CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVLK, Alllh 10, 190G. ,:as day in rasTOBV; ' The French '"Company ot the V.Vst'V surrender Louisiana to t..a Crown.- s"-' r l. Rattle of Molwlts between the l i iisulan . ad VAurtrtans. y Th letter were defeated . with tb of . 7.000 men and .18 of- s icerm.,- The Prussians,- sm" owners: their loss was" 1 killed' and s.OOO wounded. 3. Battle .of ttontenottev which was attacked by the Austrian, under JBeaulien, and defended ' by the French, nnder ftampon, ' Vlth such desperate resistance ' that Bonaparte had time to 5 come up and obtain a victory. ' taking 1,000 prisoners. ,v i f 179S.--Bernadotte. the French I ant kaasador at Vienna, In obedience t to- the DireetoiTr. displayed the - tricolor flag at his lodgings, but the populate. In a rage, tore j -It -ddwn. -- Not- receiving the satlsf action he desired, he left the court. -The Bey of Alglert declared war against Spain. 111!. Von Berber and Fink exe - en tad at Oldenburg, Germany ( -, When the Russian approached ' tbe town, the French magls- trates fled, leaving a committee et regency of which the above r were members. This committee was summoned before a court' martial, at which Vandammt presided, and ' these two excel lent men were unjustly con- , . demned to death, although their ufV accuser had only proposed their imprisonment. &9U. Battle of Toulouse, at which ' , the French, under Soult, were defeated by Wellington. , IS30. President Buslamente, of Mexico; forbade further immi - v ? grattdn from the United States. . , J 83 5. Jacob Schmuck, a die , tingutshed officer in the war of . ? 1812, with England, died. He 1 t , waa a native of Pennsylvania n' ana died at St. Augustine v - JH France and England signed a specific treaty for the Joint de ' fens. Of the Ottoman emnlre. i 1858 The United States gave twelve ?, months notice to Denmark of " r -j It Intention to terminate the "V treaty of 1826, by which the payment of sound dues was rec- ' v ognised. 't'alMl. ".'Gen. VanDorn forces at i tacked General Granger at Franklin. Tenn.. and were driven back with Joss. . IgJav Paul Boynton, In a bathing vr-- suit, made an unsuccessful at- ' tempt to swim across the Enr- , llsh Channel, from Dover to J ' Boulogne. ; y anchor near Anamas islands, 160 miles northeast of Singapore; ,5- i , Japanese ships sighted east of r" .. Saigon; Dutch and American . , cruisers will prevent violation of ' y , neutrality, THREE GAMES. , Davidson Tram Ieavm last of This T. " . Week to Play Wake Forest. Gull- V ford aad V. M. I. Ie;lalmers ttontesC V 0peeial to The Observer. . Davidson. April . The baseball - . team leaves tha last nt h n,!, n trip northward, Saturday playing waaa roretl at Winston; Baster Mon --. day, Gatlford at Orensboro. Tuesday ; they go to Lexington, Va., for a game via tn v. M. I. - f 'At preset It looks as If no game can . played with South Carolina College. HI wa thought that two dates were a '-'arranged for, but these are called off and tha effort made to bring tbe Pal , tnetto boy here Wednesday, when the , new athletic field was to ha vs.; been . - formally opened, has fallen throus-h. i Waturally soma interest attaches to the . rniuai game on this nne field. The wait ing for its completion has been long and patient. It has Just been leveled oo, roura, ana, unless spring rains V change the condition of things, U In admirable shape. Then, too, the as aocUUoa la eager to get a pull at the ViiSMieket hwill anil In htk uhla In matr I. . - " J J " , awry. one, coming and going, your -: money or no game In eight. Hereto- fim'lt has been an appeal to one's aense of fairness, and some people have 1 fflAl Hi tr..ip .nui.l.. 1 J 't "Tha declalmers contest took place , ,4n th Plh society Saturday evening, ,;. There' wers about 16 speakers and a ' aclslon was not easy to reach. The . ; . faculty, acting as a onimlttee. decld- d-lt- faver of Mr. Clarence Clark, to v 1 iWftom the medaj will be awarded. at hi old home In Vlrglnia.-Dr. J. B. , Alexander was a visitor at Davidson . t yesteraay.-lir. w. J. Martin in the absence of the pastor, ftev Mr. Willis, , ymruy conaucieo ine morning ser ' jv rte at 25ion In Cornelius. Miss Fan- - rua Andrews and several of her friends .apmt Sunday at the borne of her aunt, , . 'Mrs. Davla A statement read by the pastor yes rdy morning showed that the oon ' tttbutiona of the Davrdson church dur ' Ing be last year amounted to about . 3.s,0 being given for foreign mis b atons and about 500 for home missions. Tha envelope ywtem hl h has been In use for se.veral months Un proved - great benellt to tho tjvldHon church Af i1 ' 'rou ins r ... flLLlXCNM lU'V t)l'T IXCAk. ' 'XaWMM Cotton Mlir ( axe linally '-.. Settled Out of (WmrtHoardi of ; , Asantsom to be Apivolniwi In . dTBenvtlle. , . Obnowr Huihiu, '"S1, Vlv .. 1201 Main Street, i Columbia, K. ".. April . y 'Tha.flght between the Ml 111 ken it ' Mill selllnig agency and President W. B. L4was and his ajKor-U(es fr con- , -3TOl Of the Iaurcns and Darlington t cotton mills lias endfl In a cortiftro--; (Hi. whereby the Luca crowd relln- qutsh their tioldlnga at good prices, tha Srjlllkcns purchasing their stock . 5 Th Darlington stock which was o.uot- d on. the market at 60 brought 65 and the Laurens stock quoted at 160 y went f the MJllllun at 170. This akea the case out of the State and , federal courts where about the hard est fought legal battla In tha history ot cotton mills in this BtaU ha boon : waging for over a year. Tb loiig-drawn-ut fight on tha part f the Greenville city wincll for a ,-Wghr aSKeasment of city property tivaugh a dty board of assessora has svbout reached a conclusion with a 1 victory cor the council. Q rears and - Fountain Inn, In that county, as well ' us th county seat, will get city boards , of aaaeasors, Itcplylng to a IMter of 84Mator MauMin, Governor Heyward Informed him that th law wa man . datory along this line. Bona tor Maul ' 4I aald that be would get his del ration Agelfcer this wk for tbe pur poew ol iacomtnending name for ap pointment n these thma boards. In tha am mail tnre came to the Gov ernor tha resignation of ars. A. O. Oower ad W, V. Garrison, a mam rf th Greenville township board, " legality of wtdch baa been attack- . Mr. r Garrison auld that he hod : oved .out of tb.dty but Mr. Gow- r gav ia reaaon. , Its equal as curatlvs agent does rot exlsf . -o -perfect Is tbe medical -ion as to cnalienra ths admlratloo ' the msdicai, profeselon. . 8ucb. Is rtters Rocky Mountain Teaf , St , Tea or Tablets. JR. I3L. Jordan it '4 t? ' TOWN TAKES ON OTtlFE nvmEiaxjiiDTox Many Kew ; BalkUnir la , Process . of f Oonatranlott ,ln Hutherford's Capi A tal -Work to Begin at Early Date m ' Kuthcrtord . Itomltal Connty .:' Coounhailonm l Contract ' for p Five 'ew Stcet Bridge Bnpcrlor Court ln4 Sowion Aa Approaclilng Wnddias; Personal - ana 1 New Notes Jt , Special to1. The Observer. Rutherfirdton, April Cards have Just been issued announcing the mar riag of Mr. Bllas P. -Houser, of thia place, to , Miss ; Lucy 1 Davi Mallard, which wUL take .place at tha home oi the btide'a tnother, Mrs. 'Jennie Mal lard, at Lawndale.i Thurstlay, April :l. Tbe young pouple'a're both j.ulte popu lar and ar' well 'known In their , re pocitve courrtlea Cleveland and - Ruth erford. Mis Mallard is a sister tof Mrs. Robert E, Haynea ot this place, and l quit an attractive and accom plished lady. Mr. Houser Is. a prom inent young citizen of this town, be ing: engaged in the jewelry business here. Their marriage Is looked forward to with much interest. Mr. M. I Justice, who recently pur chased the Bartlett property on Main street, has sold one of the lots to Mr. O. T. Waldrop, one of our lead ing STocerymen, and the two together are preparing to build two large two story buildings. The new buildings will be bandsome structures, up-to-date In every particular, with iron fronts and French plate glass, making quite an addition to our town. Tha foundations are now being laid and Mr. John Burgess, a well-known con tractor, is superintending tbe work. Several other new -buildings are also now in course of erection. Mr. C. D. Geer Is building a handsome residence In the western portion of the town, near the old Rutherford Military In stitute, where the new sanitarium will be built. Messrs. K. J. Carpenter and J. R. Anderson, two or our enterpris ing business men, are also making prepartlons for building near the In stitute. Mr. Henry Green, of Polk county, has Just purchased several lots in the same part of town and will at once erect eight nice neat little cottages on them. The old town is now beginning to take on new life. Many now enterprises will be started In the near future, of which we will have something to sky later. The building of the new sanltorium and the locat ing of the new railroad through our town has greatly stimulated Its citizens and they are now doing all they can for Its advancement and progresa FTVB NEW STEEL, BRIDGES. The board of commissioners of Ruth erford county, believelng In keeping step to the march of progress, re cently made contracts with the Vir ginia Bridge A Iron Company, of Roan oke, Va, and the Cope Uridge Com pany, of Chattanooga, Tenn., for five more new steel bridges. The former company is now placing three bridges, two over Main Broad river at Twltty's and Edxerton's ford, and the other at Ross' ford over the Second Broad river. The latter company Is placing two, one over Main Broad river at McDowell's ford, and the other over Cathey's cick near this town. The new structures will cost between 10,- 000 and $12,000, and, when completed, will make over 17 Iron bridges for ths county. A two weeks' term or itutncrrora Superior Court convened here this morning with Judge M. H Justice, of this place, presiding, and solicitor J. F. Spalnhour, of Morganton, repre senting the State. The first week' is for the trial of criminal cases, out. the docket being small, It is thought It will be disposed of by Wednesday, when tho civil calendar wilt be taken up and disposed of. No business of Importance has, as yet, Deen trans acted, as most of the day has been taken up in organizing the court and getting it in running order. Judge Justice's charge to the grand Jury waa an able one and covered every phase of the criminal law. Mra John C Mills and children re turned yesterday from Laurens, fl. C, whfsre they had. been vurttlng Mrs. Mills' parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Poole. Mrs. Mills, after spending a few days in Ilalelgh and Charlotte, Jolne! them at Blacksbury and accom- pu riled them home. Mr. McJllvary Miner, wno nas neia an Important position wim me ni ton Manufacturing Company, at Con verse, ft C. for the past year, has resigned and came homo yesterday. Af ter spendlns; a day or so here with friends and relatives, he will leave for Norfolk. Va.. to take a position as book-keeper with the loading Insurance firm of that city. Dr. Montgomery H. MgKS and other Philadelphia parties Interested In the new sanitarium to he built ut thin place are expected to arrive here this week, when aotlve work will begin on the new Institution, which, when completed will be known as the Itutberfordton Hospital. Mra Sam Tlurgln, of Charlotte, is here on a visit to her purents. Mr. and Mra K. J. Carpenter, end will prob ably remain for several days -Mr. Thomas P, Reynolds, of ANhevlllo, a former citizen of this county. Is over for a few day visit to relative and friends. I ' : . i Mr. Kchloss Irascs tho t.raml at Ashcvlllc 1 ttpedal to Th Observer. i Ashi'VlUe, April I. Holotnon Schloss. ih. well-known North Carolina the. utiVni manager, has leased, from the; owners, the Grand Opera House In this cltv and will take chargfi June 1. The lean- In for five years. Mr. Hchlosa control then tree In Wilmington, Char lotte lUI'tgh, flrecnbori Winston Newbern nd Monro and baa been nuitc sweNsful In ths conduct of these houses. It Ik believed that Mr. Hchlosa will conduct Ms newly acquired place of atnus'-mcnt Independent of the the atrical "irut" and that It Is prob able he will form a combine with Schu bert or Independent Interests. The new lessee. It la understood, will make extensive improvements at th Grand. The st ago Is to he enlarged, a new entrance put In mid the Interior of the house overhauled. Cutting Affray at Aslievllle. Special to Tlie bserver. Ashcvlllc, April 9 -Gilbert Melton, ot Madlson iunty. was arrested Hatur day night charged with assaulting Hhermiui Henlv, of Yancey county, with a knife. Tho trouble between Melton and HcnMcy is snta to be of long standing and to have grown out of the arrest of Melton by Henstey In Yney county several years ago when Melton was taken into custody on a blockading charge. Melton never for gave Hensley for the arrest and It is alleged attempted to get even Sat urday by the use of a sharp-Maded knife. The assault occurred on Eagle street ami I-Iensley received a slash across the back, ripping the flesh for several Inches In length. Melton was arrested. HITMAN RIOD MARKS. A tale of horror was told by marks e hums a bktod In the home of J. W, Wil. Hams, a well-known merchant of Bae, Kf. He write: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhagee of the lungs, and was. near dmttk when 1 began taking Dr. Kraft New Discovery. It completely cured me snd I have remained well ever since.';. It cures. hemorrtuMtes, chrenle ceuahsv settled emds and bronchlUasnd is tba snir knows cure for weak lunss. Kvsrr bottle gnarenteed by R. H, Joe da Co., Drugf 1st, 0a sad U.Oe, Trial bottla frstv CILESTER-NEIUU .' Popular Iredell Ysanff People Wed ' An Approaclilng ; Marriage States. ; VlUe Baby Sbow Adjusting Fire Correspondence of The csery er, v ; rRl Statesvllls, ' April 7. In vitatlon reading a follows have been recelv Sdv" "Mra Algernon Thurston., Wnlfcn lag request the honor of your prea ence at the marriage of her daughter. Jan Herbert, to Mr. William Edwin Rase, on the evening; of Wednesday, the eighteenth of April, nineteen hun dred and sfx, at six o'clock, St. John's church, Hampton, Va.," Mr. Rose 1 S son of Mrs. E. A. Rose, of States villa, and is a brother of Mrs. A. White. He now hold a government position in Washington. . -Mr. Joseph B. Chester and ' Miss KsAe Selma Nelll were married 'Wed nesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock at the how of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. EM. Ft Holder, near Amity, Rev. R.;8, Howie, of Statesvllle, officiating. Quite a. number of guests were pres ent - and the marriage was a very pmty one. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of the groom's parents. Mr. and Mra I O. Chester, near Elmwood, where a wedding sup per was served. Mr. and Mrs. Chester ar quite popular young people. The bride 1 well known In Statesvllle. An entertainment eclipsing all others that have Seen given In States vllle for a long time, was held at the home of Mr. K. I Miller, on Arm field street, "Wednesday afternoon. Fourteen happy mothers and as many beautiful babies were present for a baby show. The three Judges, who had been Invited to pass on the pret tiest all-round baby, finally decldeu that little Miss Frances Caroline Rod dick should be awarded the prize, a silver set, consisting of knife, fork and spoon. One loss from the recent fire, that of Mr. Xeary. the photographer, has been paid in full. $100. The others are in process of adjustment. Mr. Deary expects to resume business as soon as he can get a place. He estimates his loss, outside of his Insurance, at $600 to 8800. BIBVE INSTITt'TE. It is to be Conducted Tlnirtday and Kimriay PiVontnfnt of Fich Week si No. 204 North Tryon Street An I liter-Denominational Gathering. To the Editor qj The Observer: In discussing; with a few business man 1 fWiA I S r SUa .rA a S-S-m A w. of the Bible, It Is thought wise to se- ! cure a room somewhere in the central part of the city for this purpose. Mr. I R. p. Alexander and Mr. C. B. Manon j belnjr the committee, the store room at ; No. 204 South Tryon street, under the j Y. M. C. A. buikllTiK, has been se- I cured, and the hour for meeting will be, for the present, each, week Thurs- day at 8 p. m., and .Sunday at 8 p. m. We want everyone In the city of whatever denomination, to take Inter est In this Bible Institute. It Is Inter denominational, and the purpose Is simply and solely to search the Scrip tures. The study of God's Word Is seriously neglected, and this Bible In stitute will bo devoted, not to preach ing, not to exhortation, but to the prayerful study of the Word of 3od. "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, satth the Lord." In or der to be a strong Christian It Is ab solutely necessary to understand the Word. ; We want everyone to bring his Bible, and an opportunity will be given, as nearly as possible, for. each one -to speak a word. It will be an open meet ing and we hope the ministers of ths city will give us their presence and support. The Bible is the livest book, we have to-day, and the most -neglected. It is for this reason that we wish to emphasize It's study. Please re member the place Is the store room Wi der the Y. M. C. A., and hour for ser vice is Thursday at 9 p. m., and Sun day at S p. m. C. E. MASON, R. O. ALEXANDER; Committee. Charlotte, April 9. 1906. , $19,000 FIRE AT MAHPIN. Saw Mill Belonging to It. R. Fleming Destroyed origin liiknown. Special to The Observer. f v:' Oreenvllle, N. C, April 9. Sunday evening the large saw mill plant of Mr. It. R. Fleming, at Maupln, this county, a station on a branch of ths Atlantic Coast Line between Farmelle arwl Washington, was destroyed by firs, together with between 1,000,000 and 8,- 000,000 feet of lumber. The Are was discovered about 5;S0 o'clock and. In a few minutes the entire plant was a mass of flames. The origin of the flrs Is unknown as the plant had -been closed since Friday evening when the flro In the boilers was secured. The loss Is fully $10,000, with no insurance. Mr. Fleming was nway from home, having gone to Han ford on business. Old Time Dance for Con federates. Special to Tbe Observer. New Orleans, April 9. The enter tainment committee of the United CoO federtae Veterans reunion to be held In New Orleiina April 25. 26, and 27 has Issued a cull to vctcruns from other cities to arrange their "sets" for an ld-tl'tno Southern cotillion and Vir ginia reel which will be led by Genera! Stephen D. Lee and Mra. tienerel Brax ton Braggs the night of Thursday, April 2flth. It is desired that each lo cality make up Its own set s aa to bo prepared to participate In the big gest Blngle dance ever given In the Houth. The old St. Louis Hotel, Im mediately opposite the reunion hall, has been fitted up with 3,000 cola, with electric lights and other conveniences, all of which will be free to the vet erans The railroads have made re duced rates to New Orleans for the occasion and from the present outlook the Indications are that the attendance will exceed that of the big reunion held here in 1904." Pure Food Laws are Good, No State pure food board has ever questioned the absolute purity of BURNETTS VANILLA. A Tonic .That Tones 1 'If Felir'sMaltToiiic t J FEDffS MALT !. SfaBWSse"S," - tt . LmmiQVMtommii I VsTaa Possibly, you don't realize that' WurUburger Malt; , Tonic is exactly what you need 'Are you more tired than usual? -Do you lack your former vim and en-, ergy? Nervous? Sleepless? Then try this tonic. ; It is the pure essence pi MALT prescribed. , by physi-; cians who know; What1 convalescents: and weak people need. , It is sold al'all drug atotes. ' , ;r ISc Per Bottled t Sl,5fl Per Dozen,';! y Wurtzburger of the Buffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event and 'casts over her ft shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger,.and insures safety to life of mother and child.". This scientific liniment id a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does " Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for tbe coming event, prevents f 'morning sickness," and. other dls- .. ' -V ' '; ' comforts of thie period. rf77T) "TTTtHt (f &)PC Sold by all aruggist. at LuJUJJ U lAlLimlfiX fi.w per uoiuc. dock - . . containing yaHJaDie miormation Tke Breslfteld Re$ efetor Co., Atlaata, GOLDKX WEDDING. , . rKMiiiIre and Mrs. J. M. Wilson Cele- hrate OmmIoo With Humptsous Pinner at Which There were rres- ent Children and Grandchildren. To the Editor of The Observer: Esquire J. M. Wilson and wife, Leonora to-day celebrated their golden wedding at their home. There were present ' on this happy occasion about ' 10 people, including all the children, seven in number, and the grandchild ren, numbering nine. Despite his 70 odd years. Esquire Wilson looks well and strong, moves with an elastic step and maintains a cheerful disposition. Mrs. Wilson, with a cheerful and hap py heart, is ever ready to contribute to the needs of the poor. Both will have a clean record to present, when they enter .the next world. They have the satisfaction of seeing their chil dren good' and useful citizens, all be ing popular In their respeclve nelgh borhods. Dinner was served on a table ele gantly decorated. It was festooned with golden rtbbons. The table was a beau tiful piece of handiwork. Dinner was served hot from the stove and was so good that I thought of Mr. Wootep, of LaOrange. May the balance of their days be as pleasant as the days (that are past. Alf those present greatly enjoyed the festivities. J, B. ALEXANDER. Huntersvllle, April 7. WATER Tt'RNED ON. Spencer's New System Now In Opera -. t Ion 15 Miles of Main and a Suf ficiency of Fire Hydrants. Special to The Observer. Spencer, April 9. Water was to-day turned into the mains of the Spencer Water Company and an abundant sup ply and a high pressure will be main tained at all times. The plant was In stalled by the above named company, which is chartered under the laws of New Jersey and is valued at 150,000. The company Is officered by J. W. Hardenburg, of Jersey City, as presi dent: Jas. N. Stout, of New York, sec retary and treasurer, and Pressly & Weller, of Washington, engineers. Mr. John Blake Oordon, of Washington, is In charge of the plant at this time and has demonstrated exceptional abil ity in constructing the water-works system. There are more than 15 miles of street mains In Spencer with 45 fire hydrants, affording ample fire protec tion. The water Is supplied from an artesian well, located In ths center of town, the product of which had been analysed by the State and pronounced excellent for drinking purposes. To Remove Freckles Pimples IftTtB Days. Use Nanl. ouiiivia A new dlMovery, sold anSsr a potlUTS soar anise sad money re funded Id every eate where It fell! te remove freckles, pimples, liver tpoM, ean-tsji, sallow se, eoller dtseolora tltfiM, blsofthesds end sll erapitoDi of tbe skin, do natter of bow Ions atandlnr. Cares ordinary eaeet la 10 dar. and tbe wont In 10 dar a. After tkeae defeats ere removed ths ikia will be leaf, soft, bealtur and beaattrnl. Mo poltle bam asa reenli from He nee. Ueeote and I1.W St leading drag tores or by mall. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY, Pari. Tenn. DRAUGHON'S Ilalelglt. Columbia, KnoxvOle, Atlanta. 16 Collages In IS StaUa POSITIONS sscured or money RftrUNDED. Also teach BY MAlfj. Catalogue will eon vinos you that Draughon's is THS BEST. Call or aend for It. That's what a Tonlo Is for to ton your Syatem, Purify your blood. Strengthen your circulation. Mak you walL is on thai does not Improve you (or a3ay only;" Its work Is permanent. Builds from ths foundation , up, Mskss brain, bona and muscle. No pov . rful drun In It. jmpry barley malt and hops, Try tV Start to ay, , , , . , v iron iau mr au. buoQiTt' TONIC DEPT. Louisville. Ky. Malt Tonic. It an ordeal which all women approach witli -indescribabl fear, for- nothino; compares with' . the paui and horror of child-birth. Thethonsht tree. fl c 6e. Cotton Mill; Property Offered For Sale for 60 Days I am offering for sale the LAtfREL BLUFF COTTON MILLS, located two miles west of Mt, Airy, N. C on ths Low Gap road.: This mill was built In 1887 at a cost (which added to the improvements made since) of 160,000.00. It is. run by water and Is equipped with steam power In addi tion for emergencies! The building Is two-story brick, 65x185 feet, with brick annex for lapper, and another brick annex originally made for a Dye House, but is now uSed for a General Merchan dise Store. The dam was rebuilt last year at a cost of SS00.00. There are eighteen tenant houses, small, but in good condition and ample to hold two ; sets of hands. The mill is equipped with 2,600 spindles and all necessary machin ery for putting the product Into plied yarns, skeins or warps, and has al ways made money for the owners. The mill property contains seven teen acres of land and adjoining thereto is a nine-acre tract, on which there is a nice ten-room dwelling and outbuildings, orchard, vineyard, etc., easily worth 13.000.00. This property is offered-, -for sale as a whole, for a division,' at tha low price of $20,000.00 and possession can be .given In thirty days from date of sale. The mill is running day time only, and a recent month's run. the records show (made without any Idea of an exhibit) about 20,320 lbs. of 14-2 yarns at an average cost of $1.88 per 100 lbs., which, after figuring off all freights, commissions, discounts, etc., shows a clear profit of $1,116.00 for the month, or about 56 per cent, per annum on the price asked. These figures are based on day run only, and should be doubled by run nlng both day and night - The mill Is also 'equipped with a1 good dynamo which' Is In gobd con dition, and the pufohaser can be in possession of the-property In thirty days from 'date of purchase and go : right along with the operations, both day and night, if desired. The mill Is well located for help, and the owners have never had any trouble In securing help to run both day and night at reasonable wages, j There la no mortgage or Incum-; brances on tbe property at all, and It will not go under the hammer, so you need not wait. 1 Will sell outright or will re-organ- Ixe and take stock with the right party to take charge and operate tbe mill. This matter will not remain open longer than 60 days, and If not sold at the expiration of that time, will be taken off the market. For further Information, apply to N. B. MILIS. Statesvllle. N. C. McCAW'S PREMIUM WASH ING POWDER i .I. i ,- " Is the beat ckanalrir prepara tion in the world, '.ft la peer less for cleaning clothes, paint ed woodwork, sine, inarble, oil cloths, earthen war, brass, kitchen utensils, dishes, sil verware, eUu, ana for remov ing stains. "Try It today. I Full Ponsd .. . : r.y . wiisjssBaaseSB The"Oiicago'lTyp8writer V 535.00. :J ' rally Gaaranteed Visible WrlUngt Greatest . Simplicity consequently greatest durability. PerfSct and pr man tot alignment, ,'OuIy Interchangs able stssl typ. aystsm. . x Many other desirable featurea DON'T - WRITS THE 1 OLD WAT USB A TTPB WR1TKR. It adds tone and prestige to your bnslnesa , $'ti V ; V - II. R- TOWXaEND, OeWl Agt, " U W, Hftn St. r x : Charlotte, N. O IT UuULSmb UUdJ ti-' M w H j. -w-. -w as k i. r. -nt, m . , ,ar1k aT J" I m .SasBSk. . - - . W a t X-bfo. I I M i' M. amilMufratM wn f f 1 I MB s a saaa ssasss wsi as JL I t r Ji. m uMMMaveaMespsmw'i i .. ""i" s, m ..i. -..l-.s s bv. .v.'. v . tossjsssssi i , u m -."i Pulleys We The D, 2U TOMPKINS A X Gentleman's Cigar for 5c Quality. Style Ask Your Dealer. THE CHARLOTTE wa AJUB boothbrn AOKNTS FOR ' ' WIRE, OZ9IMAIT HKDBLB8 ANT) HEDDldB CDflTKD QMKMAH WBDXfWa AND WRITB US FOR FRICHS. Faskstt as Bishop Steam Traps Carried a Fall Line ot GHAXUUXri'K BntllTJf iMcoatoastgB CAPITAL ST0CKL...: $30,000,00 Not tbe eheapaet, but preeminently th BEST. That ar tkt largest, ldast: aid best equipped schools In North Carolina a positive, provabl FACT. 1,000 former students holding positions In North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written con- ' tract. Shorthand, Book-keeping, Typswirltlng and KngUab, taught by experta address . JCING'S BUSINESS QOLLBGB ' ' Charlotta, N. C. r Ralslgh, N. C kiiiil ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC OHABXOTTE, N: C. Suburban Location, ' Extsnsivs Campus. High Grade, Experienced, University Educated Teaohers; JTrs-Praof aUdlnga, First Class Xquipmefct , 8clools of Muslo, Art, Expression, Bnslnesa. Sijoya Reputs tlon for XborongTb Work and Good Health, - CATAXsOGTJB 8SSXT FRKBt CHAS. 6.' KING, President' HIYNOTf... If you should purchase anything from us if that thing .should not wear as you think it should, in every respect we are just as anx ious to make things right as you can be to have them right. , Carriages, Harness, Horses, Mules Baggage and Passenger Service, Stylish Livery. Carriage and Harness Repair Work a Specialty. J. V. VADSWORTH'S SONS CO. IMPROVES). PABSKNQER fiERVira The Seaboard enaouhoes effective with tbe Inauguration ef th New York Keep ing Jar . um roiwvwn w . , a ura ana Memphis and vioe-vers via ths Seaboard and Frlsoo systems Improved through passenger service to Memphis, Tnn.. elthout change, making eonneattons at I his point for all points In Texas, ths Wast and Northwest. Unexcelled dining ear service- betwee Washington and Hlehmond and Hamlet and Birmingham, serving all meals ... Tot rates or sehedu'ea to iny point ad dress tbe undersigneds - ' . Oh,lotts. K. a aiA8. a oAvciiv. kC, Ralslgh, N, C, 1 CHAS. BBTA1. O. P. A., Portsmouth, Va w The eabeara'Vegt to aaaouae tnat ae- count of the oecsaons mtntlonsd betow the rates and esaditloos aamsd win' apply, llexloo City, ? Msileo aolf ; Tbarnameat, Chattanooga, t vTna.-8outeni Baptist r Convention and Attxlllary Skidetfaa. May VKh-iStn, IMS. , Rat n fhrd ! eiaai fare, pi us, lo. for tbe rouoe trtpv i (minimum rats) U eenta, tickets eold tf May Stb, Sth. and iota, final tuut tea say Is aadltloa to Sat ; e( tj. ltdkete may be extended. tar further tnformatloei as t rati ffwna aay point er schedule apply to yew aear est Agesi or ddresi the undersigned.. a.; 7 --.-"4 ft OATTia, T. P. Aw' . 1 S t C.MMV f:ZU" i " i : j " v Make Bm. QO; Charlotte, -V. 'G, Quantity Workmanshlpe SUPPLY COMPANY FTtalsXS in Stock; also Card Clothing aat Supplies. " GHAM SPARTAABlTRa Special rates via S'aboard Air'' JLln Ratlwari acoountnt tbe Southern gap! ii WthShhTn 9n ChttJU100a' Tena. May:: ' The Seaboard announeea t aceouat of " above occasion rate of one fare nine th, 3B . J tor round trip, from all points m North A. Carolina; tickets to be sold May Stb, ttSA and 1Mb. .with Hnal limit terTdarsrom NaT sate or saie. xne seaboard has doubts - ; daily servics from prlnolpal points to At-. " . lanta. , " i Yot rates and Information, address. ' , - , JAB. KBH, JR- C. P. A .'j ' x Charlotte. N. C . i ! .' Travellna Passettser Aaent. T," CHAS. B. RYAN' " i sigh, N, a , General Passenger 'Agent, , Portsmouth. Va. , VICTORIA KEENCS f f ?;f , Tho best and - most ' ect , nbmical material knowa for, 'rw t plasterinsr and imitation tilo -y work, i I 1 r 1' l U ftw i r:m ll&ia Gt, ITorfoli.;tra.' . At " "ft 0 4 m :1 i , V 1 w i3, -v.; v 1 ' A... sr. ,t r V?T5 r', - ' V it 1 1 1 t i 'f 'ft ill 1 f I rue it 5 1 1 i'K i I S f A