HQ!IrOBMISSAVHIIEHEAp mtb, .KEXVKSi TO;iiYNCHBCKO , 'Xown Held in Columbia tti- pital tortiwwM Will be Cwrd for by Friends In tbo Virginia City - : nt WanU l-atlier'a BUyer Sent ta l (Instead M Boor Irttt to Serre 8ntWe Oorrrnor InvestiraUn , County Project Come - In Prospect for Positions on IUcWnl ? Couiuy Board of Control. ' Y'ti " Obsevrer Bureau, K!y V ' 120 Main Street. ,r Columbia, 8. C. April S. '.'IMIm Ethel Whitehead, the pretty 'tut' unfortuunate young woman who - feB Into the hands of the police here ' 5 lately In a demented condition on ae t eount of her addiction to a drug, and Who haa been In charge of the author- ' Itles of the State Hospital for the Insane pending; the location of her , ,' relative, r until th- North Carolina authorities mould consent to take charge of her. will be sent to Lynch -1 t. burg. Va. So the finest ion as to v whether the North Carolina autliori 5." ' th? should receive her will not he ' carried to a test. ijf The hospital authorities lure have X JfCCelved a letter from Mr Hultpy, 5 1 f Jefferson avenue, Lynchburg, )n- quiring- about the young woman and expressing a willingness ! take Charge of her. Miss Whitehi-ad. it JwrHl be remembered, told ty police that she had lived in Lynchburg i ZJ years, up to the time sli" went to Tla V V lelgb on the 9th of March, when she am" srot Into trouble and wiik sent to " Columbia by the Tt'ileiRh police. f Miss Whitehead'!" ondl t Ion ha Hreatly Improved utvl'-r Supl. Hnb-ii- wk's rare and he till (lie police to ' . tlsy that she would be nlil- to travel the latter part of this week. II" made arrangement. with thctn for her to be accompanied to Lynchburg. Tv Miss Whitehead eiideined keen !a- $, Herest and appreciation of Mrs. IT n t -V ley's letter when It was shown to her i' and haw written her friend apeallng 1o her to take her In and care for , Jier. When Mrs. Ilnttiy is heard from strain. Ml.ss Whitehead will be iient to her. A letter of oyrnpa I het c Snaiilrv has also been received from n ' l I. in Hi. n-.tnrn , t r mis letter mis not. neen given out for publication. In spite of all the letters that have been written and all the telegrams rent from time to time, not a trace of n relative of tho young woman has i been discovered hy either the police or f- the hospital authorities. ,5' "WANTS TMRA1LKILL KENT TO , ' PK.VITKNTIARY. ''.n Will Tliirtnn, son of Men Tlurlnn. Nho was killed at Monetta by M'ir fran Thrailkill and his son, Clarence, ,, Is not satisfied to have Clarence .' ',rv" hi. three veiirn An tle nnrrw 1 bouse farm In Saluda. Young Rwrton has made complaint to the tiovcrnor c - vho will make a thorough Investiga tion of the subject and take action In ' a day or so. Heveral days ago young Thrallklll's lawyer. Kngene Able, ex T'1 plained to tho (invernor that Thrall v "' kill had been sent to Die pour house , , by the supervisor on the certificate of ' Trs. (unter and Fontls to the effect that Thrallklll's health would not al- low him to go tt the county roads. The recent action of the Leglslalure ' their time on the county gang was for the purpose of having those do road iuty. But a handsome new tubercii- losls hospital has been erected at the a penitentiary here and ll seems that end Thrailkill 1 the penitentiary. Hf li'i ll Is not In cnndlllon to do mail duty. (All this, however, will he looked Into by the Governor, who will take action promptly. The caso Is attracting at " tentlon throughout the State, and that Thrailkill has been allowed to ' take up his residence, as It were, nt the poor house without guards, has ' - been the occasion of some wonder and astonishment. ' BNVESTK5 ATINIr TlIK NKW cocntv ruui:i'T. ' A. R Pedcn and J. I ). Deltard. prominent Fountain Inn business ;i? men. filed i-titioiis with the (iovern or to-day In the interest of the pro rinsed new conntv of l-"ili vlou uhi.-h ?';4 Is to be formed from a part of Lan " caster. Iaureiis and Spartanburg J counties. Messrs. I'cdi ti and Dcllard ; asked the Governor to appoint the ' atatutory ronitnlttee of six to arrange A for the election, but the ivrrnor 4 A will require uflldavits ant) orti. lal In : formation from the auditors of the obi V counties, and other tlednlte Infoiimi i tlon as to the i m! Itutiona I t'ttpilte tnenta regarding area, popul.i t ioi, mid , . wealth, Kach of the old ,,, unties 't l tnust b left iih not less ihun Mm square miles. taxable property ,' amounting to Jl'.ooo.tsio ami the new " county line roust not inn within eight mlleg of ..n oil couniy umii bouse. The petitions liidnale lli;il the new county Is to get stpnue miles from Oroenvllle cmihtv, l',) sipiiite v miles from Laurens county ami lit J-l , otiuaiv; owier. 1IOMI np i r 1 11 nit U I g i county, making a lutal of 403 :i-1 for tl tb! new counts', a population of X'l.'ttJ. and taxable prnjicity uinountlng to 12,814. m. Messrs. Teibn and I. li.ir.l t.,l, the tiovernor to-itiy thm tli lr petition IlSld th Statllloiv f. I: 1 1 1 1 1 l qualified! " electors of the i . -1 1 i f i - pto.,,... ,i i.,; , ' be cut off, but the loa.lliot Mill re-; quire affidavit to this ffr, i. The' X1 flovernor will appoint the conunll tee,! J , ' three In favor of the ...unlv. fi.en tin i -if? tie' territory, and tlire pp,..:etl I., ' It, one from a.-n old I CONTEST Ft pii i;s . ..s i LAN I 1;)AI:) j '" ' The Illchlaiid county b l g.i I ! ,-, will ' P meet the latter part ,f ii,,- il;.,ih to' elect a new county lo,ii, nf di-pen-j nary control. As the new i.o.nd h n. ' the giving of fle pla.tt. .is users " Ave dispensary clerks aiel i.ii;c i.e.., dispensary privileges, the imi. , ,,f the delegation will be of in. pot t .. t,, .. 1 - 111 M. IV( ! If'lHI' -II .1 x . o .1 t I 1 H- . penaer BulVllan haa li.'li I t,r .'-i . PUUHil'tn, irui ll j.-i uiiui-ni'ii, III.ll. j . t Mr. Naney's frlentls are leaching uf-i Vv ter Mr. Hultman's mcpuc, j :'' All of the members of the ld hoard i t , It Is understood an- candlii.it s fir re-! ' ' alectlon.. Tliey are: W. J May. .h.iii man; Oscar Chahltfl. and Kre.l liar-; - t man. But eome changes are likely. ' t Complaint of a more or less sc;in- I t )a)ous cbarat ler has ie.i hed mem- i ' bers of the present board, to the eff. i j that ho too often demand free whls- ' .fcj'i'i key and other per'iulsltes fi eri dls- , " Jk pensers and beer privileged ,,. n un- Ser obligation to him for tloir pl.i, es. ' These complaints i aim In from those j .:,V? BID wnit i'j itr im - l'lOSCIl ' ,r'Vpon. Kothlng please the niudr-sr rnrin more than to be l-tened In th art of f doing a good cWd. V ; Jn woman ano hsyk inal all nion art alike probably hg had an xin ri core she would likr to forget. ''j-1 1, ' ' ' ' V l; j, I THE MOOX INHABITED. V 5 SoJence has proven that th mmm hua rV , eimoaphere. which raukrt life in , some .form possible on that nau-llitt-. bin lot for human beings, who have u hurd eoaufN titnO on this earth it oura; e pevtmUy thoaw who don't know that Hlec trie Bttteri irt Headaths, UlUtoutrnesc. ' lrta. Chills and Fever, Jaundice. , IspipsU, tHssloaavs, Torpid Uver. Kid jier esaaptebat; enral Jiebllitr and K - male ssstalm ssse. I' nog mil ltd as a ftftar. ' , al Tonlo and Appetteer for weak persons and speclaUy fur the a4. ln1u-t . soun4 sleep. Fully uarantl hy K. H 4ef0 G; lrugit. Prica only sue ; MAYOR f WXINCM'S -STAND. ' V . t rv. v 11 ' '"tin i Uo is sOpposed to Another Whiskey llglit (0ald Hale of Liquor Again be Allowed by lAccnsc or Dlupcn ' sar He Would llcwlgn and Take I'p Ills Residence Elsewhere. To the Editor of The Observer:"1 . No citizen, I am sure, will deny that I love our city most Intensely. That To-dar-rnTagerTnTr Sort which 1 feel means a great deal for our community. Much I have tried to do In the past, and there Is yet much possible of attainment, if we as good citizens, will strive for It. . Hut he prospects are beginning to assume a threatening aspect because of the old internecine strife which will be engendered by this whiskey agita tion which has been again started. It is so unfortunate for the commu nity that the selfish Interests would sacrlflt e the general uplift which has taken place and the possibilities which are for our plucking. Surely the con servatives among these who have dif fered with us on this prohibition affair will put their strong hands on this li cense movement and strangle It; sure ly they will continue with me as so very many of them have begun. In our united efforts to put our city In the front ranks of progressive cities of our natlo:!. So many citizens, my personal friends, but who differed with nu- on Correspondence of The Observer, prohibition, have given me the kind j v inston-Salem, April 2. Mr. Kd word and proper encouragement at ' .rf1 a r.nn died Saturday at his the right time, so much so that 1 have been spurred on to make sacrltlces of time and dve whatever of l il'-nt I may have, trying to help advance our common community. I have a horror of this whiskey fight. I L means the loss of that splendid sup port which has been mine fjr the ask ing I do not fcijr the result. The great mass of our people aie mere In favor of prohibition than ever-, even though they know it has not h.ni a fair show, ami that it cannot have it until the whole Stale of North Carolina has been properly controlled. The condi tions have been tine but not perfect. No law is ever enforced perfectly. It cannot be in tin: nature of human events. Hut, I am but (lened and discouraged thai it is even possible that our citi zens can he. through the indifference to her Interest of a few who have only their personal gain at stake rath er than the Keneral good of our city he made to go through the customary knock-out passionate light. 1 will have to stand up for the cause of temperance and will do my utmost. Prohibition shall not be. destroyed while I am mayor of this city, and I appeal to my friends, both wet and dry. to stand by me, and ward 'iff this fight. It is unnecessary and improper at this time. Kvery one knows that In some wav the Legislature will take ll up In Janu ary and February of next year. Why hurst open the town now? Why array friend and brother against one another'.' (iod pity the citizens of this beau tiful and happy city who would at tempt, for mere Krecd, to again throw us Into the maelstrom of another liquor IlKhl. I know It not possible to carry the city for license now. There may come a change later which would permit It but It. is not so now. If, however, the policy was (hanged so as to sell liquor by license or by dispensary, then that moment I retire from niv position as mayor and will give up my efforts to help this community, and intend leav ing, for sot nirvmunity where there Is freedom from rei lodlcal fact lonal fights and hoping to find that spirit of local pride and patriotism, which calls for ji splendid rivalry to build rather than destroy a city. S. S. M( NINCIt. Charlotte, April 3. 1A. ADDITION. I ArritOPKIATIOV. loston-Salein Hopes to Jet It for the New Public Itiiililliig. Cot respondent e of The observer. Wlnton-Salem, April -'. The citi zens of Winston-Salem are elated over the brlKbt prospects of getting an additional appropriation for the Twin--lly public building. Superin tendent Roberts, who is here repre senting the government, was asked whether. If the Increased appropria tion was made within tint next few days, enlargement of the building, which i now In course "f construc tion, i o 1 1 1 J be arranged for. lie re plied that It ould. saying that the plans could be bunged in (he archi tect's otlii e nt Washington and foi -wauled here uIIuhiI much delay. ,-iupei int. ndenl Roberts added t hat f i equenl IV. when a I ' prop f' In I lor im are made, the money Is no! available be fore Jnlv 1 but be said that thlwiis a mntl r Hint ould bo utraiiged wntis faclorv to all patties concerned. Hupei lott inl lit Itoberls Makes n re pot t twice ii moot Ii to llii' Depart ment 'ai the piocress of the work on the public building. I'll 1 1 M 1 1 IT I I . A I " S H:il ItKMKIrY Nil. I'.KST AMi MOST I ( ll'l'l ' I . A It. ' M' 'licit buv It for i loopy clilldteti, I a ll" '. un it bllV it for severe colli;!) ,ll"l 'i'l'lh people bus It for la 141 ippe." M Ilicir.. Kldoti. town "Wo N, Mi"!-' ) i 'ha mberlaln's t'ough p'tneilv l!,. in at ' other kind It MectriM t, have I iK' n m ' 1' ad over Hcvcr.il otlicr good la I' I i.ii e In no ij nest Ion h'ir this ;!.,'. i. I lie bi'Ml thai can be pro . "i.. I " "ukIik mill cnlil". whciior It I ii.l oi mi ndult thai Is aflllcieil. It niw.i . itcs mid iiiM ijiilikl. Sold by It II .Ionian Co. The Bitter Human Wail WRITE US FREELY and frankly, in strictest confidence, telling sit your (roubles, end stating your sgs. We will send you RU A0V1CX, In plain sealed envelope, and a vat tuble book on "Nosw Treststent (or Women." Address: Ladles' Advisory Department, The 'ChitUnooea Medicine Co., Chattanoota, Tenn. on THE DEATH KECORD. V H. W. Turner, of Davidson, ' Correspondence Of The Observer. ThomasvHle, April 2.-Mr. H, W. Turner died to-day of pneumonia. He had been 111 for three weeks. " He was a prominent fruit-tree grower, a good citizen and a steward of the Meth odist church at Unity, on the North ThomasvHle charge. The commtmltj ! i" hl" 1 Mr. Walter Redman, of Iredell. Special to The Observer. Statesvllle, April 3. Mr. Walter, Redman, aged 3.a. died last Friday morning at the home of his father, Mr. Washington Redman, in Bethany township, of tuberculosis. Mr. Red man was unmarried. He leaves, be sides his father, two brothers and one sister. The funeral was held Saturday at (South lilver Baptist church and the remains were Interred In the church graveyard. I Mrs. . M. ( Iilsniaii. or Mokes. Correspondence of The Observer. Winston-Salem. April 2.- Mrs W. M. Chlsmun, whose illness has been noted In these columns, died Sunday night at Fine Hail, Stokes county, at the age of 50 years. Deceased was a most es timable Christian lady. She leaves a husband, several children, and many i friends to mourn her death. K. A. Conn, of Forsylli. home a few miles west of the city, in his fi4th year. Deceased was a veteran of the civil war, being a member of Company A, Tenth Artillery. Manly's Battery. Me was also an honored member of the M. K. church at Mt. Tabor, where the funeral services were held at .t:3U o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. Conn leaves a wife, one brother, Capt. 1). (i. Conn, of Italelgh; three sisters and many friends to mourn his death. M:V IIOITE. KKM-XTKD. Centennial Avenue SHccted for Kn- ranee to High Point of New Greon boro Road. Special to The Observer. High Point, April 3. The valuable tract of land known as the Markley j property in the eastern part of the city Is being laid off In lots and will be put upon the market. Already a number of citizens have, apoken for lots and will build homes on this prop erty this summer. There were several well-known newspaper men in the city yesterday, among whom were: 'Mr. H. K. C. Bry ant, of The Charlotte Observer; Col. A I Fairbrother, of Everything, and Mr. Hiirain. of The News and Observ er. These gentlemen were here as out siders to get a true and complete ac count of the situation as they found It. Mr. Bryant and Mr. Fairbrother re turned on the evening trains and Mr. Britain will remain a day or so. The chairman of the street commit tee. Mr. J. Kd. Kirkman, of this city, received the glad news over the 'phone last night that the county commission ers had decided to adopt the new and shorter route to flreensboro by going down Centenlal avenue and through the Barhee property 'which comes out Into the old (Jrcensboro road at the Cordon place, three miles from the city. The mutter has been before the commissioners for some time. ne faction wanted the old road, which follows the railroad about two miles, adopted, while others fought for the new route, even donating money to have hills cut down and graded. The old roud goes through the colored sec tion of the city, while the new road will open up a good locality for a substantial settlement. However, the old road will be graded to the city lim its for those having use for same. IVXITIST YOl'Xtt PtXJPI.K. Soulli Carolina I'nlon Holds Annual Convention at Kpartanlniirx. Correspondence of The. Observer. Spartanburg, K. C. April 2. The tenth annual convention of the Bap tist Young People's Union of the State will open Tuesday night, with welcome addresses, at the Fltst Bap tist Chun h, followed by a reception to the visiting delegates hy the mem bers of the local organization. The Indications point to a large attend ance anil it is expected that this con vention will be the most successful ever held. The delegates arrive early Tuesday morning and others are ex pected In come In the afternoon, HB special trains will be run from Colum bia to Charleston, arriving here at 4 o'clock p. in. The exercises on the opening night will lie In the nature of a. general re ception and welcome to Spartanburg. Prof. R. T. Williams, T. T. Tyde, of Charleston, State president of the association, will speak, the former extending greetings to the visitors and the latter replying in behalf of the members. Rev. II. I,. Bagby. of Oreenwood, will deliver the convention sermon fol lowing which a reception will be held In (lie parlors of the chun Ii. The business sessions of the convention will be held In ithc auditorium of the church every morning and evening during the convention. Many ques tions relating to the work of the union will bo discussed during the lime the convention is In session. UlfJE OF 1 V lNCffvej FeWs 'FOR FEHR'S MALT CAROLINA C; WAKE FORKST 5. Cnhersliy Defeats Baptists In Kx- citing uame at Chapel Hill. Special to The Observer. Chapel Hill April 3. Wake Forest, fresli from vfctory over the A. and M. team at Raleigh yesterday, was defeated bv Carolina thin ovenino- in n nrpttilv r r v I . - s . ,-. " 7JWl lk contested game by a ecore of 6 to 6. j Paul & Bro., of this city, has been ap Krom the standpoint of a game, the ex-: pointed by the bondsmen of PostmaBter niimion waB a iarce, Dtit it was niieu 10 l ne iniin witn exeitemenr all the way throuxh. Wake Forest was in the lead until the eighth Inning when Carolina shoved acroas the winning runs on two tlmelv hits, coupled with a providential error by Moore, with twtT men on bases. twO out and Carolina one run behind. Cunningham Was sent to the bat fur Rogers and drove a grounder through Wake rorest'a second baseman, driving In two runs and winning the game. The game 'hounded in dumb plays and errors nnd wrangling over the umpire's decis ions. Thompson and Turner both pitch ed about the same game, Thompson be ing hit at more opportune times but be ing steadier than Turner. Four lilts were registered against each. The only feature of i he game, other thai, the pitcher's battle, was th'e hitting of Turner, who poiiutled out two three-baggers. The score by Innings: R. II. K. Carolina -.0 (1 0 3 0 1 0 2 ti 4 6 Wake Forest.. ..2101 0 0 0 0 06 4 5 Batteries: Carolina Thompson. Rogers and Ralney; Wako Forest Turner and Harm ick. Summary: Earned runs Wake Forest 1. Carolina 0: sacrifice hits Richardson. Rrnith two, Stem, Harris: stolen bases Richardson, Holding. Calder; left on bases Carolina 6. Wake Forest 3; base ?n err in s Carolina 10, Wake Forest V; struck out by Thompson 10, by Turner v bases on balls off Thompson 1, off Turner 4: lilt by pitched ball Harris 2, Stem, Thompson, Richardson: three-base hits Tut tier 2; wild pitches Turnf I: passed balls Rogers 1, Hamrlck 1; time Til: um plns, Bane and Gardner; scorer, Orr. A TEN-INNING GAM K. Iallsn Defeats Trinity In Holly Contested Game at Durham. Special to The Observer. Durham, April 3. In a fine 10-innlng game here to-day Davidson defeated Trinity by a score of 2 to 1. Rnth teams played gilt-edge ball. Davidson winning only by the skin of her teeth. Tire fea tures were two two-baggrrs by Shrrrlllt a three-bagger by Justus, a beautifully placed hit by Clerhent. Wrenn's throwing to second and his catch of a difficult foul, and the pitching of Anderson. Each ten in scored a run In the fourth arid Davidson made the winning run In the tenth on an accidental balk- bv Clement. Errors Trinity 2. Davidson 2: hits Trin ity .!, Davidson r.. Clement fanned R and Anderson 9. Batteries: Trinity- 'lenient and Wrenn; Davidson Andcr-son and Sherrlll. HCMAN BBOOD MARKS. A tale of horror was told bv marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Wil liams, a well-known merchant nf Hae, Ky. lie writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, ana was near death when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It cnmnlorelv cured me Hnd I have remained well ever since." It cures hemorrhages, chronic coughs, settled colds and bronchitis, and is me oniy Known cure for weak lungs Kvery bottle guaranteed bv R. H Jor dan & Co., Druggist. 50c. and f 1 .00. Trial bottle free. HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Tli em In Charlotte and Good Reason for It. Wouldn't any woman be happy. After years of backache suffering, pays of mlsei-y. nights of unrest. The distress of urinary troubles. She finds relief and cure? No reason why any Charlotte reader Should sufTer n the face of evi dence like this: Mrs. M. J. Khafer. wife of M. J. Bhafer, coal and wood dealer, residing at 811 North Church street, Charlotte, N. C says: "I have used your Ooan's Kidney Pills for kidney trouble and backache and have been greatly bene, flted by them. I have been a great j sufferer and had lost all hopes of ever I bring cured. My back ached all the ! time and was very weak, but after ! using your remedy, obtained at R. L I Jordan A Co. 'a drug store, I have hadHJ no return of the backache. 1 am so well pleased with your pills that I have written some friends in Ooldsboro and ' Raleigh. N. C. telling them what j Ooan's Kidney Pills have done for me. ' Tou are welcome to the use of my ; name, and I only hope some sufferer I afflicted as I was may be Induced to j try Ooan's Kidney Pills." For ssle by all dealers. Price 50 j cents. FoHter-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the I'nlted States. Remember the narnu Ooan's and 1 take no other. When Women Suffer It Is a sign of dangerous weakness and disease. Pain is always unnatural, and if you are a victim of headache, backache, sldeache, pain In arms, shoulders, legs, pelvis, or suffer from cramps, falling feelings, grinding pains, restlessness, the blues, etc.. it Is a sign that you need the gentle assistance which can be obtained by taking "My back ached every month" vrites Mrs. Francis J. Ashburn of Clflrkrange, Term., "till I could scarcely stand on my feet'. I had pain low down and headache not a day without It and awful pain in my right and left sides. I could hardly lie down, and could not sleep nights. Doctors tried, but failed to give me permanent relief. I began to take Casdui, which soon benefited me, and now I feel like a new person." Cardul is a purely vegetable remedy, for all female diseases. It acts gently and specifically upon the sick womanly organs, and by strengthening and fitting them to do their natural work. It has re stored to health thousands of hopeless Invalids. ' Try It At Every Drug Store In $1.00 Bottles cone ana cncv7 " are formed and flourished by Hopa and Malt. When combined Into a palatable liquid food thera la nothing v , ao good for sufferers from Indigestion, Insomnia, Nervousness and General Debility. Malt Tonic la a perfect combination of Hopa and Malt, exceeding ly pleasant in taste and readily digested by the moat sensitive stomach. It strengthens one's power of endurance, rounds out the angular lines, brightens the eye, restores you to hearth. Try it today. SALE BY ALL DRUQQIftTt.a TONIC DEPT., Louisville. Hy. AT THE POINT OP DEATH. Bondsmen of Postmaster Stllley, of Washington. S. C, Who Is Criti cally 111, Appoint His Successor. Special to The Observer. Washington, N. C, April 3. Mr. Hugh Paul, of the well-known firm of F. Q. Thomas O. Slilley. to take charge of the Washington postoffice. The bondsmen are Messrs. John Havens, F. G. Paul, K. H. Mixon, O. M. Carter and J. F. ; Buckman. These gentlemen deemed it 1 best to appoint a new postmaster as Mr. . Stllley is lying at the point of death. 1 Kven If he should recover, the disease Is I such that it would render him unlit for i office. Mr. Paul is n. young man of ability and has many friends throughout the county. He entered upon his new duties this morning, and promises to make decided Improvements In the office, Mr. Paul Is to be congratulated on his appointment. WATER RENTS DUE 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT 10 DAYS Water rents are due and payable at the office of the Water Department, No. 6, City Hall, April 1 to 10, In clusive. Office open till 9 o'clock on the 10th. Save the discount. CHARLOTTE WATER WORKS, Pat H. Williams. Actg. Supt. DR. 0. L. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. in CARSON BUILDING ' Southeast Comer FOURTH AND TRYON STREETS. HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS GHARIXTTE tb GREENSBORO. N.C. Wheeler, Runge and Dickey ARCHITECTS Second Floor 4Cs Building-, CHARLOTTE, ------ FRANK P. MILBTJRN ARCHITECT Columbia, - - - S. 0. A FULL PINT OLD VIRGINIA APPLEJACK GrMndftther's tMtdtul frmnfa At tn advertisement t"Me4yothfe gra tis with your ordvr for a case of WESTOVER 10.YCAR OLD RYE WHISKEY "Beat tho World Ovor I " fffjl THi It Fr.. uhr silk rW FIRST Ortfsr. IU Mde (torn rhe choicest frtin. You'll 1 I (ire ii'i the lichen, Cneu 4arore4 I I whlikey you'fe etrer tatted. Not to b I 1 hd throuhsVller. Sold Jlntl Mm I I ml iiitilhn tri,44 qtt. 93.10. J 8 flit. $5.95; thlpped Erfr.,, frtttii in pitin package Artel you've tatted it, if you're not en tirely taiitned that it's the beat rye trhiakey lot the money you'rtt evrl had limply cork up the open ed bottlei, thip back to aw, c ptett collecr, and will tmmtdt ulf rrfunJ fur maney. 1 refer t. Ihe Bank of Richmond, and to lha Plainer! National Sankol Ihilctty . In mm llklli. IAT: i- - booklet tiring InformatioD on tha wfcithtr yteattpti PHIL. G. KELLY, RICHMOND,! A Relief ' ' ' Pulley s We Make Bm. The D. ZL TOMPKINS GO. Gharlotte, IV. G. A Gentleman's Cigar for 5c "COUNTRY GENTLEMAN" ' Quality. , . y Quantity. Style. ASRTOIirUcaler. Wojfcnbjp. THE CHARLOTTE WM ARB SOUTHERN AOBNTS FOR WIRE, GERMAN HEDDLES AND HKDBldE Vaakett Jk Bishop Steam Traps Carried a Full Llna of CHARLOTTE BLRMTN MOMMJUTSB CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00 Not ta cheapest, but preeminently tha BEST. These ara tka largest, oldest and best equipped schools In North Caroline a positive, provable FACT. , 1.000 former students holding positions in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written con tract Shorthand, Book-keeping, Typewriting and Bngllsh, taught by expert. Addreaa KING'S BUSINESS QOLLBGB Charlotte. N. C, ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARLOTTE, S. C. Suburban Location, Extenalve Campus, High Grade, Experienced. University Educated Teachers; Fire-Proof Buildings, First Clan Equipment Schools of Music, Art, Expression, Business. Enjoys m Reputa tion for Thorough Work and Good Health. CATALOGUE SENT FREE. ' CHAS. B. KING, President KEYNOTE... If you should purchase anything from us if that thing should not wear as you think it should, in every respect we are just as anx ious to make things right as you can be to have them right. Carriages, Harness, Horses, Mules, Baggage and Passenger Service Stylish Livery. Carriage and Harness Repair Work a Specialty. J. W. WADSWORTH'S SONS CO. IMPROVED PA88ENGER SERVICE. The Seaboard snnounces effective with the Inauguration of the New York Sleep In Car Line between New York and Memphis and vice-versa, via the Seaboard and Frisco systems Improved through passenger service to Memphis, Tenn., without change, making connections at I his point for all points in Texas, the West and Northwest, unexcelled dining car service between Washington ana Richmond and Hamlet and Birmingham, aervlng all meals. . . . war rates or schedules to any point ad. -dress the undersigned. j as. iven. j . f. A.., Charlotte. N. C. CHAS. H. GATTI8. T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. CHAS. B. RYAN, O. P. A., Portsmouth. Va. Tbs Beaboara Mgs to announce that ao eount of the occasions mentioned below the rates and conditio oa named will apply. Mexico City, Mexico iolf Tournament, Chattanooga, Tenn. -Southern Baptist Convention and Auxiliary Soclotlea, May Wth-ioin, I'M. Hate one flrat class fare, plus, t&o. (or the round trip, (minimum rate) 14 eenta, tickets sold ' May ttb. Mo. and lfca. Anal limit tea days to addition to slat ftl aaie. Tickets may be extended. - Tor further Information as to rates from an mint or aehedules aDDlv to roar near. m X..U or oddndgn SUPPLY COMPANY FRAMES. In Stock; also Card Clothing aaS Supplies. GUAM SPARTANBURG er Raleigh, N. C. Special Ates via Seaboard Air Line ' Railwsy, account of the Southern Bap tist Convention, Chattanooga, Tenn.. Mar I0th-15th. The Seaboard announces account of above occasion rate of one fare plus ate. for round trip, from all points In North Carolina; tickets to be sold May 8th, 9th and 10th, with final limit ten days from date of sale. The Seaboard has double dally service from principal points to At lanta. For rates and Information, address, JAB. KER, JK.. C. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. OATTI8, Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh. N. CI CHAS. B. RYAN, General Pnascnger Agent, Portsmouth. Va. VICTORIA KEENE'S CEMENT The best and most eco nomical material known for plasterine and imitation' tile work. --','r.-:r:v K J. 0. OBINNAN, tp 1 r; lift ;.'y ? ' ; r J' -v

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