousand ball. Ha went to jail. i: , ,i, k A,t Vlj i'lj. ' " Dilwbrth floral Gardens Don't hesitate to place your orders with us for your i Wedding- Flowers, Lodse Cut Flowers and Floral De signs. . - In dealing with our customersIn Oiling orders by mail, wire or direct our, motto Is, "Put yourself In his place." Send us your orders. ' and 'we Will exercise the same care In detail - aa would be given were you here to sa lect ; We put ourselves In your' place and give what we would expect to re ceive ourselves. The choicest selection of cut flowers. The best service. W.G. McPHEE, Prop. Charlotte, N. C. P. O. Box 127. Bell "Phones, In our Cut Flower Depart ment we make , a specialty of Funeral Designs 40 different shapes and 100 different sizes, Any Price. Or der same by telephone or tele graph and we will get them to you quick and fresh.. We pack securely and ship to any point Plenty of loose cut flowers now. Write us for prices on wedding flowers. I. Van lindley Nursery Co. POMONA. It C Send telegrams to Greensboro. The Crowell Sanitorium Co., Inc For the Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. Special apartments and nurses for lady naUents. All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases.' and various methods of massage, includ ing the Bllhnlaler vibrating method. The stockholders all being; physicians constitute a consulting board. Specially trained mala and female nurses and attendants. 8. M. CROWEtXi. BI. Praa. W. M. STRONG, M. D.. Resident' Phrstdaa. HE COCHRANE I . ' ' .ii. 2nd Real fcttt Aent . AS QUOTE OS'lDi-TH -TGllOiVKS. ATTRACTIVE till ESTATE'" tEAtmSD rtiVITE " YOIB l.'iSFECTIO;i .Houso and lot on Elisabeth .Avs, 7 rooms , , . .11800.00 ? Ilousa and lot on Elizabeth Ave., rooms , ,.S. .. ..fT.COO.OOr3 rt 8-room bouse, N.'Graham St, lot '40 l2xl0;; beautiful lo . i Housa and lot on North College street; a rooms, fine locality K.600.00- CotUg-a oa North Brevard street. 6 rooms... V. 11,600.00 " House and lot or East Ninth street. rooms . ..11,660.00 ' .'S-room' cottage On N. Brevard St, good location: lot'.0xl20; ' .: - ,J ' can be bought at 1 1,150.00 If taken at once. , . . . - " Two-sfory house on, East Aya.; ? rooma .. v ,.$ft00.0 f SOimiERl RFAl ESTATE LOAN - AND TRUST- COMPANY iff ii ww ft tp ft ii t in 99 ftanlr unit I f 'mmw a ' aIHm " villoma Give us a chance to talk with GOMMERGIAJL ,w. E. atuiTi reg, BiA.u Sfw, Auauunj,- a II stasia si aslg,slia, sliiastaa4i4s sUaaaaslAs AAA aaTUaUJU dA FIRST RATIONAL BANK 0BGANIZED 1865: Capital and Surplus, . $500,000.00 DIRECTORS: P. M. BROWN GEO. W. BRTAN ' - 9. 0. BURROUGHS FRANK GILREATH st. S. MYERS P. B. McDOWETA B. ML AfcADEN ,W. R. RODMAN T. W. WADE CHA8. A. WTXLIAMS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLiaTED fRANK GILREATH, Pres. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier W Merdiants and Farmers National Banlt CHARLOTTE, N. C 00KOO0OOMOOMKO THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK auoomic It Is our constant aim te a eourteous and accommodating to all classes and make this a bank where those of moderate means shall have the same treatment aa those mora favorably situated. Tou are cordially Invited, to open a bank recount with ua. . CUITIVATE THE SAVING By OPENING A SAVINGS ACCOUNT with THE ' CHARLOTTE TRUST CO. . NEW QUARTER BEGINS APRIL 1st. WE PAY 4 PER CENT. 18 East Trade Street. Charlotte OFFICERS H. IiTTTLH, President. rCi BANKING BY MAIL A plan bywhich you may no matter where you live count in-time to share in: . ' 1 L . . terest quarter, wnicn oegins Apru isu m w 4 ru uni - Southern States Trust Go. ' CAPtTAL 1200,000 TRUST BCTUMNG. CHARTXTTTK, iff. 01 j ,.' GEO. 8TKPUJEN8, T. 8. FRAIfKXIN, W. H. WOOD, J. E. DAVIV President. Vice Pres. i j f SOUTHERN MILL. S TOG ICS ' We Offer Subject to Salet to 10 Odell 00. JO to-10 Banford 5 , 10 to Gibson 100. - 20 to 2B Kerr Bag Co. 1i 20 to 60 Oaffney 91, - 10 AO SS Louise 100. 90 to SO Hosklns 109. 25 Hosklns 7 per cent. pref. 100 and -Int. , vsw 20 Louise 7. per Cent? pref. 1(0 and 10 to BO Cora 01. 60 Crowders Mt. (par$0;iB" . 60 Whlttaker. -Bid wanted.' - 30 Gaston 111. , J i SO to BO Greensboro-JUfe las. v III... in mm i , The -voice of wisdom never spoke in truer words than It : rdoes to-day in advising you to ,. keep your banking account at . tha V Commercial- . National .' Bank, where you will find am- , pie resources, unequalled fa- ' ; ctlitjea and up-to-date meth- . , ods, . together -with polite: and . accommodating clerks and of- ' fleers, whose courtesy and ; friendliness make It pleasant and agreeable to do business ) with tha bank. Have you noticed the large ' increase In the business of the -. bank since last year? This u Sneaks well not nnlv for tha r hJ ' ni -1 . . . . 4 .uu VIHIM, nut OJSU LUr l HO I U TV II. you about your account and your 3 NATIONAL BANK V. P. A. Q. BRENIZEIt, Cash. J tniMMtsx, Asst. cash. - ' ' aj CAPTTAl $200,000.00 ASSETS $1500.000.00 We Invite- you to open ta account with ua, promising avenr eourtasnr aad accommodatloa Consistent with sound nnung. We pay four per cent Interact on time deposits. GEO. K. WILSON, President, JNO. B. ROSS, Vleo Prealdeat, W. CL WILKINSON. Cashier. HABIT M. PATTERSON Ij. R. HAGOOD, Vice President. Cashier. have our bank at your door, Try it. and open your ac the earnings of the new in- J a it uic an, nrs :.K Treasurer. Asst. Tresuw We Can Use Sabjeat to Snpplyt S, 5 to 10 Lowell ISO. 10 to 30 Osark 155. , " 85 to SO Arlington 12S. ( 1st Nat'I Bank, Qastonla, 121, Cltlsens' Nat'I Bank Gastonla, 110. 1st Natl Bank, Charlotte, ICS. Commercial Nat'I Bank,? Charlotte, 150, BO Henrietta t00 ' i " . - SB Florence 11 B. . , ' SO Washington feref.l it. E5 Clifton (pref.) 101 - V . t0 to 60 Pacolet fnref.) 161. Mills Manufacturing (com.) 10.-"i ' MUJs . Manufacturing (pref.). 101. M k ' x f f t