J 4 'it. ' VaVVVa'Vtt'V ""' 'm t"11".' " i Tt TtmTAltTinT T3 iYV 1 NEteDOfr' AX AUDlTORIl'ML .'.X ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE 7Ji- Anil-Satooa League "M Meeting and Iwwra .J" ' ol Warning to the Voters of Jim City ProhlMtlontets Do Not Jr IWrat at the Polls, but' Would Avoid in Election That WowM Stir , Up Strife and Leave. Bitterness A Committee Drew VpJe Statement- Tte Ix-apne BeUeres Thai Prohibition Ha Proven Blowing. - v The executive commute of the An- tl-8aloon League met at 5 o'clock yea , . ' terday afternoon, at the call of the f Vtjtalrman, Herlot Clarkson. There were - present In person or by proxy: E. T. , :'Janaler, A. J. McKelway. J. I. Mc v ' Call. James R. Alexander. M. 1.. C. G. lacHanaway, M. D.. Frank K. Mc fVInh t M Shaw. J. H. Weddlnsrton, ' , -Hand RerlOt Clarkson. rhalrninn. There - were: preaent. Invited to confer with the committee: Hon. S. S. McNinch. mayor; Dr. W. W. lirr, lejireKrillliis th mlnlxterliii association: J. H. Rk, mayor pro tem: Paul Whltlock. repre ' i aenting the Livv and Order League, and others. t' After a full discussion of the situa ' "tlon, In view of the petition now be "InB circulated for an election to restore " the saloons to Chiirlotte, It wan moved by Mr. J. I). MuCall. and carried, that 8 committee consisting of the chair man, Mr. Heriot 4'larksun; Jr. W. W. Orr, Mr. F. R. McNinch and Dr. A. J. , McKelway be appointed to prepare an address to the people on Hip issue con fronting them to be signed by the members of the executive committee. The chairman as authorized to re tain as special counsel for the league. In view of any matters th.it may come up requiring legal services. Messrs. E. T. ("ansler. C. W. Tiliett. I'harr & Hell and Morrison & Whitloek. The following Is the address: ADDRESH Tf T11K I'KOI'I.K. ' ' "The news has been published to our rommunlty that petitions tire being circulated for the purpose of securing an election this summer on the Hit loo n i question, the promoters of the move- ment of course being the friends of thei r a loon. In view of the ehallenge that Is thus made, the Anti-Saloon l,eagu'M desires to make an appeal to the patrlo- . tic voters of the city, whatever their I Individual preferences may have been j " In the past, to crush the life out of this i attempt to restore the bar-rooms by re- ! ; fusing to sign the petitions. ! "We wish to assure the friends of. temperance that we hale no f-ar nf the result, should an ele lion be called. The beneficent results of prohibition In Charlotte are known and seeti of all men. With the exception of the few "whose prejudii-es are Invincible, the men who differed on the prohibition Is sue two years ago are imw as one tri j ravine that It has been good for Char- ! lolte that the saloons were closed Even If by the arts that the saloon can bo well use. one-third of the voters of. the city should be persuaded to sign the petitions for an election, the Anil- J ttaloon League feels confident that the other two-thirds of the voters would j be found In solid phalanx, on election . In a piping voice: I aln t inu. n or a day. fighting the restoration of the sa- talker, but I will give you the good loon. to our fair city. ! news In a few words as possible. We "But why should there he the stir- have won the greatest victory of the. ring up of strife win -e now there Is ) season by getting the chairman and peace and union? Why should the . another member oT the city health business Interests of the city be forc ed j commlssnlou on our side." to yield their place In the public i The crowd cheered lustily at litis, thought to the excitement of a hitter I "Hold on. don't go too fast; tiiete Is political contest'.' Why should the i more and belter stnlT to come! They Churches be compelled to leave their: are not only on our side hut they are aoul-saving work In order to fight their ! working for us. they have gone so far Old enemy again'.' Why should new j as lo appear befoie t he hoard of a Ider factional lines be drawn Just when the men In their official capac ity and beg nld nm to hivp been obliterated and i that we may stay In the city limits." when the young men of the city, espe- daily, are setting their faces toward the morning and striving together fori the upbuilding of Charlotte? Why Should there he such unseemly haste to reverse the former overwhelming j Verdict of the people, when prohibition has had but Utile over a year In which ! to counteract the evil Inliuen, of a ; half a century In which the saloon j reigned with undisputed sway? I "We appeal to th men who give! their love or even yield their respects to (he churches of this city of church es, to answer this i halleiiKe in no un certain way. Kor weeks the i hurches and godly ministers of our city have been working for the spiritual good of the commtuilu The religious services of a month past aie hardly ended be fore the news Is brought that this great enemy of t he i hun-iics. the saloon Is ouenlv working for restoration and' reinstatement "We appeal the city to Storing six It ways Is, to a lu our citv to Hie business mi of insider the folly of re i ilval as the saloon al- place of powe- It h;is always beep held in theory. It Is now taught by expe rience, that with the abolition of the saloon more money Is stu nt in ! candidate for sustaining the legitimate business aiid,,f the county. profession of the city. Moreover the Saloon is the kind of rival that destroys the prduclng power of the worker and makes him unable to pay bis honcio debts. We appeal to every business nd prfifessloii.il Irian In Ihc iy ,, see that this unuoithv rival Is not en throned again hiiiouk u "And Charlotte s a dty of homes. The saloon is the great cn. inv of the tiome. We appe.il I., vety man who would this city a pl.ie of hippy homes, every man w ho has hoys to false and girls to give in marriage, ev ery man Mho Im-Ii-ms in untainted blood and clean li.inds and a solar brain, to give su. h a chec k to this threatening enemy ,i shall keep it in bounds for the years t ,, IHit Sign the petition. Try to keep your friends rrom signing it. I.e the names on It be Scj few that I he cause shall I become as ridiculous as it Is l,,,.l ,ei the promoters of this movement lie made ashamed c.f their folly m r Ik t - j lng this untimely Issue ij ,,ur unit- ed people, when the names of the few' Who did sign It are published to the' World. On guard friends' We Hre not1 afraid of losing the right If It should1 be forced. But there Is no earthly rea- j aon. apart from the scirii-Smews of those Who want to go Into tin .i...,n busl- ! Tieae, Why the fight hould be forced Upon ua now. "HEJROIT CT.AKKSON. ( h iirrnan 'F. R. MoNlNCH "A. 3. McKKIAVAY "3. H. WBDDI.VOTON "JAMKH It. ALKXANI'lOlt. M D "K. T. CAN.HI.KH. "J. D. MeCALU , -3. A. DURHAM. rr. M. 811 AW. C O, M MANAWAY. M D "Executive Committee." A Cement Walk Through Court House Ground. ' Mr. . H. Mayes, representing Mr. .; fKuart W. Cramer, appeared before the county commissioners Monday and Obtained permission to lay a -foot tment walk-way running back from ftoutb Try on atreet to the site of Mr. Cramar'a prepoeed building which Hi soon to be erected. Just in the rear of the coo rt house property. This walk way -will give, Mr. Cramertan entrance fm fTryon atreet and at the same time add much to tbt appearance of the court house grounds. .. It enrlchee the blood, strengthens that nerves, makes every organ of the body atrong and healthy. A great prtnr tonic Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. 15 cents, Tea or Tab lotft VL Jordan A Co. Mr. D. E. Allen Talk of a Large Bnlkling for Charlotte A Place Where Conventions Could As semble la DealredV Thto Should Come With the Hotel. "This city suffered a long time for want of hotel accommodations," said Mr. D. E. Allen In the Manufacturers' Club last night, "but . now that we have, or nearly have this need rilled. It Is plain we've got to have a place for conventions to meet and for other large gatherings." "We need an auditorium," contin ued Mr. Allen. "When the Marine Band comes here It would be nice to have an Indoor concert, but there is "no enclosure big enough. When Harah Bernhardt waa touring the South she would have, come here and been glad to play in a decent auditorium. "There, are many organizations, many of which are national, which would now find hotel accommodations here, but no place to meet. The people who attend large gatherings are the ones who spend money and It Is the conven tion city which grows best. When president Roosevelt was here we had to have him speak In the open. What if It had been ralnlna? "Such a building might be put up for 10 or 15 thousand dollars and no money could be better spent for the Interest of the city. Much local ue could be made of such a bulldina; such as by the young people for a skating rink. "It Is not alone that we arc having a fine new hotel, but the Uuford and Central are being reconstituted and we are really to have thre- new hotels; Instead of one. We have now first class facilities for conventio n except ing oulv a suitable large building. Of course we've got a good opera house but that is not always available and It does not meet the requirements of large gatherings su b as conventions or a Marine Hand concert or a Chatau qua meetinir. "Our hotels and street car service are all all right, .hut we need a large building for all sorts of meetings and for many other general uses. "We wailed quite awhile before get ting the matter of hotel accommoda tions in good shape and we might as well push ahead now till we round out everything necessary for the Greater Charlotte .is a city for conventions and other large meetings." THE (iklt.M.S HOLD A .MKKTINfi. Tliey Meet In Mlerolw Alley and llf-! Joicc) on Account of New r'rlciMlH I Sing 1'ralse of City Ofticiul. The germs of the city met In Microbe j alley last night, ami ' had a terrible; celebration, singing songs and pro- I claiming their most recent victory. ; "It's Willi great pleasure that I call: I he Cei tns of night, for we ( 'harlot te together t - 1 have something iot- i- ; esting to tell you. I shall now let. Brother Cow Ten speak to you," said! the (hall loan. There w as great cheering and whn.ip-j l"K as a little microbe, with split-hoofs, j and crumpled horns, rose from lh- dampest corner of the alley and cried i The applause here was so great that one of the larger microbes, pos sibly a Hie kopiiulus, fell from his perch and received a contusion on Ills left side. But tile meeting and the speech continued. "Yes, bless your soul. I hey argued for us. and convinced the mayor of the i ll v. At the mention of the word "mayor" everything Tell to fighting and claw. Ing at his closest neighbor and the talk I was interruplcii ror several Hours, t ne j old microbes liec.ime so excited and j .overjoyed that they killed each otherj out , f sheer ex llbc ra 111 e of spirits. It j j sure was ;i hot time in Microbe alley i ; last nliiht. j ; .lust before day. when the chickens I i were beginning to wake up. the Utile, pests sllnkeil away to their respective. homes, rejoi bands were lug as they went Many singing: "Long live the germ! Long live tile llvt all of hit friends!" mayor: Long Problem II. K. Held a Camllclntc. It Is repoc-tiMl Hint Mr. II. K. Held, president of the Mec klenhucg Cotton (irowers' Association, a well-known farmer of Sharon township, will be a t he office of t reasurnr In cipposit Ion to Dr. II. .1. Walker, the present Incumbent. No J offbllal (announcement has vet been j made lull it Is understood that such step will be taken shortly. HTd.MACII AND I.IVKIl Tltul HI.K Cllti:D in. no Laxative Kin!! Hyiup cures sl'oii.i'h unci liver trouble lis It aids ell notion and stimulates the liver ninl bowels wilhnut Irritating these M-gnns like pills nnd ordinary cat hurtles It oiicm oicll"estlon and sick lieaclac he suit c hronie constipation. Orlno l.axmlve flint Scrap does not natisentp or gripe' ami i- mild and pleasant to take Itefuse , kohslifiies It. II. Jordan tk Co. La Marguerite Shops We have received by to day's express an exquisite line of I.lnen ami Kmbroldered Itlouses Also Women's ThII oteii Shirts, with the correct accessories Shirt Waists. Hats arriving dally. More Park models for dressy or i aslons on Wednesday. LaMargueriteShop T)nre 133.1. N. Try on St. FOR SALE OR LEASE. Atlantic Hotel, More head City. N. C. Beat aeaside resort on Atlantic Coaat. Unequalled facllittea for Boating, Bathing. Fishing. Accom modations for 1,000 guests. Perma nent Encampment of Mtate Guard. Large Patronage. Money-maker for right party. Address, until April 10. 1I0. R. p. FOSTER. General Manager, OOlda boro, N. C. ' CHARLOTTE ," 1 " ji " IMPROVING ELLKltBE SPRINGS, I New Hotel With All Modem Improve ments to be Built A Historic Old Place. , . Ellerbe 8prtng Is situated north, or perhaps a little weat of north, from Rockingham, Richmond county, at a distance of 12 miles. The watera f Kllerbe Spring has admirable medicinal qualities and for years before the civil war the spring was a health resort. It is claimed that it Is the only water In the country which will cure hay fever. The spring has not been much attended since the civil war because the ante-bellum hotels and other ac commodations became more or less un fit for occupancy. Several cottages bul!t by private parties have been occupied In the last few years during the sum mer months. One of the drawbacks has been the l'-mlle drive over a rough road. Now a new hotel Is being built and a new road from Kocklngham Is being graded and built to the spring. The new hotel will be completely equipped with all modern improve ments. A m.ooo-gallon'tank will be put up and hot arid cold water will be throughout the house. The property Is owned by the Ellerbe Spring Company, the principal stock- RVSJ-mf Theory Wu-I made a contract with the D. A. Tomp- There Is one thing we have never been lble to understand; why ladies Hollister'H Hocky Mountain Tea makes clear complexions. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. H. H. Jordan & Co. In sending your garments to us to be Cleaned or Dyed. We guarantee all work and none but the very best ever leaves our establishment. Send your Kveriing Dresses, Silk Waists, etc., to us. We can please you. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works Ml IS. .1. M. IIIvSTER, I'roprietress. DUE BILLS We notice that several piano concerns are offering due bills for different amounts to per sons making the most words out of letters contained In the firm's name. These coupons If presented before ft certain date and countersigned to ap ply lis a payment on a piano if bought from them. We will accept coupons giv en by any piano firm as a portion of the Urst cash pay ment on a new Artistic Stieff, Shaw, or any new piano we sell. If you wish to buy In the fuliire. send In jour due hills and we will issue our own due bill, good whenever you are ready to buy. I Chas. M. Stieff, Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet Tone. Southern Wnreroom: West Trnde Street., CIIAIllcOHH .... c C. II. WII.MOTII, Mgr. 5 West Trade Street. aM4 Kvery I ha- tried tains i more than hang Ik retained, th YOU TAKE NO RISK r I S 50.0 0 1 belter wo.k could not be obtained at any price. OurDrlce Ik fU centn a pair. v CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY. i-aunnerers, uyrre ana Clesnere, 210 s. Tryon Street SPECIAL SALE Of Two And Three Piece Parlor Suits From now until April XOth we offer our entire stock of 2 and 3 piece Parlor Suits at a reduction of 25 per cent or 1-4 off from our regular prices. We find this reduction necessary to make room for goods that are coming in, and it is a great opportunity to save money. 22 suits to select from. We can please you. I fURNITURE DAILY OBSERVER J APRII 4. 1906.' ri'h V'-V "; "" rrr. "" v "i:1:. j1 " - '' 1 ""i-"""y Una 'Company, ot Charlotte, to put In f"' 11 kina 'Company. of Charlotte, to. put In an electric light plant to light the hotel ana around. A Longer Tertn for DUworth Sol tool. The patrona of toe DUworth graded aehools have decided that the school shall run a month longer than the apportionment provides for. The regu lar term will close the 20th Instant, but the school- will' be run by private aubatrlptions until the middle of May, making a nine-months term. I To look sWeli f or Easter Sun- day and afterwards, let us supply the Hat, Neckwear, bnirts ana Hosiery to go with your Spring Clothing. Every article shown here is an exponent of style in its class, every class is High Class, at a modest outlay. The Tate-Brown Co. "COLLAR WORK" There is no question about It c-our collar work is unap proachable. We know that we do the best collar work in the South. Hundreds of people tell ua so. Kvery collar that W" launder is shaped by hand t'tid put through a steam heat Mi tube. Of course there are plenty of machines on the market to do this work in one fifth the time, but machines, do not give the results. The hnnd process is much more expensive. but we prefer It, lor there Is a great satisfac tion In turning out perfect work. It us have your work in the future. You would lie delighted with our service. 'Phone 160. Model Steam Laundry A WINDOW run Of CUT GLASS One never makes a mistake In giving cut glass. It Is always useful and always appreciated. We are showing an unusually Felect assortment of styles and designs In cut glass this week. If not for a gift, a handsome vase or bowl will be equally useful and appreciated in your home. JEWELERS. Curtains our new wav of denulnc- en,. IPS! 'flllli pleaaecl with the work. The natural character of the dealer, , ia . CO. J & i It's because they ' don't go to the right place for satisfactioa Our Spring Derbies, Congresses and Straws. Have Just Arrived in all the latest styles and shapes. You know the STETSON it's famous for its beauty and durability. And don't just buy any hat, but get one that's made for you. We carry a stock large and varied enough to suit everybody in just , the hat made for them. OUR SPRING HATS AREf NOW ON DISPLAY. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. ED. April Leather Big special sale of Leather Furniture. This stock far eclipses in magnificence any showing ever made in this state. Beautiful Leather Couches at $25 to $60 each. Leather Hall Suits in Spanish Leather. Leather Library Suits, the three and five piece kind at great bargains. Leather Office Suits, the best made at astonishing values. Do not fail to see this wonderful display of Leather Fur niture. It will pay you to do so. Parker-Gardner Co When You Clean House. you'll find our store the place to buy the many X utensils you need and ousrht to-have. Allen Hardware Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Chick Springs Agency We are pleaaed to announce that we have secured the ex cluKivc agency for the Celebrated Chick Spring Water and we are prepared to furnish It In half-gallons, five gallons and barrel. t hick Kprhign B a most re rrarkable water and is a spe cllto for Indigestion and lys-uepaia- 'Phone us your orders. We receive the water fresh every day. Brannon Carbonating Co. PHOXE 8S5. A BARGAIN! ONE. Perfection Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stove. . SPECIAL PRICE, $7.50 Armistead Burwell, Jr. 2S Nortk Tryoo St. Plume 343 ' 'S, CVIVA .A';V-'t;-''(i in, ,.:..!': i , i.'u: '?, ,,,, , . r( , .,. - , ! THE-1AN i i AND HIS HAT How Often They Disagree I MELLON COMPANY, S urnihire Sale! Mere Money S but a means to satisfy good taste in dress. Many men possess perfect taste, but cannot afford to pay the prices asked by exclusive cus tom tailors. It has been our ambition to make it possible for men of refinement to ob tain garments for this spring and summer that equal the finest custom tailor production, AT PRICES MOST MEN CAN PAY. Smart Sack Suits of single and double breasted design in a great variety of beauti ful Worsteds, Cheviots, Serges, Tweedes and Cassi mers $15 to $25. 1 We've never seen such beautiful shirtings as those from which the spring and summer shirts are made that we sell at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. LonfrTate BIothin& Go. Oldest Clothing Store in theity. . ; Goods Sent on Approval Returnable at Our Expense DRAUGHON'S Itftlrigu, Columbia, Knosvillo, Atlanta. 26 Colleges In 15 Statea. POSITIONS aecured or money REFUNDED. Alo teach BY MAIL, catalogue will con vince you that Draughon'a la THE BEST. Call or send for It. . l c J j 1 , ; L OLUSTErVS Dcflftlrttfl tebTeaRuggtt avvaif mui A fciw vatelna lac. Ban Pmota Bitot SaMin HaaKk an Renewal Vlfar, A epeciflafor Coestlpatloo. Iadlieattoo, Liver ad Kidney tnHlblM. Hmnlea. rxmu. Trnnuni and Kidney trodolea. Hi lood. Bwl BreiAh. Slnrtl.li Bowela, Headaeb andBaekaehe. HTlriB. at a Ka Rookr Mountain Tea la tb ta a boa. Oeoaine made or HouiaWra Di mrmMi . mmanao. Wit. C0L0EN HUG FOR IAU0W PEOPLE T i R. II. 70IUAX COu 4 :"'4..i Ha-- JI- ' V- S n