'IT' v V , as- -1i Si tuxDiir school cosvESrnos.' Z nrst Session Wan Held Lnst Msh Hie Histonr of the SoIm.I Told la mn ImerejsUnff.War -Sum tncts worm amiwwu- Manyt 'Proinlnent Men Here Jelesate--Several Interesting Ad tlre Made Lam ..Sigh. - ' There was large congregation pres ent at the Second Preabyterjan church ' but night at the opening session of the ' " Sunday school convention. Jar. H. N, Snow, of Durham, presl- dent of the convention, presided and , Rev. C. J. 'Wnitngham conducted the , devotional exercise. ftev. P. T. Durham delivered the ad- dress of welcome and Rev. W. li. Dut ;'"tera, of Salisbury, responded to the address. Mr. Vf. M. Hartshorn, or Boston, i f."pres1dent of the International Sundav School Union, was Introduced to the V convention and spoke a few words ex ' "; pressing his pleasure at his unexpected ' presence here at this time. -The Origin and Development of the i Internationa Sunday School IBson Kvntom" the subject of the ad- 4u. t nv R W. Soil man, wt who Is I Held -secretary of the Sunday school I don't wish to see old Mecklenburg fall board of the Southern Baptist t'onven- behind. We have the mother of a vet ' ! I eran living in Long Creek township. !V In part he said: ' Mrs. Mary Demeas, who Is 81 years "I va born In North Carolina and j old; her eon. Calvin, Is In the seven 1 4 1 can never get over It. I came to ties. The old lady In 8trongtlie hear apeak to you of one of the greatest les- j ty. and does all of her household work. "- sons before us. I have been making) She Is a sinter of Mrs. Klizabeth a study of the lesson helps. I "We are going to study some early : attempts at the development of tin- Sunday school through Its different pi-- j riods. from its organization by H"b.-r' . Tin Ikes If you will follow me through i ..ulL '1 win And something ! worthy of rour attention. "I Invite you first to go with me back to-the time when Robert Kaikes looking out of his office in Olmicester. England, seeing some poor ignorant boys playing two thoughts entered his mind. 1. Prevention is belter than cure. 2. Ignorance is the mother of Vice. Now I do not believe the latter. 1 do not believe that Ignorance lias anything to do with vice. This man. (Robert Ralkes, had a tender heart that had long been going out after men In Sin, and the question came to him: What must 1 tench these boys'." The answer was the spelling bonk. This book was used for some lime, but flnallv the time came when something' more was needed than the spelling! live. For several months before 'book, and the next book used was the I Christmas he was here In Charlotte. Bible as a reading book. I He Is kept as a pet. "The next method adopted was the ; memorising of Scripture-the memory Mr n H Payne, of Morganton. Is period. Then people began to discover 'spending to-day in the city with friends. that memorizing was not sufficient ; Sunday school leaching, and Ja rues' Gall. Of EdlliKburgh, Scotland, was thei man who first suggested the plan of asking questions In connection with the indv of the Bible The Introduc- ; tne etuoy or tne Mime, i m n r m. . tlon of the plan of asking quosti'ins of : nv BUIlUMy BCIHMIJ nt iioilin van in'- - i ........ Ci.wl.nr i ginning oi a wai unvi-cu uu-jhj School workers, and that war is si 111 In progress. The question was wheth er Scholars should be asked questions about nassaees they did not under- etsnd. The result of this was the In- , V, 1906, I Will Sell at DUb trodurtlon of the 'question book, pro- ' ' r vlded for the benefit of the teacher and J jc auction, at the County scholars. This was followed by the . . J lesson story, and this by the library COUrt HOUSe ClOOr in the CltV book, all of these methods coming In . . T "i nswer to the question. "What snail j 01 LharlOtte, N. C. at 12 Introduced by the Moravians, and It was Xne SUggesinin inai one verse oi ncrip ture be memorized each day during the week, all bearing on the Sunday echool lesson. "The uniform lesson system was edooted In ISITi. but it went all to pieces. it failed In (lvn years. The cause of the failure was that the different denominations asked the American Sunday School I'nlon to allow them to put their own Interpre tations on the Sunday school lessons, and this the American union re fused to do. This was the be- ginning of the organization of the Sun-, day school unions of the various d nominations. The BaiHists organized in 1(126, the Methodists In IK27. the Friends In 130 ami the Lutherans in the same year. There was a lesson In this a lesson for us at this time. The lesson Is that we can all stand on the (Bible, but each denomination must have the privilege of putting Its own construction upon the lesson to be taught. With the organization of the various Sunday school union came 4he successful organization anil work ing of the International Sunday School Union, which Is doing such a work for the Church." Mr. W. C. Pierce, secretary of the teschers' training department of the International Sunday School, was the next speaker and "Approved Work men" was his subject He fild: "The greatest problem before the Sunday school to-day Is a competent teacher in every class, a competent of ficer In every place. "We csn always turn to the life of Christ when we study such problems, and let us look at His life now. 1. We nnd that He as always looking f uikmicm. rioine nay we. in our Sunday schools, will awake to the real ization of the fait thai rl'hl III our tnidst we have Just the workmen that we need. "2. When Christ had found the workmen, He called them. And what we ne0 In our Sunday s. hoois Is, Wacheri that arc ailed to the Import- I am worn or teaching the Word of God i In the next place Christ after calling His workmen, trained ihern for the work to which Hi c.Hl.-d them. And our Sunday school workers must be trained for'the Important work en trusted to them. In t he Hist place our teachers to be eu. i essful in Sunday 4'hool work must be men and women With a working knowledge f (he Bible, end In the second place they must U men and women who. In addition to having been called to their work, ami having been trained for their work, must possess Hie art Of teaching. "i. After having found and called HI workmen, and trained them, He sent them forth. We need to empha sise the importance ,f the work, of our teachers, by making an important oc casion out of the time when out teach er take up this work by having an In stallation st-rvl.f. "5. Before sending them forth, our Lord encouraged His workmen to CORie back to Him for help. He knew they would meet with opposition and ,j r . ewcoursgement and He encouraged v them to return to Him for help In alt time of difficulty. In our work, we ' , L J1! training classes to help us with " . rur difficult problems." Mr. N. B. Broughton announced the following committee on enrollment of " , s the delegates- F. 8. Blair, T. W. Ing, i ' A. H. Mooneyham. D. T. Perkl n ii nil I W. Holt. The session closed with the benedic tion. . "Heart end Voice" i the music book tosed st the convention, nd Messrs. B. a, nd K, K. Lorens, of Dayton, Ohio, are directing the music. ' .Mia Prl Eldrldge. of Oreensboro. If Visiting Mia Kathryn Kmith, at : her , home on South Myers street. ,,,'(,,4 ..,.. , Wr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown, of Con 'ewd, are visitor In the city. They . re guests sit the Buford. ' Mr; B. W. pllisisa, of Klnaton, was h UMot la its city yesttrday. , RECORDKU JRECEIVES ADVICE. Unknown friend Advisee Him Against the "Drag More Ber-Kooms." Recorder F. M. Shannonhouee re ceived the following card from an un known party In Columbia, S. C. sev eral days ago. He gave it 10 an Ob server reporter yesterday for publi cation. The card follows: "Mr. Recorder: If your would de vote one-fourth the ttma and energy to looking1 after your bar-room drug Btorea that you give to a poor cuss who sells half-pint of pop-skull once and awhile. I tat least, am disposed to ihlnk that you would-accompllsh more. Your bar-room drug stores are hour ly selling before your eyes, but you are too blind or tarttal to see. Beer Is sold through soda fountains. You are givat In the partiality you show. Violators do not all look alike to you when there is a difference In money!" A Strenuous Old Lady. The following letter from an Ob server subscriber will explain Itseif: "Dear Sir: I saw In your paper that i two counties had come to the front with living fathers of veterans. nnugiass and visits ner onen. - - I crept Ion This Afternoon. TnP primary union of the Sunday (f ,,,, 4.y ., Rlve a re - eitio" the parlors of Tryon Street Methodist church, this afternoon, from 5 to 6 o'clock. In honor of Mrs. Barnes, of Newark. N. J., and Miss Worth, of Greensboro, to which all primary ami Junior teachers of Char lotte and visiting delegates are In vited. A Ileal Ground Hog. Lizzie Harris, a colored woman who lives on the farm of Mr. CI. W. Cald well, six miles from the city, on the road lo Newells, has a real, genu-wlne ground hog that she brought from West Virginia. The little weather pro phet, sinner that he Is, attracts consld- erahle attention. He Is alive and ac- THE WEATHER. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: F:llr Wednesday; Thursday fair, colder interior, light east to south winds, NOTICE On the first Monday in 0 ClOCK 1T1., IOr nOn-payiTient of city taxes, cost to be add ed, the following described city lots listed for taxes in said city: Klleri Hunks, 1 Stonewall St. Sarah Harber, Graham St. . . John Harber, 1 lot, 4 08 K. 800 I 1 lot, tzn S. 300 lot, 410 W. nd SI 10.40 MHr(l l Hllrn'(.H Kslate. 1 lot. T.0! S. Myers St Miss Agatha Heatlle, 1 lot. cor ner Uth and Caldwell Sts. .. W. A. Black, 1 lot, W. Hill SI Henry Caldwell, 1 p,t, ;()9 K. Hoiindary Jasper Caldwell, 1 lot, 4 1 u W. 600 r. . 2 r, 400 13.26 j Stonewall St I S. J. Caldwell. 1 lni. CM K. sth St II. C. Cogswell, 1 lot. XIS S. Church St Geo. K lavls. 1 lot, 311 S. Graham St Alfred Dixon, 1 lot. 613 S. Graham St Kdv Dobson, 1 lot, 8 10 K. First St J. L. Kagles. 1 lot, 40! N. Caldwell St I Mrs. M. .1. Kdwaids, 1 lot, 1116 j S. Boulevuril St 1 J. W. Gordon, I lot. 317 S. j Graham St James Harrington, 1 lot. 6 1 . K. 2nd St 16.90 24 00 12.00 7.00 31.25 r. i . i o 25.1 0 M.50 i V T. Hart 1 lot. Ml.'. F Ill I St I Jesse l luaklns, 10.60 1 lot. r,t)7 H. Caldwell St. Win Hawkins. 1 lot. 4 0.1 Sloncwall St 1ce Hunter, 1 lot, 614 K. KHli 12. 1 1.00 Sam Isi'kson, l int. to; ai Vers SI. . . a.r.o Char le- Lindsay, 1 lot. 60J K 3rd SI 1 2.70 Harriet Martin 1 lot 1 00.1 Caldwell St 7.00 Matthews Mi Short, 1 lot. 15 N. Look St 10.50 Mary Mendetihall, 1 lot. 30 H Boundary St 10.10 Jane Moon-head. 1 lol. 405 S. McDowell St 6.00 Amandit Moxclv. 1 lot, 506 K. Third SI 3.50 John V. M.cr.c, l lot, 604 H. Mi Dowel! Si 12. 1R Mrs. Mary Mellow en, I lot, 3l H. Brevard St 8S.25 James McKnlght, 1 lot, 4 12 N. Mers St , . 10.10 Wright Perry, 1 lot. 15 K. Boundary St 11. SR Frank Reeves. 1 lol. 230 K. Boundary St g.00 K. W. Rlgler, 1 lot, 202 Oak Kt 25.50 John It ItosH (colored) 1 lot, 4 10 W. Second St S.3 5 Ellen Sandlfer. 1 lot, 417 K. Third St 6.50 James Smith. 1 lot, 4 16 W. Hill St 10.50 W. C. A Smith, 1 lot. 31 1 N. Cine St 9.75 I). B. Startles, 1 lot, 1006 N. Brevard St 19.25 Wallace Torrence K.alate, 1 t, 0 N. Alexander St 15 00 It. T. W aldington, 1 ht, 4 1 7 S. Myers St is. 45 W. J. II. Weddlngton. 1 lot, tn H. Caldwell St 16 25 A. H. Williams, 1 lot, 404 S. Alexander St 7.00 Ha rah Ann Williams, 1 lot, 1st Long Ht 6.00 L. I), Wilson ,1 lot. 22s jo. Boundary Ht 14.35 Ouy Wright. 1 M. H09 S. Church Kt It. SO E. 3. Young. 1 lot, 507 H. Caldwell Ht. 1SS.S5 Mrs. 8, W. Herndon, 1 lot. 0J N. (Jrsham Extension .. .. 4J.10 I.r. Tucker, l lot., sth and Myers . . .. ., . , . i , . . Jj.23 w. TAruin, c. T- c. -f- a smooth irrrLE cjrook. He Forged Checks and raraded His (Money The oncers as li. KllloM. Young Man Who Did little Turn Here saturusij. v Lant Saturday there came to "this city a young fellow by the name of P. Elliott, who claimed Washington City as his home and declared that be was employed as a page In the United States Senate. Soon after arriving In the city the youngster went to the Central Hotel and registered. He made the etore of Houston. Dixon A Com pany, loafing headquarters, and' hav ing many Interesting stories to tefl, very pleasant ami entertaining. ,He declared he was on his way to Atlanta for a rest and to visit friends. He liad paraded his money on one or more occasions and quite rrequenuy changed his clothes. His face being very attractive he won his way to the hearts of strangers. Home time Sunday morning early, in fact before day, young Elliott depart ed, taking his goods and chattels. He left an unsatisfied board bill at the Central and two or more worthies checks In the city. It was found late yesterday afternoon that he had' forged the signature of Mr. M. P. Callahan, of the Central, to one check and his Indorsement to another. He got $25 from one firm in the city. He was smooth enough to forge a note Intro ducing himself to the concern where he got his checks cashed. There may be other checks. The bird haa flown, but officers are hunting for him. He had a ticket to Atlanta. Southern Bell Acquires Three New Kxcliaiigcs. The Southern Bell Telephone Com pany has purchased the Anderson, Bol ton and Honea Jfrth, S. C, telephone exchanges. TheisVansfer of the prop erties1 took place Monday. It Is the purpose of the Southern Bell Company to overhaul each station at once and Install a quantity of new Instruments. These exchanges have been under the direction of the Southern Bell for the past few years by lease. In the future these exchanges will be the property of the Southern Bell. The Charlotte Band. The Charlotte Band has been duly and properly organized, with Prof. It. L. Keesler as director. The aggrega tion is composed of 22 good musicians who. when thoroughly trained to play together, will be one of the leading bands in the South. Mr. Keesler thinks that It is already that, and he is constantly trying to make It better. When you are wearied from over work, feel listless or languid, or when you cannot sleep or eat. take Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. One of the greatest tonics known. 85 cents Tea or Tablets. It. H. Jordan & Co. Special Notices LEATHER ROCKKRS, Leather Chairs, leather Couches. leather IMvenports, and all Leather Furniture at special sale prices at farker-uardner o. "HKHT KVBU MA OK." BLUR RIBBON Vanilla. Absolutely pure, goes twice as far as ottier kinds and the flavor Is perfection. FLOWER 8KED IN GREAT VARIETY Mandevllle & King's, Ferry's nnd Cros- man's, at WOODA LL & SHKPPAKD 8, "GEE, THEY'RE N ICE!" "NO SKIN on em!" After dinner 8alted Peanuts. Decidedly the best salted peanut on the market, bach nut Is carefully selected, blanched and salted. You will find them nice. Phone 68. MILLER-VAN NE88 CO. MAGIC HKAIlArilE POWDER f'I'RES when nil others have failed. Why let a headache worry vou at all? One dose gives relief. Hold by JA8. P. 8TOWB & CO , Druggists. 'Phone 179. WE CAN BCPPLY YOtT ANY KiXD OF typewriter wanted now or rebuilt. Largest typewriter dealer In Carolina. Supplies for all kinds of typewriters ribbons, carbon papers, oils, etc. Ex- tiert repairman repair and rebuild Ul ilnds of typewriters. Best on earth. Write us your wants. JONES, Typewriter Man, Charlotte, N. C. the l'I'RINA BABY CHICK FOOD FOR your biddies. Keep them growing and keep them well. 40-lb. bag. $1 25; 100-lb. bag, f2.M. Dl L WORTH DRl'G STORE, Phone 247. if. 8. DAVIS. FOR HALE-MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, nice lot nnd barn. Iil4 North Caldwell street. Nice &-room modern cottage, 61 5 E. Hth street. Porcellne bath, hot water and gas. Modern 8-room house, IKK) East Hth street. Nice building lots in various parts of citv. At bargain prices. J. ARTHUR HENDKRSON & BRO. HURRY UP! EASTER 18 ABOUT liere. Let nre start on your Easter suit at once. I have the finest line of suit ings In the city, imported stock. Price to suit everybody. Don't delay. Come now and be in the ring. Fit and satis faction guaranteed. H. MILLER, Tailor. The Old Reliable. FOR 8A LK S4.50O, DWELLING. UP-Tol date; II. WO cottage; $1,500 cottage; $2,. Km suburban place, lVfc acres and good tiouse. well enclosed; 11,400 place, 7th and McDowell; I1.00U and ISflO lots, Mix200. Elizabeth Ave.; 11.700 N. Tryon lot; store room for rent, $12.60. E. L. KEESLER. 'Phone 344. A LI VERY SKRVICI-! THAT 18 SAFE, good horses, nobby turnouts, drivers If you want them. Our horses, while they are not by any means dead, are per fectly safe. 'Phone for a team for the wire and children. J. C. COCHRANE & BRO. 'Phone 52. FEW DELICIOUS CRATE FED BROIL ers 'Phone farm. No. 2943. t'HAR LOTTI. POULTRY FARM. FOR HALE 2.000 CABBAGE, LETTUCE nnd Tomato Plants. Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs at 8CHOLT5S'S GREEN HOUSES. Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone 2061. WE HAVE A VERY FINK LOT OF seasoned oak and pine stove wood; quantity and quality guaranteed. We also carry a stock of terra eotta pipe from 4 In. to 24 In. 'Phone 870. Prompt delivery. C. DOWD t CO. MORE OLIVER TYPEWRITERS WERE sold In North Carolina last year than any other make. We will sell more than all other makes combined this year. Ask for facts and figures and reasons why these conditions exist, if you don't already know. J. J3. CRAY TON & CO.. Trust Building. BUSINESS MEN WILL NOT FIND A morn convenient place to dine nor a more varied bill of fare than here. Our efforts sra for kulck, best satis factory service. OEM RESTAURANT. K. F. CREHW'ELL, Manager. The Crowell Sanitorium Co., Inc For the Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. , Special apartments and nurses for lady patient. All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases, and various methods of massage, Inolud Ing the Bllhnlaler vibrating method. Ths stockholdsrs all being physicians constitute a consulting board. Specially trained male and female nurses and attendants, . M. CTtOWELXi, M. l, Pre. W. M. STROXa M. D Resident PbysicUUu' J, ' Recovered Their Pnrisesv Misses Darma, and 'Puck worth, the two young ladles Who were so imfor tunwie as 10 nave tneir purses stolen : while .shopping at i vey's a few da ye- ego, nave recovered therm empty. The purses, which contained more than $30, were left at the West Trade street store of the Little-Long Company, af ter they had been emptied Jf their contents. The police have some idea as to who the thief was. F. Be A NO. 407 X. TRYOn ST. TOR Iff NT Oil YEAR CONTRACT 8 good rooms, modern con veniences, i deep lot with stable. $40.00 per month. F. D. ALEXANDER 902 S. Tryon. P. 4 SO. 0 Try a Dish of Strawberry Ice Cream Made from fresh picked strawberries. Remem ber we will serve the same popular refresh ments this spring and summer that have made our fountain famous. "Meet me at the Foun tain." R. II. Jordan & Co. DRUGGISTS. WHEN INTEREST BEGINS Deposits made In the Southern Loan & Savings Bank, either on the 1st. 2nd or 3rd of any month draw interest from the first day of that month. This applies to money that remains three calen dar months, and to Large and Small Deposits Alike. Our Time Certificates bear interest from date. SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANK r. M. Brown, ire., W. h. Alexander. V. Pres.. W. L. Jenkins, Cashier. (Manufacturing Site We are offering for quick sale a manufacturing site, well located and Just ono block beyond the city limits. The building is of brick, 2-story, standard mill construction, and contains about 12,000 feet of floor space, but can be materially enlarged, as about 225 feet In length can be added to the bulldingon grounds belonging to this property. See us for particulars. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. G. CRAIG, Treas. THE PROPER THING Now, listen to this: The MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN is now opening a NEW SERIES, into which all are cordially Invited. We say to you, boldly and emphatically, that If there Is any other SAFE INVESTMENT as ATTRACTIVE as this, we are Ignorant of It. Subscribers are rolling In as never before in our 25 years of un broken success, but we want YOU. THERE'S NOT A MAN, and BUT FEW WOMEN, in Charlotte who should not carry some shares right here. People of all classes, from the most affluent to the very poor, are found here on the same level and reaping the same har vest of profit and satisfaction. JNO. R. PHARR, President PHONE 51 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Fiontlng on Bealtls's Ford Macadam road, three miles from city; about fifteen acres In timber; forty young fruit trees; 1-room Dwelling and a Barn. A good Spring on place, 1 Call at office for price. The gala In new building sndlndastry in North Carolina la greater than at any period In the State's history. The North Carolina Home Insurance Co. of Rataigh, N. C. should receive Its proportion of this prosperity aa compared with the percentage of new business given to Jt In periods of less Industrial activity, Give It the Insurance on the desirable new properties yon have : to offer. It win help to bnlldl up oar home Stat and continue the great era of prosperity now enjoyed by oar people. ' Southern; States Trust HAJIVEY liAMBETH - Mr, v Jasper Hlnson ' Pardoned. Mr. Jasper Hlnsorf, who was sent to - J the Stats penitentiary from this ooun ty pn ' im for. killing a young fellow by the name of Cranford; was pard' oned yesterday by Governor- Glenn. Hlnson Is 70 years old, it win oe re called that he shot Cranford In a sa loon on college street. Hel and the young fellow had, ? had some trouois about HuntersvlUe. . Dihvorth Floral Gardens Don't hesitate to place your orders with us for your Wedding Flowers, Loose Cut Flowers and 1 Floral De signs. In dealino- with our customers m filling orders by mall, wire or direct our motto is. "Put yourself m nis place." Send us your orders . and we will exercise the same care' In-detail as would be given were you here to se lect. . We put ourselves In your place and give what we would expect to re ceive ourselves. The choicest selection of Ctu flowers. The best service. W. G. McPHEt Prop. Charlotte, N. C. P, O. Box 127. Bell 'Phones.. In our Cut Flower Depart ment we make a specialty of Funeral Designs 40 different shapes and 100 different slses. Any Price. Or der same by telephone or tele graph and we will get them to you quick and fresh. We pack securely and ship to any point. Plenty of loose cut flowers now. Write us for prices on wedding flowers. J. Van lindley Nursery Co. POMONA. N. C Eend telegrams to Greensboro. 'Phone 877 Office 18 E. Trade St. . L HOSIER, Treasurer. 344. R. L COCHRANE Insurance and Real Estate Agent Company; Agents Uanagsr , Insurance Department ttt QU0Tt PriCB fOSilliE . FOUGVruu AMCTIVf REAL ESTATE j DEALS AND CiYITE YOiO HSFKnon House and lot on Elisabeth Ave.; 7 rooms .. ;4 ;$S,500.09' House and lot on, Elizabeth Ave., 9 rooms . . ' . -. ' .". i 17,600.00 8-room house, N, Graham St, lot 9 1-2x110; beautiful lo' cation -..,,..,..... ., ..14,600.00" House and lot on North College street, 8 rooms, fine locality $5,600.00 j Cottage on North Brevard street, 6 rooms . . ; , . .,. $1,600.00 House and lot on East Ninth etreet. rooms. . . .. .. ..$1,660.00.'' 6-room cottage on 'N. Brevard St., goodclocatlon. lot 40x120: & . & can be bought at $1,860.00 If taken at once. -'- - - Two-story houae on East Ave., 7 rooms-,' $8,600.00 SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY" mbsbsss 1111111 11 1 assssssss ' g WW WW WW ff WW f 9 99 f W Pf WU Wl U WU WV W WW WW WU name ana its corps or omcers ana cierKs, out also for the town. Give us a chance to talk with you about your account and your needs. eOMMBRGIZlL NATIONAL BANK VI. K: HOUT, Free. R. A. DTJNJf, V. P. A. G. BTtENIZEK. Cash. ALBERT 1 SC3IMEY, Asst. Cash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK :0R(jANIZED 1865: Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 DIRECTORS: P. M . BROWN GEO. W. BRYAH i. C. BURROUGHS FRANK GILREATH J. & MYERS F. B. McDOWELti H. M. McADBN W. B. RODMAN T. W. WADE , CHAS. A. WILLIAMS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED FRANK GIlRfATD, Pres. H. M. VIOOR, Cashier HMMtONtOtlOHHHIOOMMHHHmotHOMHION- Merchants and Tanners National Bank CHARLOTTE," N. t THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK (mimic """ It Is our constant aim to be courteous and accommodating to all classes and make this a bank where those of moderate means shall have the same treatment as those more favorably sitae ted. You are cordially Invited to open a bank recount with ua. W. H. TWTTTir, Cashier CULTIVATE THE SAVING HABIT By OPENING A SAVINGS ACCOUNT with THE GHARLOTTB TRUST GO. NEW QUARTER BEGINS APRIL 1st. WE PAY 4 PER CENT. 18 East Trade Street. Charlotte OFFICERS J. H. LITTLE, President. C. BANKING BY MAIL teaai i A plan by which you may have our bank at your door,! no matter where you live. Try it, arid open your account-in time to share in the earnings of the new in terest quarter, which begins April 1st WE PAY 4 PR CENT Southern States Trust Go. CAPITAXi $200,000 TRUST BTJILBINO. CHAItLOTTE, N. C. . . " GEO. STEPHENS. X 8. FRANKLIN, W. II, WOOD, J. K. PAVtS, President. Vice Prep. .Treasurer. Asat. Trees. SOUTHERN MILL STO0KS We Offer Subject to Sales 5 to 10 Odell 0. 20 to 80 Sanford OS. 10 to 30 Gibson 100. 20 to 25 Kerr Bag Co. 76. 20 to 60 Oaffney 02. 10 to 26 Louise 100. 20 to 60 Hosklns 100. IS Hosklns 7 per cent. pref. 100 and Int. 10 Louise Y per cent, pref., 100 and Int 1 10 to 60 Cora 9t. , ' 60 Crowders Mt. par 60) 26, - . .), 10 Wampum. Bid wanted. m 60 Whlttaker. Bid ..-wanted. 20 Gaston 111. ' - ' ; 20 to 60 Oresnsboro Lire Ins.: 115.' - Hills Wsnuracturing - (pret . 101. P. G. ABBOTT- St GO., Charlotte IN, & Th voice of wisdom neven spoke In truer words than It" does to-day In advising you to'.' keep your banking account at the- Commercial National' Bank, where you will find am ple resources, unequalled ' fan duties and up-to-date raeth-. ods, together with polite and accommodating clerks and of ficers, whose courtesy and ' friendliness make it pleasant j and agreeable to do buainam "1 with the bank. Have you noticed the large increase in the business of the bank since last year 7 This speaks well, not only for tha CAPITAL $200,000.00 ASSffS S1.500.000.00 We Invite yon to epsn an account with us. promising every courtaayand accommodation consistent with sound banking. Ws pay four per cent Interest on time deposits. GEO. K. WIXSON. President. JNO. B. RGS8, Vice President. W. C. WILKINSON. Cashier. B. D. HEATH, President M. PATTERSON, Ij. It. H AGOOD, Vice President. Cashier. We Can Use Subject to Supply: -6 to 10 Lowell ltO. -10 to 30 Osark 168. ' t- .26 to 60 Arlington 125. Z 1st Natl Bank. Gaston la. 125. ' ? Citisens NafI Bank Gaston ia. 110. -1st Nat'l Bank, Charlotte, lt. Commercial Natl Bank, - Charlotte. 250, 60 Henrietta 200. 25 Florence 115. 60 Loray Ipret) . ' Washington (pref.) g.. . 26 Clifton .tpref.) 102, ; 60 Highland Park (pref.) 100, ,1U 20 to 60 Pacolet (pref. 102. ? Mills Msnoractartng (com. lOf, -Z .1 ! i 41 1 V a 4. , " - . : ''.- 1 -M1 . v, fV-if r

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