7. 4. it 1 ! J '- , .orUiv cw-w rkof of " Mr. ,WasIilriirton, 1 nrl ly ell the teachers of the eviored i i .-, I believe. It should te primarily u I .ihiriul end scientific with departments. 'wMfv tn the principal institutions for aMCatinffv,''tor-'B--proMrfonfc The colored teachers of the face re wie and i.nfserrative ,mn;ione-reeliae oulte ( .nif a they the magnitude uu y of lending people from slavery to the condition requisite for discharging me duties jat cltlsenempi 'W uraH.w, " long task of slew-growth in-'whlch the colore RMM inil (H"''' iooinmi It, Im h. thnnwlvH h(l their at tainments an conducts are to determine their own political lutura, une oy can rot . ba .Tar distant when such men as Tuakegee and Hampton , have produced and ti Bsw producing. ' wilt enjoy the urffaae everywhere, because educated end capable ef performing the ,"t,e of v "cttisensblp.' I say to our colored friends '- seek ye first edueetlon, and all right will ' ' week fct added unto you in thl coun- Immediate task In hand haa hlther- hm riMnAnatrata whether or not then la In the colored race capacity for Improvement. This should not have been "a matter 01 mucn ouoi bjijco urj hows Jfrora what unpromising material re owned antong other faces of men has .arisen In-the scale and slowly reached f'j civilisation, but It was naturally doubted ty those who had known colored people 'J only as slaves whether they could ever rise 10 me aignny or ireemtn. miib icucii wra already produced, ministers, lawyers, ,' doc tors and members of all the other professions, the professors seen here and elsewhere in their colleges, the steady Increase of taxable property ownd by ne- arees, and what we see here to-day give the convincing answer. The negro Just like sur own race raises himself when ever he obtains freedom of action and education. The race develops qualities by the exercises of its Inherent the hitherto latent powers. The quest ion Is no longer open, Hampton and Tuskegee and sev eral similar Institutions have settled it for all time. It Is always the few who elevate a race, our own no exception. Some one 1ms to i be first in acquiring an art, a handicraft. , reading, writing, or knowledge In any " department or ability to execute. Even ' every (lock of birds, every herd of deer j has Its leader or leaders, few in number. Aadraw Carnflgto, Who Add reused tlie Students at TuMkryrie Inxtltuto Ycs ;.j's terday on the Occasion of tho Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. and what tbs most advanced acquire the eiwtwra iiheouently learn. J he nrst man who learned only recently to run the first motor ear gave pn,i ..m snsn could learn and so they have learned. In my own time there was not a white j tnaa living who could fctke telesruph j sby sound JiTnldeSlTsh1 tnao ever oould accornpimn mm ly Impossible feat. One man succeeded, j K- - r,nalf1rel a marvel for fl 1 few weeks. Then idher men In several I luK 1n(. work for Jno F oidfleld, of , parts of the country begun to try with Bllltkmor0 who ls tn, mntrl,(.tr. tit mu t that to-t y no on rouia Rei in in. . lt"n is telegrapher who could not do The new kiln ha a guaranteed ca , Itwlthout more effort than you listen tolpaclty of 40,000 twl each 24 hours. 4- the President's address. During tho two years since this cotn- A COLORED RACK CAPABLB. IwJiy has been uixlor the most efft- Now, to-day Tusfcegee liows sixteen , cn-ni in.iigcinrin or Mr. vv. 11. 11am .i,!.,!,!. idnvhl bv one lriir the rrmrllv nf tin. tklmii hum ' " hundred and fifty teachers of their own , . race. The colored rare naving nn t ber and In several other similar colleges and schools in widely scattered parts or S the South, proved that the whole race Is f capable of being eventually elevated . through education to a high stale of j, general civilisation, Just as our white "i race has been elevated by tho few in- usually gtfled individuals who lud tho way, cleared the path, beckoned their !. less girted brethren en and led them up- ward to their own high standard. No race ever ros In any other way. All f needed and produced ereptlonul men v f' lead them. The colored race hus pio i ducrd Its Washington, Douglas, I.mtiuk ton. Price. ChSHiiutt, Dunbar. Tanner. N Tb march of the negro In upwind and v'4 sinward under their guidance. If there Mill b doubters they must ' soon be convinced, for IIioko who like j us to-day have opportunities fur seeing ; what haa transplied huvn all doubts dix- pelled. ws are upon in' rigm pain, tncrcrore, ladies and gentltniu-n, when wi seek the dues ted and public-spirited mem ber of Bout hern society to permit US to 0-Operat With tliem In exp-ii'lingi the lnflunc of Tuskegee nod her ller In titutlons and In elevating l!ie voni-.-d race in every way, hii1 wv fire nISo rluht ' in asking them to o-op -r:ite iiti us ns cltisens of the grout republic now more , 1 closely united Into one hHrinnlus wliole than was ever possible before, when the .' two antagonlsile systems of freedom and , . fdsvery prevailed. Th re dues tint exist L to-day a great nation t ennipieii.lv one Jn thooghl and feeling I hiouKhoiit all Its -"'Wtde domains ss our nn. iliiy It ever M'tao nrmaln! I -l un dn whut we enn In v increase Ihs seiim- of br(,iher)iftol. I This is no sectional uocHtion. It is na tional aod we of the Noi lh t annot eviide i , the responsibilltieii of the Hltu'itlon. It is i y ur duty to share with our fellow-coun-trrman In the South: the exeniie and V labor Of the restoring or entabllshlng s&, among our sorely tried neighbors n har ," monlous society wlib free public schools for all, putilio llbrarien. churches. ho- pltals, colUtges and universities, and nil 1! the other tipllfting agencle such us ws Of the North generally enjoy. 1 " Anxious as we are to do our part to re j. f ators better conditions than those np . rooted, we must keep Hlways In mind that only through cordial co-operation WIU1 tn adranoed or our own nice In tha Beutb e the result we so ardently ds . aire for both while and black be success V fully atulned. WORK BEGINS AT TIlOMASVUXd 5s;' JTorth Carolina Motrin Co. Starts j J. ComtracUua of Trolley Line to t : High Point. (tpscial to The Observer, fj JHfh Point, April 6. -Work began ' yesterday at Tbotnasvllle on the road f ' be built by the North Carolina .'Eleetrto Company, of which Mr. Dee ' Allen, of Philadelphia, is the largest v 'i stopk holder. This is the company rep , meatKed. by Mr. K, D. tHeele, of his ' place, n4 which will have Its head quarter tier. Mr. Dee Allen i$ ta lilgb Point ?wlth tttB asstsUnts ami wlU remain vnveni weeks. He says that th-,ro4 Will certain.y bo built and that ill - company lias already placed n Order for trrucb of the mi er)aL " Tha work ( In charge of "Chief Engineer Edwards and Mr,: Megraw. , The road will lie as straight. u paSI .f Uoo will psnnit, . .-. v., .-. -,k Ttw Athinta, Gju, Constitution had Hie tioUowirue; to say of the appearance there of "The Isle of , Spice," which r)U W thw attraction- tha' Academy jrf'JUwte' to-night; ' v , 4 r . King 'Bombopka' of "The Jele of Spice" vu .. wis old kin, an In nothing wiser than whoa defining? the word "reform." 'Reform.' - remarks; - this sapient ruler, "i word much used before the election. After election they put it back in the dictionary."' The sparkling wit "of -."The Isle of Srrtre," which ripples through from curtain, to urtain, is the , pleaaantest feature of this surprisingly clever mu sical mixture. It alrlv bubbles forth from tile king and Micky O'Orady, when it 4 known that too latter is Impersonated fcyJ. Herbert 7awtrrne no surprise 4 necessary. V The isle of spice" is the cleverest musical cornier -production of the sea sonthe best, at least, that -the Grand has seen, , and white the. piece would undoubtedly tttand -eeverer comparteon and come out n top. the eil is drawn at this poftit from a sense of local pride. There Is consolation in the fact, though, that the best part of the season Is to come, and "The Isle of Spice" to an excellent start for the second half. The eborue, consisting- of the ladles from whom the kin picks his brides. le fully up to the New York stand ard, and aside from the wit of the king and Micky O'Grady, this cluster of young women is the attraction of the rformance. The costumes and stage effect are worthy of more than panning mention, as In Harry Watson In the role of Slushy Macinaw, the tea-rful companion of Micky. "The Isle of Spice" will be heard atralrt to-day, both afternoon and night. A NEW DRY KILN. I'nltrd Lumber Co., of Maxton, En larging Its Plant Many Residences tiolng rp. Correspondence of The Observer. Maxton, April 4. The United Lum- the old dry kiln and is t aa torn 1, .,11, linn- " a much largvr one of concrete blix-ks. Mr. .1 Wilhur Jnnpu J Hiiruj.Hri.f nl- has 1 been doubled, the total lntpro epionta ! ymn-.wllXnK mtm ll0i00o. This r.ew dry kiln 1oii will coat $4,000. I The Southern Laundering Co. rtart-j i i'SM r i i j u Wnke for the Immensely mtemBtinf; and amufiirnf BUI bailey letters, published monthly, free. V CHARLOTTE ed business here two weeks ago. un der very .promiBlngv conditions. The work don ta enual to the best In the State and1 the machinery as wp-to-. data as that of, any city In the Btate. The work given them Is aufOc(ent to pleawe them. betnr much more than had: been expected at the start. Their wagon will ro to the several towns nearby, all t of which promise',! good support i - There are now over half a . dosen residences in Max ton nearingr comple Utm, and others continually ba in ir srtarted. Outof-town people are becoming tnterested In our town, having; Just beeun to realize the many natural advantages of the place. Sev eral capitalists are securing options on town property. CAROLINA AGAIN VICTORIOUS. , Cluipel Hllllans Defeat the farmers by Score of 7 to 3 Game Full , of Feature. Special to The Observer. , CSiapel Hill, April 5. Carolina's string- of victories remains unbroken, This efternoon eh downd fhe Farm ers from Raleigh to the tune of 7 to 3. The game was characterised by the heavy hitting- of Carolina and her beautiful team work, showing a won derful Improvement along both lines from that displayed against Wake Forest. The game started out like a hummer, both sides going out on the one, two, three order for the first three innings. In the fourth, however, Car olina took McCatfhern's measure and heavy hitting, together with a couple of eirors on the part of his team work, suffloed to shove four runs over the pan. A. & M. played hard hall, but after this Inning never bad a ('ha nee to win. Cunningham for Carolina, was as steady as a clock and pitched wonderful 'ball for eight Innings. In the last Inning he was tapped up for two, but it made no difference, a Car olina had won the game In the fourth inning. The game was chuck full of features. Knox and Staples fielded well for A. as M., while Thompson caught the whole game and led In the hittlnig. James, B Thompson and Harris made sensation plays. The score by innings: n.H.E. Carolina .. .. 000403001 7 9 3 A. & M 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 6 3 Batteries: Cunningham and Rogers; McCathei-n anl Thompson. Summary: Earned rums, Carolina 4, A. & M. 2; two-base "hits, Cunningham, Harris; three-base hits, Cunningham, Thompson and Rogers; stolen bases, Shuford !i, Rogers, Stem and Calder; Ie5t on bases, Carolina 8, A. & M. 4; basen on error. Carolina. S, A. & M. 5; bases on balls, off Cunningham, Z; off tf'rCathern 4; struck out by Cun ningham 8, by McCaithern 7; wild pitch McOathern 2; double palys, Harris and Patterson; time, 1:35; umpire, Fhil Meado; scorer, Orr. NKWSPAPEH KNLAKGEO. HlfCli Tolnt Enterprine Installs Type setting Maclilno and increaso KUc. Spec la 1 to The Observer. High Point, April 5. This evening in the private dining room of the Kl wood Hotel, the bachelor boys of tho cily emtertuined their young lady friends at a dinner. There were. 2D oouple present. The raily KnterprlBe of this city has Ix-en enlarged to a seven-column, four-pnge paper and has a No. 3 Mer genthaler Duplex machine for sitting the type. Jlr. J. T. Burrus, who has been at tending a special course of lecturrs at Mctlulres Sanitarium, Richmond, re turned home last night. The sx-hool board will most probab ly orrtcr a nine-months' term of school after this session. Certainly, King, Come Right Along. Durham Herald. Ah Charlotte has said so much about It wo suppose we will have to go up on the twentieth Just to see If she makes good. CHAIIMHKKI.AIN'8 COIOI1 HKMEDI TUB BKST AND MOST I'OPPL'LAR. "Motliers buy It for croupy children, railroad men buy it for severe roughs and elderly people buy It for la grippe," Hay Moore Hrox.. Kldon, Iowa. "Wo sell mor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy th-w nny other kind. It seems to have iK-n the lead over several other good ..rnnds." There is no question hut this medicine is Hie best that ran be pro- "'r"' . ' 1" ,i. t. "imJ? u BiwVs cures and cures quickly. Sold by K. II. Jordan & Co. UDfliiii Bill Bailey plug tobacco surpasses in chewing qualities, all other brands that have gone before. We say this with the conviction born of experience and knowledge. : v D DAILY OBSEEVER, APIUIi 6, JOOo. f, .V ... .4' I r - C SAT- FEHR'S MALT Six I4lng Parents of Confederate Soldiers. To, the EdMor The Observer: In answer Jlo the question. "Is there living a parent jot. a Confederate sol dier?" which - was recently asked in the column 6t iThe Observer, I give below the names .of six. They are John Collins and James Brantley, of Iredell county; ReT. David Brown and John Karrlker.T of Rowan county; Mrs. ii. W. Craven, of Iredell, and Mrs. Sophia JJnn.' of Rowan county. E. T. GOODMAN. Mooresvllle, April 4, 1906. Mvlng Parent of a Veleran. To the Editor of The Observer: In a recent issue of The Observer 1 noticed an allusion to an inquiry which, it seems has been made in re gard to living parents of Confederate soldier. In Greensboro lives Dr. Henry Pattlllo Clingman, now past 90 by several years, I think, whose eld est son was killed in battle during the civil war, he being a soldier In the Confederate army. Tho aged doc tor is a lineal desrendent, In the fourth generation,, of Dr. Henry Pato tillo, a distinguished Presgyterian di vine. MRS. B-ETTIE P. GIBSON. Concord, April 2, 1908. CHILDREN. If Vou Have Any Allium Ones This Win interest You. "We see so many little boys and girls about town who are weak, thln legged and hollow-cheeked," said a member of the firm of R. II. Jordan & Co., our well-known druggists. "It seems a shame to allow them to re main ,iO. for they will grow up Into weak, sickly and nervous men and women, without the vitality to work or enjoy life. If," continued he, "the fathers and mothers of such children would bell.eve what we say of Vinol, we would see a great difference in the appearance of the younger genera tion of this. city. You know Vinol is not a patent medicine, but Ih Just the tonic growing children need. It will make for them good, healthy flesh, sound bone, hard muscle and rich, red blood. ' "True, Vinol Is a cod liver, oil preparation, but It does not contain a drop of oil, or any bad tasting feature. It Is so delicious that all children love It, yet it actually does contain all the medicinal curative elements found In fresh cods' fivers, and Is the most wholesome and best medicine for children we ever sold. "It is because we know what Vinol will do that we guarantee If it falls to make your children well, rugged, and rosy, to refund your money." " R. H. Jordan & Co., Druggists. PI U 1 VULCANITE ROOFING IS ECONOMICAL Because it is durable. It is easily laid. When you roll out 40 feet and nail it down one square is kid. Quick work, ain't it? Architects, Contractors, note this ALLEN HARDWARE CO., charlotte bl c To) wm No better tobaccos made than those matt utactured by Balky Bros., WinstovSakm, Nortl Ctrollna. NOT IN A TRUST. 0 I BLOOD Is tl9 kind that gives you vitality; strength, "now - A i tai vigor-." Enrtchi purify and .feed your circular JmLl. It Is a poverful invfgorant.' Streagflions' yaur heart action so that it pumps nev, rich jblood Into the minutest tissues. You feel the nev ltfo promptly. TRY iT TODAY. 1? " , - " FOH SALS BY AU. DWUOOIT. ' TONIC DEPT totrisyilie, Ky. T NO SPECIAL TERM. Illness of Judge Peebles Daughter Prevents Him Prom Holding Court In Ashe County. . Correspondence of The Observer. Jefferson, April 8. According to on' order made some time ago by the Gov ernor, Ashe county was to tvave bad a special term of court beginning th 2nd instant, but owing to the tllttess f Judge Peebles' daughter is was Impos sible for the judge to be ' present The eoHottor. Mr. P. S. Graves, and attorneys of the Jef ferson bair, and the visiting1 attorneys, consulted and decided to continue the entire docket until the May term, Owing it the failure to have court the people became very restless, yet they were very willing to Accept the action of the attorney and; were glad to extend to Judge Peebles what they thought 'to be an act of kindness. The farmers left for their homee and will take advantage of the very nice weath er to get their crops well under head way. Too many men spend their time try ing to make molehills out of mountains. NATURE'S WARNING. CHAJUjOTTB people must rb cognize and heed it. Kidney Ills cams eutetly mysteri ously. But nature always warns you through the urine. Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color Is unhealthy. If there ere settlings and sediment. Passages too frequent, scanty, pain ful. It's time then to use Doan's Kidney Pills. To ward oft Bright's disease or dia betes. Dean's have done great work In Charlotte. J. H. Robinson, bricklayer, of 915 N. ; Tryon street, says: "For a long time 1 I suffered with a bad back, undoubt edly due to disorders of the kidneys. My urine was all out of sorts, very dark and full of heavy sediment. I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills, and got a box at R. H. Jordan V Go's, drug store, and gave them a thorough trial. They restored the urine to Its natural color, made the secretions normal and strengthened mr back so that it does net pain me at all. In faet, I have net had an aehs slnee I used the remedy." i For eeie by all dealers. Fries wo. ' raater-Mlibun Qs Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the Baited State. Bemetriber the nameDean's end take ne ether. ::T:1) J . ' . - , - ' . .Jiiiin! i.i, . hi i Hup.. n .i iii.i ' m ii uii i i I u 17 in i U.Jiu"! ijo ' " A . PaUeys'Ve Make Em. The D. a. TOMPKWS GO. Charlotte, JV. Q. !J5 A Gentleman's Cigar for 5c "COUNTRY GENTLEMAN" THE CHARLOTTE yrm ars southern agents tor ROTTED .WIRE, GERMAN HEDDTjES AND HKDBLE FRAMES. WRITE U8 FOR PRICES. Feekett Bishop Steam Traps Carried tn Stock; also Card Clothing aai s Pull Una of Supplies. CHARLOTTE BXRMCf GHAM SFARTAXBTTRO INCMNUTIO CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00 Not the cheapest, hut preeminently the BEST. These are th largest, oldest and best equipped schools in North Carolina a positive, provable FACT. 1,000 former students holding positions In North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written con tract. Shorthand, Book-keeplnx Typewriting and English, taught by experts. Address , KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Charlotte. N. C. er Raleigh, N. a ielul ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARLOTTE, V. C Suburban location, Kz tensive Campus, High Grade, Experienced. University Educated Teachers; Fire-Proof Buildings, First . Clcas Equipment. Schools of Musio, Art, Expression, Bastness. Knjojs a Reputa tion for Thorough Work and Good Health. CATALOGUE SENT FREE. CI1AS a KING, President KEYNOTE... If you should purchase anything from us if that thing should not wear as you think it should, in every respect we are just as anx ious to make things right as you can be to have them right ' Carriages, Harness, Horses, Mules, Baggage and Passenger Service, Stylish Livery. Carriage and Harness Repair Work a Specialty. J. W. VADSWORTH'S SONS CO. . utpftOVKQ PABSBHOER. SERVICE. , Th BeaWrd announoss effective flth the mftugwrenon of the NeW-TOrk Mep lng "ar "ne betwsw New torkand Memphis and vice-versa via the Seaboard and Frisco systems Improved through passenger service to Memphis, Tnn.. without change, making connections at this point lor all points in Tesesy the West and Northwest. Unexcelled dlntna ear service between Washington and Richmond and Hamlet and Birmingham, serving all meals. . -' For rates or tchedu'es to cuiy point ad. Cha.-lott. N. C. CHAS. H. OATCI8. T P, A., Raleigh, K. C CHAS B. MAN. O. P. A.. Portsmouth. Va. : The Seaboare peg to announce tTat so. count Of tbe occasion mentioned below the rate and sondltioo named wUl apply. Kezioo City,' Vealeo-Oeir : Toumameat, Chattanoogai Tena.Sotttheni " Baptist ; Convention and - AtuUlisry SocleUaa, K May lOtb-Utta. 1901. Rate eoe flr ' . cia fare, piua, . tot the round trip, K (minimum raU) M eeaW tickets told i May atb, ttb, and 10th. final lut tea h. days 17 addition to data jt ' Tickets may be extended. . Vor further rnformatlow as to rau trots any point or schedule, apply te roar tiflar- m ajrent or eaarea ine unaei lerrtsneeka: SUPPLY COMPANY Special rate via Sraboard Air Una Railway, account ot the Southern Bap tist Convention, Chattanooga, Tennu, Mar lOth.ttth. . The Seaboard announees account of for round trip, from ail points tn North Csrollna; tickets to be sold May Ith, tth and ivtn, witn nnai limit ten days from data of sale. The Seaboard has double dally service from principal points to At lanta. For rates and Information, address. . JAB. KER, JR., C. P. A., Charlotte. N. a C. H. OATTIS. , Traveling Passenger Agent, RalslghTN. C, CHAS. B. RTAN, ' General Passenger Agent , Portsmouth. Va. , VICTORIA KEENE'S . CEMENT The best and , most ecor nomical material known, for plastering and imitation tile work t 5'' 1 ,'-"ti",'rf " X 0 GRIinTAlT, .v 173 tlain St., Norfolk, -Va. . f 'a '--. -rui S T 1 1 ' a ' t V?'

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