good noAvm movement. v People of Rockingham in Esrneat on ' the Sshjeet of Itrtter Highways : Gov. Glenn to Hprsk 1 cdncwday. Correspondence of The Oberver. " Spray, April 12. Tlie movement la , Rockingham county for good road - t.aa assumed uh proportion an to insure the vote of the. people In f ivor of the proposed bond lun of S3U.0O0. eome montn ago. wnrn the issue was drat proposed. It win evident that the negatives .controlled the balance. However, a gradual aloughlng off ha taken place In their rank and it It manmrmltv hAllnvml that vrwul -,-wif b r ;-v certainty. It appear that a major lty of the negative are Republican. :- and the few Democrat who have affiliated with them have, pnlltlrat lions, which they are gnuluallv get- , ting nearer the fire. In the event of at wiru.1 i j win nir wtug in annul- ed, end poaterlty will live to laud the twrtv that blessed them with irood ? WVmam, aim triiia ciiinvu von. moat vigorously by President (Palmer, end hi able end enthusiastic '7 vv-oiwrmura. 4 r Air. and Mr. Moey. of New York, have stopped over on their return M M v. am a Lliffl i in. c II L i aa-itis a fm L unm. fee Institute. Alabama, with Col. II. Frank Mebsne for a few day. They re .delighted with this country, and te thoroughly enjoying Mr. Mi-banc n fcoepltallty. ' i Yesterday Mr. and Mr. Moey rc- viewea tne pupu or ine puonc scnooi bete, numbering aome 2M, and pre sented each with a token of their In terest' and friendship. Mis' Ollle Joyce received the girl' nrlx. and Master Charles Pax ton the boy'. ' Tne arrival of Mr. J. H. McAllister, Jr os the trd, wae an event of gen eral lnteret. Hie proclivities are ap parently of a moat equable nature. Ml 8ageL a charming young lady of Atlanta, la visiting Mra. A. J. Draper, In The Meadow. During the recent vlnlt of Mr. J. M. Morehead to New York he pur chased a handsome motor boat which he has had shipped to Morehead City. Thin boat i fitted up for family tine, and I most elegantly equipped. Mr. Morehead expect to spend the great er part of the coming mimmer cruls Ing and fishing outside the mind bar off the Htate coast. ' Mr. K. Porter FrHker, of New York clly, la visiting relHtlve In the cltv. (Jovernor It. H. (Ilenn I scheduled to apeak In Hpray the 18th In support of the goor road movement. Mr. A. i'. Phelps, recently with the Southern Cotton OH Co., assumed lili dntle a general manager of tho C.or-man-Amerlcan Mill April 1st. Ily hi coming Hpray'a social and commercial Interest ere both the gainer. Mr. 1 W. Clarke, hna returned from the Sunday School Convention, which was recently held at Charlotte, thor-oughiy Impressed with the high efficiency of the organization and It telling work Colored Idborcm Strike. Correwpondence of The Observer. SHllabury, April 13. -The colored la borer on the Fulton Height exten sion to the main line of the Hnliabury Upenre.r Street Hallway atruck this tnornlng for an Increase of 25 cents a day. They are at prevent making tl and dipt. Hendertlte refused their de mands. The place will be filled at once and the work goe on without Interruption. SPLENDID SERVICE. Inspector Commends Monroe Post maMcr and Kural CarrlerH One of the Oldest Carriers In the Service. Correspondence of The Obtwrver. Monroe, April 12. Mr. 8. II. Danson, rural agent, had this to say after a general Inspection of the rural routes from Monroe: "I have found the ser vice In a perfectly satisfactory condi tion, the routes well served by efficient carriers, and all matter pertaining to the rural service at the postofflce conducted In a business manner. Much of the credit for the good service glv en the people Is due to the efficiency of the postmaster at Monroe. The roads In the vicinity of Monroe, traveled by the carrier, are above the average of any I have traveled In the State with the exception of Mecklenburg county. I have every reason to be lieve that the residents in the territory traveled by the seven route from Mon roe appreciate the service that has been given them, free of cost, with the exception of the price of a mall bos. and they should continue the good work f keeping the roads In condi tion. Monroe route No. 1 I served by the oldest carrier I have yet found In the service, Mr. Jake Little. He is serving the longest route, 30 miles. He Is still rendering good service" Thce rural carriers and Mr. Hasty are proud to have these kind words aid about them by Mr. Danson. Polk Miller, the clever entertainer, will appcur In the Opera House to night. With Mr. Miller Is hi Old negro quartette. The average man Is alwav nursing the hope that he may Home dav encounter I n easy mark who has more dollar than sense. Most people find It easier to describe chatty than to demonstrate It. TWO ENGINEERS INJURED. Two Freights Go Together on West ern Division as Result of Failure of Operator to Deliver Order. Correspondence of The Observer. Salisbury. April 18. Downcomlng train No. 72 this morning collided with an extra freight at the 20-mile post, between Salisbury and Statesville, and the two engineers were slightly hurt. Engineer Bob James was. running the fast freight and was on a down-grade making probably 60 miles an hour. He was met Just at the top of a grade by Engineer Will Eagle, whose train was making very slow time. Seeing the trains about to meet, both en gineers reversed and Jumped. S Mr. James was much the worse hurt,v his head, arms and body being marked considerably. He was brought to his home at Spencer and is being treated there. His fireman escaped uninjured as did Fireman Sowers, of the extra. Mr. Eagle got off with small injuries and will not bo. kept from wrok long. Both men are Sallsburlans and are popular with the road. This wreck was the result of an op erator's failure to give orders, o the wife of one of the injured men says. The Statesville man was the dispatch- ABOUT RHEUMATISM. There are few diseases that Inflict more torture than rheumatism and there Is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have been suggested. To say that It can be cured 1. therefore, a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Palo .Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale,, has met with great succea in the treatment of this disease. One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testified to perma nent cure by Its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords uch oulck relief and coat but a trifle? For sale by R. H, jar dan Co., Druggists. , er and it was his oversight that came so near causing a fatality. The Spen cer wrecking crew went out and had the wreckage cleared away for the passenger schedule. No. 30, the east bound train,, was delayed several hours on accounft.ojt.the mishap to the trestle put over the creek on the West ern road eight miles from Salisbury It will be some , time before the steel structure -can be pulled out of the mud and set again upon :. the pillars. It is badly bent i a . TO EXTERMINATE IXtES. Ashevllle Aldermen ' to Try Mr. Mc Connlck'a Scheme fori Ridding the City of the Pest. , Correspondence of The Observer. Ashevllle, April IS. At a meeting of the directors of the Ashevllle . board of trade yesterday afternoon a reso- P flew Discovery. lest Cars Per CATARRH. mclMATttsV llgDIMITIM.aUTOUIttEtt, KIDNEY, UVtti AMD BUM DISEASES. SI.OO. DRYNB'Sv V Quick Relief 'settle alt AOHK S pAINrMssllsJ PaYIEt EOICATE tOA !0s. PfWOQtSTS, r FOR SALE BT ' W. L. HAND & CO. lutlon was adopted endorsing the movement for the exteitminatlon - of flies In Ashevllle by M. I iicCormlck, who haa undertaken this task, and al so appropriating $26 to aid In the ex periment. The directors also appoint ed a committee to co-operate with other organisations, particularly the medical society, ..m the furtherance of the "fly scheme." This committee Is composed of -Messrs. Randolph, Lip insky and Ambler. The physicians of Ashevllle have taken a keen- Interest in raising money- to defray the ex- The Vfoining; Kumto This Spring I oar New Gordon Tie, the faU draw style; patent colt' vamp, - plain toe, thin sola, v high military, heel, three eyelet ribbon lace. SUes 1 to 6. width A to E: price 1.00. NEW BLUCIIER OXFORDS FOR v WALKING. ' Makes Walking Easy. Fine Vlcl Kid, welt sole, extension edge, low military heel, -ribbon lace. 61ses '1 to 7, width, A to E; price $.00. ' -.'. By mall Me. extra. ' A neat souvenir .-with each order, GILREATH & CO. penses of conducting the war on file and these efforts of the medical men are meeting with success, although no inconsiderable sum Is yet ' needed to thoroughly, put the plan through. Sometimes It takes a woman who says but little a long time to say it.. A WINDOW PULL OF CUT fiLASS 1 One never makes a mistake is giving cut glass. ' It U-ewaya useful and always appreciated. , OT are showing an unusually seiect 'assortment of styles and designs In cut glass this week. If not for k gift, a handsome ' vase or" : bowl ; wfllbs equally 1 ' useful and appreciated In your ' home r , t JEWELERS. T